Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 06, 1910, Image 5

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n HEHMAN finishes him
A Coui|»iny Is Form*«! to I'roujwxq. for
Artealan Water—Bond Over
lea Hill I» Completed
|< was news In Dairy when the vote
ut the primary dlsclos**»! the fact that
Jim Driscoll was a ca uditi ate for
James la co modest
<ounty clerk
1 hut be didn't let his reuiby neigh-
tiers know it
G. U Anderson Is «til ranging th
forests of Yanisey mountain
Will Welch, C. C. I'varscn and W
I* Ht<dge made a fishing trip to the
Hprugue river last week, but th«*y
< arm* horn*' empty hau led They
inuld in th** young Klaiiicths catch­
ing a-plenty just across the river, but
they couldn't get a bite, and conciud-
■«! that It wan a ctu»« of every man
to his trade
Herbert Arant and Brown Michael
are bound to Irrigate at least a part
of their plaies In Pine F'ai. and have
been building dams for that purpose
Home |H**>ple out this way are no*
heddlng many tears over the defeat
of J. Hcott Taylor for the democratic
nomination for stat« printer. He
prints such a lively, enterprising
new spa pi 1 that they don't want to
l«i**.c him (mm the newspaper fi*d '
My Impression Is that th« law for
blds treating for clectlo' , rposes,
hut It was noticeable at th« Dairy
primaries that n box of rig.ir 1 was on
tap for on« of the candidates 'or
tind the plan suggested strik**» me ns |
a good one
Another wedding Is In prospect
noon lu the northern part of the val­ I
ley, according to reports, If not two
or three,and If this process keeps on
much longer there will bu no girls of
marriageable age left for the numer­
ous bachelors to select front
Can't i
somebody Import a few
Thu crow of the steam thresher Is
getting well over the valley, and the
prospect in that another wook will
finish the campaign barring break­
downs. The quality of the grain is
excellent, but the quantity la light,
owing to the excessive drought.
Wheat a vet ages about twelve bushels,
oats thirty and rye eight to ten. Very
little barley was raised
A Baby Boy Arrive«! at Bob William"'.
Mr. and Mr». HuUbin» Kapert
to Ijoavr for Knu**u~
Mr. and Mrs Hob Williams are the
proud parents of a baby buy. which
arrived last week.
Mr. and Mrs Burr G. Terry and
Mr. and Mrs. E. S Barn«»« spent Hat-
urduy evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kir­
kendall. Music was indulged in until
a late hour, when dainty refresh­
ments were served.
Mr Hutchins Informs us that he
rented, but did not buy. the Melhasc
place, lit* was on u deal tu buy, but
the Interested parties could not ugr«*
Mr and Mrs. Hutchins expOCt to leave
In a short tint« fur their old home In
Kansas, and exp«*ct to 1 h * gon« ncversl
■ minty judge.
C. W Hherman Hr has completed I
Riley Myers has traded off his
'h>* building of his new hou.«e on the Klamaih Falla property.
It«' of the one which was burned on |
C. A. Poindexter lout a mare and
th.' Hth til August. and has moved colt last week.
Th*- structure la not a large
into It
Mr Hhitetneyer has beeti making
on«, but h<* says It seem« Ilk" b-me some Improvements on his house.
to him. and that la no small Item
Will l-angell is visiting at Everett
Mr W. A Flaekua was the leil'ncr, Kirkendall's
*nd he I did a One job.
boomers would better
Real ««tut«
have a care as to whom they send
out of town to push their bualntws.
One who has not the good sens*.* to Vlsilor» Given an Improtiqrtu l*ro-
pay a mod,sit. reasonable* hotel bill
gmui by H m * l*u|>il»—Mtuth-ul»
without a kick makes a poor husinetui
AU«-nd IP-gulnriy
A company with a capital of 91.000
Th« following were visitors ul
Is lu proceaa of formation in thia val­ nch<x>l Friday:
Mixidamoa Barks.
ley to proapwt for art«*slan water, Vincent. Gilroy. Htiloa and Miss Pearl
with good Indications of Its success
Th<> pupils gave an Impromptu pro­
Road Supervisor Uhrmann has
■ oinplelcd the grading and opening gram. and the visitors sang a number
Visitors are always wel­
of the new piece of road over the Ix»w of songs
hill, at a cost, he «ays, of 9840, and come.
The Midland school now has twen­
imlglng from the amount of rocks
piled up on either side It seems to ty-throe pupils enrolled. The follow­
have bean cheaply don«.
He paid ing pupils were neither absent nor
gooff wag* , had good men. and got lardy for the trtuntb ending Heptem-
bor 30th.
lots of work out of them
Homer Depay, Dorothy Morgan.
Mies Loulsu Egert and Mr. Jesac
Drew were married at tb>* homo of Ht«lla Hooper. Jessie Depuy, Car!
the hrld*-'s parents, Mr and Mrs Emil Barks, Dee Ady, Esthor Morgan.
Egert. at the north extremity of the Doris Ady. Ila Hooper. Mary Kelly.
valley, nu Sunday, and will be "at Eva Hille«. Mildred Morgan, Aard
home" to their many friends In the Ady, Nora Stile«. Bertha Kelly.
new houiu* Just completed on Mr. Jacob Myers. Alfred Depuy. Mrs.
Drew's homestead. Joy b<* with them. Kirkendall, teacher.
lots 1 and 2, blk. 1, Hoyt's addition
to Fort Klamath; 910.
Halil« E. Moreland to Nona Sparks,
Iota 2 and 3, blk 95, Klamath addi­
tion to Klamath Falls; 9787.60.
Nona Sparks to A. Kershner, lot 3,
blk. 96. Klamath addition to Klamath
Falls; 9899.
(luorg« It. Myers to A P. Hutchins,
60 foot of lot 9. blk. 4. West Klam-
uth Falls; 91.140.
E B Shumway to R. It. Talley, lot
4, blk 46, First addition to Klamath
Falla; 910.
G«org<* R Lindley to Joseph F.
Cunningham, lot 2, blk. 2, Fairview
addition Io Klamath Falla; 9226
Clarice E Worden to Ellis Zach-
urine, quit claim deed, lot 2, blk. 4,
Fairview addition to Klamath Falls;
William H Siegel to Granville M
Johnson, all of blk 17, lots 1, 2, 3. 14,
15 and 16, blk 18, East Klamath
Falla; 910.
Klamath Canal company to Charles
P. Stewart, lot 4, blk. 57. Nichols ad­
dition to Klamaih Falls; 310.
('has. E Worden to P. C. Lavey
A c*. loth 10 ,md 11. blk 17. Mt.
View addition to Klamath Falls; also
lots 5 und 6, blk. 32. Second addition
to Klamath Falls; 9160.
Eliza M Marple to J A Gordon,
lot 3 and part of lot 2, blk 6, Ewauna
Heights addition to Klamath Falla;
School District No.
Valkenburg. HE *4 of
39-8; 810.
Nellie Faulkner to H H. Van Val-
kenburg. NE% of HK % sec. 16-39-8;
State of Oregon to H H. Van Val-
kenburg. NE% of HE% »«c 15-39-8;
Klamath D«*v«lopnicat company to
Klamath Realty company, lots 2, 3.
I, I, 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11, 13. 13 and 11.
blk 67. 8»*cond Hot Springs addition
to Klamath Falls; 910.
Seymour IL Bell to J. H. Rucker,
quit claim deed to 8E% sec. 26-27-
10; 91.
Klamath Development company to
Robert and Carrie J. Alexander, lota
10 and 11. blk 53, Second Hot Springs
add’Hon to Klamath Falls; 310.
United State« to ames Edward En-
man 8% of 8E%. 8E% of 8WI4 sec.
6. and NE% of NW% aw. 8- 41-10.
Kinmath Development company to
W J Tucker, lot 4. blk. 24. Hillside
addition to Klamath Falla; 910.
Klamath Development company to
A J Tucker, lot 5. blk. 23. Hillside
t ddhx.n to Klamath Falls; 910.
Ora L. Meservey to R. Noble Day,
NW >. NE%, N% of NE% and NE %
of NW% sec. 13-37-9; 91.
United States to Theodore L. Sey­
mour. lot 1, sec. 1-37-10.
Sarah L Wieder to John B. Voll­
mer. lot 4, blk. 101 Buena Vista ad­
i dition to Klamath Falla; 9650..
First National Bank to George T.
Baldwin, half Interest In lots 3 and 4,
blk 24. Klamath Falla; 910.
Chas. 8. Moore et al. to E D. Mc­
Donald and IL H. Carroll. part of
sec. 31-38-9; 910.
G W. White to First National
bank lots 3 and 4. blk. 34. Klamath
Fails; 910.
Rufus 8. Moore to E. D. McDonald
and H. H. Carroll, part of hoc . 31-28-
9; 910.
Paul Breitenstein to Rufus S.
Moore part of sec. 33-28-9; 91.
Rufus 8. Moore to E. D. McDonald
and IL H. Carroll, part of sec 32-38-
9: 310.
Daniel Cronemiller to Daniel Ryan
8r.. 1 acre In s«-c. 21-33-7 %; 940.
The newspapers haven't mentioned
it. but It Is a fact, that the socialist MIDLAND WAREHOUSE IN
party haVe nomlnat<xl for congress
1 former risddent of Klamath county,
Jmk Horton HhipfMxl Sevmd Car« of
Mr Churl«« W. Hherman. Jr., now a
Cattle to Portland—lUwMcnte
■ ««¡dent of Jackson county, and he
Busy Getting Fuel
will probably receive th«* full vote of
his party at th«« November election.
Mrs. Barks and Mrs. Vincent drove
• Hunk O'Brien has been busy for to Klamath Falls Thursday.
omc wi*«'ks assembling the materials
Moat of the men arc busy getting
for enclosing his (jarn. und also for a 1 their wlnter'a aupply of fuel.
flume and .1 gasoline engine, with
Mlsa Pearl Davidson was a Falls
which hi- expect« to irrigate a large , visitor Tuesday.
portion of him farm. He Intends to
Ham Woodard cam«' to Midland
build a ¡-wervolr near Buck Creek, Tu«*ada> night and returned home
Rev. Bled»oe I*cavce
dill It from ibe watera ot that stream Wednesday morning.
la Rev. M M Bledsoe left Satur-
when they come down In the spring,
Jack Horton shipped several cars day for Washington, where he will be­
und at the proper time pump this of cattle to Portland Saturday.
gin his evangelical work. His first
water Into the flume, thus carrying
Mr. Hawkhurat came out from the services tn that line will be held at
it Into ditches at tho further side of Falla Haturday after some cattle he
Newport where he will remain for a
his place und thus irrigate tho land had purchased.
month. He will stop at Central Point
It's a good scheme if tbe wator does
The warehouse is now about full tonight, where he will preach in the
not s«*ep out before it is needed
of grain.
church there. Mr«. Bledsoe and the
W P. Hedge, th«, Dairy merchant,
children will remain here for a few
r«*cently completed the building of a
barn on his premises, which Indicate«
that he mean« soon to III himself out
The following list of real estate
with a team, no that he can do his
transfers are furnished by the ab­
own freighting. His buslnasa has
i stract firm of Mason A Hlough:
Heriul No. 01480
Contest No. 184
grown no much that his freight bills
Perry O. DeLap to Charlie F. De- l'epartmcnt of the Interior, United
from the railroad amounts to quite
Ixp. lota 4 and 5, First addition to
State« Land Office, l-akevlew. Ore­
a figure.
Klamath Falla; 91.300.
gon. September 24, 1910.
Rev. Wm. Northridge the 34th ult.
C. H. Hawkins to Nathaniel Lan-
A sufficient contest affidavit hav­
held a sale of the remnants of his gell, quit claim deed, lot 3, blk. 84,
ing been filed in thia office by James
household goods which he could not Klamath addition to Klamath Fella;
M Johnson contestant, against home­
take with him. and kaa followed Me
stead entry No. 3787, serial No.
family to Ashland, and will reside
Chas. E. Worden to J. G. Pierce., 01430, made May 6, 1907. for W4
there this winter. The good wishes lots 7. 8. 9 and 13. blk 1. blk. 3. Iota
SE%. 8W14 NE%, RE% 8W%. Sec
of all who knew him go with him.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11 and 19„ blk. 3. blk. 4. Hon 34. Township 40 south, Range
W. H. Bliss and wife will shortly lots 1, 3. 5, 6. 7 and 8. blk. 5. blk. 6, 12 east, Willamette meridian, by
lourney to Medford for tbe winter, lota 1, 2, 5, 6. 7, 8, 11 and 13, blk. John W. Pike, contestee. In which it
where th«*lr two children are now at- 7. blka. 8. 9 and 10. lota 1. 3. 3. 4. 5, is alleged that said John W. Pike
'ending school.
6. 11 and 12. bik. 11, bike. 13, 13 has tailed to reside upon the land or
There ar«* so many propositions to and 14. lota 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6, 9, 10. 11 improve the same, as required by
he voted on under the Initiative and anr 13. blk 15. blka. 16 and 18. lota law, said parties are hereby notified
referendum at the coming election 1, 2. 3. 4 and 5. blk. 19. lota 1 and 2, to appear, respond, and offer evi­
that a farmer neighbor suggesta that blk 20, all in Knob Hill addition to dence touching aald allegation at 10
It would be a good Idea for the peo­ Klamath Falls. Also lota 6. 8 and 10, o'clock a. m. on November 12, 1910,
ple to hold meetings at the different blk. 103. iota 6. 11 and 11. blk. 7. lot before U. 8. Commissioner R. M.
school houses where these several 7. blk. 11. lots 3 and 4. blk. 9. all In Richardson, Klamath Falla. Oregon
propose I h can be taken up. explained Buena Vista addition to Klamath (and that final hearing will be held
«nd discussed In a friendly, non-par-1 Falls. Also blk. 33, lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 6, at tO o'clock a. m. on November 19,
tlsan way, so that all may be better 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13. blk. 17, ' 1910, before), the register and re-
informed and'Tan vote on them ylth lots 13. 14, 15, 16. 17 and 18, blk. 1 cel ver at the United States land of-
more Intelligence and to a bettor pur-1 19. lota 7. 8, 9. 10. 11 and 12. blk. fice In l-akevlew, Oregon, th« said
r»o«r. The grange is an excellent or- 17. all In Second addition to Klam- contestant having, in a proper affi-
ganizatlon tor such work, but there nth Falls; 910.
davit, filed July 39, 1910, set forth
ire very few granges in this county.
C. E. Hoyt to William Crawford, facta which show that after du« dill-
genre personal service of this notice
can not be made, It Is hereby ordered
and directed that such notice be
given by due and proper publication,
Record address of entry man, Tule
Lake. Oregon.
six (61 In Township Thirty-eight
(38) south of Range nine (9), cast
of the Willamette meridian In Klam­
ath County, State of Oregon, con­
taining 40 acres
This summons In published In the
"Klamath Republican," a weekly
newspaper, printed and published at
the City of Klamath Falls, In said
Klamath County, wherein said de­
scribed land Is situated, by order of
Hon. George Noland, Judge of the
above nanui court, such order being
dated the 30tb day of September,
A. D. 1910. The first publication of
this summons is made on the 6th
day of October, A. D. 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff. Klamath Falls,
10-6 11-17
ter of section 1, and the east half of
the east half and lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
of section 2, and the northeast quar­
ter of the northeast quarter, and th*-
southwest quarter of the northeast
quart«» and lots 3, 3 4 and 5 of
section 11, and all of section 13, and
the north half of section 14, and the
southeast quarter of said section 14,
and the northeast quarter of section
23, and the northwest quarter and
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
the east half of section 34, in town-
Oregon, for Klamath County.
ship 40 south of range 8 east of the
Abner Weed, Plaintiff, vs. IL T. Cof­
Willamette meridian.
fin. lyefondant.
Also lot 3 in section 6 and lota 9
To II. T. Coffin, Defendant:
and 10 and tbe aouth half of the
In the name of the State of Ore­
northwest quarter of section 7, lota
You are hereby required to
7, 8. 9, 10 11 and 12 and the west
appear and answer the complaint
half of tbe northwest quarter, and
filed against you In the above entitled
the southeast quarter of the north­
suit, on or before Thursday, the 17th
west quarter, of section 17, in town­
day of November, A. D. 1910, that NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE ship 40 south, range 9 east of the
being the date of the last publication
Willamette meridian.
of tbe summons In t) Is suit and the
Also the north half of section 12.
last date within which you. tbe aald
Notice is hereby given that pursu­ township 40 aouth. range 8 east of
defendant, are required to answer ant to tbe lawn of the State of Ore­ the Willamette meridian, containing
said complaint, as fixed bv the order gon, the Board of Eq<ializ*ition, in
»|i 3229.26 acres more or less,
of »h*. court for publication of this and for the County of Klamath, 8tate according to the government survey
summons, and if you fall to appear of Oregon, will on Monday, the 17 th thereof.
and answer, as aforesaid, the plain­ day of October, 1910 attend, at tbe
Also the southeast quarter of the
tiff will apply to the court for the courthouse, In the City of Klamath northeast quarter of section 11, and
relief prayed for In such complaint, Falls, Oregon, and publicly examine lot 7 of section 1, township 40 south,
to-wit: Quieting plaintiff's title to the assessment rolls for the year range 8 east of the Willamette merid­
the following described real estate, 19)0, and correct all errors in valu­ ian. containing 96.60 acres, except­
ation, description or qualities of land, ing therefrom all of said premises
The west half ( % ) of the north­ lots or other property assessed by and parts thereof heretofore con­
west quarter (%), the southeast the county assessor In and for said veyed by the said defendants, or
quarter ( % ) of the northwest quar­ county; and ft shall be the duty of either of them, to the California
ter (%), and the northeast quarter persona interested to appear before Northeastern Railway company, a
( % » of the southwest quarter ( *4 ) said Board at the time and place ap­ corporation, upon which to construct
of Section six (6), in Township thir­ pointed.
and equip a line of railway and tele­
ty-eight (38) south of Range nine
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, graph.
(9). east of the Willamette meridian this 19th day of September, 1910.
Saving and excepting from the ef­
in Klamath County, State of Oregon,
fect of this writ the following de­
J. P. LEE.
containing 160 acres.
scribed premises, which have hereto­
County Assessor.
TTils summons 1« published In the
fore been released by plaintiff from
"Klamath Republican," a weekly
the effect of the said mortgage«, to-
newspaper, printed and published at
tbe City of Klamath Falls, in said
Lots 7 and 10 and the 8E *4 of
Serial No. 01243
Klamath County, wherein said de­
NW 14 of section 7, township 40 south
Contest No r-'J»3
scribed land 1« situated, by order of
range 9 east. Willamette meridian,
of the Interior, United containing 69.55 acres, more or leas,
Hon. George Noland, Judge of the
States Land Office. Lakeview, according to the government survey.
above named court, such order being
Oregon, Sept. 1J, 1910.
dated the 30th day of September,
A strip, piece or parcel of land 100
A sufficient contest affidavit having feet in width, being 50 feet on each
A. D. 1910. The first publication of
this summons is made on the 6th been filed in this office by David B. side of a center line, said center linn
Johnson, contestant, against Home­ being described as follows, to-wtt:
day of October. A. D. 1910.
stead Entry No. 3389, Serial No.
Commencing on the northerly line
Attorney for Plaintiff. Klamath Falls, 01243, made February 27, 1905, for of lot 6, of section 1. township 40
N% of 8W% and EH of NW % sec­ south range 8 east, Willamette me-
,10-6 11-17
tion 34, Township 40 8, Range 12 E. ridian, at a point 649 feet west and
Willamette Meridian, by John H. 1130 feet south of the quarter sec­
Johnson, contestee. In whlcn .. •« al­ tlon corner on tbe north line of said
In the Circuit Court of the State of leged that said John * jonnson, de­ section 1; thence running south 16
ceased. never did reside upon or cul­ degrees. 53% minutes west 152 feet
Oregon, for Klamath County.
Abner Weed. Plaintiff, vs. J. E. Lan­ tivate said land, and that for more to a point 693 feet west and 1275
caster and Mattle C. Waterbury, than six months prior to his decease, feet south of said quarter cornet
to-wit: the 14th day >yf February. on north line of section 1, the
To J. E. Lancaster and Mattle C 1910 the said John H. Johnson failed same being a portion of lot 6 of sec­
and neglected to cult! rate or reside tion 1. township 40 south, range 8
Waterbury. Defendants:
In the name of tbe State of Ore- upon said premises, sail parties are east, Willamette meridian. In Klam­
You and each of you are herebv notified to appear, respond, ath County, Oregon, containing .35
hereby required to appear and and offer evidence touching said alle­ acres.
answer the complaint filed against gation at 10 o’clock a. m. on Novem
Also a strip, piece or parcel of land
you in the above 1 entitled suit. ber 12, 1910. before Commissioner R. 300 feet In width, being 150 feet on
on or before Thursday tbe 17th M Richardson, Klamath Falls. Ore., each side of a center line, said cen­
day of Novembe/, A. D. 1910, that (and that final bearing will be held ter line being described as follows,
being tbe date of the last publication at 10 o'clock a. m. on November 19, to-wit:
of the summons In this suit and the 1910, before) tbe Register and Re­
Commencing at a point in section
last date within which you. the said ceiver. at tbe United States Land 1, township 40 south, range 8 east
defendants, are required to answer Office In Lakeview Oregon.
Willamette meridian, which is 693
Tbe su'd contestant having. In a feet west and 1275 feet south of the
said complaint, as fixed bv the order
of the court for publication of this proper affidavit, filed September 12. quarter section corner on the north
summons, and if you fail to appear 1910, set forth facts which show that line of said section 1, running thence
and answer, as aforesaid, the plain­ after due diligence personal service south 16 degrees, 53% minutes west
tiff will apply to the court for the of this notice cannot be made, it Is 694 4 feet to a point 157 feet west of
relief praved for In such complaint, I »rebv ordered and directed that such the quarter section corner on the east
Quieting plaintiff's title to notice be g'ven by due and proper line of section 11. township and range
the following described real eetate, publication.
aforesaid. Tbe same being a portion
ARTHUR W. ORTON. Register. of lots 6 and 7, the 8W% of section
Record address of entrvman, Tule 1. the W% of NW% of section 12.
The northeast quarter (>4 ) and
the southeast quarter (%) of Sec­ Lake. Ore.
and SE% of NE% of section 11, In
tion six (6) in Township Thirty­
township 40 south. range 8 east
eight (38) south of Range nine (9).
Willamette meridian, in Klamath
east ot the Willamette meridian tn No. 228. In Equity. To Foreclose county, Oregon, and containing 47.9
Klamath County. State of Oregon,
a Mortgage
containing 320 acres
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Also a strip, piece or parcel of
This summons In published in the
Oregon, for tbe County of Klam land 300 feet in width, being 150
"Klamath Republican," a weekly
feet on each side of a center line,
newspaper, printed and published at Mabel T. Cluness, Plaintiff, vs. G. W. said center line being described as
the Cltv of Klamath Falls, In said
White and Nina White, his wife; follows, to-wit:
Klamath County, wherein said de­
Commencing on the southerly line
Abel Ady and Leona C. Ady
scribed land is situated, by order of
wife, and Leo 8. Robinson De- of section 11, township 40 south,
Hon. George Noland, Judge of the
range 8 east, Willamette meridian at
above named court, such order being
Notice Is herebv given that, by a point 959 feet west of the south­
dated the 30th dav of September, viitue of an execution and order of east corner of said section 11, run­
A. D. 1910. The first publication of sale duly issued out of the above­ ning thence south 16 degrees, 53%
th's summons is trade on the 6th entitled court and c-iese on the 22nd minutes west 5785 fbet to a point
day of October. A. D. 1910.
day of August. 1910, upon a decree on the east line of the NW% of sec­
made and entered of record in said tion 23, township and range afore­
Attorney for Plaintiff. Klamath Falls. circuit court and in said state on the said, which point Is 255.84 feet south
10-6 11-17
22nd day of June, 1910. In favor ot of the quarter section corner on the
the above named plaintiff, directing north line of said section 23; the
the sale of the premises therein and same being a part of the E% of sec­
hereinafter described, to satisfy the tion 14. tbe NW% of NE% of section
In the Circuit Court of the State of sum of 910,400, with interest there­ 23, in township 40 south, range 8
Oregon, for Klamath County.
on from the 23rd day of August, east. Willamette meridian, in Klam­
Abner Weed, Plaintiff, vs. Alonso 1909, at the rate of 8 per cent per ath county. Oregon and containing
Allen. Defendant.
annum 937.50 costs and disburse­ 39.9 acres.
To Alonso Allen, Defendant:
Also lot« 6. 7 and 8 In section 34.
ments. and 9750 attorney*« fee and
In the name of the State of Ore­ accruing costs.
township 40 south, range 8 east.
You are hereby required to
Now, therefore, by virtue of sa'd Willamette meridian, containing 38.7
appear and answer the complaint execution, and in compliance with acres, and containing in the aggre­
filed against you In the above entitled said writ. I have duly levied on said gate 124.85 acre«.
suit, on or before Thursday, the 17th premises and will, on Saturday, the
Together with tenements, heredita­
day of November. A. D. 1910, that Sth day of October, 1910, at 10 ments and appurtenances thereunto
being the date of the last publication o’clock a. tn. of said day, at the front belonging or in any wise appertaln-
of the summons In this suit and the door of the county court honae In Ing.
last date within which you. the said Klamath Falls, Klamath Counts
The proceeds of said sale will be
defendant, are required to answer Oregon, sell at public auction to the applied in the satisfaction of said
said complaint, as fixed by the order highest bidder for cash In hand, all execution, order and decree, interest,
of the court for publication of this the right, title and interest of the costs and accruing costs and the
summons, and if you fail to appear above named defendant«, and each of overplus. If any there be, to be paid
and answer, as aforesaid, the plain­ them. In and to the following de­ Into said court to be further applied
tiff will apply to the court for the scribed real property, altuated in . as by law directed.
relief prayed for in such complaint, Klamath County, State ot Oregon, to-
Dated at Klamath Fall«, Oregon,
to-wit: Quieting plaintiff's title to wft:
this 6th day of September, 1910.
the following described real estate.
Lots 4, 5. 6 8 and 9 and the west
half of the northwest quarter, and
Northeast quarter (%)
the southwest quarter, and tbe south­ By R. 1. GUTHRIDOE,
northwest quarter (%) of
west quarter ot the southsiut q«ar- 9-8 19-6