HOUSES REQUIRE EOO MUCH LAND A VIEW GIVEN FROM AITOIMTR' I •HTANIH’OlNT SAY MOTOR TRUCK IS MORE USEFUL that Mr Keen« was responsible for the failure of the pool and that young Ronan, knowing the collapse was Imminent, turned hla knowledge (-APTAIN FKRGt'HON IN MAKING TROOPN MAY ENCAMI* OPPOSITE to good account. INVENTIGATIONN THE AMERICANS Mr. Kern« knew nothing of his transactions, he teetlA«d, and he kept the stock In hla own ssfqty \<-ter aas of Hpanish-American (am- Anny Oflhcr» 'Hilnk It Highly l'rol>- vault. MANY TRAINEO MEN ME AttlLABLf THREE OF 000 DIVISIONS UY 00 iwlgn and ei-Guardewtrn Inter- TEAM WILL HE ORGANIZED MUN­ DAY AFTERNOON ««Gil in tlw Movement Captain Georg« Ferguson, able That Western National Guards May Advance com­ MEXICO CITY, March 11- Mex­ There Is Tfelcnt Galore for the Forma­ manding company L, Third Infantry. ican troops will be rushed' to the bor­ tion of u Rattling Good Base. Oregon National Guard, stationed at der to encamp opposite the American I mi II Tram MEDFORD MAN U ANNOI 1 ATEI» WITH C. J. HEIDTMAN C. C. BROWER ATTORNEY AND Whitman, formerly trsaa- COUNSELOR AT LAW urer and msnager of the Eagle phar- KLAMATH FALLA, OREGON macy at Medford, has purchased a ROOMS TAB, MURDOCK BLDO half Interest from C. J. Heidtman In Heidtman's pharmacy, and the drug OR. C. P. MASON flrm will hereafter be known as Heidtman A Whitman. DENTIST One of the first undertakings of | t*rh< e in American Bank A Tm»t t'-om the now firm will be tbe enlargement pony’s Building of their store and stock, and on or PHONE «14 about April 1st the location will be KLAMATH FALLS ORtGON changed to the Bristol building, Qiiktr- tera in which have been leased, Thi« store Is to be fitted with the Mesi appliances and fixtures, and the »tori ATTORNEY AT LAW to be carried by the concern will be General 1-aw Practice State ai«i Fed­ the largest of Its kind In the city. eral Courts Like Mr Heidtman, Mr Whitman | Examiner of Land Title« Is a first class pharmacist, with many [ First National Bank Bl<« k years of practical experience. Ar-1 Klamath Falls. Itregnn rangements have been made wherebj I one or the other will be In the store at all times, In order to give the 1>est FREO WESTERFELD possible attrition to the filling of DENTIST every prescription brought In. Klamath Falls, Oregon Over Star Drug Store A. MX E. L. ELLIOTT Pendleton, who Is spending a few troops, and be prepared to resist in­ days In this city renewing acquaint­ vasion. If martial law is declared in The baseball bug has uppareed la Mahl, Could Ile Belter ances, Is also here on another mission, Chihuahua and Coahuilla, tomorrow after Its hibernation of several tliat of trying to organize a National by the Mexican congress, which will Utilised months, and baa already commenced Guard company here. Just before be convened in an extraordinary ses­ Its deadly work among tht< fans and leaving for Klamath Falla, Captain sion here. It is probable that tbe Tim folowl ng from a recant Issue players of Klamath Falls. The sport­ Ferguson was delegated by Adjutant Mexicans will encamp near Juarez. of the Portland T«l«grarn, shows how ing page of all the papers Is Arat General Flnzer, commanding the state sought now, and the dopa about the som>Ft(|liik of the aim'd: troops, to make lnv<-atlgatlons here to May I' m Ttiree Divisions prospects of the Heavers. Angela. To aay that the use of the motor find the possibilities tf organizing. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 11.— H«als, Cubs. Pirates and Giants la truck In all fields of business offers a There are n great many men In That the war department has usurped eagerly devoured. aolutlon to the problem of the present Klamath Falls who are well versed In 1 the functions of the state department Ixical baseball prospects are also a high coat of living may on the face of military training, numbering among In the Mexican situation was seen to­ subject of great Interest, and the for ­ Il auem like an absurd statement; and them ex-guardsmen, regulars and vol-1 day In the fact that Secretary Knox yet, when the facta ate considered, It mation of a team is next In order untcers, veterans of the Spanish- had not been consulted previous to NEW APARTMENT HOUSE I« LEASED ITY E. B. HA LI. will be seen that the elimination of Nearly all the stars of last year's ag­ American war. Al) of these are en­ the giving of orders for the military WILL A. LEONARD the horse will be a great step toward gregation are on hand, and there st « dorsing the n^ovement, and there are mobilization. Army officers predict several newcomers. George Capron, Announcement hss just been made DENTIST a reduction In the prices of foodstuffs n number of young men here who are now that the Second and Third divi­ who rnadu such a rep for* himself in I that the lodging house being erected and other nocesaary commodities. < llglble for enlisting. The closeness sions of the army will be called Into White-Maddox Bldg. 'Hie average city man finds It dif­ the Northwest league circles, la In to the grounds near Fort Klamath service upon the despatch of the First by E. G. Argraves on Second street has been leased by Mr. and Mrs. E. ficult to realise the extent to which our midst to stay, and he will be out leased by the United States govern ! Into Mexico. Walter Cooper, who B. Hall, who conduct the Baldwin ho­ the horse occupies the valuable farm for a position merit for maneuvering purposes la yet The war department is proceeding tel. This will be conducted In con­ came here a short time ago fropi Ore ­ lands and would be astonished to another strong argument In favor of as though trouble Is certain. The oc­ nection with tbe Baldwin, and the new C I V I L E N G I N E E K learn of the number of millions of gon City, 1s another diamond star the organization of a company. cupation of the border Is planned for lesaees are already preparing to fur- As a twlrler and outbidder, Cooper Reinforced < on« rete Retaining Walls acres that are devoted to the raising Since the Spanish-Amerban war a year, It is said, and should the Denigiicd and Constructed of oats and hay. As economists have has It over a good many, and ho has tiic old time militia, with its brilliant > troops now en route to the border ad­ ulsh the building. The new building la one of the most 117 Fourth St., Klamath Falls, Oro. shown (hat the high coat of living Is played In fast company for several uniform and useless equipment has, vance Into Mexico and Ixiwer Califor­ seasons pant. After coming West the up-to-date rooming houses in Klam­ 82 Second St.. San Francis««. Cal. partly duo to the scarcity of farm I'Msscd Into history, and now the mill-1 nia, the Second division of 15,000 lands near the large cities and con­ latter part of last season. Cooper Human is und«r government control. . regulars will be mobilized on the bor­ ath Falls, being complete in steam heat and other conveniences. Garrett R gested Industrial centers. It follows played several games with the Trt- usea the same drill manual aa the . der. ICHARi .ON If this division advances the that If lands which at present ar^ Clty l,«ague, the fast seml-pro. or- ri-rular. has the same arms, equip- : Third division, comprising the Nation­ A Acteson have the contract for the building, and from the way the work United States Commissioner used for pasturing the horse and rais­ gsnlxatlon In and around Portland n<> nt and uniform as the regular, and I al Guard of the Pacific and Soutwest- Cale Oliver, who nucrcssfiilly man­ Is progressing they will have tbe place ing hla oata and hay can be convert­ is sworn to go to the front In time of I ern.states, will be called out. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD ready to turn over to tbe Halls In the ed Into arres on which products for aged last year’s team, will act In the war for nine months, thus giving the PROOF TAKEN «am« capacity again. A meeting of speciAed time forty days. human consumption may be grown nation time to organize a volunteer j "It's a Bluff." Hay Rebels the players and all Interested In th« the price of foodstuffs will be corres­ army. I WASHINGTON. I> C.. March 11.— NOTH E. pondingly decreased The motor formation of a team will b«> held Sun­ Th« National Guard Is considered Revolutionary leaders here today is­ WIFE-BEATER SHRINKS day afternoon at the Chamber of FIM »M W HI PPI NG-IN »ST Hartles wishing sagebru and truck needs uo pasture and Its fuel .. most Important portion of the Ashl­ sued a statement saying that despite I clear««, call on or write. Is obtained f’otn sections of the coun­ Commerce, when organization will be ing force of the I'nlti-d States, and the th« official denials that Mexico would BALTIMORE, March 10- — The' w W MASI* try that are unauited to agricultural taken up. government plainly shows this by the not countenance Uncle Sam's Inter­ Kiamatr • purposes and consequently It Inter- amount ‘of money expended every vention. Diaz would really welcome It. spectacle was witnessed in the crl-jia «tf mlaal court here today of a white terfercs In no way with the natural MAN IN TAKING < HK'KENH year for joint maneuvers with the reg­ TO ALANKAN GOLD Fl EMM man. who had brutally beaten his tesotirces of the land. HORSES WANTED ular army. During these maneuvers J I.-VOO nt Ran Diego wife, pleading for mercy when he This phase of the manner tn which I the mllltlamau lives the life of a sol- SAN INEGO, March 11.—The tor­ I want two or four .horses for farm the motor truck may eventually re­ First Ntcanw-r of Hcaaon to Go to idler and gets the practical training in pedo boat destroyer I-awrence arrived heard the sentence of Ave lashes at work in exchange for their winter's Alaska Carries Nucleus of a the whipping post and imprisonment, i dos« the cost of living Is in addition , the art of warfare, here from Mare Island today. The keep. H. 0. FAIRCLO, Illg Poultry Farm to the more direct effect that the use Should a militia' company be organ­ expectation is that the smaller boats But there was no mercy because the. Merrill Route. of the machine has on the expense ized here It would be In the Southern will soon receive orders to move testimony showed that Frank Mc­ SEATTLE. March 10.- -The 1911 Cauley struck his wife seven or eight of the transportation of raw and Mu­ Oregon district. The companies In south. times, choked her and then took < * lshed merchandise between producer, rush for the gold Aelds of Alaska has this district comprise the Fourth Ore­ Ten companies of the Tenth In­ manufacturer and consumer. The I already begun, although there Is no gon infantry, and they are command- fantry arrived today, aldo the trans­ from her more than |20. farmer *»ho uses a motor to haul his accounting for the early migration to | < d by Colonel Yoran. who Is stationed port Buffalo, with 500 marines on products to the nearest shipping point i the froten Adda. Quiet Marriage ’ . at Eugene. board. The Gunboat Yorktown is al­ On Klamath Avenue The steamer Admiral Samson Is can carry greater loads and In quicker A quiet marriage took place Thurs- 1 ready here. ( near O- K. Feed Bam time than would be the case were a steaming out of Puget Sound on the General Tasker Bliss, commanding day «evening, when Pearl'A. Davidson < > Aral trip of the season to the far team of horses used, and perishable here, says be knows nothing of why became the wife of Samuel Woodard. ' ’ goods will thus reach thelrf desti­ north ports. All pasaengera' 'accom­ the troops are mobilized, but that he The bride is the daughter of A. V. < • nation In much better condition. modations were taken long before the would like to know. He said the men Davidson of Midland, and the groom < > Horseshoeing a Specialty What applies to the farmer bolds hour of sailing last night, and the are chaffing at the delay. There are is a well known resident of the city. ! J to even a greater extent In the Vss- vessel has 1,000 tons of freight in practically 4,500 troops, marines and F T. ALLEN AND : of the manufacturer and merchant,, her hold biwides. Orders I aaued Not to Discliarm* Men sailors here. Mrs. Underwood Recovering Among the passengers is B. W E. H. PATTERSON ! who handle their products at the WI kmm * Terms Have Expired Mrs. C. H. Underwood, who under other end of the line, and hundreds Johnson, who takes twelve head of NATIONAL GUARDS GETTING But to Hold Ttu-m went an operation Wednesday, Is ral­ of Instances are on record In which horses and several crates of live INTO SHAPE FOR ACTION lying splendidly, and an early recov­ chickens. He Is going to start a farm It Is proved that the cost per pound, Nyal s ery is looked for. The operation ton or package of hauling or deliver­ In Idltarod, the farthest north mining table Prescrip­ SEATTLE, March 13.—An agree- OLYMPIA, Wash.. March ll.—On performed by Drs. Hamilton tion is indicat­ ing by motor trucks Is from 15 to camp, whore 4.000 people aro winter­ ment in the enlistment contract the j orders received here from Washing­ ed in ail ordi­ .16 per cent cheaper than In the case ing. Johnson's chickens will be the government has the authority to en- ' ton, the National Guard organizations Fisher. nary diseases of only ones within 500 miles of Idlin'- where the horse Is used wemen. This force In time of war. requiring men In the principal cities of this state are rod. and he Is Agurlng on charging |6 The Savidge Bros. Lumber comr-a- rented» never to remain |n tbe service a year after > recruiting to bring their companies a dozen for the eggs. More than 100 ny are having their mill and all their disciplines. Its »«Al» HARD FIGHT their enlistment has expired, has beer. up to the war standard. Drilling has g'.od effects be­ WITH A MAI* IXMi of the passengers are bound for the , lu' oked at the Bremerton navy yard. been increased from one to three other buildings painted. ing percvptlbls new camp. ! Orders were received from Washlng- times a week. 1 roiu la : ivrj REGISTERED HOLHTEINS FOlt BOISE. March I 0 —Believing lrst. It is com­ (ton today not to discharge any en- SALE posed of tLS that he might be afflicted with hy­ MAJOR AND MRN. WORDEN I'stcd men on the expiration of their Troops Arriving From North on All purest and tbs 1 bare some Ane young registered RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA drophobia, caused from an encounter four-yesr term, but to hold them In Incoming Trains, and (Yampa reliable most Holstein bulls for sale; A-l stock and with n mad dog. A. G. Basket, a the service until further orders. mercu- drugs; acclimated. M. F. LOOSELET, Ft Being I’itched Mrs. Worden's Health la Greatly Im ­ rancher residing In vicinity of Wild opiatee Klamath. Oregon 1 Orders have been issued to recruit? proved, While the Major I xx>kk and other har­ Horae, bordering on the Eastern Ore­ | Ing parties to use every effort to per- SAN ANTONIO, Marci) 11—This city — mful drugs be­ Hale and Hearty gon and Western Idaho country, has ' susde civilians to enlist, especially in is rapidly taking on the appearance For the Ambit loos ing excluded. been rushed to a local hospital In the Marine corps, which Is adapted'to of an armed camp. Troops are ar­ The many dis­ Major and Mrs. Chas E Worden service either on land or sea. the city. It la hoped the disease can concerting In- riving on all trains. Major Harry returner last Friday from California, finances «• be warded off. At no time since the Spanish-Amer­ Wilkins, Chief of the subsistence de­ which woman Haskett declares that many coyo­ where they have been spending the ican war has the government Invoked partment today took charge of the is constantly tes racing rampant over that section winter at their Oakland home. Dur­ its right to hold men In service long­ gigantic taak of feeding the soldiers. subjected ren­ of the country attacked doga and cat­ ing their absence they visited South­ er than the length of tbe regular en­ der her liable Camps are being pitched rapidly. tle, creating a panic. Saturday night ern California, and enjoyed a number listment. to many Functional disorders that Enlistments in the na-vy Many army officers are of the opinion not only tend to destroy her comfort a large St. Bernard rushed suddenly of sea trips to Seattle and other points and marine corpa are tor four years, that the chief reason for the hurried and happiness, but which gradually at Haskett and lacerated bis hands on the coast. Considerable auxlety with a proviso that it may be extend­ movement was to test the efficiency merge Inta chronic and serious dis- was entertained in regard to Mrs by his bites. After a desperate strug­ ed to Ave years In case of emergency. of the army and ascertain how quick­ gle the rancher choked the dog to Worden's health before her departure, Men held more than four years re­ Nyal's Vegetable Prescription is ly mobilisation cauld be effected. but the change has been very beneA- ceive a bonus. without a peer far the succanful death. treatmnet of female weakness, pain­ clal, and she returns fully recovered The order is reported to have been SAN ANTONIO. March 11—Two ful and disordered menstrutatlon. The Major Is also looking In excellent NAW'H TEETH CACHE THE Imued to the entire service of both companies of engineers with pontoon hysteria, cramps, "bearing down condition, and la delighted to be home U*MH OF HAY'S FINGER the army and the navy. pains," Inflammation and falling of equipment, sufficient to throw the en ­ again. the womb. Thio is a remedy of The enlisted men here who have tire Arst division across the Rio As might be expected the Major nearly completed their four-year en­ sterling worth. While sawing wood at his home In Grande, arrived today from Fort Hblpplngton, J. P. Day caught hla couldn't resist mixing a little business listment aro not displeased with the Lea ven worth. At my officers admit UNDERWOODS PHARANC1 right hand In the teeth of the saw, with hla vacation trip, and he pulled prospet of putting in another year, that such unwieldly equipment pre­ off a few deals while away. Ho comes Cor. 7th and Mala Streets For an up-to-date wheel, get badly lasceratlng three of hla Angers. as they arc eager for a chance to go cludes its use for ordinary maneuvers. I Klamath Falls .... Oregon back ready to again take an active » to the front, where these Is prospect Thirty Hat cars were necessary to a Rambler, on sale at the GUN Dr. Wright, who was summoned, I STORE. For sale or rent. found It nocesaary to amputate the part In securing new industries and of active service. transport the pontoons. I third Anger. Although the others Investors for Klamath county. Tents to rent. Guns. We carry uro badly cut, the doctor hopes to aavs a full line of Sporting Goods. WANT EXTRA SEMION OF Send for free illustrated catalog; larg- MINISTER OF FINANCE RESENTS them. , WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE ect list in Virginia. HILLMAN DKCLAREN HE • U. S. INTERFERENCE Mr. Day’s right hand seems to be CASSELMAN A OOM Richmond Ya. WILL APPEAL CANE out of luck. Only a few months ago OLYMPIA. March 11.—Following Nayx Ilia C obs try la Perfectly Capable THE GUN STORE the Anger amputated last Friday was SEATTLE. March 11.—At liberty the adjournment of the legislature Of l*rotecting Foreign badly torn by barbed wire, and ampu­ on (100,000 bail, Clarence Hillman, yesterday, the King county delega­ Interests J. B. CHAMBERS tation was narrowly averted at that the millionaire town site promoter, tion this afternoon presented ar peti­ NEW YORK, March 11—Taking time. who was found guilty of using the tion to governor Hay. requesting an direct issue with President Taft. Li­ malls to defraud, declared today that extra session to consider the reap- mantour, tbe Mexican Minister of TELEPHONE ROY GETS he would appeal hie case to the high­ portlonment of the state roads funds Finance today declared that there READY TO MAIL •30,000 THROUGH TIP est courts. Hillman was convicted on existed no excuse for American in­ CHILD DIES WHILE ITS thirteen counts. The trial lasted six tervention in Mexico. He said that OceMtto FATHER IS AT FUNERAL Mexico under no circumstances would NEW YORK. March 10--W. J. weeks. CoevniOHTS Ac Honan, a telephone boy In the ofllc» want Interference. AnrwMMnSIn« a »»Mek »«4 HeewiyUge yt qnlBkly «Mortain our opinion fru« wbMhprwn MENPHIS. March 7.- Three-year- Move« to New lax-alion of James R Keene, made (30,000 in In his statement Limantour said Tony Castel lx moving his saloon ol