Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1910)
( crete, situated on lot 8, block 49, NOTICE Foil I'l'HLH'ATION NOTH E FOR PUBLICATION i tracts as have not been heretofore Nichol» addition finally restored and are not other (Not Coal I<ands) (Not C'oul Io«nd) Jasper Bennett To repair porch wise withdrawn, reserved, or appro Department of tho Interior, United Department ot the Interior, on house corner Main and Cedar. llealUi Is Worth Saving, and Home priated, will be subject to settlement Htate» Land Office at Lakeview, MET’ U. 8. Land Office at l^ikevlew, Ore., Jack Kerr- Five-room dwelling Klamath Fall» People Know under the public land laws of th«- May 25. 1910. Oregon, May 19, 1910, IN house on lot 9, block 2, on Pine How Io Marr It NOTICE 1« lioreby given that Otis ! Notice is hereby given that Archye United States on and after July 18, »1 root; cost «1,500. Greer, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, B. Kirkendall, whose ftostofllce ad- 1910, but shall not be subject to en It. 11. Spencer Barn on2 lot 4, Muny Klamath Fails people take who. on August 10, 1904, made dr«»« is Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, try, filing of selection until August I «iM-ctiil Paving Fight Was Not block 62, Nichols addition. homestead entry No. 3262, »erlal I their live» In their hands by neglect- No. 01199, for SW H 8ectloti 34. . on the 17th day of July, 1909, Die in 17, 1910, at the United State» land NtMrted at last Night's Meet Goo. T. Baldwin—Warehouse on ' Ing the kidney» when they know Township 37 8.. Range 9 K . Willam office at Izakevlew, Oregon, warning lot 3. block 8. railroad addition; ihe»« organs ne«d help. Sick kidneys ette meridian, ha» tiled notice of In . this office sworn statement and appli being expressly given that no person ing, liut It I» Coming cation No. 02326, to purchase the WH building to be 48x88 ure responsible tor a va»t amount of tention to make Final Five-Year will be permitted to gain or exerciM- Klamath Lumber Co., by It W. i suffering and ill health, but there Is Proof to establish claim to the land NWH, sec. 33; 8E % NEH sec. 32. any right whatever under any settle above dencrlbod. before R DeLap, I township 38 8, range 10 E. Wlllam- The regular minding of the city I Clark«, manager Office building on no n«M-d to suffer nor to remain In County Clerk, at Klamath Falla. Ore ■ tie Meridian, und the timber ther«- ment or occupation begun after April < »until wan held Monday evening at I lot 0, block 3, West Klumuth Fall». dnnger when till diseases and aches gon. on the 9th day of July, 1910. < u, under the provisions of the act of 7, 1910, and prior to July 18, 1910, Clalmunt name» a» witnesses: Chan H Moore Garage on lot r>, und pains due to weak kidneys can ■ filch th« now officials were »worn In June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, all suc h settlement or occupation be T. F. Nlchola» of Klamath Fall», Moi k 3, Went Klamath Falls be qul< kly and permanently cured by Oregon and tin* mnyor made hl» full set of known as thi; "Timber and Stone! ing forbidden: Willamette Principal W W Patch, for United State» the use of Doan's Kidney Pill». The John iiagelsteln of Klamath Fall», I-aw," at such value a« might be fixed Meridian—T. 38 8.. R 8 E, WH > ppolnt merits Tho «X|H<ctod tight government Addition to »torago following »tatemenf leaves no ground Oregon. 8W H and Lots 5 and 6, Section 29 over the paving matter did not ma ■ hod on land owned by government for doubt. William Oati» of Klamath Fall», by appraisement, and that, pursuant A. P. PROUDFIT. Assistant Commis to such application, the land and tim Oregon. t«rlallxe, th« property owner» havlug off Eleventh street K Boaz of Jack»onvllle. Ore., says; Wellesley B. Simpson of Klamath ber thereon have b««n appraised (Un sioner of the General Land Office W P. Johnson Eight-room resi "I suffered a great deal for »everal Fall», Oregon < hanged their plan», but that It I» appraised by chief field division witb- FRANK PIERCE. First Assistant Sec ARTHUR W ORTON. loming Is certain, aud when It doos dence on the southeast corner of years from kidney and bladder trou S-5-7-7 I In nine month»’ time; land «old at retary of the Interior. Register. ble, the most annoying symptom be- 6 2-7 7 coma sparks are going to fly and the block 49. Hot Hprlngs uddltion ■'iitryman’s estimated value), the tim L. G Comstock Corrugated iron Ing too frequent passages of the kld- NOTICE OF MALE OF STATE honorable mayor ami some other» are ber estimated 700,000 board feet at Sl'MMONN »hade on rear of the llurrlman house, LANDS I ney secretion» I had sharp, shoot- going to be seared «0.3857 per M , and the land >30; situated on the corner of Eighth and I I Ing palns In the »mall of my back, Notice is hereby given that the Huit in Equity for Decree of Divorce. that »aid applicant will offer final Every available »puce In the cubby .Milin NtriMdM. State I.and Board will receive sealed I tried muny lemedte«, but did and bole where the session» of the conn- In the Circuit Court of the Stati proof in support of his application blds until 11 o'clock a. m.. June 28, These applications brought out a > il arc held was occupied when Mayor curious fact Builders »tart a struc I not obtain relief I was almost dls- of Oregon, for th«- County of and sworn statement on the 28th day 1910, for the following d«»scribed Klamath Sanderson, with ponderous self-im ture and then make application for ■ ouraged when I learned of Doan's ■ of July, 1910, before R. M. Richard swamp inads, all in In T. 35 8., R. 7H E.: Kidney Pills. I procured a box and portance, tailed the meeting to order, Caroline Rambo, plaintiff, va. Joel son, U. 8. Commissioner, at Klamath Ixit 1 of Section 2; lots 1, 2 and 3, the permit, and before the council lie seemed tu realise that every eye act» < n It the building is completed within a week I wa« benefited. I was Falls, Oregon. Maxwell Rambo, Defendant. NEH of SEH ----- of * “ Section ‘ 3; all of | »«am free from my trouble and can, was centered on lit» august presence and III some case» occupied Any person is at liberty to protest lots 1, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7 and 8, except the Such i therefor«, highly ri-commend Doan's T«» Joel Maxwell Rambo, th«- Above- pa he uttered the words that opened WIN the case In a majority of the ap- this purchaitc before entry, or initiate NWH of NEI4 of Section 10; all of Named Defendant. lots 1, 3 4, except the NE!4 of the game that moans the beginning ull a, ion» made last evening It was I. I u- s I'llls." H contest at any time before patent is 8WH of and Section 9; all of lota 1, 2, In the name of the State ot Oregon For sale by ull dealers. Price 50 <>f his end. The oath of otHco win »iso Indicated that the council will sues, by filing a corroborated affidavit 3 and 4, except the NW Hof NWI4 administered to the new councilman alt bin a very »hurt time extend 'he i ■ cuts. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, you are hereby required to appear in this office, alleging fact» which of Section 28; all of lots 1, 2, 3 and and answer the complaint filed 4, except the SWH of NWH of Sec • nd the vurlou» officials. and the mln- lire limit» ot the city so a» to Include . New York, sole agent» for the United would defeat the entry. against you in the above entitled suit, tion 29; al) of lots 1, 3, 4 and 5, ex nteu of the last several meetings practically all of Main street and i Hi ate». ARTHUR W. ORTON. cept the SE H of NE H of Section 30. Ri-membei th« name—D«ran’» and on or bcfori- the 7th day of July, were read and approved. 5-26-7-28 Register. All bids must be accompanied by a Klamath avenue This would result I lake no other. I 1910, that being the day of the last regularly executed application to pur It was plain to tie seen that San In much benefit to the city, and prove publication of summon», and the last chase and at least one-fifth of the ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE' derson wuh extremely worried Ho a wise move on the part of the t oun- day within which you are required to amount offered. No bid for less than eunoyi'd and nervous was he that the ell NE'WR SOWS OF INTEREST answer, a» fixed by the order of pub 1.1 the County Court of Klamath j >20 per acre will be considered. N llarity Incident to an Iniatlon of The right to reject any and all blds The Fourth County. Htate of Oregon. lication of this summons. If you fail reserved. members into one of the lodges across made application to the council for Theri- are nearly 300 American to appear and answer the plaintiff In the Matter of the Guardianship of is Applications and bids should be ad the street got so on his nerves that fund» to defray the cost of wiring students in German universities. Joseph 8. 8eed». an insane person. | will apply to the court for the relief dressed to G. G. Brown. Clerk State he had to make some pointed re the street» for the electrical Illumi Tuberculosl» stands at the bead of demanded in said complaint. Said Now, on this the 23d day of May,' I-and Board, Salem. Oregon, and marks about It and the noise was nation for the Fourth It »U* Slated tlie list of dlsi-ase» which afflict the suit Is brought to secure dissolution 1910, this court having read and con marked "Application and bld to pur chase swamp lands." not so loud, either. He seemed to that work would be ot a permanent American Indian of the bonds of matrimony existing sidered the petition heretofore filed G. G. BROWN, * expecting something to drop every nature, and If the city paid for It the Holland has the lowest Infant mor-! between yourself and plaintiff and now presented herein by Sarah E. Clerk State Land Board. ■ cond and was continually shoving company would furnish free of charge tality of European countrl«*», and En-I Thia summon» is published in the Heeds, the duly ap|M>inted. qualified April 14. 1910. 4-21-6-23 : hl» measures before the council, in the light on all public occasions. The gland ranks next. Klamath Falls Republican, a weekly and acting guardian of the p»irson and 10-19000 "K” A. M order to head off any move of the en matter was taken under advisement. For th« first time in many years; newspaper printed and published at estate of Joseph 8. Seeds, an insane emy. liut the expected did not hap- NOTICE OF RESTORATION OF The Police Judge submitted hi» Nevada produced a marketable quan Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order of person, praying for an order of the PUBLIC LANDS TO SETTLEMENT I • n last night But wait annual report, of which the follow- tity of quicksilver lust year. Honorable Judge Noland, judg«- of court for the sale of certain real prop AND ENTRY.—Department of the William Sargent, who was elected lug summary 1» a part New Zealand fruit growers have »aid court, and dated the 25th day of erty of said estate, and it appearing 1 Interior, General Land Office. Wash unillm.m from the Fifth ward, was imported 100 owl» from Germany to May, 1910. The first publication to to the court therefrom that said real ington, D. C., March 30, 1910.—No Indcbtcdne»-, tice is hereby given that the Secre r ot < harmed with the honors of his combat their post of small birds. be made on the 26th day of May, property should be sold: tary of the Interior has vacated de ■ nice, and declined to qualify The Outstanding water and Canada's population at the close of , 1910, and the last publication thereof It I. Hereby Ordered: That the , partmentaI order of wlthdraWal ln „ (10,000.00 light bonds council, therefore, elected A G. Wal 1909 was estimati'd at 7,250,000 by on the 7th day of July, 1910. next of kin of said ward, to-wtt. i j ar ag tjje same affects the withdrawal dron In hlu place Mr. Waldron Is a Outstanding sewer bond» 40.000 00 the dominion bureau of census Joseph H. Seeds, Charles W. Seeds.' for irrigation purposes under the act HORACE M. MANNING. Outstanding city warrants 37.188.07 k<M>u obsi rver. aud he 1» going to see 5-26-7-9 Attorney for Plaintiff. Jay E. Seeds, Mary E. Seeds and Lucy | of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat.. 388), for 4.192.22 that his and of the city is cared for. Accumulated intoriwt May Tygart, and all persons inter use in connection with the Klamath Project. Oregon-Calif., of the follow tn this he will have th* cheerful co ested in the said «-state, appear before I ing described lands in the State of NOTICE OF FI MM. Total Indebtedness May Mother» who value thei r own com- rporation of Rtansblo, his colleague FINAL ACCOUNT this court on the 30th day of June. Oregon and by his authority such of IS. 1910 I ".'■ iort and the welfar • of their cbildten Neither of theae men will be a tool 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the ! said tracts as have not been hereto r.hculd never be without n box o* ■ •f Randcrson's. And. of course. Stone (ietterai F umi forenoon of said day. at the court-. fore finally restored and are not oth In the County Court of the State of erwise withdrawn, reserved, or appro Mother Gray'» Sweet Powder» for and Faught from the Fourth will not Balance on hand May 18, roo mof this court, at Klamath Fails, ’ priated, will be subject to settlement Oregon, for Klamath County. Children, for is« '.rougnou'. the sen ho made monklea of by his honor. It 1909 « 985 15 9 J. C. Ferguson, administrator of in the County of Klamath, State of | under the public land laws of the sor They brt-.i*: np col iv. ure fever• Is a cinch that out of the remaining Received from taxe» 13.808.95 Ubness, constiputt •.!. teething dlsor- the estate of Lewis P. Nelson, some Oregon, then and there to show cause, I United States on and after July 2, there will bo found two who will Received from OL.Carter if any there be. why an order should 1910, but shall not be subject to en 10 00 <L rs. headache ind stomach trouble« times called Louis P. Nelson, some not be granted by this court for the I try, filing, or selection until August give his honor the merry ha-ha. so TFeee po v-i • » never tall. Sold by times called I-aw re nee P. Nelson, ■ sale of such real property, described 1, 1910, at the United States land t hat bo will no longer be boss of the 113.704.10 office at Lakeview, Oregon, warning Total I al drug 'tire.. X5c Don't accept Hometimes called L. I’. Nelson, de in said petition, to-wit: Lot one of being expressly given that no person <ity administration or. rather, h* By warrant» > 8,485.15 i_nv »ubx’ltu.* ’ tr I package will ceased. having filed his final account block forty-eight of Klamath Fall», will be permitted to gain or exercise Will no longer be able to carry out Interest paid 1,707.41 any right whatever under any settle be sent ft. e to any mother who «11! ot his administration of said estate, Oregon (Nichol's Addition). i he orders of Al Leavitt, Charlie Interest on bond» «00.00 ment or occupation begun after addteee Alt* i S Olmsted. LcRov. N Y notice is hereby given that the court Moore's handy man And it is further ordered: That Balance on hand 2. «11. S3 March 22, 1910, and prior to July 2, has appointed Thursday, the 30th day 1910, all such settlement or occupa The council ini ream'd the bond of of June, 1910. at the court house in service of this order be made by pub tion being forbidden: Willamette Milling to Oblige the Lady 'he illy treasurer from «5,000 to lication thereof for the period of «13.704 10 I Total the city ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, at ! Principal Meridian—T. 37 8.. R. 7 He arose in the crowded isle. 1)5,00" t'aptaln Siemens having III-1 Th« r«-|»ort was received, read and three weeks beginning with the 26th E., all Secs. 6, 7, 8, 10 and 23 and the hour ot 2 o'clock in the afternoon "I couldn't think ot depriving you of »aid day as the time and place for day of May, 1910, in the Klamath Re i 26 to 35 inclusive. T. 39 S., R. 8 E., ■Heated to the council that such ac- filed i i»n would be agreeable to him The ordinance providing for the of your seat." sv sweetly said. "Pray hearing and settling said final ac publican, a weekly newspaper of gen NH NEH. NH NWH Section 13; NH NEH and WH Sec. 14; Th. following bills wore ordered issuance of the >20.000 in bonds that keep It." count and the hearing of all objec eral circulation, published at Klam NH NEH. NWH and WH SWH I ath Falls, Oregon. He sat down again. i aid Sec. 22; NWH, SEH. NWH Sec. I were voted al the special election to ' "Very well; if you insist upon it. tions thereto or to any particular item Dated this 23d day ot May. 1910. ,28; NH Sec 29; NH. EH SWH, provide funds for the purchase of; I ight and Water Co . April thereof. It was further ordered by J. B GRIFFITH WH SEH and NEH SEH 8ec. 30 »387 72 the garbage and city hall altos and ina’am," he said in a resigned voice. the court tha: this notice be published and May and SEH Sec. 36. T. 40 3.. R. 8 County Judge 5-26-6-16 38.85 to commence work on the new city But I’ve alseadv been carried by ray in the Klamath Republican, the first N E. Conner E., EH NWH and NEH Sec. 1; WH 2.50 hall was mad the third time and street.” Kansas City Journal SWH Sec. 7; WH SWH Sec. 27; Harshall House I ublication thereof to bo made on the NOTICE OF SALK OF REAL Bld» on the bonds will be NH NEH. SWH NEH. EH NWH 55.00 pissed Klamath Abstract <’■> 1 .'6th day of May, 1910, and the last What He Wished to Know ESTATE AT PRIVATE HALF’ and SEH Sec. 33. T. 39 S.. R. 9 E.. 75.00 opened Jnly 7. William Hall publication thereof on the 23d day all Sec 1; EH. NWH. EH SWH "Here's an article in this magazine cf June. 1910. The mayor then announced his ap- 75.00 lu the County Court of the State of Sec. 2; all Sec 8. L Walker “ 5; NH- SW%, WH 90 51) IMiintments for the ensuing year, and entitled How to Meet Trouble.' Oregon, for the County of SEH Sec 8; NH SWH and SW % E. C Townsend J. C FERGUSON, »aid Mrs Wedderiy Shall I read it SEH Sec 9; EH NEH and NWH 32.80 they were as follows: Klamath. Theo Revnor Administrator. 11; NH. NEH SWH and to you?" City engineer—D. J. Zumwalt 5110 \ L l^nvltt Dated at Klamath Falla. Oregon, In the Matter of the Estate of D. F. NEH Sec. Sec. 12; EH NEH Sec. 13; SEH "No. thank you." replied the hus City attorney Thomas Drake 50.00 Johnson, Deceased Thomas Drab« May 26th, 1910 5-26-6-23 NWH NE %. N H NW H . SW H band. How to dodge trouble is the City marshal -E C. Townsend 567.00 chlro Construction Co Notice is hereby given that, in NWH Sec. 17; all Sc. 18; WH NEH SALE OF TIMBER I’ollce 8 L Walker. Wllliani brand of information I'm looking St 75 Morning Express pursuance of an order of the above WH and WH SEH Sec. 19; SWH NEH. SEH NWH. EH SWH. WH 3 26 Hall, C. C. Low and George B Sny ft r." - Chicago News .■ntitled court, made in the above en SEH L R 8ton« and SEH SEH Sec 28; NH. Portland Ore., April 21, 1910 17 50 der Mr. Snyder's appointment is a F H. Biehn titled matter, on the tenth day of NH SWH NH SEH Sec. 30; SWH temporary one. so as to permit of his 22.55 Farmers Imp A Hup Hou»« Sealed bids marked outside "'Bid, May. 1910, the undersigned, as ad I SWH Sec. 31; NEH. EH NWH 2.50 serving during the absence from the 1* L Fountain Timber Sale Application. April 6, ministrator. will sell the premises I and EH SEH Sec. 33; SEH NWH. WH NWH and SWH Sec. 34. T 4.25 city of 8. L. Walker, • Tty Transfer On.- 2-year-old and two yearling 1910, Crater." and addressed to the hereinafter described, at private sale 35 S . R 7H E.. lots 1. 2. 3, 4 and Electrical engineer- R. J. Sheets. 1.50 Marlon llames Service. to the highest bidder for cash, on or the SWH SWH Sec. 16. T. 40 S Jersey bulls for sale or trade; fine District Forester, Forest L. F Willits was elected president stock Geo E Byers. Stearns Ranch, Portland. Oregon, will be received up after the eighteenth day of June. R. 9 E..WH SWH. Sec. 1; SEH 100.00 C. C. IzO» 2 50 <’t the council. iTnndennlng Livery Keno road 6-2-tf to and including the 2d day of July, 1910. at my residence at the post- NEH. SW’H SEH EH SEH Sec. 2; The mayor announced tin- appoint 12.50 1 W Siemens 1910, for all the merchantable dead office at Tule Lake, Klamath County. SWH NEH Sec. 3; SH SWH. SWH SEH Sec 5; NH NWH SWH. EH NOTICE. 56.29 ment of the following committees \ckley Bros timber standing or down and all the Oregeu. subject only to confit ma SWH. SEH Sec. 6; NEH NEH Sec Parties wishing sagebrush land Judiciary Stone, Willits. Oben- I 61 87 Robert« A Hank» live timber marked for cutting by the tion of said sale as by law provided. 7; WH NEH. NWH. NEH SWH clearer call on or writ*. 19 75 chain. Ramsby’s Exprés« forest officer, located on an area to The property hereinbefore referred and SEH Sec 8; SWH and WH Finance Willit», Castel, Hauk» W. W. MA8TEN. udges and clerk» special I be definitely designated by the forest to is particularly described as fol SEH Sec 9; EH NEH Sec 11; NWH. NH SWH and SWH SWH Stroet— Summers. Wilkins, Stans- 11-ltf Klamath Falla. Ore officer before cutting begins of ap lows, to-wit: 1.00 ■ lection, ««ch Sec. 12; NWH NWH and SWH proximately 400 acres on the east South half ot the southwest quar SWH Sec 13; EH NEH, SWH The council granted the follow- bie. Fire and Water Caste). Stansbie, NOTICE TO CREDITORE slope of Pelican Butte within the EH ter (SH SWH) section thirty-four SWH. SEH SEH Sec 14; NEH. ing permits: Faught. of sec. 10 and the Wj of sec 11, T. (34), township forty (40) south, SH SWH. SH SEH Sec. 15; WH Addition to the house of John 8. Health Wilkins, Waldron Faught. In the County Court of the State of 35 S„ R 6 E , W. M , in the Crater and the north half of the northwest NEH. WH and SEH Sec. 16; EH NEH and NEH SEH Sec. 1" EH. Peck, located on Walnnt street The socialists presented a communi Oregon, for Klamath County National Forest, Oregon; «estimated to quarter (NH NWH), section three NWH and EH SWH Sec 21; all II s Jone», by W T. 8hlvo, agent cation asking for the Buspension ot In the Matter of the Estate of Wil be 2,702,000 feet B. M. of western (3), township forty-one (41) south, Sec. 23; SWH SWH Sec. 22; NH Two four-room dwelling» on lota licenses for concessions on the en liam Bieh l, Deceased yellow pine. 1,318,000 feet B. M. of range twelve (12) E. W. M.. In NEH and NWH See. 24; NEH EH NWH. NWH NWH. NWH SEH. 10 and II. block 19. Fallvlew nddl- campment grounds durlug the social > otice is hereby given hv th' un white fir, 126,000 feet B. M. of Doug Klamath County, Oregon I EH SEH Sec. 27; NEH NEH Sec tlon. ist encampment, and the matter was 1< rsigned, ad r.hiTtrator of the eat*'« in» fir. 40,000 feet B. M. of incense Dated this tenth day of May. 1910 28; NEH NEH Sec 34; NH. NEH Lester R. Barrows Addition, 50x I taken under advisement by the of William Biehn. deceased, to the cedar, 8.000 feet B. M. of sugar pine, SWH and SEH Sec 35. T. 41 S.. J. M JOHNSON. R. 9 E. NEH. SEH NWH. NEH ■ () feet, to garage located on lots 7 ' mayor. creditor» of. and all persons Interest live saw timber, and 280,000 feet Administrator of Said Estate SWH. NWH SEH and SH SEH and 8, block 3, Hot Springs addition.! The ordinance for the approving of ed In or having claims against the B. M. or dead saw timber, log scale, 5-12-6-9 Sec. 1; NEH NEH Sec. 2; and NBH Allen * Patterson Frame build the plat of the Lakeview addition was said estate or against the said de- more or less. No bid of less than NEH Sec. 12. T. 41 S.. R. 10 E . ing 20x30 feet, on westerly portion passed. NOTICE OF RESTORATION OF SH NWH and SH Sec. 4; NWH ceased, to exhibit them, with thc «2.75 per M feet B. M for both live An ordinance fixing the use of proper vouchers, within six moi ths and dead timber will be considered, PUBLIC LANDS TO SETTLEMENT Sec 6; NEH and NEH NWH Sec ■ >f lot 4, block 49, Nichols addition to be used as a blacksmith »hop. »ewers and regulating tho installation after the first publication of 'his no and a deposit of one thousand dol AND ENTRY. ( 10-2882S "K” A. 9; NWH Sec 10 T. 37 8.. R. 13 E., all. T. 38 S.. R. 13 E.. all Secs John J. Maehl Brick or cement ot plumbing was Introduced and tice, to the said administrator at the lars I «1,000 00), payable to the order M), Department of the Interior, Gen 1 to 12; 14 to 23 and 27 to 33 in building, 49x60 feet, on lot 9, block pissed to second reading. office of E L. Elliott, in First Nation of the First National Bank of Port eral I-and Office. Washington. D. C., clusive. T. 38 S., R. 14 E., all Secs I Also one providing for the extmi- al Bank building. Klamath Falls, Ore land. Oregon, must be sent to that April 16, 1910.—Notice is hereby 1 to 15. 22 to 27 and 34 to 36 in 19; cost >10,000. T. 39 S., R. 14 E., all Secs O. C. Jenson and John Freesell— »lon of Front, and Oak streets in the gon, the same being the place for the bank for each bld submitted to the given that the Secretary of the In clusive. 1. 2. 11. 12. 13, 14. 24. 25 and 31 Frame building. 42x60 feet, two- Mill's addition. •-tnnsaction of the business of said District Forester Timber upon valid terior has vacated departmental or to 36 inclusive. T. 39 S.. R. 15 E . Councilman Wilkins at the request esttt.e. story, on lot 6. block 49. Nichol» ad claims is exempted from sale. The der of withdrawal in so far as the all. T. 37 8.. R. 10 E . all Sec». 14 of the mayor introduced an ordinance dition Dated this the Sth Ji.■ o! June. right to reject any and all bids is re same affect» the withdrawal for irri to 17, 19 to 23 and 25 to 36 Inclu sive. T. 38 8.. R. 10 E., all Secs. 1 8 E. Owens To erect a dwelling providing an increase of tho sataries 1910. served. For further information and gation purposes under the act of June to 6. 8 to 16, 23 to 25 Inclusive and I • »n lots 11 and 12, block 3«, Hot of the city recorder and city attorney, GEORGE BIEHN, regulations governing sales address 17, 1902 (32 Stat., 388), for use in Sec 36. T. 38 S.. R 11 HE, *11 Secs which was passed to second reading Administrator of the estate of Wil Forest Supervisor, Crater National connection with the Klamath Project, 6. 7. 18 and 28 to 33 inclusive. 8. V. Springs addition M F. Thurmond and 8. M. Mishey and referred to the Judiciary com liam Biehn, decoaged. Oregon-California, of the following PROUDFIT. Acting Commissioner of Forest. Medford. Oregon. the Gen Laad Office. FRANK BusinesH building, 30 feet front by mittee with instructions to fix tho E L ELLIOTT. described lands in the State of Ore PIERCE. First Assistant Secretary of GEO H CECIL. 6-9-7-T to feet deep, to be ot brick or con- amount that shall be allowed Attorney. 6-21-6-30 Acting District Forester. gon and by his authority such of said the Interior. 4-21-6-20 i KEEPTHE KIDNEYS WELL