Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 26, 1911, Image 8

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    minutes. E 60 feet, thence S 38 de­
grees 45 minutes, W 130 feet, thence
N 51 degrees 15 minutes to place of
beginning; »200.
Minnie Clift et vir to M. McAdam«,
part of block 43, Nichols addition;
W. 8. Worden et ux to P. C. Lavey
A Co., lot 13. block 39, town of Wor-
Frank Ward et ux to Silas Oben-
TO BE supplied
chain, lots 8, 9, 10 and south half of
lots 6 and 7, block 94. Klamath addl-
The Big Bargain Sale
Is Still On
A. F. Clublne of Merrill was here
John Zbinden Jr. was down from
Fort Klamath today.
H. 8. Simth of Fort Klamath was In
the city last Thursday.
F. E. Elliott of the Klamath Agen­
cy spent Saturday In this city.
T. O. Willson, who has a homestead
near ilonansa. Is a Klamath Falls vis­
W 8. Barry, representing Bushong
block 7, part of lot 2. block 18. orlg A Co. of Portland, is hero on a busl-
town, undivided half interest in nesa trip.
lailHiralory Equipment al the High ' inal
lots 1, S, 5. 6, , 7 and 8. block 31.
Thomas O. Kinney returned Tues­
School Is Being Greatly increased : North Klamath Falls, undivided halt
night from a business trip to
—Dehalc February :M
jInterest tn lot 3,
! block 18, original Portland.
[town; »10.
H. E. Crane is In Klamath Falls for
Frank Ward et ux to Silas Oben-
The guns which are to be used in chain, undivided half interest in lot a few days from his fine homestead
drill at the public schools are being 6, block 18. original town, undivided near Dairy.
D. M. McLemore, a well known
made in the manual training depart­ half tnterestest in W SEH. WH
ment at the High school. Glenn B. SW H. W H NE K . NW H SE H , W H ! horse buyer of Dinuba, is here on .1
Garrett, who has bad experience in NWH sec. 2 7-38-9, NH lots 4 and 5. business trip.
J. H. Wheeler and Graco Wheeler
manual training, is making the mod­ block 94, Klamath addition, undivid­
els. and will superintend the manu­ ed half interest in lots 1 and 2. block ‘of Fort Klamath were In the city.
facture of the guns. The contract 19. original town, lot 3, block 94. . guests at the Lakeside. Friday.
L. C. Sisemoro and wife. W. O.
calls for 120 guns, forty for the West Klamath addition; 110.
Klngdon and Joe Briggs came down
8lde school and eighty for the school
Joe! T. WaTd to Sophia S. Henley,
from Fort Klamath last week.
on the East Side.
lots 26A and 26B. block 3. Railroad
William J. Noe came in Saturday
The manual training department addition; »2,000.
night from Sacramento. In the Inter-
under the direction of Mr. Hawley is
Perry O. De Lap and G. A. Krause
doing good work. The boss are tak­ 'to---------------- lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7, 8 jf.sts of the railway mail service.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Houston have
ing to the work with enthusiasm, and j and 9. block 2. all of blocks 3 and 6.
returned from San Francisco, where
this department is one of the most West Lake Park addition; »300.
¡they attended tho aviation meet,
popular among the boys.
J. C. Taylor to D. E. Noah, com-
Mrs. R. E. Guthrldge, wife of Dep­
I mencing 516 feet S of NE corner sec.
Sheriff Guthrldge. left Frida*
Basketball Game
21-33-7 H. thence 200 feet W.-thence
Pass on a visit to relatives.
A basketball game is to be played 75 feet s, t»fence 200 feet E, thence
Miss Irma Hoagland returned Fri­
next Friday between the Sophomore 75 fCet N to place of beginning; »700.
and Senior teams. These two teams j p. h . McCornack et ux to Bert E. day front Malin, where she has been
are fast and clever, and the game be- Withrow, lot 4, block 84. Klamath visiting with tho family of J. Frank
tveen them is arousing much int.*re«t addition: »10.
J. A. Clautou aud S. W. Hamaker.
at the High school. There will be
P. C. Lavey A Co. to Kay A. Walk-
know n residents of Bonanza', are
no admission charged, and everybody er. lot 5, block 29. town of Worden;
attending to business matters in tho
is cordially invited to attend. Tbe |l»0.
lineup is as follows:
1 P. C. Lavey A Co. to Glen S. Walk- county seat.
A. E. Florence and C. A. Rchart
Sophomores—Forwards, Sargeant . er> ¡ot 6. block 29. town of Worden:
of Lakeview arrived in Klamath Falls
and Carter (captain); center, Garrett; ■ »100.
Warren D. Kingdom a well known
guards. De Lap and Nall. Subs, Me?- ; Klamath Korporation to A. El El- Sunday night and left Monday for Fort Klamath timber man. wan here
from the Fort on business Wednesday.
’ ner and Galarneaux.
der. lots 680. 681, 682, 683 and 684.1 San Francisco.
C. L. Farrar, a Portlaud timberman
E. E. Fitch, a prominent realty man
Seniors—Forwards, Motschenbai a block 107. Mills addition; »10.
who has been staying at the Lakeside of .Merrill spent Tuesday in the coun­
er and Edwards; center. Siemens;
a . E Elder to J. H. Potter, sama as
Inn for a few days, has gone to Lake­ ty seat.
guards, Fench and Telford.
above; »10.
EMIRI AIM 1st «»• move iato ih«- new Bristol building
view on a business trip.
A 9 V*-pound baby girl arrived at
* * *
W. C. Sanderson et ux et ai to Ein-,
on .Main stree t, near Hie corner of Math. We arc- going to <arr>
Walter Egerth arrived here last the home of Mr. and Mrs. li E. Hay­
Debate, February 3d.
ma E. Corp*, lots 8 and 10. block 84,
week from Hoaquim. Wash., and will den. near tho High school Wednesday
“« large n stock as any retail luim<«u> store In Oregon. It is our
The High School Literary society Klamath addition; »10.
will hold its next program in the ' P. C. Lavey & Co. to Wm. N. Mar- be the night operator in the Western morning.
to call your attention to the »uperiortty of th«* good« we
C. A. De La Mater, the genial rep
chapel February 3d. These programs ’ shall, lot 1, block 32. town of Wor-1 Union Telegraph office.
bandi •. Our motto is;
Ed Dunham and W. L. Clapp, the resentative of tho Scranton Corre­
are interesting, and everybody is in- den: »150.
vited to attend them, The program I Albert E. Chitwood et ux to W. H.
a visit to San Francisco, where they ding on business Tuesday.
Holt, et ux, SW'* NWV* sec. 36-40-
“Best Goods at Reasonable Prices”
went to see the airship contest.
J. R. Rankin, former engineer for
Music...................................... Orchestra 11; »450.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Low are now in Long Lake Lumber company, who
Reading...................... Octavia Arnett
United States to John B. Azdell,
Los Angeles. They have rented a has recently been with tho Meadow
We buy our goods in large- quantities direct from lln* man­
Essay......................... Wm. Hagelstein NEU sec. 21-38-10.
room for a month, and will spend the Lake company, has moved to town
and |>uy cash for them. By doing this we lake ad­
Reading ..............................Eva Hanks
United States to Charles F. Adams,
next few weeks in the land of sun­ for the remainder of the winter.
Essay.................. Margurite Williams NEU NEU sec. 10, WH NWU sec.
vantage- of every jumalble discount. You < an figure eeut for your-
Hon. Edson Watson, superintend­
Paper—“Business of the Present
M-lf that our buying «»stem make-« it pruurtbl« for us le> «ell at
ent of the Klamath Indian Agency,
Congress’............... John Siemens . United States to Mabel N. Adze 11,
low price«.
city after a business trip to Fort after spending a couple of days in
Vocal Solo —................ Bess Fairclo NWU sec. 21-38-10.
Make uh a call In our lecw location. It will be a pleasure to
town on business for his agency, left
Reading ...............................Elsie Low
Martin Banke to Alex Martin Jr„
at the Livermore, prior to leaving for for home Tuesday after investing
show you our large, up-t>>-d.ite «lock.
Paper—“The Exchanges That,
lots 9 and 10, block 77, Klamath ad-
San Francisco.
in three tine lots in the Darrow addi­
Come to My Desk”.............
dition; »10.
C. McKendree and wife of lake­ tion.
United States to California and Or-
........................... Jennie Applegate
view arrived here Saturday night on
Paper—“A High School in Can­
egon Land company. NEU. EH SEU
their way home from a six weeks'
....Annie Hales sec. 20; EH NEU, EH SEU sec.
visit to San Francisco, Portland. Seat­
Lillie Markwardt 29. EH NEU. EH SEU se< 32
“Remember, we move on or about February 1st "
tle and other coast cities.
Music ...
. . .Girls’ Quartet1 11; lot 1. SEU NEU. EH SEU sec.
Pearl Boivin. Lillian Van Riper [5-32-11: EH NEU. EH SEU sec. 8,
United States lauid Office at Lakeview
interested with John Ellis in the
Josie Van Riper and Vera
Receive« Number of Entrku
EH NEU EH SEU sec. 17, H
Wood River Valley, is in this city
I Houston.
NEU. EH SEU sec. 20-32-11.
From Herr
on his return trip to Fort Klamath
Essay............................. Ward Graves
California and Oregon Land com­
Debate—"Resolved, That a System of pany to Oregon Land and Livestock from a business trip to the Eastern
The following entries have been
'Examination Should Be Adopted in company, all sections 1. 2, 3, 4, 9, 10,
made at the Lakeview land office on
High Schools/'Affirmative, Lester 11. 12, 13. 14. 15, 16, 21. 22, 23, 24.
lands located in Klamath county:
Boggs, Henry Stanley. Negative, | 25. 26, 27, 28. 33. 34. 35 and 36, twp. well kuown jeweler, is still confined
J ease C. Turner, sec. 11-37-13.
to her bed with sickness. Mr. Hay­
Beinardine Hannon. Hazel McIntyre. 32. r. 11; »1.
William E. Gordon, hoc . 30-40-8.
Pi'mo Solo................Harriet Gregory
California and Oregon lotnd com­ den is also under the weather, and
Andy B. Moore, sec. 30-38-13.
has been able to devote only a portion
• • •
pany to Oregon Land and Livestock
Cordie Moore*, sec. 31-38-13.
of his time to his business.
Wire less Telegraphy
company. NEU, EH SEU sec. 20.
tona F. James, secs2, 11-38-13.
W. H. Wall, who is connected with
Dan Liskey, sec. 2-38-10.
Mr. Faught and Mr. Hawley are oc- | EH NEU, EH SEU sec. 29. EH
Wm. M. Fordney, secs. 2, 11-38-13.
cupying their spare moments these NEU. EH SEU sec. 32-31-11; lot 1, the Jordan-Andree Lumber company
of Dorris, returned there Wednesday, Chester C. Randolph, sec. 12-24-8.
days in setting up and working a HE U NEU. EH SEU sec. 5. EH
Bert North, sec. 31-37-9; sec. 6-
wireless telegraph and X-ray outfit in | NEU. EH SEU sec. 8, EH NEU. . after a day's Visit in Klamath Falls.
the laboratories. This will add ma­ EH SEU sec. 17, EU NEU EH I Mr. Wall, who formerly resided at 38-8.
Keno, is in charge of the lumber com-
Grant Lincoln, secs. 30, 31-37-13.
terially to the laboratory equipment, SEU sec. 20-32-11; »1.
’s logging camp ten miles from
Walter B. Innes, sec 34-37-13.
which is already one of the best in
' Dorris. According to Mr. Wall, the
Walter S. Griffith, sec«. 21. 28-37-9.
the state.
company will get out »35,000 worth
• • •
James C. Hilton, sec. 23-38-11.
Notice is hereby given that the of logs this spring.
James F. Popisll, sec. 1-41-12.
New Books for Library
Dr. F. M. Little and wife, who have
county superintendent of Klamath
Frank It. Horn, sec. 34-37-13.
The teachers are making up an or­ county will hold the regular examina- : been stopping at the Livermore for
Edwin Casebeer, sec. 14-37-14.
der for »100 worth of new books to
tion for applicants for state and coun- ' the past few weeks, left for San
Julia E. Kiehl, sec. 29-37-9.
be added to onr rapidly growing
ty papers at the Public School build­ Francisco last Thursday, The doctor I James E. Newnham, sec. 31-37-9.
library. It is planned before long to ing, Klamath Falls, as follows:
came up here because of the letter
Hunter Savidge, secs. 30, 31-37-9
get our books into a library room and
sent out by Col. M. L. Allison, in
Bessie D. Stindt, sec. 12-38-13.
in charge of a librarian.
Commencing Wednesday, February which he told of the game to be se­
• • •
Mark C. Shallock, sec. 6-37-9.
8, 1911, at 9 o’clock a. m„ and con­ cured here, and also postals showing
J. L. Sparretorn, sec. 30-38-13.
tinuing until Saturday, February 10, the ducks and geese that had been
This is examination week, and we 1911, at 4 p. m.
killed by hunters. He is more than
aTe all eagerly looking forward to
Wed nesday—Pen ma nsh i p, H iatory, pleased with Klamath county.
next Monday, when we will receive
William H. Shaw has opened a law
Spelling, Physical Geography, Read­
our returns.
office in rooms 209-210 in th« Willits
ing. Psychology.
• • •
Saturday night a horse belonging
Thursday — Written Arithmetic, building. Mr. Shaw has been a resi­
A Visitor
Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Book­ dent of this city for the past four >to the Klamath Lumber company
Superintendent Swan was with us keeping, Psysics, Civil Government.
months, and during that time he hits »strayed away from tho stable, and a
Wednesday, and after making a very
Friday—Algebra, Geography, Com­ gained a wide circle of friend?. Dur­ ■ vigorous search tor the animal failed
Interesting speech visited the differ­ position, Physiology, English Litera­ ing that time Mr. Shaw compiled a I to locate it till Monday, when the
ent rooms. We are very glad to have j ture, School Law.
city and county directory, which will i horse was found dead in the pond plastering tho room to be used for ANKH GOLDEN HALM
Mr. Swan with us, and we hope he
pool »nd billiards. All of the light
Saturday—Botany, Plane Geom­ ¡soon be off the pr*ss. For a number , near the lumber company. Tho horse
will visit us often.
have been Installed In the
'of years Mr. Shaw practiced law in wan valu'd at »200. Evidently ft
etry, General History.
Omaha, Neb., from which city he went to tho river after getting away bowling room, and they are admirably Mini hiniK I m o < hiiiidiuiii Figure*«
For County Papers
¡from th«* stable, and wandered from arranged to throw an even light the
Commencing Wednesday, February came here.
IBs Prld<- Io ||<> Worth One
there to the pond where its body waa full length of the alleys.
8,181 1, at 9 o’clock a. m., and contin­
Hundred Thousand
The following list of recent real es-1 uing until Friday, February 10, 1911, at the Klamath Valley Warehouse j found.
• liaising th« Building
tate transfers is furnished by the ab 1 at 4 p. m.
and Forwarding company's building
In order to bo placed on the level
■tract firm of Mason & Slough:
Wednesday—Penmanship, History, Sin.'! iy *hile working on 'he crib
Will Open Next .Month
of the street, the American Hotel pride of Wong Hing Yum, Chino««
Charley F. De Lap et ux to Perry 1 Orthography, Reading, Physical Geog­ bing supportin gthe roof. A wrench
O. Do Lap and G. A. Krause, lots 1,1 raphy.
The work of finishing the interior building, containing in addition to merchant. Is worth »100.000 and his
slipped, causing Mr. Davis to fall,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8 and 9, block 2. all of ‘ Thursday — Written Arithmetic, striking his hips and back across the of that portion of the basement of the the hotel and cafe, the (>. K. barber­ business acumen nets him »11 «6 2-3
block 3, all of block 6, West Lake Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Physi­ edge of two planks. Dr. Wright, who Odd Fellows’ building lo be used by shop and tho Chilcote * Rice real es­ per hour, according to a suit brought
Park addition; »300.
was hastily summoned, found several I Sargent A Wlshard is progressing tate office, la being raised a foot above agnlnst Inspectors Strand and Robin­
State of Oregon to Martha Adams,
Friday—Geography, School Law, ribs broken besides a number of rapidly. The proprietors expect to its former foundation. Tho work Is son. Wong was wrongfully impris­
oned ns a smuggler suspect for six
SEU SWU sec. 19-40-13; »300.
Civil Government, English Literature. bruises. The doctor says that consid­ open their new billiard and i>ool par­ in tho hands of Edward Jacobson.
hours. His business suffered »250.
Mattie J. Beebe to Fred Clift, SW
J. 0. SWAN. County Supt.
W. H. Wall of Dorris, a well known attorney’« fees and costs were |1,Stiff
corner lot 2, block 52. Nichols addi­
vis was fortunate to escape with the part of February.
The plasterers have completed their logging man, wan mng TiK wdav'oa vis­ nnd his pride wn<* hurt for the balanc e
tion, thence N 38 degrees 45 minutes,
E. M. Hammond and W. Ritter of injury he did sustain. He is not dan­
of 1101,500. his complaint says.
work on the bowling alley, and are itors In this city.
W 130 feet, thence S 50 degrees 15 Merrill are Klamath Falls visitors.
gerously hurt.
^ILL be extended in order to give
our customers and the people
0 f the rural district a chance to
a ttend this money-saving oppor-
ti mity. Our sales manager has left,
b ut the bargains are bigger than
e ver. Come and convince yourself
The Portland Store
Next to Postoffice
most desirable as well as use
ful Gift would be either a
Sewing Hachine
Call, write or phone me regarding
easy payment plan
Phone 251