Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 26, 1910, Image 2

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    non made ■ very favorable impression
i when they have reached the age of
oi tho council, and It Is quit«* «•••rtaii
50, they must raise the eye of the soul ,
that there will I k * no dlflleulty in nd
to the universal light, which lightens
lusting th« itrect ear question nor
all things and behold the 'absolute.
THERE is JOV IN THE RANKS; rim eh asked are commdereu tliut of the extension of th* Mnl i
id reef sewer.
This is a long, tedious. I fancy If i THINK THEY SCORED POINT
many of our students pursued it it
would be advisable to extend along
lawd Him to Believe That the Klam- Action IH«f«*i*i*ed to Peiniit ls»te Bhl-
W ill Hold tool I***«' S>-«»lo«i on Jun«
■ Hr. I .11 Is < >r I II r«
Tent of Powerful Uhlrv»» on "IVi*- the years the collego spirit of fiekl
ath Developnu'iit Cou>|>aii, Await
«1er to Reach This City on
loth and Try to G«M Art Ion
aonalitjr” Delivered lì, Metho­
Ili» Comiug With Gun»
lh*la>«sl Train
i Astronoiiüczil Calculations Wi»>ng In
Without Further lh*l»y
bouts, brass bands, college veils, soph-'
dist Pastor at Auditorium
Monw* I'lievplninnbl«* May
otnore trials. Junior hops, senior plays
and all other essential features of, i There is Joy in th«* lauka of the
The special ni«*ctlng of the clty United Press 8ei vic«*.
A number of local marsh lumi own
Th«' addretss was on th«> subject college life.
Hog Combine. Then* are two rea­ council called tor Wednesday even­
eis met In the basement of the First
"At the door of your personality sons. First, they think they scored lug for the purpose of considering
Personality Abreast the World,
Kurth fell down on the Job. und fulled National bunk building Monday after­
and seldom. If ever, has a more pro­ ' are indeed troops of angels, lonely one on the Herald Th** prize pencil the t«*ntatlv«< blds for street paving to paus through the comet's tail last noon tor the discussion of r«*claiinius
found study of the for<?es that make j thoughts that would enrich lite, iu- pusher of their organ fell asleep that were to be submitted was ad­ night. If It goes through ut ull, the swamp lumi» In Lower Klamath
i crease faith, enlarge hope. Intensify when he met the Hill party and wav journed to penult Mr. Obenchaln,
up life b«*en delivered in this city.
which 1» doubtful. It will be tonight and t<> organise foi mutual protection
Dr. Fees« confined himself entirely ' affection for family, parents, brother, scoo|H*d by th«* Herald «orreHpondent. who represents a San Francisco com­ or tomorrow night or ■oni<> other and b«*n«*flts.
sister, husband, wife to be. friends, It was gall and wormwood to th«* pany, to reach this city on the delayed
to th«* thought of personality ..
Il was decided to < ull u miM'tllig foi
night. I'rof. Henry N. Russell of
After describing briefly the ideali- ' neighbors, country, God's out of Combine, and they immediately »et train
Mi Obenchaln had gone to Princeton »ays lit* »aw the comet's June 10th. Notices are being sent to
* t Plato, Aristotle and other of th«* ’ doors, God himself.
about to lead Mr. Hill to b«*lleve that San Fraticisco with hl» «Istu from full this morning. He 1» |M>sltlve the ull owners of marsh lands, requesting
"These angels will prove to you it was a Southern Pacific trick
world's philosophers. Dr Feese said
As whl«'h th«* blds were to be prepared, earth was not pusslug through It, them to bo preseut nt said meet Ing
'hat there was something more than I i fountains of life, harbingers of hoi*e. to the facts stated iu the Herald, th«* and exjiected to reach her«* at 5:30 und expects the Irunslt to ink** pluce Il Is expected that action Mill b<>
success in the ordinary sense, and well manned and well armed chari­ peopl«* of this city may Judge for that evening. Owing to u wr«*ck of some time today
Director Hale of tuken nt thnt time that will < hiih <* th*
Hill'» verbatim a logging train near Weed th«* pas- Mt Wilson observatory in ('ullfurnla, I ««claiming of th* »<* desirable lumi»
that is the something called "me," ots of righteousness, blaziug »tars; themselves. Mr.
in xuvthyr word, personality . Tones betokening achievement, ties which ' speech print«*«! elsewhere sta nd i for »«•tiger train was delaye<l nearly five explnim*d the mystery by announcing Mlthout furthei dola.
He telegraphe«* to Council­ thnt lie saw the tall hud suddenly
<>f color ar«* how photographed; It bind by the three-fold cords of love, itself
The second cause of joy is th«* fact ' man Obenchaln. miti Mutiti Sender- become curved, thereby missing th«*
has been found that hateful and dis­ delights of heaven-born communion,
cordant thoughts develop poisonous making angels and brothers of men. that they succeeded In getting Mr. son a»king that th«* opening ol th«* earth. Tlie Austrian ucadetn, »den­
TUI Will IF-M ll»IM>\ It ILL
Hill te make an unwarranted atu« blds b«> deferred until next morning, tists sent out an otfldsl denial thnt
secretions in the human body. The
| on the Klamath Development com­ which r«*qu«*st was granted, th«* coun­ the earth would yet puns through
»omething within,'' the sp«*ak«*i said,
What will b«* perhaps tin la* t so-
might be called an essence, being, sign to faithful teaching and to you. pany. They* led him to believe that cil adjourned until 9 a. tn. Thursday. tho tall of th«* comet, uml most of th«' «lay event of th«* wlnt«*i season wa»
Promptly at that hour th<> council
life, and in its manifestation. p«*rs«>n- Let nature, play, ethics, experience, all of the additions to which the
held In White-Maddox hall Saturday
do their work. I tuay be addressing members of that corporation are in­ m« t mid proceeded to open the bld» foreign scientists agre<* with thia
evening, where M«*»dnnn*s H St th*«*
some lady of the White House, or terested is Southern Pacific proper­ subtultt«*d Following are the prices statement. Professor Asa Hall of
the National observatory st Washing­ Bishop, D 8 Painter. W. O. Smith. U
"The actor strives to portray th« some gentle-cultured woman in hum­
real,” said the speaker, "but the ble cot, enjoying the doll dreams of ty. and that it would be Impossible asked for the paving designatisi lu ton added u new angle to mix up licitk*'tnp«*r Jr., <’. II UnJcrw«M.«l
the situation by declaring that the and O. B Gat*» entertained tort,
title role in the drama of life is ehlidhood in exalted experiences of for th«* Oregon Trunk to secure a the advertisement
earth not only passe«! through the or more guests st 500 The hail had
to be a person—either man or woniau. beautiful womanhood, an ambassador right of way into this city without Ransom, Crummy C*>iii|mny.
Class A—Flvo-iuch concrete base. tall last night, but that It ran Into b«*en tastefully decorated, purple and
Sometimes she masquerades about in to St. James, a pioneer reformer the payment of fabulous sums of
inch asphalt hinder and 1 S inch the semicircle and pns»«*d back again lavender tielng the predominating
rattling silken gowns draping the cleaving his way w-ith the battle axe
In making this attack Mr. Hill has asphalt surface. 12.58 per squat«* today
colors, large bouquets of wild flowers
Koon instead of ivory neck, mincing of righteousness and equity, a tiller
of th«-»« shades add to the phtur
her natural swinging gait by the aid ot the soil, a captain of industry. placed himself in a very awkward yard.
Class B Five-inch concrete basa
<*squ«> appearance of the hall Elab­
of scraping high-heeled shoes, and Whatever you b«?come, remember that positiou. He has attacked some close
refreshment» were serve«! In
• inphasizing her high rank by prac­ the development of these God-given personal friends of hts father. He and 2 inch asphalt surface, 82.10 per1
th«* banquet hall, mid th«*»«* attending
ticed smirk of countenance, twist of forces which constitute your person­ has shown himself unfamiliar with Miuare yard.
Class C- Five Inch asphalt and Drives Madri* Gunboat
hair, or gear upon the head She ality is the best that life has for you. j the real conditions here. He has as­
Venu« Inn) may I n * sure of having one of the
has«*. I <3 Inch surface, 11 «0
most enjoyable afternoon of th«*
first was a kneader of dough, or sang
"But let the halo of home be above
the joyous, refreshing song of the you. your filial love prove a source of Falls what it is today—a city worthy per square yard.
I of the railroad that his father is
Cement curbing 62 cent» per lineal United Pre»» Service
g!e«»sonie dairy maid.
cherished honor, your fraternal love . building into this territory. The foot; grading 11.10 per yard.
She's just girl and woman now. a
an ever-increasing charm in life's I Klamath Development company has < lark. Henry Construction Coiii|«uny.
American gunboat Paducah today
fitting mate for the genuine boy and
courteous deeds of chivalry, your con­ | never assailed capital and never will.
Class A—Five inch hydraull«* ce­ drove the Mndrli guntxiat Venus
A divorce suit Ma» tiled Friday In
full grown man.
jugal love a stream freighted with On the other hand, what d«i w«* find: ment base. 1 Inch binder and 2 H Inch
count, court by Caroline it a rubo
"The Duke of York discerned the the delights of unselfish devotion,
The Hog Combine sat cheek by surface, 12.79 per square yard
th« Pnducah refuse to say hoe near vs. Joel Maxwell Ratubo II M Man
true inwardness of pretension when your social love a power making a jowl with the Southern Pacific when
Class B- Five inch hydraulic ce­ I they came to a clash. but wh«n the nlnx for the plaintiff
he said: That word grace in an un­ friendly next door neighbor of the it came here; before that it was haud
1 *-» inch asphalt binder and Venus refused to obey the American
Huit was filed Friday In the count,
gracious mouth is but profane.'| world, your love of country that
in glove with the Klamath Canal 1
by The Little Klamath Watei
orders not to blockade the port, it
Words of grace are the overflow of kisses your hills, embraces your val­
company; later it welcomed the square yard
company. a corporation, v»
leys. that canonizes your institutions Klamath Development company and
Class C— Four inch concrete base. the cons«*quoncr of the refusal would C A. Bunting and M Venetta Hunt
"When nature makes meti and wo- ; and rights, your love of God's out­ the Hot Springs company. Other I inch asphalt binder and I
Ing. his wife, for right of wav I* V
men she never resorts to the juggling doors that strews earlands along your equally large enterprises were given ns) halt surface, 82.1* per square be on their own heads The hint was Kuykendall for plaintiff
of words, imitating of fanciful moods.; sunshiny pathwu), your love for God the glad hand until its capital was yard.
Venus. Madriz officials d«*claro they
mincing of striking expressions or I the beauty and strength of your mind securely invested in this city and
Excavation 81.25 pei yard tills will appeal to th«* powers for redress HAIS WK'KK TIIB<II<<B THE TAIL
ping of changing gait and foolish and soul—And life, life will prove a country. Then the tables turned «'5 cents per yard: overhaul beyond
maneuvers. And the natural force:- joy forever.
United l‘r<*»» Service
When it was found that they would 100 yards 3 cents per yard.
and functions of the man and woman
_______ —
not be preyed upon they were wan­
Curbing 65 cents per lineal toot; MANY INJURED ID EXPIOMON
must have their ptay unhindered by A|JEXAXWfiR IH HKRE w
20.— Director Campbell saw the com.
tonly attacked; the personal integ­ gutter 33 cents per lineal foot: man*
artificial processes
HAVANA. May 19 The streets of et this morning after the moon set
ORGANIZE FIRE FIGHTERS rity of the stockholders was assailed; holes 150 each.
"Individuality is a man's power. It
Pinar Del Rio are Ailed with praying He said It was not so bright, but still
libelous charges were flung at them, Warren Construction Compnuy.
gives character to his acts, thoughts A Branch of the Stat«* Association and everything they were interested
Blthtilitic pavement, jier square people today, who believe the explo­ of the »nine length lie also declare»
writings There may be the genius
in. And Mr. Hill may prepare him­ yard, 12.25. excavating, 75 cents; sion of yesterday was caused bv tho that the world passed through th«*
Will Be Established in This
of painting, poesy, oratory, architec-
self for the same result
Alls. 75 cents; curbs, straight, 65 comet. Twenty-six mangled bodies tall of the comet up to da«light this
t ire. invention, leadership.
Tbe attitude assumed here during cents. curbs, circular. 85 cents; rock "have already b«»en rucov«*r«*d
•nay be the noted charatceristics of
J. W. Alexander, who has charge ! Mr. Hill's stay was not for the excavation, 83.50 per yard.
fidelity, industry, perseverance, pa- of the Weyerhauser interests in the benefit of Mr. Hill, but for the inter­
It Is estimated that nearly 40,000
tience. There may be accomplishment ' state of Oregon, arrived in the city ests that closely guarded Mr. Hill. square yards of pavements are cov­ ••♦»»♦♦♦»»♦»♦♦♦♦»♦»»«♦•»♦••»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a
f lofty ambitions and high purpose Saturday from Portland on one of It is a well recognized tact that a ered by the tentative bld»
though an Individuality well enforced his regular trips of inspection. The union station in Klamath Falls would
Following the ojienlng of the bids
by the acquired ability of intense chief object of Mr. Alexander’s visit be of vastly more benefit than two the council took up the sped flcat Ions
< onviction ennunciated by earnest ef- at this time is to assist in the organ- separate depots. But does the Com­ of each bidder, and went over them lu
fort in behalf of som« special object i cation of the forest fire patrol. For bine care for that? Nothing of the detail. This required until late into
Klamath Falls, Oregon
in life.
several years the owners of the ex­ kind What its members want is to the afternoon. All of the bidders
Such individuality may impress it- tensive timber sections of this county feather their own nest, irrespective stated that they were ready to begin
self indelibly upon the world of man­ have maintained a fire patrol during of the consequences to the future of the work on short notice, and that
kind and become a source of inspira­ the summer and fall months. It ba» the city. Today they are singing the they would us«* all diligence in tho
tion for the future generations, Yet I been the means of saving large sumt praises of Hill; but let him enter the prosecution of the same, although
all of these combined do not consti- ' for the companies, and also for the present station and he will come in some of them doubted the possibility’
t ite our personality.
small owners. It is the aim of the for the same treatment meted out to of having It completed nt the time
"There is a force, a principle in | companies to work in conjunction every one who has refused to do their specified—October 31st.
mankind that manifests itself in the I with the forest service, thus making bidding
development of natural, intelligent the fire protection the best possible.
The conservative citizens of the PRESIDENT JOHNSON ASKS
humanity. It will work its way out
This year the patrol is to be better city realize what the gam« is. and
through several well defined relations 1 organized than ever before. Mr. Al?x when the proper time comes thej will
that are common to all.
ander is here to assist in getting the see that the real facts are preiw-nted Tell«
1 4 Ü
"The essence of these relations companies together in this matter and to the people who will have the final
constitute personality And these re- establishing the districts for the war- say, and who are big enough and
lations are: First, of family; sec- dens.
President 8. O. Johnson of the
broad enough to grasp the situation.
ond, fraternal love, conjugal iove, so-
Klamath Development company ar-
In sp«.*aklng of th« timber situation
> lal love, love of friend, love of neigh- i Mr. Alexander said
rived here Wednesday evening, und
bor, love of country, love of God'.-
morning appeared before the city
‘ The market at present is about
<*ut of doors; and, lastly, love for the same as last year. We are not
council on the matter of the disposi­
God himself.
tion of the str«*et car line. In the
buying very extensively. When we United Press Service.
“These are all there is of life,
PORT LIMON May 20 Another course of his remarks Mr. Johnson
can get timber at a reasonable figure
school that helps, directs, fosters and i
are always in the market, There earthquake visited Costa Rica today. stated that all he wanted from the
■rotects thes« in their development' * has
— • been
—— —
j —
------ in the Reports from San Jose and interior city was a square deal
A choice lli>« of invest-
no decided
1 as reached the true system of super­ past year.”
"I will do just what the council di­
points indicate great damage A tidal
monta» that -will nifilco
lative education. The student grad­
wave washe 1 the docks at this port, rects us to do. I do not think that
purohaser money
uated from such an institution real­
creating considerable damage to the this council will aak us to do sonv -1
izes in a rich abundance that Uf« Is a
shipping It is believed the greatest thing they themselves could not do 1
happy fact and never to be lived in Klamath Man S<-cures Option on an damage was done east of here, but no Ir. considering this matter all I ask 1.« I
communication can be established at that you do not impose conditions
"Strange, but nevertheless true,
you could not carry out yourselves If
this time.
that much of the modern system
you were in our position If vou can
C. Ross Anderson, hotel man from
adopted by the state is no improve­ Klamath, is In town, and has taken an
do what you demand, we certainly
ment over that adopted by Plato cen­
option on the Bernard corner and the
turies ago. From early childhood
Continuing Mr. Johnson stated that
Drenkel lot next to it, opposite the United Press Service.
until the age of seventeen—like our courthouse on Main and Court streets.
TOKfO, May 20.—The comet could hla only desire was to do that which
elementary and high school period—
Mr. Anderson was formerly In the be seen very brilliantly at this point would be for the best Interests of the
he gave chief attention to literature,
hotel business in Lakeview, and can from 2:40 this morning until 3:20. city, His company stood ready to
take up the track, lay It again under
music, the plastic arts and popular
readily see what a promising future The tail measured 84.066,000 miles.
descriptive science, with elementary
such conditions as the city might di-
Lakeview has. It is rumored that a
mathematics and gymnastics as an
rect. What he wanted now was .« i
hotel will be built to cost ii, th.- servatory are paying strict attention
incidental. Natural training and na­
iranchke that w >uld Indicate jus* I
neighborhood of 116.000, and will be to this celestial visitor, and const­
ture study he approved, which now
«here his company stood and wha
begun early this summer.
seems to be introduced into the ele­
tights it would have. When that was
It does not require a prophetic eye
mentary and secondary schools in the
prepared they could readily agr..*e on
to see the future greatness of our city
name of the new education. His pro­
differences of opinion, taking as i
the sneers of our pessimists to the
gram from the years of 17 to 20,
n basis purely business principles.
:ontrary notwithstanding.—Lakeview
At noon Friday the fiie department
equivalent to three of our four years
Mr. Johnson asked that the coun­
was summoned to the Moore flats, cil take some steps that would bring
college course. Included more vigor­
where a blanket had become Ignited about an extension of the Main street
ous gymnastics and military drill.
Must the horse go? is the anxious from too close proximity to an over­ sewer to the steel bridge on the Es­
"From 20 to 30, a ten-yearn course
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
of severe study of science. This cor­ query of the Illinois Farmer. To be heated stove. Before the apparatus planade, in order that simultaneously
responds to the graduate or profes­ sure he must go, and the faster the arrived on the scene the blaze had with the city his company could begi«
Modern improvements,
73 rooms and suites
sional period of three or four years better. Who M*ants a horse that does t een put out, only slight damage hav­ the laying of the sewers In the Hot.
Parlors, Two Club
in modern education. From 30 to 35 not go? In these automobile days ing been Inflicted to one of the walls Springs addition. He watned to be
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
they are given a five-years' course In the faster the horse cun go the better of the room
|K*rfectlv fair with the city, and ask* «t
dialectics or phylosophy. Then they we like him, and soon nobody will be
tnat his company be treated in th«*
8. O. Johnson and wife left Sun­ **ame manner.
are put into position to see whether satisfied with less than a two-minute
day in their auto for a trip to Bond
they can stand the test. And then, clip.—Exchange
The manifest fairness of Mr. John
msiifPRESEiir men
Goodrich’s Cash Store
Dry Goods
Groceries and
Men’s Furnishings
City Property
Farm Mortgages
Lakeside Inn,