SQUARING THE CIRCLE. M Ancient Problem That Hee Turned Man/ Urume Uuiy Tile mdl'Ht of probb'llia h thllt of • luurlng l lie lri'1«' I < of ti'lling tli<> precise h'llgtll of till' side of ii sqii.ll**' Whoao nil'll Will <<|lllll III« nil'll of U given circle. Thy first utli'inpt wo know of was tinulii •"««' years Iwfuri* th'' cxih I uh of till! JlW- Mill««' III Il'.lMl IJoo II ('. «'tilliesv brains have tunieil dizzy over It. TTiv olili .it mathi'inall'si book In Hi«' world written about 'Jissi |i (!. by Alum hi rlln' to uh Egyptian king, mid now renting In lite Ill'll l»li uiu ■mum pri'tiuila to solve II. but It dm hii 'I • nir old friend K ik 'II i I pro «bmlly mold- tlm Htibjei I llooke li.lli- been will toll to prove that It la linpoHalldo. otbol'a to prove tin» linpoiallilllty of proving Ila Im poaalblllt.i olliera ngiiln Io prove tin lni|H>Ha|ldlll.v of proving Ila |H>»a|blllty Otto m Iilitlst. n profeaaor of Zurich, mioptial Mi.nio tlfi.v .»cure ago ii infher orlg'lill niellli d o| lai kllng the prob liiu lie divided tin* Hour of n great loft Into I III Ilian Illi* of Hiilllll ai|Uurea mill .pent Ida «lay* In solemnly throw lui ui'iaiii < dioiit mid noting ttie num lnM> plat CM of ileelmula Atul "till It la not emit If you have a taste for miui » you enu atari mid carry It to iMNi mid aei- wlnit linp|.ena At any nite, you will soon find your h ilr getting grayer Ixmdon Answers A HUMILIATED MONKEY. The Crippled Old Deepol Wee Mede to Feel Hie Mighty Fall. Die following nmiialng story In told by J. I,. Klpllug In Illa Mun mid Beast In India" of the liundlbitloii of n mon key whom phyaleul dlanblenieiit pre veiitmi from maintaining Ida despotic I'-mltlon ua leading male of tin- troop: "One moridiig there came a monkey • hleftnln, weak mid limping, having evidently lawn worsted In a novere tight with nnollier of Ida own kind '»Ue hand hung |a>Werlraa. Ida fner nod eyea lain* terrible trncea of list tie, and be Idtplnl slowly along with i pathetic air of suffering. supporting imaclf on the ahonldvr of a female wife, the only member of Ida clan that had remained faithful to him aft er hla defeat "We titre* them bread and rulaln« nd the wounded warrior carefully mowed the greater tuirt away In hla berk pouch The faithful Wife, are Ing her opportunity, holding fast Ida tie sound hand and o|ieiilug hla mouth. deftly acooped out the store of rnlalns Then ahe aat mid ate them very calmly at a aafe distance, while he mowed and chattered In ltii|aitrnt rage. "Hr knew that without her help be mid not reach home and waa fain t< wall with wliut patience he might till the rnbd II a were tlnlalnal Thia waa ■ rtibnbly her tirat < hnuce of dlaobedl • •nee or of «elf nssertiou in her whole life, and I nin nfmlil ahe thoroughly enjoyed It ’’ What Was Missing Dr Wutaoii (Inn Maclaren) used to tell n atory about hla trip to the Holy I aim I. to which hr had been looking forward for a number of years with pleasurable anticipation An be waa nearing the center of hla torlc Palestine he met an American who waa milking nil baste to get away. After sin h griwtlnga an two English «peaking men meeting In a foreign • onntry might exchange the Amerl- eau askial Dr Wataou where lie was going "To Jerusalem." waa the reply'. "Jerusalem!” exclaimed tbo Ameri­ can in tones of unfeigned disgust "You don’t want to go there. I've juat • ome away It's a alow town Why. there Isu't a single ilully newspaper In the whole place!” WATER I NEHM' MEET IN«. S«»TT< E OI Nil,I OI I.A SDN Nl TIE A H|ievlal meeting of the atockliol I Notice 1« hereby given that the era of the Klamath Water Users A social Ion waa held In the city Lit Hiate Land Board will receive Healed Huturilay. at which the par vain of blila until I I o'cliM'k >i. m June 2N, I!) 10, for the following de rrlberl the stock of the aasclatlon waa r.ti I from *20 Io *30 por shine. On th'' Hwump Inad«. all In In T. 35 H , R 7'4 E matter of refunding the monev paid Lot I of HectIon 2. lot« I, 2 and 3, Into tin uHaovlatlon for due« by the land ownet of the Upper I’rojei t, H \E'( of HE *4 Of Heetlon 3; all of lota 1. 3, I ’>, •>, 7 in.d h. except the waa voted that be not refunded. :i< NW'/, of NEL of H' tlon 10. all of position being taken that the i«- >'.< l.i lot« I, 3 und I, ■•«■•< ,'t the NEVi of lion could not do no legally II 1« NW'« of Heetlon I), all of Iota I, 2, i.it. i in .i ulta win I,, filed tu I 3 and I. except th. NW ^of NW% the mutter In the court« of Nei tlon 2H; all of Iota 1, 2, 3 and I. except the HW'4 of NW % of Sec­ \«»TT« I Hl « REDITORS tion 21», till of Iota I, 3, 4 und 5, cx- <. pl the HE of NE1» of Ho tlon 30. All bid« miiHt be accompanied by a In the County Court of the Hint. ■ • regularly executed application to pur- Oregon tor Klamath Coutil» ■•I iihv ami at b'liat om -nfrh of the III tile Matter of the Salute of Je >d<. amount offered. No l.ld for lexa than M Arnett, Deceased 120 pei ai re will In < otiald'-red. Nothc la hereby given by tèe un The light to le i.) nil., mid all bld« dvratgni'd. mlmlnl"trator of tin- > »tat 1» r< H'-rved of Jessie M tniett. deieuaed. to He A p|>ll< at lorn and hid »hould be ad- < reditora of. und all persons bavin - dri'HM'il to (j t, Bio it. Clerk Stale «■Ialina ugalnxt. the «aid di-censed. t . Land Itoaril. Hah i> Oregon, and ¡exhibit them, with the proper vomì marked "Application and bld to pur- era. within "lx months after the tl ■ < liuie Hwamp liiml - pillili« atlon of thia notil e. Io III*' ani 1 «;. <; brown .' adinliilaliatoi at his resldem • til *1 • Clerk Hint' Land Itoaril. City of Klamath Calla, Klamath April II. If'lo. 4-21-6-23 County, Oregon, tin Hame being th> piaci* for the traiixaiilon of the I iuh I 10-I9000 K" A. >1. ni'MH of Hiild untati' JOKE I' A II .\ E l I . NOTICE ol RESTORATION OE Admlnlatrator of Nubi Eatati ITHLIC LANDS TO SETTLEMENT , i-ZI-B-28 \.ND ENTRY Department of the Inlet lor, General Land Office, Waab- SOT 1« I. lugton, D C March 30, I1 0 —No th. in hereby given that the Hecro- i To tin Mtorkholdi-rr. of Klamath tat' of th. Interloi ba« vacated do purtmental order of withdrawal In ho Watt i (' uth ’ XwiuM lutlon far aw the aamc affect« the withdrawal You me hereby notified that the for Irrigation purpoa«« under the act of Julie 17. I!«u2 (32 Slat., 3Kh), (or following amendment to the Hi Law of the Klamath Water Caera' Xaaoila iim - In cunniTtion with th. Klamath I’tojiit. Oregon <'nllf., of tin follow­ tlon will be Nubtultti'd for your a< ing described land« In the State of ii'plume or rejection at the next an Oregon and by Rin authority auch of r nuul meeting of atockholder« of «aid aald tract» uh havi not been hereto­ UMNiH'Intloll to be held In tile lioilatoti fore llnalh restored and are uot otb- .-rwloe withdrawn, r. nerved, or appro­ Opera Ilin Klamath Calla. Oi. gon priated will be xiibject to settlement un Elida*. 'Ili' .ini day of June, Ifelu. iimler the public land lawr of the t'nlted Staten on and after July 2, at the horn of 2 o'clock p tn . to wit That He. tIon I, Artidi' III. of wild I !•!<>. but »hull not be aubject to en­ try. filing, or election until August By-Law.. b> amend'd to read a fol I. I bin. at tl..- I'nlted State« ¡and J |OWH office at Lakeview. Oregon, warning ' "Tile exvil loe of the corporate Jinw being expte«idy given that no peraon I era of thia AHMulation and the man will be permitted to gain or exerciae any right whatever under any aettle- agement of Ita affali« aliali be veHted rncnl or occupation lu-gun after .In a board of «even IMrectora elected March 22 I1»IO, and prior to July 2, I to aerve om year." 1910. all auch settlement or occupa­ Willamette Ily order of Board of lllrei'ora. tion ix-lng forbidden Principal .Meridian T 37 S , R 7 Klamath Water Caera' Aaaociatlon E . all Seen. 6. 7, k. 10 and 23 and By ALBERT E ELDER. ; 4-2S-8'* Si'cridary HALE <»F TIMBER Portland. Oregon April 21. 1910 Sealed blds marked outside Bid, Tllnbei Sal.' Application. April 6, 1910, Crater,' and addressed to the District FOr- ■ «tei Foi- -I Serti«,', i'ortland. Ore gon. will b<- received U|> tu und Includ­ ing the 2 8th day of .May, 1910. for all of the merchantsble dead timber standing or down and all the live tlmbc'i marked tor cutting by the Forest officer, located on an ar«'a to b.- detintteli designated by tin- Fornai offiR't ln'(oi, cutting begins of ap­ proximately 400 acres on the east slo|M* of Pelican Butte within the E4 of Sec. 10 und the W4 of Sec II, T :tr> 8 . R 6 E W M In the Crater National Forest. Oregon, estlmatml to be 2.702,000 ft. B M of western yellow pine. 1.313.000 ft. B M. of white th 126,00(1 ft B M of Doug­ las tir. 40.000 ft II M of Incense cedar, 8.000 ft B M of sugar pin«*, live sau timbei. and 28",000 ft. B M of r less No bld of. less than »3.20 per M ft B M. for both live anti «lead timbei w ill be considered, I nml a deposit of One Thousand Dol­ lars l»l.000.00|, payable to the or­ der of the First National Bank of Portland. Oregon, must be s«>nt to that bank (or each bid submitted tn the District Forester Timber uiain | valid clalniH la exempted from sale | For fuither information and regola-1 tlons governing oales address Forest 8ii|MTvi«or. Crater National Forest, Medford. Oregon GEO H CECIL. Acting District Foreatei 4-38-5-26 Mialeading "Thiil la a fat. prosperous looking envelope Does our salesman send In a big bunch of order»?*' NOTICE ■'Not exactly. That euvelope con­ tain* a receipt for hla last check, hla •■xpemve account for tills week, a re- To the Stockholders of the Klamath • lueat for a salary raise and a requisi­ Water Baers' Association. tion fur some more expense account You ar«' hereby notified that a spe­ blanks.**—I.onlavllle Courier-Journal cial meeting of the stockholders of th«' Klamnth Water Users’ Associa­ Couldn’t Walk. Wifey You told me the other dny tion will be held in the Houston wo must avoid all luxuries and con- Opera House. Klamath Fall«, Oregon. fine ourselves to absolute necessities Saturday April the 16th, 1910, at only Hubby—That's so, my dear the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the Wifey Well, last night you came borne purpose of Increasing the par value from the club In n cab Hubby Yea. of the shares of stock of the said but that was mi absolute nis-esslty.- asHociatlon from the sum of *20 per 1'1 legende Blatter share to the sum of »30 per share, and for the further purpose of au­ E4K1H Hili BALE Bly mouth Itock eggs for setting, at thorizing th«* Board of Directors of Parmer«' Exchange, or three miles th«' sal«l association to levy assess­ outheast of town on .Midland road. ments against the stock subscriptions LAURA MILLER of the said association sufficient in Klamath Kalla. Ore. It nmount and against each and every NOTICE T( »Tit Kin'milk share subscribed to reimburse and to In the County Court of the Stnte of pay buck to the stock subscribers un­ Oregon, for Klamath County. der what is known as the "Upper In the .Matter of the Estate of .lames Project” such nmount or amounts ns ■M. Arnett. Deceased Notice is hereby given by the un­ such subscriber or subscribers have dersigned, administrator of the estate from time to time paid to said asso­ of .lames M. Arnett, deceased, to the ciation upon the assessments made* < redltors of. and all persons having < Inlms against, the said deceased, to and h'vli'd by the Board of Directors xllblt them, with the proper vouch­ of ani«l association for the accom­ ers, within six months after the first plishment of the purposes of this ns- 1 publication of this notice, to the «aid social Ion; said stock subscribers be-I administrator at Ills residence In th<‘ CW) of Khiinaili Palls. Klamath in,A limited to those whose stock sub- . County. Oregon, the same being the sct'ptlon.i arc hereafter cnnccl'cd 1») | • Ince for the transaction of the busl- «lie Socrotari’ of the Int«*rlor. neva of said estate ALBERT E ELDER. JOEL I’ ARNETT. Sxretary Klamath Water Us’r.«’ As­ Administrator of Said Estate. sociation 3-10 4-14 1-31-3-2« I 26 to 3.'. Induxlve T. 39 S . R 8 £., N'4 NEH. N‘4 NW »4 Section 13; N% NEH »nd W '4 Sec. 14; NU NE%. NWV« and W »4 SW% See 22 NW%. SE *4. NW% 8«C. 28; NH Sec. 29; N*4. E’4 SW«4. W% HE', and NE% SE', See. and BEV* Sec 36 T 1" S R 8 E , E% NWy« and NE1/« See 1; W 4 SW’« Set 7; wc SW'» 8 m 27; N ‘4 NEV*. SW’4 NE%. E’4 NW 14 and SE1, Sec. 33. T 39 S R 9 E., all See I. E'4. NW'4. E'4 SW, Sec. 2; all Sec. 5; N «4 . SW U . W 4 SE Sc N . S\\ ..nd SW >, HE *4 Sec 9; E'4 NE % and NW «4 NE >4 »<•* 111 N'4. NE% SW»4 »nd SE', S • 12 E ■-.• NE '« Se. ■ NW'« N E'4. N'4 NW»«. 8W ■/« NW «4 Sec 17; all Sc. 18; W *4 NE «4 W'4 and W2 SE % Sec. 19: 8W% NE %. SE % NW'4. E4 SW >4, W>4 SE >4 and SE 4 8K% Bec. 28; N4. N *4 SW H N '4 SE '4 Sec 30. SW »4 SW «4 8e< 31; NE»/«. E*4 NW'g and E«4 «Eli Sec 33; SE % NW'j, W4 NW>4 and SW', Sc-c 34 T. 35 S . R 7 4 E . Iota 1. 2. 3. 4 and the SW 4 SW. Sec 16. T 40 S. R 9 JL.W4 SW’4, Sec. 1; SE'., NE %, SW *4 SE % E4 SE 4 Sec 2; SW 4 NE'/* Sec 3; 84 SW 4 SW4 SE 4 Sec. 5; N 4 NW4 SW*.,. E'i SW',. SE 4 Sec 6; NE 4 NE *4 Sec 7; W'4 NE 4 NW*4. NE 4 SW 4 and SE 4 Sec. 8; SW 4 and W'j SE 4 Sec 9 ; E 'i NE 4 Sec li; NW 4, N 4 SW 4 and SW 4 SW 4 Sei 12; NW, NW, and SW-/. SW,« Se. 13; E 4 NE 4 SW U SW 4 SE'4 SE 4 Sec 11; NE««, 8 4 SW 4. S4 SE *4 See 15; W’4 NE 4. W4 and SE 4 Sec 16; E4 NE 4 and NE 4 SE 4 Sec 1" E4. NW4 and E% SW 4 Sec 21: ail Sec 23; SW 4 SW 4 Sec 22. N 4 NE 4 and NW4 Sec. 24: NE 4 EH NW 4, NW4 NW4, NW4 SE 4. E4 SE 4 Sec 27; NE 4 NE 4 Sec 28; NENE', Sec 34; N'i. NE 4 8W4 and SE*4 See 35. T. 41 S., R 9 E . NE4 SE’* NW 4. NE4 SW4. NW 4 HE'« and 8 4 SE% Sec I; NE4 NE4 Sec. 2; and NE 4 NE4 Sec 12. T. 11 8 . R. 10 E., S4 NW 4 and S4 Sec. 4; NW 4 5. -< 6; NE4 and NE', NW 4 Sec 9; NW 4 Se< 10 T 37 S . R. 13 E.. all T 38 S . R. 13 E , all Sec 1 to 12: 14 to 23 and 27 to 33 in- cluaive. T 38 S . R. 14 E . all Sec* 1 to 15. 22 to 27 and 34 to 36 in- cltiBive T. 39 8.. R. 14 E.. all Seo- 1. 2. 1 1. 12. 13, 14. 24. 25 and 31 to 3« incluaive. T. 39 8.. R 15 E . all. T 37 S.. R. 10 E . all Secs. 14 to 17. 19 to 23 and 23 to 36 inclu­ sive. T. 38 S.. R. 10 E.. all Secs. 1 to 6. 8 to 16. 23 to 25 inclusive and Sec. 36 T 38 S . R 11 4E, all Secs 6. 7. 18 and 28 to 33 inclusive. S. V PROTDFIT. Acting Commissioner of the Gen Land Office FRANK PIERCE. First Assistant Secretary of the Interior. 4-21-6-30 The Greater Monarch THE NEW DEPARTMENT THE OPENING OE THE NEW DEPARTMENT WAS CROWNED WITH GREAT SUC­ CESS. IT IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE CITY AND THE PRICES ARE SUCH AS WILL SUIT EVERY POCKET BOOK. FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES THE LATEST IN LADIES' FURNISHINGS. MEN'S YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY EXAMINING THE NEW. FRESH. UP-TO-DATE STOCK CARRIED IN THIS DEPARTMENT. GROCERY DEPARTMENT THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT HAS LONG BEEN RECOGNIZED AS A LEADER IT IS STILL SO. ONLY THE VERY BEST OF PURE FOODS TO BE FOUND ON OUR SHELVES— ALL PUT UP UNDER THE PURE FOOD LA W OF THE UNITED STATES. A SPECIAL EF­ FORT IS ALWAYS MADE TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE TRADE AND EVERY RE­ QUEST OF OUR CUSTOMERS MEETS WITH THE MOST CAREFUL ATTENTION. DELIVERY THROUGHOUT THE CITY FREE MONARCH MARKET LIKE OUR TWO OTHER DEPARTMENTS. THIS RECEIVES OUR MOST CAREFUL ATTENTION. FRESH. GREEN VEGETABLES ARE RECEIVED EVERY DAY BY EXPRESS. BERRIES AND OTHER FRESH FRUITS ARE ALWAYS TO BE FOUND ON HAND. FISH AND CHICKENS EVERY WEEK. IF YOU NEED IT. THE MONARCH MARKET HAS IT. OR IT IS NOT TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE DELICATASSEN OUR DELICATESSEN HAS BEEN A GREAT HELP TO THE HOUSEWIFE AND THOSE DOING LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. DURING THE WARM WEATHER IT WILL BE MUCH MORE SO. WE INTEND TO KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF TEMPT­ ING AND PALATABLE DISHES YOURSELF—AND IT IS BEWR. IT IS CHEAPER TO BUY FROM US THAN TO COOK THE MONARCH MERCANTILE COMPANY IS GROWING EVERY DAY WE OWE OUR SUCCESS TO KEEPING ABREAST OF THE TIMES AND MEETING THE DEMANDS OF OUR CUSTOMERS. IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU WANT. PHONE US AND WE WILL DELIVER IT PROMPTLY. MONARCH MERCANTILE [ IMPORPORATE!» | COMPANY J