• ♦ OFFICI 4L 1‘AI‘KH «>F KiaMAiii <M E return to th«* ('oast and once mor*', lar features. enter the practice along some special I When it is retnembered that the line. Dr. Parker Is on«* of the ablest I colonel sj<< nearly an entire year, DOINGS OF THE GRAND JURY physicians that ever came to till» clt) : WAS PLAYING WITH COMPANIONS from April 21, ’.909, when he landed 1 PROHINEHT SPEAKERS ON THE LISI BESOME Oí HIS TRIP ABROAD at Momba»a, to March 14, 191®, .,. . i Ills record here baa beau one con- , tlnual line of triumphs, and ho has a when he arrived at Khartoum, In | TI»« ti > 1« llut Litll«* Inter«*»« Taken i host of friend« and patients who sin­ Isrnl lit» Balan«-«* mid Fell From SuiKlay Aft«-rn«MHi. Jun«- 26th, to Be the interior of Africa, when practi­ tn the Doing» of tin- Court the Boat — Was Partially the Opening Day for the Tin* Re«eption Tlist Hr will Receive cerely regret to see him leave. With cally the only new» of him was fur­ Hit* N«*«»loii Socialists him, however, be take» their b«*st Pai-Mfyaed AA’ill lie Such as to Make Him nished by the United Press corre­ wishes for his continued health and spondent, who followed him through j Swell With Urlile prosperity, and he may know that Africa as the only accrislfted news­ Very little* intere»t 1» being taken whenever he decides to r«*turn her«* The following program for the Merrill, June 22.—Alex, the 8- paperman in the party, bis quicken­ Oregon-California Socialist Encamp­ In the proonxllngs of th«* circuit court. h«* will be sur«< of a cordial welcome yenr-old son of Mr. «ind Mrs. Ten- United Pre»« Service. ing of the world's pulse in his kalei­ ment in Klamath Falls, complete for doscopic rush through Egypt and Th« ilflrat time that the court room brimk of thia city, was drowned In DkGi'ice» Traveled by RooM'Velt. -------------- . the dates given, with the exception Europe beconi«* an even greater wan niltMl won Tu«*»day night, and' TIME IN GETTING SHORT lx»«t river y«*»t«*rday afternoon. He New York to .Morbasa 9,300 miles achievement. of a few of the subjects of addreaae-- FOR WORK ON LATERA IX wa playing on one of the boats an- While on hunt (eatlm.) 6,000 miles than atandlng room wax at a pre ml- j /Although Roosevelt went abroad and musical numbers which are to um Th«« rcaaon tor the large attend- ; «bored In the stream. With him Down the Nile.............. 4.000 miles primarily to hunt big game, as a be announced later, has been iasued Till» Work Hliouhl 11« IN>n<- .it t|i<- v«ie two younger boys, aged about /Alexandria to Naples 1,020 miles "faunal naturalist," he put it, and by the committee in charge of the nnee waa the announcement that At- 1 Earliest Posallde Dat«* In Europe 5,313 miles spent by far the greater part of his encampment. five years Young Tenbrook lost his torney O'Neill waa to argue tho 2,800 miles time in this pursuit. It was his trip balance and fell overboard. He w*u Southampton to N. Y Sunday afternoon, June 26th, at. Price hatx-aa corpu» proceeding». Th«* property owners along Main i 3 o'clock, there will be a special partially paralyzed on one side, an I down the Nile and through Europe Tho»«« who gathered were disap­ street tire being urged to hasten work Total 28,433 miles that furnished the real news features meeting in tbe big tent, at which thiz rendered him Incapable of ren­ point <*d. (or the court could not on th«* laying of laterals for connec­ dering himself very much assistance of his journey. As a hunter he Edward Adams C&ntrall will deliver ■ each tho case, and had to adjourn tion with the main sewer. But a »The other children were too young How H«* Travel«*«!. proved a big success, winning at the an address. The pastors of Klamath the proce«*dlnga over until neat morn­ short time now remains before the to realize the tragedy that was being By .boat . 17,120 miles outset tbe title of Bwana Tumbo, or Falls have been invited to attend. ing. Every aeat waa occupied when date for th«* commencement of paving enacted In th« water and did not By rail ">,613 mile» "Portly Master," from his admirers The Rev. Mr. Bledsoe, pastor of the Mr O'Neill arose to addrraa the court o|M*ratlons on Main street. It Is go­ give any alarm. On hor»eback . 4,300 miles among the African natives, but as a Baptist church, has signified his wil­ in behalf of hie client It wbwm soon ing to require a great deal of work The boy was one of the most popu­ On foot ... 1,375 miles lecturer and extempore »peaker, a» lingness to co-operate. «'Vident that he had gone Into the to lay th«*»«* laterals, and unless the lar in the town. He had a host of On camel ........... 25 miles a preacher on his well-known themes Sunday evening, June 26th, at 8 matter very carefully and exhaust­ work Is undertaken st an early date friend» among young and old, his o'clock, special opening of the en­ of decent living and the meeting of ively. When th«* hour of 11 o'clock It Is certain to b«> In such shape by ■ sunny disposition making him a (11 Selection, orches­ duty face to face, he created far campment. Features of Ro«Mw-ve|t*» Trip zrrlved tho court anmiunoxl that he the time the paving contractors start prime favorite with everyone. Tbe tra; (2) Address of welcome, D. E more comment. Degrees conferred upon him by would adjourn further hearing on ns to seriously Interfere with their bereaved parents have the sincere Burrell; (3) A brief talk on the en­ Beginning with his address at the University of Egypt, University of (be argument until 7 o'clock In the operation». Th«-»«* laterals should be sympathy of the community. campment, Cloudesley Johns; (4) American Mission school in Khar ­ Leipsic. Sorbonne, University of Ber­ ■ venlng. when he would remain on completed and the ground have some Funeral services over the remains Selection, orchestra; (5) Address of toum on March 16, In which he for ­ lin, University of Christiana, Cam­ the bench until It was tin I »hod. even lime to settle before th«* pavement I h of the dead boy will be held Thurs­ cibly urged upon the students obed­ the evening, "The Next Step In Dem­ bridge* and Oxford. If it r«*qulred all night to reach the laid day morning at 10 o'clock in the Received in audience by the kings ience to and co-operation in Eng­ ocracy.” Edward Adams Cantrail. <-nd. Thia waa dune to permit the Mayor Manderson has b«*eu urging Presbyterian church. Rev. Anderson of Uganda. Italy, Belgium, Norway land's rule, and culminating with his Questions invited. taking up of th«* regular court th«* contractor and the property own- officiating. The interment will be Monday morning, June 27, 10 and England, and emperors of Aus­ memorable address in Guild hall. docket. era to rush this work, but so fsr noth­ In the local cemetery« London. May 31. when, after receiv ­ o'clock, formal organization of tbe tria and Germany, Queen Wilhemina, The that caa«* to be taken up waa ing of consequence has b«-<*n done In The father of the drowned boy Is President Fallieres of France and ing the rare honor of the city's free­ encampment at conference of So­ that of J. T. Maguire va. Chari«*» this direction. The Introduction at mayor of Merrill.. the Crown Princes of Denmark and dom, he boldly arraigned England’s cialist party members in the big tent, I tonart and J. V. Ball, Involving a the miM-tlng of the council last even­ administration of affairs in Egypt all holders of membership card» breach of contract on a lease held ing of an ordinance providing for the Sweden. and bluntly told his bearers that showing good standing in any local by the defendant» on property owned compulsory laying of these laterals is HIE NT ATI’S OF Represented the United States as England should meet her responsi- in Oregon or California being en­ THE Gl'.ANO CLAIMS special ambassador at the funeral of by Mr Maguire. Itonart and Ball a step In th«* right direction. It will sllity there or get out, almost his titled to seats in the conference. All — King Edward, are rt>pr«*»ent«Ml by John Irwwln and open a way for th«* doing of this work by non-resident property owners as Bird Island IxH-ation» Will Hold I Canceled engagement to pay his every public utterance contained ethers are welcome as visitors. Mr. Maguire by C. ,M. O'Neill. Monday afternoon. June 27, 3 Good. Irrvapet-tiv« of Opposition respect» to the Pope owing to restric­ some suggestion or thrust that The work of the grand Jury 1» at­ well as placing a club In the hands of tions that were sought to be imposed startled his audiences and set tbe o'clock, address by 1*om I-ewis, So­ tracting «*ven less ntt«*«Ulcn than ‘M the city to compel resident property press of th» wdH-1 to talking. cialist agitator. There has been a groat deal of upon him. th«* circuit court. When it wa» owners to make arrangements for and It Is safe to say that in the last Made startling speeches in Khar­ Monday evening. June 27. 8 drawn and a foreman appoint«*«*, have th«* work completed Immediate discussion pro and con since local parties located the Bird Island guano toum, Cairo and London that called three months Roosevelt has made o'clock, (II March of the Encamp­ there waa a »light »paatu of Interest ly* manlf«*»t«*d. but this as quickly sub­ Th«' adverlls«*m<'ut for the Improve­ claims, the contention having been forth the wrath of the Egyptian na­ more "news" thau any private indi­ ment band from Fourth and Main sided But then* la a vague rumor ment of th«* street has been published advanced that they <*ould not hold tionalists and a large part of the vidual ever before did In like time. streets to the grounds; (2) Marseil­ Probably the most startling feat­ laise, orchestra and audience; (3> going around the streets that there and within a few days th«* bearing of them on account of the fact that it English public. ure of Roosevelt's entire trip was Vaudeville sketch. Mr. and Mrs. Bob would Interfere with the nesting of Honored by special reviews of the la going to b«* something doing be­ protest» will be in order. Then will fore they get through. On«* of th«* come th«* advertising for blds and th«* birds. The facts are that the flower of the French and German I what is now referred to as the Miller, comedy artists; (4) Selection, matter» to I m * looked Into ar<> the again th«* publishing of the notice to claims will be worked at a season armies, being the first civilian ever I "Vatican incident." On last April 3 orchestra; (5) Address of the even­ , the world was astonished by the news ing. "Sovereign Peons," Dorothy- boxing content» held here during the the pro|x*rty owners that work Is to when Much operations will not inter­ given this distinction. Made a new record in the amount that the colonel had canceled his en­ Johns; (6) Selection, orchestra; (7) paat winter. This Instruction came be dom* and the amount per yard to fere with the birds or anything else. turn, Williams and ns a great surprise to the »ports of be charged. This is the Anal step. The deposit» are profitable and are and variety of gam«* killed In Africa, gagement to pay his respects to the Vaudeville pope by reason of what he consid- Wright, comedy specialists. Th« th«* city, and had the effect of kill­ It will all require In the neighborhood going to be one of the big revenue securing several new specimens. Had two narrow escapes from i ered the undue restrictions that Mgr. speaker of the evening will answer ing off the proposed prls<*tight on th« of about thirty days. Then the con­ producers of the county. They were tractors can begin the work of paving located under n law that la of greater death from wild animals in the Kennedy, acting as the pope’s repre- questions. I mirth. ■ sentative, sought to place upon his Another log to the rumor h thnt th«* str«*et. The time will pasa by force thau a departmental order, African jungle. Tuesday. June 28—Morning, 10 ' movements while in Rome. Mgr. even if that order wan made by Retraveled with Mrs. Roosevelt the there will lx* something doing In the quickly, hence the urgent need that o'clock. Address, Makers of the New- Kennedy cautioned the colonel President Roosevelt. The country route of their honeymoon. violation of the local option law work on the lateral» start at once. World,” Edward Adams. Contrell. against making himself persona non Is fortunate iu the fact that it has Thor«! Is no dispute over th * fact and discussion. The home-coming of Colonel Roose­ [ grata by addressing or in other ways 'hat anyone who so desires can load V F..4LTHY CALIFORNIANS T.4K- at the head of the Interior Depart­ Afternoon, 3 o'ci«x*k, Address. ment a man who follows the law , velt tomorrow will complete what 1» 1 openly encouraging the work of the "Dreaming." Cloudesley Johns. op with a good-slsed "jar." any IN« LONG H T'i TRIP Methodist church in Rome. This and not the whims of departmental generally considered the most re­ time he so desire». The member'« of Evening. 8 o'clock, (1), Marseil­ I precaution was taken as a result of 'be grand Jurv no doubt are familiar Are Traveling From Ise« Angel«*« to ruling», and thin man ha» stated that markable trip, other than exploration laise. orchestra and audience; (2), th«* locations arc legal. This opin­ ventures, ever made by an individual, the unpleasantness growing out of Vaudeville. Williams and Wright; with that fact, and they may !>•• n ad<* Alaska the cancellation of former Vice- ion was received from Secretary Bal­ whether in public or private capa­ mor« mi . The advocates of local op­ President Fairbank's engagement to (31. Selection, orchestra; (4), Ad­ Mr. and Mr». W. A. Moorehouse linger before the locations were city. tion realise that they hav<> lost visit the Vatican because of his ad­ dress. "The Tragedy of the Ages." Sailing from New York on the i -round from th«* fact that they nave mid «in and Mr». W. A. Fox and made, and the parties taking up th«* dress to the Methodists. When Mgr. J Stitt Wilson. Questions invited: not continual their fight for a closed chauffeur, (I. Pierson, arrived In th«* «lainis knew they were acting within steamer Hamburg on March 23, 1909, Kennedy submitted his "terms" (5), Vaudeville. Mr. and Mrs. Bob town, and they art* getting ready tn city Monday on their way to Alaska. their right befor«* anything was don«* iimid scenes of unprecedented enthus­ Roosevelt immediately telegraphed Miller. iasm, the colonel returns just 4 52 battle for their lost prestige. If The parly left Los Angeles, the home Wednesday. June 29—Morning 10 days later, after a journey of nearly his declination and cancelled the en­ they are In earnest, then they can of th«* tourists, on May 6th and have POSTAL SAVINGS BANK BILL o'clock. Address. "International So­ IS PANNED BY THE SENATE 30.000 miles, laden with honors and gagement. get results. They got them once be- been journeying at a leisurely pace There was a tremendous hubbub cialism." J. Stitt Wilson, and discus­ almost universal acclaim, to And the for<* rind they can get them every »Inc«* that time. Soveral days were and valient effort was made by third sion. Taft Had to Bring Into Piny His plans for his welcoming far outrival ­ time they go nfter them Their con­ spent at th«» *n*a»li<>re. San Francisco Afternoon. 3 o'clock. Address, Tom parties to patch up the breach, but Big Stick ing those that marked the send-off dition of Inocuous desauetude, how- and other point» on tho route From Roosevelt stood firm. By a striking Lewis. Questions invited. given upon his departure. ever, will never bring about th«* ends here they will go to (’rater Lake, Evening. 8 o'clock, (1), Marnel- A world-figure before he left, he show of diplomacy, however, he «ought, and It Is n realisation of this thenco to Medford, Portland, Seattle, United Press Service. laise, orchestra and audience: (2>, emerged from the embarrassment WASHINGTON, D. C„ June 28. r< turns probably the most talk«*d-off one fad that has caused them to Vancouver, B. C., and Alaska. They with enconlums from Catholics and Song. Encampment Quartet; (3), buckle on their armor and get busy. have no definlto schedule, being gov­ The senate today passed the hous»* man of the present day. due to the Protestants alike. Throughout it all Vaudeville. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller; How busy they have been will de­ erned entirely by their pleasure and postal savings bank bill, thereby fact that he has traversed two conti­ (4), Selection, orchestra; (5), Ad­ avoiding the necessity of having It nents. nearly all the capitals of which Roosevelt made it plain that he pend upon the udlon taken by the enjoyment. dress. "The Historical Argument for meant no offence either to the pope grand Jury, which it Is admitted Is They are traveling in two Locom«»- go to a conference committee. As a and millions of the people of which Socialism," J. Stitt Wilson. Ques­ or to Catholics generally. The whole one of th«* fillrest thnt hns ever b«*en blloe. They are carrying one of tho result of the passage of this bill an have come into close touch with hint tions invited. (6), Vaudeville, Wil­ affair was finally charged to a lack drawn In th«» county. most complete camping outfit» ever early adjournment of congress may and learned what manner of man he liams and Wright. of tact on the part of Papal Secretary Is Th«* Indication» are that Judge No­ prepared for automobile travel. Ev­ be looked for. of State Cardinal Merry del Vai and Tho Insurgents and democrats in land will adjourn the court for a erything Is compressed Into th«* smnll- That this journey through a part f :\ inisition city ’ will be short time and go to l.nkevlew next est possible »pact* and every conven­ tlu* senate were opposed to the bill, of Africa and through Italy, Francs*. it was rumored that he would lose SELECTED NEXT SESSION his official relation with the Vatican w«*«'k, »A as to tnk«> up the trial »of ience that will add to the comfort of but were won over by President Taft, Austria. Belgium. Holland. Germany, ns a result of tho Incident. Ik«* Harrold for th«* murder «if the th«* travelers ha» been provided. They who feared that If the bill went to Denmark. Norway, Sweden and Eng­ Of the hunt in Africa. Roosevelt's United Press Service. Newell boys. Th«* people of Lake stopped in th«* city long enough tn re­ a conference committee It would land was nothing short of a trium­ WASHINGTON. D. C.. Jun«* 16.— county are clamoring for an Imme­ plenish their supply of food and then write in tho provision advocated by phal march, is plainly attested by a own report to the Smithsonian In­ diate trial of the man and the Judge proc«a*ded to Fort Klamath anti tho "special Interests," which the mere unadorne«! recital of his move­ stitute. sent after his arrival at The foreign affairs committee this af­ house It would not accept. Congreas ments. Whether it was when Dattdi Khartoum and at the end of the hunt, ternoon declined to decide whether 1» disposed to listen to their de­ ('later Lake. mands One member of the Lake would thereby b«* deadlocked, result­ Chwn. the twelve-year-old king of gives a good Idea of what was ac­ the government favors New Orleans or San Francisco for the Panama Ca­ ing In prolonging th«* session far into Uganda, did him honor at Mombasa, complished. In this he says: county gran«! jury is away on busi­ RECORD TRIP TO CRESCENT "I have the honor to report that nal exposition. The matter will be the summer. ness and as soon ns ho return» the or when Emperor William of Germa­ the Smithsonian African expedition, postponed until the next session of Chauffeur North in one of Dun­ work of disposing of the Harrold ny enthusiastically called him “mine which was intrusted to my charge, congress. The committee reported < use i nn be undertaken. Judge No­ ham's Roos brok«* the record between SWDIEGO REFI NES TO ISSUE Freund Roosevelt" at a special re­ I has now completed its work Full land will be advls<*