10 BUILD UPPER KLAMATH PROJECT KNTRAGING NEWS CAUITOL he is i mi io ine district the Oregon House, and will go on to their old home ranch as soon aa Hall la able to make the trip. He got better as soon aa he began to climb PlKlNttK IM TO HKt'VHK PI IILit the Sleklyous, and will no doubt noon JACOB RI ECK I1E8KRVKH PRAlNK CAMP QROVICD FOB VNTY FOR HIS WORK recover. CUAIMH MAN l’RONOUNVKl» • Ironworker«, came up tram Han Fra.i* claco Sunday night and will put up the steel on the new bridge which th« Southern I’aclfic 1« erecting aero«« thu Sprague river, The ste»*l will be loaded In a day or two, and It to ex peeled that the bridge will be rom- plated In nbout two week« A Modern Bungalow Wi> would like to «how it to you. It'« near tin* INiNk* Mchool, linn five room« with Imth. 1« new «nd flrst-ila«» tn every re«pec<. The price 1« low nod the term« e«ay—« few hundred cm H and the balance jn«t like rent. Believe« Hr Could Have Huttiilviit DKAI) 18 STILL AIJVK Captain Applegate Expresar*« the A NOTH KIt GOOD ONK Grounda to Mw-f Ilia lt.*.|uirc- Opinion of Many When He Extol« Kiur room liouae in Fairview addi­ UA GRANDE CENTENARIAN Homan Hajm Shipwrecked Sailor 1« uienta for Hummer Home What Han Bren Itone DIKN AT THF AGIO OF lid tion. Thia to « heap at 9000. Imprisoned in the Interior of R um to HOMK I1KHIRABLK M»TM John Prrd LA (IRANDK. Jsn 11 One on the Mil. price «3.10, will A petition has been circulated dur ­ "Hurrah for our Jake" was Captain SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21.-A Applegate's comment on the laconic ing the |>aat few weeks l>> II. 8t. G«»o more, aged 116 years, according to take fllKM* cash and the baianiv iti a 1 man declared legally dead by the dlspatch of Jacob Rueck from Wash­ Bishop, asking that hi« honiesteud on authentic records from France, died year. 1 Until a few California courts two year« ago and ington annuoncing that Uncle Sam Crystal Creek be excluded from the r cently of old age One in Fairview addition, price »1*1 ks ago he was able to walk Into •2AO. only flioo slt In the Hibernia bank, was to Will Be Undertaken Ry Uncle "Jake's head has always been level patent for the name. Hack of this pc. j jilted in a fall several months ngo. below the market. I have b.*en distributed to his heir« In Otic in Nichol« addition. Better aec on that propoaltlon, and the result tition la a controversy that has been Sam—No Details ; Judge Graham's court, is still alive tn shows what there <• In persistence going on for over a year. Aa It grows and he never fully recovered. He thin oui/at ««AO. i Russia, where he is detained by the and good sense. Jake is as solid as older tt become« more vigorous, at wa« a French Canadian, coming to One on t'rewenl avenue, door In, at ___ i authorities for desertion the rimrock that crowns the ridge times touching the acrimonious stage Jhls town 60 year« ago, mid has lived flti.io, only «260 cash. This city was electrified Tueeday milltur« alone «ver Nine«*. Two in First Hot Hpringn addition afternoon be receipt ot a telegaram I from tlic Russian army. above Bonanza, and ought to be re One of the charges connected with Ho was an ardent Catholic, and This is the stoi« of Mrs. E. Cronin, from Jacob Rueck. suiting that ih<»* membered for his good work. Ills is the affair is that C D. Willson has though living alone, “communed" in the reatricted action at 01,1110. Will veil one at «660. with «276 caah. government would undertake to con- ■ with whom Harty Hayes, a sailor. the material that make« gixid mayors been trying to oust Mr Bishop from The tele- •h" been missing ten years, for- and solid county officers Every man. the homestead, and this charge Mr audibly with his God when lonesome It you want a «lie for a fine bungalow struct the Upper project gram was addressed to W S. Worden, merly lived iu thia city, Mrs. Cronin woman and child from Dairy to the Willson vigorously denies. In speak­ or In trouble. are three before you buy. j told the judge that Hayes was ship- head of lutngell Valley, who 1« neither ing of the matter he said: Wr have house« and lota in all arc- county judge. It is as follows: A Crooked Hi ream tiona of the city, an well aa a «elect “I have no desire to Injure Mr. Washington. D. C„ Jan 30, 1911. I wrecked off the easterly coast of the too young nor too old to appreciate The Jordan la the most crooked It»t of country properly. Hen thilcotr "W. 8. Worden, Klamath Falls. Ore. Behring sea. and was apprehended « hat the resurrection oi the Upper Bishop. What I have doue has been t some time after he got ashore by purely for the benefit of the |>eople of project means to their splendid val ­ river known, measuring 713 mil«*« tn A' Rice, adjoining American Hotel, or “Government will build Upper pro­ j military officers for desertion from leys, ought first to shout themselves j thia city. There Is nothing merce­ a distance of 60 mile«. phone not. • ject. Tell Bonansa . the army some years ago. nary about It on my part. What land hoarse* over Jake's victory and then “JACOB RUECK." j He is held, she says, in the town Mr. Rueck has b* en in Washington of Baudrstagt. and she begged the get In and do their ntmoat to get ev­ 1 have at Rocky Point is held under fo: some weeks. He has always had judge to suspend the distribution of I ery speck of land below the Clear lease, and even if I so desired I could ' th’- earnest support of Chiefs Newell the estate until the Imprisoned man I l-ake and Horse Fly reservoir« signed not prevent anyone from coming i Jherron aud camping That Is the and Davis, and mad j a very favorable can be corresponded with and his ex­ up under the project. law governing the leasing of all of! “ The failure of some large land Impression on Se retary Ballinger istence confirmed. Judge Graham owners to sign up, mostly non-real- the land In that vicinity, The peti- I •when he was there last summer. gave the necessary orders. 1 dents, has been a potent cans«* that tlon circulated some time ago asking When he returned this time he had 1 has heretofore given a black eye to for the creation of a park was In my I I no difficulty in int* resting Sec re tar» KLAMATH FAI.I^i YOUTH the Upper project, which Is really In judgment a wise move. It Is true Ballinger in his plans, and the IN VARSITY ATHI.KTICH its natural advantage« one of the I that the laud designated Included' telegram received by Judge Worden choice areas of the entire Pacific 1 Bishop's place, but as I never have today proves that he has been suc- A photograph of the University of coast. Under irrigation It will come ■ bcllevod that It would jeopardize his M rs . M. M c M illan , Propr <*esful in convincing Ballinger that Oregon basketball squad appears in to the front with leaps and bounds. . rights there, lusofar a« they applied i the Upper project is feasible, and that the Oregonian of January 19th. and < and the finely located little town ot I jto -*-*2*2*7_ _ J I maintaining a summer 1 home. Modern improvement«. 73 room« mid Huiten. the government will have ample se­ among the twelve reserve men shown 1 Bonanza, the nucleu» of the three bellove that he will have no trouble curity for the Investment. Sample Room«, Bar Room. Parlor«. Two Club Is John Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. rich valleys, will surely become an In­ M*curlng sufficient ground in the vlcln-1 The history of the Upper project Is C. 8. Moore of this city. Young land city of no mean Importance ity of his house to satisfy all the Room«. Etc., Etc. one that is filled with ups and downs. Moore, who is 21 years of age, and a "It is to be hoped that Jake has as­ needs he may have for recreation When the government first came here 1 member of the junior class, is excep­ surances of money enough for con­ ! grounds. No one could have any ; > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS tt was included as part of the entire tionally fast in the basketball game. tinuous work of the Upper project, I objection to that, but I do believe scheme of reclamation. It was then I and his prospects for a permanent and that the beginning will come ; there would be serious objection to designated as the Upper project As place on the varsity quintet are ex­ with the arrival of the lark In the 1 the closing up of 160 acre« and shut- the work progressed it was found that ceedingly bright. spring. Surely Mr. Rueck will prove j 11 ng the public from It Nf this land a number of the large land owners Basketball enthusiasm Is at its I an able worker while yet In W’ashlng- wdre divided Into half-acre tracts, an would not sign up. and as a conse­ highest pitch at the state university, | ton, along with Delegate Frank Ira has been done with some of the quence the percentage of land re­ and from the showing made by the I White and our other friends In the ground In that neighborhood. It would quired by the government could not candidates for the team, all of the i campaign for work all along the line. afford to the people of this city and ABSTRACTERS be secured. Added to this came local ■ students look forward to the eaptur- 'for the construction of the east branch county an opportunity to have a sum- jealousies which resulted in disrup­ I ing of the Northwest inter-collegiate canal, the drainage of the lake«, and j mer placd there. One-fourth the! A choice llii«*» of InveMt- tion and a demand from the la-nd championship. ¡for the completion of every other es- money arising therefrom would go owners that the Upper project be re­ inent« tlifkt will male«? ' sent lai unit of the Klamath project. ; Into the road and school fund of the leased from all obligations. "But money, MONEY, is what must county, and furnish a perpetual In­ VIVIAN GO I Lit WILL 8N tl>o purchaser i>ioii«*»jbr Mr. Rueck went to Washington for MARY AN ENGIJHH PEER be had for this great work, and old come for those funds. It would be the purpose of getting this release California must be ari/used from her equivalent to $2.60 an acre per an­ from the government. In this mis­ R «tiding of American Heiress and lethargy to a realization both of her num for every acre so leased, and sion he was successful. Later the rights and of her responsibilities I this Is a good deal higher tax than to lx>rd IHtiit, I« get for Feb­ Water Users' association released the touching the Klamath project. Her i paid by most of the land In Klamath ruary 7th landowners* and they were free to i interest Is equal to Oregon's, as far 1 county. ‘shift for themselves." "There has been considerable mis­ NEW YORK. Jan. 21.—Word baa as future construction is concerned, Following soon on the release there been received here from London tha ' and I think as soon as her senators understanding relative to my attitude were a number of small enterprises the wedding of Miss Vivien Gould and and representatives are awake to the in this matter. What I have done has undertaken, some of which have pro­ Lord Decies is set for February "th. interests of their state in this matter only for its object the creation of a MASON A SLOUGH gressed beyond the embryonic stage, No announcement of the date has they will heartily join with our rep­ public recreation ground or park, and actual construction having already been made by the Gould family as resentatives in Washington in asking I think everyone will agree with me been commenced on one. At a meet­ yet. The original announcement of for money enough to complete the I that such a place la badly needed for ing of a number of land owners held the engagement of the couple came \ Klamath interstate project without this city. Under the leasing system not long ago Jt was decided to send from relatives of Lord Decies. I unnecessary delay. In addition to the the income from 160 acre« would I Mr. Rueck to Washington to again I 11,000.000 now considered available make the property worth $40,000. It plead the cause of the Upper project ill will require approximately $4,000,- «trikes me that this would be a pretty and the telegram of today carries the DEBATE IN THE HIGH HCHOOL LAHT FRIDAY AFTERNOON 000 to romPlete the project in all its good sized sum to donate to anyone." glad tidings that he has again won Recently the forestry service sur­ ______ essential details, and of the 14,000,- over the government officials. The members of the Senatus 000 California should ask for at least veyed ten half-acre tracts of land In MTiat the conditions are will prob­ Ronumus debating society held a de- »2,000.000 as her legitimate share of thl« same neighborhood, and leased ably remain unknown until Mr. Rueck them for a rental of $6 a year. There bate at the High school Friday af- t,ie exPense- returns. Certain ft Is, however, that f (S3 has been «onm criticism of this pro­ ail preliminary steps usual in the ternoon, and the negative side won 1 cedure. but when It 1« fully under ­ commencement of a new project must the decision of the judges. The qties- MONARCH OIL COMPANY tlon debated was: ( "AH EYES ON KLAMATH I stood by the public It will have its be followed in this instance, This, hearty Indorsement. These tract« “ Resolved, That the Pacific Coast will mean the signing up of the land, will be leased only as long as those ENG IN ES • BO ILERS • SAW Ml LL5 THf?ESH ER5 State Manager of Big < <>ni|>any Hays securing them comply with the rule« the formation of a water users' asso- Fortifications Are Insufficient.’’ WRITS TOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICSS The affidavit was taken by Roy Nel-1 They May EntoHtoh Branch elation and the signing of a- new con­ of the government. They must be THE AHA VER ILL MACHINERY CO. son and Lloyd Alford, while the neg ­ in Thia Place tract. What percentage of land will SFOKANe, WA3H. » PORTLAND. ORE • SAN UOSt, CAL kept In good condition, and cannot be ative was sustained by Florence Short ! _ 1 _ _j ____ . •... '____ I__ I__ I_ I__ I_ I_ I_ I_ .' ■ . _____ . -. • ' ~TMI I be required remains to be learned. , sublet or used for public purpose«. Ever since the announcement of the and Bernadine Hannon. Thomas O. Daly, state manager of • In addition to these there will be nm- The debating society will meet abandonment of the Upper project a the Monarch Oil Refining company, ' pie camping and recreation grounds | again next Friday. pall of gloom has overhung all of the, I is here from Portland, visiting bls ■ for everyone, thus giving to the pub- ••rsrl. IxlrM *1.»fT**Rnn«»r" huvrl. tumiAsd '•» .« territory affected. It was realized I old friend, W. I. Clarke of the Klam­ | lie what It lost when Odessa and Pel-' ■Mkn« lui irlnxn >*'<• •■ •ri a*/ ... , ,, Z» ,:,ff A »w City Editor NO MONKV HKQI lftKt»uni .u r. .r„. KKIl uni 1 I « «. hi • ei»r ,. , Í M - «Ms that unless something could be done ath Lumber company, and looking lean Bay were closed One-fourth of Viinr-n., ,nywk. Il v„u a,, tl . ,, w,( ............. , , . , 7 Ji I I sulltpzn« of the lands in that section of the rived here on Friday and will assume a brBQCh buglnea8 bere Th kerp Ih» 1 .. y. 1« el.4. n Li. k io u*»l our m.rn,r >. , , ing system will go into the road and ■ FACTORY PGICES l,u,, ‘ * h »> «'•'•' »'* - • ’ r .*«» ¿¡V ■ rnvivwi r«ivu« „t ,miU *,„h, one of ftchool funds of Klamath county, and county, it must remain practically un­ the duties of city editor of the Herald ny represented by Mr , ,lul ,, T, ■ lo III no |.|l -«.n ■1 p« . la I,. hup.,* A,«, u. . 4 |,,, . developed. The news that the gov­ 2Lta_ ung! ,i_pl!clof foremost corporations of the kind the other three-fourths will be used ■ »ni. r I. ...I ri.nr b*. ,. I». iMlhuTItlYah. |* . -, ,,. 1 . t ■ ai rttoj utili! V*J rerriv« our cat I» uè» and karn < .r u«...- ..y ernment will undertake the job means Warren E. Coman, who resigned that in California', and should a branch he for the beautifying of the general i ■ /rt.tt ami Ttmarhabu aleuti U> ridi r ut«. a new lease of life. It will soon be position the first of the year. Mr. 'established here It would'undoubtedly tamping grounds and the building of I VOI WILL BE mOIIIHEOZ!S~— r Aw rm mali« you thh yvar. Wr m »|| thr i » . , s followed by the re-buflding of the Coman will remain In the city, and be the distributing point for a large roads and traHs therein. In the A n—?nJL<’ ier <■“ «*»ry We atri ut . pt, , , town of Bonanza, which was so nearly will take a rest from the strenuous terirtory. ì m< < 1 1. 1 >i \ 1 1 1 c*u ru course of a few years the people of double —___ our Brina. <> > destroyed bv fire some months ago, round of news gathering that he has hKCONIB IIA»I> HlCTi LKK. W. do m - rwularly hand'« -,a| ’ d b . ■, I, » $ i.: Mr. Daly is most favorably Im­ Klamath county will have one of the WIJV ufuall; BaiRaHy (»*•*• a and it holds out to the land owners been engaged In for the past ten pressed with the Klamath country, best public parks on the Upper Lake promp’iy al prk«« rana ina imm •» m »M or 910. be*. num , ir, , { t, ,. roller rhaina i p*tis «.. t« .od the prospect that eventually they will months. and like others, he readily predicts that can be found anywhere In the M1ÌTFB.MAKF1 UlAjlEH-DllAniA «qui.meni U all lindi at tka /ri.//. •»».»» ™ Mr. fllnnot comes to Klamath Falls a brilliant future for our town on West. see their farms blossom out and pro­ I ducing the bounteous crops their fer­ with an excellent reputation as a acount of our abundant undeveloped I newspaper man. He has been special tility Justify. lUtum, From Snn Fran« isco resources. Throughout the entire TO INrfWDUOffoMlR In speaking of the message Judge correspondent for a number of the northern part of the state, Mr. Daly R. J. Sheets, superintendent of Portland papers from his home town, I says, people are watching Klamath regular retail jrice ot thru tirei 6 Worden stated: Falls electric light plant, re ­ Klamath Jt*i. k? /M/r, but to tHirnthafe roe n-tii and has also been telegraph editor of I Falla intently, while In every town patriot 94.wilhor rlin «Hip •• H** Go to fount ruction (amp will attend the meeting of the Oregon upoticeor t wire in a whole season. T hey weigh no more 1 han ROME, .Jan. 21.—A current report t<, pre,ent rim entelli«. Ili Ir ordinary tire, tbepnnrture resistintfqualiticA being given W. R. Evans a-nd wife, who rame Retail Hardware Dealers’ association. an tire will nulls.t »nr nt her Hall Burnham ill by aeveral layers or thin spe< ially prepar«*<| fabric <>n the that the pope had experienced a seri- Win«, sovr. i-l-AiLKJ « im ! tread. Th r regular price of these t ires i apt toper pair,but f >r here recently from San Francisco, He will be gone until February 1st. ous attack of gout was denied KASY lUlliMG. in the I advertising purpose* weare making a sp«-< ml factory pi ice to Hall Burnham, the »on of Mr. and and W. A. Warst went up to the the rider of only >4.M per pair. All mdeis >»liipp<*«f ,U*nf sntr «nm->!iy letter I« recelveit. We.hlpC* n n n« Mr«. H. H. Burnham, arrived here Vatican, where ft was said that the j Erickson & Petterson railroad con- approval. V011 do not nay ■ cent < rut until y<*u y isr cirut. \ < ai rim st ruction camp on the work train ■«k fn I mm u» »M rzla. •• the .1 am 1 tx* — - relumed . A at ..... .. fot - * ' r. . •ending an . order tire* M. may OcH e«pen«e 'tf an« they moved some time ago from their V «re Pacific railroad man, went to Ranta not aatiafaciory on eaaninta.lon. We are perfetti« retlahl« and money aent to ua i« Saturday. * in .» HOUSES FOR RENT ranch in Langell Valley. Halt was Cruz Friday morning, where he will bank. If you order a pair llrd n I . icture-l'roof ilrr. on ■> Who really wants to sc|| «nd get I At the apet inl lnlr k - d i. 1x1 »d. i ni’«!. «ii it* was brought here in charge nt Dr. room« In Nichols addition, vele to Hud the buyer. We make a «peclal- J. S. Jennings, J. Crowe. C. K. m W • lrz.rai a or a f, r <4 1. , lio.n ivone until you 1 n.,w the > fui Osborn of Portland, and is no«- tn- Vmelt NO««. near Crescent ave.......... (20 00 ty of city property and irrigated . Fourth, R. L. Edwards, Van B. offer* we are making. Il only v»ia a poiual to I ar 1 ivcr.tld. der the care of Dr. R. R. Hamilton. Hee Cliilcote A Rice, adjoining the land«. Her Chllcote A Rice, adjoining ! Thompson, William Bruce, .1.’ r. Hall and his mother are stopping at American Hotel Phone 601, American Hotel, or |>hone 601. Speer. Fred Rlckley and R«*rt Bush. num mission ms SUCCESSFUL Lakeside Inn, M ason &. S lough Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages RUSSELL HIGHGRADE MACHINERY J WMTEIM «IDER MEH Í S 50 HEDGETHORN PUNCTURE-PROOF Ml88 ‘ HEALING TIDES CHICAGO « y