Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1910)
i- fom club l«agu'<, Sun Friimlsio and I Hiicriiinrntii retiring on account of competition of ('oust Lciigiti' teems it. those cities Saturday and Hunduy hl.HIIIII DEVEIJH'.MENT 4’4», OKLAHOMA Ki NATOIt sHs 1 ills gunn-R only will ln< played NTAItTN SEW lit OHO I GUFARE HTATF IN MONT ENLIGHTENED if allowed to vot«- on the question, would be overwhelmingly in favor of i nlversal peace. H«« ssid commercial intirests having Imph-ments of war lo sell filled th«- pr««-» with rumors of war every time a naval appropriation ill Ile M««< ii<biioiz« <l anti lie One of De< lar«-» t oiiinier« lai Interests Fill comes befor«- congr«-*s. Pre»» ith Wur Rumor» for flu' liest Street» in flu- County. Naval appropriation ON IDE TRAIL OF DEE’RSI.A Y Elt Others Are Io Ik' Built NEW STREET BEING OPENED COMMENDS THE OREGON PLAN MAY raw UGHI OH NVSIEHY Hniteii PraMs Service HAN FRANCIX <». Juno 3 At his 'ruining camp at Ocean Beach today lack Johnson said he didn’t believe Governor Gillett«' hud given the th«- Interview which wits shown to him by .i United Press correspondent. Johnson said: “I will win (tint luly event if I am compelled to whip 10.000 white men around the ring Th«* fight Is on tin* level, the moving ulctures will show that. Even If ther«- were souu't b I ng crooked. how could Governor Gillette learn unythlng anything about It?” Almira«i Nlougb tlitu id Abner We«-d io George W i.OOHl- . purt <>f lol 2 ««••<■ I mu' fctrt of '< i i • « 3-34-7 1*0 th'orge W Loosley to Abni-r Weed, ■art of lot 2 1 and all of lot 20, s«-c. i Id ' - |l<> C H Crialer and II. E stilts to MIunI«- Ci I'-ler and Ella II Stills, pint 4-3»-!» ’ j at«d of HE of HE *4 *•'*’ 4-39 NW *4 of HW % of sec 15-39-9; >10 Mary L. Wight to i ’h«-»t«'•* L Ho KE >, of vry. Iialf In trreat III lol SW (if S«*«'. «*. IU I K'j of NW * »««e. 7-37-10; >10 J (' Fergusen. adn-lnlntratio I f • »tat«- ot l,«Hiis I- NelMUt, to C It iJe- I. ap, NE>4 of s«-« 11-40-9, >3.200 It M C Brown to Sellimi District No .'«> of Klamath «ounty, Oregon, a tract of land io yards square In th« HE corn«-r of the NE’« of th«- NE1» >>f sec 7-39-8; >1 Georg«- G Thlriby to William F - alklus. E S of HE1« of m-c f>, uml y «_ .«r s\\ «, .. .•««« S T Hummers to Chas. E Humph rey. lot 4. blk 11, Klamath Falls; >790. Charh-s E Humphrey' to Duncan H. Campbell, lot 3, blk II, Klamath I United Mates to John C. Weiss, w ■. ■ i ; «-> Ciarli «' E. Word« n to Imogen«' C. Hampton, blk 3. Ewauua Heights ««Idltlon to Klamuth Fulls; >10. Ada L. Kinney to Ernest Brown, lot 9, sec 13. nnd lots 8. 9. 10 nnd II, sec. 14-39-10; >3,900 Martha A. Wiseman to Anna F. Ntahols, N WH4 .«ml NW *, of NEW. 26 39-11. >100. J. G Pieree to Hauiuel Hpir«- and lotin B Enright, the easterly 52 f« < t of lot I In blk. 49, Nichols addition *<> Klamath Fulls; >10 Alice Sargent to Mrs. Clarice E Worden. 20 feet off th«- «-astcrly side >f lots 2 and 10 and 13 feet off the w«>Mt«*rly aid«- of iota 1 und 11, blk. 19. Nli-hols addition to Klnmath >1 Klnmath Developm«-nt «ompany U> licitila Nathan, lots 21A und 21B. l«lk. 7. Railroad addition to Klamath .«11 . Il- Klamath D«'v<-lopm< nt company to ' ntd<- Nathan, lots 20B and 20C. iilk. 7. Railroad addition to Klamath Falla Ii- llurgc W Macoli to W E. Faught lot 2. blk 47. Hol Spring-, addition '«> Klamath Falls, lio Agn«-H I’icrce to Harry D. Mill . KE *4 of NW>, and E’4 of SW I. of MC. ,31-38-9; >10. Klamath Det«-lopiiieni «««mpaii» Stu«') 1- <)|.«iyk«', lots *>. 0 ami I , - Ik 19. \Vorden. >10«), Mary \. Wilkins to Fr««d J Wil- j Hams, Lot 9 In Block 38, 1st add. to to K. F.; >10. Duncan B Campbell to George II M« ri J I.<>« I'lk 11. X F : >3.000. D. W. Anderson to Rowe F Kin ney, part of HE'« of SW <4 Sec. 15- !• 10; >200. Mother Mary Kilian, trustee for the Order of St. Francis. Pendleton, Or«-., to John J. Cunningham, NW',« of Sec. It» and Sti of SW% of SE'i Sec. 9-39-9; >1.00. Mother Mary Kiliun. trustee for «he Order of St. Francis, Pendleton. Orc., to E. J. Murray. NE >4 Sec ifi, «nd SW«4 of SE % of SE % of Sec 9-39-9. Mason hus begun building Clilti'd Plesa Hervlce. WASHINGTON. D. C., June i. - I the Hot Hjitlngs addition to a | m >I iii I'nlted States S*niitoi It L. Owen i< ti th«- Altamont ioud m-ar th«- Houth- of Oklahoma made a notahl«* sp«ech ' iii Pneifii crossing. It la to be knowi In the s* tint« today. <le«'luring for th«- us Broad Mtroot. and stmts from Wall «lection <«f senators by direct vole of street, tu'ur the new courthouse site. th«- p«-«>i-l< and eulogizing th«- Oregon Ill«- str«'«'t Is to be ii wide «me, and plan. H«'iiatoi Owen said the system now I will I»«- built according to th«- most . i.pprovi'd methods of building macad In vogu«' In Oregon Is the most en- lightened in any state. He denounced am roads. This Is th« first of other fine stieets jingoism und said the p<-opl*- of th- Glut III« to b<- built III«- length of the I’nlted Slates, England and Germany Hot Springs addition, all of which will ext «nd to the county road The work on all of them will lx- of the beat, unii will add - vera) miles of modelli Ht|««'ts to those ¡'ll'c.'ldy con sti iicfcd In thlb addition W. II I I» new wide street from th«- heart of Woman 4'ook ul the ituvid Shook Ihtnch and Young Girl Who W h » Vi.lllng H-r Are Implh uted Mr». Maggie Jone», <45, who was cook nt tin- Shook home, near Dairy, when It wa» burned <lown ulexit a month ago. tui«l Miss Cora Menton, a girl of 15, who «<«» vi»itiug her at tile tiiii«-, w«-r«' urrewtcd by Nlit-riff Burn«*« Thursday mid iH'ouglit to tliix city for in«|ulry into their nll«ag«-<l I < oinpilcity in the « rime. i Tills is tii«' culmination of nn In- Vestlgutlon cowling st-vr-rul weeks, which hus been quietly ««inducted by the nix-riff. un«l follows tii«- arrect of John Conley, un employe of th«' John Shook mnch, who was also susp«'«'t- «■«!, lint aftt'i t«n «lays’ tonflnement In tin- county jail was dli>< !iurg« <l for want of evidence agulnst him The two women ar« being held at th«' homes of Sheriff Bartu-s and Dep uty Sheriff Sthulloek. mid th«*y wilt la- taken before Justice Millet to morrow for a preliminary hearing. N«« complaint has yet been fll«-d ukii I iih I them but tile officers feel jiiHtlfh-d In holding them In view of tlie fu< t they hav«* «dlcitnd Th« burning of th«- Hhook horn«' and barn wax u mysterious affair, nnd th«' Investigations following lb«' tires I «-«I to clm-s in h < veral directions. Involving a suspicion of bribery to burn down the Shook home. The barn wns burn«<l about ten days be fore tin hou»- It was a mass of flames when th«- hr«- was discovered; nt night, aud nothing was saved. The house took hr«' from the woodshed which was also wt on fire, the offi cer believe, by someone who had a grudge against the David Shiaik fam ily or by some person for them. The loss wus >15.000. nnd there was no insurance Th«- officer« now think they ar«- on th«* right trail, und that the worn« n arresti-d will furnish them with In formation that will clear up the mys tery Jacob Heuck was here .Monday for th«- purpose of seeing som«- own- « is of land In the Upper country, who leslde In Klamath Fulls. Mr. lleuck «•lutes that I k - I m well satisfied with tin- progi««sa that is being mud«- In »«■curing th«- requisite number of aerea to insure th«- commencement of the Horsefly project. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Guthrie, former I« sldi'iits of Capetown, South Africa, are guests at the Morgan liouse on East Main stie«t. Mr. Guthrl** Is a food chemist and «•«■real mill expert and is looking into the possibilities in hi» lln<- in this necton. Stephen ti,ow drove home Thursday from Ashland, where he t«M»k his wife for nn operation a week ago. Mr Imw drove thrpugb In one day, and found the roads in good condl- He left his wife well on the tlon way to recovery. Dr itambo, a new arrival from Vancouver, has rented office rooms i over the Klamath County Bank, and will fit them up for dentistry rooms At prevent Dr Ratnbo and family are stopping at th«- Orendorff, formerly the Klamath houne. • W I. Bai<lay, who has been em- ploye«l by th«- government as clerk at th«- Agency, has been transferred to th« H'Mipu Agency, near Eureka. Cal Mi and Mrs. Balclay |«>ft Tuesday Tile tirsi load of newly cut lumber for their new- home. from the Meadow laik«- Lumber com Mr and .Mrs F. F. Briggs of the pany's mill was brought luto the city Thursday by th«' traction engin«-. and Briggs orchestra, that have furnlabed delivered at th«' Meadow Lake com music for th«- Iris theater, will take n well-earn«-d rest nnd spend th«- sun pany yard» >>n Sixth street Th«- new lirldg«' built by th«- com .n the vicinity of Meadow Lake pany was us«-d by the traction en saw mil). gine. which handled itself wqil. C. Mr. Spencer, who rorcently caine D Moore will have charge of the local here from Riverside, has purchased ynrds. Frank Mat’ornick is th«- president, a home in this city; also a ranch near Members of Mr. Spencer's J. T. Getty the secretary and F. T. Midland Higgins the tn-asurcr and manager family have been ill since coming here. of the ii>ni[»nj GETS Ills HOUSES BACK Jack Moor«' returned on Thursday fiom a trip to Medford, where he went to get some mortgaged horses Ix longtng to him. which were taken to Medford and sold. Whil«- away Mr. Moore sold Barney, his buggy horse, well known In this city. Mr. Moore brought back with him a lurg<- quantity of roses from Medford. The Herald olDce was one of those re- inemlicred in Mi Moore’s distribu tion GameWsrden Alva Lewis is search- | ing for Frank Besaer, a woodsman, j whom he suspects of killing ’>o deer out of season at Odessa recen^. Bes- , ser hns been tracked over the moun tains as far as Blue Canyon, and dep- 1 titles are watching for him. The ___ deer killed were a buck and a doe. doe A good portion of the meat was given to parti«-« about Odessa, Raises the dough and compile» with ail pure food laws. .9 CRES 3 Hans Nylund, from the Klamath Agency, has gon«« to Ixibanon. Neb . to Assist in closing up the eHtate of his father, who recently died. Mr Nyland has just closed a deal where by he purchased the E. I. Applegate ranch, consisting of 190 acres, that MI kh P«arl Harding left on Sun- iiow adjoining the Dr. Best ranch on day for a visit at Glendale Lost river. Goodrichs Cash Store Commencing Monday, June 6th we will inaugerate the biggest sale ever held in Klamath County $10,000 Stock of Goods will be closed out—Absolutely Everything in the Store This slaughter sale will consist of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings, Carpets Price is What Talks Come in and Let Our Prices Talk to You The entire stock is new; no shelf-worn goods; nothing in the store older than September 15, 1909 You want to save money on supplies. Here’s your opportunity. The old prices are marked in plain figures. No goods remarked. These prices will be cut to cost for your benefit. Jas. Smith arrived hen- Monday morning, coming overland from Pen dleton. Or«-gon. with a bunch of horses nnd mules, having sold the greater part of them before reaching here. Are you from Missouri? Come in and we will show you L. A. Crance and .Mr. Walters of Ashland have brought in a bunch of sheep, consisting of 550 head, that wil! be kept in Klamath county. They are in charge of J. H. Harrington. GOODRICH’S CASH Corner of Main and 7th Street STORE Klamath Falls, Oregon Bl M. Ii. Bush of Chehalis, Wash., who has been looking over the coun try for th«- past week, is very much impn-ssed with this s«»ctl<>n. and is making arrangem< nts to purchase property. He Is an old friend of Mr Dulaney of the Monnrch Mercantile I company. and says he Is quite sur«- that a number of hts Washington friends will come here to locate. Mrs. Field, who for some time was proprietress Of the Women's Ex- change In this city left on Sunday morning for points In California, where she will visit with relatives. Mrs. Field has many friends here who will regret to learn of her de parture, and she carries with her their best wishes for her success. I,. E. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. I.ea- Pr Nowton of Portland, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. I.. H. Newton of Hornbrook United Press Service. a< rived in this city Sunday by auto HOME, lune 2. Today was Popo mobile, nnd will spend several days Pilis' 75th birth day, and it was cele In looking over the country, They brated with unusual enthusiasm by are stopping at th«- Hotel Livermore. diplomats nnd < lericais, who congrat ulated hint. Th«» Pope said. "The ('. W. Sherman Sr. of Dairy has re \ffoctlon of my people ns well as of cover) <i •iifflelontly from his recent lb oho of opposite faiths Is very dear severe attack of rhaiimatlsm to per to me.” mit him to make a trip to thia city. Ills many friends hope to roc hint en tirely freed front this painful trouble within a very short time. l-oi-E Pit :. CEl.KBItATEN SEVENTY-FIFTH IlIRTHD n Jno. G. Patterson, C. I. Anderaon United Pri'sa Service. STOCKTON, June 2. The Cali j nnd wife, A. D. Wooden nnd H. H. ■ fornit State longue, outlaw lant year i Hoyt were visitors in th«» city Fri- 2 .«nd Class It this, is to he reduced to day from Morrill. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR If he takes the Republican. If he does not urge him to do it, so as to lend a hand in the fight for his rights