officials with which to reduce the said Indebtedness to the limitation fixed by said constitution “Thill the defendants, ns such county court, threaten to. and unless restrained tn said court, will sell, dispose of and abandon said court­ house and count) property, mid threaten to. unless restrain«*»! In or der of this court, will enter Into con­ tracts for the erection of a new court­ house and county buildings away from Mid county scat and outside of the limits of said town of Llnitvlll* so designated as the permanent seat of said County of Klmuath. mid re move the records and public offices from said county seat to the great In- conwulence of your p»*titlonei the citlsens of your petitioner thereby in< ur great expense to I lilted Pl, ss Service county, to the extent of more thill $100.000. all in excess of the limit as PORTLAND. Ore. May : .- -The PlaMvaaiiiigs Mere Not a Surprise, flxeil by the State constitution for announcement that a month would Having lbs*« limoniovd voluntary indebtedness, thereby see the inauguration of Great North- by tlie Herald greatly increasing the burden *>! taxa­ < rn train service betweeu Port la nd tion of plaintiff and to his g-em it- arid D.itish Columbia and between reparable injury, and that nlnli tiff As stated by this paper, the «ippo- Portland auii the East, was muM to­ has no plain or speedy renicdv nents to the removal of the court -1 day b_* Ixxuls Hill, president r*l th. Great Northern He, ied l> house today tiled a complaint with i ' Wherefore, plaintiff prays f*»- J J Hill and a number of Eastern County Clerk IteLap in a proceeding ord* r. pending final deternill*-itio'i of capitalists who are interested in th« that has for its object the preven- this suit, rest raining' tlie deiend i'lts work that is being done by Hill in I tion of the changing of tbe court- r.nd th*- officers of said count* ceiiit the Northwest, arrived in lais cit V j house site to any other than that now o' Klamath County, Oregon, and the AIH EUTIMIA»; IIAÎHM. OREGON Ta- ' I« >11 »JUS 1» I \-4 < It I Filli I TAIT REACH KN BIFFAI/» last night by special train from occupied or to one located without the Cork of said county, and ea< i of ON KIM H li Tl» Till U EM I coma James J Hill, tired by the I boundaries of the original town of them, from making or en’erln.; m-y Al t> o'clock lust 8undu> morning St. Paul, Minn . April S3. journey, retired ii|>on reaching ti e ' Linkville order looking toward th«* *>imi- ■ ot Miss Mamie E Robertson and T E (Uirot at Home Where HooM-velt look hotel. Ther«* is considerable resentment th*- seat of said Klamath Couutv « r Editor Herald Elmi »»will of Offi«« Griffith were married nt the home ot Today, in company­ with othet *11- among the business men of the city Th*' Oregon Truuk Railway Is now the sale or abandonment of lid the bride's parents In this city. It* * rectors. he inspected the terminal over the filing of this complaint They I county courthouse, or an., par *>i building its lines down the Deschutes Northridgv. of Dairy, i*crf**rmlng th* United Pre»« Service properties in this city and discusse*! f«»el that they have stood loyally by BUFFALO. N Y . April $0 Prral said block 33, or authorixlu; tl.e erec­ Canyon into Central Oregon When ceremony Xfl»» Robertson has been railroad development, Preparations those who were opposetl to the re­ tion of a new courthouse. or lounty it rwu-nea Bend it will have tapped a a r**«ldent of this city for about n dent Taft arrived here Inst evening are completed to take the entire party moval and now that a majority of the 1 and Is n guest nt the home of Anil«) in autos through Central Oregon, for people have indicated by thel • voles buildings, ur the purchase or prepa­ region of more than 20,000,000 acres y*-m having colile here with her pat ration of any new sit«* for such build­ of timber, fartnln gand grating lands ents from Oklahoma She Is a charm Wilcox. where Theodor« Roosevelt the purpose of viewing the proposed that the* desire the new site it sboui'l ' took the oath of oBce when he sue ■ xtension iuto that territory. How ne longer be opposed They feel that ing outside of the original townsite that has hitherto been without rail­ Ing young lady who has made man* cevdcd to the prtuildency on th«- death of Linkville. or the issuanc«* of any way taciliti«*» friends and sh* mril«** with her to Jong they will be absent on the flip if the injunction is granted it will < DI warraut of Klamath County therefor, I take pleasure In sending you. un­ her new home their beet wishes Mi of th«' late I’renldetit McKInlr) «as not announced stop work this year and mean a losr or levying any assessment or tax for der separate cover, a copy of th«* Griffith Is th** son of Hon J it Grlf redly <>n th« other side of th* street to the city of $50,000 to $75,000. such purpos«*. and that on final deter­ Great Northern Railway's first publi­ tltli, count* judg* He Is one of th* is the home w here President M* Kin which would probably b«‘ spent dur­ mination of this suit, a decree mak­ «»AILY IJST OF TRANSFERS cation exploiting th*- opiHirtunlth's of young ntid energetic men of th* ley died ing the summer. They realize that ing this perpetual until such time as the homeseeker and investor In this county uml possessed of a cbaractct Furaisb«'d by the Abstract Firm of every dollar that can be spent hen- the county seat may I m * chauged in region, a patnphM entitled "O|H*nlng that Insures a bright and prosperous At the beginning ut the present should be turne<$> loose They hav«' compliance with law. on the affirma­ M m < v A Slough Up Central Oregon." future H«* has prepared for his bride year there were 164.30* telephones waited for nearly three years for a tive vote of three-fifths of the legal This is our opening gun In u cam­ a handsome little home on his ranch In use tn Umdon Horace G. Wilson to Wilber Miller, summer when business would be as voters of said county and on petition paign of publicity which we trust will neai this city, where they will I h > at SWfc of SEH of Sec. 20 and NWW good as it w-as four years ago. and ' for such purpose: and that plaintiff within a short time populut«' the mill­ home to their many friends aftet , A new sewer al Baltimore Is so now when the prospects are in sight recover his costs and disbursements of NEK of Sec 29-40-10; $2250. ions of acres ot broad prairie land theli honey iiKsin trip to Portland and ! largì- that an automobile has been United States to Thomas E Mur- nothing should be done that would of this suit and have such other and lying in Wasco. Crook, l-iike and Oregon City run through It phy, SH of SEK of Sec 5 and N K put a stop to it. further relief as in equity ma* be Klamath Counties with the same vir­ Following is a copy of th«- com-J meet and proper." John Connolly, who has been held of NEK of Sec. 8-35-14. E W. M. A 3.000.000-lon bill in Cincinnati ile and thinking type of farmer that j John W. Batdorf to James A Hill. plaint: Is now transforming th«' prarles of by the authorities for several days on ls belng movisi thrw ini Ics lo make u N% of NEK and EK of NWK of “H. F. Murdoch, vs County Court, .Hoiilaua into farms of treuiendous suspicion of having knowledge of the rullroud fili MRS. HORACK M. MA.NNl.N», Sec. 21-38-12; $10. agrtcultutal wealth producing |ajwer origin of the fires that d already been clr*ulut*>d Add. to Klamath Falls. $10. An additional edition of 25,000 copies dence being Insufficient to warraut clothing I ants and for cause of suit alleges: caused such general regret and sor- Ills further retention Sheriff Barnes D. B. Campbell and E. R. Reames ‘ That plaintiff is a resident, prop­ row as that to th«* home of H M. will b«' r«u«'lvi->O«»««*»»«* ••*•♦** *********** ********* lich to Western Pacific Land & Tim- Today filings are being made on Gov { cast at said election, and was de­ Manning sits in silent vigil by the ;>er Co . SWK Of 8EK of Sec 19: clared to be, and became, th*- perma­ bier of his dead wife. He has the ernment homestead lands In th*- i NEK of NEK of Sec 25; SW<4 of United States land offices at Great nent seat of said county. deepest sympathy of his friends and SWK of Sw. 31. and NEK of NW % Falls and Glasgow, at th«' rate of fellow citizen». Mr and Mrs. Man ­ That no election, as provided by i of Sec 33-39-7; SWK of NWK of about 3,000 per month Three hun­ ning cam«- her«- about a year ago from Sec. 16; SEK of NEK and NWK of law. has ever been had to change th«- dred and fifty steam plowing outfits location of the county seat of said Chicago, where he had worked so NEK of 8ec 17-39-8; $4000. hav»- been shipped into that region B F. Gould to W. H. Dancer, part county, or a vote had at any general hard to make a success in his chosen since January 1, 1910 of lots 3 and 4, block 16, Klamath election since said date, at which profession that his health gave way If this experience can be repeated A choice line of Invest- there was submitted to the voters He began the practice of law shortly Falls; $5250. in Central Oregon, it will be but a mento ttiat will make J. W. Chapman to Minnie Mont­ of said county the question of chang­ after returning to his old home and matter of two or three years before gomery, lot 10, block 29, 1st Add to ing the said location of the county was just entering «»n an era of suc­ the vast stretches of unfilled prairie the purehnNer money seat of said county, hut that on April cess that boded for himself and his Klamath Falls; $1000 land in Lake. Klamath and Crook C. Guy Merrill to Purl R. Merrill, 30. 1910, an election wan called by family a bright future, in all of ilia Counties will be converted into wav­ half interest in part of Sec. 2-41-10, the defendants, without complying success he ever had the tender so­ ing grain fields, and comfortable farm with the law as to notice, and with­ licitude and helping hand of a de­ • onsisting of 127 acres; $10. homes. Purl R. Merrill to C. Guy Merrill, out petition for submission to the voted wife, and her death robs him Fifteen years ago the lands in the of a willing helpmeet. Little realiz­ half interest in part of Sec. 2-41-10, voters of said question, at which said Big Bend country of Washington, Ready Made House Co. to Henry election more than two-fifths of the ing th«- great loss they have suffered along the main lines of the Great Rabbes and Wm. Wagner, part of lots votes were cast against changing the children, aged 1 and 6. comfort Northern Railway, were In the same their father in his anguish of heart : and 4. block 5, Klamath Falls; $10. said location of the county seat. primitive condition in which much of ‘That block 35 of Klamath Falls, and wonder whether mother shall re­ the land In Central Oregon can now Henry Rabbes and Emma Rabbes It is one of the saddest pic­ to W. P Devereux. S K of NW K of being located within the territory so turn be found Today, m I II ion h of bnHlo*!« tures one has <'v«'r been called to designated by the Legislature and the Sec. 32-37-9; $10. «if wheat are shipped from this sec­ J. F. Fowler to Delbert Loree, voters as the permanent seat of said gaze upon. tion. This can be repeated In Cen­ The funeral services will b«.' held block 5. 1st Add to East Klamath county, was in the y»*ar 1887 acquir­ tral Oregon, and we will do our Mi­ tomorrow afternoon in the Baptist ed by said county at great expense, Falls; $365 most to bring about thin much de- Church, at which Rev. '.1 M Bledsoe H. J. Isaacs and G A Cobb to J. and said county is still the owner sired result will officiate. Th«- members of the W. Asgk, lote 1,2, 3. 4 and 5, block thereof, and has erected thereon and Yours truly, Modern W«x»dmen of America, of 25. 1st Add. to Klamath Falls $100 Is still «Mcupying a suitable an»l con­ 8 J. ELLISON. Klamath Development Co. to G A venient court house, with court which order Mr. Manning is a mem­ General Passenger Agent ber, will attend th*- funeral in a Ixxi* Duttenhofer, lot 6, block 19 K> Hot rooms, public offices, vault and fix- Interment will be made in this city. Springs Add to Klamath Falls, $10. tures adequate for preserving the the county r«»cords and transacting Supt II G. Wilson of the Klamath J M. Pine to Albert C. Elder, S. <» business, spacious with Agency, was in the city, having conn­ 20 feet of NK of SWK of NW>, of public <• grounds, including a suitable jail and down from there Saturday. He states p Sec 20-39-18; $200 MRS. M. McMILLAN. Prop’r. that he is al work completing the Bertha E. Kerr to Jessie J. Sie­ outbuilding** appraisement of the right of wa> for mens, lot 3, block 103, Buena Vista ' That the volntary outstanding in- I nited Press Service. ¡i Modern improvoments. . 73 rooniH and nuitoH Add to Klamath Falls: $10 «lebtednees of th«* county excels the FRESNO. Calif . May 3 William the Southern Pacific line through the p r ■ ~ " Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club Henry R. Janssen to C. Fred Coll­ sum of $50,000 over and above the Forsyth«', aged 59, pioneer vineyaid- reservation, and expects to lie able to i Rooms, Etc., Etc. man. NEK of NEK of Sec. 25; EK limitation fixed by th«' State consti­ ist of this State, died this morning finish the task before relinquishing < He was the his duties to his successor, who is of SEK and NWK ot 8KK of Sec. tution for voluntary indebtedn*-»» of from heart failure i ¡ > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS 2 4-37-9, $1 counties and that then- ar»1 not suffi­ father of the seedless raisin industry «■xpected to arrive here by the 10th of this month James E Swanson to Jack Kerr, cient funds in the hands of the county of California lot 9. block 2, Hot Springs Add to Klamath Falls. $10. J. G. Pierce to Klamath County, block 35. Klamath Falls: $1 »’has. S Moor«* to John K Janssen. 8K of NEK oC Sec. 31-38-9; $600, George B. Rounsvell to Howard F Shepherd, lot 8. block 34, 1st Add to Klamath Falls; $300. TO VISAT CENTRAL OREGON AM» Chas E. Worden to W W M HD- INSPECT OREGON TRI NK ten. parts of S»*cs 15 and 22-.I9-9; $1300. W. C. Daltou to Katie L Dalton, SEK of NWK N'K of 8W K of S-* 1-41-11: $14. Jackson F Kimball to Thus F Mc- D*i- < <»nHued Hi« Time to I h - im -« iing »lie Cormick. lots 2 and 3. block ten; $46b.3S. < in Mil Northern I’roperth ■» in Portland IS AT PORTLAND RAILROAD MAU SILENT ON PLANS CHEER UP WE ALL HAVE OUR LITTLE TROUBLES Goodrich’s Gash Store Shoes Clothing Dry Goods Groceries and Men’s Furnishings GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES M ASON & S l OU G H ABSTRACTERS Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON 4 SLOUGH s Lakeside Inn, p___ (• I' I' t ì I