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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1911)
* ♦ *••**»**«»«« IIP Eli IAI, PAl'KIt or KI. IMA'I'H COUNTY * ♦ KLAMATH REPUBLICAN VOL. XV KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 16, 1911 « NO 50 points to « v**ry heavy movement dur-1 Ing the colonist rate period. “The movenieiit has exceeded ex- > i Several large buildings are planned pectntions,” said Mr Jackson thin j for North Plains. One of the first morning. "The overflow of the night CARIUtLL CAHR WILL BE TIDED will be a brick building to bouse a of th** I ilh and the morglng of th«’* «general store. The more enterprise SKXTKM’K IN LAKE COUNTY 12th on «nil- line required thirteen j Ing citizens have taken steps to or « »lire sleeper«. Great Northern No. 1 ■ ganise a commercial club, and a week- of the 12th from Chicago left in two | I hi I I» Was Avi«-»te<| for Burglarizing «'e.. brHf< <l « ase U ill ( oiiu-l p at tlw ly paper will be «stabllshed within HEMlIlkAHLE ICMOICD H>l€ THE sections, and Indlcatlims are that No 1 the next 30 days. A number of the HIHKIYOl PEOPLE MAKE AN IM tlx* Monarch fasti Grocery Muy Term of Court in I’KFMKNT TMMM OF COI ICT 3 will run In two sections. Our cot large farms have been cut up into PORTANT ANNOI NChTMENT Mist Moniti • <ck<*virw rrB|>r»iu|eiic.< snd Inquiries I nd lent' five acre tracts, and several indus tliut the majority of parties Inquiring tries are said to be headed for the are bound for Oregon “ After throe hours of deliberation Circuit Judge Benson Wednesday new town. Tuesday night the itavi« jury return 'granted the motion of C. M. O'Neill, <<1 a verdict of guilty against the de- ' attorney for John D. Carroll, defend fendant, JaiiP-s Davis Wednesday ant in the < ase of the State vs. Car With Ihr Etceptiim of Two Caaes, All Company Has Conrmeii<-r«| Construc h<* waived time, and was senteaced to roll. to have the charge tried in Lake Dvfetidauts Wen* Given tion of l*um Mixteen Miles the state penitentiary. Judge Benson county instead of Klamath. The cas.- Hentciu'i's From Hornbrook Ol'TMNtK IN IIKK.HT ALL OVER gave th**, prisoner un IndeterniinuP* will be tried In May in Lakeview. ELITE IN » * senteoc«*. Th«* time to be served for In his motion for a new trial Car THE COUNTRY HAH j burglary Is from two to seven yeur t roll's attorney maintained that it That Klamath county Is n bud place YREKA, Calif., March 15.—The The crime of which Davis wus would be Itupossible for his client to for lawbreakers to operate in Is Siskiyou Electric Power -ind Light shown by the rectird of the Decetn’i *r Hailroud« throughout I lilted Hlute» found guilty was th** burglarizing of be trl««l by an impartial jury here on H oumm arming R<-< option Will It* Company began work last week on I th*- Monarch (.’ash Grocery on th«* utount of the prominence of the com- Going to Begin ImproV'im-iil farm of the circuit court, which, Given to < Tub’s Friends When the construction of a dam at the head ' night of February 5th, when less than plaining witn*-«s, J Frank Adams. 'hrmigh adjournments, bus been <' >n- Work nt Once • the Rooms Are lU-udy of Ward's Canyon, sixteen miles abotc I a dollar was tak«-n from the cash reg tinued to the present time* Dm Ing a Hornbrook, on the Klamath River. ister. Itavi« was arr**s|i»d at the rear INDIANA PEOPLE WILL ihnt time ftftoen crimlnul cases have The dam will be 250 feet long and One burning question that has been NEW YORK. Mni«h 15 There I* 'entrance, where th« burglars gained come before the tribunal, and OU' nf MM ATE IN THIS < ITY 90 feet high, and when completed affecting certain residents of this city ' i'dmlt*si«>n to the store. His accolti- ihlr number there vat not a «ingle littli r«'Mon to doubt that busim for some time was settled Wednesday, will develop 30,000 horse power. acquittal. Tbo case against J. D. on the whole Is In good sha|>«- and th" ' till« «. If h<* bad one, made his escap?. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bellman and The company also holds paten, This is the question of a home for the Carroll was continued owing to ’he tendciM« along pructlially all Hues G. A. ibilnian. old friends of J. M. rights sufficient to develop 30,00') Young M ui Booster club, and this dlsugi* iiiont of the jury, and th«* rest M towards a steady heaithy Improve and 8. B. Evans, arrived in this city horse power. was definitely settled at last night’s ment. . >>f th« eases wVre won by tto* stair. Tn* -day from And** wp, Ind., and meeting of the organization, Rooms .Work will also be <otnm-uced on a Th" plague In China may have a Walter E. Bowen, found guilty of i* is their Intention to locate here. have been engaged in the Willets power line to Butte Creek Valley ar.d passing a worthl«*su cli*-<k, was given bnd effect on tlie I trad" In <• rtaiti WAHHINGTON. March 15.—Mak- Mr Bellman is a retired merchant, I building, and the club expects to be Klamath Falls. a two year oeah’DC« by Judge Noland lines of cotton goods, but it is to lie < is of butter who "accidentally" ' 1 and und he. like III his wife and son, is much They expect to complete the work at home by the 1st of April. When and returned to the Whlttl- r Htat* doubted If tills will be serious. work mor*- watqr into their product | Impr« sued I with Klamath Falls. this summer, which will probably the new home is fitted out an«l ready The railroads, or at least some of than th*- law allows will, after >fay 1. M’hool In California, where hr was for ocotipancy it is the intention of gtte employment to 200 men.' formerly -an inmate. Charles Hprncer them, havo decided to postpone need ■•nconntei the law.. Commissioner the club to give a housewarming and Good Corner Hold This Cabell of tlx- Internal revenu«- bureau plead guilty to a larceny «barge, and ed Improvements no longer. U orden K»'uio«leling Office Chllcote A Rice report the sale of invite all interested in the young men determination Is reflected In the de having Instructed his collectors to was paroled by Judge lleuson Major Charles E Worden, who ha.s I th.- Allen property, corner Fourth and of the town. This will give all an op- Water Th« following criminal cases Were mand for steel and Its Influence is watch for such violations purchased the office nite and fixture.« portunity to see the way the Boosters Pine, to J. M. Herring, of Morehead, disponed of duriug Judge Nolaud'« gradually s|«r<-adlng to other lines. weighs In avlly In a i>ound of butter, of the P. C. Lavey company, is re Minn, and D. Maheu of Watsonville, intend to go about things. The foundation Industries of th«* but th«* law allows 16 per rt.*nt. portion of the term Paid Durnoy arranging the office to suit his needs. Since the home for the club has * Calif. nu«i Henry H'-hmldt, twelve years ear It country tire farming, the rail roads been s«*lected another question arise«. **nd'>w bears the following le- for robbery; Ir*<> lieudri sou, five andiron and steel. The farmers hav«* The furnishings — aye, there's the gen“: "Charles E. Worden, Invest -ears for forgery. John Alim, ten never been In such strong condition. ” while on the other window is rub. Committees have been appoint- ments. 11 ■lays for pointing a gun. Charts« Ew Hence the three great industries of ” Wil) 8. Worden. Rigbt-of-Way ed to attend to the matter of furnish- . Ing, three and a half years for for- the «»untry being in good shape, n I Agent for the California and North- ing the rooms in an attractive man safe, sane and conservative Improve aery this _ will entail the _______ expend-*eMtern- Modoc Northern an<> Oregon ner. An __ _ _________ ment along all lines can hardly be Hi ace Judge H'-usou took the b«>ncb iture of considerable money, anyone Eastern Railroads, avoided Townsend. Walker anil Hall Lrwve in Till» Is Reply u* Statement That No who fe«*l» so inclined can endear him- lie has M-nlt'ncr«! the following Geo. W«<4rh. manslaughter. «1« years; «elf to the hearts of the Boosters by ^G**’***« HHORT OF DYNAMITE, th«- Morning to T'-stify In E'edrrnl Funds Exist For Work Wo- Fire IX-stroys Factory rbaddrua York. Indeterminate sen- any donation of furniture. L ARE LIKELY TO BE CLOSKJI < ourl Against Hamilton men Want Done CINCINNATI. March 15. -The lamce for forgery: Tom Alexander, Several other matters came hi- ten years for manslaughter; F. E Murdock Manufacturing and Supply last night's meeting, and the club'* EL PASO. March 15.- -Eight thous- Co’s new plant at 420 Plum street Stanford, indeterminate sentence for Chief of Police Townsend and Fa CINCINNATI, March 15.—At a is expecting a visit from one of Port-. and miners and smelter men employ- , was cumpluti'ly destroyed by fir«, The forgery. Oso. Williams, indeterminate trolmen Hall and WaNier left on this meeting of the Susan B. Anthony land's Y. M. C. A. workers within ed by the Guggenheim interests and los« I« nearly 3100.000. An Incen concerns closely allied with them in »•ntence for forgery: Joeeph McMil morning's train for Portland, when* club of Cincinnati a resolution asking a *very short time. diary Is being sought by the polie«» Mexico will be thrown ent of em- lan, Indeterminate sentence for for they appear in the Federal court as Miss Margaret Hlaey of Chicago to ! ployment April 1, if the Mexican gov gery; J W. Norris, five years for lar- witness«*« against the man giving the coin«' to this city and lead the women ernment does not modify its order •snyi Jam«.-« Davis. iuif»turiuluate name of George IL Hamilton, who in a search for tax dodgers-was pass sentence for b«;rglgry. proiiibiting the importation'and trans ! was arreat«*d In this city November ed. ' The county officials say there portation of dynamite. Th«- ubovv record •»peeks well for '27th by th«* officers for counterfeiting are no funds to hire wom«*n detectives Klatnuth county, aa It plainly shows and putting spurious dollars in cir to protitet Cincinnati women and that the criminal class art* by no culation. Ivan Daniels has returned to Klam children,” said Mrs. Von Walden, '»eaus welcome here. It also speak* Finance c<*wmdvtro, However, Will Th«* culprit was caught at the Mas- "but sfnceChlcago school teachers, 13-Yt-ar-l H«1 Meals From Mother »•» ath Falls, and says that this town Is ¡t*-n house, where he had an outfit for acting ainder Miss Haley, found good enough for him. and that he will In glowiug terms for District Attorney Try to Persuade' Hint to Ac Mak«- Tour <>t World 11 V Kuykendall for hin effotts io make his home here in the future i carrying on his nefarious practice, enough tax dodgers to pay for almost cept Raia«* 'and a number of bogus coins he had any ordinary exp«-nse, we are going '»•half of law and order. I made. After the federal authorities to ask her to come here to lead out" “I've, been in trouble before NEW YORK. March 15.—It 1» go- i were notified the prisoner was taken members and other club women. And I'm a pretty bad character.” to Portland to await trial. wi- will find it. too.” * George Jerread, 13 years old, to Ser lug to require the services of th. Dm-ing the absence of the three geant Harms, when the officer qu«*s- ■ cl«*vrr«>i*t sort of brume" committee to tioned him after bis arrest yesterday. 1 I arrange the salary of the Rev. John policemtm their places will be taken BELTRAN MADE PRESIDENT by Ear) Walker. Riley Hoskins and , tleniy Jewett, of Carr’s Lan» Con- AN BUtN'KNNOK OF DAVILA The lad said that he had stolen nearly mi Declares He Ferrera Local George Snyder. The policemen will 3100 from his mother and set out gn'gutional church In Birmingham, Option Pian of Dealing With lx* in Portland some little time. Night Eng., when he aasumes the pastorate PUERTO CORTEZ. March 15 — from hi« home in Everett. Wash., IJquor Quesdon 9 of the Fifth avenue Presbyterian Dr. Francisco Beltran, who was Friday morning, “to tour the world.” » YEA. VERILY. I SAY: i Accompained by Wilford Buchamp, church in this city. To meet the "SPRING HAB SPRUNG” agreed on laat week by the peace con- 14 years old. young Jerread was ar i salsry question the committee will fere«*« aa provisional president of * AUSTIN, March 15. -Senator J. first have to determine the equivalent Honduras, was elected by congress aa rested at the Union station by Detec W. Bailey, whose attitude on the If there Is anyone who still har tives Mallet and Craddock. They OGDEN. Utah, March 15. After in New York of a Birmingham salary bxrs that idea In his breast that pfibmler designate, or flrat vice presi were placed in an isolated cell at the state-wide prohibition question was holding six men at bay with revolvers, of 1000 pounds, about 14360 at the spring 1« still a great ways off. he dent. of the republic. This Is a full city jail. Jerread said that his father in doubt, has caused a stir in the i wo masked bandit« rifled the «afe of present rat«* of sxheange. would do well to take a peek into one acceptance by the congress of the is an undertaker, living at 3523 ranks of the pros by coming out the Reed hotel at daybreak today and The local church offered Jowett of the windows of the K. K. K. Store, conditions of the peace agreement. Broadway. Everett, and Bunchamp against constitutional prohibition. In stole 1700. Within half an hour af 112.000 u year but he saya he does I where the window, decorated with • nd Beltran become« the constitu is a m«»s«»nger boy in the same city. a letter which Rev. W. M William« ter the robbery two «u«pects were ar- not need such a large salary and will straw, is filled with a splendid variety- tional as well as provisional president His parents live at 3301 Lombard of Belton, Tex., has just received tested who U.ill<.d clonal) with de net accept it unless R is found that from Mr. Bailey, be says: **I must ‘ in all the latest In straw and Panama of the country immediately on the street. Buchamp had 374 of the scription« of the robber«. A coat, hat this amount is needed to maintain resignation of President Davila. give some public expresión to my headgear for the fastidious man. stolen money in bi« pockets when hs nnd mask similar to those worn by his present method of living ’’When views or else be drawn into the cam was arrested.—Portland Journal one of the bundlts.was found, but the I meet with the ofllcers of my new paign by a frequent misrepresenta ------------------------------------------ stolen money was not located church.” Jowett said in Birmingham. tion of them. I cannot understand The holdup occurred In the heart of ”1 shall seek their judgment as to how any man can suffer himself to UND LAND PLASTER IN the buslne«« district. One of the rob what ia the equivalent of the stipend THE DEBCMUTES VAIJ.KY i be alienated from me because I be ber« compelled the night clerk to I now receive. Thia wllf make me lieve that our local option method __ _____ _______ open up the safe, while the other perfectly happy.” | Bend. March 15.—That Bend and i of dealing with the liquor queeGon lined up ugulnst the wall live of the Rome of the Fifth avenuo elders North Plains, Though Founded a Few (his section of the Deschutes valley is wiser than statewide prohlbtlon.” hotel guetta. arc fearful least a joker is concealed will have nil the land plaster it can Weeks Ago, Boasts City In the good English doctor's apparent use, and have it cheaply, ia the aascr- Convenience*. unsol fish nesa. "If he maintains the tion of C. H. Erickson. standard that we expect him to,” one Mr. Erickson is interested large WASHINGTON, March 15—True of the church member« said, "he will North Plains,, on the United Rail- ‘ plaster deposits at Bear Creek Butte. to Its International reputation as a need all of the 313,000. In fact I ways, claims the distinction of hav 30 miles cast of Bend. • He says mill think after a year In New York Dr. ' hoodoo* in bringing misfortune and ing made more progrès« the last 60 machinery is ordered and will be in* Jowett won’t object to 312.000 or trouble to ita owner«, the famous w bight Howr Hates Goes lato days than any new town in the north stalled by April 15th, the mill hav ' Hope ' diamond in the cauae of even 330.000. And having put us on Effect On May !.. Fortner Rate ing a daily capacity of 30 tons. About west. Born a little more than two our honor, so to apeak, we'll have to grief to ita preaent poMeoaors, Ed- months ago. the town now boasts of all that han to be done to the plaster Was Three-fifty ward H. McLean, ton of John R Aio meet his final sa^ry view.” I-ean. and bis wife, Mrs. Evelyn Walsh Its own water and lighting aystems, | is to crush it. when it is ready for McLean, helresa to the millions of •tree* railway transportation to Port-' use. The members of 1-oca! No. ISO of i The plaater baa been tested by the late Thomas F. Walsh, Suit to land, graded streets, Mdewalks. a the United Brotherhood of Carpenters PORTLAND, March 15— Reports ELECTION IB HELD water tower, modern depot, lumber many experts, among the tests being recover 11R0.000. the alleged pur from railroad centers in the Middle BUT NO ONE VOTEN chase price of the jewel, which once yards. restaurants, general stores, on«w mad«* at Washington D. C., and and Joiners of America have served Staten Indicate that the rush of home graced the crown of Marie Antoinette, and more than 20 buildings either ' at Oregon Agricultural college labora- notice on the contractor« of this city seekers to Oregon during the colonist OWO8H<). Mich . March 15.- -Wood was filed In the district supreme court completeor in the course of construe- tories All show the land plaster to that they have adopted a minumum rate period will be far beyond expec hull towflship, Bhlawaseec county, against Mr. and Mrs. Melasan by Louis tion. i be of the highest eflciency. In addi- wage scale of 14.00 for an eight- tation*. The rates became effective ertabliehed a record in the recent C. Cartier and Pierre C. Cartier, With the completion of the Cor-¡tion. small auanlties have been teat- hour day. The new wage scale goes into effect May 1. Heretofore, the March 10th. and several tralnloada of judicial primaries, when not a bal jewelers of New York and Paris. oelius Gap tunnel, 4000 feet long, ed on various pieces of ground with minimum wage scale for union car people are now spading westward, lot was cast for either Judge 8. 8 That Mr. and Mrs. Mcl^ean have the the running tlm<* from Portland to gratifying results pentfirs has been fixed at 13,50 for with others following them dally. Miner or his Democratic adversary, diamond necklace and have failed to North Plains will be reduced to 50 qn eight-hour day. H. A Jackson, uulatant genera) L. E. Howlett of Howell, for circuit pay for It, as agreed, is the claim of minutes. Uuiv<* Report'd Married It is expected the trains freight and passenger agent of the judge. At closing time the pages of the jewelers. NEW YORK. March 15.—Emma will be using this tunnel within three Orest Northern Railway company, the b«x>kfl were without names, and J. B C. Taylor and Ora Engle casu w«*ek«. Th«» tunnel la built through Calve, opera singer, who 1« Here, la with headquarters In this city, stated the hoard members decided not to K. R. C. Williams was in from his •olid rock and Is probably one of reported to hgve married a tenor, do wn from Fort Klamath Tueadav night. thia morning that every Indication vote. the moat expensive pi«»eee of vrerh who ia a member of her company. ranch Wednesday. JURY FINDS DAVIS GUILTY CHANGE OF VENUE IS GRANTED FIFTEEN CASES ” 10 THIS CITY NOIASiNGLECASEWASÄNACQUinAl ßütlD TO BUHE »ALLEY AND THIS CÍH BOOSTER CLUB HAS HONE 60 TO FORTUNO TO TESTIFY IN CASE OF COUNTERFEIT« CINCINNATI WOMEN WILL HONT FOR IU DODGERS PASTOR OBJECTS TO UY SEMEN ÌM1EY NT HOTEL GUESTS HEID »18AY AGAINST PROHIBITION i LOCAL CARPENTERS ADOPT A H INTE Ftt OKUM