Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 11, 1910, Image 7

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That. City Hit« Pledged W.AOO.tMMl
Toward the Cvlebratlou of the
Opening of the Cansí
ably In American literature and rev­
olutionary annals, will roqulro 81.000
worth of repairs as the result of n
successful attempt recently to drive
out a colony of bees which hud made
their home in the steeple
Two painters who were nt work
In the church found the been, Their
blow lamp was brought out and Its
names turned on the nest The church
was set on Dre, but arter the ffr<* de­
partment hud workt’U ter half an hour
the flumes were extinguished. The
damage wui estimated at 8I.0U0 The
paluters u<compllnhed their object In
getting rid of the bees, but at a cost
of nbout 85 a bee.
1‘anama-Pacitta International exposi­
tion will have a booth at the Cali­
fornia Htuti* fair to be held at th«*
tatn capital, Hacramento, from Hep-
t. mber td to 10th. Spacial represen- WOMAN'N HT4N KING
Halves of the exposition will have
charge of the booth, which will be
• iaborately dxorated. In bddltion to Tell» Visitor» Where to 4 urry Money
u miniature representation of the
if They Would Outwit the
« inul zone nnd other educational fea­
tures. literature pertaining to the ex-
ixisltlon movement will be distribut­
CHICAGO. August 6. More than
'd to the throngs attending the fair. 200 alleged pickpockets and other
Thousands of people will thus be (■»desirable» have been arrested In
r<ach>*d directly nnd put In Intimate Chicago »Hire Monday midnight to
touch with the 1915 fair, and given I clear the streets of danger for the
n dear idea of what It means, not 706,000 Knights Templar and their
alone to Hun Francisco, but to the en­ friends, who are expected next week
tire Western slope.
for the triennial conclave of that
Up to August 1st San Francisco bus rrder.
raised down to |6 600,000 toward
The arrests were mud'* at the spe­
Pouncing the proposed Panama-Pa* cial order of Chief of Police Steward
ripe exposition to be held for the cele­ It is the Intention to drive every un­
bration of the completion of the Pan­ employed nnd homeleM man from
ama canal in 1916. It Is going be­ Chicago during the next three days
fore congress next December to ask
In connection with the roundup .»f
for government recognition, and con­ undesirables. Chief Inspector John
fidently expects to get It Meanwhile Wheeler vouchsafed some advice tn
the entire West Is lining up In sup­ carriers of money:
port of Ran Frnncisco. endorsing the
"Don't carry your purse In the In­
big project. As between San Fran- side pocket of your coat, That t an
< i»co and New Orleans, which also i ary spot for the 'dip* to get you.
wants the fair. Western men feel that
"Do you know where I carry my
there can be no comparison. The money? In the inside pocket of my
building of tbs canal is essentially a Vint, and I have It pinned wlt'i a
Pacific Coast event, opening the Pa* safety pin.
elite to th»* commerce of the world.
"My udvlec to out-of-town visitors
i»d that means surely that ths cele­ I* to let the old lady carry the purse
bration should be held at the largest in her stocking
There is no safer
American port on the Pacific. Then spot. It !• burilar proof.“
again, the summer climate of Han
i'ranciaco Is worth coming far to en­ t MON DECLARES A
joy, while nothing can be aaid for
New Orleans in thia respect.
CHICAGO, August 5.—A novelty
other big argument la. Eastern visit­
ors can easily go through the canal on la tho way of labor troubles took
their way to Han Francisco, return­ place here Monday, The electrical
ing home overland. Again there are workers called a strike against the
many thing- worth soring in the West Chicago Federation of Musicians. As
the Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon | a result four floors of the building
f the Colorado, the Yosemite, Shasta that is being repaired as the new
nnd a vacation country generally. headquarters of the musicians* union
Still another strong argument that wcro flooded by water and 81,000
»eight appeal to congreaa is tho fact damage was done to the electrical
hat Ran Francisco has within a radl- machinery of the new elevator tor
<>f 200 miles fully 1.600,000 peo­ the building.
The trouble arose as the result of
ple, nod It in that nearby population.
• cording to previous records, that the employment of elevator construc­
makes such uffalrs successful finan­ tors on the work of Installing the new
elevator and equipment. The elevat­
Thia exposition Is essentially a or constructors are rivals of the elec­
V.'.stern project, and the directors of trical workers and the machinists in
It are urging all friends of the move- elovator work. The electrical work­
n <*nt to get busy with their congress­ ers broke water pipes, wires and
men. Not only should Western con- switchboards.
ressmen lx* seen and written to and
Tho elevator constructors were dis-
p!'*dged for the exposition, but all , charged, and the strike of union
Eastern residents who know Eastern against union was over.
«»r Middle West congressmen or have |
friends In ths East who have Influ­ (NM4T HIM EIGHTEEN
ence with any members of congress. |
are expected to lose no time In secur- *
Ing desirable support In favor of Ran
NEW HAVEN Conn . August 5.—
Francisco as the one place where It Is "Then* Is not much In this hero busi­
fitting to hold this canal celebration ness," said Wolfgang Herman today.
Il<* was robbed of 818 while he was
saving the Ilves of two drowning
men. He saw the pair tipped from
canoe on the Connecticut river,
and. taking off hie coat, swam to
IOLIET, III., August 5.—Mr. and their relief. He pulled both the
Mrs. Walter S. Jarhoe of Kansas City canoeists, who could not swim, from
arc occupying cells at the Joliet police the water.
When ho went to look for his coat,
nation because the woman masquer-
nded with her husband In male at­ his pocketbook, containing 818 and
They have been "hoboing" several valuable keepsakes, had been
since their marriage a month ago. stolen. Two small boys, who stood
Mrs. Jarhoe was formerly Jeannette near when Herman leaped into the
river, but who had disappeared when
The brldnl pair show trases of re­ he came dripping from the water, are
They declare their whole blamed for the theft. The police arc
purpose in "tramping" and boarding watching for a party of small boys
"blind sleepors" was to experience a to buy 818 worth of Ice cream at
novel honeymoon.
According to their story they has­
tened to the outskirts of Kansas City
as soon as the preacher tied the knot,
nnd the bride donned a man's suit.
They went to Denver on a freight
train. Both procured places as "bell
hops" in the same hotel, and when
the novelty of that experience wore
<>ff they beat their way to Chicago.
They visited places of amusement
nod spent all their money
.•■rternoon they boarded a freight for
Joliet. They were planning for an-
»•her freight ride when a railroad
dctMtlve discovered the effeminate
t > ineuvera of one of the hoboes.
Mrs. Jarhon cried Just a little when
she and "hubby" were marched to the
iMillce station. As the Iron door
clanked behind them In different cells
-he broke down. The pair will prob­
ably be released.
BOSTON, August 5.—Joy seldom
kills, but it haH robbed Mrs. Sam
Ahman Hagerty of Ixindonderry, Ire­
land, of her voice.
Physicians at
Carnegie hospital say that while the
case Is a remarkable one, they enter­
tain hope that she may recover her
s jieech.
Mrs. Hagerty, who is 70 years of
age, arrived from the old country on
the steamer Partsion to make her
home with her eon, James Hagerty
of Pawtucket, R. I., who met her. As
the big steamer was ploughing up
|he harbor, cabin passengers noticed
that Mrs. Hagerty became much ex­
cited. When nearing the dock she
saw her son, and they exchanged
greetings, but when he arrived on
board It was found that she couldn't
M- ,.-e--------------------
may locate in
John Stewart of Lone Rock, in tho
TARRYTOWN, N. Y„ Ahgnst b--*■ northeast pa>t of the state, and who
The First Reform eb«r8h bars, an Me Mfi'tlte *BM)il contract between
•dlflce which has figured (wihrtdet- Lose R,o0 a M I eppner for a num-
her or years, bus been visiting his
(■III friend, L. .M. Robinson of Merrill,
and may locate In that district. Mr.
Htewurt lius been I'Kiking at sotni* of
tin* fin» place« in th<* vicinity of Mer­ PRK EK < MN4E AN hTWiMI
rill, slid while be haw found u number
of farms that suit him. h>* ha» not yet
made up his mind just which on» he
wants. He will probably bsoitnc one Atu-nllon >>f Growers I» tailed to
of thi* residents of thut fertile part of I
Feeding of (¡ruin— Hog Rate­
tho country In the near future, how­
big Profitable
PORTLAND. August 6
July is
usually a dull month In the livestock
markets, Imt receipts at the Portland
(Continu'd from Pug» 3)
t.'nlon stockyards were fuirly liberal.
total number of cars were 44, in
would havu staggered along In this
wcr< 6,859 cattle, 8,938 hogs,
campaign under a burden too heavy
for any purty to suci*-»sfully carry.
16,143 she.-p and 331, horses and
I*o»tal Hank»
mules. A» compared with last year
Our platform of 1908 committed
there was a decrease of 786 cattle,
th» party to the establishment of pos­
tal savings institutions. It is prob­ an increase of 6.801 hogs, an Increase
ably true that Iowa needs such facB« of 1,336 sheep and an increase of 80
Itiea for savings leas thun any other horses and mules
state in the union, but n»verth<*lea.'., I
Th< July cattle market closed M
am convinced that tin- policy is a strong as It opened on good qualities,
wise one.
while half finished animals reached a
The law passed by congress has, in lower level of prices. Top cattle were
my opinion, two serious defects which in strong demand at 86. The hog
ought to be removed at the earliest market In July rallied to 810.30 and
practicable moment.
closed at about 810.15; th)* sh<*ep
First, we have given to th<* board market for the month closed strong,
of trusli-es, which Is to manage the with 86 for lumbx and 84 for beat
l>o»tal depositories, th<- discretion to wethers.
Items of Interest in connection
designate such post office» as It w-a
with th>* market include the building
The law should be amended so that up of quit** a business In the pur­
depositories are selected by some chase anu salt* of milk cows. Dairy­
standard, either of population or of men arc looking to the Portland
business, which could be applied in­ Union stockyards as a market place,
flexibly to the whole country.
for the reason that ail cows offered
Second, the most serious objection for sale here are tested by the gov­
to the luw will be found In the dis­ ernment Inspector free of charge.
position of the money after it is
James J. Hill of the Hill lines and
Robert H Ixivett of the Harriman
gathered at the postoffkes.
The gubject has been considered by lines will be vice presidents of the
more than one poetmastir general, Fat Stock show to be given at Ae
bills had been Introduced, and re­ yards March next. A number of dis-
ports made by committees, but it tinguished stock men in the Paclflc
had never been intimated that It Northwest and throughout the United
would be wise to withdraw these States will act as officers of this
funds from the locality of the post­ show.
The .proper grading of cattle on
office and Invest them in government
Our platform was bottomed this market and the paying of what
upon the fundamental Idea that the the difference between good and thin
money put In the postofllces should quality represents to the shipper, has
not be drawn by the government caused the cattlemen of the country
to turn thir attention toward grain
from that community.
The |>ower of the East over the feeding, and this fail and winter will
West in controlling the supply of probably see more grain fed cattle in
money is already too great, and what Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Cal­
we have done will add Immeasurably ifornia than In any previous year.
Good grain fed cattle are worth from
to the Eastern Influence.
I*rotect Country Rank»
lc to lHc more per pound than hay
In my judgment, it we want to fed cattle. At the difference it will
popularise postal savings depositories pay the feeders to use grain.
A good barley crop, plenty of oats,
and allow them to fulfil) the purpose
we have had in view, we must speed­ an abundance of alfalfa and a high
ily amend the law so that the country market make swine raising popular,
banka will not be injured, and so and that most profitable of all crops
that money will be permitted to per­ is receiving much attention in the Pa­
form its full functions In the locali­ cific Northwest.
It is doubtful if
ties to which it naturally flows.
the supply ever catches up with the
In this connection I must be per­ demand, and preparing hogs for the
mitted to dwell upon the proposition Portland market Is the surest and
for a central bank. It will soon be a safest business open to the farmer.
live question In American politics,
and it is high time that republicans
should give It that fireside considera­ Serial No. CONTEST
014*444 Cootcwt No. (MSI [
tion which in the end settles all pub­
Department of the Interior, United ’
lic problems.
State« Land Office.
Tho proposal has not yet taken
A sufficient contest affidavit having
definite form, but it is in the air that
filed in this office by Edward E
a central bank shall be established,
with the sole power of issuing paper Byers, contestant, against Homestead
No. 3794, Serial No. 01448,
money and of determining therefore 'Entry
how much money at any given time 1 made July II, 1907, for NW%, SW%
we shall have and bow it shall be Section 13, Township 39 S., Range
10 E., Willamette Meridian, by Gil­
1 do not say that 1 will oppose a bert E. Trobi, Conteetee, in which it
centra) bank, but I do say that I will is alleged that said Gilbert Trobi has
oppose any bank with the powers not resided on the land for more than
that 1 have described, for if that mis­ two years last past; that he tried to
fortune should befall us we would dispose of the land just prior to leav­
suffer a financial tlavery more com­ ing the same; that he has not re­
plete even than the industrial servi­ sided on or cultivated the land as re­
quired by law. Said parties are here­ I
tude which now afflicts us.
In the consolidation of the great by notified to appear, respond, and
banks now in progress we see the offer evidence touching said allega­
preparation for such a condition. Al­ tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on Septem­
ready a dozen men, or less, can exert ber 1, 1910, before Commissioner R.
an Influence which makes the coun­ M Richardson, Klamath Falls, Ore­
try tremble In apprehension of their gon (and that final hearing will be
mighty strength, and if we permit held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Septem­
them to enlarge their authority wo ber 8, 1910, before) the register and
will richly deserve the subjugation receiver at the United States land of­
fice in Lakeview, Oregon.
which will follew.
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, filed July 19, 1910,
Bet forth facts which show that af­
NEARLY KILLN MAN ter due diligence personal service of
this notice can not be made. It is
Runs Four Miles to Tell Frk-nd« hereby ordered and directed that such
About It and Then Drops
notice be given by due and proper
BELVIDERE. N. J., Aagust u —
The honor of shaking hands with (Signed* FRED P. CRONEMILLER,
Theodore Roosevelt almost cost T J.
Shea his life.
Record address of entryman,
Roosevelt, traveling south war*.’ to
Olene, Oregon.
7-28 —
— 8-25
the coal districts by automobile ac­
costed Shea to ask for guidance on
the roads through the outskirts of
Belvidere. After Shea had given the
desired information Rooeevelt leaned
over and shook hands with him.
Shea wan overwhelmed at the hon­
or. and was so eager to tell his
friends that he ran two miles Into the
city and dropped unconscious jusr as
he was about to gasp out the news.
It took two doctors four hours to
bring him around, and he will no. be
out of danger for several days. He
has long suffered from heart disease,
and he had been warned against hard '
at Klamath Falls, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business,
January 31. 1910.
lxMimt and Discounts .................... .............
Bonds, securities, etc. ................... .... .......
Banking house, furniture, and fixtures
Due from banks (not reserve banks)
Due from approved reserve banks.........
Checks and other cash items.......... —.....
Cash on hand .......... ....................................
.....I 88.344.53
Capital stock paid in______ ______ __________
Undivided profits, less expeases and taxes paid
Individual deposits subject to chuck _.............
Demand certificates of deposit..............................
Time certificates of deposit ........... ...................
Ravings deposits...................... ...............................
25,000 00
37,010 83
Total ......... ............
State of Oregon
County of Klamath,)ss.
I, J. W 8eimens, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
J. W. SEIMENS. Cashier.
J. A. MADDOX, Di recton.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February,
E. L. ELLIOTT, Notary Public.
The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest
Where the pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates, Moonstones,
Carnelians and Rock Oysters can be found.
Including hunting. fishing, digging rock aysters, boating, surf
bathing, riding, autoing, canoeing and dancing.
Pure mountain
water and best of food at low pfisb and vegetables of all kinds daily.
Ideal camping grounds with strict sanitary regulations at nominal cost
from al) poits in Oregon, Wash­
ington and Idaho on sale daily.
from S. P. Points, Portland to
Cottage Grove inclusive, includ­
ing branch line«; also from all
C. & E. stations, Albany and
west. Good going on Saturday
or Sunday and for return Sun­
day or Monday.
Sunday Excursion Rate of J
From Albany, Corvallis and Philomath, with corresponding low rates
from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or C. A E.
agent for full particulars as torates. train schedules, etc.; also for
copy of our beautifully illustrated booklet, "Outings in Oregon,”
or write to
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
Something New In
Kitchen Ware
The "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware is ra
coming into vse for cooking purposes. It is taking
the place of agate and enamel ware because while its
first cost is a trifle more than ordinary ware, it is
really much cheaper in the long run, as it is guaran­
teed for twenty five years and will last practically
a life time.
The genuine "1892” Ware, made only from pure
SPUN (not cast) Aluminum, will not crack, scale, peel,
break, scorch or bum.
It looks like silver but weighs only about one-
quarter as much, is easily cleaned and handled, and
will not rust, corrode or tarnish. Absolutely pure,
non-poisonous and wholesome , saves money, Urae and
doctor's bills.
Be aw* »■>» «»< 'll* ««'Mi sm T «*»•
u>n* w»r* >i»«a*4 «uh U m Malt we
loo M )*~r J«kii
S. PADGETT, Keno, Ore
J !
< 1
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