Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 26, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 8
about town property, farm lands, tlm-
■ lier and homestead claims, house­
keeping rooms a ml other rooms for
lient; work of all kinds, both skilled
land «ummoii labor, bam work. amF
'all oth«-r kinds of employment.
Now, why not furnish this ofllee
with such lists of projwrty as you
l av«- for sale, with prices, finality, etc.
JOHN ( ONItAD Xl< I IM OF < ERE- .1 X Xsl X A I RISELI. |,| XsE X Al,I - Also thos«1 having houses to rent,
rooms to let, work to be don«1, an«! all
| ! ueh Information as th«- h'lmi’w-ek'.r
Oil Tile»
i naturally reess. Then this office will
of paving
, b< come a dire« tory both to th»1 visitor
th«1 bond
hmd fo your business. Send In you,1
«OHI«1 lip
! information.
n Jun«1 « la-ut«'* No Itela til«1» in This Country, BI im k Bc-tueen Ninth anil Tenth
--- --- —
('«luncilinaii II illits Springs < lau«, in
Sir« «■(« on Main to B*- Sonu tliing
But lias a bather and Brother
New Charter Which Hobt. I p
in Colorado
of a Business Center Siam
Bond Advertising
.MERRILL, On. . Mau 25
Gessi, n German working lu th« woods
i-vsr Merrill, was stabbed In th«1
throat three times with u penknife
thia morning by Role rt Burns, a fel­
low woodsman, In un insali«1 frenzy.
Gessi «ani11 to Merrill and hu«l his
'«C uuik I m sewed lip. Mild It Is thought
will llvi
lluriis Is at large.
In th«1 alMcnc«« <«f J Usti« «1 ««f III«1
‘race otn«ild. Marshal Clay Cnn h m
Hat«1«! about aiK wlliig Hurns, f« ni Ing
that It«- ha«l no Jurisdiction, but Hhei
IH Barn«« t«-l phone«! him fiom Klum
>«*h Falls Ihls afternoon 1«*llliig him
lie had am borii«, end h«- w««it after
(><>« h | wms cleaning miiii «- bottles In
bls catii|>, pn-parliiK to nink«- root
beer, when Burns rani« along ami
kicked th« Imiti«1» over
(hosl lobi
him to slop, wh«1« ■ ui « oii Burns juim.-
< d nt Gessi with a imnktilf«., Inflicf
tug I hr«1«1 ugly wounds In th « neck.
(Jeasl ran lor help. :itid got to own In
l!u>>. to sinuurh th«1 fl«.w ot blood
• *11«’ of ih«1 « ut» baivi) iiilssvd Ih«« Jug
dar velo. Berna I» b« llrved to he l«i
He |s rccvntiy frotn Houston
'lux., and I» 50 yeara old
LATEK Hberlff Barn««s start«*«! fot
Merrill ni once In an automobile «m
hearing of thè affair, uml wlll tr> t<
flnd Burns bnfore b«« hai u chanc«1 t»
grt ovvi th« California Un«1
( ««uni limali XX likin'. Kays Il's a Men-
are to lufe «ml l.inif«——Marshall
M ill N» m - About It
If a gi-utlcinaii named E. A. Dim
ham consults a fortuix1 teller within
«he next f««w days h«« may heai ot a
tall man in a durk blu«« suit who's
likely to make trouble for him
It s all on av<*onnt of the new
acheecher' ' <>o .Mr. Dunham's auto-
mobile. It sounds Ilk«1 a crons be
tween an alligator's laugh and a col-
lege i««II. and It sei-ms to be making
life mlserabl«1 for some people.
Councilman iVHklns told th«1 couu
<11 Tuesday night that It nearly coat a
«-oiniin driving a horse and buggy on
Main streat her Hi«1 yesterday «i ft«.
lb- want«1«! something done about
it, nnd thought a hint from the COU 111
<11 might stop the racket on . the
treels amt satisfy Mt Dunham his
ithislle wasn't popular In Klamath
It was stated flint Dunham
got out of Lakeview the other day
lust In tIn«*1 io « sinpc b< Ing arrested.
.Marshal Townsend s’il«! Diinbntu
had been notified already, but he
l«ol|l«l MM1 «lini << old b«> «I inc wl h
That ivininded J ik I m l.anvltt tbm
there was only on«« man In town, that
h«« knows of. who obaervi-s th«« speed
“Never mind." said the mayor,
'when we get the streets paved w««'ll
«oilect enough A iks from these fel­
lows to pay th«« cost of th«1 paving "
MANILA, P. I.. May 25. Naval au­
thorities lire today InvestIgutillg the
tause of the sinking of the drydock
Dewey In Suldg bay yesterday Divers
are working to ascertain if the Illg
structure can bo raised. Th«> sinking
will cause considerable loss to I he
Mayor Hnntlerwon Wants to Do All
Street Paving IMaalbl«1 I'1 m 1« iii
One ('««ntract
City council Tuesday night directed
Polio« Judge Leavitt to laaut« notices '
to property owners affected by the
I living work planned for Main and
other strivts, Informing them of the
proposed improvements. Notices to
non-resident owners are to be placiMl
on their property, and for this pur 1
Hpecial to ih«1 Herald.
MERRILL, Or«1, Muy 25
t'onrad, u woodsman near Merrill,
fell In a faint while chopping wood
abolii seven miles out of Merrill yes-
terdto aHernoon, and died In th<-
urlìi» ot liis partner, Frank Clark, in
th«1 Menili tow ii hall, where Clark
took him for assistance.
DealIi wan due io «erebral hemor-
i hag«1 Conrad w a a single man, 5*>
tears old, ami «aim1 ber« from Colo­
rado le.st tall, H«1 bus it father nn«l
brother in Colorado and Undertaker
Whitlock in trying to locate tlum.
ills I hm !« will burl <1 »< .M«>rrBI this
Conrad had no money and no prop*
« rty, as far us known, except his In-
I« rest In a w< «uf-crttlng contract fo 1
I How.dl of Merrill.
A clause in the new charter provid­
Business blocks are gradually j
ing how emergency ordinances may
working their way east on Main*
< I STOMs Hol N
street. Tii«1 lat«-st move in that di-1
be pr.swd got the city council into
rection is a ten-years' lease of 44 H i
quite a tangle Tuesday night.
As a result, th«« ordinance adver­
fewt frontag* on the corner ot Ninth ' II II«- Win* Madriz Will Ih-mand of
tising for bids for the sale o' W<*
mid Main from Ralph H. Ross, the
I hr«1«1 « arlomls >>t 12-lii<l* Pl|>< fur
I . S. Commissioner Gilmer Per»
just voted by the people was laid •veg
num r, io (> J. Jansen, a new arrival
Main Miii'i Arrived X «-Merda)
mission to Occupy the City
until the next meeting, so that ther«
11 om Se.-'UJe, and John Frisell. This
XX <«rk M«.v lug I long
may be a dear majority of all ' <m>in
frontag« Includes that on which .M
H< as' cotfx • now Hands, and whlrli
BLI'EFIELDS, May 25. Th«- fall ciWnea cl«*ct” pre"1 nt.
Gut ward ami vlslbh
lie will uiov«. io the rear of th«1 lot. i of Bluefield* today seems inevitable.
City Attorney Drake bail iHhpsA'I ‘
.««•■• t and S.-W«1! I iii | ii oveni« ins which
lilt ing on Ninth strc< t, and the God Madriz is bombarding th«1 customs the ordinance. a» th»- in»1««*» of
w ill noon !>«■ underway on .Main Hii>-et
frey a Stumble blacksmith shop, hou“«1 on th« Bluefield« gate to the .Mayor Sanderson, and both of (hum
ar«< now given th«* ilsltor to Kluumtli
which Ross will also move to the «ity. but Estrada is fighting in the last thought it could go through IM> uigtr«’
rear, facing Klamath avenue.
ditch, assisted by Americans, who are with a major it. of the present « iuii -
This w««-k a ii «. w of twenty m«u
Messrs. Jansen and Frisell will put opt-rating machine guns. Several cil. five being present.
working wltli pl< k and shovel on tlu*
Councilman Willits obje«t-d. aiJ
up a !wo-story business block they tim«-s .Madriz has been repulsed, but
excavations for th«1 »«•wei on Malli
have leased, which covers 44*4x100 h« come« back fr< sher each time. If he was supisirtcd by Judge laMTHtf is
feet. Mr. Jansen Infornie«) a H< raid Estrada surrenders Madriz will de­ making the point that Section $7-of
»Ireet b«tw«i« n Third and Fourth, and
will <ontliiu«1, bolh ways, lb«1 whol«1
reporter last night that he ex|«ects to inand of Commander Gilmore of the Article 7 ot the new charter provides
put In two stores and fiats upstairs. United Stat«-s gunboat Paducah that that a majority of “all councilmen
leiiKth of th«1 stri-et The work 1» un-
He is thinking tome of putting in a le give th«- Madriz forces permission elect" shall vote for all emergency
dl'i th«1 directhm of Thomas Polk,
furniture store for himself in on* of o enter th« city
uperlntendent for the Chico Con-
Women and chil- erdinanc«^«. Willits said it would be
ettuclion <'«>1111*11 nv, and S P Camp,
Mr. Jansen came here last Iren In Hlu« fields are terror stricken better not to be in such a hurry and
wlnt«-i from Seattle, and baa invested i t the sounds of battle. Many for- save trouble hereafter, as the bond
fori man of th«1 ditch w«*i k
considerable money. His family will i igners are taking reftig«* in the con- buyers' attorney would be very apt to
Th«- Chico company Is also laying
question the legality of the ordinary
m w«-i ou 1*1 lie street, easterly to N« * ■ L. X I BAX ERM, ONE oi THE CON- be here next month
4 ilates
if passed by only five votes.
M. F. Thurmond of Tacoma and S.
«nd. oil Becond from Pin«1 street to
TH X< TORN. I Rill! EK
Judge Drake thought it would be
High, and on Juniper street.
.11. Misbey of Seattle have taken a
"infernally absurd” to depend on the
lease on 30 feet frontage In the same
Th«1 contractors, who have ISO days
i vote of "councilmen elect” who have
block and will also put up a business
to finish the work under their con­
not yet qualified or taken their seats.
tract. hav«« been delayed on account
The raising of th«1 Shannon build­ TO IIABN (ROOKED WEIGHERS I but Judge Willits pointed out that It
of noii-arrlvai of pip«1
Three cat-
OF APPROACH <>F DETECTIVES i reads that way In the charter, and
ing aud converting it Into a two-story
loud* of 13-lncb pi|><«, however, cam«.
'advised strongly against taking any
Ill yesterday for th«1 Main str«1! s< w ■ r
business building is well under way,
Stakes were set ou Saturday and nnd the framework of the three-story
, hasty action.
and Gla«lding, McBean a Co., th«1 plp<
Councilman Castell agreed with
dealers, have promised to rush th«1 work began Monday for the n«1» building being put up by John .Maehl Former H"<k Superintendent Par.
«lone«! by President Taft Says Bugs i Willits, and so did Judge Leavitt, who
grammar school building to be erect- across th«1 street is also up.
i «-st of It right along
of la-iul Made Short Weigtha
<«d on th«. West Side. L. N. Travers, La nd if building is about «xymplet«.
I said the bonds couldn't be sold in
on«» of th«* contractors who were am! Mr. loutdis will occupy it with a
j time to take up the options on the
awarded the job. has a crew of men second-hand furniture store, making
I citV hall and garbage sites, any how
United Press Service.
under way. and will rush the work soni«1 of his own furniture
“Well, I'm staying with the city at-
NEW YORK, May 23. Oliver Spit­ «torney,” said the mayor, but he
just as fast as possible, as it Is ex­
zer, former dock superintendent ot agreed that it might be wiser to take
pected to have the new building ¡
the American Sugar company, who no chances. Judge Drake admitted
ready by the openiug of the school '
was sentenced to serve two years in that the vote might cause some in­
term next fall, XV. P. McMillan, who 1
the Atlanta Federal prison, but was quiry, but said it would be ridiculous
is a practical builder, will be super- I
recently pardoned by President Taft,
intendent of construction.
MllN LINE Of OREGON TRI NK testifi«1d today against Charles R to expect the council to do business
with members elect who had no pow­
Heike, secretary of the American Sug­ er to vote until they had qualified and
ar company. Spitzer made a complete taken their seats.
confession of the sugar frauds which
Judge Willitts had his way finally,
Bramii Will la-avc .Main Una* nt »
the government has been prosecuting and the matter was deferred to the
Th«* ilb« l suits brought against the
Point lb tn«s-n the Agency
for months, contradicting his own next meeting, when all six councilmen
Klamath Publishing company by H (>. ( oiiM-isaliie lii'urgeiit« Would Nava*
and Upper Iziki-s
testimony given at his own trial.
can be present. Councilman Hanks
Johnson. F X Wendling und the
Canon for un Issu«1 Tliis Fall—
Spitzer says bags of lead were used ■ was absent last night.
Klamath Development company, a*
To Act on Postal Savings
tn th«* scal«?s to make short weight on
And in the meantime certain city
also those brought by Judge Griffith
Aicording to an amendment to the sugar brought in under duty, He
mid County Commissioners Hnmuel T.
artichs« of incorporation of the Or«1- caused a sensation in the court room officials are looking for the man who
wrote that clause "councilmen elect.”
Bummers and Hamii«1l Walker were United Press Service
gon Trunk Railway coni|«any. Med­ when he said that the sugar checkers
WASHINGTON. D. (’., May 25.
nrgm-d on d« n>urrer before Circuit
ford is to have a branch Hue of that were warned of the approach of the
Court Judg«1 Noland Tuisd.v morn­ Ii Is becoming apparent that Sp«>ak«T system, the main line to be built to
government agents by signal lights.
Cannon will I m * made the issue In th«> u point at or near Klamath Falls.
ing at H) o'clock.
Spitzer also declared, in contradic­
Jud«:< Noland gave evidence of Ills coming congressional campaign by The branch will be built from a point
tion to trust officials’ testimony, that
dealre that th«m<- rivi«1« be disposed of the Instil gents and democrats, if not in township 35 south, rang«« 7 east.
after the checkers who were in the Steanu-r Is Only (hi«1. 'Tis Said. That
. possible, and th«1 attor- unseated before. Conservative' insur­ v1 hich is l«Miate«l between Agency an«l
Can Navigate Wood River With
secret had been discharged they con­
iH1.1 <>ti both sides, C. F Stone nnd gents are deterinin««d not to attempt i Upper Klamath Lakes. Th«1 follow­
a l.oud
tinued to receive their weekly salaries
Judge Drake, agreed to be ready to to overthrow hint this session, prefer­ ing dispatch has reference to this
from an ex-superintendent. The.de-
ring to save him for the campaign. amendment
argue them tomorrow.
The steamer .ifazama with barge-:
f«'nse was apparently unprepnred for
Judgment by default was «*!it«T<‘d The radicals nr«« anxious to unseat
SALEM. Ore., .May 20. In supple ihe appearance of Spitzer, and asked left Tuesday with a large cargo of
in the suits .'f C. V. Fisher vs. H. V blm now. and the conservatlv««* will mental articles of incorporation filed
for an indefinite postponement for the freight for th«« Weed bridge landing
Mitchel) .mil the Oregon Nursery have difficulty In restraining th«* rad­ today in th«« offic«« of the secretary of
on Wood river. The Mazama is owned
cross-examination of th«« witness
icals. It is believed that if th«« rndl- state, the Oregon Trunk Railway
roiii|i.iny v. M. F. Parker.
and operated by J. B. C. Taylor and
Irguiiients on demurrer in the < ills start an earn«*st tight on Cannon company dec laris itr intention to 1»1T< H RIDER PUTS OIT A I HIE M. F. Parker, as th«« Crater Lake
cases of J II R«i«id vs. C. K Branden­ row th«« conservatives will be forced I uild up the valley of the Deschute.-
Navigation company. This boat han­
burg mid J. D. Carroll vs. Sophia S to help them win th«' Ight. The reg­ river and Its tributaries and in a S|Mirk* From Burning Sagrlu-usb Ig­ dles a great part of the Upper
ulars lire uneonifortable. und don't generally southerly direction to a
lf»n)ey were set for Wednesday.
lake, freight traffic, as it is said to be
nitas« straw Pii«1 and Entlangc«-»
Th« casca of Melissa Brandenburg i now when th1' uprising will com«1.
the only one able to go up Wood rlv-
point at or near Klamath Falls, in
tlia* Smith il.ntcli
vh . A. C. Hatcher et tils., mid that of
' er loaded. The Mazama is equipped
the State of Oregon: also from a
C. K. Brandenburg vs. W. B Barnes XXIII Caucus <> ii Postal Savings Bill joint on the main line of the railway
The W. T. Smith ranch i • '«sc in with twin screws and large rudder
ns sheriff of Klamath County were
of th«' said corporation in township the Klamath valley had a narrow es­ . space.
Tonight's republican caucus will be ;».*> south, range 7 east, of the Wil­ cape from serious damage Tuesday
also set for trial Wodneaday
one of "regulars" only, it Is believed, lamette meridian, in Klamath coun­ Sparks from a burning sagebrnsh pile
and will not Include all republicans ty. Oregon, to a point in the city of were taken up by a whirlwind and I*
as at Irst expected. The announced Medford. Jackson county. Oregon a tarried to a straw stuck near the
The steady increase in the business
purpose of the caucus is to agree on distance of about 70 miles, with sucit barn, where the Are was making uer- and population of Klamath Falls I-
The Class Day exercises were held the postal savings bank bill. It is de­
branches and extensions as the cor­ r; headway in the direct Ian ef the indicated by the list of telephone sub­
this afternoon at the High School. clared by the leaders having the
poration mav hereafter decide upon, barn and other buildings. Hut for scribers in the new directory of th1
Miss Ethel Hnwxhurst gave the elans movement in charge that the bill to
«his decision was tak««n at a meeting the timely arrival of the ditch ri«!<’r. Midland company, just off the prenaes
history: class poem by Vernon Mot- be recommended to the house will he
of th«« trustees hel«l in Vancouver, who put out the fire unable,!. It mignt in the Herald job office.
schenbacher; class will by Howard reframed. As presented by the gov­
Wash., May II. 19IC. and ratified by have done serious damage.
Where the last directory, issued in
Boggs: recitation by Augustus Good­ ernment depositors w« re the only fnc
January of this year, was contained
a unanimous vote at a meeting of
rich. Th«« presentation of mementos, tors included. Bondholders and oth­
the stockholders thb same day. at HARRIMAN PROPERTY
in a two-page card, the new director,,
which consisted of a fine picture of ers. It Is expected, will be added to-
takes a four-page card. Soon it will
which 49.999 shares being all but
■Didge Baldwin and one of Superin­ night.
on«* shan
of the stock of the cor-
The Harriman property at Ninth require a book.
tendent Swan, was given by George
I < ration were ropresenh'd.
and Main street, which was held in
Stevens The iiuditorlum was beauti­
the name of the late E. H. Harriman
fully decorated In class colors and
for a Southern Pad fl«’ building site.
P. N. Phariss, R. L. Court and E C.
has been leased to J. L. Comstock, its
Court left this morning for an
present occupant, who will enlarge police committee of the board of sn-
FIHNT TO REIIITI.D IX BONANZA outing trip, going overland with a A«ks ('«-Operation of th«1 Bnsincss the boarding hous«' «h«1 is running ; ervisors has recommended that a
Community in Making Informa­
jermit for a "sparring exhibition"
team and camp outfit.
They will
tion Blindili a Smcceaa
granted the Broadway Athletic club,
I. J. Bauman of Bonanza will be start out In the direction of Keno,
it is understood that this permit will
th«1 tirst to begin rebuilding in the f nd expect to «'over a large amount of
George E. Byers was in the city be transferred to Tex Rickard and J.
burned-out town, from present indi­ country on their trip. They have let To file Real Estate and Busint'ss Men
Wednesday from his ranch on the J. Gleason, promoters of the Jeffries-
cations. .Mr. Bauman Is getting plans it out that any bear not wishing
of Klamath Falls:
for a larg«« brick hotel, and It Is ex­ rouble had better beat it while the
The Information bureau of the Keuo road, and reports the fruit crop Johnson fight. The matter conies be­
fore th«« board finally next Monday.
pected others will follow very shortly. «Ating is good.
Chamber of Commerce has inquiries looking fine.