Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 23, 1911, Image 8

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    I 1 from hla present knowledge he did
not aee where any change could be
made which would occommodate the )
V ■ 1 ■ 1
travel from the North and South aa
J. II. Almcranto Is here front Port-
well as the present.
j land on a business trip.
"The only change that would ac­
Mrs H. Williams of Rio Vista. Cal­
complish thia," said Mr Metcalf,
"would be a double train service, and ifornia. is a guest at th«« l.akesid««
I expect that will have to come in. Inn.
FLOWERY KINGIMtM SEEKS HIM time, juat aa soon as the trsffiJ wilt
A. E. Acteaon of the firm of Garrett
A Acteaon, la in Seattle on a business
warant It.“
The railroad party Included, be- trip.
aldea Mr. Metcalf, superintendent of
Mr and Mrs. A. A Frants of Na-m-
the division. E. C. Morrison, division pa. Idaho, are guests at the Llver-
engineer; W. T. Small, master me i more.
chanlc: W. J. McEnerrey. master car
McDonald, the boat builder. Is to
repairer: E. A. Palmer, road master, build auother launch for John Griffith
Dean Was Major In «.«linear Army,
and W M. Stillman, train master
of Eagl«> Ridge.
and Still Retain* That Rank
Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Short came In
In the Orient
Suits Filed
from their ranch Saturday evening
Action has been commenced In the to attend the dedication exercises.
court by the First National
SPOKANE. Feb. 22.—John R.
Mrs. J. H. Hobbs came In from
bank of Kennewick. Wash., against
Deaue, better known as Major Jack
Merrill Monday and left on Tuesday
Joshua and Julia Swindler for the re- j ■ morning s train tor outside points.
Dean, formerly of the United States
co very of money and the foreclosure
Army and on detached service with
Fred Bailey, a well known Sa-nta
of a chattel mortgage. The defend­
rank as major in the Chinese Army,
hors«« buyer. Is here purchasing
ants, according to the complaint, bor­
has beeu recalled by China aa a re­
rowed 11.500 on May 13. 1908. and animals for the California market.
sult of the impending war between
William Powersand M. T Howard,
1 of this sum they have paid 1795.96.
Russia and China, declared Thursday
iThe property on which they gave the two well known residents of Merrill,
chattel mortgage, says the complaln- I spent ueTsda.v afternoon In the coun-
Together with several adventureous
i ant. was moved from the state of ty seat.
spirits. Deane drilled a large troop
Herbert Savidge of the Savidge
Washington to Klamath county with­
of Chinese in the science of military
out the knowledge or consent of the Bro».' Lumber company, left Monday
tactics in San Francisco until order­
plaintiff. E. L. Elliott appears as at­ morning for a business trip to San
ed to cease by the United States War
torney for the banking company.
Department. At the request of the
Louis C. Bolle, a well known resi-
Through H. W. Keesee. Ward &
Dowager Empress, deceased, he then
Obenchain have commenced a suit dent of Mount Hebron, came In from
went to China, where the work was
suit against H. G. Faircio for the re­ that place on Tuesday night's train to
taken up on a large scale, when he 1
covery of money due for merchandise attenil to business matters.
was assisted by a large corps of ex-
B. Barks, a well known resident of
and on a note.
Unlted States amiy men who had:
Merrill, and one of the directors of
been trained at West Point and in
1 that school dlstricct. was in the coun­
active regular service following the
ty seat Tusday on business matters.
Spanish-American War In the Philip­
S T. Summers left on Wednesday
In a uniform mixed with a some­ traiu for San Francisco, where he will
When Deane left China he was not
what kaleidoscopic eSet, which seenir purchase machinery and supplies for
released from his agreement with the
Ia cross between those of a circus ring- the Hydraulic Brick and Stone Com­
Chinese government and still carried
master and a drum major, a swarthy pany.
the rank of major on detached ser­
man wearing a tall sombero and a
Th*? S. P. tug McNiel may pass into
vice. He had taken an oath of fealty
pair of military boots appeared on the private hands If a favocabl.» sgree-
to the Chinese flag, which could only
streets last Friday, and the report is n ent is reached between the company
be abrogated by war between the
flying around that he is a general In end one of <-t»r leading cltiienv.
United States and China.
Navarro's army up here for the pur- ’
A. Kershner has returned from an
Several weeks ago Deane left his
j pose of securing recruits among men ! extended trip through Michigan. Illi­
home in Seattle, after visiting numer­
who have been in the service and I nois and Indiana, where he has been
ous friends in Spokane, and it was
know how to handle men.
visiting friends for the past six weeks.
given out that he was to visit Ari­
It is stated that he offers a large
zona, New Mexico and Texas, where
J. B. Bonham, assisted by Mr.
bonus for six months of service, but
he served as Indian scout and Ranger
Locdcwoods. is digging a de -p sell nt
we haven't heard of anybody declar-
captain. When it was learned by his
|Hs place in Shippington. Mr. Bon-
j ing his intention of entering the in-
intimate friends in Spokane that war
.um thinks he will get a goed flow of
surrecto army.
v ater at forty feet.
had been declared between Russia
and China, it was announced by them
Hon. Thomas. F. Ryan. State Grand
Bowling Alley Opens
• Master of the I. O. O. F , who con­
that he had been recalled to active
Monday night the basement of the ducted the dedication exercises here
service by the Chinese army officials
It is authoritively stated that all New Odd Fellows Temple resounded Saturday night, left Sunday morning
other American officers who served with the rumble of bowling balls, and for his home In Salem.
with Deane in training the Chinese the resounding crash as the lignum
Mrs. J. A. Moore and Mrs. W. J.
recuits, would
wuuia accompany him
uim to the
tue vitae pellets plowed their way through Evans of Alberta. Canada, arrived in
Orient and are expected to participate ! the maple—in short, the alleys were .this city Saturday night from the
in any war except that between the opened, and quite a crowd of the I North, and will reside here, where
United States and China.
faithful put in an appearance. Some their husbands are engaged In the
______________ j pretty good scores were made, with realty business.
the Fort, but absolutely no trace of
prospects for better marks as the j
Fred Harpold of Bonanza was in the missing man.
bowlers become more accustomed to I in the city Wednesday. Dame rumor
There la a faint poaaibillty that
the new alleys.
has it that Fred has a longing to be- Bowiky may have reached a cabin In
i come a bonlface. and Is contemplating the park, and la awaiting better
Igvtve for a Visit
J the erection of a modern hotel In the weather before attempting to return,
and.lt la on thia theory that Mr.
Mrs. George T. Pratt and daughter, ' I-o»t River town.
The following well known Kenoltex Momeyer's party are building their
Miss Cathryn Pratt, left on Thursday
for a visit with friend» in Grants . attended the dedication t xercis«?« Sat­ hopea of finding the man. The anow
, Pass, Glendale and Roseburg. They urday night: D. R. Doten. Ekl Hun­ la at leaat fifteen feet In the pa-rk, and
Think Present Arrangement Is Beat
will remain in Roseburg until Joined ter and H. H. Pearson. They left
for All L'ntil Double Train
, by Rev. Pratt, who is remaining here Sunday for their home town, after ent Arant the anow reachea the aec-
Service Is Needed
ond atory windows.
1 attending to some business matters, staying at the Livermore
The lake boats will be distributed
and will then go to Seattle, their
new home. During their residence in as follows thia summer: Wlftema, ex­
A big party of Southern Pacific j this city Rev. Pratt and family have cursions; Mazama. Wood River trade: THREE POKMEN H EMMI MG IN
officials arrived in here Thursday eve­ mad«- many friends.
North Star, towing; Hooligan, tow­
ning in their private car. the Shasta,
ing: Klamath. Crater I-ake run: Cur­
and spent the day here looking over Ci »VERS FORTY-TWO MILES
lew. United States mall: .Eagle and Rattle Between Officer* and .Murder-
era of Minar Stockmen I» Expect­
the line. Friday morning the party
ON PAIR OF SNOWSHOES Modoc, sand trade.
ed In a Short Time
went up the road as far as It extends
“Is Lir.k River the only outlet to
to the north, and in the afternoon a
John Knott, a well known resident Great KHtnath Lake?” This Is the
RENO. Feb. 21
Sheriff Lamb of
consultation was held with Mayor of Crater, in Beaver Marsh, twenty, j .-ptery of r«'m< scientific men wbv have
Sanderson and some of the council­ five miles from Cresc-nt came into been among us for th«- pa«t week Winnemucca- left last night with a big
men relative to the opening up of a the county seat Thursday to attend 1 Their tneory is that there Is r «i«,at posse to head off the Indian despera­
street across the yards connecting to business matters. Mr Knott made j <•••»’ tnc><: water emptied In» > th«> iakc does who murdered the four stock-
with Oak avenue.
the entire distance from 1 is home to han is di-t'-iisrbed .through Link l<lv»r men In Washoe county. They are said
to be heading toward the Piute reser­
J. W. Metcalf, the new superintend-! the Agency, forty-two miles, on snow­
vation near Pyramid I-ake
• nt of the Shasta division, beaded shoes. and came in from there on the
Captain Donnelly and Sheriff Forrel
the party, and in conversation with a stage. Mr. Knott reports heavy mow
with twenty-one men hav«- been on
representative of the Herald, he stat­ •p the vicinity of Crescent
the trail for five days. A battle la ex-
ed that the company was planning the i-----------------------------
extension of the railroad yards in this EPISCOPAL BIBHOP HAS
LEAVES FORT KLAMATH TO FINI» pected in twenty-four hours,
city to meet the growing demands of
to Intercept the Indian»
traffic. He states that the yards are I
Coroner Lee l»avl» and 8 K Mor­
none too long as it is, and if a street
Mrs. T. W. Stephens, president
arrived In Reno this morning,
should be opened across the tracks it of the local Episcopal Guild, has Just Party Will Work on Th<ury That tin-
reporting that th«- po»s«* found a dis­
would not only handicap the switch­ I recelv«-d a telegram from Bishop Rob- 1
l*hotographer Found Shelter in
serted Indian «-amp, strongly fortified,
ing of trains, but be a source of con­ ert L. Pad dock, stating that unfor-1
One of the ('abins
with a lookout station
BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary
stant danger to those crossing the seen matters arising necissltated the
yards. He believes that the crossing postponement of his visit to this city j
at Klamath avenue, one block from till March 9th. Further announce-.
In the absence of Superintendent
Vice (»resident an J
Oak, and the one at the county road mr-nt in regard to the matter wifi be Arant of the Crater l-ake reserve, H.
should be sufficient for travel.
mad«« later.
It's only 1
miles from the Falls,
Mapa, Plana, Blue Print», Rte.
E.‘Momeyer of this city, who for three
"In locating the yards.” said Mr.
years has been park ranger, will lead has four-ro<mi tious«*, latro, <hl<k<-n
Metcalf, "the company selected the
Murrays Start on Trip
. n search party to the vicinity of Cra­ I ioum <‘, 1 1 acres of good land. We’ll
most unsettled portion of the city, so
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray left on ter Lake in the hopes of And E. E. drive out with you any time you care j
that they could operate their trains Tuesday for an extended visit to their Bowsky, the photographer, who has to go.
with safety. Within a few years the old home in New York. They will not been heard of since he entered the IRRIGATED LANDS
present yards will be none too large i stop :<«, San Francisco, I<os Angeles part over a month ago to get some
IO<» aerea, four miles from Main |
to accommodate the trains that will and New Orleans while gone, and ex- winter pictures of the lake. Accom­ atreet, all under ditch, improved, |
stop here, and I am sorry that the 1 |>ect to be away for a month or six panied by Indian Agent Edson Wat­ good honor; $75 an acre; easy term». ,
tracks are not longer than they are.” weeks.
200 acre», -I », miles from Falls, I
son, Mr. Momeyer left on Tuesday
This is the first trip of Mr. Metcalf,
for Fort Klamath, where he will or­ under ditch ami improv<*d, house, '
to'this city. He succeeded J. W. Dyer i PETALUMA DRIVER FALLH
ganize his party, and begin the search barn; MO an acre; one-third <a*h.
another ilmnoin < x > unty
on the 16th. aud is making this trip;
HO acres, 7 mil«-« from Falla, 52
INTO STREAM TO DRATH I for the missing man.
to acquaint himself with local condf-1
The party goes with the intention acres under ditch, improved, gio un
tions and to have an opportunity to;
PETALUMA. Feb. 22. P«-ter Ma- of making a long search, with every acre; one-third cash.
PARIS, III,, Feb 20
With th«
CLEVELAND. <)., Feb. 21.
\ opening of the February terma of
work for the betterment of the ser- thison, a native of Nenmark. aged 58 confidence of finding Bowsky, If ho is
IO acre», 7 mile* from Falla,
strike of 800 Lake Shore boilermak­ coart here, It was predicted that a
via* and the growth of the country, years, was killed while driving from still alive. Should the man have per­ un<k*r ditch, excellent »oil; M5
ers was ordered this morning. It is vote arlling Investigation, similar tn
As it was impossible for him to re- this city to his home in the Two ished he will undoubtedly be burled acre; term».
main longer than one dy. he has had ' Rock valley.
The man's remains tinder several feet of anow, and bis
20 acres, 5 miles from Falls, all alleged that the company Is endeavor­ that now being conducted in Vermi
a busy time of it while in the city.
were found lying In a small stream remains may not be found till spring. under ditch, bench land. Improved; ing to Install the piece system In the lion county would bo Inaugurated by
In speaking of a possible change in of water Into which he had fallen
Collinwood (Ohio) shops The strike Judge Morton W Thompson, A spec
Frank Burns and Albert Gipson, $75 an acre.; terms.
the train schedule on the Klamath while crossing a Ifridge with hte who have been searching for Bowaky,
We show property in all kinds of order applies to all ahopa on the road ial grand Jury will likely be'cal led
Falla branch, Mr Metcalf stated that team some time after 10 o'clock Fri- returned to Fort Klamath Monday weather.
It la alleged that ar sympathetic strike to Investigate the voto In thia section
be understood that a petition had day night. Mathinson was evldont- and they report finding the sled and
OUcote A Rier, »»est to American of the other mi'chsnlca will soon fol- ■ of Speaker Cannon’s congressional'
been sent in asking for a change, but , ly killed instantly by hia fall.
shovel Bowsky took with him from Hotel. Phom» Ml.
Assignee’s Sale
Now on of the
Gillette Furniture
TATE sell the goods; not
** from sample books;
you examine the articles
Stock going
fast. Come early if you
want a choice
A most desirable as well as use
ful Gift would be either a
Sewing Plachine
Call, write or phone me regarding
easy payment plan
Phone 251
""" \?” kmwait
Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc
Surveying and Irrigation Engineering