Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 23, 1911, Image 1

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K LAMA I'll t til NT Y
which he spent for board In two days
liy has been here.
Allen says he haa b««-n corrsepond*
Ing with thjr girl for some time, and
she had promised to marry him. He
said she wrote him. asking him for
money to provide a suitable trous­
seau, und that Instead of sending her
the money tee decided to make u
visit here uud tlx it up. Then th«' JOHNSON'S PLEDGE IS TO HE AD­ HENI) WARNING TELEGRAMM
trouble begun, for th«- girl would
linve nothing to do with him, und h«'
hu Id he had found out she was about
marry another man
was advised by several at­
torneys who talked to him. Im-ludlng
Arcuar» Nation of Favoring Diaz, aixl Tlnkhum Veule und Hugh McFarland, Ik-for«* (Bring Ills Hupport Taft A»k«-«1 Gol<l«ii Stale Ix-gUlators Huy I th«'
io go back home and forget his troub­
for Agreement With th«- New
|H < lare» It May I Itlmatcly
Treaty in Present Form .May Hr
les. und this h«i probably will do.
NO 47
shared the presidency of the faction
with the aged leader. August Bebe'
Bebel has been compelled to retire
almost completely from active politics
on account of his age and health.
Molkenbhur is a writer, originally a
cigar-maker by trade, who, on ac-
count of his polltlcal activity, was ex­
pelled from Germany In 1881 and
spent three years In the United States
Rest KvMrarr of Approath ot Spring
The surest sign of spring reported
yet was observed yesterday by James
Driscoll and T. W. Stephens on Con­ DECIDED IN AN EXECUTIVE SESSION
ger avenue In the shape of a snake out
sunning himself. Jim and Tom de- Much to the Disappointment of the
dare they dl«i not have a drink vince
Spectators, the (Jwation Was
the town went dry.
Ja|iun«MW* Trcwty
Mean H«*rlou«i Trouble
Fraught U tili I tanger
Settled Outside of Hall
Mrs. Driscoll was present and
F. W. Broadsword, a prominent Bo­
vouches for the story­ -that la. the
nanza merchant, la here on bualness
snake part of it.
SACRAMENTO, Feb. 22. Follow­
SACRAMENTO. Feb. 22 — Senator
Out of fourteen applicants the fol­
ing the publication of the proposed Car*<oettl Is preparing resolutions
though United States soldiers station­
lowing five were awarded the coveted
Ju|ian«-se treaty without the coolie protesting against the Japan««« treaty-
'd on th«* border between California
saloon licenses by the city council
clause. It was Intimated by the high- on the ground that It omits restrictive
and Lower California did not know It,
Monday night: Livermore hotel, A.
«•st authority here that Taft exacted a features concerning laborers «xmning
General Simon Berthold, ascond In
Caatel, E. H. Ou Fault Doc Powell and
pledge from Governor Johnson when to America. The omission of prot«-c-
command of the insurgent forces lu
Kent Ballard. This puts a quietus on
h«< was in Washington In the interest tlve measur««, he say«. Is vital to Cal­ t LI B TO BRI Nt. EL1GIBI.E I.AI)1F> the question which has been bother­
Lower California, has been In l«os'
of the exposition, that California' ifornia's welfare. Th«* resolutions
Anglelew for th«« past few days ar­
ing the people of Klamath Falls ever
would not agitate against the Japan- ask the senate to urge the president
ranging for the purchase of guns for
since the November election, and also
the rebel army, giving directions to
ese and other Asiatics.
to withdraw the treaty, and appeals
kills the hopes of many who aspired
In pursuance with his pledge, John­ to the federal senate to "refuse its Organization Perf«»«-ted a>wl an Efti- to be among the select five.
r<«cultiiig offi«ers, but more particular­ Tucker and Uiikcnluich Are In Fin«'
ch*nt Set of Officiai» Have
Mhn|s- for Their Big Bout
son haa consistently opposed all legis­ assent to a- compact fraught with so
ly discussing with the heuds of the
By the time the council was called
inbel junta ways and means ot carry­
lation In Washington which Nippon much danger to civilization and the
Been Elected
to order the little city hall was packed
Friday Niglit
might deem discriminatory.
ing u successful protest to the head»
1 industrial Improvement of our citi­
to Its utmost capacity, even standing
Several antl-Japanese bills ¡tending zens."
of the State Department at Wash­
room being a luxury, so great was the
< Regular Staff Correspondent I
Harken, ye Rabid Fan! Just a In the legislature have already re­
ington. against whst ho terms undue
The California representatives will
Interest in the outcome of the matter.
discrimination against laaurgents by morncut
ceived the quietus. The only measure be requ«*st«*d to use all honorable
BONANZA, Feb 22—The bachelors Those who expected to see how the
If you've got the ”I«I« m *" In your standing cbanc«* for favorable consid­ means to prevent its ratification, and of this place and the surrounding council would vote on this or that
United States soldiers on the frontier.
Before slipping back across the head that Friday night's seance at eration by the f««deral relations com- Governor Johnson will be requested country (and they are legion) have man were badly disappointed, for as
border Into Mexico, General Berthold th« Houston opera house Is going to mitt«»«* Is a substitute for the resolu­ to wire a copy of the resolution to decided to organize In an effort to in­ soon as the body was called to order
gave to the United Press a slgn«*d grow lax In Interest for a second or tion demanding that Washington In­ :the pr«*sld«'nt and the federal houses duce marriageable ladies to emigrate Councilman W’ilkins moved that the
story of what he thinks wilt happen ¡two, you had better'divorce yourself sist upon the coolie clause being in­
Th«* s«*nat<* fed«*ra) relations com- to this locality, in the preliminary «body 8® into executive session to con-
If the United Stat«-« ¡«rraists In "mak­ from that funny notion at once, for clude«! in the treaty. The substitute inlttee has reported that the commit­ meeting Mr Simmons very graphic- vider the license matter. This was
ing fish of ohe and flesh of lb<* the Klamath Athletic club has framed replaced the word "demand" with tee will substitute Sanford's rttsolu- ally described the present situation csrried, and the council retired for an
other In Mexico.”
I up a enrd of events that will be full "recoinmend," It Is now believed that I Gon requesting cougri-ws not to elim- of the single men of the community. I , hour and a half.
(Ily <««••»«• rw I Hi tie m Bcrtliold)
of ginger from the start.
i Inate the coolie clause in the treaty.
the r«*so1utlon will die.
The keynote of his remarkable ad-1 The licenses granted last night go
Anuuuncmnent hss just been mad«*
The principal treaty opposition Sanford intends amending his reso- dress was. "We are lone and lorn.”
Copyright, 1911, by the United Press
into effect on aMrch 1st. and the sa­
' that Bobble Allen, on«* of the fastest are In small minority, and I the labor , lutlon so the senate will go on record
In the election of officers Mr. Sim-1
Sim- ■ 1OOM wlH b® conducted in a perfectly
International computations grow mil manipulators of the local contin­ element of the legislature, The ad- demanding the federal senate to re­ I mon«
president auu
and J. L,.
L , or<*e’’ly manner, or the city authori-
uvub was made pirniuruL
<>ut of the Mexican revolution? gent, arid "Little Jack" Johnson, one ministration leaders have declared fuse to ratify the treaty.
Sparrenton corresponding secretary. . ties will take action, which may re­
Stranger things than that have hap of the fastest colored boxers who has that California Intends to keep its
Senator Wright of San Diego, the With th«*s»- efficient and hustling offi­ sult in the loss of the license of th«-
i«»n«*d. and, let in« way right here, over hit the town, will open the even­ pledge to aid In "kt*eplng : Interna- j chairman of the senate federal rela­ cers the success of th»» movement is guilty party.
ihat that Is precisely what will hap- ing's entertainment with a five round tional relations <*ordlal."
The five saloons will be located as­
tions rommlttee. has telegraphed Taft assured.
i«en unlaws the policy adopted by th«- mix. All«*n‘s work In the past has
! and Benator Perkins, asking them to
The membership iacludes every ! follows:
"fficlals uf the department regarding run him all kinds of frlcnda, an>!
Taft Mzkoi Announcement
give nothing In the present which shLd«* and variety of man. There art- Castel's, Bank Exchange building,
i«ordrr affairs Is alter««d For a week "Little Jack." who haa worked out
WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb 22,— would seriously injure California.
long and short, lean aDd fat, wealth) Livermore Hotel; E. H. Du Fault,
I have been in Lot Angles to see If I on several occasions with Unkenbach An explanation of President's Taft's
The tel«>gram warned Taft and the and those Fn moderate circumstances; • The Office,” Sixth street, between
fomethlng could not be don«* to stop at th«’ Gem. haa proven himself to !>•» support of San Francisco In the fight tenatorw that should the treaty throw but all are handsome.
Main and Klamath; J Kun« Ballard.
what I believe is unfair Interference i S'clever ll'ih man, and bls perform for the Panama-Pacific exposition is down the bars to th«- Japan«»se an in­
Mr. Sparretorn is arranging to give Wilsoa block: Z. J. Powell. "The
with our operations on th«« part of , ancee have ««used the assembled fans publlsh«*d today with the announce­ dignation wave might sweep the Pa- a good share of his time to the club's , Smoke."
'he American border officluls.
I to dig "acli ether in the ribs and ask ment of th» proposed Japanese treaty, I clfic coast, and might cause action corr«*spondence.
When General Illis« commanded "Who Is Hut fast little mokeT"
which eliminates the coolie Immigra­ , that would cause the legislative mi­
>hat we should not be permitted to
"Dunn*»," is the reply "but bll'inr. tion claus«* and grants other conces­ nority opposed to the Japanese to THINKS PLAGI E CAN
< rose the border and purchase sup­ the boy Is there and over.”
sions to Japan.
become a dangerous majority.
plies. I thought that was as far as
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.—Ten-
Kid Williams and K!d Span are
By their Indorsement of San Fran­
friends of Dias would dare to go But I working bard to be In 'he b«>at posu- cisco the president believes that he
TOKIO, Feb. 22.—Dr. Kitasato, the : 1 neseee's ¡«opulation is composed of
Novel Entertainment
since then I hate learned that per- bl«* shape for their t«*n-round bout, and congress have placed California
E. L Elliott will entertain his Sun­ noted bacteriologist, who is now at I 78.31 per cent white people. 21.65
mission has b«wn given to the Mesi- and some scrapping ot the fast nnd "under a bond to Jteep the peace until day school class of young ladi«?s in a Dairen, telegraphs that the plague is per cent negroes and .04 per cent
<an Government to move 200 of its furious variety Is egpec'ed as a re­ 1915.” In speaking of the matter one most unique way. Mr. Elliott has a undoubtedly of the pneumonia type. other colors. Of the State's total
»oldlers serosa Arizona into Ixiwer sult.
diplomat madq th«* following state­ class of about twenty-five young Dr. Kltasato has been in Maacburia population of 2,184,789. the white
California and right here I want to
Just who will be th«» welterweight ment:
ladies in the Christian Bunday m-hoo', for the last week studying the dis­ people number. 1.711, 550 and the
«ay that If thia course Is persisted In, champion of th« Northv-cet after the
"If California Intends to hold th»* and be has arranged a religious de­ ease. No new cases have occurred at negroes 4 72.987. There are also
'here will be international trouble» big scrap is a question that is disput­ big exposition in 1915 she must en- bate. «11 the young ladies to partici­ Dairen in twenty-four hours, string­ 200 Indians, forty-two Chinese, six
u plenty.
ed by many. Some think that Tucker | deavor to k««ep all International rela- pate. Rev. Hilton. Prof. Dunbar and ent preventive measures having b«*en I Japanese and one Korean.
Does the United St«t.-s government will «-(til be the *oM«Mw>r of that hon­ , tlons as cordial as possible. It Is J. I* I^e will be the judges The en­ taken to guard against its spread.
Would Rcecne Gold Reserve
« Xpert the Insurgent garrison at or. while as many mu-e are posit!«-«» I »specially Important that she should tertainment will occur at Mr Elliott’s Dr. Kitasako is of the opinion that if
Mexicali to retire Into the mown talus that h«* will hav«* to tack an "ox" be­ not iuiim * a break with Japan."
Feb. 1#.—The sen­
home Friday evening
and allow Ih«* Federale lo occupi fore the word champion, and that the
plague can be stamped out in Man­ ate haa passed a bill recommended by
Mexicali? No
If I hav<- anything sporting fraternity will tip their hats
Will Recommend Treaty
Secretary MacVeagh to amend the
churia* in thirty days.
Reopens for Business
io do with It the retw-ls will be wall- to that Unkenbach kid In the role of
gold standard act of 1207 so that the
WASHINGTON. D. C„ Feb. 22 —
The Orendorf hotel, which for the FRESH (H'TBKKAK REPORTED
Ing for them al th«* Km* und will fir«- the newest "champ" in the limelight. The senate committee on foreign rela­
amount of gold bullion and foreign
upon them as soon as they come with­
Unkenbach has long held »attira­ tions has d»M'ided to recommend that winter months closed its dining room,
IN PORTICI'ESE VILLAGE coin held for redemption of gold cer­
in rang*
And no doubt this will tlons of winning Antic fame, and Is the senate ratify the Jnpanes«» treaty. has again begun feeding the public.
tificates shall not exceed at any time
precipitate InternaUoual trouble, but going to do his best to s«*nd Tucker
LONDON, Feb. 22.—A dispatch one-third of the total amount of the
tievi-rthleaa. It Is whut any man. who | down for a ten-second rent.
from Lisbon delayed in transmission. « gold certificates at such time out-
honestly believes he Is fighting fori "Tuck." strange to say, haw no Idea
»♦ports a serious outbreak at Guard«. ‘ standing.
hla rights, would do. and II will he ■ in hla head of giving up the cham­
a fortifi«*d town 209 miles northeast
...... ...... ..................
pionship. so there can be only one
conclusion drawn "She’ll be a grand SAYS IT'S <H It CHANCE TO CHOSl ANNEXATION TO CANADA IS BE­
ol«l mix from the start.”
troops later attacked the people, and
wounded many. The situation is very
<>\ ERCOME IN CHICAGO Kv-IT«*Ni«leiit Also Favors IToper l w Movement to Adopt Resolution« to
That EthTt Is Sahl to Now Be
<>f the Initiative and Referen­
CHICAGO. Feb 22. Thirteen fir«*-
dum nn«l the lt«tall
int'ii were overcome by smoke In a
fir«* In th«' lard refiner) of Armour A-
at th«* I'niou Stock Yards. While
hwu I ii Kay» K uiiham "III»« nit Hh«>ot<*r”
CHICAGO. Feb. 22, Ex-President
I th«* Hr«' itwlr wux eonfiiK'd to the Roosevelt has not discussed the Cox
Threw Him Down Hurd When
fourth Door of the building, fear that Indictment at Cincinnati. Addr«*ssing
He Arriv«-«t
the blaze would be a repetition of th«* an audience in th«* auditorium the
Dre a month ago. In which twenty .Colon«*) u;g«>d the popular election of
four firemen met their death, caused a« nators.
United Press Service.
the battalion chief to »end In n gen­
“I thoroughly believe in the neces-
TOPEKA, Feb 22. Declaring that eral alarm mid call for special appa­
of th«* legislation,” said the Col­
his swtM'theurt Beatrice Carn««y. u ratus. Th«* firemen were caught ou
waitress at the Mldlapd hotel here, the fourth Door while carrying up I «>nel, "but th«* best law ever written
had promised to marry him and that hoe«*, and wer«> rescued by th«*ir com­ amounts to nothing If it In not ad-
when he came hern after her she re­ panions, All will recover. The lorn ministered honestly. It la alvo a nila­
tak<* to expect too much and dread
fused him and scorned ■ him, Lease I I m 915,000.
much from governmental changes
Vilen, a young farmer near 8tockton,
| We must not expect a mere change In
Kan . made an attempt to find an at­
■ the method of electing senators will
torney who would take his case and HÖHNET HILL PASSES THK
give us good s«*nators. It will only
hrlng uction for breach of promise
give us the privilege of getting good
»gainst the girl.
Then we will be responsi­
Allen doclared he wanted a "breach
of promise" brought, but he did not Bohnett bill making the office of state ble if we chon«* the wrong men
arc particularly for damages In any printer an appointive one Instead of feel that the recall and initiative ref­
lilven sum He first attempted to ob­ an elective office, passed the assembly erendum is the only benefit in the
long run. if their uae is properly safe­
tain s warrant for the arrest of the bv a vote of 46 to 32.
l.irl, and afterwards he wanted to I
«ring her into court anyway. Resides
Mr. Stevens, an expert interior dec­
I be breach of promise he said he orator and wood graincr from Walla
County Judge William 8. Worden
wanted to make her pay bis fare from Walla. Wash., ha* moved to Klamath left Wedneeday for San Francisco,
Stockton to Topeka and return, and Falla. and la aaaoaiated with T. R. where he will remain for some time
return. and also for the sum of |4 Olds
visiting hie family in the Bay City.
Under Way
Irrigation Act <'«msider«'d the Mos)
Hcn.ficial Statai«* In F«*deml
CORDOVA, Alaska, Feb. 2 2 Th«r«> I torney General Webb yesterday urged
is a movement on foot to have mass th«» supreme court to reverse its o-d»r
m<-«*ttngs In Cordova. Seward. Valdez. granting Abe Ruef a rehearing.
CHICAGO. Feb 22.—When John
Webb contended that the order was
Fairbanks and other Alaskan cities,
De Witt, poet laureate ot the Inland
to adopt resolutions asking congr«*ss
Empire of the Pacific Northwest,
to divorce Alaska so it can annex It­ of the court being out of the state
wrote: "Little drops of water, mingl­
self to Canada, as th«' only relief for
ed with the sand, make mighty dif­
the pioneers from their burdens All
ference in the price of land," or words
th«' business men are endorsing the
MENTS SUFFER DEFEAT to that effect, b«« gave conclusive testi­
mony that he had some experience in
the cost of orchard lands before and
battleships, was defeated in the hons«>
by a vote of 9 to 161
amendment, cutting the number of
new battleships from two to one. was
defeated 114 to 139.
that land will never be cheaper than
it is loday
The National Irrigation Act Is re­
garded by most observers of condi­
tions in the srid and seml-arid states
as the most beneficial statute yet
placed upon the federal books Far­
mers and orchard lets in the western
country bail it as the second emanci­
pation proclamation, as It has freed
thousands from drudgery in th«
thronged cities and made them Ind«
pendent, nrosperous and happy in
comfortable homes on fertile loads In
Representative Hobson s amendment after irrigation Laud is worth wbat
IN OWN DEFENSE to the naval bill, providing three it will produce, and experts declar«
Senator Lorimer of Illinois began his
speech In hla own defense at 1 o’clock
thia afternoon.
BERLIN, Feb 22.—Herman Mol-
kenbuhr, member from Saxony, haa
been elected president of the Social
Democratic faction in the Reichstag,
thus receiving the mantle of the late
Panl Singer, who up to his death
K. P. Hopeon Here.
Consulting Engineer E. P. Hopson
of the reclamation service was here
Wednesday, on his way home to Port-
land, after a visit with the Truckee-
Canon and other reclamation pro-
j jects in his district
He left this
morning for Portland, where tec
the open country
' makes tela headquarter«.