Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 16, 1910, Image 6

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    D II. Campbell, lota 9 nud 10, blk. 8,
Railroad addition to Klamath Falls;
D II. Campbell tu Melvin L. Miller,
111 at MM M,,c 16-39-9, »100
United States to Mae J. Ankeny,
N4 of 8W M : SUM of 8W4 and
Simply Another Step Toward Cn-itling Plumbing Ordinance Is Referred to NW 4 of 8E4. see. 31-38-15.
Committee on INtbllc H.-altli
<» Manufacturing Outer for
United States to George W. Brown, < llosNW tl.hN RKING REMOVED
for Amendment
This Chy
8 4 of NW 4 sec. 5, und NEM of
NE4 ueec. 9-40-9
Lake county.
They owned about
4.000 sheep, having got their start
by raising a few pet latuba. They
were well known as energetic young
men. and stood high In the estimaton
| of al) who knew them. Their parents.
Mr. and Mrs Henry Newell, are pio­
PARENTS OF HOYS AND LAKE neers of Lake county, and the heart­
felt sympathy of all goes out to them
I , in their terrible affliction.
Lakeside company to Malin Town­
R. J. Mack, familiarly known as
Council met Wednesday evening ni
Work was commenced Friday
Shorty, brought the body of Herbert on the conatruetion of a railroad spur the usual hour. In the absence <.! site company. 8W4 of NWM and
i in from Plush this morning, and it from th«« main line of the Southern Judge Leavitt, Councilman Caatel act­ lota I and 8 of sec. 15, and HEX* of
NE 4 and lots 4 and 5 of sec. 19-41-
1 is now at the rooms in tho Bunting Pacific to Shippington, th«« new manu­ ed at recorder.
Among the first matters considered 13; »10.
Was One of tin- Most C ohl-Blooded building opposite the Odd Fellows’ facturing center of the city. The lay­
All Olettiu les Io the It.ipKl i ontplt •
UnRed States to llarry L. Holgate.
Ever Uommiltcvd in This Part
ing of this track was the final step was the grant lug of building permits ;
lion of Work WHI II«' Reino»<<l
The tragedy is a great shock to the toward creating this new center of in­
J. V. Houston was granted a per­ 8 4 of NEU find N4 of BE 4 m-c
of the State
in .Vitante
community, and the telephone office dustrial activity, which In time will mit for a frame building on Second 9-37-10.
has been constantly thronged by per­ b«« the fountainhead of all th«« manu­ street, to be erected subject to the
I*. L Fountain to Charles F. Stem
The following account of the tra­ sons anxious to learn the details of facturing part of this city.
Instructions and supervision of the well, lota 9 nud 10. blk. 37. Klrat ad­
gedy w hich occurred in Lake county the crime. Miss Alice McGrath, tho
Already loeateil In Shipplngtou Is council.
dition to Klamath Falla; »10.
operator, kept the office open all th«« big mill of th«« Long Lak«« Lumber
O. A. Schenecker, one-story build­
It M C. Brown to William II lllm-
ast Thursday is taken from an extra night, and is entitled to much credit |
ing on lot 2. block 15, Ewauna addi­ elwright. 8 4 of NE4. NE 4 of
issued by the Lakeview Examiner of for her courtesy and willingness to company ami the factory of th«« Great
Northern Box company. To these will tion.
NBM, NW 4 of NW 4 and lut« I
'.ast Saturday:
give all information in her possession | l’e added th«« mil) of the Clark Innls
In the matter of leaving teams un­ und 0. »ec 7-39-8; »10.
A reward of *2,000 has been of- j
Without doubt the most shocking
eompany. which will probably remove hitched on Main street It was discov­
D E Rlaedorf to I“ C .lenneii, lot
tragedy that has occurred in the his­ fered for the apprehension of Har-1 the old Moore Brothers* mill to that ered that there was no ordinance 5, blk 4 4, First addition to Klumnth
tory of Lakt> county happened Thurs­ rold- »1.000 by the parents of the| (mint this fall. In addition to these compelling people to either tie or fast- Faile; (10.
day evening at a point on Honey; boys and »1,000 by the county.
there are several other enterprises en a weight to their teams when left
F. W. Jordan Qi Jordan Endort
reek, about five miles northwest of
booked for location there, and it is standing In the street. It was the Lumber company, N M of HE .
Plush, when Herbert and Walter
The description received by Sheriff! not unlikely that within the next year sense of the council that such an or- I NE4 of SW>, and HW M <>f
Newell were shot and killed by Ike, Barnes of Harrold is as follows:
I there will b«« made an unnouncement d I nance lie drafted at unce.
see. 2-41-6; »10
Harrold, known also by the name of
He is a French Canadian. 45 years 'that will be of startling Interest to
in regard to vacating the alley In
R II Malone to Geo* gla A Out-
of age. 5 feet 10 inches high, weighs' the city
Bolllver or Doliver.
block 88, which the city own«. It was ehe«, N’4 of HE 4 of NE4 of 8E 4
i>< imiyoi statt <1
decided all that would he necessary of sec. 7-41-10; »10.
News of the terrible tragedy did 190 pounds: dark complexion, has
would Interfere
whs to pass an ordinance to that
not reach Lakeview until about noon dark hair mixed with a few gray ones. M<alT RIDERS ANNANNINATE
E. D MacDonald to C 8 Hell lion
th« laterals to
Friday, and immediately Sheriff heavy dark mustache; he wears a
and A. Y Lindsey, two thirds inter-
would bave to
The question of pa.'lug from »75 ert In blocks 3. 3. 8. 9. 10. II. 12, 13.
Dent formed a posse and left by auto number ten shoe, making a track
IlCCOlint, s>> h<>
to »12.'» for the wiring of .Main street 16. 17. 18. 19. 29. 21. 22. 23. 24 and
for the scene of the crime. Other 12 3-4 inches in length; he wore a
I as well
for the coming celebration was re­ 25; Iota 4, 5. 6. 7. blk. 15; lota 4. 5.
parties left during the afternoon, in­ chinchilla coat and pants, size 42-32; j
ferred to tin« Light and Water com­ 9 and 7. blk. 14; Inta 7. 9 and 10. blk
cluding Deputy District Attorney has hobnails in his shoes, ones in heel ,
Venator and Deputy Sheriff Snider, being larger than those in the toe. He United Press Service.
6. and lots 2 and 6, blk 4, Opportuni­ ft>i paving will be let In tlnx- to pei -
Members of the council then dis­ ty addition to Klamath Falla; »10
while practically every available man took breakfast at Plush, and was seen I
PRINCETON, Ky„ June 10- Judge
lilt the successful bidder ci.iiiuiem
in Warner started in search for the on the road about six miles from Robinson, one of the important wit- cussed the matter of the grunting
Paul Brelteuatcln to Mrs. Addle May Im work In August I. which Is only
murderer as soon as the crime was Lakeview, but since then all trace of' nesses for the state In the cases licenses to th« hawkers, peddler« and Ni.bols. lot .«. blk 9. Lakeside addl six weeks n»n>
The removal of the
him has b«-en lost.
against the night riders, now pending the running of games etc., during the tlon to Klamath Falla
<it>ssw«lka mu' ii-sull In a little In-
in the state courts, was shot from encampment of the socialist». This
Vivian It Evans to .Mary Mark, <onvcnlence In cease of ruin, but It
There are many dfferent versions
ambush last night and instantly was finally referred to the mayor
lota 1. 2 und E4 of lot 9. »««c 4-40- v lil be so slight that It will be for
of the terrible affair, but as near as Wil.I. SUBMIT PLANS FOR
killed. Th«- news of hi« assassina­
hi the matter of connecting tin- II: »10.
gotten In memory of the paving of
can be ascertained at this time the
tion has stirred th«- couutrv as has no lat«-rals to the multi sewer th«- clt>
.Manistee Lumber the street, something which < veryon-
facts are about as follows:
event sine«- th«- commencement of the attorney Instructed the council that company to E Golden Filer, one- Imi been looking forward tn with n
The shooting occurred Thursday
Architect G. E McDonald says hr
of the riders. The judge was the expense of such connecting could quarter Interest In NEM of HW 4 gnat deal <>f satisfaction
• vening, and Dick Allen, a herder in is making plans at his own expense of
be governed by polio- regulations un­ sec 11-23-15; SW 4 of HE 4 sec IM
Whether the proposed demand
the employ of the boys, saw one shot a fire-proof building throughout of one of the most fearless and popular
’ men in this part of the state, and his der the penal code. This will be ¡ SI IS; HW 4 of HE 4 e< ;i; HW 4 that the ;«avlng blds be thrown uptn
fired. He was some distance away the class-A style, which he will sub­
brought up at next meeting.
of NE4
10; SW 4 of NE4 «•**■ !<• competition will have the r. ul!
and saw Harrold and one of the boys mit to the building committee of the i murder has Ailed the country with In­
Next came the option on proper!.« 22; NW 4 Of HE 4 aec 22; and NE4 • tying the matter lip for an' p*i
holding an animated conversation, Odd Fellows' lodge. This is done on
selected for u city hall,
WBH Of HE 4 sec 35-37-1 1; NE4 of NE4 tlcular length of the remains to be
whom he took for Herbert, and sud­ account of the scarcity of brick, as of the desperation to which the riders
claimed by the parti«-« selling that »•« 24-28-1 1; »1.
If any one should get stub­
denly Harrold raised his gtro and well as the probable raise in price are driven, and may bo the cora-
th«- option was not good, but the
Haganaw mid Manistee Lumber born and play a game of freezcout
struck the boy, knocking him down. should the brick prove merchantable. . mencement of a feud that wll be more
cit.v attorney had reported that n ten­ company to Michigan Trust compan.'. the removal of the crosswalks will
Walter then came to his rescue, Mr. McDonald states that the mason­ far reaching than any In the history
of the state.
der be made for th«- property befor«- < ne-quarter interest In SW 4 of HE 4 prove to have been a serious mistake
whereupon Harrold drew his gun and ry is the expensive part of the build­
the expiration of the option on June tee. 18-28-12. and
KM of HW4 As the matter now stands there
shot him.
ing. and that brick at »18 per thous­
15th. The mayor appointed the fol­ set 14-23-15; NE4 of NEX 4 «•'<•<• should not he n longer delay than
Allen was coming into supper at
KLAMATH FALLS lowing councilmen on the committee ’.4-28-11; and HW 4 of HE 4 see 3; two weeks. If the council decides to
the time and was on horseback. As i inforced concrete at »12 per yard.;
to look after the matter:
Htonc. F W 4 of NE 4 *cc 10; BW M of overrule the tnavor. which from ;r«-
soon as he saw what was occurring he t and that one-half the number of
Bertha Conners and little daugh- Hanks. Summers, Obenchaln and Wil­ NE4 und N\\ 4 .,f mm im ' c . 22; ent Indications will prove to be the
wheeled his horse and struck out for yards in bulk of concrete will do the | ter. Lorene, and Miss Octavia Arnett, kins. who are to meet at 4 o'clock on
und NE 4 of SW *4 sec. 21-27-11; case
The usual notice to the prop-
the range, where he remained all work. This, taken together with the , her sister, will leave on the morning Thursday afternoon to settle this (lu.
erty owners will be in str tel In th«
night. Early the next morning he
| train for Oakland, where they will business.
Saginaw and Manistee l.umlx-i papers following which th« nd ver
went into Plush, but was afraid that is more than three times as high as I visit with Mr. Arnett’s mother for a
One of the most important matters Kimpany to James Dempsey, three- tlsement for blds Will be mad' when
Harrold was there and would kill
. few weeks. Mrs. Conners’ health has i coming before the council was th-- tenths Interest In NK4 of 8W 4 sec. all bidders can then come In
him, and left without awakening any­ tion. This saves the importation and , been quite poorly since coming here . passing of an ordinance regulating
14-22-15; SW4 of SE4 see. 12-28-
Th« Imperative necessltv for th«
one and giving the alarm.
. a few weeks ago. the altitude affect- the salary of the police judge and tlx- i 12 SW4 Of HEM sec. 3; HW 4 of paving of Main street from the depot
He then returned and gathered up
i ing her.
city attorney, or rather, an amend­ NE 4 seec. 10; HW 4 of NE4 sec. to the bridge makes It Incumlient on
the sh?ep, and on reaching the camp as well as save the cost on annual in­
The »2; NW M of 8K M «<*. 23, und NE4 everyone to get In and do his host
While these ladies are visiting they ment to a former ordinance
found the dead body of one of the
will also keep on the watch for a amendment plactn! th«- salary of the cf 8WM »«c. 35-27-1 1; NEM of to bring about an adjustment of anv
boys, thought to be that of Herbert,
pleasant location for a home, as their police judge at »1,200 per annum, NE4 sec. 24-28-1 1; »1.
controversy that may arise. In order
his head having been torn by a shot, GAL
father. Mr. Arnett, and the balance of payable monthly, and that of the city
J. G. Pierce to Klamath Canal com- thatt he work procceods «« cxpedl
fired at close range.
the family expect to follow them to attorney at »1,000 per annum, pay­ I’sny, part of sec. 33-38-9; »-0.
tlously as poaalbic. This Is a matter
Allen was so badly frightened at
Thoma« Parker to Thomas Drake, In which every wizen Is Interested
California in the near future, where able monthly. This brought out Home
the sight of the tragedy that he could Living Quietly With His Daughter, they will establish a home In a milder discussion as to whether or not the part of lot 8, sec. 33-38-9; 23,500.
and one in which everyone <eem» to
not locate the place of the first shoot­
ami Has No Desire to Return
salary of the police judge was not too
W. F. Reece to Frank Moorland. be of one mind
ing, although he thinks Walter was
to San Francisco
The Arnetts are old settlers, they high, but on putting it to vote It car­ SEM lot 3. blk. 12. Kinmath Falla;
killed where the altercation first took
having reared a large family here, ried, Hanks being ih«> only one voting »800.
I'nited Press Service.
Saginaw and .Muniste« Lumber
and their decision to leave Klamath against it.
It appear:; that the boys had two
VANCOUVER, B. C., June 9.—Jas. Falls will be regretted by their many
The ordinance for fixing sewers and company to William Went«1 one-fifth
amps some two miles apart, and that L. Gallagher, formerly one of the
regulating plumbing of all connec­ interest in NEM of 8W% «er il 2:i United Press Service.
and life-long acquaintances.
•he altercation took place near the board of supervisors of San Fran­
tions thereto was discussed at some 15; HW4 of 8EM Mfi. 18-28-12;
LEAVENWORTH. Kans . June ;«
camp furtherest from Plush. It is ' cisco, who was discovered in his re-
length. The mayor referred th«- or­ SW 4 of SE 4 wc. 3; HW 4 : of NEM Mrs. Katherine Bchube, a wealthy re­
’he supposition that Harrold thought treat north of this city, stated today:
TO PRESIDENT TAFT dinance to th«- Health committee, con-! «cc. 10; SWM of NEM sec. 22; cluse, aged 55 years, was robbed -.nd
that he had killed Herbert with the
“There is rothing in the statement
slating of Wilkin«,
Waldron and NW 4 of SEM »ec. 22; and I NEM of murdered this morning
Iler bodt
first shot, but in this he was mistak­ that overtures have been made to me
8WM sec. 35-27-1 1; NEM of NE 4 was saturated with oil and died, hut
en, for he was subsequently found at by the Ruef prosecution to keep me
I The bond of George B Snyder as ««•« .4-28-11; »1.
the flumes were put out before the
’he camp where he had gone and laid away. I believe the prosecution has
D B. ('nmpbe)l and E. R Reame.« body was consumed or the hnu-«- dam
policeman was then approved, after
down in his bunk.
us«d my absence as an excuse to drop
No clue to the guilty parties
which an ordinal)«-- was Introduced to t'lyd«- II. Barks, lots 15 and 16. aged
As to Walter, reports are not clear, the case. If what the prosecution United Press Service.
has as yet been found
by Hanks for the repairing of a por­ ¡ blk 12. Mldlnnd, Ore.; (210
but it is generally supposed that he claims is trpe. they have evident"
tion of several streets was passed to
was making his way toward the up- enough to convict Rttef and all oth­ Barron, exiled republican-democratic
second reading.
oer camp when Harrold shot and kill­ ers connected with the boodling in
When the ordinance for granting a
ed him. afterward going to the other the Bav City.”
Taft, asking him to use bis Influence franchise to the Oregon Independent
iamp, where he found Herbert and
secure a permit for bis return to i Telephone company came up for its
then completed his terrible work.
In his letter he states that ; second reading, th«- paper» could not
The body of Walter was found at
After an unsuccessful
INFLICTS HEAVY DAMAGE he is “not exiled for heading a revolt be found.
j;20 Saturday morning, half a mile
.search for them the matter was put
or so from thp camp, he having been
Three Hundr<-<1 Thousand Itollars* thing unconstitutional, but for being | over until the next meeting.
killed instantly.
Herbert's escape
Worth of Property Destroyed
Mr. Gowen then asked that sonx-
a candidate for the presidency." He
to the camp is therefore somewhat
denounces President Diaz as a tyrant. change be made In the grading of
United Press Service.
streets abutting his property, but no
Up to 11 o’clock Saturday morn­
action was taken in the matter.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. June 9.—-Three i
ing no trace of Harrold had been
hundred thousand dollars’ worth of i
The council then adjourned until
damage was done by the cyclone Meiiila-rs of Ex-Presid.-nt's Cabinet Friday evening.
Arrangements had been made to
which swept Missouri last night.
Chosen to Greet Him on His Re­
.eminence shearing Friday morning
turn to His Country
Communication with many of the
at Plush corrals, but the sheep not
cities of the state has been destroyed.
arriving Nolan Curry, who was in
I'umishecl Dally by tlx- Abstract Firm |
The state penitentiary at Jefferson United Press Service.
charge of the plant, went out to learn
of Mason A Slough
city was partially destroyed, five of
the cause of their non-arrival, with
the buildings being unroofed and the President Taft has appointed Secre­
the result as stated above.
P C. Lavey & Co. to Jessie I.
light plant damaged. There was no taries Wilson and Meyer to meet Col­
Harrold had been in the employ of
Squires, lot 8, bit. 53, Town of Wor­
panic among the convicts In their onel Roosevelt at New York when he
the Newell boys, and his work not
den; »150.
cells. The loss will be close to »60,- returns. Captain Butt will accom­
proving satisfactory, he was dis­
Klamath Development company to
000. No deaths have been reported, pany them. The party will carry a
charged, In settling up he seems to
G. Bryant, lota 1, 2 and 3, blk 23,
but the list of Injured throughout the letter of greeting from President Taft
have become greatly incensed over
Springs addition to Klamath
state will be a long one.
whn t he considered an injustice done
Wilson and Secretary Meyer were se­ Falls; »10.
him. and thereupon committed tl.e
Santa Fe Pacific Railroad company
lected for this pleasant duty on ac­
count of their having been members to Ralph E. Gilchrist, N’M of NWM
Harrold is a character well known
sec. I and NM of NEM sec. 5-23-9;
ARE CONSOLIDATED of Roosevelt’s cabinet*
In Lakeview and Warner, he having
been here about four years. He drove Porltopoll» Will Hav« the Second
Santa Pacific Railroad company to
the Plush stage for a time last spring,
Large«,! Bank in America
Ralph E. Gilchrist, 10,077.24 acres
and was never considered a danger­
Chan. Halbeie, a native of Sweden, of land In Klamath County, Oregon;
ous man. It is said that Harrold ate
CHICAGO, June 11 The Commer­ 4H years of age, who was taken off »79,177.24.
breakfast at Plush Friday morning, cial Commission and Continental the str-els several weeks ago and
P. C. Lavey & Co. to Henry Hop-
after which he started for Lakeview. banks were consolidated today. Tho placed in the poorhouse, was brought kins, lot 9, blk. 27, Town of Wor-
Parties cclairn to have seen him some capital will be »20,000.000, surplus before the county judge Friday den; »150.
four miles this side of that place, »12,000,000, deposits »185,000,000. for examination nnrf pronounced In­
W. B. Barnes. referee, to Will
and since then no trace of him has It is the second largest bang in the sane by the county physician, Geo. Humphrey and Lellia L.
L. Humphrey,
been found.
United States, the National City bank I Wright, and was committed to the lot 5, blk. 15, Klamath Falls; »3.500.
Herbert and Walter Newell were of New York being tho largest.
asylum at Salem.
Klamath Development company to
The most complete line of Men’s
Women’s and Children’s
in ¡Klamath County. We carry a
big stock of Buster Brown chil­
dren's shoes for boys and girls