t I 1 from Merrill, 1s a guest at th«» Lake- ( side. Guy Merrill is here on business to­ ’ ' day. .ludge Heury L IU- umhi to S|»wk Fred Liskv was here from Merrill ONE MACHINE TO EVERY FIVE C A. Buntiug is up from M«»rrlll to­ Ashland Elk« at Their Ever- Sunday. day. FAMILIEN c I m * m Next Suiulay W. B. Simpson was in from Naylox Tom Jackson of Dunsmuir is in the Sunday. city today. S. G. Hedges was here from Dorris M. J. Boudy of St. Louis is a guest ' Judge Henry L. Benson of this city More < «asoline Wagon« to the Popula- Thursday. has b«>en selected by the Klkz of Ash at the Livermore. timi Tluui Any Other Town in J. C. Jarvis was here from Merrill Thomas F. Llttlelield is down from land to deliver the memorial add res» th«> I'nited Hlaltw Wednesday. at the service« on Sunday next Eagle Ridge today. W. A. Van Wald was a visitor from C. L. Clark of San Francisco is a Throughout the country (his day is, Dorris Wednesday. didicatcd by the Elks to th<> memory Lakeside Inn guest. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. .10. -To W. R. Evans was here from Kort E. J. Leah.v of Sacramento is regis­ of the dead. Th«> order's roll call of the little town of Lakeview. In South­ Klamath last week the' members who have crossed th«' ern Oregon, goes th<- honor of having | tered at the Lakeside. 0. B. Bunch was down from Kort G. M Powers of San Francisco is a weary "bourne from whence uo trav- more automobiles in proportion to, Klamath Saturday. guest at the Livermore. population than any other place In Charles T. Powne was here from L. Lachman is a guest at th«» th«? United States Thia la the state-' Bly last Wednesday. ermore from San Francisco. ment made by th«- Franklin Automo­ W. B. Spencer and wife were guests D. Spriugle is registered at the bile company of Syracuse, according at the Livermore from Wampus last ermore from San Francisco. to ndvlces which hav«> bc«'ii received week. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Gara by John F. Mclatln. manager of the E. C. Frazier and Homer Smith guests at the Lakeside from M«*dford. San Francisco branch. It is eatl-1 were down from Fort Klamath Sat­ J. R. Farr of Ashland. Wis., went to mated that the town possesses one urday. j th«' Klamath Agency this morning. automobile to every flve fainillea. In! B. St. Geo. Bishop went up to his | F. Silverstone, the San Francisco Ita letter to Manager McLain th«' homestead n«*ar Pelican Bay Monday shoe man, is calling on the merchants Franklin compau.v aaya: morning. here today. "Facts which have recently beeu: John Totteu, James Blair and M. Charles O. Poole. J. C. Mitchell's brought to public attention have led' H. Wampler were down from Odessa cattleman, came up from San Fran- tv? a compilation of statistics by th«'| Wednesday 'cisco last night, after some cattle that Franklin Automobile company as t?> Attorney and Mrs. F. H. Mills have 1 Mr. Mitchell is shipping from what town or section of the country 1 gone to Sail Francisco, where Mr. 1 city. has the greateat numtn'r of aiitomo Mills was called on business. | Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pierce aud son biles In proportion to th»» imputation F. D. Courtade and wife and J. V Albert left on Tuesday morning for Th«> figures give the lead to the ham i McTrummonds returned to their Pacific Grove. Calif, where they will let of Lakeview, In Souther?? Oregon homes near Odessa last Friday. spend the winter, They expect to be where, it Is estimated, there is an F. J. O'Hara returned from San absent until April. automobile to every flve families, th. 1 Francisco Tuesday night and left for JUDGE HENRY I. BENSON At the Methodist bazaar Frida? and average family being figured at llv« his home at Wampus Wednesday. ; Saturday at the Denver caf«> many persons The facts were gathered I C. A. De LaMater. the genial repre­ 1 beautiful and hand-made articles, Who will deliver th«' address at through Franklin dealers nnd drivers I Memorial exercises of H. P. O E of sentative of the Scranton Correspond­ such as doylies, handkerchiefs, some In various parts of the United Stat« s Ashland on Suuday,... j ence schools, is here from Redding to­ from New York, and other fancy work "Chelmsford. Mas 1 . thought It had day. wil be on sale. eler returns." is an impressive as well a claim to the record. It Im twenty- I T. J. O’Hara and wife cam«* up Mrs. J. P. Lee left last week for an from Wampus Thursday night and extended visit with friends and rela­ us pathetic incident, serving to em­ six cars and a population o? between , Friday morning left for San Fran­ tives at her old home in Tennessee. phasize the fact that there is only four and flve thousand On the basis one thing certain in this world, and of flve In a family this is one car to cisco. She was accompanied as far as San G. M. Johnson left for Encanto, San Francisco by her daughter. Miss that is Death, and that all movements at?out seventy families Ralph C j Diego county. Calif. Tuesday, where Louise, who will continue her musical tend to that mountain magnetic on Hamlin, Frnnklln dealer In Loe An- , which repose the sepulchres of the geles. estimat«>d that Southern Cail- ! he expects to remain . for several studies there* during the winter. kings and the humble mounds of the fornla, with a population of 750,000 j weeks. poor. No order is more regardful of and with 15.000 cant, had a motor car Mrs. R. M. Richardson returned llll.l. FA(.INFER WORKING every ten families or flftj- people i their d ad than the B. P. O. ET. Th«-sc to "Mrs. last week from St. Louis, where she FOR ROG I E RIVER ROAD F. W. Torgler of Portland. ' commemorations, too. serve to mod­ was present during the last illness Ore., made a long tour threhigh that1 erate the fear of death and the'an­ and death of her father. lialicale*. That th«' Empire Builder I» i state and California, and brought out ■ guish of relatives recalling that al ­ Mr. end Mrs. Roy Tabor of Dorris, S<-eking a Coast Terminal Via most deflant doctrine. "O, Grave, the l-akeview information The town | who have been visiting Mr. Taber's I'aciik and Eastern where is thy sting; O. Death, where has a population of about 1,000, and I parents the past few days, returned about forty ears, many of them big is thy victory?" home Monday morning. George H. Kyle, who has long been touring cars, are owned there While I Mrs. J. Frank Ada.ur of Merrill left one of James J. Hill's trusted path- i To a subject such as this Judge the Lakeview claim might be regard­ Benson is capable^of doing thorough Sunday morning to.- Geld Hilt to at­ finding engineers in the West, has ed as surprising. It Is mid by auto tend Che funeral nt her sister-in-law, arrived in Jacksonville and is now en­ justice. He is a felictious and force­ mobile men to b<* a fact that, whih-1 ful speaker, and added to this his own Mrs. Lawrence Cardwell. gaged in locating a road over the hill. motor cars might be expected to b«* j E. P. McCornack of Salem, and one to the Applegate section for W. S. naturally sympathetic nature and dis­ most numerous in the East, the West i of the directors of the Klamath Coun­ Barnum. president of the Rogue River 1 position will enable him to speak with is rapidly increasing Its number, and ty bank, is in the city 01 busines,. Valley railroad, says the Medford feeling and earnestness. The Ash­ that, in proportion to population, the | land Elks have made a wise selection. He'will remain s-r-’eral dais Mail-Tribune. Judge Benson is himself a member ownership there Is large.” While Mr. Kyle is ostensibly work-' Attorney C. M. O’Neill left Monday of the Roseburg lodge. A Trying Ex i«erim«-»' morning for Spokane. Wash., where ing only for Mr. Barnum. his past con- he was called by the serious illness of I nections with the Empire Builder in- The McTimmln brothers, who have ' dicate that Hill may be seeking an WOODMEN OF THE WOIU.D his sister. Mrs. Fannie Brown. been taking care of Pelicau Lodge, j ELECT THEIR OFFICERN bad a trying experl« ucv a few days Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Copeland, of outlet for the Oregon Trunk to the I Fort Klamath left on Monday for cc-ast by way of Jacksonville from this ago. They attempted to cross Upper British Columbia, where they will city, which is at present the terminal Euauna Camp No 7fM> Selects th«' Men Klamath i-ake in the Southern Pacific of the Pacific and Eastern, which is to Who Art* to Govern It for the spend the holidays with relatives. launch when the tubes of the boat Ensuing Year J. S. White and wife are guests at be extended eastward to a connection filled with the slushy ice, causing the the Baldwin from Salem. Mr. White , with the Oregon Trunk. pump to stop and the engine became A month ago Mr. Kyle was known At the meeting of Ewauna Camp heated and the boat could not pro- ' went to Lakeview on Wednesday's to be in the employ of Mr. Hill. He No. 799, Woodmen of the World, the ceed on its way. They had plenty of' stage, and will return in a few days. O. F. Plagemann, the San Fran­ j »as then one of the chief engineers following capable men yrere selected bedding and a canvas covering for the as the officers who will guide the des­ craft, and covering themselves up I cisco timber man. was a guest at the on the Oregon Trunk. President Barnum of the Rogue tinies of that order during the ensu­ they went to sleep and let the launch Livermore Saturday night, and re­ turned to his home Sunday morning. River Valley railroad some time ago ing term: drift where It wished. They were E. S. Terwilliger and family came announced that he contemplated ex-, Consul Commander—J. P.Bonham. carried across the lake, where they Adviser Lieutenant—A. D. McCoy. firally succeeded in ««icurinK help, up from Sisson Tuesday, where they tending his road to the Applegate. Banker—W. P. McMillan. visited relatives during Thanksgiv­ That he should so soon secure the ser­ and reached their destination none vices of so eminent a figure in the I Clerk —C. K. Brandenburg. ing. and left for their home in Merrill the worse for their trying exp«*rirnce. railroad world as Mr. Kyle in so short Escort—Walter Pomroy. Wednesday morning. a time indicates that there is some­ Watchman—Harry Earnest. First Aid F. Silverstone. D. Springle and L. one back of Mr. Barnum, a-nd »-very Sentry—Earl Sharp. Husband—I met Hawkins today, Lax hman of San Francisco, and M. I. : fact indicates that one is Hill. Manager -George H. Hayden. and be was very gloomy; told me he Broudy of St. Louis, who have been Mr. Kyle has been in Jacksonville After the business of the lodge was was perfectly willing to die. guests at the Livermore for several j since Thursday. He has recruited over the nu-mbers and a number of Wifo—-Oh John! Why didn’t you days, left for the south Wednesday. surveyors and is studying the topog­ invited guests danced to music fur­ ask him here to Thanksgiving dinner* Claud Miles who has been hunting raphy of the country beyond the coun­ nished by an orchestra composed of Harper's Bazar. near Fort Klamath for several days, ty seat. Bertha Ellis, Earnest Griffith and came down from that region last Sat­ Mr. Kyle wa3 formerly chief en­ Archie Wishard. Elk». Attcntioo urday and was a guest at the Lake­ gineer of the Chicago, Milwaukee and All Elks are cordially invited to' side Inn. He left for his home in St. Paul railroad. The past year he I On » T«-ur of the West meet at the Antlers club at 2 o'clock | Medford Sunday morning. has been connected with the Oregou I H. R. Boomer and wife, who have Sunday afternoon. December 4th. to 1 F. L. Pope, the grand juryman Trunk. been making a tour of the West in attend the memorial services In Hous­ their auto, left here this morning for ton's opera bouse. their home in Chicago They left Services at 2:30. tl.e'r machine *i* F.«y«»*te, :dsbo, and WILL W. BALDWIN, Secy, I ean.e on by rail. They have be. n h-*:e for the raft ten days, stopping at tie Baldwin While here a year Attractive Bungalows or two ago Mr. Boomer purchase«! a IN NICHOLH ADDITION IUHT COM­ > r.ich near Rnninza, and was bi*re to PLETED, 5 rooms with ball?, plaster-1 look after his property. They > xpcct ed, electric lights, city water every­ to irturn her? n> xt year for a long«r thing romplet«*; built ns you would ataj. LAKEVIEW HAS MANY AUTOS BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK Buy your Xmas gifts at THE PORTLAND STORE Large stock to select from I A most desirable as well as use­ ful Xmas Gift would be either a Piano Phonograph Sewing Machine or Call, write or phone me regarding easy payment plan Phone 251 E. W. HULLER Heavy Roads Make Stage Late The Lakeview stage has been ar- I riving late for the past several days, land Sunday night did not arrive until I 12 o’clock. The road is reported in J very bad condition, due to mud on the low ground and snow in the motín- j tains. build for yourself; the pri«*ra arc low and terms easy. Only $5 ihi cash, bal­ ance in monthly |Mijrm<*ntH. SECOND ADDITION LOT BAR­ GAINS. Have some of-tin* best hant. ed lots in this addiUon for fl 125 to $150 per lot, only S12.5O to $15 cash, i balance $5 |»er month. READY FOR PLATTING. Have 7 acre» adjoining Mills addition for only $2. moo . One half caah. Till« will make you money. HAWXHURSTI MARKET Pieces SS& I li*VC <>|>enrd a new meat market at IttlH Main street, just «•aat of the school house, where ull kind« of fresh aud «alt 111* Jr A »prrUlty of «upplyiug fumili«*« with quarter« or large rjr. meat* btt had nt r«*«u»onablr prices. («*«•< « hi . I run hu «fc'livrry wagou, but will dritter pArs-en too Une» lo i ar- Th«- «spense of keeping * delivery outflt b> taken <>tt the pri< r. J. W. HAWXHORSr BRAD LEY We Stood the lest of Time and now w«< are forced to look for larger quarter« Every week ha* «ceti an incrmar In our I mm I u *-«* We expect to move Into the iMuidmenr new Brt«t««l building near Mitili «tre«*t as WH«n as It I« <-«Mn- p|et«*d. We want you to Help Us Move and an* therefor«' going to «rii all and robe« at n'ducetl prices. We to stork up the new «torr. You Let's do bu«ln<«m. At any rale, prie«*; then if we can't trade, anyway. harne««, »addi«-* n«M-d tin- money n«*»*d th«- good«, •ee U», get out­ let'« hr frh'tid» BRADLEY HARNESS CO. Opjaailt«* the Court Hou««* HARNESS Do You Know We carry Magazine» and take «uteicripDona? W«* carry tin- »t« ««««Is in great variety. Brat bmnd» of Cigar» and Ttobacco Do your Xnui« shopping nt THE EWAUNA Sminuì iloor from PoMoffi«-»-. KL4MATH I Il ls BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary DON J. ZUMWALT, E. M. BUBB, C. E. Vice President sn 1 ['resident Treasurer Abstracting Mapa, Plana, Blue Prints, Pte. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Will Haul Logs J. C. Smith went to Rattlesnake 1 CORNER ON MAIN, only $H2 per OLD VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE Point Saturday with a bob sled. an>l front foot, one half cash. will haul logs from Campbell's place I HIXTY-FIVE f««*t on Main, with 2- e» I list In Virginia. to the new #aw mill at the Point t'AHHEL.MAN A CO., Iti. hnionil V>i. s'. . . . . . ■ story building, income $1,020 |s-r year. Price $0,500, only half caah. Organizing W. O. W. THREE Hl NDREDnnd FIFTY dol­ Mrs. M. E. Hollywood, organzler lars buys a close in lot in Nh-liol« ad­ for the Women of Woodcraft, left I dition; |«art cash. recently for Fort Klamath, where she I expects to organize a subordinate' FOUR-ROOM HOIHE FOR RENT. IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST lodge. TO HEE UH BEFORE BUYING. See Geo. II. Rice, with Olilcote, Tea from Japan wilt be served by I Japanese ladles at the Japanese bootl o®Ce adjoining the American Hotel. Phon.' flfll. at the br.-zaar Friday and Saturday. Specialty of large t'n regenerate . ................................... . :: New Blacksmith Shnn Shop :: On Klamath Avenue near O. K. Feed Barn "It whs to satisfy your extravagant tastes,” cried the desperate man, GENERAL BLACKSMITHING:: "that I committed the forgery, The ■ > Horseshoeing a Specialty < ! crime is upon your head.” The women started nnd gazed at. «; F* T. ALLEN AND ÎÎ him wonderlngiy. ”1» my crime on E. H. PATTERSON Ö straight?' she asked. Success Maga­ zine 4