Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 14, 1910, Image 3

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I movement, which bus for Its object
the turning aside of tourists travel
i from Europe to America.
In his place E. B. Henry, who quail-1
fl«d for the position today.
Mr. Henry has been deputy county
surveyor for some time under Mr.
Cilae, and is familiar with tho duties I’l GII.IHT h SIGNED UF BKtNHUC
of that office.
W lu n t 'timpli led W ill lie Olli- of lilt-
The United Hlutes Is the world's
Hunilwomt-M Nil-lit lures III
luigi si consumer of coffee, Germany.
the Milite
Holland, Franco, Belgium und Aus
« I.Uiii» II* II«* Iwiinui«« Ihst ll>' irlu-lluugiiiy corning next in tho or-
' d«r named.
Will IL-cHvc A|>pn*|Hl»»tl<»«»
Yrebltecl G E McDonald in pre­
B i - ihum hrok«n signal lamps show
purl ng plans for th« new lem pkt
lor Crater luikv Park
’ whit« lights, severul railroads have
which th« Odd Follows of this city ar«*
abolished th«- color In hlgnallng. using to cruet on tho cornot of Fifth and
SAI.EM, Julj
H. Congressman ' red for danger, orange for caution .Muin streets, and when it Is complet­
and green for safety.
ed It will l> on« of th« handsomest
Hawley hux annouuced hi» Intention
Brickuork that ha. been stained
of bring n < .iixllilui*) for r< «lection. by coal smoke may b« cleaned with a structures In III« stato outside Of
In a statement Issued hero today hr panto mad, from a plat of liquid am
The blds lor tile uew struct ure
»11 Id:
tnooia, a gallon of soft soap and two were opened
Wednesday, and th»*
I h ill upend thi* summer much an pounds of powdered pumice.
Hpi-cifli ations call for n reinforced
I -.pent lust Hummer," stated th« Con-
Fireboats owned by several of th«
concrete, < lass A building, three
grnastnnn, outlining his plana. "I ox* larg« r < Illes are now supplied with
stories in h«l light, with a basement,
H i t to visit the Various place« In th« Kiunt.i to elevate the discharge noz­
It will be «x feet on .Main street and
llxtrlit, nm-ortaln th« pcoplo'e nooda zles, on Hie same principle that water
106 feet on Fifth, and both of the
md »«cur« a pcraonal knowledge of towers arc lined by land firemen,
street sides t will In- plat« glass for
what my constituents dealre.
On the principi« of th« electric the lower llw.
"Just before I came nwny ftpm hair-drier la u new Instrument
Th« basemi'iit will extend under
Washington I received naanrancea brought out in Germany for tho treat­
the entire building
The first floor
from Secretary of tho Interior linl ment of rh«-umatlsm by directing
will consist of three storerooms. Th«
lingi r that h« would visit Oregon < nrrents of bot air upon the affected
ii-onil will lie divided into twenty-
thia year, and make a personal in* spot.
two office room», while the third
portion of Crater Lake park and th«
Om of th«- new eat tireless cookers floor will contain two lodge roonu
Klumntb Chilian reservation
Chair Is mor« compact than Its pi«-d>-censorn
and a banqui-t hull and kitchen. The
man Tawney of the appropriations by reason of tho fact that a vacuum
building will be h«ated with steam,
ommilhe assured me that if ho re­ U use«! for Insulation Instead of a
and will liave all th« most modern
ceived the proper surveys from th« pmklng of felt, paper or similar ujû-
ideas In the way of plumbing and san­
«ci retai l of the Interior I could count terlal.
itary conveniences.
on an appropriation for park pur
A patent has boon giant«-d
Mr. McDonald thinks the blds will
poses niur Crater lake, including con Massachusetts tuen for a simple
he clottr, as six or seven contractors
trmtlon of highways.
thin« to even th« bottoms of dam have sigulfled their Intention of sub­
'One important move I desire to aged tenpins, which are held In a
mitting figures. Th« cost of the struc­
make as early as possible is a visit to frame while rotating knlvra grind
ture will I»« In the neighborhood of
the Klamath Indian reservation them true.
I have a bill pending for the opening
Knud Rasmussen, the Dutch ex­ The Willits Building
of that reservation which will mean plorer who will spend the next four
L. F Willits, president of th« First
500,000 acres thrown open to entry. Margin an ethnographic study of the
National bank, is to erect a two-story
There are certain points In the bill Esquimaux, plans to sail through the
building adjoining tb<- Odd Fellows'
on which further Information Is northwest passage and return by the
tempi«, and blds for that structure
necessary, and I wish to work these I'aclflc coast
were opened at th«, same time
out with the people on the reservation
Pure liquid asphalt seeps from th«* that
the others arc.
It also
«arth In a number of p|ac<*a In ‘.he will lx- built of reinforced concrete,
"One thing that I hnve made a Mexlian stat« of Tamaulipas, but so
and will have store room« on the
strenuous effort to bring about Is th« far from existing methods of trans-
ground floor nnd offices above. When
opening of agricultural lands In for imrtation that no «fforts have been
It Is completed It will make a contin­
«st reset ves, when those lands are ca­ mad« to exploit It.
uous front of plate glass on that <*or-
pable of development, and with th«
A Philadelphia man has Invented ner. and the appearance would be a
-tart which I have made In this dire, a universal «lock, Across the top of
credit to a much larger city than
tlon I bellcv« this tuay I»« brought a map of the world, marked In meri­ Klamath Falls.
dians, there passes a band marked In
"I consider the session in congress quarter-hours, showing the time at!
has been a very profitable one for the < very city at once.
state of Oregon nnd for my district
A new machine gun which the
kmong other things that I secured United Htntca army is testing Ores I Petits*« Out U> Kill tbr l’oc of Nets
was an appropriation of over (400,- mor« than 300 shots a
minute, <
by Angh-r»
000 In tho rivers nnd harbors bill. In- weighs but thirty pounds and can b« .
eluding <300,000 for the locks at opcratixl by two men, one loading as j
SAI.ESI. July X. An initiative pe­
Oregon City. (50,000 for the Coquille tlx- other alms and fires It.
for an act to make it unlawful
river, 1'0,000 for the Hluslnw. nnd
The Pennsylvania Railroad, which '
In th« public building» bill $110.00<v maintains a private Arc department for persons to fish in the Rogue river
for Medford for n pi is to til ic bulldint; in each largo city it enters, has with anything but a line and hook
courthouse and site, (10.000 for a equipped a number of locotnotiv«*»; was received by the secretary of state
site at Ros,«burg. and In the fight for with pumps and boa«* to fight Arcs ■ today. It was prepared by a major­
ity of anglers residing in the district
irrigation bonds to the extent of $20.- with water from their tanks.
<»00.000 I furnished all the assistance
In support of tho contention that I several miles above the mouth of
quiet subsidence of undisturbed water I Rogue river, and is mainly for the
"In addition. I took up with the la fatal to bacterial life. It lx pointed ' purpose of protecting the smaller
-ecretary of the interior the allotment out that the microbes from the Buf- i fish from being caught and thrown
of money out of the old fund for the falo's »«wage pass over Niagara fails i aside by commercial fishermen along
Klamath projist. I also secured the and through tho rapids unharmed, to the lower river.
Riparian owners to tho shore land
promise of n soil sui vey In the Hogue disappear In Lak« Ontario.
river valley from Ashland to Grants
\n Incandescent lamp patented by i along Rogue river use fl no- mos h nets
to diffio«.
diffuse! "n<ler ,he Pr‘*1M'Dt »•»> laws, and ow*
Trvitn which
uhirh is
lu claimed
fin I
pass, and got through the house a a Texan,
provision for payment of whnt Oregon the light more than ordinarily, In­ ling to several large Ashing concerns
expended during the civil war.
closes within a spiral filament a spin-! 'controlling in th«* neighborhood of
"Had my S'.latz bill passed the sen die with concave reflecting surfaces.! twenty miles of shore land on the
at« earlier than It did. It would not
By operating in a partial vacuum lower river, a great quantity of small
have been vetoed. I saw the priuri- a German surgeon claims to avoid | steelhead salmon are being caught
dent the morning th« bill went to him the danger of a patient's lungs col-! and thrown aside because they are
nnd was confident It would be signed, lapsing from the pressure of the air too small for canning purposes. These
and knew nothing of an adverse re* when the chest or abdominal cavity I fish, it is claimed, take the hook on
th«* upper river readily, and are a
port which was to be nent from the 1s opened.
I very sporty fish, and for this reason
department of the Interior. If I had
I should be protiM-ted from the mesh
had a little more time to see the N EU sY ITEMS FROM
president I am sure the bill would
MILLER HILL COUNTRY nets of the commercial fishermen.
have passed."
Iteli, tou* lU fnMuip ni» tre Sery-d—-
Each Pugilist Bcfi«-ve«t I!«* Wan Get­
Ixxlge Is One of the Strong­
est In the Mat«*
Th« mei'tlng of l*rosp«-rlty Rebekah
1/OdgeNo. 104,1.0.0 F .Thursday night!
was one of th« most «njoyabl« tha'
has been held by that order for zont«
time. It mark«»d th«- assumption of
office by as capable a lot of officials ax
can b« found In any lodge in the stat«-
and is the commencement of a pro-
perous term for that lodg«>.
Under the efficient direction of Dis­
trict Deputy President Miss Lula
Straw. Installing officer, assisted by
.Mrs. Francis E. Boyd, gran«! marshal;
Mrs. Alice Goeller, grand warden
Ixjrfniln M Sauber, grand secretary
Mrs. Jennie Elfurn, grand treasurer;
Mrs. Dollie Lt-rling. grand chaplain.
th«* following officers wer« obligate«]
and axum«*d th* ir stations:
Noble Grand Mrs. Lizzie Ratnsby.
Vice Grand Mrs. N«-)lle Walter- '
Treasii rer Mrs. Flora A. Emmlti
Becmtary Miss f.ula Straw.
Ward«n- -1 Mrs. i/oulsa Humphrey.
f'ond actor Mrs. IX»r««thy Cofer.
f'haplaln- Mrs. Nellie Van Riper.
R. 8 N. G. Mrs. Jennie Hum.
l . a. N. G
Mrs. Lydia Houston
R. 8 V. G. Mrs Alice Goeller.
L. 8. V. G. Mrs. Charmian Beibn.
Insidi- Guardian- Mrs. Dolli* l>r!-
Outslib- Guardian
M m. Irene
After the ceremonies were over i
lemonade, ice cr«am and delicious
cake, such as only th«* excellent cooks
among the Rebekahs know how to '
make, were served.
Prosperity Ixxlge No. 104 is on« |
of the strongest in th« state, and that i
It will continue to maintain its previ­
ous high station in the order la gnar-
ant«*ed by the capability of the offi­
cers installi'd last night.
I.OH A.NGEI.F.8, July X. Jim Jef
fries arrived here this morning, ac- (
«-ompanied by half a dosen friends, I
with a few reporters to greet him. |
With his wife and brother he autoed !
to his home In this city, where he !
locked himself in and refused to see)
anyone. Th* family announced for
him that he had no plans for th«- im­
mediate future, but would go to their
Burbank ranch soon.
Ills right eye is discolored, lips
swollen, and he evidently Is heart
at the
Cash Store
Mgnify Their Intention of At-quiewc- I
ing in the Christian Endeav-
orcra' Ri-qm-M
BOSTON. July 8. The governors I
of many states have responded to the
r«-quost sent them by the officials of I
the Young People's Society of Chris­
tian Endeavor in this city, asking !
that they prohibit the exposition of i
the Jeffries-Johnson fight pictures.
Governor Mann of Virginia says I
that he is opposed to the exhibition ■
and will Join the movement against I
Governor Ansell of South Carolina.
will join in the movement and has ;
recommended th« prohibition of the,
Governors Donagbty of Arkansas '
and Coker of Alabama are also in j
favor of restraining the exhibition of :
the reels in the cities of their states, I
w hile Governor Vessev of South Da-I
kota has agreed to acquiesce in the j
recommendation of the Endeavorera |
and prohibit the exhibition of the
The county court on Friday a<-
copied the resignation of County Sur­
veyor George T. Cline, and appointed
We will wind up our successful sale of a
$10,000 stock of Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ladies’ and Gents’
Furnishings, Groceries, etc., by closing out
balance at auction every day commencing
July 9
From 2 to 4 in the afterpoon and from
7:30 to 9:30 in the evening
Everything will be sold
Regardless of Cost
ItotM'ri» and Ager Are Cutting Ib-c-
»«n*H Alfalfa,—Mra. Kirkendall
Will T«wh in MMiland
Mrs. Scott Barnes was made very
not seen for several years. Mr. Smith
Is superintendent of an electrical
company near Mexico City, nnd will
visit brother* in Colorado before re­
turning to Mexico.
Scott Barnes ami wif«* moved to
Klamath Falls Saturday
We regret
very much to lose them from oil-
Mrs. Riley Myers haH returned
from M«*dford. where she went to
attend the funeral of their daughter.
Charlie Poindexter says he is get­
ting mighty tired of batching. Now,
girls, here is your chance.
Homer Roberts and Chas. Ager
have begun cutting alfalfa for Em-
mitt Beeson.
The two smallest children of Mr.
Wright have been quite III. but are
better now.
Mrs. Kirkendall has been engnged
tn teach the Midland school.
Tho work of grating the court •
rond is nearly comp! «’«fl,
Mrs. Hannon and son wore Falls
v.sitors Wednesday,
Mrs. E. E. Klrkondnll drove to Mid­
land Thursday.
Mr Hannon is painting his house.
W. 8. Wiley won tho consolation
prixe, a loving cup. given hy tho
Klamath Falls tennis club during th<*
tournnmont which Just ended
4 on testant
inside workings of the Jeffrie«»-John­
son fight deal were revealed by Tex
Rickard, who arrived here today. He
said he had signed both fighters two
days before the New York bids wore
opened, the other bidders not having
a look in. No bids beside« his own
wer« considered, the other promoters
not being allowed any chance what
ever. Each fighter in signing believed
he was "double-crowing" the other
Th.- suit of 8. Y. Evans vs. Authur
in getting the $ 10,000 bonus.
<’ Lewis, to recover money, waa filed
The Reno house drew (250,000
today by <' M O'Neill, attorney for
The promoters, Rickard and Gleason
th« plaintiff
got $120.000 a net a one-sixth interest,
in the moving pictures.
Don't forget, the auction at Good­
rich's, commencing Saturday, July 9,
and continuing every afternoon and
D. H. McMillan of Rosland and M
evening until entire stock is closed Kelly of Bend came down in G. 8.
Alien's auto Thursday night
Half lliindn-d Views of State U III Be happy July 4th by the arrival of her
riaced tn City of Chicago
brother, John Smith, whom she had
Louis Hill, president of the Great
Northern railway, has contracted
with a Chicago tlrm for placing fifty
large outdoor bulletin displays ou
Chicago boulevards and streets, which
will show scene« throughout Oregon
and the Pacific Northwest. This in­
formation wa. rocoived by the Com­
mercial club, says the Oregonian.
"lilt the Oregon Trail" and "Back
to Oregon and to Nature" are slogans
that will appear, among others, on
these displays. The picturcn them-
,,»lves are mntninoth oil paintings and
the contracts Just made specifies they
hall remain In prominent positions
for at least one yoar,
The scenes depicted ure made from
photographs. They appeal alike to
the homeseeker and tourist, for not
only are opportunities in horticulture
and agriculture shown, but Oregon
mountains, lakes nnd rivers are
shown in a very attractive way. Or­
chards, alfalfa farms, dairy, grain
anti cattle ranches are included in the
plot u res.
Street cur Junction points, conven­
ient roofs where the displayt^Wlll at­
tract other vantage points throughout
Chicago nr« those selected for these
paintings. President Hill, besides ad­
vertising Oregon and the Pacific
Northwest, is tarrying forward the
alma of the "See America First"
ting th«- B«-st «>f the Other
If he takes the Republican.
If he
does not urge him to do it, so as to
lend a hand in the fight for his