Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 25, 1910, Image 6

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    a llvlug by doing wast ing and similar
work in Santu Monica
A severe reprimand by the judge
and a jail sentence would probably
WLL RUN FROM MEDFORD EAST make Bowen see the urror of his way«
and teach him to earn what he gets
and rlpt* fruit and ths opposite side
with as fiue blossoms as were ever
seen In April or May have set the
wire onea guessing. The oddity was
Uulrwa E«-|»reaM«-nt Objart«. Ho Will
caused by the workmen of the Cen­
II«- Nomati aa l*> iwidhig OOHw-r
tral California Trardou «wmpany lino
al Saratoga MeeUnu
burning the grass alongside of the
tracks of that line on the Cherokee
Lane road of the interurban betwevii
I United I’rumi Hervloe.
Stockton and lx>dl.
NEW YORK. August 33.- Wbou
The tree« were badly scorched on
one side, but th«« fruit matured on Colonel Roosevelt departed for th«
the other, though the owner belle v « m I West ho left u decided muddle In lie
th«» trees would die. The past few politli'iil sltuitlloii In thia stat-
days the scorched side of the tree« Icleiit Taft's letter to Lloyd <’. Gris
blossomed for the second time, and com Indicate« that tlio Taft -R oom » volt
there 1s every indication that a »ec Hugh«-« faction will control tb< Hail
ond crop of peaches will r<wult. Orch­ toga state convention, and that Vic-
ard litis urn taking a keen Interest In President Hhermun may not bo tin
the unusual action of the tre«-«. and temporary chairman.
Mr. Hherman was «»pectod her« to
will closely follow the result of the
day, but b«< telegraphed that h« would
unnatural heat on the trees.
b«- unable tn coin««.
Lloyd C. Orlscom predicts that Mr
WILL HINT *100,000 ltooa«-velt will be temporary chair
man and uni«-««« Mr. Itooncvelt forbid*
Nearly th««- lliaixlr»-«* »nd Fifty N«'|»- the a< tlou the »lute oonimlttoe, at th-
itieetlng on th«- night before the con
arati- l’aiii<-lil«-f« May B«- loaued
vcuUon. will uttempt to oust Vlo
to the Voten«
Preaident Nlirrinuu from the nealtion
of temporary cbulrmun and name Col
SALEM. Or«*., August 15- -The
one) lloow’vult.
Mr Grlacotn say-
opinlon Is generally express««! here
that ut lea»t four who formerly «up
that the «-lection under tho corrupt
IH-rled Mr. Hherman are no» aupirart
practices or Huntley act will result in
Ing Colonel Roosevelt II- - ven pre
un expenditure of at Icaxt 1100,00V
dirt« privately that Vic«- Presidon'
by the state.
Attorney General Crawford fur­ Hherniau will withdraw voluntarily
ulshed the secretary ol state's offici- lr«>m tbe fluid
Report of Big Fin- at Pokrgvuia la Fin* Flgtitvrw Baiti«- All Night-
Eiglity Men al Work Tltere Nuw
Erroneo*!»-—Efficient Fire Fight­
—Heavy Wiud Y«-a<«-rday
ing Force la Maintained
Four Tows of Alfalfa Are Cut to the
Acre and Bell fur BIB a Ton
The tire at Clover Creek Is not y«l
A rejxirt was received in this city
United Press Service
That Klamath eouuty farms art- Thursday thut a flerce forec-t fire was I under control. Word received from
PORTLAND, August 23.—Two an­ money makers is well known to thoee raging in the Jennie Creek country there this morning state« that the
nouncements of tbe greatest moment who have b*-en fortunate enough to u«>ar Pokegema. and that the flames j Are was spreading very fast yeator-
to tbe state have come from the Hill posseas a piece ot land in this vicinity wore threatening that town. When «lay ufternoon and evening, but that
railway interests tbe past week. One for any length of time, and already J. F. Kimball, the Woyerhauser Are i the men had «ecu red «ome control of
some of those who came here recently patrol uiauager, heard of the lire he i It. On tho government side of tbe
was the public statement of President
have begun to realise that they have telephoned to his man nearest to the 1 blase there are men at work now,
John F. Stevens that tbe Oregon
ma«ie no mistake by purchasing Ian«! reported bias«-, and wus Informed that | and they nmy prevent tho spread ot
Trunk would commence work on a here.
the (Tames were not in the Jennie! the flaniiw to some extent.
line between Medford, Josephine
The smoko is very heavy and th«-
Among the new comers who have Creek country, but were from twenty
county, to connect with the Oregon j
cause to congratulate themselves on to twenty-five miles southwest of i heat Is Intense.
Trunk east of that point beyond the¡
There has beeu no lightning In that
having bought land in this connty is there in the neighborhood of Pilot '
Cascades. Th«» other w contained
J. A. McReynolds, who purchased the Rock, on the California side. This part of th«» country, and the fire«
in an amendment to the Oregon
old Stephenson ranch nine milou would makt- them outside the Weyer- were either set by hunter» or campers
Trunk articles of incorporation, filed i south of this city on the Merrill road. hauser territory However, Mr Kim- or were set Intentionally.
at Olympia this week, giving tbe com­
At Mount Pitt tho Are was fanned
Mr. McReynolds came her«- from I
telegraphed to the Are patrel
pany the right to extend the Oregon Klickitat county Washington, an 1 «»HI«;« of »•>«' Southern Padflc com- by a heavy wind yoeterday afternoon
Trunk from a point near Bend, Ore., purchased the ranch he occupies, con-1 l'an.v al
Francisco, and as that and the men fought the flame« all
to the heart of Harney county, near taining 147 acres, all under ditch,1 r<*d maintains a very efficient patrol night.
Burns, a distance of about 155 miles.
Th«» following inonsage was sent
during the past winter, an«! it is bis, force, they ar« no doubt already tight•
Simultaneously with the revelation of
ing the reporti-d blaze.
first experience in irrigating.
I from the scene« of the Are to Odessa:
these great plans Mr. Stevens was
Mr. Kimball slated that there wore I
"We are trying to head off the Are
He is now busy with bis second
elected president ' of the Spokane,
cutting of alfalfa, and it will cut two | no fires in this part of the state which directly north of Mount Pitt. We are
Portland and Seattle railway, better
and a half tons to tbe acre. He wiH I were not cither extinguished or un- funning, and have had several nar­
known as the North Bank, making cut on his place tbis year four tons : der control owing to the efficiency of row escapee. Unlt-as the Are 1« «top­
him president of all the Hill systems of alfalfa to the acre, and it is now : the fire fighting force and the celerity ped It will take tbe Four Mlle water­ with u verbal opinion today to, th-' NEW TEACHER FOR KU4M
j< ffect that money for pamphlets under
m tbe state and th-- North Bank.
with which they respond to alarm*.
i selling at 312 per ton in the stack
this act must come from the pnhllt
Vith the work deemed consequent to
All of the men who wore in danger
An immenM sum of money is being
Mr. McReynolds Is more than satis­
mounced construction projects, the fied with his purchase, and la now I«” pended by th<> large timber owners have been rescued from their perilous
Walter I. Itarrlngtou of lh*luw Will
Into th« «ecretary of alate's office foi
' interests will have in Oregon one of the most enthusiastic booster, i to protect the forests, and it adds position.
Have Charge of tlx- <h>mm«-r-
-an •- 900 miles of *»ilway,
1 greatly to the enormous expense that
About eighty men are at work ou
for Klamath county.
ria) Department
At the
and r't
¡is necessary to preserve the timber this side and many soldiers are fight­ pluccd In tbe general fund
r holdings and makt-n the carrying of ing tbe flames on the Medford side.
Mr. iiyrd, tho man who had been
all SHE DIDN’T NEED A Distil IKE : tho timber charge run into enormous The fire Is con fl nod to the w«>»tern ban 33J.3OO.O4, out of which to pay elected to teach In the commercial
for the corrupt practice« act pam­
systems. has
' figures.
: slope of th«- Cascades,
phlets and the printing department department of the county High Bcbocl
-ugh tour ot ex- A College Girl Who Became a
All the timber in the forest, whoth-
for th« coining year, haa resigned
for six months.
"Hired’’ Girl Ix-arned Some­
a Central Oregon,
ler the owners are members of the fire­ WOMAN SMUGGLES IN
He was on hl« way to Klnmatb Fall-,
to, and taking auto-
fighting association and pay for its
UNDUTlABliE GOOD* tion In Oregon l-at bwn held under »nd tad com«- a« far as Portland
ne country to Burns
maintenance or not, is protect«-d, and
th-- provisions o! tbe Huntley act. anil when he got cold feet and decided
1 expected to have difficulty in dis­
,.ath Falls, Bend, and
a blaze anywhere, whether on the
NEW YORK. August 30—Mrs. tbe secretary of -date’s office has dis­ not to com« any farther Perhaps h-
cades from n«-ar Bend
large or small holdings, is at once ex­ Anna Krlts of Chicago, a ps-tsenge-
covered It will ba a stupendous task met some knocker who told him that
Judge Lovett said this and to that end I got together a tinguished.
arriving on tbe Georg«» Washington, to handle tho pamphlets.
old yarn about the snake«
.de to give him personal
The Klamath and Lake County knows more about the custom-« laws
From th» large number of appi
There la a possibility of 143 dis­
•'ledge of conditions in the Forsyth, a college girl who tells Fire Fighting association has twelvo
than she knew when she left the tinct and separate pamphlets to b«- cants for tho position thus made va
•a, on which a multitude of
mounted patrolmen constantly riding ship.
printed under this act.
Il Is also cant tho board has selected Waller I.
had been made. When be ber about her experience as a "hired” 'through the forests searching for
possibh* for «»very voter in the state Harrington of Boston, Mass., a grad
J bis trip he stated specifically I girl.
fires, and have had as many ¡u fifty dutiable stuff, which the law would
receive seven distinct pamphlets uate ot Harvard and a teacher of too
is company would build a trans- I
men at a time fighting tbe flames in have allowed her to bring In free as
Mr. Harrlugtoi:
bealdtw the Initiative and referendum year»' experience.
e line across Eastern Oregon, in less than two weeks, yet only re­ different parts of the district.
i com«« highly recommended both aa a
her personal belongings. Mr». Krlts booklet.
east and west direction, but tbe
Some of the fires were caused by carefully had a false bottom fitted
Under th«» act each electoral dls- teacher «and aa a practical «tonox
ue when it would be done and the nowledge that I was not a whit bet­ lighting, a few were set maliciously,
and division where state ofB< «ra rapher, ami will no doubt be a goo««
ermini were not stated. He further ter-looking than my new associates. but most of them were caused by
This secret compartment she deftly are o)oct«-d, Is to be provided with a addition to thn high «cbool fore*. Th-
said that all tbe available acreage of
campers and hoboes, the latter being |ack«-d full of linen of the va'ur ot
separate pamphlet referring to the high school position« have now all
the region would have to be brought grooming do not make the lady, so the chief offenders. They usually
350. She made a declaration cover­ respective ran«lldut<-a in that district b««-n tilled, and work will begin Sap
up to a high state of cultivation be­
I have insufficiency of bedding and they ing goods worth 335. But after the or division, in addition, there shall teniher 11th.
fore one line would pay. This ex­ many a time I have seen a mistress build a large fire in order to keep
false bottom bad been discovered be a pamphlet for oarh political par­
haustive inspection by the chief of talking to a maid in tbe agency, when warm. When they loave the place
Arthur W. Orton, register of th-
with the hidden linen, the deputy sur­ ty. Consequently, under the provi­
tbe Harriman lines is believed to ante­
Lakeview land offir*-. had buainoe«
where they slept Instead of extin­ veyor ordored that Mrs. Krits be
sions of the act there shall be the
date active construction by tbe great whisper: “Which is the lady?"
guishing the firo they leave it burn**taaull abroad the ship and searched pamphlet for tho state officoni for here Bunday
System on an extension of tbe line
ing and soon there is a blare that re by an inspectress. The search re­ twenty-nine
now joining tbe Oregon Short Line KLAMATH FALLS PEOPLE
quires the united efforts of a number 1 vealed a lot of cheap jewelry tucked twelve judicial districts two water
at Ontario, and intended to tap the
GET SEVERAL FINE DEER of men in order to subdue it.
away beneath her clothing.
divisions and two congressional dis­ *
Natron-Klamath Falls line near Odell.
There are two sections of tho law
Tb<- value of all tho article« she
A prominent official of this system re-
Houston and Others Have Rally for protection against forest fire« bad declared and attempted to smug- tricts. But one district attorney la
running this year.
Now share« her happlnoae
< »
cently announced that tbe Oregon ap­
Good Tim«' « mi the Sooth Fork
that campers and others should bea- gle was not more than 3100. but as
! >
an-' •hlno« reanlendrnt.
propriation for work tbis year was
of Rogue River
in mind. Tbe following are excerpts there had been an evident intent to
326,000,000. which reveals the tre­
along with our line of
from them:
defraud the government, everything
mendous program outlined to offset
Fred Houston and wife, Carey
Section 6, after stating under wbat was seised. Mrs. Krltz was informed
Ramsby and wife. Nelson Ronnsevell conditions a fire may be built pro­
the rival Hill construction.
that If sho had been honest and de­ Arrives in Hacranx-nlo at Noon Today
Judge R. A. Ballinger, secretary of and wife and Miss Gladys Roberts re­ xies, "that it Bhall be lawful to build,
clared everything she would not have
—Nrw«|iaper Men and <»fll«ial*
tbe interior, passed through Oregon turned from a three weeks' vacation in a careful manner, camp fires on
had to pay a cent of duty and could
An- Paaomgrni
during the week being entertained at on the south fork of the Rogue river any unenclosed lands, the owner of
All are appropriate wed­
have kept al) the goods which she had
Portland and Klamath Falls. At last night. M. H. Wampler wsj their which has not forbidden tbe building
ding presents , and she
bought abroad.
August 23. —
Klamath Falls the secretary declared guide, and they say that they had the of camp fires thereon by personal no­
will not be happy until
Thousands of persons enthusiastically
that he favored extension of the exist­ time of their lives.
gets them
tice or by posting such prohibition In LIGHTNING TATTOOES LEAF
Fred got two deer and one bear,'
welcomed tho first through pasaongcr
ing project there, but said further
conspicuous places or otherwise, if.
ON BOY’R ARM AND BACK train on the W<*«tern Pacific railroad
that the board of regular army engi- Carey Ramsby got a deer and like­ Before d«-|Mrting front the pioev
which arrlv«-d today. The newspaper
oeers soon to come would have al- wise Nelson Rounsevell, while Mrs.1 where hueh -imp »in- ha* be«-n built,
NEW YORK, August 1».—Fore«t men and railroad officials who were
most absolute say in regard to the Ramsby shot a bear. They had all the builder of Mich fin- totally ex-
8 years old. was permanently on board automoblled to the Hotel
future work.
the fine trout they could eat, and also tin»oii«he* the Name.“ The penalty
A real estate organization has been plenty of blackberries. They have for a violation of this section is a fine markf-d on bis arms and bark when Sacramento, and were there welcomed
perfected in Medford, with tbe idea four fine deer heads, as well as pleas­ of not 1«*«* than 350 nor more than he wa« struck by lightning deflected by Governor Gillett and Mayor Beard, a For Wedding Presents
of giving out definite and authentic ant remembrances of a delightful 31,000, or imprisonment for not lew from a tree on tbe lawn ot the Mad­ who delivered addn-sse«.
ison County Orphan«' Home.
information of tbe price of lands time as tbe result of their vacation.
than one month nor more than one
Tbe boy was playing n«»ar the tree
thereabout, and in a manner prevent­
when a sudden storm esme. The
ing undue inflation, if the tendency GAYNOR’S SON, REPORTER,
Section 7 provides that "any per- ' tree was struck by lightning, which
COVERING FATHER'S CASE ’ son who builds a camp fire upon land* seemed to glance In the direction of
At North Powder, Baker county, a
within this state aot his own, with- the boy. Hoppes did not suffer seri­
strong artesian well wag opened in a
NEW YORK, August 20.—One of out clearing the ground immediately ously. He screamed with pain, and
bore of 225 feet depth, that being the
tbe reporters, who is serving in the around it free from materia) which on examination it was found that bls
second of the place.
watch of tbe news gatherers at tbe will carry fire, or who leaves thereon
U. S. Grant of Dallas has shipped Hoboken hospital, where Mayor Gay­ a camp fire burning and unattended, arms and back and one hip were
slightly burned by electricity.
eight Angora goats to a Virginia
nor lies wounded, is a son of the prin­ or who permits a camp fire to spread one arm was almost a perfect repro­
breeder, all being exceptionally fine
cipal figure in tbe tragedy, Rufus thereon, or who uses In any firearms
stock. Northwest breeders are reach­ Gaynor. Rufus th as been a cub re­ discharged thereon any other than duction of a fern leaf and on his
back was tbe imprint of a loaf from
ing out for the best livestock markets.
porter for some time and is rapidly incombustible gnn-wadding, shall be the tree. The line of tho burns In­
Passenger agents of all railways
punished by a fine of not less than
making good.
flicted was almost the same a« that
terminating here announce that an
Young Gaynor has absorbed his 325 nor more than 3500, and upon of a branch torn from a tree. Tho
immigration of at least 100.00U peo­
father's stoicism, but he cannot help refusal or neglect to pay the fine boy was not burned about the face.
ple is expected in tho Northwest this
feeling a little anxiety on this assign­ and costs imposed shall be imprisoned
fall in the excursion period between
ment because of tbe personal interest. ' for a period not to exceed one day ROOSEVELT DEMANDE THAT
September 15th and October 15th.
He is confident, however, that “dad’s for every two dollars thereof, or may
About 86,000 are estimated to have
In the Men's Clothing line you
Boys' Short Pants Suits one-
be subject to both such fine and im-
grit will pull him through.“
come last spring.
can select from 400 new Bum­
half price. Just think of It!
Rufus always "whacks up" with ¡*prisonment at the discretion of the
BEVERLY, Mass, August 20.—It
mer Sults from 38 95 to 340.
One-half price for Boys’ Cloth­
the other reporters when he is for- court.”
is reported that ex-Preeldcnt Roose­
Big line of N-«kwear from 15c
ing— less than wholesale cam!
tnnate enough to get Into his father’s •
The pr«»sent dry condition of the velt hag demanded that Vice Presi­
to 75c. Our Shoe line Is com­
Why do we do It? Because we
WANTED FOR FORGERY sickroom for a talk with the mayor. I forests makes Are« dinastron«, and dent Sherman be droppod from the
plete—besntlful line of Men's
campers should use every care not
too many and must clean
political councils as the price of poaco.
Oxford* from S3.50 to IS.50
to leave fires burning when they leave
up quickly In same way
Wolter Bowen Now in County Jail CHAMBERLAIN ON TOUR
The administration leaders declare
I that the plan is preposterous, and
Awaiting Trial—Came Back
OF SOUTHERN OREGON their camping ground«
Without Extradition
predict that there will be no severing
MEDFORD. August 19.—United DR. « RIPPEN AND MINN
of the relations between President
Big line of Women’a Gloves, Neckwear, Belts,
LENEVE TAKEN TO ENGLAND ; Taft and Vice President Sherman.
Sheriff Barnes arrived from Banta States Senator George E. Chamber-
Lingerie Dresses, Shirtwaists, Separate Skirts,
Monica Thursday with Walter Bcw»n, lain was in Medford this week while
They say that such a move would put
Linen Suits, Etc. Do your trading here and make
the boy who secured money and goods making a trip through Rogue River Is-av«- Quebec in Charge of the Scot­ the administration in the attitude of
land Yard Official Who Trailed
from H. J. Winter and the X. K. K. Valley. The senator disclaimed being
yielding to Colonel Roosevelt.
our store your headquarters. We have everything
on a "fence” fixing trip for himself
Them to America
Store by means of forged checks.
you need at prices no higher than you are asked
Bowen is only 18 years old, and or for his friends who are candidate«
QUEBEC, August 20.
made no objection to returning with
to pay in large cities
Sheriff Barnes without extradition was out to familiarise himself with Crippen and Mlle. Leneve are on route Trees Will Bear Second Crop on Ono
the needs of this section of the state to England In the custody of Inspect­
Sid«-, After R«-ing Scorched
It is Bowen's first offense, and th«-' as relates to congressional action and ! or Dew. Th«*y were rushed across
-xplanation he makes of th«« act it 1 »cork in the departments st Washing- tbe St. Lawrence and on board tho
STOCKTON. Calif., August 17. -
that he was put up to it by the con- ton.
' — wo
— that when
-- - - ho
— ----
—- to
— his liner Megantio. There wan no disor­ Excessive heat has caused a phenom­
zersation of another whom he had duties at the national capital he der. The liner left Montreal at 4 enon in the fruit world here that is
jnet, and that he was homesick and would be b“tter able to attend to the o'cloc k Thursday afternoon, and wait­ creating much Interest. Peach trees
wanted to s<y- his moth« r. who mnkm -»ants of his constituents.
ed for the prisoners at Blllery.
laden on one side with green I mvi - s
The Fall Bride ■-
We are headquarters
for up-to-date clothing
Select your Clothes from the Largest
Stock in Klamath County
Boston Store