♦ « « * * VOL. XV M i i I kx I« NO 38 KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 22, f9IO PHYSICAL BASIS Hidden KLAMATH REPUBLICAN U or»«* i liuti Open Rebating Ar«* in Operatimi— R«-|M*rt of < u » u « i I(I«* m WASHINGTON. I» «'.. Dec. 21.— The i«*i>ort of the Intvrstat«* Com­ merce n gres» d«*mund« th«* ph>»l«'nl valuation <>f railroads It suys "it Is a well known fact that ti<> tout«, commission, a«-« «mutant »t of th«- pnux*rt> or wiii< n snggosts even remotely either tin money lnv«*ated or th«* present value.” The r«*|x>rt n»»crta that th«* most important feature now In railroad law Is the provision authorising the