iKKiiH'rtiH iit muh initdi' ycsb’i'diiy by help, and as the chamb«T Is a county A. I* l’harllon, asslstunl passengm* BUY ENURE RUN OF ONE MILE THIS CITY SHOULO CERTAINLY HELP organization, and since there has ugelli of th<> rallroad. The adv«*rtl<< been more or less feeling against It lllg «Uliipulgtl I» ItuI t<> file IA INS A GREGORY IN THE MAR­ ’'t itilli.I, |-| so. l.uinlx-r 1» llremly < otilruet’’«! for mid Itigli Bri«’-« (»kid by tlu* llanchcr» I voti lo ('«ulral Oregon. It la now Th«’ cry should be that "Merrill M III Ik’ Nblpis'd to F mm U m I» Having u Killing Effect on I A < IX I IIEI.I, AND It. <1. SMITH * dutliilfely kuown tliat thè Northern must have th«’ Modoc Northern,” and SEVERAL PEOPLE < 'LAIM TO Market l’ucin« I h an equal partner wlth »he th«’ Frojert sail In and get It for them. This is DEBATE IIKill: H AVE SEN HIM IN I HE Cm Groat Northern In th<- Invaslon of no time to hold back out of persona! a liar has heretofoi« been ex< lu»lv< I* feelings over any local or county row. Th«- demand fur Klamath county Will the branch of the Modoc This is the time to bury every hatchet i llarrlnian terlrtory. Howard Klllott, SPEAK 10 APPRECIATIVE CROWDS I pri-aldont of thè Northern Pacific, lumber is bt'Klnnliig to be very »'rung Northern between this city and Mer­ until the Modoc Northern Is assured, HERE 10 DEFEHO HIS RISHIS niade this known first In Portland nt and from prusent indications ft will rill b« built. That Is a question that and then if anyone wants to fight let th« time of his visit here with James i lontlnue until the inn of every rn'll In th«* people of Merrill would like to him hunt for his hatchet. l.uli ftra Hl» III» SI’li id Illi' , I. Hill somewhat over a month ago. In behalf of Merrill an«l a greater All<’g<-n. Ilut Xolilu-r t onvi rt» Many l*urj’,*“‘ <‘t Making It Warm for Hine« then It has become known will be contracted for. The latest terested In the project, and have Klarnath Falls this paper appeals to of III» • ip|Hnu’iit*» lli’lleters tliiit the Northern Pacific is Interested III m to enter this field Is Evans A worked earnestly and faithfully to the th«* Chamber of Commerce to take off Some Pc-opl«’ equally with the Great Northern In Grigory. These gentlemen huvo con- end that the road to that city should Us coat and sail In. The Herald th« purchase and extension of t’n trz.led for the full run of th» J. J. be constructed. The money for Its knows the chamber can deliver the rhe di l>ui< h Haturday and Munday Oregon Electric, United Railways and Whitcomb mill, which has a capacity G«:Org«’ L. Price has returned to right of way has all practically b«?en grx>ds If it goe« after them. It has evening at Camp Progruea between Pacific A- Eastern. i Klamath Fails. At least that is the proven Its influenc«.- too often to fail ol 10,000 feet ¡ mt day. They are subscribed But from present Indi­ I! A Cantrell nt l*os Angele« und II Th« two railway systems arc now n>gotlatlng now for th« high grade cations It would MM-m that all of the now The business men of the city statement that has been made by sev­ IJ Htultli ol Giant« P ium fully met Hie I engaged In construction work or are j lumber from u number of other mills, work done so far will come to naught will liiften to its appeal, and if funds eral people who claim to have se«u expectation of the crowds which filled J about to enter Into contracts for ox- and are in the market for every foot Thi« Is because ot the fact that the are necessary to secure th«’ road there hl:n within the past twenty-four the big tellt on both oecaalou«. Thu tensions In Oregon, the aggregate In of lumber they can secure. prices asked by the ranchers for the will be a ready response. A branch hours. When the statement was trade line of dl»i u»nli>n wax much the same cost of which will be dose to (10. j This firm Is acting as th«* purchas­ frght of way through their property road is vastly more valuable to the that Price was returning to Klamath on tie two evening» Mr. t'mitrell 000,000. This Includes the 1 f»0 mll’-i ing agents for E J. Culver of lais has reached a figure that has brought city than any Encampment, Fourth | Falls everyone laughed at it. But he ripened by lay lug out the line of log- of Oregon Trunk railway under con­ Angeles Mr. Culver was her« a short th« matter almost to a standstill. of July celebration, ceunty fair or i is here, and is going to stay. As soon h al demount ration. struction from Hclllo to Bend, the time ago He Is the purchasing agent Th« surveyed route of the road anything of the kind. Yet all of these ! as it was learned that he was In th« Roclalliini. ho «tated. 1« the collec­ twenty-four miles of United Railways for a big mill In Los Angeles and from the main line runs diagonally met with a ready response. Then i city a telegram was sent to San tive ownership and democratic con­ lln« now building toward Tillamook, sash and diMir factories located In uftross many of the ranch«*« before the why hesitate now. when a railroad is Francisco advising th« authorities trol of noclally-uw’d property. Th»» the iwo tulles of Mount Cavalry line Kansas City and Oklahoma City. tangent to Merrill is taken. Some of at stake? The Herald doe« not be­ i there that Price had been located, >”clnll»< theory »lands lu the reason* of th« United llnllwavs under way, In discussing the lumber situation the ranches are badly cut up, and as lieve the Chamber of Commerce will and asking if they wanted him. A able midst, between the Idea« of an- the extension of th« Pacific A Eastern today Mr. Gregory stated a consequence the owners will not hesitate, nor does it believe that the ‘ reply came to the effect that the par­ nr ch lulu, who recognize no govern­ it« ros» th«’ Cascades to connect Med "We ar* in the market for all of make a price that is within the limit business men and property owners of ties there- would not put up any more ment rlalniH, mid the communlats, ford with the Oregon Trunk line nlso th« high grade lumbbr we can get. It set by the railroad company, and the the city will fail in their patriotism. I money for his arrest, and stating that a letter was following containing fur- who see In the Individual only an In progress of construction; the con- Is recognized that Klamath coutity Indications now are that nothing ' ther particulars. It would seem, atom of the collectivity. The soclal- trait for the construction of the re­ lumber Is of a class that will find further will be done unless some rem­ WHAT OCCT'RED AT THE therefore, that San Francisco is not Irt fully emphasize« the Individual maining 60 miles of tho Tillamook ' ready sal« throughout the Coast, as edy Is found to lower the prices TAFT-ROONEVELT TALK? as anxious to secure Mr. Price as it life and go<>d. anil would give full line of the United Railways soon to be well ns In the Eastern markets. It asked. play to th>< pursuit upon Just and let, and the bridge spanning of the is onh a matter of time before every Th«* construction ot this line means Subject» DiM-UMM-d Can Only Be Hnr- at first appear«»d. A friend of Price's stated today equal tr i tn>- of Individual Interests. Columbia nt Celllo. which atom will mill In th<- county that is close more to this city than any other one M Neither Man Has I that if he has returned to the city it Hut he also •■«•« the social organism. cost 91.509,000. < tiotigh to a railroad to admit of the thing that has been presented to this Anything to Say j is for the purpose of securing redress • nd understands that It han rights The Northern purifies part In the»«- shipping of its output will have Its city since the coming of the Southern and < laluis. to Ignore which disturb« enterprises Is represented In round lull run Ixnight far in advance. This Pacific BEVERLY, Mass., July 1.—What i for the manner in which he was rail­ Its construction to Merrill ihe just balance of Individual oppor­ numbers by about (6,000,000, and It Is only the natural outcome of the will not only bring into close* connec­ happened at the Taft-Roosevelt con­ roaded from the city. This friend tunities for mccowsful activity. la also now engaged In double-track­ development that might naturally be tion with this city a large section of ference is known to only the two men states that before leaving Price stated In dbrusing the question Mr Can­ ing Its own line between Portland and expf’eted following the advent ot the the most fertile part of Klamath directly interested, and neither of . that he would come back to Klamatl trell stated that there were three Tacoma at an expens«* of (5,000,000 luihoad. and the mill men are not county, but It will insure the ultimate them has anything to give out for Falls and secure satisfaction for his «tag”» of social development, the re­ more. The latter work will cause a surprised at the demand that is being construction of the line to Alturas, publication. It is not, however, be­ wrongs, and should this prove true it ligious the political and tho indus­ further accumulation of liencfita To made for their stock." and thus open a vast territory that lieved that there was a very hearty may possibly lead to further strug­ trial. The third stage In th« ono now Portland nnd Oregon and facilitate indorsement of the administration gles In the courts of this county. Th«’ H*al development ot the tim­ will bet rlbutary to Klamath Falls. >«’«fronting us. In referring to tho > the handling of traffic received from bering Interests of the county will The question, then, that the people policies, or the Taftites you Id pro­ latter he said: th«’ feeders built In co-operation with not begin until after the completion here will have to answer is, what can claim the fact, but it is stated that UNDER THE BIG KNIFE "We do not believe In common the Great Northern into Oregon lu of th« Oregon Trunk into this city. be done to get It? the <*onfere«*s agreed on the Hughes wner»hlp <>f house«, equipage«, fur­ all th«’ Northern Pacific la spending There is a well authenticated story to PARIS. July 1.—Liabeuf, the ap- The Herald has suggested to the direct primary plan. niture or unv kind of personally used ! nearly (10,000.000 within a radius of 1 the effect that as soon as the Oregon Chamber of Commerce that it take The Ballinger-Pincbot controversy pache «•onvicted of the murder of a wealth But the railroads, the great IGO miles of Portland. Trunk is built to its destination In up the matter with representatives was probably not dwelt upon, on ac­ policeman, was guillotined today at manufacturing and mining plants Th«- Northern Pacific 1» now to back this county work will start on the of the Southern Pacific. W. S. Wor­ count of the extreme delicacy of the j sunrise. Thousands of revolutionists must be ««hilly usml. and thereforv up this construction work with a cam biggest sawmill in the world. This den is the right of way man for the situation of that problem. There will and socialists surrounded the place of • Would be ««.Tally owned and operat- paign to attract Investors and home- mill will be supplied from the vast road and the natural channel to work probably be no further meeting be­ execution, and in attempting to dis­ • d. Public ownership of private i «■«•ckers to th«’ Stat«’ of Oregon. The holdings of the Weyerhauser com­ through. Uis every interest is in tween Taft and Roosevelt in the near perse the crowd one policeman wa» • roperty Is an absurdity. Private ' men who will have charge of tho pany, the great body of which will Klamath Falls and Klamath county, future, and the rumor that Roosevelt killed and huedreds of the mob were wnership of public property is a work of gathering material for exhlb- be opened up by tho Hill line. In and naturally will do everything with­ ' would make his horn«- with the Long­ injured, some, perhaps, fatally. The -Inre " .1 cars and writing tuKiklots descrip­ :ul«litlon to this It is also stated that in his power to help this city out. worths in Cincinnati to confer with condemned man posed as a martyr. ’»rnitli Answers t'mitrell. tive of th« country will constitute a the Walker holdings south of this city The Chamber of Commerce has been Taft frequently is emphatically de- r -—..... Robert U Hmlth. In reply,' began large staff Included In the party will will also be developed, and a big mill holding aloof from the matter be­ I nied. Ix^lle Rogers left Saturday for by stating that ho now heard a new be I,. J. Bricker, general Immigration built there. * cause no one asked its assistance. Medford, where he will visit with I’ flnltlon of MM-lallsm. Ho had hnd agent, who will I«« n sal st rd In the di­ While circumstances may arise to Emmitt Beeson and family have relatives for about ten days. After­ long expert’ nee In discussing with re« tlon of the work by Itovelopment Miss Ethel Ball of Riddles. Ore., Justify such a course, the situation returned from Talent. Mr. Beeson wards he and Mrs. Rogers, who is ocIaltstH, nnr««u*ntatlve of the publicity de­ visit with her aunt, Mrs. F. T San­ or organization to stand on ceremony. weeks, after which he will return to for a two weeks' sojourn in that part They began by declaring all property partment of the company. There will derson, for several weeks. The people of Merrill are calling for Talent for an indefinite period. of California. •o be robb* ry, nnd up till todav the also be several staff writers and pho­ I • octal I st a platform as he read It de­ tographers who will cover all of In- manded th« public ownership of all I terlor Oregon, the Tillamook country mean« of production and distribu­ nnd the Willamette valley. tion and all land. Hut whatever their ■Materials for advanco literature 'hair words, they al ways propose to have airends been accumulated by Mr make an Eden on earth by legislative Charlton's office force and forwarded ’ nactm<>nt which cannot be done to the publicity department. Hpecl- Many who were at the debate Sun­ I mens of fruit, grains, grass«’«, veget­ day night wore of the opinion that able« and farm products In general Mr Smith hnd the better of the ar­ ar« to be »«’cured nnd displayed in a gument. special car « quipped to advertlr«’ Ore­ ■Hu- socialist encampment cloeetl gon throughout the East. last night While It Is the plan that Oregon ««mil have a car devoti’d to exhibits fti’tn this state alone, the exploitation M<»1 IM. I’ltTI Ills OF FIGHT Wil I. IIF GREAT FEATI IIE work. und«’rtaken by the reprc-icuta- , tli’-s of th«’ roa«l while In the W •.!. it two Hundred ThoHsantl Ihdlar» Of­ I . understood, will imlude num of fered for t'mimtliin Hights W « blngton. Mr. Hecker is now *n Eas*< rn Washington and has also vis* t'nlt««! Press Service , d««' the southwestern part ot that RENO. Nev.. June 30.- The mov­ state ing pictures of the Jeffrie«-Johnson fight promts’ x to b? one of the most Intereatlng features of that event, as l»AN< Fit IN THE J AWN OF HEATH it will set a pace of Industrial specu­ lation that haa hardly ever been Passengrrw Aboard Burning Ve««cl Enjoy Tbemselv«'«, Unconscious ■ qualed In any line, and certainly not of Their Great Danger ii the way of sports. SAUCE PAN The negatives will be placed on PHILADELPHIA, July 1.—While peclal trains as soon as possible, and these trains rushed In all directions, the crew of the Atlantic Coast liner while the pictures will be developed Grecian engaged in a race with death, n route East nnd West the pic­ threatened by a fire in the oil laden tures will he Hent at express speed, hold of tho vessel, eighty passengers .nd as near as possible will bo ready aboard danced in tho cabin, oblivious for presentation to the public in tho I to danger. News of the fire had been various parts of thia country almost kept from them. Tho captain's wife iinultan<'onaly. Picture owners have 1 volunteered to prevent a panic, nnd 4 ffered $200,000 for Canndlnn rights . Htarted to play dance music, keeping alone at her post until tho vessel reached “1892” PURE SPUN ALUMINUM is the ideal ware for all kitchen utensils— B It Is rumored hero that Jeffries has port, playing continuously. As soon 1« on exorcising In flerco sparring as tho terrible danger was over the permanently bright and beautiful as silver, but many times lighter — making ■ Louts In secret, and while it canuot bravo woman collapsed. it convenient to handle. Heats quickly but does not quickly bum dry. Easy ■ •• ascertained Just how much truth The firo was discovered at sea to clean and care for. ■ there Is In the rumor, peoplo seam about midnight, and was kept under ■ ndy to asnuina that It la accurate. I control until tho vessel reached here. “1892” Pure Aluminum utensils have all the advantages of every other kind tjeside’ , Both men aro on a koen edge, and I A wireless message notified the an- Liking it easy until tho fight. several that are exclusive. ; IhorllloH of the vessel's predlccameut. nnd fire companies were awaiting her And with all these added advantages over all other utensils “1892” Pure Spun Alumi­ NORTHERN PACIFIC arrival., nnd the fight with tho fire TO EXPMHT STATE was taken up immediately. Dozens num Ware costs but a trifle more. | of firemen aro In the hospital from ItiUlre xI Will Put I’ on e of Publicity ■ I eIng overcome with the dense smoke Look for the Maltese Cross on Every Piece BERLIN SAUCE PAN M«'ii to Work in Oregon With­ | ,’rom the hold. Tho pa sen gers were in Thirty Days transferred by tugs in safety, nnd no It is for your protection and benefit. Its a guarantee that you are getting the genuine fatalities occurred. The vessel was [ and only original “1892” Pure Spun Aluminum. Within the next thirty days tho laden with oil mid wool for Boston _________________ Northern Pacific Hallway mnipany Call and get a Pure will put a force of trained writers and C G. Merrill and C. A. Bunting, Aluminum Souvenir publicity men in th« field preparatory of M«’rrill wore in the city Saturday FREE while they laat to conduit Ing an extensive advertis­ for tli<> purpose of nitending the meet-■ ing campaign 'bat will be Oregon (ng of the Water Users' association.: tatcwld«’ in Its scope. This nn- which was held Ihnt afternoon. MUFFIN PAN ARGUE QUESTION OF SOCIALISM GEORGE L PRICE HAS RETURNED Better Cook “1892” Pure Spun Aluminum Ware We Guarantee It ror lb tears S. PADGETT, Keno, Ore