Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 03, 1910, Image 1

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oiní lAI, l’AI’KR t»F
NO. 31
$2,50<l. lit Hli I ppi n gt«>n TI ioh Drake
hand» to. Proof of that fact wan
owns a lot In block 5. It I k uh »«* h «» «I *
given the officers today, for when
ut $100; th« bulntKu of th« lot« In I
they entered the jail this morning
that block all juat alike are aa-
Wh«?eler ha«l treed himself from tbe
handcuffs which confined his wristt.
Mcssed at $50. In block 52. Nichole |
addition, a lol owned by II M Mun
an«! he threw them out between the
bars of the cell onto the jail floor
ning Is uk »«* hh <'<I al $100. oik * of equal
And the handcuffs were of such intri­
value, owned by m *I1 mhm Brandenburg,
cate m«-chanism that Marshall th
¡ Is aasesaod at $800. On .Main str««"
\\ HOI.I- ,H lid, JAH. DELIVERY Is "handcuff king.” who appeared at
i Georg«* Bl* hn ow ns 40 f«*et which Is
I Houston's theater a few week» ago.
on th« roll for $1,400; adjoining this
IN *10.21»
I refused to have idaced on him be­
property and practically th* sano- In
cause they were too difficult, to oper- ‘
point of value and revenue, are 25
' ale. Wheeler seemed to have no
A HI I ANO MISS PROGRAM FOUOWfO which Is a*M*H»od at $1,-100 Through GRADING AND FITTING COST $3,155 JACK «HEFTER IS THE RINGEEADER I trouble in freeing himself from them i EUCTION RETURNS TUESDAY NIGHT
I ’ast night, and when he was chained'
out th«* city the «ante condition of
and handcuffed again today he a>.
Facta <.lcaii<<l Fn.in the Holl a» Pre-
I,roc«-e«b> Will Go Toward the Ere« -
LeavI iik the city and examining the ■*tin<il Ordern Burned Ituildhig*- <*«i Youthful PriMHicr Aliiwwt <’on*>um- on«-«- began to try to free himself I
|H«r«'d l»y ih«' 1’rvsM‘iit Aw^aaor
lion of a < iiureh Which Will Be
Main Htnv-t Torn Dow it.
from the handcuffs and did not de­
land from th«* country one will find
nu«t«-H Plan lo Eerup«*— Fee«-««
• *f th«' County
a Credit to th«- City
Light« Or«h-r«-d In.
that the land owned by W. T. Elliott
IliniM-lr From Hand« uff«
riv«?t them to him if he did not »top.
In 39-10 I. aaseaaed nt *8, while that
He refused to do so. and the shackles
of T. M. Cunningham, practically the
Captain la«« has uccused this paper
Preparation» for the Catholic fai
Th* total cost of th«- first unit of
MB«, I» on the roll for 810. J. It.
What «am«; n*-ur l«eing a wholesale were riveted to him by a blacksmith
au nilRi>-pr«*s«'ntlng hint In the matter
paving so far a« It is now don« jail delivery was frustrated by th this morning.
1 *•- White-Maddox hall November 7th
Griffith I h aaaeuaed at 818. Mr
uf ajotucetnenlti. and lit order not to <ox, aero»» the fence at $4.50.
and 8th go on with unabated zeal
amounts to 810.215, while the «.*xtra vigilant * of th«* officer» Tuesday night
■Io him any Injustice a brief examina- true that (Irinith's land Is
That it pays to advertise, even in
better than
when they searched the county jail
lion of Ih«* roll was mad«*. It revealed
church work, is evident by the man
that of Wilcox's, but not sufficiently tion company, who took that matter nnd discovered a sw-tion In tb«- cornet
many things, but Him* and spa« * does
tier in which unsolicited donations ar.
off the city'» baud» and agreed to pay hack of tiie steel cage where the roclt
to muk« the difference.
not permit of a complete publication
tin- men whom the city would other- hud b«*n removed and a hoi« larR** Mr. and Mu. O. M. Hwtor Entertain I arriving at the headquarters of th*
Going tip Into Langell
uf ail th«- dls<te|>linili'H Ou* of th«*
i committee*. Donating to church work
hi His Honor at Their Ewaunu
found tltai the ltal»ton tract, which » I' m have be«t> «ompelhd to * iiiplo). cnoguh for a good sized man to craw! I
moat glaring wiik found In flu* timber
I is donating toward the uplifting and
This Is for th«* through had b*'«-n made.
Heights Home
was mainly resjtoiialbl« for th* fullure «'ante to 83,155 24
land assoastm-nls. ami these uro hii ITI-
I beautifying of your own town; th*
of the Upper Project, and which Is tearing up of the nld'-walks, taking up
The jail is compowd of heavy
«lent to ««tuvlnre the moat skeptlcil
| progress of a city is marked by Un­
h* Id by the owner ut $35 an acre, la
rough Htont-H laid In cement, and in-
that at least two timber companies uxH. KH«d at about $3.80, or $C.98u for lhi* »(reel ready for the paving. Th«?
*dde 1« a »mootli cement finish, while by Miss Marne Haley of Sacramento, l progress of its church work.
wer«' particularly well cured for In
Boston has derived more advertis-
lhe 1,840 acres Th«* l)«*ekinan tract «oinpany pay» the mon and the city the outside of the building is faced ; Calif., entertained at their beautiful
the matter of assessment«. H«dow la
| home on Ewauna Heights Monday * ing from Its beautiful churches than
of 4 80 acres Is a»»«*aae<l at $1,800 reimburses It by warrant» «in th«* city with dri-used stone.
glva-n a list of xiint' of the aswss-
The 238 ocrea owned by Mrs. Ida treasury.
The cement finish on th« inside bad evening. Mr. H. P. Galarneaux being it has from its celebrated pork and
menta made, and It will In* noticed
Members ('astel, Wilkins, Stone, bean hacked off with an axe that had the guest of honor, it being the anni- beans. The whole United States sor­
Gerber Is asMcs»«*«! at $2.880, whll<-
that there 1» quit«* u dlff«-renc«* Ire-
the 1.939 acres owned by C. J. Hwln- Summers. Obenchaln and Willits were been smuggled into the jail, and some ' versary of his birth. Cards and mu­ rowed at the destruction of the mag­
tween the Weyerhauaer ami Hopkins
Kle an- assessed at $1.651. William pr«*sc*nt Tuesday night when th«- meet­ of the r-xk had been replaced and the sic were indulged in until 11 o’clock, nificent St. Ignatius church and
lands and those of the Oshkosh and
Ba»«*ett owns 120 acr«*« In the aam«* ing was called to order.
cruvlcea filled with loose cement until when a sumptuous repast was served. school in the late San Francisco dis­
till« hrist people. When th«- board of
valley which I» ana«'H»ed at 81.200,
it had Its original appearance. The . Al) enjoyed the evening and wished aster.
equalisation took up the matter of while the
That Klamath Falls will hav*
Son nrres of aitiillar land In lows :
remainder of the rock which had been Mr. Galarn«mux many returns of the
these aaio-sMOiunts II was soon discov­ the »nine
buildings in keeping with the
locality, owned by H. II
t «moved bail been placed on top of
ered that the lands owned b> the Osh­ Burnham
growth is evident by
Is assv-HSed at 83.200 The
kosh !»•■< id** and Gilchrist wer* under­ I 60 arrea
Misses Edna and Kathryn Wells, Jane the success the baxaar is meetlng
of J l> Humaker Is on the
are locked at night.
valued. and an Increus«» of over $100,- rolla (nr
8980. while the 32* of Henry
Paul T Durney, alias Jack Wheel­ L. Wilson, Marne Haley, Bella Tris­ I with. Some of the donations in ad-
000 was mud«- In the assessment of Vincent
. . .110,215
la U m *• for 81 SSO
er. Is the ringleader in the plot to es­ cot and Messrs. B. L. Hardenbrook, I ditions to those published yesterda .
the Gilchrist properties, and one m ar­
Bo It goes, throughout the entire
cape, and he Is now languishing In the Frank Vannice, Ed Vannice, Harry are as follows:
Other bills allowed were:
ly as lurg«* on th • Oshkosh. This pa roll.
Gillette Furniture bowse. $15 leath­
I» not that a hit and miss prop-
dark cell wher<> unruly prisoner» are Earnest. O. M. Hector, H. P. Galar­
tier would like to knew why this dif­ oritlon?
er upholstered settee; W. H. Dolbeer *
neaux and H. P. Galarneaux Jr.
Th«* tracts »«dected ar«- about Th»». E. Stanley, labor . . . . $80.00 confined.
12 50
ference was made
Frank Dingman, labor . . .
furniture store, $18 solid oak rocker;
bh near In vain** »» land can lx- Thow
Durnoy. or Wheeler, as he is better
Take, for vxuniplu. lite limber of familiar with th«* localities referred toj Grant Fouch, labor..............
I Virgil i Bon, birdseye maple dressing
known, is confined under $5.000
th«- Pukegama district, where th««
TIFY DEF-ORE GRAND JURY table and chair to match. $22.50;
30.00 bonds awaiting the action of the
will readily ace that this |>ap« r ha» I. P. Cutler, labor................
holdings of the Oshkosh company are
bo n fair In »tatliiK that it I» of alxiut Al Logan, labor....................
grand jury on a charge of highway Inl<-«>tigators of Times Disaster to Oregon Saddle and Harness company
ricognlsed as being the best timber
$5 robe; First Naiional bank. $5
Horatio Orem was granted a permit robher?. he having held up and rob-
<qual value There is no mlarepr«*-
Hear M ■tnesae« Summoned
land In that >.«*ctlon. that company »«'titatlon here Th«* r«*e«>rd» speak to rre« t a one-story bungalow on l<it
Klamath County hank, $5 cash
»»od Georg« Stevens on October 20th
Froi.i San Franriaro
was ussessa-d at from 82 to 85 less tor themselves.
G. Heitkemp.'r Jr. ewelry store, a
2. block 12. original town, approxi­ as it eniion<'d In the Herald, and beat­
ihun those of the Weyerhauaer or
lady's gold a -teb, •
T. G.
Throughout his <anvasH Mr. I^*<* ’ mate cost. 81,200.
en him .«early to death with a beer
LOS A?»?
2.-0. A.
Hopkins coni pan lev This hhk jwmet't
has Bevor stated that he would r«*slgn 1 Grant Fonts was uppolnted pollce- bottle. His comiMiaion. Henry Smith, Tveitmoe, A. E. Yoell and Antone McHatton jewelry »tore, fnermos bot­
was raised by th«* bour«l of cqnalliut-
as ti*'sc»m«>r if he were cl«*cted county n.an to act for the Warren Construc­ is also in the jail under $2.500 bond;, Johannson, prominent labor leaders, tle. value $10; Link River Electri.
company, table lamp, value $10; Chit­
judge. There la a reason for that. tion eomiuiny at their expense.
as an accessory to the crime.
and others arrived here today to testi­
Th«* sum«* Is tiu<- of the Gllchtist 11« Intends to try and hold both off!
wood Drug company, box writing pa
bids:«» Baldwin addressed the coun­
Wheeler had been vicious a few fy before the Times grand jury. The per, value $2.50; Joe Pierce donates
holdings In the Ih-echutes country, cea II«* cannot do It, but he Is Koine cil relative to the extension of the
lavs ago, and the officers had shack­ labor leaders have attorney Appell ac­
recognised as the best timber land In
to try. If such a proposition should, Main street sewer from Juniper street led him to the walls of the jail. He companying them. Tveitmoe Weld a a lot in Terminal City, value $50:
ihat part <>f the county.
the Bargain Store. Chippendale berr)
arise It would throw the affair» of' to Payne alley. He explained that
For lhe information of th«nu< Inter­ both offici's into confusion and mater­ while the property owners wanted the had a case knife concealed on his per­ lengthy conference with Attorneys set, value $5.
ested the following facts are given ially hamper th«* business of th«? »«•wer put In they wanted the paving son. and nicklng'the edges h*> made a Lewis, Snyder and Spring, counsel
Mr. Boivin will have charge of the
i«aw with which he severed the chain . for the local laboring men. He re­
togardlng some of th«' assessments county.
more, and that they would dlspens«* that bound him to the wall, and then fused to announce the topic talked Elks voting contest and Mr. Galar-
Township 30, Range .1
with th. sewer extension rather than .mlocklng his shackles he entered th«' 1 over, and would not discuss the prob­ neaux will bold the watch on the most
A. C Hopkins assessed nt 813 per
popular candidate contest.
delay the paving.
steel cell In the center of the jail and able testimony to be offered.
Tuesday evening full returns of the
Colonel Wilkins reported for the fastened the door when the officers
Weyerhauaer Lund company. 813.
election furnished by the Herald's
street committee that lights had been tried to unfasten ft he hacked at their i I
Oshkosh laitid and Timber compa­
United Press dispatches will be post-
ordered In to the number of twenty at bands with the improvised saw. and
ny. 88 to 810.
cd, and everyone is invited to make
various places across the railroad only desisted when a shot was fired at
Weatern Pacific Timber company,
the hall their headquarters, Get th»-
track and between the depot and the him.
election returns and enjoy the music.
Klamnth Development company's of­
Wheeler is a very powerful young
Township 40, Range .1
fellow, apparently about 23 years old.
llopkln». 813 per acre,
Th. council instructed the police
Weyet hauser luind company, 813 (■«neral Strike May lie Called if Trou, judge to notify the owners of the and Is more than a match for two or­
dinary men. While he was digging at
Oskosh latnd anti Timber compa-
hl* I» Not Nettled l>y Tomor­
buildings which were partially de­
th«* wall the other prisoners were Wanted Five Hundred Dollars for A Number of Good Horses Hare Been
ny, 88 to 810.
row Night
stroyed by Are a few weeks ago to
singing and making a noise so that
Township 31». Range fl
EntiTcd, and an Exciting Tim«'
have them torn down, as they were
Preventing a Verdict Front
th«« sound of the axe would not be
Hopkins, 81.1 pet' acre.
Is Expected
so badly damaged that they could not
Wey«»rhauser Land company. 813.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2. The pros­ I be repair. <1. and the) were a menace h«ard. So expeditious was his work
Oshkosh Land and Timber compa­ pect of federal troopH driving th«- mail to passersby, or at least would be as that all that remained to be done was
Friday will be candidate's day at
and in the afternoon several
ny, M '•> lit«
wagons Is Imminent if th«' drivers' soon a» the snow falls. Five days' to remove the stone facing on the out­
NEW YORK. Nov 1.— G ao . Yean-
Western Pacifi. Timber company. strike spreads ns It i« expected. It ir notice is to be given. This order also I side of the wall and escape. The plan die. a juror, has been arrested on a , exciting races will be run. The dis­
'announced that If a general team- Include» the old Hamaker barn at the was evidently to escape as soon as the i charge of attempting to “hang'' the tances are from 300 yards to flve-
Wm llray, 88.
' »ter»' strlk«* is called tomorrow night corner of Seventh and Pine streets. i officers had locked the prisoners In I jury in the trial of Edward Rosen- i eighths of a mile, and as they will b«-
•he cell and left the Jail, but Police-
J M Bray. 88
th«* mall wagon drivers will also quit.
Tim putting on of two pipe laying
heimer, the millionaire, charged with ' run for “blood" some close finishes
Township :IN, Range ft
General .Manager Ashton of the Inter­ gangs necessitated the appointment I man Sam Walker had been tnispicious the murder of Grace Hough. Rosen- are expected.
Weyerhauses l.and company. 810 national Teamsters' union said today of another sewer Inspector, and W T. of the noise that had been made dur­ heimer's auto struck and killed Miss
In the five-eighths mile race Mr.
ing the past few days, and he Inspect
per acre.
"Dick Rusher." W. Wood’s
"If the strike Is not settled by to­ Shlve was selected for that office.
e«; the walls of the Interior of the fall 1 Hough and injured two others. The "Uncle Tom," and Louis Gerber’s
Western Pacific Timber company. morrow night I shall recommend an
and discovered th«1 marks of the axe
immediate general strike."
history of this city. It is alleged that | "Harry Gwin Jr." will try for the
| on the cement.
Oshkosh Land and Timber compa­
Mayor Gnynor withdrew the police­
REDUCED *11,000.000
a man named Timondoffer represent­ honors.
ny, les» than 88.
How the axe was smuggled into the ed Yeandle and made an offer to Jas.
About $100 in purses has been se-
men from the express wagons today,
C P Bray, 8«
hut mount«*d tiollcc rode alongside llitch< <H'k und Taft Both Think Office. i ,al| Is not known, but the prisoners i W. Osborne. Rosenheimer’s attorney. ! cured, and to this will be added the
I have been given a great deal of free­
W. M. Bray. 88.
them, guarding the wagons and driv­
Holdem Should Be INnrcd
It is alleged that Timondoffer said entrance fees, which will make a near
Township 40, Range O
en». The taxicab drivers and the
Under Civil Service
that Yeandle had hung the Patterson sum to be fought for. besides the hon­
Western Pacific Timber company. Wescott express company mon struck
handed it into the jail, where It would jury for 8500. and wanted a similar or of winning.
110 per acre.
be easy to secrete It in th«* b«*ddlng of amount to hang the Rosenheimer
this morning.
Oshkosh Land and Timber compa­
An Important Bulletin
Postmaster General Hitchcock'» ad- j the bunks.
j Jury.
re. 88.
In the jail are confined Thomas
rnlnlstratlon has reduced the pontal
bulletin No. 392 has just
Woyerhauser I-a nd company, 813. ANYONE CAN CATCH FINN
deficit 811,000.000. President Taft Alexander, charged with the murder mit» hanging the Patterson jury, and been issued by the government. and
A. C Hopkins, $13.
Intend» to ask for legislation Intro- I of Joe Powell, having shot the latter it will probably cause an investiga­ It is one that every landowner in this
Township 10, Range 7
■ during half cent letter postage. Post­ In the Elite caf«' on September 13th: tion of the Patterson trial. Marked project could read with advantage. It
Western Pacific Timber company. Trout Arc Said to Ih> Ho Thick on the master General Hitchcock »aid:
George Welch, who is also charge! bill» given to Yeandle were found in relates to the irrigation of sugar
lUfflew That They Trip
410 per acre.
■’The machine office-holders arc with murder, he having killed a man hl» pocket after he had been arrested. beets, and as they are most profitable
the Anglers
Weyerhauser l.and company, 810.
doomed I am with President Taft In named Alexander several weeks ago: t Yeandle and Timondoffer are liable to to raise and can be easily grown tn
A. C. Hopkins, over $10.
believing that all local office-holders Thaddeus Yorke. alias Houston, ten years' imprisonment and a fin«’ of this county it would pay the farmers
Oshkosh Land and Timber compa­
PORTLAND, Nov. I. Wliat prom­ ( should be under the classified service, charged with forgery; Charles Ewing $5.000
to send for a copy of the bulletin to
••harged with forgery; Walter Bowen,
ny. 88 to 810.
ise» to be the prise story of the fall {and taken out of politics."
the Superintendent of Documents,
Township JIM, Range 7
held for forgery; Wheeler and his
Reason comes from Gresham, where
Washington, D. C.
Will Be Taken to Asylum
. partner. Henry Smith, jip for highway
W<«tern Pacifi«' Timber company, salmon trout ar<> jostling each other
Agency Items
.Mr. Alexander, father of Fred
810 per acre.
In »»condlng the Sandy Rivet. One I A party including John Lee Ball, i robbery, and J Spencer, charged with Alexander, who was killed by George
Taken to the Asylum
WeyerhauH<*r Land company. 110. truthful fisherman bring» In the re­ .1. II. Holman. Harry Wright and ; larceny.
Welch a few months ago, is now being
Orville Carter, who was examined
Township 31», Range 7
port that the trout are so thick on the I Joe Brigg will go up to the Wilson
Th«> escape had evidently b«x’n | held at Dorris, from which place he as to his sanity Tuesday before Coun­
WcyerhaitHer laind company. 110 riffles that they trip angler» who are 1 Brother«* ranch duck hunting
planned for several days, and the In-! will be taken to the insane asylum ty Judge Griffith and Dr. C. V. Fisher,
Western Pacific Timber company, wading In the shallow places, and In
A number of Indians are coming tention had been to fie«’ Tuesday night I Thursday morning by Constable John was taken to the asylum Wednesday
some canes the men have bc«'n thrown down from the Agency this week on as Smith hnd his best clothes on. over j Hughes. Alexander escaped from the morning by Attendant Harrington.
Getting away from the timb«*r lands off their feet by the swarming fish. biisinesH. Rome to lay in their win- which he hnd drawn a pair of over­ asylum last spring, and was only re­
md dipping inf«» the city property wo It 1« an easy mattor, under such cir­ I ter'» supplies. Among them will be alls.
I cently captured.
Married Saturday
find the same state of affairs. Judge cumstances, to catch large number» of Robert Wilson, Jack Pnlmcr and Den-
Wheeler »«x'ms to have an unusti
Paul Pierpont and Alta 8borey
Drake owns 280 feet on Klnniath ave­ the finny rn»caln and the creels of the nl» Crawley.
ally acute faculty for picking locks.. It takes 7,000 tons of coal to bring were married in the office of County
nue and E. R. Ilcames 300 feet. Gresham »port» arc bulging with nal-1 Edwin H. Wilson has started to ind claims that he can free himself one of the modern liners across the Judge Griffith last Saturday by that
Drnke is «««eased at 83,000: Renmos, mon trout.
build hi» dwelling house
(torn any lock that ho can get his Atlantic ocean