ed. Directly over the front of the j IADAIICCC CDICC APTIVC stage a large elk's head had been 1 u i u u u u i painted, and above it was “1911.“ I ( On each side of the room was “B. P. ! CAN’T NI4P IN BY THE SIDE IMMIR 1 O. E. Wishes You a Happy New GOING FORTY MILES AN HOIK Year,” and the pleasure that was I WHEN ROD BREAKS WHEN RATE prevalent during the entire evening proved that the Elks meant what the latest Order of Secretary of the words stated. Over the entrance to Car I« Snianhetl, Hut Neither He Nor Military Authorities Are Powerlcaa to the room was a large stuffed elk's Barney Oldth-ld Wore Injured—'* Stop Them Bet a use There In No Te*»ur) MacVeagh Cause« head, and around the room were On Their Way to Mexco la»w Governing (hr Matter l*ain to Subordinates strung festoons of evergreen, through which twinkled bright colored elec­ MANILA. Doc. 31. Javanese spies WASHINGTON. D. C„ Dec. 30.— tric lights, the whole forming a very j SAN DIEGO, Calif., Dec. 30. Har­ Secretary MacVeagh of the treasury beautiful scene. The electrical dec­ ney Oldfield and Jim Jeffries were ar« active, not only In Manila Bay mid department, noteworthy disciple of orations were the result of Charley thrown into a ditch from Barney's «’erregidor Island, but are engaged in government economy, has a new Baldwin's skill, and they reflected car. It was running at the rate of mapping the entire archipelago The forty miles an hour when the connect* authorities are powerless to Interfere scheme for saving money for Uncle credit on his ability. Sam. which is now being put Into ef-1 A delicious cold luncheon, consist­ Ing rod broke near National City this because there Is no law punishing feet,and which,Incidentally,Is causing ing of salads, sandwiches, olives, fruit morning. Both were unhurt, although spies. The maps are sufficiently de­ a loud voiced wail to emanate from a and coffee was served in the Antlers’ the car was smashed. Barney Old­ tailed to be valuable to the Japanese majority of the 6,000 clerks in his club room in the Page-Stratton build­ field and his wife and Jeffries and In case of an Invasion of the Island. ing. and while there the guests were Frank Chance and wife had started The military authorltes are watching department. favored with mandolin, guitar and on a hunting trip to Mexico. Chance them. The plan is to make it impossible, was with the women, and was driving for clerks to be late without having piano music. About 100 couples were present, his own csr. Oldfleld and Jeff were Marriage License the fact duly chronicled by a watch­ License was Issued Saturday for the man, and having a corresponding and there is not one but is enthusi­ ahead speeding when the accident oc­ amount of time taken off the clerk's astic in their praise of the skill of the curred Chance overtook them and marriage of James W. Pringle and picsed up Jeff and Barney, who con­ Miss Mary Woodward, both of thia annual leave of absence. Secretary Elks as entertainers. tinued the trip in Chance's car, while city. Mr. Priugle is an electrician, MacVeagh expects to accomplish his Barney's car was sent to San Diego while hlti bride-to-be is the daughter ends by requiring all employes to en-' HOY MAY LOSE EYESIGHT of Charles Woodard, the blacksmith ter the building by a- single set of ■ AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT for repairs. doors now being made. In the past there have been clerks Two lads Find a Dynamite Cap and who, when they were late, entered Otte of Them Explodes it. With the building by some other door than Disastrous Results that they were accustomed to use. In rase the watchman attempted to halt1 ICI BRED INTO MISS SMITH'S ARM POINT RICHMOND, Dec. 31 — them they would wave him gracefully BY BURKE aside with the cheerful Information Harvey.Mills. 10 years of age. will — that they were visitors in the city, on probably lose the sight of both eyes a sight-seeing trip. as the result of the explosion of a |h>|H«nitr Attempt Mach- by the De- Th«- RcMtilt .Whirred l>y T1i<-m Shows The qew plan, however well it may dynamite cap which he and a boy feiiM- to Prevent Ex|a*rt Chem­ What Energy and Rustir Can work out. is extremely distasteful to | companion found in a vacant lot yes- ist From Testifying Do in Klamath the clerks. Those who would scorn terday. The little fellow Is confined to filch a few minutes from their gov- , t° n local sanltorhim. where every eminent resent the implied criticism effort is beng made to sav-e hfs eye- SANTA ROSA. Calif , Dec. 20. Rev. G. H. Fees« returned Wednes­ of their honesty of purpose. Those slffht. Powders rubbed in Lue Etta Smith's day from Keno, where he visited at who have used many entrances to Mills and a boy companion. Eddie injured arm by Dr. Burke after the the home of the Nelson brothers, their advantage are peeved because R»ker. found a dynamite cap in a I explosion at the tent contained 7 per Frank and Charles. The Nelsons st « they see a good thing taken from vacant lot while playing about the i cent of arsenic, according to the tes­ among the land owners of Klamath them. streets. They examined it carefully. timony of Thomas Price, an expert county who have shown what can be And then there is another objec- no^ knowing the danger contained in 'chemist of San Francisco, at the I accomplished by energy and hustle. tionable feature to the plan, accord- i article In their possession. Mills Burke trial this morning. ■ They have been residents of thia icg to the viewpoints of the clerks. It laid It on the ground and was gazing Price said enough arsenic to kill a county only about twelve years, and I will soon be necessary for many of at with his face within a few Inches i dozen persons had been used. The while they started with very little of them to walk a block farther than of the deadly cap. when Baker struck ' defense fought desperately to prevent this world's goods, they are now : has heretofore been necessary in or­ it with a stick. The cap exploded, i Price from testifying, but Judge Bos­ < among the most prosperous and I der to get into the building and the the full charge of the dynamite strik­ well overruled the objections. Dis- , wealthy farmers of the county. same distance from the entrance back ing Mills in the eyes and face. ; trict Attorney Lea. Dr. J. W. Jesse The two brothers own something again in order to get to their desks. 'like 1,000 acres of marsh, agrlcul- MISSOURI WOMAN IN A QUEER MATRIMONIAL TANGLE tht> P<»wder price ex- | tural and timber land along the river ■ a mined as u sample round in Mim within a few miles of Keno. They EVERY VOTER IN JEFFERSON I - •- n ........... Now Has TWO Husbands and Does Not Sn,lth " room. Jess«- testified as I have been cutting between 500 and TOWNSHIP DISFRAN'CHINED I j poison expert. ; 600 tons of wild hay, besides a good ! Know How to Get Rid of _________________ quantity of grain, and are running Either of Them I Situation several hundred head of cattle. Last IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT tory ST. LOUIS, Dec. 30.—A divorce de­ OVER FORTY-FIVE YEARS year they began dyking their swamp land holdings, and expect to have the cree granted to James L. Powell. No­ vember 1st. and set aside three days Cornelius Dayton Beaune Insane dyke completed and the land re­ claimed the coming season. This later, following the marriage of Mrs. From Nunstroke, and Believes the WEST UNION, Ohio, Dec. 30.— May Louise Powell to C. Frederick will give them a large body of the Civil War la Ntill Raging Every voter in Jefferson township has Ekfelt, was finally annulled when richest land In the county. While been disfranchised for five years, all Circuit Judge Muench dismissed the WINSTED. Conn., Dec. 31—After their success has been far above the having been indicted on a charge of re-opened divorce suit. The court's having been held in solitary confine­ average, they have earned It by thor­ I vote selling as a result of the in­ action leaves the woman with two ment for more than forty-flve years, ough attention to business, and it vestigation of the Adams county elec­ husbands. Judge Muench declared or since the end of the civil war, Cor­ I serves as a good proof of what can tion frauds. The township residents bls decision to be due to evidence of nelius S. Dayton, 71 years old. was be aecomplished in Klamath County are puzzled how to provide township collusion of the Powells. He offered found today by Dwight W. Thrall of by men who are not afraid of work government. no suggestion as to Mrs. Powell’s Hartford, state humane agent. Impris­ and are determined to win. The situation is believed to be un­ means of extricating herself from her oned in a one-room building on the paralleled in the country’s history. matrimonial tangle. farm of his brother-in-law, Cornelius S MR KT AR Y OF INTERIOR HAN Other townshps are thought to be in Andrus, near Winsted. SIGNIFIED HIN APPROVAL a similar predicament. Judge Blair NEW DIRECTORY OF From the man's mother, Mrs. Julia- CITY TO BE OIT SOON A Dayton, who is 93 years old. Thrall expects to arrange some form of gov­ • ernment until the period of disfran­ learned that Dayton, who was a pri Word of U m - Release Ha» Been Re­ Has 3,(*6O Name«, and Will (Nmtain raft in Company F, Twenty-eighth' chisement will expire. ceived by the Water Usara’ the Names of All Persons The work involved in the investiga­ I Association legiment Connecticut volunteers, bad Over Sixteen tion was enormous. The county offi- been hopelessly insane and violent. oers-elect today donated their services since he suffered from a sunstroke on , Some two months or more ago a W. H. Shaw has completed the the battlefield. Dayton believes, his ' petition was presented to the secre­ to the men whom they will succeed in order to get all the indicted persons work of classifying the names of the mother says, that the war still is In tary of the interior asking that the residents of this city, and will issue progress, and that Abraham Lincoln marsh lands lying between the river into court. the new directory he has been work­ is president. and the railroad be released from the ing on in a few weeks. In his can­ MINS ADA SMITH TESTIFIES reclamation project. A letter was re­ IN DOCTOR BURKE'S TRIAI. vass of the city he found there were ceived from the secretary on Friday 3,060 persons over 16 years of age. HARRY P. GALARNEAUX containing his assent to the release, MARRIED IN SACRAMENTO Interest Centers on Witness' Personal I and according to the computation of and now all the lands lying between population this city has 5,360 inhabi­ History — Overhears Con­ the railroad and the lake have been tants. The directory will give a list Takes a« His Bride Mian Mary Ell«-n released from the contract with the versation Haley. Who Is Well Known of the streets, the lodges, buildings government. in This City SANTA RO8A, Calif., Dec. 30.— and miscellaneous information, and The following Is the reference In Miss Ada Smith, the prettiest witness will be one of the most complete ever the letter to the lands in question: yet called in the Burke trial, testified issued in a town of this size in Ore- Harry Peter Galarneaux, the popu­ “The Klamath Water Users' Aso- this morning. The testimony was not gon. lar real estate man. and Miss Mary clatlon is advised that this depart­ important, the interest in the trial Ellen Haley, the well known young ment would approve a release of the centering chiefly on the witness' per­ MEXICAN TRINH’S CAPTURE lady who has been a dressmaker at foilowing lands from the terms of the sonal history. The attorneys spared REVOLUTIONARY STRt»GIIOLD O. M. Hector’s store for some time stock subscription and other obliga­ her, skipping over the most sordid past, were married last week in Sacra1- tions In connection with the system, details which the witness told of tend­ Fourteen of Them, However, Are mento. The license was issued in vis.: ing Lu Etta Smith's baby prior to the Stockton last Saturday, and gave the “All lands west of the embankment Slain—Rebels Retreat Through explosion. She also repeated conver­ ages of the contracting parties at 40. of the California Northeastern rail­ I the Mountain« sations she overheard between Dr. It is not known when they will re- road in sections 19 and 30, township Burke and Lu Etta Smith. The cross turn here. 39 south, range 9 east. Willamette GALVESTON, Texas. Dec. 30.— examination of Earl Edmonds, an em­ Private dispatches confirm the reports meridian, and In sections 23, 24, 25, ploye of the sanitarum, was complet­ that the federáis have raptured Mal­ FEDERAL TRINH'S ARE 26, 35 and 36, township 39 south, ed. Ada Clark is on the stand this paso, the revolutionary stronghold, ORDERED TO THE BORDER range 8 east, Willamette meridian, afternoon. and In sections 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 14, and also confirm the reports of the death of Colonel Guzman. General Mobilized on tin- .Arizona Side on Re­ 15, 16, 21, 22. 23, 26 and 27, town­ OPERA HOUSE WAS VERY TASTE- Esculerado led the federáis, fourteen ship 40 south, range 8 east, Willam­ ceipt of News That Trouble FULW DECORATED ette meridian, excepting lands form­ of whom were killed. The rebels re­ I« Expected ing part of the first unit above men­ treated through the mountains. tioned. Very respectfully, HUASHUAC'A, Ariz., Dec. 31.— Not a Thing Neglected That Would EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS “R. A. BALLINGER. Secretary.” Troop C of the federal cavalry was or­ Induce to the Comfort of The owners are now at liberty to go TO BE HELD NEXT MONTH dered to Sonora at noon today on re­ ahead and dike their lands and im­ the Guests ceipt of advices that trouble was ex­ January 19th and 20th Arc the Dates pected between the Mexican troops prove them as they may see fit. —County Su|M‘rintendent Should and the insurrectionists. They are The annual ball of the B. P. O E. Be Notified mobilized on th«- Arizona side of th« in the opera house Thursday night Mexican border. was a success in every respect. Not The dates for the next Eighth grade a thing was left undone which would (examinations are January 19th and SEATTLE, Dec. 29.- May Harris, Ifrnvy SartHMm make the guests more comfortable ( 20th, 1911. Teachers having stud­ i 18 years old, the wife of James flar- and from the minute the first strains ents ready to take this examination “What sort of a calendar should ! ! ris, and the mother of a little girl. of music caused the dancers to form should certify them to the county buy for a young man who gives me a 1 who was rescued Christmas day from on the floor until they departed for superintendent, certifying that they set of furs?" a Japanese boarding house where she their homes in the “wee sma" hours” ! have completed the work of the “Why buy a calendar, dear girl? 1 had been held forty-six days, was sent there was nothing but pleasure for ' 'Eighth grades and have spent at least Take a brewery calendar and paste ( to the Insane asylum today to recover all. the effects of drugs. * I seven months In each of the Seventh your visiting card over the advertís- ■ frorn The room was beautifully decorat- and Eighth grades. A telephone call for help was re- Ing part.” Kansas City Journal. JEFFRIESTHROWNFROMAUTO A ANL L GOVERNMENT CLERKS ANGRY IIL A II L hv ,h* 1>O||C<’ Christmas, and It tt took them to a JaptiTisaa place, where after three tlmi'S aeiuchltig they found tht> girl In n wlndowlesH room. Her RKDMKN HAD JOLLY TIME LAST condition was most pitiful. Slie dlaappearod when she boarded Till RNDAY NIGHT a street car to go home after visit Ing her parentH Her father wheeled the baby home, No trace had been found Herve Delicious Clam Chowder to tlie of the girl until the telephone call Mcnilter» nml a Number of was received She al leges she was Invitisi Guests drugged ail the time she was held captive, and that liquor was force«! down her throat. The members of Modoc Tribe No. 50, I. O. It. M . gave a “hcav big feed" AMERICAN CONNl'L WILLIAMSON Thursday night io which several IS ATTACKED guests as well as the members of that popular tribe did ample justice. They had a lot of clams In th« shell sent here by express, six! Harry llarkcnato made it clam chowder that could not WASHINGTON. I>. Dec. 3» Ofllcltils fear the attack ut Bitlny by be excelled anywhere. Those who cared to Indulge«! In a Japanese ami Chinese on American \ Ice Consul Williamson Is n forerun social dance, mid everyone present i.«r of anti-American demonstrations passed a very pleasant evening Mo- Severe punishment of the offenders doc Tribe never does things by halves, and the social evenings that they will be demanded from .lapnn. The reports indicate that William­ have at frequent intervals are always most enjoyable son barely escape«! with his life HEAP BIG FEED ’FOR M000CS HOUGH POISOH10 Kill « DOZED HIVE SPIENOIO PEACE NEAR KENO I Lakeside Inn MRS. M. McMILLAN, Propr Modern improvement 73 rooms und suites Sample Rooms. Bur R<■'•tn. Parlors. I'wo Club Rooms, Etc SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS M ASON & S l OU GH ABSTRACTERS A choice lin« of InvvMt- mentN finit 111 limit« tlx« ptirclinwer money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON A SLOUGH INUCMTOWW ■||T 0 ra ■ ••<> d t a t r»c t to ■ iw ■ r.d» «nd rahitata Our 4grtna rwryulwr« are u .It a a j ..••»*•«4 r«.ur hpyrk U r ahi« f in advance. and riJ**l4™l^<«4H»»n< with h time > ..1 nxayn. . 4t»«i *r* nn* “V v -h«d .u 1« »••P th* Incyt 1» ansp it !«■ k to ua al our expense and re»// we/ Je .»w . ew/ >w-ae»a >»*««, FACTORY PRICES ** **ou*h. l>l* »”■'* '«y -• •« •• i-- in« direct uf tu * nd hit HI T • h»cy< I« or a jM«r <»f lire« fi •« «V untUyo«r«c»t»» o«ir cauLvura and and Irani l«»rn our ouf unb«4r«i unh»,id ,,t /«.«ar, our catAhwuea /etzej and rr«M.reA«d4r e/rej i t<> to rider RffenU. a|r>til4. y*MI '•*■*'*• «»»r heatp ful cataUmM and .tudy our •ut -rh mr.dela al the «»>... am behind row bfcwte t>o hor HAT < h..r,'Uf ’*'■ hJ“ 1 "* Order» I.., 1 HANI) Hit YCOta. yr rwuhrlj harvff« arrnnd Fund » ••«le« hut number on takmjB hai ------------- ----------------- i.- -r our < ht< 4go rrml rtorra The** * •- • .c^t out ^tradeby ?r r»i ‘ in. IO. llev lie., rlpi not « . k,r , lf.r J. Whwto, |n>vr<-d roller eitains , 'p^Uat*. and MUTEiaaitui saS-iST»*- -------- -------- II kind* at W/ the sum / retail /r, et. than any other ia^**»** fa« fory I niC YCEF. DMA price« PUH 50 HEDGETHORH HEDGETHORN PUHCTURE-PROOF <180 »4 SAMPLE PAIR X SELF-HEALING TIRES > niHIIUDUOi,OIILT »<|50 Thr rigtilar retail^rire of Ihtu tirn u fJUO per Fsif’. I" I*traduce we trill MllyottaLam^le^airtoridJiOUaihwithorderyy'i), ■0 MORETIOIBLE FROM PINCTHES NAII.M, Tanka or <>laaa will tint Ini th« air out. Siatr thnuaand |ntire «old la»t year. Over two hundred thuuaand paira now tn uae. OerOAIPTIOHt Madnlnall eier< It iatlmlv andeaayriding.verydnrableand linedineid*with a apeclal quality of rublier, which never Ir-contr-a poronaand which cloaca up «malt pslr. All or* In a bank. If y know that you will lie to well ph a«wd tUt when jrt.u u r.t a ti y< < p t t» r'markable tire offer ” pair of ioT;:.r'' mil at the apetdal Introductory prl< e quoted al.» , . ■ ■ r <>■ l.< Tire and Min.. > « i ,i. ■ w likh deatribeaaml quoieaall mat .aand tn II fl t iil-.u» l.jlf the „.«al r.-„ « but w, e, >|,.nal !,v. »»<• <>, l III S k <>|' It!'V | N> oi a pair a f..”n , > <■.,.« until you kri >«r the n w > I u offer* we are making. It ouiy cr,atsn ¡.Z ul I , I.., n K ir>,hUrf. Write H Nx»W. IF YOU NEED TIRES DO NOT WAIT J. L MEAD CYCLE COMiW, CHICAGO, ILL