Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1910)
ft | saying that there was a mix-up be REPORT Ob' THE CONDITION Ob' tween a party of revolutiouistii and 1 several of Madriz's soldiers. One ‘man was severely hurt by being hll E. J. MURRAY, Editor. over the head with a bottle. __ ___________________________ . H T111 I If Illi And thia la not all these two active nt Klamath Falla. In the Stale of Oregon, at the close of businoM, ‘ representatives of unrecognized but January 31, 1910. I aspiring governments of the same 1 uufortuiiatc country have to do. HKNOVIU'KN TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE DOLLARN I While tn the midst of a most ardu 1 oua campaign they are like as not to! All communications submitted for publication in the columns of this Loans and Discounts «8.344.68 paper will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume be rudely Interrupted hy u message ' 3,464 4« ltonds. securities, etc. ............. . articles will be published. ' from New Orleans saying that the Hankltig house, furniture, and fixture« 1.160 74 other side la preparing to send down 1 Due from banka (not reserve banka) 10,031.63 Due from approved reserve banks 30,401.44 a ship loaded with ammunition and | TIIK UNEXPLORED REGION Checks and other cash Items . .. ...... American soldiers of fortune, and for I < ash on hand 10,07.76 Parts <4 tlie Capitol Building Hut IJt Judge I«xii lit Ila.« \ oiunttMWVMl Ki.« heaven's sake to stop It. Therefore, 'either Dr. Caatrillo or Don Lula, as tie Kuoun to Many I124.H64.68 Total Servkrs, amt the knot Will lie , th«* cas<- ma* be, hurries to New Or TVed ou latke bhaauna leans and clamors to the district at United Trees Service. IMIU.AHN LIABILITIES torney to stop thia open violation of Washington. D. C. Juue 8.—When the .-K'nate and house* office buildings The Fourth of July committee has I th«' neutralitv lawa of th«' United Capital stock paid ill 36,000 00 Th«- revolutionists did not I were built aud subteran<«an tubes decided to give <150 worth of house Sti«t«Mi Undivided proñta, leas expenses and taxes psld 4M 64 i HIW INTEREST 4 ENTERS IN bored to connect the two structure's 50.930.11 Individual deposits subject to check hold furniture and utensils to the succee«! in getting away with their 380 00 Demand cortlñcutos of deposit with the* capitol Itself, a new vista i couple who will get tnarrl«*d under I expedition Th«* Madriz people were | C1K4TIT Jl lMiKSHII’ 1 1.68k 0« Time cert mentes of deposit mor« successful They miuiug«*d to ; of halls and ce>rride>rs was opened. Ils uuspices on the night of July 4th. .i r.oio sa Havings deposits ... . The* capitol building has a modern The ct'remonv is to be performed on get the Venue out of New Orhuina. Dispite all the horrible warring appe'arance fro mthe ground up. but a barge anchored on Lake Ewauna. <134.864.68 Total underneath. In the sub-basement, so Police Judge A. L. l.«>avitt having vol- that Merna to be going on the report I te> s|H*ak. everything is mediaeval, unteert'd his services for the occa« that a batch of American aoldiera of Slate of Oregou, ) fortune they are mostly tramps, in County of Klamath, las U hat EHix-l Will the R«'|>ut>lican I* in the' good old days when the foun sion. I, J. W. Helmens. Cashier of the ubotv-uamod bank, do solemuly dations of the government were The rules governing the affair will rtalitji are to «ail for the scenes of * M-mbly Plan Have im the For sweat that the above statement Is trim to the best of inv knowledge built brick work was enre'gle. Hence be simple, aud au> member of the hostility «win» t«j creat«' mor«' fear and belief J. W. HKIMKNH. Cashier. tune« of Candidate» underlying the whole building are conitnittoe will make known the con- than a whole native army. It has G. W BALDWIN, Correct Attest * be wildering stretches of bricked cor ditions to interested parties, There heeu openly charged by the generals J A MADDOX. Director' ridors that twist about like a maze*. is nothing of the sensational about it. that the Americans, once In the con Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 7th day of Fnbruary, The Jay of the pleasant smile and 1910. E I. ELLIOTT, Notary Public The subways from the house and but it will be surrounded by all of filet. do not observe the South Amer- the glad hand is beginning to dawn, senate tap a series of those* subter lean etiquette of fighting at all In the decorum and solemnity the ini-i and it is plain that the busy political ranean passageways at either end of porlanc« of the event commands . one case a general perhaps a gen- bee has already commenced to buzz. the* capitol. Modern archite'cts anei The committee simplj desires to show > erallaalmo—hoisted a flag of truce to lodge a protest with the enomy There is a great deal of talk, but so workmen have* done their best to its good will, and to make the day a straighten out their kinks; electric memorable one for the couple start-1 that some Americans were killing tar then* has been no concentration lights point the wav to elevators out ing out on the sea of matrimony on . his men In another case an entire on any one of the various offices that of the- cove-like- passages, and dozens army balked nt going into action un that occasion til it could be exactly ascertained in of signboards will be filled this fall. whnt position three Americans, who Ever since Judge Benson made it farers. WHERE MOST 4>F THE happened to be in the ranks of the But there is hardly a day that even known that he would under no cir- FIGHTING IS DONE opposing army, wer« After much those- senators and congressmen who < imstances be a candidate for judge habituallv use the tube don't find delay Abe information was *«'cured of the circuit court the republicans themselves temporarily lost in the Fai«- ol Nicaragua Settled Every Day whereat the army dashed gallantly tty the tg'-ut« in Washington to the attack at right angles from 1 ave been casting about for a man recesse-s of a whitewashed brick cor the Americans. ridor that who would make the race against the turns and twists in and t »ite<l Service Ry actual analysis of a Nicaraguan >resent incumbent. Hon. 1 Geo. No- about and smells hot and fetid. ENG IN ES • BOI LE.RS • SAW Ml LL5-THRE5HER5 army in the present hontllitlea. if it It isn’t only at the subway en- land. Various names i have been sug- WASHINGTON. D. C. June T. WRITE TOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES seated, among them being District trances that the explorer of mediae- Whatever charges of inactivity may numbers 300 men. is composed of THE AH AVERILL MACHINERY CO. SPOKANE. WASH • PORTLAND OHL - JAN JClSl CAL Attorney Kuykendall. F H. Mills. J. valism finds himself stumped. Before I i be laid at the doors of the leaders of usually about six generals, twenty- C. Rutenic and E. L. Elliott of this the office buildings were built it be- ; i the two factions which have been four men armed with rifles that shoot city and one or two of the Lake view came necessary, in order to accorti- struggling—or supposed to have been around corners, and the rest are attorneys. Kuykendall's friends are niodate legislators with rooms, to struggling—for the control of Nica small boys arno'd with an odd as- 4 rTHEIWPROVfo . confident that he will be the candi use little cell-like boxes. provided ragua. the same cannot be said for sortment of knlv«?s and machetes A Splendido wail date. and are looking after his inter with Brussels carpets and mahoganv their agents in the United States. When a campaign falls It Is usually ests throughout the two counties furniture on the same level as the Some time ago dispatches to the state i because of sore feet. for every use, with an enthusiasm that is making sub-baseUicui. However, they had department conveyed the uiomeutous Cut generous votes for their choice. Messrs. Mills. light from the terraces and windows news that the forces of Madrlx were Overlooked a Good Thing ly full. I wo Rutenic and Elliott are taking no that overlooked the grassy slopes of within twenty miles of Bluefields, the hip pockets. I "What makes the trust magnate more part in the matter than is Kuy the capitol grounds. Once inside citadel of the revolutionists under Felled teams. kendall. but they have a good, strong these offices—some of them are still Estrada A bloody battle was expect look so worried’" Continuous •'He has just read that the Amer 1 - following that will do everything to in use. by the way—the prospect is ed at any moment Twelve days later fly. land the nomination for them. Some not bad. But it is in the getting to the news was flashed over the wire can farmer is very prosperous, ant! W- « 4 State. COPPER have overlooked wise ones, however, declare that and from them that the way is haz from Consul Moffatt that the Madriz be feels that he must MNifMiiifl. none of these gentlemen will be nom ardous. Curious narrow stairways army was within ten miles of Blue something." Houston Post MaiusitCtwr*'« (Ml inated When th time comes Ben twist down from the upper stories fields and a battle was expected at kos will be forced into the race and and gloomy brick walls temporarily any moment. It took twelve days NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE party pressure brought to bear to furnished have to be passed And to advance ten miles—a very good LANDS get him to accept the nomination. If there are so many outshoots of cor rate of progress, it seems, in Central Nyals Vege Notice is hereby given that the 1 and the timber thereon, under the he consents, then all the others will ridors that it is the easiest thing in American revolutionary warfare. tabla Prascrlp I provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, State luind Hoard will re-eiv-- sealed -tep aside. the world for the meditatively in But while the two armies, so- lion Is Indicat The office of county judge is one clined statesman to be wandering called. were dashing madly into the bids until 11:00 o'clock a m , August , and acts amendatory, known as the ed in all ordl- nary diseases of 'hat is attracting a great deal of at along to suddenly discover that he is fray the two agents at Washington 1. 1910, for the following described "Timber, and Stone Ixtw." at such value as might be fixed b> appraise women. This tention in certain places. It is a cer off the beaten track, and. finally, af have been having a campaign of school lands. to-wit: remedy never ment. and that, pursuant to such ap All of Sec. 16, T. 25 8 . R 9 E tainty that the Hog Combine will go ter tramping about several miles, to their own which makes the warfare disappoints, Its i NEH. NE% of NWH, Wft of plication. the land and timber there into win. and will support the man run across the engine rooms. down there look purlle by compari g'.od effects be on have been appraised. June 14. »ho will do its bidding, irrespective The capitol underground some son, Dr. Salvator Cuatrillo, agent NW% and KH of SE % of Section ing per« < pt Ibis 1909. the timber estimated at 436,- trom tito very of party. The Combine hopes that what resembles the catacombs. of the revolution, has slain several 36. T. 37 S . R 13 E first. It la com All bids must be accompanied by 000 board feet at <75 per M. and the matters will be lined up so that the Every few months rare paintings, armies, invaded Managua and all posed of tLs opposition will be divided and all of antiquated reports, books, or files but had the country in his back pock a regularly executed application to land at *44.00; that said applicant purest and ths will offer final proof in sti|>ort of his the Combine strength can be concen- of correspondence are unearthed in et. And Senor Don Luis Corea, like purchase and at least one-fifth of th<- most rellabls application and sworn statement on drag: . mercu 1 rated on one man In this way they some dark, cobwebby and long-for- wise. not to be outdone, has all but amount offered the 30th day of June, 1910, l>e(ore rials, oplates No bid for less than <7.50 per ucre ¡»elieve the county court will be cap gotten cubby-hole. They reeur- crushed the remnant of revolution and other har R M Richardson, I'. H Conimlsston- tured and the courthouse question rected a portrait, in oil, from just ary forces so many times that it is a w ill be considered mful drugs be . or. at Klamath Falla. Oregon such a The right Is reserved to reject any 1 -ettled to their own satisfaction. Sev- hiding place last session. It wonder they have the courage to stay ing excluded Any person Is at liberty to protest • ral names have been suggested by was a picture of one of the former in the fighting game. So many have and ail bids. The many dis concerting In- Applications and bids should be ad this purchase before entry. nr Initlnte the Combine, among them being Geo vice-presidents, and after an art re been "wounded and slain" that Nica fluences te Huru. Chas. Graves, Judge Baldwin storer had spent several weeks on It, ragua. according to their reports, dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State a contest at any_ time before patent which woman on the democratic side; L. F. Willits, rubbing off the grime and dust of must be one vast battlefield of Land Board. Halem. Oregon, and issues, by filing a corroborated nffi. is constaatly dnvlt In this office, alleging facts marked "Application and bld to pur Henry Boivin. C. S Moore on the re several score years, it was delegated wounded and dying subjected ren which would defeat the entry der her linbls publican side. Any of them would to a place of honor in a committee Heretofore the campaign has chase state lands." ARTHUR W ORTON to many Functional disorders ____ _____ that G. G. BROWN, be "safe" men from the Hog Com room. been conducted in some such fash not only tend to destroy her comfort 4-38-6-36 Register. Clerk State Land Board bine's standpoint, but the people of Directly underneath the dome of ion as this: Dr. 3alvator Castrillo, and happiness, but which gradually I Dated April 32. 1910. 4-2S-7 • rhe county have a different view of the capitol, and the deepest level of flashing several sheets of telegraph merge Into chronic and serious dis eases it. It is possible that the republicans the sub-sub-basement, is a small paper, invades the state department Nyai'a Vegetable Proscription is will center on C. 8. Moore. He has room like a crypt Historians insist with the momentous news that. Gen MHIt'K OF HALE OF STATE without a peer for the successful ATTORNEY AND been trotting out men from time im thatt he architect of the capitol in eral Mena, commanding the army of LANDS t reatm net of female weakness, pain COUNSELOR AT LAW memorial who if they won did his bid tended that it should contain the advance, has met the Madriz army ful and disordered nienstrutatlon, Notice Is hereby given that the ding: if they lost had to stand all of bones of Washington—who, by the and routed it completely, opening the hysteria, cramps, "bearing down KLAMATH FALI>, OREGON State I^ind Board will receive sealed pains," Inflammation and falling at the brunt of defeat. These men are way, laid the corner stone of the ori way to Managua, the Nicaraguan ROOMS 7 A 8. MURDOCK BLOG the worn*. This la a remedy of now demanding that the time has ginal building on September la. capital. Numbers have been slain, blds until 11:00 o'clock a. m., August I sterling worth. 1, 1910, for the following described < om. when he should step into the 1793—and It was evidently built to and those who were not have desert WILL A. LEONARD breach and make the fight. In view receive some precious relic, Vfai I ed with glad cries of joy and run school lands, to-wit: UNDERWOODS PHURiMCf All of Section 16. T 25 8.. It. 7 E. of the fact that the republicans will tors seldom penetrate to the room over to the insurgent side to fight DENTIST Cor 7th and Main Streets All bids must be accompanied by hold an assembly this year, it need In it lies the bier on which three against the tyrant in whose army Klamath Falla Orvgoa Whit4»Ma<M<>x Bldg. a regularly executed application to not be surprising if it should stam presidents have laid in state—Lin they have been forced to serve. It pede to Moore and the nomination coln, Garfield and McKinley. It has seems that it will only be a day or I purchase and at least one-fifth of the forced on him. He is recognized as borne the weight of these distin iwo before Managua is taken and amount offered DR C. P. MASON the head and front of the opposition guished dead on the occasions when Madriz is ousted from the pr<*elden-' No bid for less than <15.00 per DENTIST acre will be considered to the courthouse removal, and the martyred presidents laid in state tlal mansion. The right is reserved to reject any I Office in American Bank A Trust Com should lead their forces. It is a poor in the rotunda of the capitol Itself. Scarcely have Dr. Castriilo's foot and all blds pany ’ s Building general who will skulk behind the But speaking of the subterranean steps died away when Don Luis Corea Applications and bids should lie ad-1 PHONE 814 breastworks, while his friends are passages again An elevator con appears on the scene He Is smiling dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State fighting for him. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ductor operating one of the "lifts" triumphantly. The revolutionists The courthouse question will be to the depths ran across a very well have been demoralized, their army Land Board. Salem. Oregon, and j the issue of the campaign, and if known member of congress down has been shattered. So many of them marked "Application and bld to pur ELLSWORTH A MITCHELL BENSON 4 STONE ■■ach side could select a man who there recently. The member has have been killed that it is impossible chase state lands." VETERINARY SURGEONS G G. BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW would be the personification of the served here for twelve years at least to count them. Madlrz is merely i AND DENTISTS Clerk State Land Board issue and let the race be on that line and knows the ropes thoroughly. waiting to march on Bluefields and American Hank Phone TM I Office CrlMler-BtllU BullUlus Dated April 22. 1910. 4-28-7-2»' it would settle the matter quickly But he frankly admitted that he had sweep the revolution into the Atlan and Trust Bldf. and definitely. been lost. "And if you ever let it ■ tic—if it does not succeed in eluding IIOIATKINH FOB KLAMATH FALLS - OREGON IRRGIRTKRKD The assembly will also play an irn- get out that I was lost,” he added I capture by hiding on a fruit boat If! HALE portant part in the campaign. The confidently to his rescuer, "the peo Mr Knox will kindly recognize Dr. , Lakeview 02956 I have some fine young registered RICHARDSON Holstein R. M politicians need not fool themselves ple up in my district will defeat me Madriz as president of Nicaragua he: bulls for sale; A-I stock and Not coal land into the belief that the people are in sure. It would never do to let it out will save all this muss and bloodshed Department of the Interior, United United States Commissioner acclimated. M. F. LOOSELEY, Ft Klamath, Oregon. favor of the assembly. Whether that I didn't know the way around and do the poor unfortunate revolu- ■ States I«and Office at Lakeview, I their likes or dislikes to that pro the capitol." tionists a real favor They are only; Oregon. April 22, 1910. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD gram will take on a vigorous oppo- boys, anyway, and they should be Notice is hereby given that Frank PROOF TAKEN His Revenge sition remains to be seen, but that back in school learning their lessons Irish, whose postoffice address is Office, Third and Main, opposite City ATTORNEY AT LAW there is considerable condemnation You shouldn’t have proposed to instead of being forced to bolster up Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on the Library. Telephone .101. of it Is already apparent, The peo- me," she said, gently “You might the pretenses of a mountebank of a 24th day of January. 1910, file in this General law Practice State and Fed pie feel that the direct primary is have known I'd refuse you." revolutionist oral Courts office his Sworn Statement and Ap their only means of defense, and are "I did know," he said, savagely, Examiner of !<and Titles A day or so later Consul Moffatt at plication, No. 02956, to purchase the Ceni Ò^T m U mvìm « Keetao I s - jealous of protecting it from destruc "or I wouldn't have proposed "—Bal Bluefields or Consul Olivares at Ma WVk NW%, Section 35, Township 38 First National Bank Block etilato in Oregon. WHtaforUas- W.’ÄWtfÄS tion. timore American. nagua will send in a brief dispatch I S, Hauge 10 E, Willamette Meridian, Klamath Falls, Oregon KLAMATH REPUBLICAN f|[[ f|||||(|f(J|jf THE FIRST TRUST >«» SAVINGS BANK LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON POLITICAL BEES ARE NOW BUZZING ft RUSSELL NIGH GRADE ► ^Nonpareil OVERALLS C. C. BROWER E. L. ELLIOTT 5