Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 16, 1910, Image 3

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oSh'ero Throughout This Set t Pai Are
kau-ping a < ì « hm - Watch for
tin- Fugitive
ttnly a »mail proportion of the public
drinking fountains are so constructed
that «logs can drink from then», und
the thirsty dog must wander dlscon
solately about until his sufferings 1»
I'omc so acute that he Is pronounced
mad. and the usual tragedy Is the re­
sult. Th«' matter Is one that cun be
regulated without (lie ul'l of law L< I
th«1 householder spare a thought for
the dog us welt us for the horse. A
pan of water near the house will soon
attract attention and may I m » th««
mi'iiie of preventing another one of
those "s«ar««s" which »peak so III for
public common aenae
Haverhill till
Carlsbad last summer
«unimer look the paira
palm jfiank
In speech almost to brutality TITLE TO LAND* IN
‘ "Hh<*
‘Ulti- was
Uli.. Introduced
I »» t
Il z>< ,/f to »OA
a» the and will not stand for aff««ctatlon The
me a as
Countess Komoffsky. or something countess came along and was Invited
that sound«*d like that. She married, to join the party. The doctor, as It United Proas Service
LARGE GATHERING « »E FOREIGN ii Russian or Pole about three years turned out, had known her since ah««
ST. PAUL, June ». The title to
before, an«l so far as I can gather she was a child
thousands of acres of farming and
had hardly been any nearer Europ«1,
"Homebody asked her a question, .Mineral lands In the Indian Territory,
I than a New York table d’hote befor«1 I and she started to reply with that ac­ worth millions of dollars, was forfeit­
Et|«c«l>> to Arrive in New lock on th«» that time
She looked American, but
cent of hers. I saw the drxrtor fidget. ed and the land restored to the In­
Eighteenth. When' II Miuiiiiiotli
her English was all broken Into bits.
Then she made another remark in dians by a decision of the Federal
< '«'li briliIon Awaits Him
Che <li«l not even say 'the,' but pro­
'half French The doctor said some­ Court of Appeals today, reversing the
nounced it ze.’ She had great diffi­
thing that sounded like ’damn” Then '■use of James P. Allen, which the
culty In recollecting phras«-s, and th* h«- blurted out;
government lost in the Oklahoma Dis
United Press Service.
result at times was a lot of French.
trict Court. The government alleged
SOUTHAMPTON, Jun«1 1«. The
“ 'For God's sake, Maria Smith, you that the Indians were not authorised
"Next morning I wax breakfasting
Roosevelt puity Hailed at 2 o'clock
In the Kaiserpark with a ¡»arty of don't, mean to say that three years In to lease the property, except und< r
this afternoon on th«1 Kal»er Agitata
rhawl-wrapped Americans who had Europe hav«.- made you forget your certain restrictions. Over 200 simlla
1 Victoria An Immense crowd of nota­
drunk th«1 requisite number of glasses native tongue?’
suits are pending. It is expected that
bles gathered and gave the ex-pr«*sl-
from the Sprudel or the Markthrun-
"There was a hush, and then some an appeal to the United States Su­
<l« nt un enthusiastic »«nd-off Colonel nen. and had walked out »«cording to
of the women in the party smiled; but preme Court will be taken. This dr­
Roosevelt, his wife, Ethel. Kermit prescription
On«« of those at the when the countess next spoke it was cisión clouds the title to 20,000 pa: -
« and All«« <x < iipi.'d two flower decked tabl«1 was a New York physician who
In purest United States.’’— New York . cels of land that has been acquired
hiilttx forward of the promenade lx none the less popular because he Is Sun.
by white settlers.
«1« < k
Th* ••x-pri-sident spent last night at
ihe home <>f Hit E'lward Gray, Ax he
board«««! the steamer
this morning
h«' remarked:
"Now for home. I
tell you I am glud of It. I have had
a great time It could not have been
I have • enjoyed every minute
j of It, bill I um glad to g««t back
home "
Further detuUs of the murder of
th«1 two Newell boys were received
her«1 today by Sheriff Barnes, and
they would Indicate thut the crime
wax one of the most horrible In the
criminal anunls of the state. When
I he report til st reached Lakeview It Utitlt N'* < l.l II ELEI T*
was pri-Hiiui'-d llint the crime had
iii'i ii iemmltti'd yesterday. The Indi
< at Ions now are that the mmdei was No M«'«'tiiig Will B< Held for Ilin«
Months—suldmii lai Hucct-M of
< <immitt«'d on«1 or more days before
rtils Worthy Institution
the uuthoiltles learned of It.
Dick Harrold,
Th« Women's Llbiary club, which
known by th«' nickname of "ilolllver,"
I'" regular »«■salons for tin« «
1» the name «»I the lierdei who com­
mitted the crim«1 II«1 was employed i months «luring the heated term, held
by the Newells In the capacity «if the last meeting of the club Fri­
herd«1! of a ban«! <>f sheep ow ned by day nfternoon Officers for th«1 «•nsu
the boys
No Information Is avails- Ing year were elected us follows
President, Mrs. Itounsevell; vice
nbl«* as to the trouble thut led up to
the killing, but the belief Is gaining prt^ldent. Mix l^eavltt; secretary,
ground that the murderer was either Mrs Cogswell; treasurer, Mrs. John litici«. VHON « I N IL* ARE
crazy drunk or Insane at the time he son. <x«'cutlve committee, Mesdam«*»
killed the two «iien The information Talbot. Htenriix mid Itounsevell; libra
1‘luiix for replen­
In possession of Hberiff Barges leads rlmi. Mrs Tullmt
l*roj««cf Engineer Patch v »» naked
to the belief that an attempt was ishing the treasury to sum«1 extent ut today If the servie«1 had taken any
iiiik I«1 to hide th«1 bodies, ns they were th« f»pause of the vacation visitors steps looking to the screening of the
found a considerable distance apart to th«1 city, were xugK<-»t>'d mid adop- | headgates of the v.nrb e- government
Nothing will be known until the man l««d; wh« r«"«>f m«ir«< will !»«• announced 1 unals to shut out the Hnal! tiout and
Is appr«'h<ind«id and h«1 makes n con­ later
i other fV*1 H<- stated that th»- service
Tie* Llbrar« • lub, to which Klam- : had wrwn» on all of th«- cnnn'x. and
fession to the authorities
Th«- Newell boy» were known nth falls Is ln<t<>l>t<id for th«1 inaint<iii i that everything. that could bo lias
throughout Eastern Klamath and an«'«1 of one of Its most u»eliil and b«-«-n don< Owing to th«* large amount
Lak«' counties ax young men of ex creditable Inal it ullons, began »om«1 of vegetable matt«-r carrle«! In the
• inplar« liublts They wer«1 aged 20 y>m- ago ilic work of establishing a wnti-rs <>f the Upper Ink«1. It Is impos-
und 23 years respectively, and have public lll»imy and fr«1«1 reading riMim. i slbl«« to plac«« nt the headgates screens
ulways born«1 an excellent reputation. . With th«- co-operation mid generous of it mesh sufficiently small to keep
They wer« owners of about 3.000 < assistant« of most of the prominent out the llttl«« fish
If such screens
head of sheep, th«1 nucleus of which cltlz«'iis of th«' time, the d«islr<i«l In­ | wer«1 Inst ni I«1«! It would be a matter of
wax formed by th«« boys purchasing stitution open«'d Its «loots in a r«-nto«l I but a few hours before they would b«1
with their pin money a few lambs at up-stalrs room November 2K, 1905. «'lugged up and th«- water shut off.
s time This practlc«« was continue«! Hin<< that dat«« the piuce has been i The qu«*atlon of keeping the fish out
until they finally Increased the band continuously m th«- »« tv Ice of the !»<•«»- of the canals has received th«1 careful
to Its present proportion» Through ¡■h ewi afternoon nn«l evening. an«l attention of th«1 service, and It wax
out Mk«« county the keenest xympn-1 has afforded a comfortable und profit- only after extensive ■•xperlin<ints that
thy Is manifested, for wherever the abl< ruaort for the leisure hours of the hfiH'nx now In tiiu* were adopt•*<!
both stiauger nml citizen At present
boys wer«- known they had friends.
The sheriff's office was notified thl» thanks to th«- same civic spirit and
morning that a man answering the; generosity which first made this well-
description of Harrold stopp«1«! nt th«« , patronlz« <1 accommodation ¡»oaxlbl««. I United Press Service.
MADRIZ. Jun«« 10. Honor Abrus,
Welch home tn Langell Valley, but th«* commodious building has been
Mr. Barnes doe» not think It can pos- j purchased and suitably filed and fur­ lowner of Santo island, near Azores.
»Ibly h<- th«1 man wanted, a» he would nished. the number of Iwiokx has been I has formally asked permission of th««
not have had time to reach that Increased to almiit l,2oo volumes, and Portugese government to sell the land
\ close watch will b<- kept. 1 a large number of dally and other to the United States. The European
i'««wapapera with th«« principal liter­ j Milons do not like th«1 proposition.
nnd every clew Investigated
ary magazines are always to lx- found
MARSHFIELD. Or««.. June 10.
on th«« reading table. Besides the
FIKE I 'ON Hl ME* si \ IIDH hs
Martin, aged 15 years, of San
ON HEATH K’M W ITER • HONT tunny d«>natl«ina of prlvat«« citizens,
the city government appropriates a Jos«1. Calif., wax drown«1«! and Echrin
No Uvea Wt-re Ixml, anti Spread of monthly sum to th«« enterprise, nnd Dolph of San Francisco had a narrow
the county gives th« gratuitous use of escape from like fate at C ook Bay to­
I Ire Was Du.- to Thirty-Five
the present convenient sit«1 Th«« club day. They were forced to abandon a
Mlle tini«*
has I he b«'st wishes of everyone for I leaky b«»at and attempi«-«! tn swim
United I’mu Service.
un abundant continuance of Its past ashore.
SEATTLE. Wash , June II
Sis xticceaa In adding to the educational
I WASHINGTON. D. C.. June 10.—
blocks are In ruins and fifty persons nnd social advantages of the city.
Brodie L. Duke, aged 62. the tobacco
ire missing as the result of a Are on
millionaire, has been issued a license
H»iattl«i's water flout
It Is not be-
to marry .Mylanta Ronchello. aged 22.
I laved than many, if any. are dead
This will be Duke's fourth marriage.
The spreatl of the fire was due to a
'hlrty-tlv«« mil«- gal« that waa blowing
Fifty i
alien th«- tlaines broke out. \he fire-
structural Iron workers today joined ;
men were helpless until a heavy fall I tilted Pies» Hervlcv.
WASHINGTON. June 11. -Ken- th«1 Hotel workers' strike in compli-1
• >f rain came and aid«-«! them In con-
<|iivrlng the Are. The fire threatened iK'th Turner, th«* magazine writer. I an««« with an order from their union
North Heattl«1 for a time. The loss today melted to th«« rules committee
Th«1 of the house the alleged activities of
w III b<* dose to »1.000.000
refugees have b«-en quartered In th«> President Dias's ugents and th<< mon­
eyed Interests <>f th«1 nation In th<> ar-
"Nothing disgusts me more,” said a <
«« bool hous«'
t««sts of Mexicans who ar«« charged) woman who go«1» abroad «»very sum- j
All of th«' with fomenting trouble In th«« south­ mer. "than to m««et in Europ«« Ameri-1
missing have l>ern accounted for. Two ern republic. Champ ('lark, member’ cans who secui to he ashamed of their
tlremen were seriously Injured by fly- of the commute»«. stated that "th««' own laugttag««. I have often come
Ing timbers, but they arc not In n «'barges ought to be Investigated tlior- i across them, but a woman I met in I
dangerous condition
As n result of oughly, and the court records of Ari­
th«- conflagration 300 are homeless
zona and California should be pro­
duced. Oscar Lawlor, who lx now ns-
slstnnt attorney general, and who was
DUCE ITTER IIERTII CHARGE* district attorney at th«« time the Mex­
ican refugees were Imprisoned at Los
EiMlerul Court D<< ill«-» I» AmcnaM«1 to Angeles. Is easily available, and
tin- <'«»ruiner«.- <'otnniiaion
should be summoned before the com ,
mittee and given an opportunity to
United Pr.xs Service.
explain why h«« Imprisoned these peo­
The Federal ple." Following the suggestion of!
circuit court this afternoon unani­ Mr. Clark, Mr. Lawlor wax requested
mously refused the injunction ask«1«! to appear befor«» the committe«'
for by the Pullman Palace Car com-
ininy to restrain the interstate Com­
merce commission from ordering a r«»- tiOV. t.ILLETIE GIVEN HOLE
ductlon of the rat«« charged for upper
berths. The court decided that the
for Church
company was engaged In interstate
Shows Him th«1 Way
business, and wax therefor«1 under th««
control of the Commerce Commission.
It rejected the plea that th«1 company United Press Service
■ Imply operated hotels on wh«mls, and
-aid that th«1 testimony showed that
from Attorney J. White, legal repre­
he upper bertha were less desirable
of the local Church Federa­
than the lower ones.
tion association, asking him to turn
th«' question of preventing th«« Jeff-
i i« »-Johnson fight over to Attorney
Webb. He is also requested
The City of Mexico has a law, al-
moat a century old, requiring store­ t<> notify Webb that Dlxtrict Attorney
keepers anil business men lit general Fickert refuses to act. This action
to keeps pans of fresh water in the gives the governor an opportunity to
doorways of their business ««xtablish- slide out of the muddle gracefully.
inentx for th«« relief of dogs. The law
was secured through the efforts of th«1 I-Lit.HT TO PHILADELPHIA
kind-hearted women of the city, and llimmw) BHCAUHF OF STORM
in consequence Mexico City never has
■ mad «log "scare,” and hydrophobia United I'resH Service.
lx unknown and muzzles are unneces­
NEW YORK. Jun«« 11 On account
sary. In enlightened New England, of a heavy gale that is blowing here
In sharp contrast with "barharoiiH Aviator Hamilton has been forced to
Mexico," when and where la provision postpone his trip from this city to.
mad«« for man's best friend, the dog? Philadelphia until Monday.
Goodrichs Cash Store
Commencing Monday, June 6th we
will inaugerate the biggest sale ever
held in Klamath County
$10,000 Stock
of Goods will be closed out—Absolutely Everything in the Store
This slaughter sale will consist of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings, Carpets
Price is What Talks
Come in and Let Our Prices Talk to You
The entire stock is new; no shelf-worn goods; nothing in the store older than
September 15, 1909
You want to save money on supplies. Here’s your opportunity.
The old prices are marked in plain figures. No goods remarked.
These prices will be cut to cost for your benefit.
Are you from Missouri? Come in and
we will show you
Corner of Main and 7th Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon
If he
If he takes the Republican
does not urge him to do it, so as to
lend a hand in the fight for his