Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 28, 1910, Image 7

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vote to accept the site. i,.-t th « vote
naiilmou» as It I» po»-|j[
¡lil«- to rnak< it I' will glv«* th« lie <!
to th«- slanders that hav«- been fired
against the only men who have ever
done anything to make a city here.
«'•■«»«• listening to the xor«-h«-ad». who
ar« pleading for THEIR own Inter­
ista. You hav«- your own business
Any |M-r»a«ii who n«-»-«!» glaMae-
to care for nnd th«- best way to do so
AT ALL. ii «-<«1 m them just AM
It to build up the city, that a» it
«luickly a» they «un I m - linci.
grows yon will grow.
Get Glasses
in Time...
I ■» «J (to
IlMIlt« of til«'
A*. Ml RI mm h FillTIIKIl
lit« Own liKun1« <•«« io
h I ioh
%«■« • |>tmir<* <>f tin- Hit«- Will
Ha»«- M« hi <)
I h« re I* in old «tajlng (hat If you
gl«n u «alf enough rope Il will hang
itself." This wax never better illus­
trated than In th«- present «-oatroversj
over th«' removal of th«- court houa«-
The lat«-»t mathetnatIrian to enter
ihe Reid la II A* Murdoch Mr Mui-
<Jork ha» never been known n» (»o»-
M MlnK a very ardent d«n«lr«- to sac-
ilnce hl» own Interests for th«- bene­
fit of th. dear people. und It la a safe
afatenieut to tuuki* that hi» interest
in keeping th«- court house where It
now la not due to a dealr«- to save
the taxpayer» money, a» he no ar-
d< ntly tri«-» to make It ap|H«ar II«*
litis made th«- statement that If hr
li.id a chanc« he would produc«- fact»
and figure« that would be unanswer­
able. and hr hna at last »ecured thnt
It 1» altnoat true that
they ar«- unanswerable, for they are
»o ridiculous as to be nearly beyond
the pale of consideration However.
I lie Herald «III give a summary of
his catu-
llr ba»e» hla figure» on th«- a»-
«pinptlon that th«- court houae will
i« main for 100 years on whatever
il«* It may b«- erected, and then pro-
<<<«d« to show th«- debit nnd credit
»Id«* of the can«
Cost of «radio« «nd filling new
I I I fl *>,000. I | I VMllt«- O|
water right of old site, $2,000, (31
«oat of reservoir »it«*. $6,000; (4)
< oat of cement retaining wall. $5,000.
<5) cost of laying pip«-» for hot
water, $5,280; <61 cost of city water
for heating purposes to I m * heated
In the hot springs for 100 years.
$26,000 (7) coat of pumping plant.
$5,000 <xi «(»'rating and maintain­
ing name and help therefor, for loo
'•*ars. $200,000; 191 cost of new
highway $20,000; total debit. $360..
Credit account (1 • old site. $.30.-
<><t0, (2> cost of filling old site. $5.-
OoO; (3i sav«*d on wnlks. etc., $5.-
t«00; (4 1 fuel tor 100 years. $60,000;
total saved. $90,000. thus making it
<<>st the county $271,220 more Ihnn
If It retains the present site
Now for th«- facts
It will cost th«- county, accepting
Mr. Murdock's figures, which are
«•ver $16,000 too high, for grading
»nd filling new sit«-. $ lx,000, retain
Ing wall, which is unnecessary, $5.-
«00; cost of city water $25,000; total
Items 3, 5, 7, 8, are dis­
allow <*d because there will be n<> ne-
< csalty for reservoir sites, nor pump­
ing plants Th«- coat of laying the
pipes from the hot springs to the
iiulldlng. Item 5, will not be any
irerter than would be the cost of
Installing a heating plant. Item 2.
value of water right appurtenant to
old «He. is disallowed, because It -s
worth as much after the court house
Is removed as It Is now. and can I««
»«Id for that amount. It will thus
I««- seen, that the county will have to
expend $48,000. Mr Murdock ad­
mits that It will save $90,000, thus
leaving a credit of $42,000. Add to
thia the value of th«- new site with Its
improvements, of $55,000. and the
county will be ahead $92,000. which
la $2,000 more than has ever been
claimed for the property offered by
th«- Klamath Development Company.
There Is only on«- consider it lor. to
i«e reached, based on th«* "fact» and
figures" that have been presented hy
thoa«- favoring th«* retention of the
court house on Its present site -«nrt
troubl«- Just (liât much mon-.
We liav«- u irr*' wrvi«-«’ of ex-
that I« for unj-
iHHiy and <-v«-rylx>d>
I ►
I ►
< »
< I
< >
Unit«!«l States to Thoma- Mi« had,
< I
HE ft of Sec. 29-3 8-11 ft.
< »
United Stat«»» to Thotnax
The pax' winter ba» b«*en a bar«! NW ft of HW ft and Sft of SWft of
V4 <• employ «mly tlx most ««|>-
one on th- merchant» of the city, Sec. 28, and NW ft of NW ft of See.
prove«! m«-fho«l» for testing the
i Th«- sum»- ix true nt the past two 33-38-1 1 ft
-yr, and result» urr always wliat
| years. Th«- prime raum of th«- trouble
they »lioukl h»-.
Thotnax Michael to S. P. Michael,
« >
lies In th« fact that ther«- are no HWft of BE ft and W ft of HE >4 of
w«.-ekly payrolls in this city, Who Is HE ft of Sw-. 29-38-1 1 ft ; $604
Tnkc atlvantag« of our offer.
responsible for that condition'’ Ther«-
Thomas Micha«-! to H. P Michael,
are men h- r«- whose duty it xhoul«! NW ft of
of See.
hav«- been >«- aid in every way pos­ $400.
sible to bring in here capital and
Graduate and State R«-gi»t«-red
Thomas .Michael to T P. Michael,
But wliat hax C. S NEft of HE ft of H«, 29 and NW ft
Moor«-. G. T Baldwin, E l< R«-ames. of SWft of 8e< 28-38-11 ft; $600.
L. F. Wiillth. Fred Melbas«- and many
Thomas Michael to Martha J.
I others that might be named, don«- for Michael, Eft of HE ft of SWft of
i th«- city ami the merchants? Have Sec 29 and Wft of SWft of SWft
; they don«- aught but promote their of Sec. 28-38-11 ft ; $400
400 bushels of good seed rye for
own interest-«, irrespective of what it
Thoma» Michael to Mi rd le W
: cost their f«-llow buxines» men? When Michael. HE ft -of SWft and Eft of sale, $1.75 per hundred at ranch.
that I» to strepi th«* sit« off« r« il .«• «I
UE NOW LOOKING EDO NEW EDITOR | the Evening Herald refused t«> do the SWft of SWft of Sec 28-38-11 ft; 2-3-tf
thus save t«> the county ot 1«*a» 1
near Midland.
Moore, did they not bulldoz«- the
Thoma» Michael to A. L. J. Michael,
i IBM, « «I.MBIAA MEMBER* H YVK I other business lioutu-x into support-
NW ft of NW ft of Se< 33-38-11 ft;
IN TUA- DRY txil.lMA
160 acres of land near railroad.
1 benefit is It to you. Mr. Merchant,
F P Michael to A L Michael, cabin and barn, for $300. Running
j or to th«* community’ Imex it pub- NE ft of HE 44 of Sec. 29 and NW%
stream. I have about eight home­
hii |> i «'| ii < < ««uri Hustuiii» tin Dt*ci»ioii le ginning t«> Realise Use Trould«-»
< lish all of the new«? Do«?» it reach nt SWft of Sec. 28-38-11 *4; $200.
of latwrr Court in H«lli<t-<i-
I olloM tng an Alffort to Hal*«-
steads, level and good running water
(the people who spend their money
Sarah Jane Woods to A. L. Michael, For particulars write to
« '»»tel I » m -
Tlw-ir •IO,(MM> Ital«y
at home, or doe» it go into the homes NW ft of SEft of Sec 29-38-11 ft:
of those who »end away for th«*ir $10.
Th«- Huptemi* Court of th«- Htat--
Birdie W. Thompson to A. A.
There 1» trouble in the camp of
hux hunded down a d«*«lslon sustain­
even groo-ri«*s? Look over your
ing the decision of th«- lower court. th«- Ilog Combine, and all because Its books end se<* how much money the Michael. BE ft of SWft and Eft of
Lakeview 01187.
rend«*r«-d bj Judge Benson, In th«* $10,000 baby Is not delivering the men who are opposing progress in 8W ft of SWft of Se< 28-38-11 ft;
Not coal land.
lltjuor case of A Castel and Kent goods. When th«- editorial luminary thix city have xpent with you during $10.
Martha J. Patterson tot A. L Department of the Interior, Ü. 8
Th«*««- gentlemen brought
th«- paxt few years
But you are
I-and Office at Lakeview, Oregon
th«- action for th«* pur|M«s«- of nullify­ that wax to guide the organ of the axked to pay jour 10 per cent lnter«*st Michael. Wft of SWft of SW% of
March 11, 1910.
ing th» decision of the voters In th* Combin«- on its great and glorious whenever you want a dollar, give Sec 28 and Eft of SEft of SEft of
local option election <>f two years ago. path wa» "discovered" it was thought ironclad s«»curity, while a bunco- Sec 29-38-11 ft; $1.
Notice is hereby given that James
G. A. Schen«-cker to Louis Ait. lots E. Newbanks, of Keno, Oregon, who,
as a result of which th«- county went that at lust th«* man was found who
I steerer can come in here and walk 1 and 2. block 46. 1st Add to Klam­
dry " The chief allegation of their could d«-llver th«- goods He was ac­
on May 12th, 1904, made Home­
off with his thousands That is the ath Falls; $10.
complaint was that the county court
stead Entry No. 3236, Serial No.
' treatment you get.
Geo. B. Snyder to Elmer B«*ardx- 01187, for SWft NW ft, N ft SWft,
and sheriff did not comply with th- cepted with th«- understanding that
Here we find C. 8. Moore taking leq. lot 7. block 82, Klamath Add. SEft SWft. Section 17, Township 40
provisions of the local option law, h«- would writ«- all of his article» with
relative to the posting of notlc«wi of gall and vinegar, diluted with a good­ | nearly $100,000 out of this com- to Klatpath »'alls. $2,150.
8., Range 8 E, Willamette Meridian,
Evelyn V. Turner to R R. Bun­ has filed notice of intention to make
the election and th«* Issuing of tb«- ly portion of sulphuric acid, so that . munlty and putting it into a building
order d«*clarlng the r«*sult ther«*of they would burn and smart every­ in Portland He insists on 10 per nell, undivided sixth interest in lot Final Five-Year Proof, to establish
Judge Benson d«*clded In favor of the thing and everyone they touched. But, cent Interest through his banka here, 5 Sec. 17; lots 1, 2 and 3 and SEft claim to the land above described,
county, which d«*clslon was sustain«*«! Io' The first attempt brought libel but do«*x he get it in that building? of SEft of Sec 20; lots 1, 2, 3 and before C. R. DeLap, County Clerk, at
by the State Supreme Court. In th«- suits galore To add further to the How much better It would be for the Sft of 8W(» of Sec 21; also NW ft Klamath Fails, Oregon, on the 33rd
city if he put up some business block and lot 1, Sec. 28-40-10; $10.
day of April. 1910.
fnllowlng opinion
troubles of the Combine two ass«*«x-
Charley F. DeLap to H. »'. Shep­
Claimant names as witnesses;
"This Is an appeal by the plaintiff«. tnents hav«- already been levi«*d in her«* and s«*cur«*d for the merchants
A Castel and Kent Ballard, from a order to raise money enough to pay lower rents? Why didn't he erect a herd. lots 9 and 10, block 36. 1st
Samuel Padgett, of Keno, Oregon;
Judgment dismissing a special pro- the men on Saturday night. The home for the Klamath County Bank? Add. to Klamath »'alls; $10.
Albert Shear, of Keno, Oregon; Ray
Enterprise Land & Investment Co. Lamb, of Keno, Oregon; Cheater
c«*edlng Instituted to r«*-examlne the third one Is booked for next Satur­ i Why didn't he invest in some manu­
W. J. Manch«?ster. tract No 26. Wilston, of Keno. Oregon.
action of the defendants Klamath day. And another is on the hook,
County. J B Griffith aa county Judge, calling for an nsxeKxment to hire le­ he Improve his property? Why didn'- Enterprise tracts; $1950.
Eugene Spencer to Western Pacific 3-17-4-24
and A'r«*d Melhase and Albert Walker gal talent to defend th«- libel suits. I he lower your rate of interest, oi
! leave that money here and loan it Land A Timber Co.. NW ft of NW ft
ax county commissioners, constituting But that is not all
| out even at 10 per cent, when ft is and lot 1. Sec. 24; NW ft of NEft
th«- county court In making an or­
One of th«- leading stockholders so badly needed in this community? and SEft of NW ft and lots 1. 2, 3
In Justice Court for the Precinct
der declaring th«* r«*ault of a county has been handing out a bunch of talk
of Tuie Lake, County of Klamath.
election held June 1. 1902, to deter­ about someone s«*lllng out “to the j He is the moving spirit back of the and 4. Sec. 30-39-7; $10.
James E. Swanson to Fred Noel, | State of Oregon.
mine whether or not the sale of In­ other side." Now. that is serious fight against the Klamath Develop­
toxicating liquors as a beverage Is It posxibl«- that then- is a schism ment Company. He is the man who lot 5, block 2, Hot Springs Add to ' J. G. Patterson, Plaintiff, vs. Frank
Worley, Defendant—Summons.
should be lntcrdlct«*d, and absolutely In the ranks of th«- pur«- and noble , says to you. Mr. Business Man: Klamath Falls; $10.
J. D. Carroll to Edward and Geo To Frank Worley, the above named
prohlblting the sal«- thereof within mrmbori of th«- Combine? Two of "Keep the foreign devils out. They
the proscribed limits, ' except for th«* bankers are alleg«*d to have al­ i tresspass on 'my' private preserves Bloomingcamp, NEft of Sec. 30-39-
In the Name of the State of Ore­
m«>diclnal and other purpos«-a allowed ready xtart«*d to make overtures for If they com« here they will bring 10: $10.
with them money, and interest rates
G. W. White to E. H. DuFault. lot I
by statute
mercy. Some of th«- smaller stock­ must go down; they will bring with 7, block 19, Fairview Add. to Klam gon, you are hereby required to ap­
pear and answer the complaint filed
"The plaintiffs, as petitioners in holders arc beginning to s««e where
th«- application for a writ of review, they are going to get off at in the them new citizens whom I cannot ath Falls: $10.
against you in the above entitled ac­
Geo. D. Grixxle to John W Shan tion within seven days from the date
severally allege that he is a citizen, mel«*e, and they ar«- beginning to rap­ I control; the» will improve their prop­
erty and thus show mt* up in a bad non, lot 2. block 48, Klamath Falls of the service of this summons upon
taxpayer ami qualified elector of th«* idly calculate on how to get out. Mer­
fight; they will show an enterprise $4350.
you, or suffer judgment to be taken
City of Klamath »'alls in thnt county; chants ar«- beginning to realize that
In which I atn lacking Keep them
Oregon Valley Land Co. to Geo against you for the sum of Thirty
thnt Castel is operating In that city they have been played for suckers
W Kinkead. SEft of NW ft of Sec Dollars and interest with the dis­
a brewery, in which business he has and bluff«-«! Into advertising through out. for it hurt» me."
It is time for the busln«*ss men of 25-36-14; $200
bursements of this action.
lnv«-»t«*d about $10,000; that Ballard, a medium that has proven profitl«*sa.
the city to wakt» up and open their
Oregon Valley Land Co. to O. B.
Given under my hand this 12th
pursuant to lawful authority, is en- They are beginning to learn that th«*
ey«*s to the sucker game into which Swayne. Nft of Sft of SWft cf day of March. 1910.
gng«*d in conducting therein a licens- people who BUY AT HOME are those
they have been rop«*d The Klamath SW ft of Sec. 11-36-14; $200.
<*d saloon, and thnt In consequcnc«- who read th«- Herald and the Repub­
Development Company will do more
Jessie B. Eldred to Henry Jackson. | 3-17-4-28.
Justice of the Peace
<>f the order cotnplain«>d of. th«* plain­ lican; they art* beginning to see that
for this citj- in one month than Moore lots 9, 10. 11 and 12, block 60. of |
tiffs huv«- b«*en deprived of valuabl«* the readers of the»«- papers appr«*ciate
and his gang have ever done; they Grandview Add. to Bonanza $1000 !
property rights without an oppor­ th«- fact that th«- Herald and the Re­
will bring capital here: throug.i it
Thomas Hampton to J. G. Pierce, i
Lakeview 02885.
tunity of b«*lng heard respecting their publican ar«- making the tight foi
we may hope to have big sawmill.« es­ undivided half of lots 9 and 12. block .
Not coal land.
several injuries in u court of compe­ them—the great common people—
tablished; manufacturing establish­ 1; lots 1 , 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6. block 2; I Department of the Interior, United
tent jurisdiction
and they are patronising the mer­ ments will spring up and give em-
States Land Office at Lakeview,
"An examination of the transcript chants who ar«- advertising in them. I ployment to men; weekly pat rotis lots 7. 8 and 9. block 3; lots .*>. 6. 7
falls to show thnt either of the plain­ The merchants are beginning to real-
will b«* th«* order of the day
Yuu 5; lots 7. 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12. block
Marcn 7th, 1910.
tiffs appeared. In person or by coun­ lz«* that the people of the city and
will hav«* something to live on for 6; lots 1. 2. 7 and 8, block 7: lots 4 ,
Notice is hereby given that Wil­
sel, In th«- County Court of Klamath county have taken a d«*«*per interest
you will b«> doing business wit«t the 8. 9. 10. 11 and 12. block 8; lots 1. liam Sargeant, whose postoffice ad­
County during th«* consideration of in thia xtruggh* and they are feeling I
men who spend their money at uon«e. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. block 9; lots 7 7. 8. 9. dress is Klamath Falls. Oregon, did.
th«- matter In qu«*stlon. or In any the effect of It on their business As
Whil«* Moore Brothers are Belling lb«- 10, 11 and 12, block 10; lots 3. 4, 5 on the 27th day of December, 1909,
manner resisted the order, th«* mak­ a result, they art* pulling out their
only revnue producing thing they I and 6, block llffi lots 5. 6. 7 and 8, file in this office Sworn Statement
ing of which they seek to review So advertising from th«* organ of the
hav«- their sawmill men who cam-- block 12; lots 5, 6. 7 and 8. block and Application. No. 02885, to pur-
far as appears from the return, Combine and giving It to that of th«*
her«- through the Klamath Develop-: 13: lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5 and 6. block 14; chas«* the SE% Section 35, Township
which wax made pursuant to the writ, people.
ment Companj are buying it in order lots 6. 9. 10. 11 and 12. block ’5; 37 S., Range 9 E., Willamette Me­
neither Castel nor Ballard wax a
But the greatest disappointment of to help build up this city. How long ' lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6. block 16; ridian, and the timber thereon, under
party to the proceedings, and hence th«- whol«» affair is that of the "guid­
ar«» you going to pursu«* your sul- < lots 3, 4. 5 and 6. block 19, Nob Hill the provisions of the act of June 3,
no more Interested therein than any ing star." What a disappointment
cldal policy? 8t«*p to the front. «*»-1 Add. to Klamath Falls; $10
1878. and acts amendatory, known as
other citizen or taxpnyer of the coun­ he has been’ The beginning of the
tend your hand of welcome and wt’h
"Timber and Stone Law," at such
ty, and for that reason Is not en­ end is at hand, and then th«- real
a hearty "Come." pull into the city Sft of SWft of Sec. 28; SWVi of value as might be fixed by appraise­
titled to a determination of his rights troubh* will commence A new hand
the men these p«*op)e are trying -o SW ft of Sec 27. and NW ft of NU H ment. and that, pursuant to such ap­
(Raper v. Dunn. 53 Or 203: Gnrrl- lx demanded at th«- helm, but the«-«*
drive out
of Sec. 34-34-14
plication, the land and timber there­
son v. Richardson. 101 Pac 900).
Is that infernal contract! It was a
On next Monday a vote will be tak­
have been appraised, June 14th,
"Other objections are urged against costly blunder, but It must be over-
en on the removal of the courthouse part of lots 3 and 9. block 49. Nichols 1909. the timber estimated 787.000
the order of prohibition, on the com«-, A new tack must be taken.
to th«» site offered by the Klamath Add. to Klamath Falls; $10
board feet at $.75 per M.. and the
ground that It lx void
It is suffi­ The court house matter must be pre­
Development Companj
$92.00; that said applicant will
cient to say. however, that since this sented in a different light Th«- Her­
ndmlts that it will he accepted by an I of lots 3 and 9, block 49. Nicbotp offer final proof in support of his
appeal was taken and perfected. «*ach ald has held th«- winning cards all
overwhelming majority. This city is Odd to Klamath Falls: $450A
application and sworn statement on
question now presented hax been de­ the time. These and many more are
practically the only spot in the coun
th-- 20th day of May, 1910, befor«-
termined adversely to the plaintiffs' th«* expressions of the outfit that are
ty where there is oposition
C. R. DeLap, County Clerk, at Klam­
beginnlng to kick on th«- we«»ltl\ as­ Johnson has h«»en given to under-
ath Falls. Oregon.
"It follows that the Judgment sessments They even now do not stand that every
Five lots, slgn.ly location. $1500
buxlncxx man In
Any person ¡ b at liberty to protest
should be affirmed, nnd it is so or­ seem to realize that the Herald holds the town has has
bl» hands raised Can loan $750 cn the deal,
this purchase before entry, or Initi­
dered "
th«» winning cards because It is ad­ against him. That is not true. The ! A nice cottage with bath, large ate a contest at any time before pat­
A good buy.
vocating right against wrong
Herald believes that a majoritj -a | lot. $1700
ent Issues, by filing a corroborated
K. S McDonald and family have
A large residence. Are lot, $2500 affidavit in this office, alleging facts
In th«- meantime th«- Combine has big majority—of them want him to
returned from Southern California commenced its still hunt for an edi­ com«- and stay and do everything he i Three cottages on three Iota. Room which would defeat the entry.
Mr. McDonald lx th«* owner of oppor­ tor who can convlnc«- the peopl«* can for the city, There is one way to |r nr ugh for another cottage; $8166
tunity addition
their way
prove it Get out next Saturday and I
i'rivut«- H< I i « iimo
A urtii»li«’«l by tlie Atx>tra< t
.Mason A Hlougli
iti, ■