Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 08, 1910, Image 3

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    boiift of two «otit Incuta. The Haiti' tal of the republic, one t un manage to
chain of mountain* that twin'« get along on English.
I)r. Pubic Aroucmna, pr«*Hldent of
throughout the Far West In "The
Htnt«*a.” and I h known in» the Ilockl**.1, th»» republic, speaks English fluently,
appears In dwarf on the slender link as, lnd<'c<l, do the majority of the up­
between tlu< North and Month Amer­ per c I iihhch ot Punamaiiliins.
ican continents to break out later In daughters of nearly all prominent cit­
majeatlc peaks and mounlaln gran­ izens ar«* educated either In the Unit­
deur, uh the Andos In Mouth America aid States or abroad, and many of
CLAIMED THAT IT HII.L BK CO.M- The Hovering ot the buck bone of Iwn tlii'ir Hons likewise
hontlnenta I m a Oaiguntuan surgical
Piiioinut lo<lc|H'ii«l«til lt< pul»ll<
•>|M»ratlon of nine lull«-» of cutting
While Putin mu I h tin lnd»<p«*ndent
I Th«* French did a portion of th»* work,
' but on u small scale. At present a lepubllc, gulnlng freedom with the
‘ horde of Hteamsbovels I h eutlng awnv tacit knowledge. If not actual CO-op-
the ground, dirt train» hustle bacs erutlon of th»* United Whites, »h«* I h
and forth carrying the debris, and 1 bound very close to America. Mer-
Hie Gatun Hain I h a Wonderful I’lm*«»
{ehnnlK nnd business m«*n in the re­
¡there I h a constant roar of blasting,
of Work—Vegetation Orusa
for much ««f the cut I h through bla< •<, public have grown rich by th»* S3<>,
•mo,otm which I’ncle Mam spends
In ICank Profu»h»ti
volcanic rock.
ilmt'e yeuriy. M»»r«*over America ex-
I uh lirii t ut TOO L» » t ti lde
cic I hoh what Is v»*ry Ilk«* u protector-
bottom the Culebra cut will late over th«* country. Th»* treaty by
The Panama canal uh It I h todn» uh | have a width of 300 feet. From the which the United States actjulred the
Preaident Tail saw It upon the trip • «« • lowest level the Hide walls ship»' Ip «iiiml zone guarantees Its Independ­
the sone from which lie I iuh Junt re­ i gradually to the banka. It I h h»*i< ence. Mor«» than that, Uncle Sum un-
turned progenia the most murvolou» that th«- greatest difficulty I h encoun- Idortook th«* tunk of making the prltt-
engineering font tn the world »««•• «.-» ih « t-'i*« d In canal digging, from cave-ln'i • i ' iii I •III«** of Colon smJ P.inanm «anl
Mmh of lb, volenti, tary laid puv<*meutn nnd forced tli<
•if its niagnltudi and It inuring upon of th« bunk»
under th»' actlou destruction of p»-»>til<*ntlal danger
the future lilatuiv ot the inillotH of
of th»* air, and the aid«» walls »lid*- H(>oti
There have been no «uses ot
th<* earth
Tile «•*» entile M pliili III Inap el Ing •low n to th»* bottom. There 1» no pr- - y»*llow fcv *r on the isthmus mar or
the I h D iiiiuh whh to gain >i first hand v< ntlv»' inoaaure ngaliisi such nccI 'III th«- «anal zon«» sine«« 1905. Th»
kimw l«*«lg< of working conditions d»*ntH All there In to do I h to r»'mov> I herculean tank of trariHforming a belt
there, to eonfei with tho»e on the the -lid»*. Eventually the slope at th»- of land rm k» d with tropic fevers and
ground ax to future legislation, to »Id h will I»»' ho gentle, after hundred i.llve with p< Millen««* a Job eonipuru
Id»' to th»- engineering work on th»-
ref Illi b.i • !■ i
III" ••! ••( I'
ton of slides, that there will I»«* no dung»
teinplnted nmiesatlon of the It»*|>itbIle Meanwhile they occur daily, au»l • imul has b< »*n n> compllslt» «! by u
of Panama, to Mtiinulut» the digg«'t» down on tli>* canal th«* »-nglncirH <<»rpK of military physicians under
to renewed effort», and to In Ing back Hliruir their shoulders philosophically Colonel GeorgiiK. with wonderful < til-
Ilia opinion» on the work opinions and get down ami sweat In moving clency,
'but me »oon tn !>'• imide publli In Ills th» • xlra dirt. Up In th«* states cltl
z«ns who don’t know better shake
annual m««umg>* to cungi« hh
their I k - u «| h an<! prophesy «lire thing'«
Today the deadly yellow fever mos-
in trHHcial Itlver
Gnfuu llani IxHik« Like Motinlaln iqilito I h practically eradicat'd. Then*
AHtonluliing progrexH has been
II* th»- Illite the «anal 1» complct» d I I h no diminution In preventive work.
made, tin* cunal work In the twenty
1 however, nnd «wampn nnd ntugnnnt
two months Blue»' President Taft, then the piiHHi*ng»-r on u liner utilising It ! water poola all over the zone ar«* reg
preuldent-»*le< l wns last on the /.one
• ularly oiled. Panama and Colon have
The work la on such u gigantic M*ab* Gatun dam not wllliHtiiudhig It lit oto been made clean and healthy cities
that heretofore It linn required tie
the latter being transformed from a
train« d mind of nn engineer to trace gantic eliglm< rltig feats on the l»lh- i veritable swamp alive with deadly
Tiic l>eh<>l<l'r will «»••■ the <!.■
th*' coiira«- of the dlt< li. It »bould le inti»
| fever.
•»fated at the oiitHet thut the Panama iota uatui ah mountain, providentially
Sanitation Complete
•-anal will lw< more of an artificial!» placed by th»' Almlghtv bund» to hold
A h a matter »if
• «instructed river than the prim reg the lake In <h<*<-k
The department of sanitation even
ularly cut canals, with which the av fact, it in a mountain, but built bv hc »* h to it that th«! citizens of th«* fr«<
••rage American I h familiar.
When human hands with infinite care and , and Independent republic of Panama
< «imputed probably the only fiatuie , patieuce.
k»*ep their streets clean. nn«l It r«-
In ImiiK-iiM- Artificial lx»k<*
which will augg»*sl that It I h a «anal
t quire» a sanitary and modern collec­
will be the locks and dam spillways
The Gatun dam will Impound the tion of garbag«* as well as the ext«*rml-
• if concrete. For the remainder of wi«t» ih of Gatun Lake, mi lrr>*gulat 1» 1 nation of rats and moaqultoea. An
the distance, the Interoceanlc cajinl »hap»»! artificial body of water cov­ I American n«-«*d not fear to live and
will appear m»»rvly ah a river, wind­ ering al*«ilit 16-1 square miles. It 1» I work <>u the Isthmus nowadays. I>»*-
ing through canyon» and valleys.
m*utly I *4 mil«*» long. nearly '» mil«* I spite th»* h»*ut. there has never been
thick at itn base nnd about 115 feet a sunstroke In the history of the med­
<‘oni|d»-tr«i by 1913
Two minlatur«* parallel nioun- ical corps there. In 1904 three-quar-
At the present tint«* It la predicted high
by «anal official» that the canal Mill II a I n chains ar«» lu-lng heaped up h»-re. t«*rs of those on the zone were Infect-
he completed by December 1913 Thin mid tH-tween them, mild nnd clay la t <*d with malaria and hospitals were
<!< h * h not mean that It will be actually bring pumped. Th«» Interior caw«* of kept busy treating about R0 per eent
In use by that time. It will require ¡mud and clay hardens, and when th»* of th»* canal for«-«*. Nowadays scarce­
a rainy a»«Hon eight to nlm* months «■'titer I h let In against th«* dam. th«* ly one-third of this number ar«* affect­
to store up water to fill th>* ditch, earth. being <>t a kind which b«*comi*s ed, Th«* eight-hour working day pr«*-
and In addition. Colonel George W Imp» rvloiiH under the nation of water, ; vails, tend the work Is from 7 to 11
Giwthala. chief »»ngln»*«*r. desire« that likewise harden«. The mound of la. tn. and 1 to 5 p. m., with two
hour» for luii< h«*on uud si««Hta. There
the for««* ««f men who will operate Ule earth becomes a rocky mountain.
uro Y. M. C. A. stations, churches
Vegetation Grow» lt«pi«lly
lock» and hand!«* the vessels panning
through the canal nhall have several
Vegetation grows with such anton- I und clubs for the employ«*«. The gov-
months In which to beron« expertly l*fhltig H|H*»d and rankness in th«» cli­ i eminent furnishes quarterg. light,
proficient In their work. Th«» canal mate on the rone’ thnt within a few ¡fuel, and. if d»«sired, food. This lat­
will be ready for commercial bitwl- months after the Gatun dam I h com ter nt prices which app«»ar ridiculous­
nesn by January I. 1915 the dat«* I pl«*t»*«l all the earth above tlt<* water ly low compared with the states, free
schoolH fret* m«*dical aud hospital at­
•»ct a year or more ago.
. will be covered by an Impervious trop-
IU <«dy for Vwr In 1015
| leal grow th of bush and trees. To th»- tendance and pay salaries to 35 to 55
I>er cent abov«> those paid for similar
The date of completion of the canal man from the states the luxurious­
work in th«* United States. A laun­
depend» upon the continuance of the ness of tropical growth Is amazing
dry own«*d and operated by the gov­
present Kp»*»*d of eicigvatlun in the so-
ernment, does Work for all employes
called Culebra cut. Save for thia, governor of tin* canal xone. used to
and charges 25 to 40 per cent less
there in very little real digging to In- declare thnt he was afraid to let hl» *thi*H those in the Vnlted 8tat«»s. Em-
done Th«» lock» and dams nr«* more
| ployes r«*c«*lve distilled water free.
morning he wouhl
nearly completed than the Culebra night. I«*s< in
| They get Ice from the government
cut. Upou malntenanc«* of the pres­ awake to And it routed in the «arth
I hotels’’ und pay Just 30 cents for a
ent rate of pr<>gr«*SH here, und n min­ and sprouting branch«»«. Th«* banana,
meal which cannot be obtained in the
imum of setbacks, caused by caving orange, cocoanut nnd »ugar cane grow
Vnlted Htat»*s for 75 cents or 91.
in of the banka of the cut. depends wild over the Isthmus. If American
Is only open for government em-
th«' realisation of the prophecy that energy could discover Horn»* method of
phiyes The worker on th«* canal can
the canal will b«* ready for use on
' nmoke cigars which would cost 15
inspiring them to steady work, mil­
January 1. 1915.
m - mad«* In the cultivation
t 'anal I h of lawk Type
The Panama canal Is of the so- of these crops. As It is, the natives
I pick their crops wild, or at the most,
called lock type, with six locks to ob­
tain a height of R5 feet. The future can only be Induced to give half-
Atlantic to Pnclflc liner will enter a heartetl attention to a Hinall s»*ctlon
channel with a bottom width of 500 of land
Suu Trrril»ly Het
lect, at Port Limon, around Colon It
will stenin seven miles through th»*
Th«' sun b«*ats down mercilessly.
river Ilk»* «-anal to Gatun
Her«» it Until a few- years ugo the native chil­
«III enter a ncrl«*« of three locks, and dren. unembarrassed, flaunted rheir
be lifted H5 fe»*t to the level of Gatun chubby dark charms, saus garments.
lake. It will sail nt full ocean speed Even at the present time one may
over a marked channel of from 1.0C0 occasionally see swarthy youngsters
to 500 f«*et in width In this artificially at th»* bath In front of q hack. In na­
constructed body of wnter for about ture's garb. Strangest to all Amerl- I
24 miles to Bas Obispo. Here It will I can ears, I h the Spanish. French or
enter the Culebra* cut. The cut ex­ ■ English accent of the negroes. They
tends for nine miles, nnd th«» channel ar«» alike In featur«* with the Amer­
will have n bottom width of 300 feet. ican negroes, but their environment
r»*dro Miguel stands at the Pacific In Trinidad or Martinique. Gttade-
end of the cut, nnd hero the voas»>l ; loup<> or Barbadoes, Jamaica or St.
will enter n lock nnd bo lowered 30’4 Kitts, has left th«» accent of the lan-
f««et to n smnll Inko, over which there guag«» spoken there. It Is Infinitely
Is a sail of 1 Mi miles to Mlraflores. amusing to the Americans to encoun­
At this point a series of locks will ter a coal black negro who talks with
lower the vossel 54 2-3 feet to th«» i a cockney accent.
level of the Taclflc ocean, and It will
A Cosmopolitan Place
•mil out to sew through a channel R’4
The Isthmus Is ti cosmopolitan
milcH In length, nnd with a bottom
Th«* republic of Panama,
width of 500 feet. Great locks, coal­ place.
ing stations, machine shops and sup­ ¡through which the Vnlted States owns
ply stations will be located at either n ribbon of land ten miles In width
••nd of the canal. Front deep watt r from ocean to ocean the canal son«*
Is. of course. South American. Its
on the Atlantic to deep water on tin
Pacific th«* distance will be about p«*ople speak Spanish mostly. They*
¡are desc«*n<lants of the Spanish pio­
50 ’A miles.
neers. Horn« of them perhaps n mix­
Revering Two Continent*
Canal building suggests digging. ture of Indian blood. When the
work on th»*
mk I It Is for this r«vi«on perhaps thut Vnlted Stntes began
the most interesting portion of th«* canal Americans brought the English
Panama work to the layman Is thut tongue, and laborers from Greece,
being done in the Culebra cut
Th«» Italy and the various West Indian is­
task here Is a severing of the back- lands. Today, in Panama City, capi­
cents straight In the Htates, but which
an obliging commlHaary sellH for fi
cents each. Ill» wlfct may purchase
real Irish linen at half the price to
her alHter In the states The reason
l*t that thcr«» I h no duty on Imports to
the xone when they are brought In by
th«* government.
Men Auv«* Money
Th«> United Press corr«npondcnt
with Presld* nt Taft, asked an en-
gln«*»-r on one of the big locomotives
to tell him what he thought of the
work on the xone. ’ Well,” he said,
"I’ni not a 'main line’ engineer, and
I only get |1HO, gold, a month, as
against their |210. But I save 1100
every month of the year and live bet-
t»*r than I’d even hope to live when J
san In th«; States."
"How J«mg have you been hers?"
he was asked.
"I've only been back seven months
I his last time," he replied. "Prior to
’hat tlm»- 1 work'd here four years:
then I went home and bought a farm.
Now I want an«>ther farm, ho I rami'
back here tb<* money was easy."
America well within another earth­
quake zone. Panama's history shows
no earthquake of any size for a qozen
of decades.
The Helsmographs installed by the
government to record earth shocks
have mad»- some peculiar records. For
Instance, the ’ record” of the big
«aithquak«' at Costa Hlca a few years
ago was smaller, of less duration, and
indicated feebler impulses than the
»«¡»mograph records at Washington
of tlfe ume shock.
('«mcretc ft«*HlHtn Shocks
It Is a well known tact that con­
crete r«zHl»ts earthquake shocks moro
successfully than any other construc­
tive material. It Is used to the exclu­
sion of «.-verythlng else on the canxl.
A shock of the same magnitude as
the I which started the San Francisco
Are would have little effect upon the
nmssfve locks and spillway*!.
No mere recital of specifications of
the canal conveys the magnitude or
difficulty of the work. The/ are mak
Ing Islands of two contln«'its down
J there, S’.d new geography—thay are
building mountains and creating
! rlvera.
In the words of President Taft: "It
makes one feel prouder than ever to
■ think he Is an American when he sees
this work.”
Indi«on Are .M«rri«»d
Stanley Pedro and Martha Agga-
men, two of the bright young In­
dians of the Klamath reservation,
were married In the Orndorf hotel
parlors Friday night at 8 o'clock by
Bev. J. B. Griffith. The young couple
left next morning for the reservation.
Mr. Podro has been a student at the
Indian school at Chemauwa, near
Itcinain.H knottier Month
Mrs. Hlll-Bookcr will continue to
fill th«* pulpit at th«* Baptist church
during December. At the 630 p. m.
j nervic«! she will recite her famous
compilation. “Bible Women.”
Liling Not lliglit
Th»-r»' Is no "high cost of living" I
n th«* Isthmus. The government em­
ploy«- there can purchase the best por- 'I
terhoiiM* steaks tkept In a cold stor-
ng<* plant opcrattsj by the subsist- j
en«'«- di'partment t for from 19 to 15
cents I. sb than in the United States, j
The two lorn* HtapleK upon which the i
price has Increased in the last four :
yyays are ham and bacon.
Th«- monetary system in the zone •
I h baw d on the gold standard, of :
American and the silver money of I
South America. American money is |
worth twice as much as “Mexican."
It I m rather perplexing for the citizen** '
of th- i-tates to go Into an "American 1
bar" in Panama; city run by, say, a
citizen e.t New York, to buy a glass of i
Import««! beer and to receive Ib.Rn In
quo»-! tinkli Panama money as the I
chi.ug»' for a 95 bill.
EverylHidy Itid«»
Evrylmdy In Panama City takes a|
carriage, even if going only a few I
steps The heat Is ho oppressive that !
on»* learns quickly to husband bls en-!
ergy. The visitor used tu Yankee i
«■abhl»*H will be astonished at the con- '
elusion ot an hour’s ride through Pan- i
nnm City behind a diminutive pony «
to l»*arn that It costs him Just 60
cents gold. The only way In which ;
the cabby (he is generally a negro
who talks English haltingly with a
qu«*«r Spanish accent) gets even Is
by charging you enormous prices (in
Mexican money) for all stops and
No EarUiquuk»*»
In the states one hears a great deal
about earthquak«*H in Central and
8« uth America, and th«* fear has been
expressed by surne that such a convul- |
sion would destroy the lucks and
dams of the canal. Down at Panama
th«* visitor who thus expresses him­
self is given visual and documentary
refutation. He is first taken to the
cathedral ruins in Panama City, and
there may see two magnificent brick
st» h»*s which have been standing since
early in the seventeenth century. The.,
used to have real earthquakes ‘n
tliose days, but the arches are still
Nowadays the only «*arth-
quakes they have are slight move-
ricnts, hard!» noticeable, and very
The documentary evidence is In the
Let that scientists have classifie-i
Panama as without the "earthquake
belt.” A few hundr«»d miies north­
west In Central America lies Costa
l.’ca, a shaken and often convulsed
r.ation. To th«- southeast lies South
Closing Out Entire
at the
Cash Store
•>**ckers (carton), regular 85« ................................................... 4..............75<
Flak«* Gate and Wheat, regular 45c .......................................................... :i5c
Tald»' Fruit, regular 25c........................................................................................ 2Oc
Table Fruit, |>er doz«*n. HHHortcd............................................................ *2.25
t 'reani. nine ««ns..................................................................................................... 93c
Spi«'« », r»-gul«r 15c cans........................................................................................ lOc
IColled Oats, 10 |M>un<ia for............................................................................. *1.00
P«*arls of Wheat. |»er [>ack«ge ...................................................................... 15c
n«’gi:)ar OOc Tea, per pound....................................................
Men’s ¿nd Boys’ Clothing
iugular *2V and «22.50 Suits ............................................................. *14.00
ICegular *17 Multa............................ .'............................................................ *11.00
«»•guiar *3.50 Pants.....................................................................................
Other Prices in Proportion
C rockery
A Large Line to Select From at Your Own Price
Produce and Eggs Taken at Market Prices
Same as Cash.
No Goods Delivered
If he takes the Republican.
If he
does not urge him to do it, so as to
lend a hand in the fight for his