Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 22, 1910, Image 3

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should be connldett'd In choosing the
permanent grounds for future mili­
tary maneuvers.
| a saddle from un Indian named Ivan'
Quinn. He was to pay 1200 for the
horse and saddle, but after he had !
gone he wrote to the owner of th* '
horse and offered |100 for the nnlm**l j
and the saddle. The Indian wrote
that he would take 1150 for both/
but that Is the last that has tx-en !
Attorn**) General Wickrrshem Will heard from either the man or the Acting <>ov«*ruor 14uw4VUM Says Ililai
l*VT«onally Dlr»*« t th«» A« tion.
Htate Will Help All That It
The animal is described as being a
Hied in New York
PoMsibly Can
black 2-year-old, with a white spot
on the forehead and weighing about
WASHINGTON, D. C., Hept. 17 — 1,200 pounds.
SALEM, Sept. 1«.—Acting Gover­
A suit seeking the dissolution of the
nor Bowerman of Or«.*gon has wired
sugar trust Is being prepared by the
Governor Gillett of California pledg­
department of justice and will be filed
Professor Howard was taken sud­ ing Oregon's support in aid of the
In New York. Attorney General denly ill while at the Livermore hotel Panama-Pacific exposition, and ex­
Wlckoraham 1« personally supervising last night, and for a few minutes wan pressing himself as being heartily in
the action. The suit is similar to the rather faint. But he recovered and favor of San Francisco as the site for
government's suit against the Htand- was taken to his home. He has not the big fair, and that ibis state will
ard Oil company.
been feeling very well for the past co-operate in every possible way.
few day», and th** excess of work re­
quired of him by the Illness of Pro­
Golf balls coated with luminous
fessor Faught proved somewhat too
INATED IN REATTLE strenuous for him for a while. He is paint have been tried with some suc­
all right today, however.
cess by English enthusiasts at night.
SEATTLE, H«*pt. 15—Latest re­
turns show that Humphreys, a stand­
patter in tho First district, will prob­
ably be nominat«-d.
l*r«-linil«iiiry Content 1« Enth’d In the
Third Hound in Favor of
!••• >« Tributi* to TaC. and Hay« I*
«lent D«*«M*rv«-H « Great Ileal
of Credit
Ixtvers of fisticuff were treated to a
real exhibition of that gentle IT)
pastime Friday night in this city,
HYHACUHE, Hept. 17. That the
when "Kid" Mcixdlan und "Young" ni*w I snucn outlined In the West must
Hulllvan «trove for supremacy in a I become thu national Issues for the
twenty-round contest that went to u p«**>plu to decide Colonel Roosevelt
Klaiiuvth County Muy ll«< tin* Berne of draw, with both men fighting to th«*
declared In his speech opening the
Future Military T«»urtu»m«*«tU
very last. It was a neat, clean, order­ New York campaign today. He pre­
ly affair from the tup of the gong dicted the udoptlon of his principle«,
luulfad of American luike
calling the men to th« center of th«* und paid a high tribute to President
■ Ing for thu first round until the Inst Taft, saying:
Brigadier Genera) Maus, command» tap sent thorn back to their corners
“The country owes to him many
In* th» department of tn** Columbia, and th«* referee gave hi« decision.
new laws. But his services are de-
In the early «tag«*« of th«* contest wi ving of no greater credit thun his
and an aide, and Colonel Ju men Jack­
ion and General Flnser urriv«*d bore .M< Milan had u good lead, and lead criticism of th« judiciary when he
left laat Saturday night uud wvut the bout b< < n called for ten rounds xuld th* opportunity to fr»*ely criti­
lor an outing on the steamer Klam­ Instead of double that number It 1« cise the judiciary is of more value to
ath on Upper Klumutli lake, stopping poHsIbi«* that he would have been the bod) politic than having the Judi­
it Bagla Itldg« Bunday night. They given the deel«lon on points, un bin ciary free from unjust axpersionx and
were accompanied by Will G. Htoel 1« adlng, blocking und gcn<-ralHhlp had attacks."
of Portland, and were joined here by given him a laud up to that «tag«* of
\lfr«*«l L. Purkhurat Judge Benson, th«- gam*-, but Hulllvan s«**n>rd to be
Judge llaldwin and II. Hi George i getting stronger from that time on.
' und more than <-v«*n«**l up matt<*r«.
I t'nder th** circumstances there could
Inaprct the IU*<M-r«atiott.
* have been no decision other than th*
Monday the army officer« left ion«» given, and «»verybody wo« «utis- 1‘HERIDENT WIHilEH TO PLACATI: t O.NGHI SSMA.N HOI TELL IS DE
for Fort Klamath mid the Klumath , lied with It ami considered that the-
Indian r«sn*rvation. to look over the I lind r«*c<*lvr«| their money's worth.
ground« in that vicinity, with a view
The preliminary, scheduled for ten
in M Ix tli-r to f**uu rollìi*Jan «h<* I Fri«*u«l*> of lx*«-im**r Who Helped Him
to ascertaining their uulliibllty for rounds, brought out two game fellow«
Prvokk-nt Muy» All Difference«
.Vu He« un* ili» Rent Are 44**-
mlltary maneuver«.
I d l.lnki nbuch und Richards, who I oh I
The ripemwi attached to the u»e of no time In getting into action
MuM lie Forgotten
turned to Otti««*
the grounds at American lake, near l«oyu worked hard, and while Llnken
I'acouia, Waab , where Uu* military j bach ended tho uaffli In tho third
BEVERLY, Manx.. H«*pt. 15. -The
CHICAGO, Hept. 1«.—The most
exercise« have been held has led to round with a knockout, Richards lost
a search for nullable ground« eltm- no friend« In his defeat, and wuh tight between th** republican insurg- complete returns so far indicate that <
whrrc. The farmer« und landowner« warmly che«*r«*d when ho was helped ents nnd th** administration Is ended th«* luxurg**nt« have carried the Ninth.
xo fur ax the adminlxtrutlon lx con- Eleventh and Thirteenth districts.
near American lake have been "bold­ from th«* ring by hl« second«.
Congr<*H«man Henry Hherman Bou-
ing up" the government by Ihelr ex-
"Spider” Welch challenged the win- c**rn«-d. All efforts will b** mad*» now
tell, who has served the Ninth Con­
horhllant charges. and It 1« tri uvold * i.* r of the main event at welter- to heal th«* breach.
Th«* first conellialory move came gressional district since 1K97, went
the uun««'Haury expenne a« well an «■ Ight. and was heard to «ay after
to provide groundH where the troop« i the show that he hadn't Intended to from l*r«*xJd«*nt Taft. In a letter down In defeat.
Joseph Gurney Cannon ("Uncle”
of the regular army and lb*» militia put up such a job on himself, as it v blch he authorised to an Iowa poll-
of California. Oregon and Washing­ t<x*k«-d like ho would have to flght 'em tiilan be announced that the patYon- Joe) was renominated in the Eigh­
na<* heretofore denied th«* Insurgent teenth district, but his majority was
ton can tie drilled together that Klam­ i>oth but not at one time.
ath reservation 1« to be Inspected.
Jimmy Carroll also Issued a chal­ »eiiators und representatives would decrraiM-d from laat election.
in th«* Tenth district George Ed­
General Pinter 1« the ndjutuut gen lenge from th«* ringaid«* to th«* winner be r«*stor«*d. Indicating that the ad­
■ ra) nt the Or- gon National gnarda. I for 1150 aldo bet. winner to take all ministration was r«ady to recognize mund Foss, a regular, narrowly c-s-
the insurgents. Th** move is believed cuped defeat, but Jam»-« R. Mann won
I the purse.
Veteran of Indian War«.
Roy Taber ref<*r««*d the preliminary to be the result of a d«*< islon that the bv a safe margin in the Second.
Colonel Jackson la a retired officer event, and attended to his business In t-dmlnistratlon must unite the party
fra Copley was nominated in the
>>f the United Htatv« army, and Is a workmanllk«* manner, even if it or the party will lose generally in the Eleventh, while John C. McKenzie
now inspi-ctor general of the Oregon , wns n short Job.
coming »lectlona. Th«* letter, sign**d t won In the Thirteenth.
lie r**«ldex In Portland at
Senator William Lorimer's friends
Mr. Al W. f*apc of Redo, Nev. wax by th** prexld«*nt's secretary, Charles I
present, but formerly was located in the third man In the ring In the main Norton, read:
swept the legislative nominations and
this county, having been stationed at event, and he al«o gave satisfaction
l,i«*uld«*nt Taft <1 vid re* lúe to ex- Browne, who was just found not i
th<> old Fort Klamath during the >Mr. Pape, by th«* way. Is the champion ! presa to you und your friends his ap- guilty of bribing the members of the '
ilm**« of the Indian wars
Ills «on. 'oarsman of America.
pr««ciution of th** work and powerful legislature*, Shepard, Wilson. Broder-1
who Is now an officer in the regular
Taken altogether It was a very neat .uwistance extend*»d the adinlnistss- I ick and other ‘‘jackpotters," were re­
army, was born at Fort Klamath and I entertainment. and fault could be tlon. und which «-ontrlbuted much to nominated. Twenty-one out of thir-
Colonel Jackson ha« a personal Inter found In only re«p««ct. Th«* first event th«* Irgislutlv«» and other success of ty-two democrats who had supported
<-at In this part of the state
S»*nator Lorimer were renominated.
was sch<*dnl<*d for 9 o'clock, and ad th** past »«-ar.
-------------------- k-------
The president recognizee that your
usual there wa*r quite a wait after
Fought Ci« |rta in Jack
that hour before the nn*n began their I efforts have U m u wholly disinterested REEKING KNOWLEDGE
When Captain Jack, the Modoc show. And again, die wait b»*tw«»cn and thut you fought steadily and gen­
warrlor, Amt started his otnipalgn the preliminary and tho main event erously for th«» welfare of the party.
against the white«« many year« ago. wan enough to make th«* crowd lose Th«* president believes it necessary
Man r*»Mng a» Klamath Full« News-
Colonel Jackson. then n captain com- patience but It didn't. When there ! to withhold patronag«* from certain
|n|M*r Mau (a-tx Animal From
rnanded the first troop« that wer* are only two events to be pulled off ! senators and representatives who
au Indian
sent again«! the Indian«, and partici­ it do«»« s«M>ni that It could be arranged I were opposed to the administration
pated In the battle below Merrill on by th«» managers ofdbe club so that ' in its <*fforts to carry out the promts«»*
flh«*riff Barnes is in receipt of a let- I
the morning of November 29. 1 «72. . the patrons of tho game could start ' mad«* in th«* party platform. That at­
ter from Marion E. Wolf of the Fort ’
Ml through the bloody conflict that for homo before midnight.
titude. however, ended with the pri­ Bidwell Indian reservation, at Loo\-
followed Captain Jackson took a
mary el**ctlonx und nominating con­ out, Calif., in which information is |
prominent part until Captain Jack 1*1.EASED WITH THE HE-
ventions. Th«! people have spoken. asked abost a horse which was stolen
was captured the following spring.
SOIREES OF THIS 4*01 NTY At (lie fall election must be settled from one of the Indians on the res-
Afterward« th<> gallant officer was
V W. fllover ban lust returned whether all th«* diff«.*r<‘nces of the last •»rvation.
• ngaged in the Nez Perc«- rebellion from a trip through this part of the congress shall be perpetuated or for-
Th** letter was written to Indian
in which Chief Jowph guve th.- army country with Captain O C. Applegate, 1 gotten."
Agent Watson at the Klamath reser­
so much trouble, th«* noldlcr« ehiiKing uud h«* was surprised at the crop« that
vation. and by hiiu turned over to I
him from the Willamette river acrows cur be raised on the ranches in thlx
A. M. Hutton Is III at his ranch four Sheriff Barnes.
the Rocky mountains to .Montana, mention of the «tat«*.
In July a man calling hinisflf j
mil**« south of towp, with an attack ,
when! he wax finally captured. Col­
"1 didn't h«*ar atfyon«* complain­ of bilious fever. He has been sick G*** rge Ix»on and -laiming that h*>
onel Jackson xerv«*d under General O. ing." «aid Mr. Hlover, "although this
four days now. but is getting along was coming to Klamath Fall« to start i
Howard in that war. and dlstln 1« a dry year. I am morn than pleased
¡a newspaper, procured the horse and)
gulahed himself by hl« gallantry.
with the country. I believe th«- Shook
place Is th** finest stock ranch I ever
Excellent Place for Mawuver«
The Klamath reservation furnish«*,
"I must say that I was surprised
all thut could b<* desired in the way
at th«» fruit that can be rained in this
of ground« for army maneuver«.
part of th«» state. 1 don't believe 1
There ar»« ample open space« for po-
ever saw finer apple« than were to be
iad**x and wooded and hilly portions
found on th*» D. W. Anderson place.
tor maneuvers of any character, lle-
ITh«*y were large anti of excellent
ide« then* are range« for artillery
flavor, and the trees were loaded with
prnctlc«* that will b<* difficult to ob­
fruit. But I don't s « m » why they don't
tain elsewhere.
i raise more fruit here."
Ground« Easily Accessible.
At th«* Hhook ranch u variety of
Th«* accessibility of the ground« 1« birds seldom s«*en here took all of
They resemble the apple­
nl«o a feature that should not be over­ th«« fruit
looked. When the Houthern Pacific eating bird« of Germany, and have
complete« the lino which is now being b«»en seen in this part of the state
constructed through this city there but very few time*.
Tho most plausible reason assigned
will be a through line from Portland
to Han Francisco, passing directly for their devouring the fruit la that
through th«» reservation, giving the this year the crop of choke cherries
most complete facllltltw for the trans­ and berries has been very short, and
portation of troops and equipment the birds have been driven from their
front any part of Oregon, Washington forest homes and are nearly starving.
<>r California, and providing a cen­ At any rate, Mr. flhook will not hav«»
trally located meeting place for the much of a crop of fruit this year.
troops of each of the states men­
Can Choose f<an«Jx.
R«»lng on n government reserve
such land an la necessary can be se­ :
lect « m I, and nothing need be omltt«)d ,
that will hamper the comfortable
quartering of a large body of mon
und the laying out of nuch grounds a«
may be necessary for the maximum
of result« In the way of putting the
theories of warfare Into actual prac­
The Klamath reservation furnishes
the moat complete grounds that can
be found on tho coast, and the cen­
tra) location in also something which I
WINSTED, Conn., flopt. 17.—At-
tempts to confirm the report of an un-
usual trag«»«ly on th«» farm of Albert
Koegl«» In Thomaston proved futile,
as Kooglo was away. Ono of his hogs
escaped from the pen recently, the
story rnn, nnd while rooting around
swallowed n stick of dynamite left by
a state road worker. 8oon the hog
wont nosing around the heels of a
mule. Tho mule kicked and tho ♦yna-
mlto exploded. So did tho hog. The
remains have boon pronounced an un-
usually fine quality of sausage meat.
Closing Out Entire
at the
Cash Store
Cracker» (earton), regular 83c ...
Flake Oats and Wheat, regular 43c
Tabic Fruit, regular 25c.......................
Table Fruit, per dozen. assorted .. .
Cream, nine cans ......................................
Spices, regular 13c cans.........................
Holl«*d Oats, KJ |K>unds for.................
Pearls of Wheat, per package . . . .
Regular ttOc Tea. per pound ...............
.... 78«
. . . 35c
. . ..20c
. «2.2.-»
. . . 93c
. «1.00
. . . ,13c
Men’s and Boys’ Clothing
Regular «20 and «22.50 Huit»....................................................... • 14.00
Regular • 17 Suita.................................................................................... «11.00
Regular •3.30 Pants...............................................................................
Other Prices in Proportion
A Large Line to Select From at Your Own Price
Produce and Eggs Taken at Market Prices
Same as Cash.
No Goods Delivered