I KLAMATH REPUBLICAN BUILD * LINE OF AIRSHIPS MEXICAN REVOLT NOT OVER j E. J. MURRAY, Editor ---------- FLY BETWEEN RUSTON AND WASHINGTON IN SIX MONTHS .11 ST LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON phena. K4 of NW 4 and W4 of NE 4 sec 39'4 9 United States to Hattie I». Ilatull* lM Nof 8B 4. SW 4 of 8B 4 and rehilt HF MANIPULATION NEH <»f SW 4 sec 3-'6-9. PRICES FALL ON WALL STREET Iti BI IM CAPTI ICE TOW NH ON nriusement place« nud a nJ Baltimore will be other points sal .ons were clo , . C, Nov. 39 - The official census figur««s give Port­ land a population of 207.214, and Se­ attle a census of 237,194 The Port­ land figures were shaved In a recount from 243,000. ORDER IS MIKING GRUI PROGRES SIXTEEN TO JOIN THE WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT NEW YORK. Nov 29 llieukliig i rle«1« in Wall Street affectilig thv 8t««el trust, Union l'urlth and Rondlng tulli cuti stock« are beiievcd by proni- llieut business men to he thè result of a ninni pillai Imi to forco thè aup- port of thè lallrouda* pica for in- vrenaed (relglit ratea lluw bufoni thè Interstate Commerce coiunilaalon The newM bureau of thè Street and Ita organa aay that thè market condì Bona are thè rvsult of a determina tlon on thè pari of thè railroada to proceed cautloualy untll thè rate re- ductlon la aettled. The rallway com­ pii ni va eleo t li rea tv n to cancol thè vquipnient ordera and clone thetr uhopa un lena thè Increaaeu are grani <>d. The Street expecta thv maulpula- tlon to Caute consideratale financlal stress unicna thv Indicanone are that thè ratea wlll hv granivi! HIS ÏERÏ CAPIRLE SEI 01 OFFICERS laical Circle Electa OlHiro and Ulve« WILL BE KNOWN AH F 11 Itanquet to Memlwm and SPRAGUE COB I’M Visitor« Expect lo lieve Most Knthuaiastli CatlivrlngN During Coming Year Special Organiser M K. Hollywood —Mnl Tw 1er a Month of the Women of Woodcraft, with While there has only been one ap­ A number of laborers arrived in REAL KHTATE TRANSFERS town Sunday and Monday applied to plication for a saloon license, that of the county officers for aid, claiming C. I). WillBon... a number of th«« resi­ The following list of recent realty headquarters In Portland, has been The female members of the fa tn 11 Io* that they had been sent to the Erick­ dents of Klamath Falls aTe absolutely transfers I« furnished by tho abstract for a short period the gu««at of Ewau­ of tho boys who wore the blue met son & Petterson camp, and had been na Circle No. 6 47. She has worked last Saturday In MaddoxWhite hall refused work. A Republican reporter! sure that they are to be THE ones to firm pf Mason A Slough: get the coveted («ermisslon to sell United States to Elmer E Lyon.1 with thv local circle In securing ap­ and organised what Is to be one of the talked with Mr. Petterson regarding liquor in this city. NEH of SEH. 8 4 of NEH. NW 14 plications for tho order. best Women's Relief Corps In the the matter, and he stated that The probability is that no liquor of NBH sec 5-35-14 Mrs. Holly wood reports the Circles state Mrs Lissle Wyatt Smith of no man who had been to his camp had will be legally sold in the city until Samuel J. Meeker to Elmer E in and around the District of Klani- Salem, department president of Ore­ been refused work, on the contrary, near the first of February, as it wlll Lyon, NEH of BE 4 . 8 4 of NEH. ath Falls In a moat flourishing condl- gon, was the organiser, and she waa all who bad applied had been given be almost impossible for the council NW14 of NE14 see. 5-35-14; 10. Hon. assisted by Mra. M. C. Hildreth of employment. to get the matter sufficiently adjusted Steven Woxnik to Frances ioicnlk, Ewauna Circle will In • few W««««k* Grants Pass, past president "The trouble Is,” said Mr. Petter- before that time. 84 of lots 9 and 10 and a 16-foot have a claim initiation of sixteen can­ The name of the new organisation son, "that the men went to the South- City Attorney Drake is preparing »trip of lot 8. block 16. First addition didates and the splendid energy of wlll be the F B Sprague rorpa. and ern Pacific camp north of this city, an ordinance regulating the traffic in Ito Klamath Falla, 91,500. the local circle wlll be put forth to the following were chosen as the first and were there told that my camp liquor aod designating the procedure Unite*« State« to William Albert make th«« occasion one of great prom­ officers: was farther on. and that they would necf««sary to be taken by the applicant «Key, W4 of NW 4. 8E 4 of NW 4 inence. President— Mrs Olive Sells. have to walk to where the camp is for a permit to sell spirits. The and NE4 of 8W4 sec. 13-41-7. The Women of Woodcraft local Senior Vice President Sophia situated. They then came back to ordinance will probably be Intro- United States to Samuel H. King, auxiliary of tho Woodmen of th«« Ramsby. this city and said that I had refused dueed at the meeting of the council on lot 22, sec. 10 and lot 9 of sec 15-33- World. Pacific jurisdiction, covers th«« Junior Vico President Mrs Isaura to give them work. I will use every­ December 5th. The ordinance cannot 74- territory of the parent organisation, Moore man who comes to my camp. The b«ycome a law until thirty day« hav<* Chas. S. Moore et al. to Catherine and will In a few months celebrate Secretary Mrs Celia Bogardus read only goes to Barclay- Springs, passed, and unless the council moves Ewing, lots 1 and 2 block 17, River­ their fourteenth birthday. Organ­ Treasurer—Mrs Elisabeth Ramsby and from there to the camp is eleven with more expedition than It has here­ side addition to Klamath Falls; 910. ised In 1897, the Women of Wood­ Chaplain- Mrs Luella Stearns miles, which the men will have to tofore done it will be some time after W. P. McMillan to Adelaide M craft has paid in death, monument Conductor-- Mrs Kathryon Kob walk. That is what I do when I wish the thirty days are up before the li­ Williams. lot 4, block 9, Ewauna and funeral benefits almost 93.000.- orteon. to come to town, and I cannot haul i censes can be granted. Heights addition to Klamath Falls; 000. There are 736 subordinate cir­ Guard—Mrs Marlon Smith them a-ny farther than the railroad . The law permitting the sale of 910. cles, with a membership of 65,000 Assistant Conductor- Mm Ella runs. If they want to walk to the ■ liquor does not take effect until after Chas. E Worden et al. to H. J. j By a recent decree from the Grand Nnwnham. camp they can get all the work they i it is so declared by the county court, ; Ixickwood. lots 1 and 2. block 2. Ship- Council the laws are amended to ad­ Assistant Guard—Mrs. Clini Mr want. I pay 91-75 a day for laborers, and that will not be done until after | I pfngton adltion to Klamath Falls. mit to benefit and social privilege* Nelli. the same as is paid on every other . the first of the year. And even then 8. Cunningham to Charles P. Stew­ men who may havo no affiliation with ' Physician - Mrs Lilian VtxirhiM railroad work, and no one can say it cannot be sold until the city grants art. lots 9 and 10, block 36. First ad­ other orders. The corps win meet the first and that the board is not good. The whole I the m-cessary permission. dition to Klamath Falls; 910. The local circle. No. 6 47. will for ar third Saturday afternoons In each trouble is that t^e men who have < The council is the judge of the fit­ K is math Ca-nal company to Chas short time work on a dispensation of month, and the next meeting will be complained did not go to the camp, ness of the applicant for the right to P. Stewart, tho south 15 feet of lot rate«, and wlll collect only medical ex­ In the public library hall A definite but came back here, and then said sell liquor in this city, and they can 3, block 57. Nichols addition to Klam­ amination fee« from applicants desir­ meeting place will be derldrd on that I did not give them work. They also make such regulation as to hours ath Falls; 910. Oregon Appropriation Small ing benefits In the order. later. can get all the work they want If of sale, the manner in which the bust* A. E. McClellan to Geo. E. Gillette. I At the last regular meeting of From the quality of the member* “The states of Washington and Cal­ they wfll go out to the camp." ness is to be conducted and the pay­ SW 4 of NE4 and E4 of NW 4 and Fwauna Circle, on the 19th. thirteen who have formed the corp« there la no ifornia each appropriated large sums ment of the license fee. NE4 of SW 4 sec 3-39-11; 94,750. candidates were elected to tnember- doubt but what this new organization for the maintenance of the National The license cannot be granted for Louis Mueller to Henry Barron, j ship, and a splendid set of officers win be one of the strongest In the Guard for the year 1909. Washing­ STEAMER HAS HARD TIME more than one year nor leas than | block 110, Mills First addition to elected for the January term of office state before long GETTING FROM ODESSA HERE ton provided 996,690 for its guard. three months, nor according to the I Klamath Falls; 910. With the exception of Mrs. Ells Me- Mrs. Smith and Mrs Hildreth left \>r )98.74 per man. and California i charter can it be for less than 81.200' Oscar 8hive et al. to Minnie E. Cor- Mlllen. the very efficient clerk, who for their homes Monday morning Burned-Over Country Neer Mt. Pitt 9193,330, or 981.06 per man. Oregon a year. This can be paid in such a bell lota 5 and 6, block 11, Fairvie* was re-elected for another year, th«« Being Re-Seeded to Pine—Use had 945,000. or 930.87 per man. way as the council sees fit. They can ' addition No. 2 to Klamath Falls; 919 new officers have b««en advanced from Five Tons of Seed Other recommendations are as fol­ have it paid quarterly or the entire ! William H. Garrett to James Ryan, lower offices, and In thia way consid­ It. E. ALLISON IH CHARGED lows: WITH MANHI«At'GHTKR year in advance, as they choose. The E 4 of SW 4 and W 4 of SB 4 «ec. erable experience Is secured. The fol­ W. C. Neff, chief ranger of the Cra­ "It is recommended that a resolu-, opinion of the council, as so far ex ­ 15-37-13; 910 ter National forest, started from lowing members wlll guide the des ­ tion be passed by the Oregon legisla-1 (ompUInt W m Fllrd AgainM Hlm James Ryan to George and Ed tinies of No. 847 for another term ture, asking the president of the Unit­ Odessa Sunday on the steamer Wine- pressed. is that the license shall be and He Haa Boen Held to thè fixed at 81.200 a year for the retail Bloomingcamp,. E4 of SW4 and Past Guardian Neighbor — Mrs. ed States to set aside certain lands in ' ma, and did not arrive here until Grand Jury Amelia Hanks. the Klamath Indian reservation for I Monday night at 9 o’clock. The lake sale and 8600 a year additional for W4 of 8E4 sec 15-37-13; »10. the wholesale permit. This, how ­ Chas. Cole to Algoma Lumber com ­ Guardian Neighbor—Mra. Etta maneuver and encampment purposes is so full of packed snow in the shal­ A roinplaint waa filed against II. K for the use of the regular army and low water that it was all that the ever, Is problematical, and has not pany. lots 1 and 2, and 8 4 of NE4 Boiler. Allison, who shot and killed Fred sec. 6-41-5; lots 3 and 4, and 8E4 of! yet been decided upon. boat could do to get through. Adviser—Mr«. Frances Johnson. rrganxied militia. Wing a few days ago. charging him Other cities are preparing ordi­ NW4 sec «-41-5; 910. There is twenty-two inches of snow Magician—Miss Fannie Virgil. "It is suggested that the policy- with manslaughter and he waa held nances on this traffic, that of La 1 W. B. Barnes, sheriff, to Fred Mel- ( Clerk Mrs Ella McMillan. adopted by the legislature of 1909, at Odessa, and the probability is that I to await the artion of the grand jury, Grange being about as strict as any , base, NW4 of sec. 28-39-9; 918 Ranker- Mr A. W. Pell. providing for the construction of ar­ It will remain on the ground all win- | which meets Monday. W K Temple Ida M. Fink, guardian to O. W. Attendant—Mrs. Ivy Campbell. mories be continued, and at least one ter unless the weather gets much so far published. wan the complaining witness Allison La Grange's ordinance provides | White, part of lots 5 and 6, block 7, Inner Sentinel—Mrs. Jo Anna Tay­ armory constructed in the state each warmer than usual. was released on his own recognliance that an applicant for a saloon license Klamath Falls; 93,000. About thirty men are b«isy re-seed ­ lor. year. must first pay 81.250, the license fee xcept by a thorough canvass of the clt Outer Sentinel—Mrs. Sylvia West­ “It is recommended that arrange­ ing the immense area of forest that Phoebe Vinson to Fred Noel, lots 7 fall. FIGHTER IUFM FROM THF. ments be made to provide horses for v as burned over last ¡rummer, when for the year, in the city treasury, and { present a bond of 81,000, backed by < and8, block 52. Nichols addition to I Ranger Neff and his men fought the Captain of the Guards — Mrs. Della Battery A, Field Artillery, by the STRAIN OF THE CONFLICT Brewbaker. state buying a number of mares for flames for over a month. Five tons a responsible surety company, before* Klamath Falls; 910. H. H. Carroll to Rufus S. Moore, Manager—Mrs. Cora Sanderson. breeding purposes and constructing a of pine seeds aTe being used, a por­ it will be considered by the council. LIMA. Ohio. Nov. 29.—Curley Musician—Mrs. Ruby Greeley. battery barn on the state rifle range tion of them having been sent from The applicant's personal character lots 1 and 2. block 12, Wert Lake Europe. Where the snow is deep the will also be considered as well as the I Park addition to Klamath Falls; 910. Correspondent—Mrs.France« John­ Geherdt, a lightweight pugilist, col- grounds.” lapsed last night after a ten-round Ida M. Fink, guardian, to American son. seeds are sown broadcast, and where proposed location of the saloon. Upon ■ the men can reach the ground the conviction before the city recorder of ', Bank and Trust company, part of lot After adjournment of the business fight with Jack McHenry, and died The recommendation relating to the seed are covered with a light covering any violation of the criminal laws of i 5, block 37, Klamath Falls; 92,000. session the visitors were Invited In In the hospital this morning. He waa setting aside of the lands In the Klam­ the state or provisions of the ordi­ F. L. Kulp to Marlon E. Kulp, lots and a committee consisting of Me«- evidently unfit to stand the strain of of earth. ath reservation aa a site for army Mr. Neff wfll return to Odesst nance governing the sale of liquor, 20 and 21, block 9. Crescent; 910. dames Virgil, Noel, Campbell, Wost- the fight, and cerebral hemorrhage maneuvers is one which, if acquiesced the offender loses his license, forfeits Ida M. Fink, guardian to W. 8. fall a-nd I>ewls served a delicious ban­ caused his death. He did not recover Thursday. In. will mean more to Klamath Falls his bond and may also be punished Slough, part of lot 8. block 37, Klam quet, consisting of oysters, salads, consciousness. than any other act that has been com­ by fine and Imprisonment. The ordì- i sth Falls; 91.500. olives, sandwiches, cake and coffee. mitted in many years. It will mean LARGE VENIRE DRAWN FOR Cowtly Talent nance provides that there shall be no R. R. Hamilton to Anna M. Ham-1 that this county will be the scene of THE TRIAL OF DR. BURKE dice, cards, slot machines or music ilton, lot 8 and part of lots 5 and 11, "You are sure that airship« wlll army maneuvers which will bring make war an expensive an to bo ut­ in the saloons, and that there shall bo block 50, First addition to Klamath RESCUED AFTER FIFTEEN hundreds of men and thousands of SANTA ROSA, Nov. 29—A venire no frosted windows or screens. Wo Falls; 910. terly impractical?" said the military HOL RM' IMPRISONMENT expert. dollars to this community, By the of eighty jurors was drawn for the nen a-re prohibited from entering a Josephine Chappell Boudlnot to A. time the land is set aside and the trial of Dr. William P. Burke, who Is saloon. Gambling Is also barred. The ■'Quito sure," replied the other. M. Jamison, lot 4, block 58. Nichols grounds prepared the road between charged with the attempted dynamit­ number of saloons is limited to eight, Eight Bodies Taken Frovw the Jumbo "The flying machine won't cost so addition to Klamath Falls; 910. this city and Portland will be com- ing of Luetta- Smith and her child at and they must be closed from 1 i much but wo won't be able to pay Antonio Fomlnus to Fred W. Hynd­ Mine In Oklahoma—Death List pieted, and then there will be no Burke's Santa Rosa sanitarium on o’clock Saturday night until 5 o’clock the sums required by aviators for man, lots 11 and 12, block 55, Sec­ Totals Fourteen question about the transportation February 5th. The case was contin­ Monday morning. going up In them."—Washington ond Hot Sprlnga addition to Klamath problem. ued until Tuesday, when the impanel­ Star. The ordinance is up for final action Falls; 910. I When Colonel Jackson, Adjutant ment of the jury will be begun. The by La Grande's council, and it Is said ANTLERS, Okla , Nov. 29. Gor- S. E. McGsvran to Wallace Beaver, General Finxer, General Maus and his taking of testimony Is then expected there wfll be no Impediment to Its lot 8, block 45, First addition to rold Roberta, who wan entombed In NEBRASKA HAH OVER aide were here this summer they In­ to follow rapidly. The venire is the passage. The ordinance also provides ONE MILLION POPULATION the Jumbo mine, wan reacned alive to­ Klamath Falla; 910. spected the reservation as a- site for largest ever drawn In a criminal case that a license can bo granted only by United States to Fred W. Schult, day after fifteen houra’ imprisonment. military maneuver grounds. The rec­ in the history of Sonoma county. a majority of the entire council. Thia WASHINGTON, D. C„ Nov. 29 — 8 4 of BE4 sec. 6, and W4 of NEV. Eight dead bodtea have been taken ommendation of Adjutant General Judge Emmett Beawell will preside eliminates the possibility of a quorun ( of sec. 8-25-9. from the debris. The total dead num­ The census gives Nebraska a popula­ Finxer intimates that their opinion during the trial. granting a license. tion of 1,192,214. United Htate« to William T. Stn- bers fourteen. I > I * > 4