Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 28, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 17
Railroad in« n arc adulating over
' th«« probabl« reason ter the visit
I of John I). Isaacs of Chicago, III.,
consulting engineer of the Harriman
HAVANA. July 27. Getieia) Mou-
l:t»en, to Portland
Mr. Isaacs held
toguodu »nd 1,000 «oldirra «turted
in long conference with J. P O'Brien,
for Huntlugo province to «uppr>m« th«
SLAYER F'IRF. s TWO SHOTS 11 insurrection which General Mlnlet,
| vice-president and general manager good HIGHWAY FROM RIVER
I of the Harriman lines in Oregon, but
tb«< )ib«'ial lentlcr, ha« «tart«*d. Mini
- no information as to its real Import
> t*s lot«'« I h now w«ak. but Miniet 1«
I could be obtained.
• trong politically, und It la feared th«
Railroad men generally believe
r< belllon will spread., The troops
Mr, Isaacs, while on a tour of in-
were <l«’"put<’ln'd attar lite govern-
I spection of the Harriman lines, got
merit hud been ndvlM'd that many!
Dica at Four o'clock Tlu»> Morulna. Spanish war vct«ian« lia<! joined l*i-«-f«|- Timt the Houoe Should litt Co Bulli» s<al«b««l t.cskl With a <'!>•(> off in Portland to discus« with Mr. Council Heed« Petition of IToperty
O'Brien th« <ngln«-erlng questions
Mlnli't. Tli>* malcont« nta are organ |
Welch AmsUd and Ik Now in
Sonw-on«- El««-, Hut Hl« Friewd«
Ou iicrs and Main Street Grade
Knife and Nearly Killed Hint
arising In th«' building of the Dea-
Iziog, and It 1« reported that Mlnlet'«^
the County Jail
An- otuiurnt«-
Will Not He < "hanged
in u <Jpai-rel
< hut«-s and Tillamook lines.
foie« hu« fii-d into the mountain« n<*ai
Mr. Isaacs is one of the best known
Santiago, and that the rural guard«1
! engineering experts In the world.
Last nighi ubout lb o'clock Georg« ar« pursuing them.
Alter i'ou»ld«*rlax the quewtion
Tb«' «ouncil bad another discussion
Timoth) Koui», who was found
Welch shot Fr<-d Alexander, propri-
«in«'« la«t Friday, when he «us ten­ guilty of atmault and being armed
of the paving question Tuesday night
•tor of i the O K livery stable, and bls
dered the ahiacinbiy nomination ter with a dangerous weapon by a jury
The different, opinion« expressed, to­
victim dl»*d this morning ubout 1
judge of the Thirt<-«-nth Judicial dis­ conHiHting <jt Win. L. Welch, Fred
gether with the exposition of the law*
trict. lion. II. L. Benson W«-dnesday Melbas«', A. T l.angell, Frank Down­
governing the matter by City Attor-
From tb« «tatenxnt made by Alex­
announced h<- would uccept it, at'd ing. R. X. Moon. Al Melba*-«, Carl
. ney Drake managed to keep the ooun-
ander It mm - dik that Welch und he ( «»MING OF RAILROAD MAKER stand aa a candidate ter the office l>eal. Edward F'reuer, E. W. Wilker­ Fl IDEN«'E SMIRE1» INDICATING I cil and those present in the city hali
had a quarrel, and that Alexand« r
In doing so be made the following ; son. Gus N«-)ba>M*. J. ('. Ferguson and
until a late hour.
hud discharged Welch
The latter
«tr tement to u representative of thi- ■ C L. Kelse . in the circuit court h« re
Th«* ordinance specifying that bitu-
I lithic paving be adopted as the ma­
procured a hur«*»* front tb«< «table nud
took a woman named liuelah Eckinan < outra« I« for Right of Way Have
"Und«-r the circumstances I «-an do I The jurj was only out about three- Rot«b«-ry Ik supf«*«*-«-«! to Have >t«-< n terial to b«; placed on Main street
out for « drive. After h«« returned
tb«- Motive, But W«*re F'rigtii-
but accept a nomination quarters of an hour before they
from Link riv«»r to Eleventh street
Iko-n Hrcunxl and a Height
» reached a decision.
hr went to tb«< rear of th«- building
and Sixth street from Main to Kin­
Future Ik Kern
and there met Alexander, Welch
never sought it, and have always
lock avenue, was read the third time
Judge Noland sentenced th«- boy to
•aye that Alexander started for him
ntated that I was not a candidate. I six montbr in tb« penitentiary Thurs­
i and pantw-d by the following vote:
with a pitchfork and that he shot
Sp«-cial to Tb«.- Herald.
Yes—Caatel, Hanks, Willits, Sum­
The coming of the .Modoc Northern do not «ant it now, and would much day morning.
• hn man in aelf-defena«' A pitchfork tallioad to this county baa tn-«-n the prefer that the honor should go to
MERRILL. July 27.—Warrants mers, Stanabie. Faught.
I^ist wint« r Kouts, who is about 23
•aa found underneath Alexander cauM, of considerable «bang» tn lh<- sotu«*ou« elw*, but my friend«« seem or 24 )«-«rsold, was on his way to bis were issued W«-dnesday ter the ar­
No- Wilkins.
when he was picked up. and that conteniplal«'d nale of th«« n«-w town of d<*t«-rmin«*d to force It onto me, and I bonx* In Montague from a visit in tbe rest of two m«.-n suspeett.-d of having
An ordinance was also introduced
part of Welch's story seems to be Malin, which ha« been ««tabliwh d on atn thus put in a position of being vicinity of Merrill. He had met som«- been responsible ter the fire which providing for the paving of the streets
coni|M'll«-d to accept it.”
old friends in Merrill and drank a d«'stroy<«d the saloon conducted by A. from Eleventh and Main streets to
the shores of Tuie lake.
Welch was arrested by Policeman
lurge amount of liquor. He bad pur- F. Clubine. two miles south of thiH the depot The material to be used
When the contracts for the rigli of
Hall and Is now in tb<* county jail. way and the depot for the new Modoc qivstlon that boa been agitating the chaH«.*d an old pistol of a man for 50 city, early Tuesday morning.
Is specified as bitulitbic, and the ob­
Alexander is well known here, bls Northern roa«l were «ign**d it wm mind« of the |<-ader« of the repub- cents and had it in his pocket. The
Evidence secured Tu«-sday, R
it 1« , ject )g
is to nave
have tne
the wora
work compieteo
father having been an old resident of found that «everal buxine«« str«*et- llcan party of lutk>> and Klamath boy got into tb«- stage to come to this said, indicated that the suepected ’ this fall.
this county, lija father is now con­ of tb<- town would tn- Interfere* i counties ter many months, It h a .city, and Ins-ame enraged at the driv­ men atempted to rob the saloon and
An amended ordinance providing
fined In the insane asylum at Hslem. with An agr«*«*m< at »an r«-ach«*d a« well known fact that for several er and a «attleman named C. Swan­ simultaneously set fire to the. plac«* for a franchise for the Pacific Tele­
having been taken there about two te what property tbc railroad was to months the judge has been impor­ son. and drawing the pistol he fired at In order to conceal the robbery. Their phone and Telegraphic company waa
rears ago
. have, and the incorporator« of the tuned to stand aa a candidate ter thi Swanson, striking him in tbe breast. plan was apparently frustrated, as it introduced aDd passed to its second
town ar«* now having another pin- of bench, but in every cs*w* he has stead­ Swanson had on a heavy overcoat at Is believed the suspects were forced reading. The new ordinance etn-
tb«* townaite made, which will trana- fastly «tat«.*d that be could not afford the time, and the ball (ailed to pierce from their work by the arrival of (races several addutena! feature«*
to abandon a practice that nets him the garment.
persons who were attracted to the which were mentioned as being neces-
HEARING WILL RWDPK.N for the location of the «treeta of the
Kouts also attempted to shoot Mr. sceqe by the flames, which burst into Mry. among them being that the
city so that they will not b«> Inter­ far in excees of wbat be would re­
fered with by th«- railroad. As soon ceive as a judge Ignoring his wishes, Hitchcock, th«* driver of the stage, but volnme before th«.-«men could secure [ wires are to be twenty-two feet above
■ CHICAOO. July 27.
Attorney. i m this work 1« comph'ted the towr however, the delegates to the sta»« he was disarmed before he could do anything of value.
the ground; tbe telephone wires are
Murray Nelaoa. representing the rail I I lot« will b<* placed qn th«* market.
assembly from th« two counties nomi­ any more injury.
Wednesday morning Constable John 1
be cut at the expense of the com-
mad company, tinuounied here- yes
Hugh«*s with warrants ter the two' pany where any citizen cares to move
All th<> inhabitant« of th«* oMotf*« nated him. and stated that whether lturn«e(X^*.| C am *
t« rday that th«* Dllnnl« Central «*« • ar«- more than «atI«fi«*d with their he accepted or not, they were going
Th«^case of the State against Robt. men left here for a,$>ol®^some fifteen a house from one lot to another and
repair scandal Inquiry, in wh'ch Its location, nnd would not sell for twice to place his name on the ballot. Since Burns, wbo is charged with assault miles distant, where, it is believed. the wires would interfere; the pres-
<>. Rawn was to have been an Im­ wbat they paid ter th«1 land.
his return home the pressure brought with a dangerous weapon on the per­ the men suspected of the crime make ent rates are embodied in the ordi-
portant wltnapa, »1)1 be rr'»prti«*d
| fiance nnd they shall not be increased
The citizen« of the new town pro|.ii- to bear heretofore has been redou son of Otto Gess), was brought up their hom«'
here Tuesday.
until the number of subscribers reach
«my a brilliant future ter the place, bled, and today he finally decided to Wedn«*sday, and (he following jury
Although InvMtlgatton of the mys­ and believe there will be a boom then* yield to their demands and accept was impaneled:
1.000. a common battery system is to
terious death of the ««x-Monon pre«l- thia fall.
th«* nomination. I
J. S. Davis, Al Melhase, R. A. Moon,
l«*nt. at hi« summer residtnce in
About two years ago Judge Ben­ Ed Freuer, Wm. F. HiR. Wm. L.
Resolutions calling on the city en­
The name Malin is taken from that
Wlnnetkn last Wednesday. 1« bring of an «•xceedingiy fertile tract In Bo­ son retired from the bench, forming Welsh. J. C. Ferguson, E. W. Wilker-
.MONTREAL, July 27.—The wire- gineer to prepare specifications ter
pushed by private detective«, po' ce hemia. where a great <t««l of the a partnership with C. F. Stone, under son. Frank Ira White, C. N. Myers
less operators at I-abrador have been the paving of Main street from the
and representative« of Insurance <-om- fin.*"t fruit that la sent to th«* Ger­ th«* firm name of Bennon A Stone, and J. A. Maddox.
requested to communicate with the tridge to the depot were adopted, The
panles, there were no developments man. French and English markets is Tbc business of the firm has been
Burns, Gessl and a man named steamer Montrose, and endeavor to specifications are to be done this
grown And aa th«* residents of the phenomlnal, and It was thia that Woods were examined and the case learn definitely whether or not Dr. week.
new town bellcv«* tbey have aoout caused Judge B«*n«on to refuse to con­ will probably be given to the jury Crippen and Miss Leaevc are on
the richest portion of Oregon, they sider betng a candidate ter the posi­ tbi« afternoon.
board that vessel. Scotland Yard au­
When Mayor Sanderson called the
Burns and Gessl had been chopping thorities admit that while they may meeting to order there were present
PROHPEtT FOIt OIL gave their city th«* title which1 they tion from which he retired. On his
thought would be be»t fitting for «o retirement George Noland was ap­ wood at Sand Hollow on the shore be located in that manner, they have Councilmen Wilkins, Cast el. Hanks.
pointed by Governor Chamberlain. of Tule lake, and both occupied the little faith in their success. Rev. Willits, Summers and Faught. Stanc-
fetrlie a region.
HANDON. Ore.. July 2. Thc Mlo-
While he has not so stated, it is un­ «am« tent, although they did not Robinson, who claims to have seen
bie came in late.
(•rue Oil II Gas company, a coriiorn-
derstood that he will be a candidate
A petition of the property owners
tion of local capitalist», whh-b MU I\4'HEAN|N<¡ M MltF.lt OF SHEEP to snereed himself on the democratic, work together. According to Geesl s the couple, perplexes the Canadian
story Rnrns got up on th»? morning of police, who cannot understand his abutting on Main street, between Cen­
drill for oil on B«ar creek, near this
May 25th and threw water from a positive assertions while all circum­ ter and Second streets, requesting
According to otllcial returns there tick.'t
city, has ordered drilling machinery,
washbasin on the floor of the tent. stances seem to disagree with him.
that the new grade of Main street be
which will be here soon and the
Gessl remonstrated with Burns and
abandon«*d and the present contour
work of drilling will b«* starl<'d at in England at the close of 1909, an START HOIDy ON TWO
be made the grade, was received.
NEW BRICK BLOCKS the latter drew a large clasp knife I STEAMER GROUNDED ON
once. The company Is capitaliz'd Increase over 190S of 535,937, and
The following were the signers
for $25,000. A number of oil ex­
Mrs. R. Marple
J V. Houston,
perts have looked over the grounds not since 1K99 were there over 16,- Foundation» Being Put in for tile Odd several times in the neck, inflicting
painful but fortunately not fatal
PORTLAND. July 27.- The steam­ Chas. N. Meyer.
J A. Houston.
Fellows' Tempi«* and the
»nd arc of the opinion that th« pros­ »00,000 sheep In any one year. The
wounds. He only desisted when his er Reaver, bound for San Francisco H. F. Toliver.
J. A. Uerlings.
Willits' Block
pects for oil are good. Within th«- past winter is said to have been a
victim pl«*aded with him not to take and Ix>s Angeles, and carrying a num­ I
Mrs. E Heidrick.
next «>0 days a thorough tar, will
ber of passengers. grouad«?d on Des­
Work wau started this morning on his life.
have been made, and the promoters mal rainfall, but recently the
On motion of Caste! the petition
Burns was arrested and brought to demona sands in the Columbia river was granted, and the grade will be re­
the new Odd Fellows' temple on
>f the company arc sanguine as to
and the outlook is ter a good lamb­ the corner of Fifth and Main streets, I thi« city, where ho was locked up. in a dense fog. The tug Onsonta and established at tbc present contour.
the result.
i ing wason. Mutton at present Is and the Willits* building that adjoins He is a man apparently about 45 the steamer Chancellor were rushed
Hills Allowed
years of age, and has the appearance to her assistance. A panic started,
reported to be considerably dearer it on the east.
The bill of the Klamath Publishing
than this time last year, and store
The foundation ter the Odd Fel­ of a miner or prospector. The jury- but it was quickly quieted, and the company, amounting to $293.05, was
NAME FROM BALLOT sheep are worth $2.45 to $4.90 more
passengers were landed on the river allowed.
lows' temple will be of stone, and the brought in a verdict of not guilty
per head than in November last. The expectation is to have it completed in
hank, and are awaiting the floating Oi'dinam-e«
KAI.EM. Ore., July 27. Theodore total number of sheep in the United three weeks, so that work on the
of the st«?amer. It is expected the
The ordinance vacating the portion
I Geisler, who recently announce«! Kingdom in 1909 was 31,838,833, superstructure of the building may PORTLAND APPLE SHOW
boat will get off the bar this after­ of Center street situated betweeD
himself as being a candidate for cir­ an increase of 506,433 over 1908.
be begun aa soon as possible.
Main and Pine streets was introduced
cuit Judg<* of Multnomah county, ha«
The foundation ter the Willits'
Three days, November 30 to De­
nnd passed to its second reading.
nform««d the secretary of state’« of­ EUGENE V. DEHR IR
building will be of concrete, and the cember 2. have b.'en set as the time ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE
A new telephone ordinance grant­
fice that he desires to withdraw nnd
TAKEN TO NANITORIl'M .Maddox-Harris concrete mixer is at for the big apple show to be given
FROM FEDERAL PRISON ing the Pacific Telephone and Tele­
• a nee I hla declaration In order to
work now preparing the materials for under the auspices of th«' Oregon
graph company a franchise to trans
xepport the republican aaaembly nom­ Hocialist SfMwker t’ompelh'd to Take the foundation. It is expected to
I State Horticultural society. The
act business in this city ter a period
ine, J. V. Veatch, Thia is th« first
in Minnesota
have this portion of the building com­ j occasion will have a double slcniti-
William J. Laughlin and Chester of twenty-five years was introduced
«undldate to withdraw from the field,
pleted in about ten days.
I cance on account of the fact that the K. Armington attempted to escape nnd passed to its second reading.
and the secretary of state will strike
When these buildings are complet­ I dat«' will be the quarter centennial from the Federal prison here yester­
An ordinance adopting bltulithie
Mr. Geisler's declaration from the
ROCHESTER. Minn.. July 27
ed Klamath Falls will have two of I of th«» Horticultural society.
paving for Main street from Eleventh
Eugene V. Dabs, ex-candidate for the most sightly edifices in any town
It is plann«*d to make the show one wounded Armington
The latter, street to the depot, was introduced
pr«*sid< nt on the socialist ticket and of this site in the state, and the citi­ of the largest ever held in th«' north­ however, escaped.
and passed to its second reading
now a prominent ' lecturer in that zens of this city are hoping that th« west, considering even the annual
The ordinance adopting the bit«
Dr. William Martin returned from lithic spiHrifications ter the paving of
OF «NFTTAGE GROVE1TKH cause, is a patient in the Mayo Bros, other imrtions of the same block may Spokane show. Valuabl«? prizes will
sanitorlum here. It la re^brted that have buildings of a similar high cla« t b«? offered and every inducement Oakland Saturday evening, where he Main street from the bridge to Elev­
given growers to make the exhibition had been for several days. He says enth and Sixth street from Main to
COTTAGE GROVE, Ore . July 23 his condition Is serious. The cause erected before long.
| a creditable one.
that his father, Alex Martin Sr., is Kinlock avenue, was read the third
Elisha Geer, a rancher residing of the trouble which has m-cossitated
The Hood River Commercial club much improved In health and that he time and passed.
twnlva miles south of this city, shot his admission to the sanitorlum la
I has offered a $50 prize ter the beet is expected that he will be able to
A resolution requesting the city en­
mid killed a cougar meaaur-ing nine unknown.
: The attendance at the summer exhibit from Hood River county. The take a trip to his old home here be­ gineer to procure plans and specifi­
f.et. The ranchers of that neighbor-
school is gratifying tb the instructors Salem i Commercial club has also fore winter sets in. Mr. Martin's cations ter the paving of Main street
I rod have been missing p.onts from
The county court has recalled the an dtho students aro making excel­ come I forward with an offer of a $25 many friends are more than pleased from Eleventh street to the depot was
«!•♦ ir bands for some time past, and
when they went on their cougar hunt offer of $1,000 ter the arrest and lent progress. A number of them will prize I ter the beat Marion county ap- to learn of the improvement in his introduced and adopted.
A resolution requesting the citv
condition and will be glad to welcome
they found the carcasses of five in the conviction of the person who set fire take the teachers' examinations ter pies
him on his arrival In Klamath Falls. engineer to procure plans and speci­
tiillw. They nt once set out to hunt to the Shook house and barn near county and state certificates, which
fications for the paving of Main «tree
the cougar, and the dogs treed it Dairy this spring. The Seaton girl will be held in the high school in this
L. A Newton, representative of the
Dr. Wm. Martin went to Crystal from the bridge to Eleventh «tree«
within an hour. Cougars have killed has confessed to the act, and there is city, beginning at 9 o'clock In the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com­
(hlrty-elght goats In this neighbor no necessity ter the offer being con­ morning of August 10th. and con­ pany, went to Eagle Ridge Friday to creek this morning, where he will was introduced and adopted.
Council adjourned to meet tonight
fish and camp out ter several days.
hood this spring and summer.
tinuing until the 12th.
remain over Sunday.
Malcontents Are Rallying Around tlx-
standard of G«-ix-rul Minici