♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦• * OIFKIAL PAPER OF ♦ ♦ KLAMAI'II I lit .N I i * ♦ ♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ VOL. XV HIS OEMH WAS INSTANTANEOUS '•» i III« Ind Bruvvly and Without Inhering—4 uc |M m - Wu» liurled Io Qulikllox- KLAMATH REPUBLICAN KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON, NOVEMBER 24, j?10 the Intti-r ve»»el drew Into the harbor at Montreal Inspw tor Dr< w, dingiilH>--adn to Quarrel The liquor «uses were heard before Forres With Relatives. Justice of tbe Peace A. D. Mllley on V. -dnesday. and It did not take long I.ONIMiN, N«,v 23. This morning HAN JOSE. Calif , Nov 23.—Man­ to dispose of them. YAHNAYA, Poliani, Russia, Nov. Sister Aloysia, Mother General of The case against Wllliam Duffy was 21.— With pomp and ceremony Count al ',i o'clock Di Hawley II Crippen the Order of St Francis, with baad- uel Sal do and Manu«»l Gonzales, ■aid til« (tenally fui th«- min dur <>f quarters nt Glen Riddle, Philadelphia. revolutionary lieutenants, arriv'd ^i-nilxs* 4. a* was that against John Tolstoi's body was laid in a costl) 1,1« wile when he «a» hung In the P.i arrived in tb«- city on Tuesday ben» last night and Ix-gau r«»cruitingi Stewart. casket and will be brought home to­ J. L. Poole was fined 1200, which day for burial tomorrow at the foot nton ville jail III« Kin was uicompanied by Mothei Mary 1 for tlx- rebel army. They made u*-i k was broken bi the fall ami death Kilian of I’etidleton mid Sister Octa,! speech«« to railload se«-tion laborers, he paid. of "Poverty” oak. wh*-re his peasants was lll«lulltu IK'ilUS lie met hl« end Joe Yoakum pleaded guilty, and congregated. There will not be any dlr* < t»*r< -.*« general of the schools of who pledged the rebels that they bravi’li anil did not miter nor break church ceremony. Count Tolstoi re- tin «unii- ordei The object of their I would start for Mexico at h given «• ntence in his case was postponed. Bill Fee was fined 250 and given a fusing the Greek church's offer to down, ii«* d«N'.lliii’«i ih« breakfast visit al tills time I« to look over the i signal. It wu« learned ftom them that the jail sentence of ten days, but tbe jail rescind the sentence of excommunica- Unit «us offered him, und when tin­ proper!) of tin- order lu this county, LONDON, Nov 23 Ml*s l.i-ni-v<- so that wlieu matters pertaining to United States bad been divided Into sentence was suspended. timi i urne for the execution In* tion. Horace Manning was tbe attorney mounted the gallows unti stood firmly «alli-d for New York on th«- liner Ma Itili city are und-r consideration by ¡districts, and that two lieutenants had Fearing that outbreaks will occur been assigned to each district. They for the liquor men. while the cap wus Ix-ing adjusted ll<- lesile this morning Sin was regis­ tin- community the police are gathering at tbe place say that 5.000 soldiers will be re-1 had notliitig to «ay about bls eiv«u tered as Miss Allen.” will lx- able to of interment. Troops will be «ent cruited from the Pacific coast. They i thin, and tin- trai» wu« sprung tirompt- < ondltions here ostensibly as a mark of respect, but i ly nt !• o'clex'k. The corps» wan ut Th« arrival of the sisters caused a have been working south from Port- i really to preserve order. Ii is reported »•««»• burled In qulikllnie under th" IIBEE CASES SEI FOR DECEMBER 8 rumor to spread that they had com«- laud. Salx-do and Gonzales get their I th?t anti-churchmen prevented Count tlagstom* of the prison grounds for the purpow- of making arrange- order« while in the United States! Tolstoi asking forgiveness for his acts Before Dt Crippen died Io* «*n> ■ni-nta t<> open a hospltaf in this city, from a junta who«.- headquarters Is III ItGLAR RIFLFX < ANTEL'H < AHIi against the church, and the church t INEN CALENDARE» FOR Illi tiruc»-<| religion. ■ gliti-inth street. St. There are two conditions, however, has decided that It will not act after BOX NEXT TERM Tin purported «-onb-sidon Is doubt his death. Count«-ss Tolstoi swooned j that must b«* overcome before such an Louia. with branch offic«»« at 717 -d Th* London Times Invi ta that Institution can lx- opened in Klamath Avilla street, la»s Angeles and at No­ when informed that the requiem th» doctor gave It to a fri» nd before would not be rung Falls by this order. Th«* ranch prop­ gales ami Douglas. Arizona. X-cun-s #17, But Overlooks Two he wan executed and that lie relate* •luMl«<- of (I k Peni«- Arraigned This erty owned by th«* order, anil located The signal to start for Mexico will Already there is talk of legal com­ Gold I*i«-e»->—Huspect Is Ar­ th» "confession'’ In Un- tlilrd (nrson. a short distance from the city limits, be a telegram printed an an adver­ plications over the count's estate be­ Aft. moon on I barge Growing rested by Officers Miss la-nevc. Attorney Newton and tween .M. Tchertkoff, Count Tolstoi’s must be «old In order that a building tisement in all the papers, reading Out of ilw Price Caar the prison officials den - that Dr I’rlp British representative, and his fam­ fun«l may be created. The s«»cond ' Friend sl«k, hurry South.” It is pen mad»- any confession, and say condition is the ««-curing of «l«ters to reported that Miss T Z. Gonzales is The cash register of the soft drink ily, regarding the possession of Tol­ thut the doctor claims th«- body fount! Th» attorneys of th«» city were at conduct th«* hoMpital. Not withstand­ secretary at the St. Louis office, and parlor operated by Tony Castel on stoi's manuscripts, including an un­ In bls basement wus one that he bad tlx* «ourtbouMi Hnturda) urrauging ' ing that there about 1,000 members that Desldlero Gomez is on«* of the I West Main street near the bridge was published novel. M. Tchertkoff holds dissected nnd then attempted to burn, of the order, thx number is Insuffi­ principal backers. broken open Monday night about 9:45 j the manuscripts and asserts that Tol­ but as he rould n«>t bear th«» smell he fur th«* act ting of their cas«*s for j cient to meet th«* demands. This has and robbed of 147. Two $5 gold , stoi bound him to give them to the tiiirl«*«! the body In th«- basement of trial at th«» next term of th»- circuit 1 been th* principal reason for the de­ REIIEIZ* AND FEDERAL pieces in a compartment in the back world. court, which wll) convene th»- first the housi- TR« for which Dr Crippen sitions of witneiwe« outside of th» <>Ü ht Conflict Expected »«Blurs to meet th»- m .-ds of existing floor and in his haste did not stop to His family ^Djecteo. declaring it was was liangi-d was th« ruurder of his Mat»- l>«*c«mlM*r 27th was t as the a scheme to pauperize Count Enrich schools and hospital« Mother Gen­ pick it up. wife, whoiw* maiden name was B«-llc date for the taking of depositions in El, PASO. Tex.. Nov. 23 General eral Aloysia, when a«ked for a state­ and the Enrich Publishing house. A William Thompson locked up the Eltuore, aud »Im bud b< > n a Well Mlnuxapoll.-i aud other date* ulll b«- ment as to when this city might ex- Madera, commanding 1,000 rebels, at­ quarrel followed, which was said to plac»» at 9:30, and as it was only known actr«ns. On January 31st of set later. Th»- case of Welch, charge 1 p«ct her order to open n hospital. tacked Castro Ciengas at 1 o'clock about 9:50 that Mr. Castel was called , have induced Tolstoi to leave home this year Dr Crippen and his wlf«> with th« killing of Alexander, will this morning. The battle was raging said: I fiercely at 3 o'clock, with the rebels up at the city council, of which he is ! on the fatal trip. gave a dinner party In Ixindon. where probably hav«- to go over on account can make no promise at this a member, and informed that his they had lived for son»- time, and ap of th«- absence of an lin|M>rtant state's i I *■’ time We hope to come at some fu- steadily gaining. 9.000 revolution­ place had been entered, the robber NEW BELL HAS BEEN PLACED parently wore on the best of terms »¡tn»-«« If this wltn««ss Is located In ists last night occupied the American lure date. We must first dispose of must have either been concealed in with each other tint»- th«* can«* will probably com ■ up* IN THE METHODIST CHURCH our ranch here and then find sisters smelter near Chihuahua, and will at- one of the adjoining rooms or else .Mr Crippen was th«- treasurer of af 'he approaching term. Ito conduct the institution. ! have tack the city this morning. have entered as soon as the place was th«- Music Hall latdl«-«' Guild of Lon A number of civil eases were stipu- j cob « here for the purpose of more Dispatches confirm the reports of the Gift of a Member Whose Name locked by Thompson. don. nnd on th«> 2d day of Fcbruar) latod, und will not come up for trial Will Be Made Public at a fully familiarizing myself with con­ fighting at Gomez palacio and at Tor­ The crash of the breaking window that society received a letter purport­ nt thia time. letter Date ditions. both ns to Klamath Fails and reon aud Parral. Three thousand at the side of the room drew the at­ ing to rotnii from her. In which h«-r The libel cases against th«« Klam our property interests here. I be- reinforcements are on route there tention of those working in the ltverv rtutignaUon wa» tendered nnd the nth Publishing cotrpany. growing out A tine large bell has been placed in llev«* that this city has a good future, from Monterey and Mexico City, and stable across the street, to the scene, -tat«*m«*nt was mad«- that she was go of the i I’tirlhouH'* .» nioval contro­ nnd I will do everything 1 can to hast­ a battle is expected today. The Go­ and an investigation showed that the the tower of the Methodist church. It ins tn California to see a sick rela­ versy. were »»»t for D«*cenibcr 6th. en th»- time wh»-n the Sisters of St mez palacio was twice occupied by i I glass in the window had been smashed will be on trial for a number of weeks tive. On the 2d of Mnrrh nn adver­ Ther«* an* two of th»*«>e to b«> tried. Francis will take charge of a hospital the rebels and re-taken by federal land that some person had either en­ before the transaction between the tisement was printed In Ixmdon pa­ County Judge J. B. Griffith nnd t'oun- troops last night. Two federal «ol- bell committee of the church and the and school at this place." tered or made his exit by means of pers an) Ing that .Mrs. Crippen had t 1‘otnniisHfoiii‘r S. T Hummers being bell com pan j will be completed, The When asked if it would lie possible di<-rs and seven rebels were slain. the window, but no trace of hint died suddenly In California. the plaintiffs It will be recalled that 1 for her to send sisters In case a com- bell is the gift from a member and could be seen The friends of Mrs. Crippen were n local paper intimated that these friend of tbe church whose name will I pletel} equipped hospital could lx- (.«Mil» BOXING MATCH The police arrested a man whose not satisfied with the report of her gentlemen were unduly Influenced in St HEDI LED FOR DECEMBER be made public later. , turned over to them she replied that i name they refused to divulge, and an exhaustive Investigation This is the second time Mr. Castel Agency Monday night. Mr. Wilson separate, and he had Inserted the nd- suits (lending In the United States' Sullivan of Sacramento and C. F. o< conditions here. has suffered depredations of this left for other points on Tuesday's vrrtlHi-mcnt of her death In order to court, two by G. X. Wendling and 8. j Tucke>- of Portland is being arranged avoid notoriety over the affair. <>. Johnson for (50.000 each and on«-' for to take place in Houston's opera ' character Three years ago a man tran. entered his place and stole (34.40. Employed ns Dr. Crippen’s st e nog by th»* Klamath Development com­ house December 9. "Young" Sullivan j iapher was h lM-autiful girl named pany for (100,000. Whether these i Tucker is well known here, while '_____ an<* "r i'aste* saV9 t*,at Dever Home for Tlianksgivug will he leave money in the register Ethel Clare Lenovo. Two da) s after suits will bo pushed has not hern an 1 crime-- with unite a reputation as a Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams re .'M ll.it of Weed Has Eh-V-ll Miles <>| • <>Ver night. Dr Crippen hud told the (Milico that tn>uneed by th«* plaintiffs. boxer, he having fought Stanley j turned to their home in Merrill Wed­ Canal Const rucie« I and Will Re ­ Ills wife wus not dead, but that they The case of Justice of the Peace A. Ketchci fifteen rounds to a draw in nesday. where they will enjoy a claim Many Acres .11 RY LIST FOR THE had agreod to Heparatc, the doctor D. Miller was called, he not yet hav- Spokane in 1903. If pulled off it Thanksgiving dinner such as only th» NEXT TERM OF COURT anti his stenographer disappeared. ing been arraign«»d on the charge of Klamath county housewives knov Senator Abner Weed, th«* enterpris­ will be a classy go and well worth The police searched the residence falsifying tho records of Ills court, for I how to prepare. ing owner of a large body of land on seeing County Court Has Selected Men Who which Dr. Crippen hail occupied, and which lie was indicted during the last I Wood River, Is building a larg«» canal Will Ih-chle th«« Merits of Con ­ two days after his disappearance they Hoaslon of th«» grand jury. The charge by means of which he will reclaim troversies to b«* Heard. Returned to Ixuigell Valley discovered the body of a womau con­ grew out of the famous Price case. ' nnd Irrigate many ncn-H of choice cealed In the basement. The remains Ho appeared in court at 2 o'clock this H. G. Bussey, one of the landmarks land which he owns in that beautiful ' Th«* county court lias selected the of Langell Valley, was in the city this were badly decomposed, but u scar on afternoon and was arraigned by th»* i liortlon of Klamath county. I list of men who will act as jurors dur- ( week on business He watted until i h<- body was exactly similar to one court, lie was given until Monda.v He haH 20,000 acres of land in that ing the coming term of court. They Wednesday for the weather to clear that remained on Mrs. Crippen as the tnorning at 9 o'clock to plead. vicinity, anil the canal which ho built are as follows: result of nn operation which had b»s*n up. and getting discouraged started I Tho court set tho following cases is eleven miles long, is twenty-five Johu Colwell, Willie Johnsou, E. R. { for home. performed on her. David Jones vs George E. Olson, feet wide on the bottom, and will In th»- circuit court Tuesday lb» Cardwell. Frank Chitwood, U. G. Gay Search was made Tor Dr. Crippen, suit to recover money, December 5. cary four feet of water. Senator demurrer to the indictment of Justice but no trace of him could be found Went to Lakeview J. It Griffith vs. The Klamath Pub­ Weed is one of those men who never of th« Peace A. D. Miller, who is and H. T Anderson. Morrill: Levi ■ ! McDouald, R. T. Baldwin. G. T. Bald­ Rumors came from all over Europe lishing company, libel, D«>«-ember 6th. Guy Merrill went ov?r to Lakeview charged with making a false entry in quits until he completes the task ho j that the doctor and his companion Bummers vs. Klamath Publishing begins, nnd that h«> will make a sue-' a public record, was overruled by win. C J. Swingle, H. C. Telford. C. last Thursday in the auto, where he L. Kelsey. E. C. Ream. W. E. Grif- were at various cities, but nothing company, libel, to follow the disposi­ cess of the undertaking to reclaim his Judge Noland, and Judge Miller en­ I «th. W. E. Bowdoin. W. T. Elliott, has business that will keep him for a definite was learned until Scotland tion of the Griffith suit against the many acres in the Wood River coun­ tered a plea of not guilty.” No date Alonzo Baiuter, John Jansen, A. E. short time. Yard received word that there were oanii* firm. itry Is understood by those who it now for the trial has been set * Cram-e, R S. Moore atid Frank Me-1 two passengers on the steamer Mont- I««ft for .Seatth- ! him. . Coruack. Klamath Falls: J. A. Par­ test- whom Captain Kendall of that I HORN OF J. C. CONN IS Honor Popular Merchant Mi and Mrs. C. M. Pettit, who re- ker and W. A. Wright, Bly; S. A. vessel thought were Dr. Crippen and SENT TO llOSEItl RG White, Royston. H. J. O'Brien. John l cently purchased a large ranch near IsHtking for Investments J. A. Buchanan, manager of the his stenographer. The two had ship- Shook aud A. L. Michael, Dairy; J. here, left for their former home in W. A. Harst, who is here Troni lied as father and sou, and the young- Monarch Cash Store, returned home . r person wore boy's clothing, but from Yreka Sunday night, where he I Rhyolite, Nev., looking for Invest- Committed Suicide at Silver loike in Nichols. W. W. Finley. Fred Harpold ' Seattle last Friday, where they will Ilio I—Remain« l’retuwcd by anil John Stindt, Bonanza; R. C. Cow- spend the winter. those who noticed them thought the had b«»en to attend the funeral of E tnents In land, went to Merrill Satur- t on»««' Whitlock | ley. lairella. K. Is-avitt, who was burled there Sun-1 day youth was In reality a girl drosHed as W. L. Beckley and wife came over a boy, which later proved to be th»» day. Ilo said that Mr. Leavitt was! lexiking for an Opening. from Oakland, Ore. on Tuesday, and The remains of J. C. Conn were so well thought of that oven the sn- ; M«k«*s Final l*ro«»f. »ace. Swan Olson and Dan Glares were will visit with his sister, Mrs. Steams, Inspector Drew of Scotland Yard loons closed during the limo of fu-, Charles Wager made final proof to- brought here from Silver Lake by A. tarted for America on a fast steamer neral and that many attend«^ th«- »er-! , day on his homestead In township E. Kenworthy, and on Tuesday they here Saturday from Kennett looking who lives about eight miles from town. were shipped to Roseburg, where for an opening for a aloon. 1 37«, range 10K. ii aching here before the Montrose. Ns vices.