Kurd to these Important lawsuits la J. Hoffman, labor I 13.50 greatly Increased by the uppearance 17.50 Chas. Benton, labor of thia new vncancy. 35 00 \V. H. l«-wis, float for 4th Few chief Justices of the auprem,« Gladding. McKean Co., sewer I NDEBSTOOD I'll AT HE CONTEM­ court have lived during times when 375.20 pipe .........- ........... PLATES SUCH A COURSE more weighty questions were up for W. W. I-ewis. police 10.00 decision, am^ probably the verdict of 1 Jas. Hall, police 10.00 ' O K. Transfer Co history will be that none have met • I Able lo Hatl«fy An, ! K nut» 11 I Negree« in luto» With Baud Wait their problems with more adequate 10.00 If He Tells All the Facts in Count-C­ R J. Sheets, elee. inspector lìmi May lie Mmli l'|»»n the ArrtlVal of the t haiiiploii lio«! With the Deal to Buy wisdom It may be conceded that th» 13.05 ORDINANCE INTRODUCED WHIT­ j.L Boivin, plumbing • I Them nt Ili» Home head of tho supreme court does not 12.35 The Herald H Boivin, plumbing ING THE LAW OF THE ROAD today enjoy the almost abnoluto Baldwin Motor A Supply Co 15.80 Ittultiing thut this city Is fact out powei which tho predominating K«nl Don J. Zumwalt, service» 214.70 CHICAGO, July 7 Two hundred us of John Marshall exercised, but growing the requirements that enti- There is a w«se»aeH the an dry has unt Icl paled such m—4s it nife With Dirt The council authorised the pur- The negroea of this city began to thorlty which belongs to the supreme Installed on»' of th»- most up -to ilai chase of pipe to be used for drainage facts connect«-,! with the game. If he does, it woald be a good seller in this gather at the depot al 9 o'clock thi» court of this country. It not only labor saving piece« of ma blnory purposes thut Iti us»-d In that btiHltn-sr Ixi At council meeting Friday night Ky Tay lor asked permission to con­ neck of the woods, aud would un- morning to meet the train thi» Interprets the laws, but In tho largest Thursday a new four roll steam man more actual business was transacted nect the property he occupies on Main doubt better pleased »holy wuk jes' as hard as If I was clock ticks off a minute h< Is $1,000 Exhibition for Trophy ■wanted the privilege of filling the richer." when justices retire before extreme dah." Boston Transcript street with sawdust instead of dirt. The members of the Klamath Falls "Be Jabbers," replied Mik» "a- Three cottages on thrs« lota Boo was taken on her objection. NE%. NEH of NW'<, WH of mcugu for another cottage; S2I5R the state. The intention is to se­ does not mean to yield without test­ I tore, left him the youngest member A resolution was introduced and cure grounds, erect a club house with of Scctloo ing the right of the various states of the court but one. In 1888, when NW «4 and E S of HE MARON A SLOUGH adopted which provided that the po­ bathrooms and other conveniences, 36. T. 17 8.. R. 13 E and cities to bar the pictures. he was appointed, the embers of the lice judge be instructed to advertise and lay out tennis courts that will Al) bids must be accompanied by civil war passions were not entirely for bids to pave various streets in this equal any on the coast. a regulaily executed application to I extinct, and some members of the city. purchase and at least one-fifth of the I The local club has some excellent WOMAN SIH HITS H ISBA Ml senate judiciary committee, who had FOR GETTING DRUNK Ordinance» players and with quarters such aB to pass on his fitness for the bench, | amount offered. The ordinance accepting the plat of are oontetn plated the Interest in thia No bld for leas than $7 50 per acre] could not forget that his ayiffoathle«; United Press Service. For an upto-dut- wheel, get the new Holister addition was adopt­ sport will be maintained with but will be considered CHICAGO. July 7. Mrs Milsaw had not been notably active on the I a Rambler, on sale nt th- Glib ed. This addition lies between Sev­ little effort. Tho right ir reserved to reject any shot her husband and child and then Union side. There was a vigorous de- | STORE For sale or rent enth and Ninth streets and embraces and all bids. drank carbolic acid this morning and . bate in tho senate over his confirms- i Tents to rent. Guns We t arry an irregular piece of ground between Application» and bids should l><- ad ­ FELL MO FEET AND MAY LIVE died en route to the hospital. Her | tion. Such men as Edwards and Nichols. Canal and Klamath addi­ a full line of Hportlng Good* Evarts opposed him. while ho was do-! dressed to G. G. Brown. Clerk State tions, its principal length being on Woman Injured in Aeroplane Acci- husband and child are dying. Laud Board. Salem. Oregon, and j Milsaw was on a carousal last night fended by others equally eminent. Commercial street. dent Ha» Chance For Recovery. Senator Cullom among them Mr. marked Application and bid to pur and arrived home at 4 o'clock this The ordinance authorizing the sale chase slate lands." Still Conscious morning. His wife met him at th«'1 Fuller’s death removes from tho stage THE GUN STORE of the remaining $5,000 worth of G. G. BROWN, of human action almost the last man door and shot him twice in tho abdo ­ bonds of the sewer fund was passed. Clerk Htuto Land Board J II tllXMllFIts RHEIMS. July 9.- Dr. Rouaaell who took part in that forgotten eon-j An ordinance adopting the law of declares that Baroness Roches' chance men. l>ai-d April '."J I9lu i troversy. Tho president who mad« The woman left a note saying that ■ the road and specifying the way in for recovery is very favorable, and ▼ which vehicles of all descriptions and that she is growing stronger. Al­ she could not stand her husband'H dis- ‘ the appointment, the judge whoso merits were in debate and all the si pat ion any longer. animals traversing the streets of this' though her arms and legs are frac­ senators but Cullom who stood or- ’ city shall pass each other, was intro­ tured and she Is injured internally, one side or the other, are dead, wh'le duced and passed to second reading she still remains conscious, which GILLETT WILL NOT the embittered passions which 'n- TRY TO STOP The ordinance relates particularly to gives the physicians hope that het­ trpired the Hcone have vanished from automobiles and vehicles propelled skull is not fractured. The baroness SACRAMENTO. July 7. — Declar- living memory forever. Contrary to by motors. It also prohibits the leav-! fell eighty feet from an aeroplane ing his confidence in the authorities the predictions of his opponents. Mr. , ing of animals untied in the streets. ■ during the manoeuvers near this city It further prohibits anyone from . yesterday. She was operating a ma­ I of California cities following the lead Fuller turned out to be an able and 1 piling lumber or other material on chine when two others whirled of Mayor McCarthy of San Francisco. patriotic judge. Far from upholding In prohibiting the display of the fight doctrines of disunion, he has steadily the sidewalks. It likewise makes it i through the air on either side of her. pictures, Governor Gillett said he a’dod In that legal evolution of tho unlawful for two or more persons to She became confused, and catching would not take any action. Said the federal power which Is essentitl to stand on sidewalks in such a manner Select your Clothes from the Largest hold of the wrong lever precipitate« governor: the stability of th« national govern­ as to interfere with the free passage | her machine to the ground. ment. ‘ 'McCarthy's action has placed San of pedestrians or vehicles. The period of twenty-two years Stock in Klamath County Francisco in an enviable light. The The ordinance establishing the of-| during which Mr. Fuller presided interest in the fight was exaggerated flee of electrical inspector and fixing FOREST FIRES THREATEN WISCONSIN TOWNS to hysteria, now comes the natural over the supreme court covers the be­ the amounts he shall receive for the In the Men's Clothing line you Bo* s' Short Pants Sults one ginning of the transition f»on> indi­ reaction following that hysteria." inspection, was introduced and passed can select from 400 new Sum ­ half price. Just think of it? vidual competition to corporate con­ MILWAUKEE, July 9. — Forest to its second reading. mer Suits from $8.95 to $40. One-half price for Boys' Cloth trol of production and commerce in The following are the fees for in* fires arc threatening many portions EARTHQUAKE SHOCK Ing less than «vnolosals cam ! Big line of Nwkwear from 25t of this states. Flames are approach-1 spection: IN ICELAND th* United States. It fell »o him and Why do we do ft? Because we to 75c. Our Shoe line is cou ­ bir colleagues to write a number of Ing Eau Claire, and among the larger 1 Five outlets or less, 50 cents. have too many and must • lean plet»- beautiful lino of Meus epoch-making decisions wherein the cities firemen are getting ready to re- i CLEVELAND. July 7. Scientist Six to fifteen outlets, $1. them up quickly In same wav Oxford« from $3.50 to $6.50 spend to calls that may be made for Odenbach of St. Ignatius college, authority of congress to legislate for Sixteen to 25 outlets, $1.50. the regulation of the corporations Is help from other places. EighteR» thinks thia morning's earthquake Twenty-six to fifty outlets, $2. houses have been burned at Rib Lak«. j struck Iceland. H» says the record Upheld. Chief Justice Fuller has seen I All over fifty, $1. Big line of Women*s Gloves, Neckwear, Belt Ogena and Chelsea, and a loss that i r<-s«mbles th,- quake which occurred tho firm establishment of the inter­ Inspecting a motor. $1. i state commerce commission as an arm Lingerie Dresses, Shirtwaists, Separate Ski ' In Iceland a year ago. may exceed $100.000 is threatened Inspecting electric sign. $1. of the government, th» beginning of Linen Suits,'Etc. Do your trading here and m Inspecting other apparatus, $1. federal legislation to protect inter-¡ Earth quake Shock in Iceland BROKE STORE window An ordinance adopting the plat of our store your headquarters. We have every! state employe», the enactment of the ■ WASHINGTON, D C.. July 7. block 50, Nichol's addition, was in­ Home time between 2 o'clock Wed- ’ The most severe earthquake since pure food law and the growing ten- , you need at prices no higher than you are troduced and passed to its second nesday and early Thursday some 1907 West Indies shock, was regis­ dency to protect women and children to pay In large cities reading. miscreant threw a stone through the I tered by the Georgetown University from unhy genlc labor conditions, and The viewers to ascertain the amount plate glass window in the front of seismograph last night. It Is esti­ by his decisions he has assisted civil­ of damage sustained by the extension Underwood's pharmacy, shattering mated that, it was 1,500 miles away, ization to develop along all those of Canal street were selected. They the glass and making it necessary to possibly in the Atlantic. The tremor wholesome lino*. His nnfortunato Cor. 3rd are W. T. Shive, Alex Martin Jr. and put In an entirely new window. continued for fifteen minutes, the death p^nv»'nts him from helping to & Main Fred Melhase. It is not known who committed the maximum shocks being between one utter tho final word upon the Tobacco O. M. HECTOR Bills Allowed act, but if the person is discovered he minute and three minutes after 12 and Standard Oil cases. Indeed, the responsibility of the president In r»- The following bills were allowed: will pay dearly for bls conduct. o'clock IHOOSÂIOS GREET DUCK FIGHTER MAKES RULES TO COVER AUTOS KEEPING UP WITH THE TIMES TO AlWERnSE FOR PHIIG 810$ I I ▼ T* We are headquarters for up-to-date clothing Boston Store I i i / 5