Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 16, 1910, Image 1

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no . n
«stlonul labyrinth of childhood Hhe
I» a woman of exceptional ability, pos­
sessed ot u most charming disposition,
und Mr. Pell Is to be congratulated
In having won her for Ills bride. Mr.
Tell I» i no of the big men of A«hlsnd
whi*r« he Is engage.) in btislne/« lie
Is a man possess'd of a great d«al of
this world's goods, and Is a man es­
teemed by his fellow citlzena for the ( HEED M.KENDREE AND < HAH. WORK HT.A RT H UN HOMER OR THE
broad-minded hon<»ty Dial has built
up for hltu the stanch friend»l«lp of
his fellow citizens.
Mr. and Mrs. Pell will make their
home In Ashland, where Mr. Pell has
eracted a beautiful bungalow for his
Murderer Hbow» Fight, Hat Hie iUth- Mak«-» U m - Fifth Financial Institu­
Fall» Hlh at th<- Crucial
tion for Klamath Fall», and I»
ike Harrold», tbe murderer of tbe
two Newell boys. Is a prisoner in the
THE l(K<
| county jail at Lakeview. The capture
! was mad«* by Creed McKendree and
Char)«» Arthur at a point on Mud
W ill t <>ium>-u«c Work creak about slxti > u tulles from lake­
t|M-il I, IMI I, or <«>n-
lie was brought to Lakeview it nd
lodgid in jail. He is very reticent,
1 " a
Foi th<- Ural tim«- sine« the tccla- and asid«.' from admitting tbe mur­
mat Ion service has entered this field der* and that he was provoked Into
the marsh land owners see a ray of committing the crim«** becauw the
At a meeting held Friday even­ boy* hud ’bother«M him,“ h«* will ««ay
ing. at which Project Engineer Patch absolutely nothing.
Th« feeling In !^ik«*vlew i* running
«as pr«-uent. It was tacitly agreed that
and there is conslderabh* talk
the neceaaary •( per cent of the land
khould I h signed tip to the govern­ of lynching beard on ail Hide*. It is
ment, the contracts to be placed in not likely, however, that any such
escrow, and finally to pans to the gov- drastic measures sill be adopted.
■ mment If work of reclamation Is be­ Th«- officer* state that they will pro­
tect the prisoner, and in view of the
gun by April I, 1*11.
In the course of his remark» Mr. fact that he admits the killing, which
Patch stated that if the owners ot insures the certainty of his receiving
th«* marsh land had compiled with his just punishment. ther«> is no like­
these requirements last year work lihood of any outbreak.
The last »bAdow of doubt as to how
the Oregon Trunk Is to enter Klam
nth Falla ha* b«<en removed, and tbe
Herald Is it> a position to stale posi­
tively And definitely that entrance to
thia city will t>e made over the tracks
<>f the Hout hern Pacific
The Anal
agreement to thia was reached when
Chief Engineer Hood was In Portland
lust week
Negotiations looking to
thia end have tx-en under way for
months and a practical agreement
was reached about two months ago
Thia was ratified when Mr. Hood was
In Portland,
The news that the Oregon Trunk
had ordered stopped all work south
of Rend had gained considerable
headway in this city was th<- basis of
A repre-
considerable uneasiness
«rotative of the com party went as far
north as Rostand Monday for the pur­
pose of paying off the crew« engaged
In rlraring the right of way. The
«•»lid have I mm ' h under way now The
forty rarloads of freight that were tn
<!«■< Ision to commence work has to be
Ire r»> lv«-d here and transferred by­
■ submitted Io Washington, and there
boat to the Agency landing was stop-
approved iM'fore blds can bo asked
lied at Weed. "Hie reason given out
for. This routine would require sev­
for all of this change in orders was
eral months, no that no hope of the
that the light the administration was
qmpmencement of operall«’« prior to
making on the sallv'Mi'tk I-1 i - “d u-ed
April I. 1*11. was h«*ld oct to the
n stringency in the money market,
Uud ow ners.
«nd the work had to be stopped until
Mr Patch further stated that the
conditions changed. Thia was all
service had practically <1«*cld«*d not to
Th«' work was stopped
build the Keno cut. as It would neces­
because of the agre«-ment for the
sitate the construction of about 100
joint use of the tracks.
miles of canals He believed that the
The surveys of the two lines fame
method that would be followed would
practically together at Rostand, or as
be to drain the lands by pumping,
It la now called La Pine It Is at this
and then pump back tbe water neces­
point that the Southern Pacific starts
sary to Irrigate the land. When asked
toward Natron and the Oregon Trunk
where the power would come from he
continues due north. Under the
r*pll<*d that It would come from the
agreement tbe Oregon Trunk will
Keno ditch; that th«* Keno canal was
complete Its line to l.a Pine, and from
constructed with the object In view,
that point to this will use the Routh-
end that ita cuust would be charged
ern Pacific tracks. The agreement
up to the marsh land
calls for the early letting of the con-
Supposing. Mr. Patch, that the
tract for the construction of the line
government should decide to abandon
to !<a Pine, the provision being con- I
the marsh lands, what would then be-
tnlned therein that It shall be ready
eoir.«» of th«' |>ower that ran be devel-
for us«' at the lime the Oregon Trunk
op«*d from the Keno canal?” asked
»hall have completed Its line from
Mr. Robinson
I hr Dalles
Mr. Patch stated In substance that
This agreement sets at rest all talk
he was not In a position to answer
of the construction of the Oregon
that question definitely, but he pre­
Trunk down the west bank of the
sumed that It would be sold and tbe
Upper lake. It Is tutsslble that branch
amount realized therefrom would be
line« may be constructed Into the
turned Into the reclamation fund.
timber, but no rsgular passenger ser­
Al) of the amall holdings were
vice will be Inaugurated thereon. This
up. The Robinson eighty and
agreement will prove a blessing to
what is known as the White tract
the city, since It means that instead of
were not algned up. but It is under­
having twe stations In different parts
stood that the owners are ready to
of the city, a union depot will meet
meet the demands of the service.
the demands of the traveling public.
Now that th«' entrance of the Ore­
gon Trunk Into thia city Is definitely
settled the next question that con­
fronts tbe public la how the traina of
RAN DIEGO. Jun«’ 14.—J. fitlt*
that company are going to continue Wilson and Edwnrd Adams Cantre'l,
south. It Is ridiculous to presume local socialists, have announced their
that they will stop here and turn candidacy for the offices of governor
their traffic over to the Southern Pa­ and lieutenant governor at tbe ap­
cific. It la more reasonable to assume proaching primaries. The candidates
that connection will be made with a will tour the state in a red automo­
third system and the announcement bile, which will be known as the
to that effect may be expected moat “California Red Special.”
any day.
J. Stitt Wilson will be one of the
speakers which will be heard at the
Socialist Encampment in thia city.
There was solemnized In Oakland,
Cal., Tuesday the marriage of Mian
Alice Applegate of this city and Mr.
Kmll Pell of Ashland. Both the con­
tracting parties are well known here,
particularly Mias Applegate, who Is
a daughter of Klamath county. Rhe
was born on the Klamath Indian res­
ervation. and practically all of her
life was spent in this section. For a
number of years she was a teacher In
the schools of Klamath Falla, and
numbers among her wide circles of
friends hundreds of the students
whom she guided through the edu-
Latest Information received on the
partie« arriving
from l^akeview Is as follow»
Th«- murderer, Ike Harrold, was
brought into l-akekvlew this morning
as formerly stat«*d. When located he
wax biding in the rock* about a mile
from the stag«» station on Mud creek
on the Plush and Lakeview line.
He was watching two horsemen as
they w«'re riding along, and did not
see the two officials, who opened fire
on him
it is said that tbe first shot
struck hl» rifle from his bands, numb­
ing his left hand until he could not
get it around under hts left side,
where he had bls revolver hanging.
Th«' bullet wounded him In the leg.
Then seven other shots were fired
during his capture. He confessed to
the murders, and told the officers
thvy were poor shots, and that he
expected to hang, aad wished they
had killed him.
He told of shooting the boys be­
cause they had made him angry when
they had discharged him.
Ih' deni«'« that he blew the head off
the boy who wax found In the tent
with the boy’s own rifle, but it is cer­
tain he did the fonl and fiendish act
It was a pitiful story that was told
by a note found In the grip of one of
the boys. It seems that after Harrold
had killed his brother and shot him
he managed to get to his tent, where
he laid down and wrote a note to his
folks, and put It In his grip, telling
of how Harrold had killed his broth­
er and shot him. and that he was
bleeding Inwardly and could live but
a short time. It must have been after
this that Harrold found him reclin­
ing In his tent and picked up his own
gun and blew the top of his head off
Then he folded his hands and placed
the gun across him, to make people
believe he bad killed himself— but he
made the fatal mistake so often made
In such cases—he threw out the emp­
ty shell and a loaded one In, which
would have been Imposaibte for the
murdered boy to have done himself.
The parties from I-akeview state
that the people are much excited, and
talk of lynching Is heard on every
bind, and that they would not be sur­
prised to hear of his being lynched at
any time.
I murder case from
The following «ulta were filed at
i the county clerk’s office Saturday:
COLON, June 11.—Unionists work­
8. C. Graves vs. J. O. Hamaker.
These parties are from Bonanza
ing on the Panama Canal are prepar­
Weyerhauser Timber company vs. ing to demand an Increase of 20 per
Frank R. Sprague et al., to quiet title. cent Increase in wages. The Union­
C, M O’Neil being the attorney in ists are paid by the hour, the non­
both cases,
union men being given a regular sal­
The following suit in equity was ary, but allowed a month’s vacation
filed in the clerk's office Wednesday. on pay. If the unionists are paid for
Jackson F. Kimball vs. R. P. Ham- their vacation the demand will proba­
ilton for the possession of Buck bly be withdrawn. Otherwise 8.000
men will strike.
Island and (1,000 damages
th« demand for boxes will increase
daily Is certain, but It is doubtful is
any new ones will be added This is
<!tie more to the difficulty to be en
countered In finding room for them
i than to a lack of desire on the part of
Mr. Murdock to supply the needed
equipment. The time, however, is
; not far distant when the free deliv­
ery system will be extend««! to this PRESIDENT JOHNSON INFORMS
city, when a large number of the
boxes will be released. How soon this
will b«- depends on the railroad mall
service. As soon as this city receives
I two mails daily via the railroad the
i free delivery will start.
Opportunity 1» Now Open for Home of
the Men Who Thought It So Val­
uable to Tie It Up
President Johnson appeared before
the city council Thursday night and
informed that body that he returned
with thanks the franchise for a street
Water Carni*al and Display of Fire­ car system in this city, Mr. Johnson
was very frank in his statement to
works Will B«- One of the
tbe council, informing the member«
Great Events
that he had tried to interest local
capital in the proposition, and th use
to whom he presented the proposition
The Committee on the arrange­
ments for the celebration of the laughed at him. He was willing to
do all be could for tbe development
Fourth ar«- very busy getting things
into shape to give the i>eop)e of Klam- of the city, and would continue to try
i ath Falls and Klamath county the and interest someone in the construc­
I tion of a street car system here.
I best time of their liv«^.
totxii. meetin <>
He returned the franchise for the
They have arranged for a grand
reason that he did not wish to stand
' |>arade at 10 a. m. on the morning of
in the way of anyone who might de­
Mucti lin|M>rtant Bu»ln<-»» I» Transact­
the Fourth. This will be one of the
sire to enter this field. If such a per­
ed by the t'lty Datta
great features of the celebration.
son was found he stood ready to do
There will be prizes offered for floats
everything within his power to aid
The city council met at tbe usual representing the commercial life, the him. “I stand ready at all times,”
boui on Tuesday with Councilman fraternal orders, automobiles and va­ stated Mr. Johnson, “to do anything
Faught acting recorder There being rious other interests, so that It is ex­ for the best interests of the city as a
a quorum present they proceeded to pected that this parade will be one of whole. All you have to do at any
business, after some discussion as to gorgeous splendor and artistic beauty, time you think I can be of assistance
the legality of the meeting, the coun­ that will show forth the skill and is to let me know.”
cil having discovered that It way tbe genius of those entering into the con-
Several of tbe members thanked
day tbe governor had set aside as t«st.
Mr. Johnson for the frankness mani­
Flag Day.
In the afternoon there will be a fested. and expressed their regret at
An ordinance on street paving was ball game for a purse of $100 between his decision. It was clearly evident
pasi-d to its final reading and adopt­ two of tbe best teams in the county. that the loss to the city was realized
ed. Several permits to build and re­ There will also be a “broncho bust­ It has been patent to the casual ob­
pair houses and barns were granted, ing" contest that al! lovers of West­ server that there is no money in the
after which a number of bills were ern life will enjoy. The committee street car business in this city, and
allowed or referred to proper com- has decided to give $20 for the horse the spirit of antagonism heretofore
that can do the best bucking, and a manifested by the council has been
Then the matter of the Franchise $50 saddle to the man that rides it— such as to justify Mr. Johnson in
for the Oregon Independent Tele­ there will be a number of expert rid­ taking the position he has. Doubtless
phone company was brought up and ers engage in this contest.
he would have followed the same
b sworn copy of the original was pre­
Other sports will be engaged In. course no matter what kind of a
sented in place of the one that had such as a bicycle race, prise $10; a franchise was offered him by the city,
passed ita first reading and so mys­ fat man’s race. $5 hat given by the but tbe time is at band when the peo­
teriously disappeared. On advice of K. K. K. Store, and a three-legged ple of this city, individually and col­
the city attorney the copy was taken race, with a prise from the Portland I lectively, must stop their antagonism
up as a new ordinance and passed to Store of two shirts. Many other con­ to outside capital or meet just such
the first reading.
tests will be added, so that the two set backs as that administered last
ordinances were days of celebration will be one con­ evening. Throughout the country are
liassed to the second reading.
tinual round of pleasure.
to be found too many places anxious
Then a site for a city hall was pre­
There will be two high dives—one to extend a welcome to the “outsid­
sented to the council, this lot being the “fire dive," the other the “angel ers” for them to come here and be
on Main street, at the corner of dive," by one of the best high diving harpooned.
Fi~st street
This would be a pool artists in America.
The failure of the company to go
location and would give room for a
No one should fail to see Oliver ahead with the car line is going to
building large enough to furnish with his “plug uglies.” that will make cost every property owner on Main
space for a jail and fire aparatus l you laugh and forget your grouches. street money, for they will have to
which should be considered when a
The Meadow latke sawmill will be pay the expense of the paving that
new city hail is built. This property­
would otherwise be paid by the com­
represented by a float drawn by their
can be purchased for less than $40
iarg«* traction engine. One truck will pany. It is an ill wind that will
per front foot.
carry saw logs, tbe next a log cabin, bring on good, and it is to be hoped
W. H. Lewis was then authorized and the third a load of finished lum- that this one will bring to this city
to build a float to represent the city ber. Thev will bring about 250 peo­ a realization of the fact that the time
ot Klamath Falls In tbe parade on ple with them, under the charge of is at hand to make a change along
th«' 4th and 5th of July. The council Superintendent Bob Hill and Mr. Jan­ certain lines. That it will cause a
then adjourned until the 17th of sen. This in itself will be worth see­ halt in the program that is now being
ing. but there will be something do­ followed. If this happens, then the
price will not have been too great.
ing every minute.
Major C. E. Worden ban entered
into a contract with the Hydraulic
Scon«- and Brick company for the
erection of a two-story concrete build­
ing. 50x70 feet, which is to be the
home of the Federal National bank,
tbe financial Institution that Is to
bring about a change in tbe manner
of doing a banking business in this
county This is the bank that Messrs.
John-on, Wendling and Worden an­
nounced a short time ago would b«>
start» d in this city.
In the evening there will be a wed­
RKNT IN THE POSTOFFICK ding on a barge In the lake, followed
by a great water carnival, a beautiful
Evidence of tfce Rapid Growth of the and magnificent display of fireworks,
costing $500, will be fired off during
CE* ta Aitala Rhown
the evening.
la-es than six months ago there
On the 5th there will be another
was installed In the local post office ball game In the forenoon. There
equipment that it was thought would will also be motor races, boat races,
be adequate for the needs of the city tug-of-war, log-rolling contests and a
for many years, or at least until the boxing contest under the auspices of
establishment of the free delivery the Klamath Atheitic clnb, and as
that the city Is entitled to. But this many other games and sports as the
thought was wrong. Today, not­ committee can devise will be provided
withstanding that there are 708 boxes for the pleasure of the public.
In the office, there Is not one vacant,
One of the best features of the
and the applications are coming in closing hours of the celebration will
Postmaster Emmltt Is at a be a grand illuminated parade on the
loss as io just what to do. He does evening of the Sth, followed by a con-
not like to refuse these requests, but fetti battle. What a time there will
under present conditions there is be! —
on her fingers and con-
nothing else for him to do. This city fetti on her clothes. ..
has a postofllce of which it has every
Mrs. Gamble has consented to take
reason to fee) proud. The service is charge of part of the program, and
perfect, and the equipment far ahead will also have control of the two floats
of anything to be found In cities —tbe Goddess of Liberty and the Ship
much larger than Klamath Falls.
of State—which insures that they will
The fact that al) of the boxes are be al) anyone can expect.
rented Is additional proof of the rapid
There will be a splendid program
and substantial growth of the city, rendered. Miss Nickerson will be on
and is a fair Indication of what the the program as reader of the Declara­
future has in store for this city. Th it tion of Independence.
Frank Williams, employed by the
.Midway Telephone company, received
the sad news Friday of his wife’s
death in Montana. A short time ago
.Mr. Williams came to this place, his
wife joining him a few weeks ago.
She became ill, and ber Biater. a
trained nurse, was sent for, who,
upon her arrival decided to take her
sister back home to Kalispel, Mont.
Now comes a message saying she had
passed away. Mr. Williams was at
Merrill in the interest of his company,
but was sent for and left this morning
on his sad journey back to Kalispel
V. R. Snelling, a prominent citizen
of Lakeview, with his wife, is regis
tered at the Lakeside Inn. Mr. Rnell-
ing stated that much improvement
being carried on In Lakeview,
among some of the things mentioned
being a beautiful residence of brick
and stone, erected by W. P. Hereford
at an expense of (10,000 or (12,000.
The city has also purchased eight
acres of ground beautifully located
uion which they will erect a splendid
high school building, to cost In tbe
neighborhood of (50,000. This speaks
well for our neighboring city