Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 26, 1910, Image 8

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    The Hasten rooming house has been I
A M. Erickson and noises »-ere In
repainted, and preKents a much better the city Frida) front Modoc Point.
R. Wooden cante in from Merrill ape pa rance.
Rev. J. W. Bryant has been under
.Mrs. Win Gilson and daughter of the weather for several days, but I*
K. T. Hosley is a visitor in the city Tulare. Calif., arrived Friday night rapidly improving
front Merrill.
and left Saturday morning for Dairy
The Epworth League will give an
F. P. Vau Meter of Men ill »as In to visit relatives
entertainment and social this even­
the city Saturday.
M McFee. C. .1. Johnson. George ing alt he Methodist church.
Mrs. M. Hougham arrived Tuesday Nelson and Win, Becker of Seattle at -
H. Rogers, an old-tlmo reM'leli' ol
evening from Weed
rived Thursday by auto on a trip Portland. Is In th<* city looking over
A. B. Crawford and family are in through the country
the situation here. He suts In* had
the city from Bonanza.
Chas V Bioad and A M Kinney heard so much of Klamath Falls i e
S. O. Johnson left Saturday to be are cm-is at the Livern. >re from \s would not be satisfied until he had
absent for several days
These gentlemen ate lookiuy seen it.
Arthur Livermore left Saturday for over the prospects In Klamath Fall*
P. C. Lave) & Cu, »ho are tiling
a visit to Sail Francisco.
Rev. G. Feese's small dog. which ns selling agents for several of the
E. T. Thurman was tn the city on a has been absent
fur the last six Klamath
visit front Merrill Saturday.
weeks, has returned home, but ta town sites, were dieded 55 lots In the
Joe Pierce left on Saturday 's train giving out no information as to ni* town of Worden by the Development
for a short visit in Portland
recent travels.
com pa n> Tuesday.
Jas. H. Driscoll »as a visitor in
Ned l.ysle Is here from Harrisburg.
The Methodist Sunday school held
the city front Bonanza Saturday.
its annual picnic in th - courthouse Pa., visiting .Mr. and Mrs. W 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Childers were in grounds Saturday. It »as greatly en Wiley of the reclamation service Mr
the city Saturday from Yonna valley. joyed by all the youngsters, a nd a I isle Is en route to Los Angeles and
Mr. and Mrs. Landis are the par­ good time and good things to eat othei points south, and may return
here and engage In business
ents of a baby girl, born on Sunday. were coming to all.
Tuesday 'a stage for Lakeview left
L. Jacobs of this city left Wednes­
C. T. Oliver is planning a baseball
day morning on a buaincas trip to Bo­ tournament during the socialist en­ the American hotel on time, with the
campment. The tournament will last following passengers: Geo. T. Cline
Fa niters throughout the valley are a week, and Mr. Oliver says ie will and Chas. Duniar. booked to Bly; c
I.. Stickney to Lakeview; L. Schult*
working ou their ditches getting them have the best teams that can be got­
ten in the surrounding country In­ to Bonauza. and J. Winters to Olene.
in readiness to irrigate their grain.
E. It. Dyer of San Francisco, D A.
Archie Colson is a visitor in the cluding the all-star Indian team from
ford of Oakland. Chas Flint of
city today from his ranch on business
and G. W. Palmeter of
connected with the reclamation ser-
acres in the Mills addition, has de­ ' Dunsmuir arrived Tuesday on a tour
veloped two tine hot springs on h’s I of the country in an automobile. They
F. D. Fisher of the Wells Fargo
place. He has had the water ana­ are on their way to Crescent. Bend
company is a guest at the Livermore,
lysed, and it compares most favorably land 'he Deschutes country.
coming in Tuesday night front Red­
with the celebrated Carlsbad waters
The Merrill baseltall team sout |
ding. Calif
of Germany.
word to the Klamath I’lgh School
W. T. Smith was in the city Wed­
Those who have tickets fur the1 left Wednesday that they would
nesday front his ranch. He has just
High School commencement week be over Thursday for agaltle In the
completed building four miles of
may have the coupon for the Senior afternoou The High School will
fence on his place.
play reserved any time at Dunham's have tbe same lineup a* usual, -ith
C. F. Galarneaux left Wednesday confectionery. Also single admission
Veruon Motschenbacher and Ort \r-
for a three-mouths' visit to his old may be had for 50 cents and season
i.old as the battery.
home in Logansport. Ind . and other tickets for 75 cents at the same place.
Joel T. Ward ou Saturday closed
secli„ns of the East.
A number of capitalists front San a deal on lot 8 and the east 50 feet
Wnt. Rogers is in the city with as­ Francisco have bought the Royce of lot 7 in block 39. selling the pro|»-
sociates front Portland, looking over ranch half way between Crescent and erty to Portland capitalists for |16,-
the real estate situation with regard Crescent lake.
They will build a 175. The property is hette- known
to investments.
club house and have the ranch for as the corner now occupied by the
J. T. Anderson aud J. Postlethwaite hunting and fishing purposes. A force Klamath barn. The Portland people
of Portland have been in the city for of men are now at work constructing will build a two-story brick building
the last few days looking over the an automobile road from there to on the property. The plans are now­
business prospects here.
Klamath Falls.
being prepared. This is considered
A high grade, natura
tone Talking and Sing
ing Machine FREE
Call at our store and heai
the specially prepared Rec­
ords of Bands and other
Instrumental Music, Songs,
Stories, Recitations, etc., and
assure yourself that this is
the best offered. You buy
only the Records
Remember that this offer will only be for
a! short time, as our supply of machines
is limited. Come early and take advan-
tage of this fine offer
One Standard Talking Machine with Handsome
Flower Hom FREE to every Customer whose
Cash Purchases amount to
See and hear this wonderful instrument and learn how
easily you can obtain one. Only one machine to a home
10 5 1
] M [. ] MI. CO.
The Portland Store
1 0 5 li
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Next door to the Postoffice
Klamath Department Store
Groceries, Dry Goods
Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings
You can supply your needs here in the shortest
possible time and with the greatest possible
Numbers of people have
found this out, and we want you to
make a voyage of discovery here
the next time you want any­
thing to wear to eat
pancy Hosiery, Neckwear, Em-
* broideries, Laces, Lingerie
Waists, Silk Waists, Muslin
Underwear, Silk Klmonas, Net
Waists, Silk Gloves, Kid Gloves
Kid Gloves, Fancy Dress Suit­
ings, Wash Goods, etc.
lATe carry a complete line of
Preferred Stock Canned
Peaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes,
Cherries, Blackberries, Rasp­
berries, Loganberries, Straw­
berries, Pineapple, Pumpkin,
Com, Peas, Tomatoes—Every­
thing in canned goods
Lace Curtains, Draperies, Mus­
lins, Table Linen, Sheets, Pillow
Cases, Toweling, Fancy and
Plain Bed Spreads. All are
guaranteed values
C. T. Oliver was unable io get the
as one of the best buys In ill • city,
game Sunday with the Indians, ns
being slightly over $110 a fo< '
.Mrs. McKay left Friday morning they were already engaged.
for Odessa.
Paul O. Kesslg I m In the < It) from
Abd Ady was in the city Friday Santiago, He is au •■Xpert drauxhtH*
man. and expects to locate here
front his ranch near Midland.
R. C. Spink left Friday morning on
C. H. Underwood returned Mondav
the Curlew for his home nt the night front San Francisco, where he
lias been for the past two week« on
.Malcom & Goddard have received business
recently front Berkeley a canoe to be
August Rollins, a land owner of
used ou the Upper lake
Moscow, Idaho, and F. Rogers of
H. B. Millard, »ho Is interested In Portland, are here to study the lami
Yonna valley property, came in from situation.
Lakeview Thursday and left for Port-
A. 8. Cormack, formerly of th«
land Friday morning.
Morning Express left last Friday
Miss Anua Applegate left last for the Erickson & Peterson camp,
Saturday to take a summer school at where he will occupy a position ns
Clear Lake.
A. J. Richter la here from La
Luke Clapp
Lakeview by auto, with a load of Grand«, Ore., liMikllig aftei Ills prop­
I erty interests In this city. He was
Business lots ar« on the Itoom in here a few years ago and Invested In
the new town of Crescent, there hav­ some city lots, lie says he can see n
ing b«»-n over a hundred sold up to wonderful growth In Klnrnnth Fulls.
J. Vlneandy, J. M. Etnei*, F. L.
Dr. R. E. Dunlap, district superin­ Bunting, Guy B. Walker and ItougliiK
! tendent of the Methodist church, lias It. Ganhnr arrived Thursday in an
been a visitor in the city recently auto front Bend
Mr. Vlneandy will
front Ashland.
establish an auto business nt Cres­
The Hteamer Klamath. loaded on cent..
two flat cars, was Saturday taken
The reclamation service bus been
to the Upper lake, wh«r« she v’ll be very active lately getting the farmer*
repalre l aud put In conimissioi;.
to sign up for the drainage of Lost
Ignace Cacka has completed the river. • .Mr. Wiley as right of way
purchase of a big ranch In the Lake­ agent la urging all land owners to
side tract at Title Lake, from the submit definite proposition relative
Lakeside company, The price paid to prices.
I was $4,829.80.
Ed Jacobson returned Monday
Henry Rabbcs of the Home Realty front Keno, where ho went to ship
company is taking a party of land- Home big timbers for hin house mov­
seekers through Poe, Yonna and Lan- ing operations In thlH city. The tim­
I gell valleys.
bers wore secured front the Towers
Tbe Ladies' Aid society recently place, and some of them were as long
gave the Methodist church a present as 62 feet. They will be hauled by
of a new Brussels carpet for the altar steamer to thia city.
and new pulpit furniture.
M. F. Thurmond, an Investor of Ta­
coma, Wash., *ho has been In the city
looking over this country, bait re­
turned to his home for the present
Tbe renovation of the Klamath
house Is about completed. Under the
new management the place will afford
first class accommodations for many
of the newcomers.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
0. H. A. Beermann, traveling mis- j
slonary colporteur of the Internation­
al Association, left las» Friday to
walk to Lakeview. He is a pioneer
missionary, and a heroic type of the
veteran of the Civil War.
Mr. and Mr». T. E Abbott W
Tuesday for Salem. Ore , »hei. . •
Abbott has been called by the rloi.l
illiirxx of his mother. Mr Abbott ht. A
been working In th« Herald job
for a short tint«, and Intended taking]
a camping trip to Pelican bay.
had not been called away.
f b-|
Frank Huiitb, Frank Richards. Ja< 1
Wells, Kid O'Brien and Ham Cariyb I
arrived here Tuesday night,
down the lake on the Curie» frou I
the l«ong Lake Lu nt bet company
camp. The boys have been swingin
th« axe sonic time In the timber, an
are In town for u vacation, and Incl I
dentally to take in the boxing • xhti«
tlon between Morrlmw-v and McLdlai
Friday night
Arrival, at the Uveriuore
v 11
Blumberg, Loa Angeles; .1 J. Biowu‘1
and wife, Guy <’. Browne and wlf.S,
Fpokane; 1 W. 8. Fender, Han Fran« I I
co; Chas. Duiiiars. Woodland. II 11
Mose, E. I D. Dyer, J. I.achmui), S.m|
Francisco; T. o. Wyss, Portland.
Chas. V. I Broad and A. M Kinn«
D. A. Catford, Oakland
Clin* Flint, Dunsmuir; G W. pt>.
meter, Ashland; .Meta llehbarg and
Mrs. Hohburg. Christ nas Ml:.
r .
It. Fisher, Redding.
Arrivals at the Lakeside Inn
O'Brien. New York; Frank Hmlth und J
lack Wills, I. George and wife. .Marys I
ville; E. Jensen and wife. H F Wr I
Hams, Los Angeles; II. 8. Schilling I
Salem; W, A. Williams, Portland; 11
T. Hosley, Merrill; W llyer. Frr<l
Snow, Carl Spuhn and Walker un.i
Whit I
man, Ashland; W. R Hall. Reno <
A. De La Mater, Redding; Chas V
Galloway, J. It Eaton. Salem; Mr» j
M. Houghan, Weed. A. It ('rawfont
and family, Bonanza, H Clark. HanL-
Monica; H. G. Fisher, Dunantul- C
J Olmstead, Chicago.
BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary
U. E.
Map«, Plana, Blue Prints, Etc
Vice Preaident in I
Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc
Surveying and Irrigation Engineering