First M. K. church Nomi should ml»» JGNEH—HOU ABD STRUCK DI HANDLE OF STARTER thl» rare opportunity to hear some Will DIVIDE INTO Skill RRMS One of the most unique events that high i 'I iihm singing, which nt the »nm« has ever occurred in this city was the time appesi» to lhe uncultivated mu­ ORGANIZED IIAN» MAID TO HAVE sic lover. The host local talent hu» BIOGENI REAL THAI HAN BEEN RRY WEATHER HAN MABE NITE. rnarrlagu ceremony of Mrs. Eugenia A BONE NEAIi THE XVItlNT I k CONNI M.MATEB FOR YEARN ATKIN < RITR AI, FRAtTI BED Howard and Charles Jones Jr., which | consented to a»»l»t In lhe program. HI,XIS REDHtflN HIVALA occurred at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. I E. R. Itcsmes. fThe contracting par- M IKE tit mid DRIVE WITH TEAM OF HORN EN Menu» III«- « ouiilig of tlie Hmail Fann­ Mu< Ii I*,»» Will lb- Sustaine«! I ul«s>s tles ar< the colored servants of Mr »ccklrat Occurre«! at l«k<*vi«*w Wed- Trouble Which ll«*gaa mu Month» er«, Nomctlilng NfSMbsI for lh- Cur«' Is Taken to Prevtait Pires and Mrs. Ileum«», a number of who»» n<-M|ay Night—Injured .M«‘ti»hrr •Agn Willi Death tit Ranger May William Ntark Goes 'I'liicty-llic Mik-« yi'lopiiictit of «‘ounty friends had been invited to their ifef ||y |>r. Italy From Starting li<»ult In IH m - iivi M’? of Gung in I»*«» Titan Eight b»-autlful colonial home to witness j Hour»' Time th«' ceremony. Hon. George Noland.! 'I'li« Kluiiiuth Development compa­ PORTLAND, July 16 circuit Judg« for this district, united Sheriff Barnes is suffering with a Fir«! IIOIBK, Idaho, .Inly 15 Th» un- William Hturk made u drive from > ny bus ugaln entered till* market for Fire? Fire?" Hi« couple, following the Episcopal j broken ai m, which occurred at Lak« - • m tiling of evidence In Oiikluy, Cas- tbi Ankeny ranch to White Lak« Klamath county property, and this “This is an ularm of fir«. ring service. There was more than ‘ view Wednesday night. He was »«- lu county, by Commisslonsr George City and buck itgiiin W«'dnc»dny In time mad« th« biggest purchase that "Do you hear It ? u passing interest on tt)«: part of thci tempting to »tart his automobile aaffi«c, Indl- u little I< mm than eight hours. bus occurred her« for years. It has “Will you h«ed It? guests, for th«- bride has a host of had the sparker connected When be­ ntew thnt ii band of ratlin rustler» At the bucking hor»e contest held contracted to buy the Altamont “If the fire has not com« yet It friends among the s«K'iety people of started to turn the crank lhe ma­ •ire oimrallng along th« Houthcrn here on the Fourth of July there were soon will. th« city, as was «vldenced by th« > chine kicked back and struck him a Idaho mid Northern Nevada alate iwo hors«-» entered which taxed th« ranch. Tills property Is i ««cognised u» being om* of th«’ finest furm prop­ “You may prevent it. large number of handHomc present«, violent blow on the wrist, breaking: line, mid thut they have not only skill of Die horsemen there to »addle. “You can scarcely stop it. erties In th«« county, and It» purcbaw- given her the bone and inflicting a very painful stolen ninny hundreds of hors«*» nnd Om* was u blue roan which ran away "Al till» company means the passing of tli« largcHt tract of land under th« a dry - pring followed by hot weather ing was »pent In dancing and playing ret by Dr. Daly, ann Mr. Barnes will dlnn ruatlera who were Interfering ibat l«»u Johnson rode. Both w«r« firsi unit of th« Klamath project ha» resulted in terrific fore»t fires bridg«* and 500, the occasion being ; have to carry his arm in a cast for a with their plana. Already one death vicious bciiHts iiik I created much ex­ Negotiations for Hi« sale nearly* kicked ih« dashboard of th«- bom 2 ?i in I!«-» from tb«' courthouse. If not of human lives. It Is a time met the Indian», and In the conflict wugon out. It was for year» owned and operuted to upiieal to every citizen for vigil­ which folowcd Frank Trammer, a Wednesday h«j »• t.l tho «.»rrel piu- by Judge Smith. On his death the ance to avert disaster and distress to! ranger, wa» »hot tn death. The In­ lo Baldy Gi • > at • li< bt'lrk organised the kmith corpora­ th«' community.” diana cMcapet! Hei l»« rmi'li and Thursday the lieast 1 tion for tie management of the prop­ l*i these words the Western For­ Commissioner Pai lind occasion to threw hl» new owner twice. city. This corporation sold th« prop­ estry and Conservation association •our th« outhern part of the atate a erty lo Judge Noland and It. S. Smith begins a statement issued today as few data ago. ami while nt Onklcv, I M V.l VOTERS I ROM MER­ March 1. 1907. On March 1. 1910, I the result of reports upon the usually ha nod a large number of cowboy» | RILL SEND I.N THEIR NAMES Mr. Smith'» interest In th«' property critical forest fir« situation received who had Just come In from the round- *ip. They were apparently greatly He« ciily-I «III \\ ■ re Rcgl»t«r<'«l by the was »old to the Altamont Investment from lu subsidiary fire fighting or­ company «if Seattlo, and it It from ganizations throughout the North­ at the worked up over »Inns thnt led them <'limit) Clerk Halenluy—Kept this company and Judg«* Noland that western .lates. All authorities agree to believe that white outlaw» are - tin- Clerks Busy the Klamath Development company that unusually early arrival of dan­ carrying on a systematic anil whole­ purchased the property today. gerous conditions warrants grave ap­ agio plan of cattle and horoo mealing, Th« clerk» In th« county «lerk’» Wh«n S O. Johnson was seen by a prehension Great destruction has ai­ ind that thia gang of “bad mon” had cflii were more than busy today on circulated the Indian cattle ruatllng a count of »«vi-iity-four vote'» hav- represa-ntatlve of this paper he con- read: resulted in Montana. Idaho an«l California. In Oregon and Washing­ report anti latter run down and killed . A..- »ent In their name« from Merrill fiinicd the tran»action and said: "In purchasing the Altamont ranch ton many fires have broken out. and the Indiana In order to »hleld their) !■ i legist rat loti. tlie Klamath D«'vclopm«nt has under­ although most have been successfully own nation» nnd keep the rnngera Tlie names were rent in on blanks taken another brunch of development handled, every day Is increasing the from suspecting them. «. iii Ii had 1» en pi ov Idcd. mid each' According to the report mad« to vmiii' wa* signed three times. Two' of this section long contemplated. We dunger of condition» which prevent control. th« mithoriticrt In thia city by Coin-* «'i the signature» were to ln> cut! have seen for sometime that one of ih« urgent nre*ds of this county was Th« association calls attention to mlaloner Day, the cow boy» found sub­ from the blank and pasted in thci mor« furni' Cop ■ qii-'nily wc b th«' fact that very destructive forest I stantially built corral» In many place» «■gistrat ion iMxikM. one In th« Tub* ao «-«instructed a» to prove without Lnke book nnd one In th« general gun making preparation» for the I fir«Mi come in cycles, due to abnormal qucatlon of u doubt that the work of elution register. Th«* other remains bringing In here of farmers, and j years. Whip' In ordinary seasons with that end In view began a quiet I countless fires smoulder without seri­ building th«m had been done by ! on th« blank, which Is filed away mid »jstematic Investigation into the ous effect and even th« more import­ hand» mure experienced than thoa«i Th«* bunch of name» kept th«* best pro|M«rties for our purpose. Th« ant ones can usually be checked by of th« r«d men. The cowboy» nay' ciirku busy th« greater par of th« they also found pack »addle» hidden ' day. and they will I m < glad when th« Altamont ranch was soon decided I sufficient effort, every few years among the tree», a» well a» many I names have been all cut out nnd ' upon, and In securing it we believe comes a combination of protracted we have nne of the best to be found : dry weather and wind during which other Indication» that white men hnd plotted In the proper book». In th«- entire county. Its clos«« prox- any fire once started becomes almost hewn on the ground, th« principal evl-; Imlty to the city mnkt's It particu- instantaneously beyond influence of deuce being a number of trench»» In Hit IMEIt MINIMA BRINS larly desirable for sniall farms. Wc i human endeavor. Such fires burn which had b«'«*n thrown the bodies of ROW N LARGE MMi HALT intend to plat the tract In the small , furlonsly until ch«*cked by rain or hor*«» There trench«» ' lin<1 apparently Many L>>g» Are Adrift in I |»|s"r latke. ranches and sell It to farmers on ¡ lack of fuel, and sweep vast areas t< rms that will make It particularly with great rapidity. The last of been dug with pick mid shovel, nnd < ‘«inn««lore Nosl«*r Sustain« attractive to the homreecker of mod- these "fire year»” was 1903. when the cowboy» expr«»»ed the belief that Injury many Ilves, besides resources worth crate iimanx." underneath the carcases of the horse* nearly 1*0.000.000. were destroyed the bodlc» of Indiuus wero hidden. The steamer Wlnenta brought down in Gr< con and Washington in a day The report of the cowpuncher» ha*’ u large log raft for th« Innes-Clark« I OFF E«»R AN O1TING j or two. It is a return of such a catas­ greatly «»cited the rancher» In that mill a few days ago. trophe which is feared if heavy rain -«ctlon of tho country nnd n demand Mani log» are re|>ortcd adrift in A party of Klamath Falls p«*ople, ha» been mad« that tho matter be Vpper Ink«, but mn»t of them will be ’ consisting of Mrs. K D. North and I doe«- not soon relieve the early dry­ Invi »ligated. In uidor to do thl», the gathered up by their owners before ! son. Mr«. It. A. Einmitt, .Mrs. Fret! ness of 1910. in the meanwhile the association Nevada nuthorltiea will have to be, long. Blehn and son. Miss Ella Emmltt, appeals to every traveler and resi- i eommlted. for th« rustler» rove back : Th> Hrinith resort at Eagle Ridge Mrs. Mabell«' Martin nnd Mrs. Will From 2 to 4 in the afternoon and from nnd forth over tho boundary line, car­ 1» veri popular thl» summer, the hos­ Wedon ami daughter, left on Sun­ dent In forest regions to exercise the igreat-Hit precaution with fire, and to rying on thcle illegal traffic, nnd telry being crowded with guests to­ day for a two w«*egs' trip to Spring 7:30 to 9:30 in the evening all timber owners to maintain vigil­ therefor« Invade both Idnho nnd Ne­ day. creek. Williamson river and Fort ant patrol. In some stit«?s the gov- vada territory. Sailing on the I'pper lnke 1» a pop­ Klamath. They expret to have a most I ernor has legal power to forbid hunt- Trouble 1» expected unh’t»* th« au­ ular pHNtimc at present. enjoyable time, and went prepared to i ing. fishing and camping during peri- thorities run down the ru«tl<*rs. Sabbath »■ hool nnd divine service see ail tlie sights of the beautiful re­ I od of great fire danger, but in the » . will I m held nt Castle Saint Cloud gion they will visit. Northwest there is no insurance but % VIATOR t ill HllED ItY tomorrow afternoon at !t o'clock. All , ______ __ ___ the care exercised by the individual. FALL FROM RALMMIN are invited to attend. E. E. Fitch, the Merrill real estate A f«w days ago CoiAdore Nosier Georg«' Stainer, the genial clerk at n an. came up Friday night to attend Gee lUig Burst und Occupiuit« of cum« near sustaining a compound Dirigilil«* Are Crushed Beyimd fracture of two of his Mat lioard’’ th«' county convention here Saturday th«- Livermore, went to Lakeview on the auto Saturday morning. It«*«« ignition rll>» by falling off the dlnilFr table at afternoon. - __ hi» home The marlno language» that I COLOGNE, July 14 The dirlgl-! followed the nccldent was said to; ide balloon Erbcloch. nnmed after it» have been picturesque. Inventor, fell 5,000 feet near Pon- . ■ held. Went Germany, yesterday anti' WILL PREVENT HESSIAN Erbloek. who 1» n renowned ncien-j JEWS FROM COMING i list, mid four of hi» companion» were killed. The bodie» were crushed be­ WASHINGTON. July 16. The De- j yond recognition. partment of Commerce nnd laibor ha* Th« dirigible balloon which fell be­ announced that the Russian Hebrew longed to the Ithlne Aerial club nnd Immigrants who are coming In re-> rcHemblcd the Zeppelin, but wan only aponse to promises by the agents of j about on<*-»ixth n* large. It had made th«- American Jewish Aid societies »cveral succesefu) flight» nnd aacend- will be barred tinder the contract ed at Dusseldorf thin morning. Near labor law. Paacheld one of the balloon's netn It is alleged thnt the aid organ!-, burnt and all the gnn bag» were torn gallon» have become labor bureaus1 to bitn. The cause of the accident in and are advertising extensively tn unknown. Russia. Tho repartment declare« ■ The voyage lanteii forty minute» that this violates the law. and It in thought that, tho nun expand­ ed the gnn bag no much that tho not» WANTS JI RY TO FINI» broke or elm« that the motor exploded. OCT REAL t'RIMINAIJ* Rrbeloch piloted the winning bal­ CHICAGO. July 14. When Judge loon Pommern nt the International Landis impanelled tlie special federal , race« nt St. Louin in 1907. grand Jury to try th«* packer« he In- 1 »trusted them not to bring In any ' LIBRARY Cl,I'll WILL GIVE A N<*KRT mor«* nlins Indictments nor to indict the corporations, but to find out the' Mosicnl EntertaAiinent Will lb' ITe- Individual responsible nnd bring the * Miited Next Monday by Rollin real offender to Justice. M. Peano ANOTHER HERIOI’N The Women'» Library club are to A Kitt >PLA N E At '< TRENT be congratulated on having nee tired the promise of Rollin M. Peano of St. BOURNEMOUTH, England. July Asceudlng to the greatest height Paul. Minn., to give them n benefit I I concert next Monday evening. Many In the test of power motors, II. Raw- ’ of our munirai people hnv« hnd tho llnson strained his aeroplane, which pleasure already of hearing Mr. fell to the ground with him causing Penne, who In a lender among nololMt» serious, perhaps fatal Injuries. That In his homo city, nnd occupies a lucra­ he was not killed outright is cotiHld- ' tive position an choir master of tho cred a miracle. CAIILEMEN ARE AROUSED AUCTION AUCTION Goodrich Cash Store We will wind up our successful sale of a $10,000 stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Groceries, etc., by closing'out / the balance of my stock of merchandise at Auction Everything will be sold Regardless of Cost