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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1910)
♦ « ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ VOL. XV KLAMATH REPUBLICAN.: KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON, JUNE 9, 19!<) LEADING PAPER OF SOUTHERN OREGON. « ♦ NO. JO i unci* s, Mi Watson, anil liud finally ih«2 were finally given the run of told hitii utrtiui Ho* fir«-. Hh<- says ■li.- premises. At no time did they | her um 1« told her th« v would get evince any desire to make their es 1 H.OOo for a conviction <>f tin- paitl« cape, and seem to enter Into the fun I »«'ttlng th«- fir«-, »<« she told him it wan f the children with great earneet- two of th«- liooillow boy h ami two men . «•»>.. and make a practice of follow- tin y had hired Hh«- also D-stlficd ug them wherever they go. Mr. I Ilin« her uncle had promised to g« t Patch says It may be all right now. j hsr «mt of tlie country if she would hut when the time for migration IltlNh CONTRACTOR tell him, so wlii'ii sb«* found out tin conii-M aroudn h<- is going to see that OREGON SENDS FORTY CARLOADS paid«-» she had Implicated wen- d«-n«l the wings are so fixed that they will sll<- changed h«*i »ton and told tliai It not take Dutch leave, for ho might wa» h.-rwlf and M iikk I«- Deal, ami that have a hard time explaining the elr- n (•■rtaln parly had given her |300 riirnstnncos to his little girls. | slid was to give her 1200 more foi 'doing the deed <, ts PLANT FRAN« HIKE In the ( Olirsi of Hie croHH exmiil tiloills TtuU Si«' Ntui li il I lie Blit/»* « Heiiilil R«|«irU-r DcMribee Hi« lui- Buy II««' Bullón From H«-r and Hiiow TO BE ASKED FOR Freight Will Ik- I ii I imm I o I at Upp< r nation It wa« davelo|ted that th«* wit the Public Tliar You Ar»- a Lak«- and Mliipped by Water That <' oiihuiimm I Ila* Shook of il>c Biggest Mill in lies« and «h-foiidant. Mrs. D«nl. Emil G« mm 1 Fellow to the 1-unding If the plans of Frank Smith arc Resident'«* Northern «'n li foni in received nioncy' orders from a certal:-. a (arried to succ<-ssful conclusion ! source, but nelthei the stale nor tin- Klamath Falls will have a gas plan I defen»«* ■••••med Inclined to bring « hi ' The first big shipment of freight Saturday is to be Button Day— added to its other lighting and hf:at- A lai gc number of people won* J all the facta connect«*d with the tian i Many Klamaili Falls p«.-opl<- know the day on which every mau, woman ing institutions. Mr. Smith will foi th«- Oregon Trunk railroad ar- pri'M-nl Illis tmiriiliig In the ciirult i action ’ An adjoiirnnwtit wa« taken that nt Weed, which is best known and child In the city will be branded i red in t«i!s city today, and will mak>- application to the council this ■ Hirt room at th«- opening of th« until 1 30, at which time Mr Stone UK th«- Southern Pacific junction for as a booster or otherwise. That is < • nsist of forty carload« ot team», • ven I ng for a fianchise for the in -•agons, scrai>ers, camp --^uipmenr the day selected by the Fourth of > tat«- ugnliiMl Muggle Ih-ul, for lining I asked tiiat his client be released from Klamath Fulls, is one of the largest stallation of a gas plant. He pro- tn plient <-<l In th«* burning of the Dav<* custody on account of Insufficient evl- soiii «' say the lai gent saw milling July committee on which a bevy of IMMM.-S to manufacture the gas out ot ■in«, everything necessary to rush ile work on forty miles ««f construc- tbe prettiest girls in th«- city are go Shook residence When the couit op- denc«- having twen Introduced the garbage of the city. The mayor ami lumber manufacturing enterprise Th«- court, however, could not »«•«• t « a that i>; •. been sublet to C. J. ing to sell buttons for the benefit of ■ u«-«l Attorney C F Htqn«- appear«! has heretofore expressed himself as In Uitlifotnla. »ung. the celebration fund, and it is ex favoring such an enterprise, and he for Mrs Deal, and said they U < ‘ it that way. and liound her over to Few h»w«*v«-r. know the extent to1 pected that when the day closes ev- awsit the action of the graixl Jur'. H. A. Hamlin, a reo.xecmaUve of mid' to pide«-« «! » Ith th- trial w ill no doubt lend his influence in > which tlie W••• «I Lumber «umpauy « ryor ■ in the city will have pur- th- railroad, and Mr Ynupg arrived Th«- first witness call««! was Dav«* 'placing her bond ut *l,'«0u. pushing through the council the mea-1 Th« only evidence Iuti <>«!«■ <*<1 l>y lias |H if«'i't«d tti>- art of getting the < has«-d « button the city Tuesday for the purpose Shook H<< stated that he « ri*st sure asked for by Mr. Smith, unless of making arrangements for the ship On«- of th* first rules to be adopted lint <>t this i mint i m>d owiki ot th” ' <)>e slat«- wsh that p«-rfalnlng to the most «loot», window«, boxes and he has received his orders to do oth It has been pluned lumber out of u pine tree. ments of the freight from this city In the morning is that no grouch will erwise. ealdeticc* «hut was burned on April burning of the house A Herald reporter was at Weed be permitted to make its ap|>earance to the various itolnts on the right of I7tli He said he was acquainti-d li'arncd, however, that the Heaton girl In addition to learning that in public. Should one com«- up by way. Tbe freight will be unloaded with the defendant, and that »h«- was a<linlt>> th«- burning of th«- barn, »tat- i<<< ntly \V. P. JOHNSON STRIKES from the cars at the upper lake and n hl« employ at the tlm<* of th«* fir«- . Ing that she ««-t a candle In Hi«- liay the mills are cutting 10,000 feet of mistake it is to be fined to the ex HOT EARTH IN BASEMENT i loaded on boats and barges and On being MHked If there w««» any ! mow. afterwards untieing the horses, | lumber more per shift now than they tent of having to buy buttons until it ---------- I transferred to the Agency landing. money about the place he said there <-x|Hctiiig they would tnnk<* tlrelr «•»■ ; »«-r<- i iittlng n year ago h«- learned makes its disappearance. If you do Excavation work for the basement ; where th<. wagOBS wlH b.. ag8emble<i 11 hat th«-y cut 135.000 f«*et a day In not «mil«« when the girl asks you to * an |35 In an old chest. 130 in gold i eg pc. Iler efforts to conn«-« t up the Good • a« h mill now buy, then yon are fined to the extent i -r the handsome bungalow that W. P. and llg^ ln trangporting it to Its «nd I- In sllvet Niter the fire they The enlarged mills now keep 1,500 of two buttons, it must be a smile Johnson is erecting in the Hot Springs | destination. found pai t of the silver, but they low boys with the crime would Indi cate that th*r«- 1« some «lin wrl indl- men busy In th«- woods nnd factories, or a fine, It is only compulsory to addition had not progressed far be- ‘ All of the freight for the construc never found any trace of the «old. al fore the workmen encountered a tion of the southern half of the con- though an •■Xpert inlnot »earched sev I vidua) back «if tin- crime who hoped wci 300 of them being in the factor buy on«- button, but if you should where it ies What a prosperity producer that I pnrchtiH. mor. there is Io I m - do pen strata of the hot earth that has made trait recently awarded to Mr. Henry «fill hour» ami panned the «Hit Tin* to »hill th« r«*si»«>iisi bt I It that section of the addition so fa will pass through this city, it being would b«- least apt to lend In th«»ir di would be for the buslnc-ss section of alty attached to such generostty- money »«« In the tiunk about a week rection The stats may b«- acquaint«-«! Klamath Falls if we had such an In asid«- from the fact that it shows you mous. As a consequence -Mr. John- the most convenient point of ship b«*for«- the tiro. ar<* made of the right kind of stuff. »«>-» has decided to install the coils ment. Th«* MM'onil with«-»« culled was Corn with the Identity of this person, for It dustry |(M-ated here or near here! The \V«-ed company now keeps four There is only one thing to remember, foi the heating of his premises in his Plans have been perfected to rush Heaton, who stated that she waa ac- wa» plain to be seen thnt ini|>oitnnt bas«-ment. instead of on the spot now the work on the lines as fast as pos locomotives busy in the woods, and smile or pay a fine. evidence was held In ro>«>rv«- •lualntiHl with Muggle Deal, and that known as the devil's teakettle. the mills have b««en running two sible. Nothing has been done toward t>oth were employ «1 by Mr Shook. shifts sine«- March 1st. A thousand letting the contract for the work and were both In th«* hotlHC the night doors ar«- being turned out every south of the northern line of the res •>f the Are. Sh«' said ■he and Mangle twenty-four hours, and one order of ervation. although the permanent Tin- indications are that the con- war«« washing dishes whin Giundinti 39,000 doors Is now being filled. The- teat for the Goddess of Liberty will survey has been completed almost to Shook d«*slr«*d to retire; Maggie Deal the crossing at Spring creek. It will went to help her to la d. while she and I INNoN Il t N DN THE Hol NE 4 factory is a revelation In system and I m * one of the most spirited events of efficiency. Great blowers take th«- tlie k'nd ever carried off in this city l*ROI*OSE THE ERECTION OF HO not be long before the definite an U IRM DECISION Chiu W«*lch remained III th«* kitchen dust from each machine, and every It I* r* < agnized that the celebration TEL ON HAMAKER PROPERTY nouncement wiP '«e made m to which After a short time Maggie «atm* possible priiautlon is taken for the on the fourth is to be* one of the | side of the lake the road is to take through th«* kitchen, saying she was bat ILill'wa Hill Be tue i««|e<l liealth of the men and the safety of host su«c«*ssful «'ver hell in this city. going nut Li gef OratKfma Shook a \-k the plant. A fire drill Is held twice a u..J the honor of being queen* of the 1 < imoiininuttfoii of Plans That flax. fu Pi-milt of It» liunictlialc •lrlnk of water. Il wa» while «he wo REVOLUTION IN YUCATAN Been I nder Way for Sonie week, for two hours each, and watch day will be one much sought for. It out, Mated th«* Heaton girl, that Mag Enforce im-iit I Time men ar«' on duty day and night. All is rumored that Miss Goldie Barnes gio is*al ponriMl about two gallons of United Press Service. kinds of the latest machinery is in will again be backed by her friends. «-»•loll on the wood This oil she hail MEXICO CITY. June 7.— Believ t nHeil PrvNH Service. use The show machine of the fac A number of the friends of Miss Pearl inad<- ready some time that afternoon ing enemies in Yucatan assisted the Tlie Ward Hotel company is tl.e tory Is a Linderman glueing machine, Boivin are also talking of her, and The wllnusa admitted that she went WASHINGTON, D U., Juue 7. name of a new corporation that will dainlns in their uprising. President into the dining room, where Welch 1 Wild dlMird«-r wus prevalent on th«- which cuts, grooves and puts boards then is no doubt but that her name make its apeparance within a few I Diaz decided to personally direct the and Mr» Deal were, but ««win mad» I Hout of the house this afternoon. It together In any lengths so closely will be among those first voted for days, This company has been organ- campaign. The government is pre that but for the grain you couldn't in the contest. Other young ladies an cxcUKe to go to her room to write w.i the worst sine«- tbe big fight on paring to rush the entire standing equally popular are being talked of, ized for the purpose of erecting an some letter« Sh<- «lipped out and set the 17th of March, when the Speaker tell the different plec««. army into Yucatan. It is feared the hotel at the corner of Third and Main The electric power plant of the and the probabilities are that the list fir«* to th«« wood that had l>«*«*n previ "»mi1 so near to being depos«*d. The streets, on what is locally known as government is facing the worst revolt ously saturated with the oil by Mrs. r«-w today «'nine as a result of Chair company has two engines, one of will contain a large number of the the llamaker property. This proper since 1840. when this province nearh Deal. men Mann asking for unanimous con 1,200 and the other of 800 horse city's most popular young people. ty was recently purchased by Charles.' won liberty. It is reported that ten power. to run the generator which Sh«« gave a« a reason for Hotting th«* sent to take the railroad bill from the Graves and Frank Ward, and it is thousand Maya Indians are on the fir«* thnt they were both angry nt th«* Fpcmker's table and have It go Into operates the factory and furnishes hf l'lATil PIONEERS, mainly through their efforts that the warpath, and that hundreds have el«'ctrlc light for the plant and the Shooks becauHe they hud been cranky i th« hand« of n conference committee been massacred. new hotel will be erected. TAKE NOTICE A Hteani plant is also used with them, and to al«o cover up the I of th«- hnime and senate. Congress- town The iwomoters of the enterprise for the Haw mill. •heft of throe and n half bottles of man Lenriait objected, and the S|>eak- The badges and buttons for those re very reticent about their plans, Every economy that modem xaw- UM»: REAL ESTATE DEAL liquor and 120 In gold « i ordered th«' senate amendments of the pioneers whose names and the they have made public enough to On«* evening when they were wish lx- head for the liiformatlon of the milling has devised Is in operation. dates of settlement in this county '.a-rant the statement that the hotel A. Y. Lindsey of Montana and C. S ing for some whisky Welch »aid there In-iiH«' After the reading Mann moved and the plant Is one of the wonders were known, are now at the bard- wir. be under the management of ilennon of Portland purchased the of Industrial organization. was plenty there, but they couldn't i io concur In the nun iidnienta. clalm- Some idea of its value may be had vare store of George Hurn. where Messrs. Anderson and Postlethwaite, Marion Hanks property on the corner get It. lie told the girl« where It ‘ mg that his motion took precedence by quoting its Initial capitalization voi. v ill please call and get them at i two gentlemen who came here about • i Eighth and Pine streets. This is wan. and Cora R>*aton say« that th«« ' ■ ver Mann's. Sp«*ak<-r Cannon ruled an early date, as we have them to pay tw< weeks ago for the purpose of in- one of the best sales made in the real over n million. first chance she got she tried to open tn favor of Mann. Mann then Hecured for this month. '.cresting local capital in such an en estate business for some time, and If you can get a permit, go through the chest Rhe tried to fit n key In utianimotis vote to clone debate in it is also desired by the celebra- terprise. They ar«’ particularly well • a as made through the agency of the the Weed mill the next time you are the lock, and then attempted to open tw( hours. Dlsordi-i Immediately tlon committee that the pioneer or- fitted for tbe management of a hostel Home Realty company. This is a It with an old horseshoe nail Not followed. tlx- «peaker pounding marooned on vour way to Sacramento j.animation, as such, take part in the ry of the character to be erected, and very valuable piece of property, and at that Interesting Junction for half being able to open it that way, sh«* vainly with hi« gavel. Present exercises of the day on the 4th of it was this fact that was successful in the gentlement purchasing it may a day took out the screw« In th«* hlng«-R At I In th«- house at the time were Seu- You will hardly notice th«- time July, and to take some steps to have bringing the local capita) necessary build in the near future. The price fir«t «he took two bottles of the ators LaFollett«* and Sulzer, and they for the promotion of their plans. ¡•aid was in the neighborhood of a suggestive float in the procession. whiskey, and afterwards took the bal j wet«- talking «*arnestly to a number pass. in order to do this it will be neces It is proposed to expend in the *7.000. ance. Welch told her she ought not I ol congr«*s«men over the questions be- sary for a sufficient number of the (K-ighborhood of S35.000 on the PICNIC OI TIN«, ENJOYED to get Into that chest, for Mr. Shook ■ tore the body, laioking squarely at society to get together at an early building and furnishing, and it Will Mr. Ernest Griffith arrived Monda.' often kept 1.800 or 1400 In It. Soon I them, th«* speaker said: “Gentlemen we be one of th«’ best appointed earn van night from Ellensburg, Wash., and The children and teachers of the date to decide what action, if any, after this, she says, she and Maggie occupying seats by courtesy must not sari-’s in the state will take in the matter. will locate here. Mr. Griffith has for Christian church enjoyed the hospi Deal ta)k«*d the matter over, and de- convene." It is therefore suggested that an the past four years been musical di ided to And all the money they could, At th«' clos«* of tht- débat«» the* tality Tuesday of P. J. Cline in a informal meeting of the pioneers be Arrivals at the Lakeside Inn: Car- rector of the Ellensburg theater or take It, and then burn th«* house. She house rejected th«« senate amendment picnic at Island Park Mr. Cline gave hold in the courthouse on Friday eve olyn Pachini. Everett, Wash.: F. P. chestra, and previous to that traveled says they searched on«* trunk and by a vote of 162 to 155, and asked the island over to the merrymakers, ning at 8 o’clock, for that purpose. Galagher, San Francisco: H. A. Hani- with the leading theatrical organiza the proceeds of the day going to the tried to got Into another. The witness for a conference. Several democrats By Order of Executive Committee. lin. Seattle; Geo. A. Sprague and tions of the t'nited States and Can stated Maggie Deal said thnt they voted in favor of a conference, All benefit of the Sunday school. Thy wife, Phoenix. Arts.: L. H. Hender ada. He is a graduate of the National would hurn the old shack. and that of the insurgent« voted in favor of ac- kindness of Mr. Clino was much ap preciated by everyone. This is an It WK BlAH«N,<MMl WORTH son. Fred Wostrchil, Merrill; S. II. Conservatory of Music, New York It would make a <lamn«-d good fire.” ceptlng the senate bill. The witness further testified that A special message was sent to ideal park, and its beauty should be OF ODD FBLLOWR* BONDS Williams and wife, Klamath Queen city, and has studied under Buiat- Dredger; C. H. Hargadin. Ashland; rago, Schradlak, and studied harmo Maggie Deal put oil on the wood three congress today by President Taft, In seen and its bountiful shade enjoyed «lays before, but that she had no which he urged that th«* provisions of by all pleasure seekers. The members of the 1. O. O. F. of H. G. Wilson. Roseburg; Edson Wat ny and composition under Dr. Dvorak < banco to gut out and set it on fire. I the railroad bill empowering the in this city are feeling jubilant today son, Klamath Agency: L. A Fitzpat Mr. Griffith will soon open a music The girl admits that she first men terstate commerce commission to sus CARLISLE—COX over the anouncement of the decision rick. Marysville; L. H. Benway. Seat studio, and will teach, beside the vio tioned going Into th«* chest because pend rates pending Investigation of the directors of the Klamath Coun tle; L S Parrish. Merrill; Ed Laugh lin. any band or orchestra instrument sh«* wanted th«- whisky. Sh«* said she should become effective immediately. A quiet home wedding service took ty bank to purchase 15.000 worth lin. Mrs. Chas. Uinbach, Mrs. Arthur and he will also conduct a first class first took a lot of bank papers out of Th<- message outlined the «Ituatlon place Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock of the bonds of the Odd Fellows' Florence, Mrs. Harry Yount, Lake orchestra. Because of Mr. Griffith's the box. and they looked through in th«* controversy between the rall- at the heme of C. E. Huffman, when Building association. A meeting of view; E. H. Loftus. Plush; Bert Har wide experience he will be a valuable addition to Klamath Falls' musical them, but could find no money, so [ roads and the administration. It re- 8. J Carlisle and Miss Bertha May the directors was held yesterday, at ber. R. L. Gritton. I^akevicw. circle. they lookod again and found the . cited the history of the Hannibal suit, Cox were united in marriage by a which the decision was reached. purse and took the 120 gold piece, th«- conference yesterday and the short blit impressive ceremony. Only Attorney D. C. Lewis left Tues but left the silver, so thnt if Mr. agreement with the railroad presl- a few of the friends and relatives HONKERS IRE PLAYMATES day for Phoenix. Ari»., where he was Mr. and Mrs Frank Ward left on Shook should lift the purse It would dents, adding: were present. This young couple en FOR THE CHILDREN called by the serious illness of his Wednesday for Portland, where they “I only hope that all other rall- ters into their life’s Journey with the not be empty and he might not dis- daughter Dixie. Mr. I^-wis says he will join the Klamath Falls delega over the theft. She said ah«? gave I roads would tak»» like action, in order host wishes of their many friends. On one of his trips to Clear Lake is greatly pleased with the great tion at the Rose Carnival. Mrs. Ward the money to Maggie, an that Mag that each should have the benefit of Rev. N. Vallandigham was the offici project Engineer Patch captured two Northwest, and thinks it the best part is a delegate to the state gathering of gie sold her a bracelet and skirt for : upeedy determination whether the ating minister. young honkers and brought them to of the I’nited States, with a wonder the Eastern Star. While in Portland her half of the money. The bracelet proposed increas«- is justifiable or his home In this city. They were the ful future. He continually speaks of Mr. Ward will examine into the vari- and skirt she still has In her posses 1 not. Provision should be made to Brass may be given a color re- pride of the children, and soon the the beauties of the mountains, the OUS pavlngs that have been laid in sion. invest the commerce commission with sembling pewter by boiling it in a youngsters and the honkers became lakes, the rivers and the richness of that city, and will make a report to In tbe cross-examination it wsh 1 proper jurisdiction as soon a« possi cream of tartar solution containing fast friends As time passed more the valleys. He thinks the future of a number of the Interested property brought out that sho had gone to her ble." n i.inall amount of chlorid-1 of tin liberty was given the captives, until Klamath Falls is very bright. owners in this city. CONFESSES CRIME WONDER Al WEED PROGRESS Of A GREAI INDUSTRY MEH THE GIRLS WITH A SMILE IAF1 SENDS MESSAGE 10 CONGRESS NOW PREPARING Î0 RUSH WORK Will COSI APPROXIMATED 130,000