Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 22, 1910, Image 5

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    I delegates there. He further Intimat­
ed that lie thought this upper country
would rtMt'lve fuir treatment In I he
expenditure of nogt year's road moo­
ny. Mr. Uhrman returned from the
convention uh a goo«l roads enthu­
Ed Wiggins, who Is freighting for
parties n«ar Bly. stopped over Bun­
day with his mother. Mrs. G. G. An­
Philip Oden of Pine Flat trans­
act««! business hi Bonanza Saturday.
Tho remount rance ugalnst th««
licensing of a saloon In Dairy has
about forty signatures. More will be
had when II receives rural circulation.
Remember the dance and basket
The young
Mrs Burr Terry Is building an Im­ Hiippnr, January 30th.
men In chsTg«- wish to announce that
proved poultry house.
Bill Tingley butchered some hog» It Isn't a get-rlch-qulck affair. Any
surplus above expenses will apply to
this week.
Jim Jury was running a meat wig- the grand masquerade to follow later
on. The Poole orchestra will furulsh
I on last Sunday.
Imst week two well known resl- the music.
| dents of this vicinity went to the
I Falls, and on the way one of them got A<TIN<J GOVERNOR IH
stuck In the mud In front of Mr Ter­
ry's place, but was finally extricated
after an hour's work and the use of Signed III* (Vrtffiralr «»f Mectlon In
Severs I < ' m | mic R I«*» 4>p|H>n«-nt
i both teams.
Had No < fiance
broiiKlit back u homo b«*lotiKltiK to
Mr, Oden.
II. II. Roberts und wife went to
Klainath Full» Saturday.
Don't forgot the basket nodal ut
Oli'iio Friday night, I lie 23d
,lo<< Provo went to tho Falla Friday.
('lurk und Perry Nickson wont to
Klumuth Falla Monday.
dl < ision w im , in. maiii : w 11 mix
Mr. mid Mra. J. Iloliuek went to
i wENTY roi it IIOI itH
tho Falla Tuesday.
Mra. Mary Murk und daughter. Al*
bortu Graham, wont to Bonunza Mou*
day. We arc gli««l to aec Alberts able
to travel around ugaln.
Itailoaul Maiium**** Muy llie Men Are
I 'll let
Ih'wmiKbi M|a-e<|jr Ai llon
t'llK'AGO. Dec 21
Grand Chief
Htone of th« Brotherhood of Uxonio-
tlvo Hngineem today dialared that
the question whether tho 36,000 en­
gineers of the sixty-one Western rail­
roads would strlko or not would bo
decided within the next twenty-four
Labor Commissioner Neill
conferred with the railroad managers
thia morning and this afternoon will
confer with Htone Mr Htone said
•'We will not tolerate any further
dallying The action must be a|M«edv
and decisive."
The beat the railroads offer so far
1a an Increase of W ty per cent, and
thia baa been refused
The railroad
presidents say
"Htone la Just bluffing, and does not
intend to order a strike."
The brotherhood advisory board
has m < telly conferred, and when Neill
reports the board will finally decide
the strike question
School In Poe Valley closed Friday,
December Sth, with only one grad­
uate, Dewey Griffith, who baa been a
faithful scholar, only being absent
one day. and then be was caught In
II II. Robert's trsp. Wo hope he will
•tart to High School soon.
Frank Jobes passed through the
Valley Friday with the piping to his
well which he has had drilled on his
ranch In Sand Hollow.
H. II. Roberta and wife went to
Klamath Falls Saturday.
Vivian R. Evans and Archie Rob­
erts wentt o the Falls Saturday.
Don i forget tho Christmas tree at
Poe Valley Is the moat prominent
Mount laikc church December 24th
Valley in the county, as one of Its
Basket supper. Everybody Invited
Immbi has taken a homestead What
Tin I-ad lea' Aid met at Mrs Boh place can beat that?
Shorts last Wednesday Those« in at­
Fred Egllngton and wife and
tendance were M«-»dmnea Hteeman. daughter. Mm. Oscar Ime. went to
Case, Klamath Falls Saturday. The latter
Koontt, Ln Prairie, Powell. Colson Is going to Seattle, Wash., where she
and Short.
goes to join her husband, who Is
Hctiool in l*one Pine district close's I teaching a music class.
Frida« after a very successful term,
J. Holmes went to Klamath Falls
under the able management of Mlns Saturday and returned home Hunday.
Frida Nltchelm
Mtn a Kutty Barry, who has been
Mrs Ruby Greeley of Klamath teaching In Poe Valley, returned to
Falla was visiting relatives In the her home In Imkevtew Monday.
Valley mat week.
Neill Webber. John and Glenn Van
Mrs Im Prairie was In town Friday Meter,, U. H Roberts and Dennis
night to attend th«« meeting of Ewau* Provo are busy working on the tele­
nM Circle No. 047.
phone line.
Chas. Hteemaii was In town last
Etnll Berllng stayed all night at
his bom« In Poo Valley Tuesday
George Grizzle was a caller at the i night
Falls last Thursday.
Ixissen Roas went to Klamath Falls
Roy Richardson of Merrill was a Tuesday with a load of cream.
«-slier at Klamath Falla on Monday.
Joseph’Taylor sold a team of roan
Mr« Mollie GalorneailX has been i horses to Clarence Mitchel last week.
dangerously ill for a week, but we are I the price paid being 2250. It Is a
glad to hear she Is on the gain now, team anyone would be proud to own
and th« doctor thinks she will re­
Chas Kester went to Klamath
Falls Tuesday.
Mr. und Mm. Frank Dingman were
Don't forget the basket social at
visiting at George Gristle's last week. Olene Christmas eve
Ray Reese has been very sick, but
Is on th« road to recovery now.
Miss Gertrude Hteeman was visit­
ing Mary Short last Sunday.
Yalnax has a wood and coal oil
II. F Phillips was in town Satur­ famine
Owing to bad roads nearly every­
MlM J eagle Ashley spent Sunday thing Is at a standstill.
with Mrs A W Ross
A petition has been circulated
School In th«« llenley district has among the Indians at Yalnax to send
closed on account of bail w««ather and I representation to Washington for th««
roads, as the little ones were unable . pgrpoae of settling old boundary dis-
I putes, etc. Sargents Brown and Kane
to attend.
Burre I Short and won. Alton, were were at the head of It.
In the Falls Monday.
W. L. Koshow has been purchasing
A. W. Ross and L. West were In cattle and horses on the reservation
Klamath Falls on biistneaa.
for the last couple of weeks
Martin Kitchen of Portland Ims Koshow came up from the Falls, and
moved out on his homestead on the Is riding the country with him.
east side ot lx>st Rover.
Yalnai will soon have a full dodged
Richard and Harry Quimby were postoffice
B. E Wolford will offi­
calling on Roy und Rex Im Prairie ciate as postmaster. The office will
last Sunday.
be In Hplnk A Wolford's store.
IB. C. Reams has moved his family
Everybody Is buying Christmas
Into th« Ir fine new house on his home gifts, and the Yalnax store is crowded
daily with purchasers.
Harry Booth and wife were In the
Mr. J. A. Garber went over to Bo­
Falla Saturday.
nanza for the mall Haturday and re­
The Ladles' Aid will meet with Mrs. turned Hunday.
Chan Steeman Wedneaday, January
Tin« two day schools, one at Spring
4th. An all-day'a »««salon, picnic din­ Creek and the other at the Pimate
ner. A general Invitation to all the Camp, will begin January 1st. It Is
members and friends to come and not known here who will have charge
bring their families and help make of them.
the jollification one to be remem­
An Insurance agent has been
around insuring old shacks for about
Mr. a-nd Mm. Knman were in town ten times their value and colecting his
Saturday from their ranch on Loot fees, and it looks to us as if some one
would get stung.
Tommy Newton is hauling hay to
Hunting Is In full blast, and It Is
the Falla.
hard to keep ammunition enough to
Roy and Rex Im Prarle were In supply the demand. Dave Skun is
town Monday.
out on the trail at present, and ex­
Mr. and Mrs Elliott were In Klam­ pects he will return ladett with game
ath Falls Monday from their ranch of every description.
on Ixist River.
Mr. Combe and wife and daughter.
Ines, wore callers at the Falla Tues­
Mm. Orin McCumber has been
Don’t forget the Christmas tree. ill the last week, but Is reported as
December 24th, at the church.
W. P. 8edge A Son have received a
large consignment of suitable holiday
goods. Do your shopping early.
Vivian R. Evans went to Klamath Nothing choicer outside of Klamath
Falla Saturday.
Wm. Uhrman returned from the
Pearl McFall. Aneta and Frank
Kester went to Klamath Falla Satur­ Good Roads convention at Portland
Saturday. He spoke In comm« idable
day and returned home Monday.
Archie Roberta and Wald H. Oden terms of Judge-elect Worden's Influ­
went to Langell Valley Saturday and ence and position among the many
strong In th«- East," said Mr. Oliver, with all Its conservative traditions«
but New Orh ans Is putting up a noble and the freest government in Europe,
fight. I lelleve that the California that the feeling is strongest. To al
i great extent this Is du« to the fact' I^H h of It in KluliMtli Falls, But Dally
m««tro|>olls will get the plum.
Growing Is-»*«
.that in Great Britain the upper classes
Mach Mvincyr for M| m «<«>
"The Harriman people are spend­
The kidneys cry for help
ing lota of money for space for ex- I been practically Identical. And the
Not an organ In the whole body so,
j hlbits. They have spent 220,000 thin
year, and 'hey have had the best lo­ ! Ing among the English maiwn for delicately constructed.
Not one so Important to health.
cations. At Chicago they rented the ■ forty years ha» intensified popular I
The kidneys are the filters of tho
«rntlre Coliseum annex, and filled It
with exhibits from Oregon, Callfor- of the upper class«» which substan­ blood.
When they fall the blood becomes
[ nla, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, tially means all of them who have
selfishly monopolized the land for foul and poisonous.
Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado,
their own pleasures.
There can be no health where there
Need Exhibits From H«*re
Recent advance«! legislation, tend­ Is poisoned blood.
"There is one thing I want to Im­ ing towards the breaking up of the
Backache la one of the first Indi­
press on the minds of the people of great lan«l««d estates han made matters cations of kidney trouble.
Oregon and this county, and that Is worse, too. Instead of better. The
It Is the kidneys’ cry for help. Heed
the necessity for sending an exhibit people who want land are angrier it.
to the big Western products exhibi­ than they were before, because they
Doan's Kidney Pills are what is
tion to be held in Omaha January have secured only a part of what they wanted.
18th to 2Mb. The Hill people have consider their due, while the landed
Are just what overworked kidneys
secured a apace 120 feet long on the aristocracy is furious over having had need.
south side of the auditorium for their to relinquish eve a fraction of its
They strengthen and Invigorate the
exhibits, and will have It filled with poss«*sslons.
kidneys; help them to do their work,
, the products of the country tributary
never fall to cure any case of kidney
' to their road.
“Tho Harriman lines have rented FIXgm PETRIFIED SKELETON
Andrew Cantrail of Jacksonville,
I space in the center of the floor, which
Ore., says: "I used Doan's Kidney
has a frontage equal to that of the
Pills, and I am glad to say that they
people, and will fill It with exhibits I-ong Beach, Calif.. Man Unearths the helped me greatly. This remedy came
Pram«* of Preh latori«- Monster
from their tributary country. What
to my aid when I was suffering from
While Digging
we want to do Is to get an exhibit in
backache, and out of gratitude I rec­
PORTLAND, Dec. 20. Governor
that space that will attract attention.
ommend it highly.”
Benson of Oregon had that honor
LONG BEACH. Calif., Dec 21 —
We can do It If we try. If every man
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
I thrust on him by the election of for­
who has something worth showing Part of the petrified skeleton of a cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo.
mer Governor Chamberlain to the
will bring It In I will see that it is gigantic mastodon was unearthed to­ N. Y., sole agents for the United
United States senate, and h«« acts In
sent away. If we can get the people day near Devil's Gate, at the east end States.
the dual rapacity of governor and •>••<*-
to come by way of California they of the city, by R. W. Benbow, who
Remember the name—Doan's—and
retary of staje, hla former position.
will stop here, but if they come by was excavating In the high bluff above take no other.
He has just been re-elected secretary
the northern route it will mean that the ocean for a building. His first
of st.it«, and hla certificate of election
the majority of them do not get here discovery was an immense tooth of vn STORK TRAIN FROM NEW
was quite a document.
at all, but stop In Montana, Idaho, extinct animal and many minor bones.
It show««! that he had been elected
Washington and the northern part I He made a further inv«*stlgatlon, pick­
over hla opponent by a handsome ma­
of the state, or else go Into Canada. ing deep Into the ancient shore line, Fifty-Three Babies Sent to Texas
jority. as duly counted by himself as
We should have one of the best ex­ and finally struck what appears to be
From the lastrm Metropolis
secretary of state. In the presence of
hibits In the exhibition, and could do the complete frame of a prehistoric
Provided With Hom«*»
himself as governor, as provided by
ho If we make up our minds to it. If monster, solidly Imbedded in a stra­
law. It showed further that the cer­
every man does something It will not tum of shell and disintegrated rock
HOUSTON. Texas. Dec. 21.—The
tificate wan Issued to himself by him­
be bard on anyone, and will make a formation. He exposed enough of the stork train from New York bearing
self. and signed by himself as gov­
huge bones to indicate the outline ot
showing we will be proud of.
fifty-three orphaned and foundling
ernor. and that signature attested to
“I am glad to get back home, and an animal, and then left It for futute babies reached here on time, and was
by another signature signed by him­
Indications are that
I believe that we will get great re­ exhumations.
given a warm reception. The demand
self as secretary of state. Truly hla
sults from the work that has been the find may be of great scientific for the tiny folk proved so strong that
opponent had no chance at all.
done this season. The Klamath De­ value.
the quota for the city was speedily
velopment company provided the lit­ I
exhausted, and the supply destined for
erature, and I certainly disposed of
New York's fourth annual elec­ San Antonio narrowly escaped confis­
lots of it. If we senc^that exhibit trical «how, to be held in October, cation.
: to Omaha there will be greater re­ promises to eclipes all previous ef­
sults, and we want to get busy at forts in that line.
Germany's increased tax on match­
es has led to the invention of several
Norway has one pharmacy to every types of electric cigar lighters for
: 16,000 inhabitants.
public places.
Thousand of lU-sitk-nta of th«« East
Have Bern Mad«* Acquainted
land Hung«'r Among th«* Mass»-» Has
With This Region
Forced Organization of Working-
mm Pledged to E«iual Rights
Cale T. Oliver, the enthusiastic
Klamath County booster, returned
Thursday from the East, where he
had been disseminating Information
about the Klamath country.
The colonisation department of the
Harriman lines, with headquarters
at Omaha, under the charge of George
L. McDonough, has been caring for
th«« exhibits, which the road carried
free of charge and provided space
for in their exhibition.
The exhibit from this county was
exhibited In the following cities and
displayed at land shows and fairs,
and at the same time literature was
distributed to those Interested:
Des Moines. Iowa, state fair Aug­
ust y*>th to September 2d. Inclna^o.
Hamline. Minnesota, state fair.
September 5th to 10th. inclusive.
Nashville, Tennessee, state fair.
September 19th to 2 4th, inclusive.
Springfield. Illinois, state fair. Sep­
tember 30th to October Sth. Inclusive
Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, big land
show. October 17th to 29th inclusive, i
Council Bluffs, Iowa, national hor-1
ticuitural show. November 10th to
19th. Inclusive.
Chicago, big land show at Coli­
seum. November 19th to December
4th. Inclusive.
Chicago, national livestock expos'-
tion. November 22d to December 3d.
"The exhibits were carried at the
expense of the Harriman lines," sa'd
Mr. Oliver to a Herald reporter, "and
at Des Moln««s at the Mate fair th«
specimens which were displayed dur­
ing Mr. Ballinger's visit here were ex­
hibited. and I might also state that
Klamath county was the only Oregon
county with an exhibit there. The
Harriman people had charge of that
exhibit, and distributed the literature.
The name la trite of the exhibit at
Mamllne. Minn., Nashville, Tenn., and
Springfield. III.
"I didn't join them until the Pitts­
burg land show was started. That
was held in the Duquesne Gardens,
and comprised the products of the na­
tion. Over 300,000 persons attended
that show, and 90 per cent of them
saw the Klamath county exhibit. I
passed out 10,000 pieces of literature
to them. The Pittsburg people are
keenly Interested In the West, and I
never saw people so eager for infor­
"Some people may have the Idea
that it was one continual round of
pleasure for us, but they are mistak­
en. We were on the floor from 10
o'clock In the morning until 11 at
night, and were talking or passing
out literature all the time.
•Frisco Fair Spirit Strong
"The San Francisco fair spirit Is
LONDON, Dec. 21.—After an un­
disputed reign of more than 1.000
years, the European "ruling classes”
are beginning to realize that the ex­
istence of their order is threatened
Not even the French
revolution Itself—hitherto perhaps
the most remarkable social upheaval
in the world's history—was so signifi­
cant as the present movement of the
masses against the classes. For the
French revolution was local and the
people of most other European coun­
tries repudiated it. The present agi­
tation Is comparatively peaceful, but
there is no spot in the old world
where it is not being felt.
Curiously enough, it is In England.
United States Land Office. Lakeview.
Oregon. December 13. 1910.
Notice is hereby given that the
State of Oregon has filed in this office
its application, serial 04175, to select
under the provisions of act of con­
gress. approved August 14. 1848, and
the acts supplemental and amenda­
tory thereto, the SE% NW^, section
19. township 37 S, range 9 E, W. M.
Any and all persons claiming ad­
versely the lands above described, or
desiring to object because of the min­
eral character of the land, should file
their affidavits of protest In this office
on or before February 11, 1911.
i New Blacksmith Shop i
On Klamath Avenue
near 0- K. Feed Bam
♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
A Book of Interest
to all is that issued to deposit­ ♦
ors in the First Trust and Sav­
ings Bank.
Why not insure ♦
yourself a present of one at
Christmas. Or if you have ♦
youngsters start a small ac-
count in their names, Give
them the bank books and teach
them the habit of saving. You
couldn’t make them a better
present, no matter what your
present circumstances may be.
First Trust and Savings Bank
Hector’s Department
The best place to buy Christmas Goods. Toys,
Handbags, Novelty Sets for Children, Furs, Fancy
Combs and Barrettes to match, New Belts, Gloves,
Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, etc.
We wish you to visit our Handkerchief Depart­
ment, where you can find a beautiful assortment of
Handkerchiefs at 5c, 8 l-3c, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c, 25c,
35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 each.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
In the Men's line we are offering a beautiful line
of Men's Neckties at 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00.
Some very* special values at 39c and 62c, put up in
individual boxes—Regular 50c for 39c, and regular
75c for 62c each.
Men’s Dress Shirts for $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75.
For the Ambitloos—
Toys at prices that will surprise you.
Come here and see what you can buy for 5c, 10c,
15c, 20c and 25c.
Men's Hats for $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00.
Men’s Clothing and Overcoats at reduced prices.
Big line to select from and at a saving from $3.00 to
$7.50 on a Suit.
We are also making special prices on Men’s,
Women’s and Children's Shoes.