C. 'I' Oliver, E E. Filch find John terrible crime and I will stand by TUT |fl||nnj| DOI Iff fMff QTIIPIf) him until he proves his innocence,” LUNUUH lULlUL I UINUl dlUllU Hhook Home one usked )f tho re­ publicans of Dulry had elected Mr. tremblingly declar«-d M. A. Crippen,' I the 75-year-o)d father of Dr. Crip- [ Shook a delegate, uud h«> stated that W.H PAPERN ARE DISTRIBUTED BELIEVED TO BE THAT OF FOB- MONI IMPORTANT FEATURE OF he wus the only republican who took pen, wllo lives here. “Hawley never < RIPPEN IN BELIEVED TO HAVE MEH NOTED HING Ell IN OBSOLETE BUT «»I time emtuglt to go to tho meeting, lost his temper and loved his wife FARM WORK nnil h<< was declared the delegate dearly. I do not think tbe body is iron» that city and placed on the com his wife's. It may be some other N«««l for Hi«1 lb'vision of Ituloe Go» Meurch Ma«!«1 for H u *I> m > h 1 of Woman ' «Uue of l*« at|>on««d until later of congres* providing a more ration­ «•d singer, the wife of an American I ing murdered his wife and then cov­ United Htates, and those are worth In th<> year. The motion was car-j al production and distribution of pub­ dentist. In th«1 ««liar of an old iso NEW YORK. July 15 Among tbe ered the body with quicklime to con­ ril'd. $703.916.001). The magnitude of A commute«1 on platform consist­ lic documenta wilt save millions of lated house whi«h had Peen occu- Lusitania passengers is James Maha- ceal the evidence of bis crime, has • he industry can perhaps be best un­ dollur* to th«- government. Th«« pl«-«l by Crippen. ny, a drug salesman, who was for­ but little money In his posaesston derstood when it Is considered that ing of C. A Bunting of Morrill, Frank printing investigation commission, of The authorities of all Europe have , merly associated with Crippen. He They do not think that he ban over these cows produce ) early about $1,- Ira White and W. O. Smith waa ap ' which Senator Smoot is chairman, b«1«1«! asked to hunt for Crippen, who I said: "1 have reasons to believe that $250 in cash, but that he has about ■>00,000,000 worth of dairy products. pointed has discovered thut the antique law* has been charged with th«1 murder. Crippen's first wife is still living, the $25,000 in jewelry that belonged to Tho committee «>n resolutions re i There is no other branch of diver­ now in forc«< have caused a waste of The woman dlsap|x»ared some time! one by whom he had a 19-year-old his wife, and that he will be forced IMirtod its follows: sified agriculture so important to the The republican party, in Klamath tons of expensive printed matter ev­ last February, and Cripiwn gave it i son. I understand they are living in to dispose of this in a short time. In progress of a community. The fer­ ery year. out that she had died a natural death 1-os Angeles. I receivttd a letter from that case they think that he will tility of the soil «-an le’st lx1 maintain­ county, unreservedly approve* th«' Tho statute provides that each sen­ The authorities here say tbe body ; Pasadena recently mentioning Mrs. soon be captured, rt the jtrwvlry can Taft administration of national af ­ ed by th«' liberal um < of burnynrd ma­ ator uud representative shall have a which has Just been found had been ' Crippen, and that would indicate that be readily identified. nure, and the dairy herd not only faire and the Honson administration certain number of copi«*i of each doc­ dead for at least six months. she is living She married Crippen The people and newspapers here in Oregon. We also commend the •nakna this possible, but dairying is ument printed, with the result that Shortly after the disappearance of' twenty years ago. ’’ charge the Scotland Yard men with efficient service rendered by Hon. W also more remunerative than other member* have placed to their credit Mrs. <’ripp«-n, another woman was In- ( being bunglers. They assert that the branches of farming when properly C Hawley, our representative in con­ a great mass of printtsd matter tof irodu«-«»d bj her husband as being' MI'NYON'S HON BE­ police practically warned Crippen gress tarried on. ■ LIEVER CRIPPEN Gl’ILTY that he was suspected, and thus gave We believe in reproHentatlve gov­ which they bar«1 no «-arthly use. In she. Saturday Crippen disapp«ared Dairying has made wonderful the vaults under th«1 hou»c end of the with th«1 second womnn. and since him an opportunity to make his es­ progress since the advent of the mod- ernment; in tlie form of government f'apitol tho commlwsion found 1,000,- then the polic«- have had th«* house PHILADELPHIA. July 15.—Dr. cape na- It is believed here that Mias adopted by the builders of our ern creamery, and the consumer of 000 documents which momix-rs had heavily guarded, and no one is al- Munyon, whom Crippen represented Leneve has gone to France, where tint ter hug not only been benefited by tion and under which the nation has fulled to distribute. Instead of thus lowe«l to enter. Th«1 police today in Ixvndon, refused to believe that the police are searching for ber. ledng furnished u more wholesome become the greatest on earth. IndlHcrlmlnately allotting “ exces*'* brought In two toffins. and it is be­ Crippen had kill'd his wife He said A dressmaker here declared that Political ills cannot be cured by ■ «nd pulutable urtlcle of food, but the to member* It I* proposed that each Moved that a se«-ond l>ody has been that he waa a fine, upright man. He shortly after February 2d Miss Le- I k quack remedies. Kxiietimenl* wife in th«* farm house has lx«en re­ member b«1 given a credit at the gov­ found. didn't think he would dream of neve brought a hamper of clothing lieved of the drudgery Incidental to this stat«« with echemes proposing to ernment printing office, which ho Th«- officer* describe the alleged harming anyone. to her to be altered which was later conduct government affairs by th« making butter on the farm Whore may use to get such publications as ' second wife as being Ethel Clara Munyon's son believes that Crip ­ identified as having belonged to Mrs. unorganized and uninformed acta of formerly the cream waa ripened and ar<* di'slred by His constituent*. Thu* Ixrncve. a beautiful stenographer, 27 J pen was insanely jealous and that Crippen. At that time she said that <-hurnit care* b> unskilled hands, now the der the present quota system he gets that his wife had died at a conti­ NEW YORK DETECTIVES poned until Monday. Instead of iwlltlcal campaign* con ­ the milk or «ream is dellv- most of no more of thetw* publication* than nental watering place, but the notice WATCH FOR MURDERER The Scotland Yard off)-ere, through • red to u modern creamery wher«1 ducted ii|H>n |H>lltical l*sues and prin­ does the Now York city member. | which he inrerlt-d of tho death gave the English newspaper., have ap­ conditions uro suit««d to the purpose ciple«. we hav<< endured u mere Tho commission has ascertained I th«- place as some town in California. NEW YORK. July 15.—Detectives pealed to Miss Leneve to reveal the scramble for offices by self-nomloattM •>t making butter, and tho result has that the average cost of document* It is alleged that he forg«?d a letter examined the steamship Lusitania whereabouts of Doctor Crippen, say­ •«• ■■a n wonderful improvement in the asplraats. We heartily favor open conferences 1 distributed by senators during tbe ■ from his wife to persons in Ixindon for Dr. Crippen and Mis- Leneve, ing that she has everything to gain quality of our dairy products. As liint five years has l>een about $2.100 i «aying that she was going to America. but no person resembling either of and nothing to lose. th« quality has Improved consump­ of accredited party delegates, and are a year. Mrs Crippen was born in Phlladel- them was on board. opiKiaed to secret combinations of pol ! tion has Increased, and tho progress In studying the question whether ' phia. and was the daughter of a Pol­ Itlcluns Nerving unknown Interests <>f dairying has been remarkable dur­ William Stark, who broke his FIVE MEN AWAIT HANGING Campaign expenditures and the va the government is now printing too ish nobleman who fled to this coun- ing the past decade thumb while breaking horses at the large editions of it* publications, the try to arold pcrsecuUon in h|s native The perpetuity of the country's gurl«>r not It will bo uccept««d. and al) dldat«1*. Public Interest demand po­ are not » at the prison, however, Notice is hereby given that the now havo on hand vast accumula­ 'covered that she was entitlod to an who foci the least Interest in the mat­ litical organization instead of polio doomed to be hanged this summer. Slate Land Board will receive sealed tion* of other publication* that soon ­ ■•state in Poland, and both sailed for leal chaos. The republican party In ter will pleas«1 attend. Superintendent C. W. James has bids until 11:00 o'clock a. m.. August er or later will have to be sent to the that country, remaining on that side Oregon ha» begun th«' work of re-es ­ All who are Interested In the loca­ Muperintendent of documents and of the ocean They lived recently at Just prepared his penitentiary report 1. 1910, for the following described tion of tho Episcopal church arc tablishing our stat« Iti tbe Intelligent for the quarter, and while those to school lands, to-wit: No apology Is thence to the waste paper pile. The an ex|>ensive establishment here, and urgently requested to meet at the regard of th«- nation suffer capital crimes are increasing, AB of Sec. 16. T. 25 S., R 9 E Joint committee on printing was were apparently very rich. Christian Science hall, over the post- nced<*d for returning to *aa<* methods the number of convicts has dropped NRK. NE% of NWM, W% of «ailed upon this year to authorize Crippen is believed to have lived in We warmly endorse the attitude « ffice. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock tho sale of waste paper of more than California, and detectires who have to 406 from 412. Earnings of the NW >4 and EVi of SE Si of Section of the legislative delvgation from this A location has been offered, and it is 900,000 useles* or obsolete docu­ ' been investigating his career declare prison show a total of $6,650.65 and 36. T. 37 8.. R. 13 E. l.irmlng communities Increase in county and district In voting only for All bids must be accompanied by ments that had been unloaded on the that he was born in Coldwater. Mich., expenditures were $14,072.64. From production can only come through a republican for United Stat«»* sen­ fund a regularly executed application to ■ and was educated in that city and the penitentiary betterment ■uperlntendent of documents by other ator tmprov««d methods of agriculture and Indiana, and was also graduated from $955.63 was realized, and repairs purchase and at least one-fifth of the We reouuimcud that th«1 legislature branches of th«1 government. ■oil improvement. When it is con- He coui- and improvements cost $1,987.27. amount offered. Another cause of the excess in gov­ a «»liege in*Los Angeles -tdcred that the dairy cow la the increase tho number of names requir­ No bid for less than $7.50 per acre pletcd bls medical education at Anu Total expenditures for the quarter inundation for soli lmprov<*ment and ed for initiative Jegi*laUon, to the ernment publication* is in their dupli­ Arbor, Mich., Cleveland and New were $17,015.54. will be considered. cati' dlatribution of librariea by the «■nd that the ballots bo not burdeu« 1 «! farm x prosperity, her important The men to be hanged include The right is reserved to reject any York, and practiced his profession in is b<-«t understood, and Interest in with numerous proposed nneiaures of ■uperlntendent of documents, the John D. Roselair of Washington and all bids. Detroit. departments and by members of con ­ h«r should not be confined to her comparative unimportant«» and those James A. Harrell from Lake count Applications and bids should be ad­ In Sau Diego, Salt Lake. St. Louis 'county, gress The commission has made a I owner She Is an Important factor of only local Interest. county. James A. Caseday from East­ dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State We believe that the resourc««* of compilation of the reports of the su­ and Brooklyn he was an esr special­ in th«1 development of our country. Oregou should be developed by thelr perintendent of documents showing ist. His latest business here was as ern Oregon, and two Chinamen, who Land Board, Salem. Oregon, and are now in the Multnomah county marked “Application and bid to pur­ proper use. Wo oppose th«1 control of that In the last fifteen years be has a Yale tooth specialist. jail. distributed a total of 7.906,892 gov ­ Cripp«>ii admitted to th« 1 police that chase state lands.” th«is«' resources by faddists operating G. G. BROWN, at government ezpensc and in the ernment publication* to libraries the story of his wife’s trip to Amer­ Clerk State Land Board. ultimate interest* of non-resident cap- throughout the country, of which ica was false. Saturday he said that STEALS TOOLS AND LANDS IN JAIL 5.592.909 went to designated de- he and his wife had quarrelM, and Dated April 22. 1910. 4-28-7-28 llalists. I.IJ0IT IIEPREMK STATI VEH iKisitory libraries In the same fif- that she had left the house in anger. FRANK IRA WHITE. Young Man T^re Saw, Square and STATE CONVENTION He said that he did not know where C. A BUNTING. I tren years the su|x»rintendent of doc­ Plane, and Seti* Them to ument* has had return«»d from tees«1 sh«> had gone, and that he had in- W. O SMITH. Second-Hand Store j v« ‘ nt«»d the story of the trip to Amer ­ libraries a total of 1.579,164 docu ­ The following was on«1 of the rec­ I »-legal«1« H««re Freni Klamath Fall«, ommendations brought in: ments or an average of more than ica because he did not want the I A young man giving his name as Merrill, Fort Klamath and "We recommend that a republican 100,000 a year. This return of doc­ neighbors to know that she had gone. Jack Henry took a handsaw and county assembly be held at Klamath uments discarded by the libraries Is He said that tb«>re was where he had square belonging to John Freesel) Dairy For an up-to-date wheel, get Falls Saturday, August 20th, at 2 rapidly Increasing, as the reports thought she had gone. and a plane owned by Mr. Janssen a Rambler, on sale at the GUN The undertakers say that two cof ­ show that In the last three years the p. m., for thc> purpose of suggesting from the building which Mr. Janssen STORE. For sale or rent. The county republican asiwmbly tho republican candidates for county superintendent of documents has re­ fins were lined to facilitate the hand­ is constructing at the corner of Ninth Tents to rent. Guns. We carry ling of the mutilated and decomposed ■net at th«» courthous«1 Saturday, uud offic«1* Deairing a full and free ex- ceived 754.367 documents on which and Main streets Wednesday, and a full line of Sporting Goods. ilie delegates elected representatives presirion of the republican voters of the government has had to pay dou­ corps«1 In spite of the denials there sold them at DuFault’s second-hand delegates to the state nsstnbly and Klamath county, we iwimmend that ble |K>*tagn in addition to the enor­ are rumors of further startling dis­ store for $1.76. Mr. DuFault says prpard for a m««eting to be held delegates to thia county assembly be mous exitense of printing and then coveries. he did not want to buy them, but Dr. Pepper, the government an­ that the man insisted that he was a tuguHt 3oth. at which time sugges­ chosen from each of th«« voting pre­ dispose of them as waste paper. THE GUN STORE tions will be mad«1 a< I«» th«1 tx»st can- cincts of Klamath county at precinct The commission ascertained that alyst. has declared that identification carpenter and needed the money. J. B. CHAMBERS «fidaloH for office. assemblies to b«1 held Saturday. Aug­ the departments have nine separate of the corpwe is impossible, but the When the owners of the tools dis­ ust 13th, at 2 p. m„ and that tbe ap­ engraving and lithographing plants police aro certain that tho corpse is covered their loss they inquired after Th«1 delegates are that of Mrs. Crippen. They declare' them, and after obtaining a descrip­ Klumatli Falls—Frank Ira White, pointment for anltl precincts shall I m < in operation, not including the bu­ that the head had been crushed by tion of the man from Mr. DuFault reau of engraving and printing of the fixt-d by th« 1 republican county central W. II. Simpson, (.!. 8 M«>ore, C. R. De­ treasury departmet. These nine hear»' blows, and that the body of caused his arrest. He was locked up Lap, Bert Withrow, A, L. Leavitt, H. committee. plants were operated at a cost of the corpse bad been hacked by a Thursday, and is now in the county Following ar« 1 th«* delegates to the M. Manning, Thomas Drake, O. C. $348,271 last year. In addition state aaembly at Portland, July 21: to knife. Jail awaiting his trial. tpplegate. W. O. Smith, C. T. Oliver A fellow dentist asked Crippen | Dr Merryman. Dr. Alex Patterson. this the total awards to outside es­ .«nd John Schnllock. where his wife was shortly after she KISSES HIS SWEETHEART Merrill —C. A. Bunting. J. H. Chas 8. Moore. H. L. Holgate, Thon. tablishment* for engraving and litho­ disappeared, and he said that she had graphing for the government amount ­ Drake. Wm. H. Mason, E. E. Fitch, AND KILLS FOOTPAD Holi' «, Frank Hedrick, Alex Patt« • K. D. North. G. W. White. John ed to $317,664, making a total of gone to visit her home in Los An­ son uud E E. Fitch. I geles It was well known that there CHICAO. July 14.—Within sight Fort Klamath J II Wheeler, T. Shook. A. L. I-eavitt. H. L. Benson. $665,936 expended by the govern­ ment for engraving and lithograph­ had be»»n trouble in the family over 1 of his fiancee, whom he had just i > K. Hoyt, 8. P. Gardner, Georg«1 L oom - J II Wheeler, W. O Smith ing last year, not including the work the stenographer, and be wrote to kissed good night. Elmer Cooper, a We are no* agent« for the well- ley and Ralph Moon Mrs. Crippen's stepson in California, of tho bureau of engraving and print ­ two salesman, shot and killed one of Dairy John Shook ami W. P. known Victor Phonograph and * ’ BEV. BLKDNOE HAN was there. He re­ ing which is confined to printing cur­ inquiring if highwaymen who attempted to rob Sedge. plied that Mrs; Crippen had not been rency, bank notes, stamps and the A NARROW ESCAPE him early today. records. We have a nice line < > Kono was not represented although like. Th«» commission is now investi­ seen in th«» state that he knew of. The trager.v occurred while the four delegat«1* had been elected in -..II , # gating the advisability «of having young woman. Miss Catherine Rush, i i » > of up-to-date phonograph« and Ji • hat precinct. Rev. M. M. Bledsoe and J. 11. Mas­ Th«1 txillce are confident that Crippen more of the engraving and litho- stood on the porch of her home. 6216 The meeting was called to order at ters had a narrow «wrap«' on the Up­ record«, needles and «applies. * ' yaphing for the government done in will be arrested before night. An Lexington avenue. Th«» second thief, i > 2 30 by (’. T. Ollvor. per lake Thursday. Thow were in i > Evening News extra declares that Mr. Come in and hear some of the < » Dr. Patterson of Morrill nominated Mr. Masters' sal) boar when a squall I its own plant*, some of which arc Hall, a porter at the Raven House, who is believed to have been wound­ equipped to perform additional work. ed. escaped. «'. 8 Moor«1 for chairman, and h<» was cam«1 up, and befbrt they know It where Crippt'n has offices und«*r the I late records. We also have a Cooper was arrested and later re­ unanimously elected. the Isiat had nearly capstxod. The name of the A. U, Rai Remedies A. L. Leavitt was nominated for sails wore stripped from the rigging company, states that he passed Crip- leased. He was robbed under almost i > large line of Edison phono- ' ' i > ■««•cretury by O. C. A|>pl«*gate, and he and it was only by strenuous exer­ pen at noon today. He said (hat similar conditions July 3. On that i > graphs and records. Starr < > .«Iso was unanimously elected. tions that the boat was .kept upright. C. Whitaker of Palo Alto, Calif., J. Crippen entered his office hurriedly occasion he was unarmed, but he im­ i > mediately purchased a revolver. Chairman Moore made a brief tulk As It was, they aro both thankful that C Rutenic and daughter. Irene, went and emerged shortly afterward and i > pianos, sheet music and musical < > on the object of the convention, In they did not get into the water. to Merrill last Thursday in F. H. hurried toward Euston. The porter instrument« of all kinds. which he stated that he believed it i > You’re Another Mills' auto, whore they will meet Car- discovered later that the names bad would result In groat good to the par­ Th«> Monarch Mercantile company llsl«> Yad«>n and take a trip through b«»en erased from the door. The po- “Tell me what a man eats and I’ll i • i » ty, although tho democrats might not today filed suit against the Klamath the lava b«»ds country for a few davs. lice are trailing the man. tell you what be is.” i> think that the procedure was legal. Falls Timber and Logging company They took tenti, bedding and a full “That's a lie! I've eat fish lvery o ' » On motion tho chair appointed a com­ for the recovery of money. H. M • amp equipment, and expect to have LOS ANGELES. July 15.—"I do Friday av me life, an' I can’t swim a i • For Musical Instruments mittee on credentials, consisting of Manning Is their attorney. the Unit1 of their lives. not believe my boy Is guilty of the sthroke.” RECOMMENO MEETING AUGUST 20 BICYCLES WINTERS