In her auto to llonanxu, wlior% EHVMK.NT Mias Graham Hurt in Rio t s al Botimi- Ijeaves for A«liUn«l No«ai — Mm. All«'iiqH«*i«'n«l» Tuesday Man to III«* Insane Asylum Art« Aske«l to Atteml Mrs. Roy <). Walker, who leave« non for Ashland, Or«* . wus th« guest ■if honor Iasi Friday afternoon at a delightful 500 pnrty given by Mr«. Charles I Roberta ut her home on Pine street Mrs. Roberts, uimlstud by Mrs Oscar Shive, served dainty re ireshments to M«*sdanies Roy discussed Teachers und patrons of the school are urged to at tdtod. Pliyaii'lmi I« Charged Utili railing to Proihle Pr«>|H*r Att«*iiti<«n l or Ills Dying Wife hostcMH ItufuH Moore w.i*. afternoon at her hundsome OMAHA, Nov. I Perry H. Yeast and his son Frunk, lesli« Ballnger, .M ('. Hubbell, Emil Anderson, Henry Hut tun, <’. Emerson. II. Thorne und Dr. Han y Ihiff have b« • n Indicted on a «barge of d<-fraudlng homesteaders on V. Kti’in Nebraska land. It is asserted they subjected the hoDiesteuilers to u sertoii of perui cu- ilons eliding In an armed mid. It Is also charged that the < «inspira­ tors "rullroaded” C. J. iMivashcr, a Iiomesl«*iider, to the inaane asylum ft Is llk«’Wl«e alleged that last spring thirty rutichni n rulded the homesteaders' i«lue«-«. cut th«lr har- I nmx. tmmpl«'l<*ii«c from the usyltim by imant of u writ of linb«-«« corpus. H<* then wrot«- to President Tuft. and an investigation resulted. The lattk-nien -ay in de- fi n " that th«- bind is thi lftt, und that the iiotm .ti'iidem ar«’ usurpers LISBON, Nov. 5. Every political A sei ions accident marr«’d the race» prisoner In Portugal has been re- held on last Friday (candidati-«' day) leas«-d and the sentences of criminals at Bonanza, when Miss Graham, the has been reduced one-third. 16-yeai i40 [ for th«' girl, who is not believed to b«-: i dang« lotiKly injured. The young lady wa« also awarded the purs« hung upi for th« race In which ih«* accident or- curr«’d FRESNO, Calif.. Nov. 4. The d< fens«« lu the trial of Dr. Juckson L. Martin, who Is charged with failing to provide proper modlcal attention to his «lying wife, open««d today. Th« tliwt witness was Mrs. it. Russell, n IU II. ENT ITE TRANSFERS iis< who attended Mrs. Martin Mrs. ItuHneil's testimony wus to th« pot: VALLEA u : hh The foilouiiiK lint of transfers In < rt« < i that Dr. Martin Invariably told ' realty I k furnished by th«* abstract l>« r wlicr«' xh« ’ could find him when Homer Itobeitn und family wore In Arm of Mason Ac Slough: th« valle) Sunday visiting his parents, h«- left th«' Martin home. Sh«> also I..I« list I ii *.| uiii < «I of luist Vigili, ami Wllbnr White to Wilmot Crandall t« still. «I that the defendant on som« Mr and Mrs. II. II. Roberts lie Hn* Slight i liait«'«* of »nd J. A. Crandall, part of lot. 2.’ his occasions «nt up und iitt>*n100. ! and Corn Griffith returned from th«' at his lloill" ut Ihe point of death, H P. Galarneaux Hr. to Joseph L. i Fall« Bunday. where they bud been \\ .I I Vote«) N« Ii-ntlkt un«l I orni« ill u with but a «light chance for his re- (>erst«'l. lots 2. 3 und 4. bleak 16, «o attend th«* t«*n«'hcrs‘ Institute. llls illnes« began Sunday, iSunnyxld«- addition to Klamath Falls; lovery Pii»f«Asor in th«* l'uiv«*rwlty .Mrs, Mari Murk and daughter« wtien he was f«ir<«-d to go to bed with 110. of t 'ulifornlu .•« nt to Klamath Full« Monday. an attack of pleur««tlc pneumonia. Elijah Denton to la- S. Deuton. School began ut the t’pper Po«* Vai Pro This wuh followed by a severe attack W«4 of NE%. E<4 of NWfc »ec. «- NEW HAVEN. Conn., Nov 2 ley school hoUM- on Monda’ . with l< sor Emeritus William Henry Br«*«v of kidn«’y trouble, au«l hi- lias grown 337 's : NE % of SW % , E H of BW’i . ; Want II. Oden as teacher. er , k> years of ago. a member of th«* utrndnully wors. until Thru»day. when sec. 5-33-7 V»; also part of SEV« sec. I Jasper Kennett w»« In the Valley faculty of the Sheffield Hclcnttflr It wa« thought that he «muid hardlv 5-33-7'-; : >7,600 ruvsday electioneering. live through the night. He liad been m I ioo I. uud un ex-professor of Call Elijah Ib-nton to Frank M. De nton. A social dance was given at the f« mia. died here today. uUghtly Indisposed for a coupl«* of HWU sec. 9. EH SE’4 sec. 8, lots 3 home of Frank Kester Inst night, and wwkn before he finally r«-tlrcd to bls and 4, sec. 9-33-7 H: 67.500. a|| report having a One timi* BERKELEY, Calif . Nov. !. Pro bed, but at no time was his condition John E. Landers to Ella M. Lan­ Loosen Roas went to the Falls on feesor Brewer wa» one of the wld«*»’ considered serlou« until Tuesday. ders. S«4 of 8V4 of SEH of SE% of! Tuesday. Mr. Nplnk is one of th«- b«*st known sec. 75-36-14; SI. known pioneers of the geological sur­ Albeit Mark wan a visitor In the vey. and was th«« author of a number busines« men In the county. For aev- N. G. Hyland to Mary Griffith, undi­ Falls Saturday. of clcntlfl« works. Mount Brewer, ■ < ml years h«- operated stor«»s In the vided half of 8W% of NE%. SW'4 I on«* of the hlgh«wt p»*nks In th«* Stor­ Indian reservation, and throughout of NW>, and NEV* of SW t* and lots! IIER.N A Iti» hl III. GKTH ms. twars bls numF. He was a mem- the county. He Is a genial, whole- 7, S. 9, 10, 11 and -2. sec. 36, and INDETERMINATE NENTKNt E iwr of the forestry commlttc«* of th« souled Individual, and his illness will lot 5. sec 26-36-7: >10. till with regret his many friends in ¡«cademx of M*|cncee Ludw ig Sterxl to William l’hr-1 th«' county. Jury I* Pn.lMtItiy Now IN-u-iiuinlug manti. S'i of BE«4 »ec. 23-36-11’4: th«* Fate of ••French Ixmi».’’ >1.100 st I KIM. TO PHEt ENT FMHIDS W. H. Copeland to H. Ellis Win-! Who Kill««! Jack Barry IS TIIE! M nard BE Hof NW’i EH of SWV, I Dl«lrl«t Attorney l> V Kuyktndu I returned from Lakirvlew Nuudav • venlng. where he hud beea attend­ ing th«. Lake county term of th«* cir < ult court. While there be arg^. d th«’ case against B«*rntird Kuhl, who was charged with horse steullng. Kuhl was found guilty anti given an Indeterminate «entenc«». The <««<■ of lxiul* Voysadde. known ua "French Louis.” was argued by him und Judge Benson, and probabtv ibe jury lias th«* fate of that man In Veysadd«« killed Jack their bunds. Barry, a bartender In Mike Hart’s sa- Icon. som> weeks ago during a quarrel. WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 4 Presidrnt Taft umi Secretary of tin* Interior Ballinger conferred with Judge Leavitt, repr«»scntlng th«* Southern Pncltie railroad, and a plan i I to be devliUHi for co-operation be­ st w« i n th«’ railroad and the govern- m< nt to prevent the annual flood In th«' Imperial Valley of California. I,rt’»id«,nt Taft will confer with the Mexican ambassador before publish­ ing th« details of th«* «inference. MILITI I 10. It. Ellis Winnard to E. A. Fleet, Art* Blown Down and Mn- SE‘* of NWIi, E’i of SWV4 and ■ bin«** Badly Damaged W of 8E*4 sec. 9: al*’ NE'* and BALTIMORE. Nov 4 Owing to th«* damage by wind, snow and sleet last night ther«* were no aeroplane flight« at lialethorp today. Th« for- 50.000. EH of NW*4, »«>«■ 16-49-14; >20. Paul G. Cochran to D.H.Golden, lot t *. block 9. East Klamath Falls : >10 D H. Golden to John A. Pappin, lot K. block 9. East Klamath Falls; >10. I'nitcd States to John Scott. NE*4 sec. 28-24-9 I’nitcd State« to Jaim-s Fitxpatrick. NE’» sec. 13-34-9. The Paris department of public hygiene has been equipped with sev­ They Ire Puwtlng Away eral automobiles carrying large metal What will a person say now when tanks, in which household articles h«> wants to say: "You enn no mor«’ can be placed for disinfection by for­ BARCELONA. Nov. 4. The Subu- do that than fly. maldehyde. del striker« today v«»t«»d to march «gain«! Barcelona tomorrow in an at­ tempt to «tart a revolution Fighting betwiH’n the strikers und strlkcbreak- • r« lire occurring hourly In llarcelonn and Sabadul. Thre«* non-unionist« were «hot to death last night by sym­ pathisers with th«> «trikers. I ight*. Occur Hourly Between Strik «•rw uud Strikebreaker*—Three M«n Art* Sh«»t • DALLAS. Trx.. Nov 7. As a re­ sult of the conviction of Sergeant Manley for bayonetting a man during Presldunt Taft's visit here four ofll- ceru of the national guard have rc- i Migned. Captnln Klnm.rd of th«« Dal-, la« company lit.« usk<*«l the adjutant general to mmiter out his entire com- : pany, «aylug that he cannot order the • Cover* th«* Flfty-Tw«» Miles in men on guard duty when they are Hour and Ten Minute« and Car- subject to the civil anthoritiee for ri«*s Silks Willi Hlm conviction for obeying military or-' «tors. Aviator Par- COLUMBVS. Nov. 7. mal«*«’ landed her«* at 11:50 thls VIHIT«HIM ARK PLEASED WITH PKIJCAN HAY morning, having flown from Dayton In a Wright biplan«?, carrying a con­ S.UI Francis«*«» Capitalists Believe This signment of silk from a Dayton firm He left Dayton. 52 mil«« away, at Part of tlu* State III«« a Great 10:40. making the distance In one Future hour and ton minute» i Th«* part) of San Francisco cap­ Try'i»g Work italist« who went up to Pelican Lodge .i few day« ago, returned 8undaj und Thln-halred Man What! A shill­ left for th« Ir home« Monday morn­ ing for cutting my hair. That’s out­ ing. 1’hoHc who went today wer«* H. rageous! 1». Oliver, F. A. Houston. W. J. Fer- Barber But, tuy dear sir. the hulrs guHon un«l Jo««' Costa. They all ex- on your head are so far apart that I preaatid tlicmsclves as more than have to cut euch ou«' by itself pleased with their visit here, and be- Bits. lii’Vi’ that thi« purt kli>g After Hi« lui lol Mr Bond and Mr. Vawter, th«* Chi- H. D. Anderson came up from Glen- «ago «apltallsta. ar«’ still at the lodge dale, Calif.. Thursday, and 1« stoppfhg ut th« Lakeside. He 1« extensively An Automobile Party toreated in lands near Merrill, anti Friday afternoon Mrs. (lus Melhase here to look after them. look a partv consisting of Mr«. Goo. Il W Truesdell was down freni 111. Morine. Mr«. M. Hoagland, Mr«. Alex McDonald and Mrs. Levi McDonald. Kk.mnth Agency Saturday a • Looking Backward Is a great deal easier than looking forward. It Is easy to see the mis­ takes of the past, and they may be used as guideposts all along the fo­ ture way. Instead ot wasting your opportunities, why not turn over a now leaf and make the beat of then. In the future? It will pay you to care­ fully Investigate the opportunities for investment right here in the Klamatl country. If you are a stranger in th« city you owe it to yourself to see th« surrounding country before going You should not take the word of any man when you are near enough to see for yourself. Chllcote is willing to show you all kinds of city and country property Call at 432 Main street or phone 461 I Closing Out Entire I Stock I I j j at the Goodrich Cash Store <'rackets (e-.tmi), regular S3« Flake Dati, and Wheat, regular 15c Table Fruit, regular 35c Tabi«- Fruit, per dozen. asi>ort«-d .... < rram, diim * can«»........................................ s ice's regular 15c cans...................... Roll'«1 Oat«. 10 pounds for...................... Pear)« of Wlieat, |«*r package .......... ............. ............. . •. . . • . .............. 75« ....................... 35c 2O<* ..................... r¿.25 ....................... »5c 10c 91.00 ....................... 15c ’s and Boys’ Clothing Itcgular SUO and S22.5O Suits ......................................................... gl 4.00 Ib-gular 017 Suita................................................................... t t ..................011.00 i tegular 93.50 Pants................................................................................ 02 25 Other Prices in Proportion CROCKERY Agateware Glassware A Large Line to Select From at Your Own Price Produce and Eggs Taken at Market Prices Same as Cash No Goods Delivered «