A BIG MEETING «.«1\ I.HNMENÌ* YHKKD TO I-I It- NIHR «ITER Eoli PIKMMT that rival th<- census of th« «-nllght , ••ned world He drew hi personal friends from i «very condition of life and h«-la>t gentle birth by fi«kl<- fortune and Noted Men of American reared in the unlv«-rslt> of th« world la-tter* to become th' master of wholenome humor, Mark Twain retained to the last his delicate distinctions of light United Pr« , m Hr-rvl««' and shad«*, giving to the world H h REDDING. Conn., April 22. Samuel I. Clemens« known to the «l«ar«*at snill« and drawing from it G VRBER-BRATLY7I’ world a» Mark Twain, died at his its most willing, sympathetic tears. home In 'his city last «-vrnlng His For withal his humor the public eye Miss Mary E. Bratley and Joseph no happy Ilf* punctuated Garber were marrle«! at the home of d«ath brings to a dose a car««er that haH was fill'll with vicisHitud and finally with deeper sorrows. He had known W A. Delzell Thursday evenln. Rev crowned ith hik «-« as Ev« i sin«« the every travail of th«- soul, and few Geo. Ferae ofll< feting The bride la a death of I i I h favorite daughter, Jean, there are whose spirit of sound hu­ teacher in the Indian school at the which O'' urri'tl on the day before mor would have survived so many Klamath Agency, having com«- here last Chrl-'nia* Mr. Clenu ns has grad- 7 onslaughts of a whimsical and cruel from h«-r home In iVIchita, Kas, ually failed Her death fill«-d hlrn ' fate. about two vears ago .Mr. Garber, In lk35 while there were l«uis than who has been connected with the In­ with a -orrow that was nev«r as- Huag«-d. and even on his bed of death a million white inhabitants In th« dian Bureau for some time, is at he refer;ed with loving tenderness to great empire west of the Mississippi, present located at Yainax, where he th«- wetn'T) of the one bright light Harnuel Langhorn« Clemens wat born is engaged In Indian work Mr. and It was November 30. and th< scene Mrs. Garber will mak«- their home at ..f his I. ' Tomorrow morning I i I h body will ! of his nativity was a humbl«- cabin Yainax. be placed on an express train and ■ at Florida Mo. which at that time taken t< New York City, where a marked the extreme fring«- of fron­ TEA< HERB' INSTITUTE; TD His parents wer«- BE HELD IN BONANZA short m* uiorlal service will be held tier wttienient in the J’resbyterlan Church. Thirty­ John Marshall Clemens of Virginia A local teachers' Institute will be seventh street and Fifth avenue, of and his good wife, who was Jane held at Bonanza on Friday evening which Dr H«nry VanDyke, preacher I-ambton of Kentucky. Clement's parents, victims of the and Saturday, April 29 and 30. The and Ht«iateur. is pastor. The re­ mains will be burled in the family wanderlust, left their small property evening program will consist of se- plot at Elmira. N. Y.. on next Sun­ in Islington for a new home at lections prepared by the schools aad Jamestown on the Cumberland River several short addresses All of the day. in Tenm-sse«- Next they traveled to teachers of the Upper Proje«* ar« .Missouri, passing St. Louis, then a urged to attend and as man^ of the EX-PREM1IENT IWHysEVELT city of 10,000 souls, for what seemed other teachers of the county as can WIRE» SINCERE IIEXHIET to them a land of brighter promise.! attend ar« cordially invft«*d They settled at Florida, a hamlet, de-1 Say» His lié'vemeiit» lla«<- lh-en scribed by the author in later years Hoch a» Should Fill th«- Na­ as "the settlement that just divides tion With Prl«l<- the d«.-sert from the sown.” It was there that the future Mark Twain was born. Special Cable to United Pr«s- Him Will HI GREATIY ENLARGED $. I. CIEMENS' ENO WAS PEACEFÜE .1 II. BEIlltk INI» EI.MI.lt III.AItliH. I.EY III \ l*E< K'H INTEItENT ill«- lii»lalli«lioii of 'Im Ii Ma­ chinery nod lair log the ' it) n Moilern Plant M cuiih I H Peck Im» dispose«! of 111» lli- li'i'SStH In th« Klamiitli Falls Iron Works to J. II. H«rry, I i I h partner, mid Elni'-i ll«iird>l<), of Halcni Mr. I’aUii hik I Are l*r«'M'iii anal Beardsley I h the proprietor of the A i I hmm th«- iautd Owner» on Eureka Iron Woikw of Halem, but he U'hut I» Nlt tIKlh XHTIl I.F n I of broad Ideas, who believes In doing I things ou a larg<- scale, as well as re- m« rl) cmbrac.-d lu ih« Upper Project Y«»u are now just ahi'K' luti wm Flr*«r M« p I uken lor <»|M'nliig • p « Johnson, <» X. Wendling, W. I feel that he Is entitled to all the PARIS, April 22 When apprised ,,<»»«• of ascertaining what la your de j Clark. J <1 Pier««. William 8 Wor­ prosperity that may come his way. of the death of Mark Twain, ex- den. Charlos K Wordsn and A M »ire in that respect. Prsaldent Thwidor«- Roosevelt cabled "W«' have recommended to the He«' Word* n. Thea«' gentlemen will con- the following message to th«* United ANtriHEIt WITNEHN IN HYDE letary of the Interior that you be atltuts the board of directors, the of­ FAME HTItB KEN WITH II.I.NEKS Press: .allowed a abort time to rer’onalder ficers of th«* company being chosen "It is »1th deep«*st sincere regret This I h the com­ .«nd decide what you want. We being ! from umoug them that I learn of the death of Mark Strung«- Fat«* S«-«- iiis to Follow State well acquainted with th«' situation of , pany thut recently acquired tin- prop­ Twain. His position was like that in Famou» Fam- 'hr affairs. we were In favor of your erty. street car Hue and franchl*« of Joel Chandler Harris, unique not ••lease from the former a»aoelaDon.' of th« Klam.vth l-anrf A Transpor’s- United l'r«c Servlc'- only among American men of letters, «a We thought «on lould do better It tlon Company. but through«iut th»* literary world KANDAH CITY, .Mo. April 23.- Th« filing of these artlcl«m of In­ God m *«* uih displeas«*d at the effort He was not only a real humorist, but .oil were In a claaa b) yourselves We have mad« e«tlmat«H u|K>n the. corporation la the first step that ha«- that 1» being made to convict an In­ a great philosopher, and his writings leaalbllltj of thia part and the water J been taken looking to the Improve­ nocent man of awful crimes on mere form one of the chief assets of the from Clear l.ak«- haw nut as yet been ment of the vast holdings rncentl) suspicion." d«clai'*d Mrs. Hyde today world's achievements, of which we Plans arc under consid­ when »he learned that It. D. Mitchell, have a right, as a nation, to be gen­ «•algned to an> One place If you j purchased • an get aufficli'iit area aubacrlbed to . eration for th«. Improvement of th • the undertaker who had charg«* of erally proud." luatlfy the holding of that water for | addition and when completed will !•« I t'olom-l 8 wo | m *' s body was ill. Strange 'hr tipper Project. It could b«- «lied made public. They are very compre­ fate seems to pursue the State in the MARK TU UN'S FORTI Nt; for your landa W<- have also ««stl- hensive In extent and mean that : t Hyde «as« First. Iioctor Twyman tXTIMATEIl OVER MILLION >nated the Hornell) site and It la suf- Inst the northern portion of th« cit; died, following an operation for ap- will feel the livening toucli of |>r< Orient In magnitude to Inaure the pemllcits Next th«* notes taken at Hi*. PuMi-hen. Stale That His E-tati- irrigation of 20,000 acrra If you , gresahe capitalists. the grand Jury investigation were M ill II«- Worth Fully That ‘ an get. any Ik.OOO acres that will !<«»t by the prowewtiou. Now. .Milcb- Amout I \ tMI\A 11ONN FIHC *vE\ UN I II uUDM uudul that ayalviu. wu could uac ( ivll is Btrickeu with typhoid fever XND EIGHTH GIIADK PUP1I-M 'hat to your advnntag«' The matter i NEW YORK CITY. April 22.—Ac­ '•«la now entirely with you. aa I seel Tb«' examinuuons for eighth grad« FIRE THREATENS DESTRI < Ih IN cording to a statement issued today It. Mr llopwon la better prepared to graduates will be held on May 13 and IX» REDl.tNDS CHINATOWN by Harper Brothers, who are the give you Miin«- facta nnd figures than 13 nnd on June 1 <» and II. Teachers American publishers for Mark Twain, I am." who have pupils ready for graduation Rig < "Ollagrntion Raging Among 111«- he died quite wealthy. They state Mr. Ilopaon «aid In part: should »« nd th«*lr names to the county that they believe it will be found >■>1111 Packing H oum -«. ”Aa «*arly an November, last year, HUpcrintendent ami certify that they that be left a fortune that will be we aaw that the reclamation of the hav«> tak«n at l«*ast seven months' United Press Service. something over on«* million dollars. land« In thia, th«« Upper Project, wan work in both the seventh and eighth REDLANDS. Cal., April 33.- Fire going to ««»at so much that we deemed grudew nnd that In their opinion they threatens to destroy th«- section of Mark Twain's death removes from it unadvlaable to aubmU an estimate are prepared to graduate It In pref- this city known as Chinatown. The the intc.-national fi«*ld of letters the tn the people to consider, aa we wer«* «•table that th«* examinations be held bias« started in the plant of th«- Red­ creator of American literary humor, impriWM'd by their contention« lu th«* In Klamath Falls. Merrill, Bonanza lands laundry and spread to the big and one of its most distinguished Ixrwrr Project that they had put their and Fort Klamath Teachers should packing hous«*H. which ar<* in danger literatean. faith on the report« mad«' by Hum­ notify the county au|«erlnt«ndcnt as of destruction. Damage to the With his passing the people of the phrey« and «ithera that the coat t<» which date they will select nnd amount of 155,(100 has already been world the militant and persuasiv« hould not exceed certain umounts | where th«' pupils prefer to go for Inflicted Th«' firemen are handicap- doers of things alike—have lost a It wu« Impossible to convince them examination p«>«l by low water pressure. It is gentle, sympathizing friend and fear •hat th«- figure« could lx' changed or' probald«* that San B«*rnardlm> and less champion For almost seventy- «hat It could coat any mon* than I IHMiSEVEl.r I.HTI HEB IN Colton will b<- asked to send their five years he liv«*d, and for twm-scor« Humphrey hmi estimated, notwlth I'NIVERNITY OF SORBONNE fire apparatus. he number«*d his admirers by tigur«»» «landing they themselves were then 1 paying laborer« double the price the) | |t Is Fnllow<-«l by Ranquet an cost. I am going to be on the safe' dore Roosevelt today had his famous aide We have mad«* «'stimat«w of nos«- glasses exchanged for a brand \arlous nature on thi« ««hem«* nnd u«-w pair, fitted by one of the leading ihe figure« will rang«* from ISO to i oculists of Paris, lie also bought a 185 per acre. Now. In conclusion, I number of rat«* old Ixxiks. All this will any that th«; work of thin year occurred prior to his delivering his han not been apportioned an yet, and lecture at the University of Sorbonne. if you desire any results from thin Following the lecture he sat down to a banquet, nt which only seventeen meeting you must act. Among the residents who followed covers wer«* laid. Among th«* guests were J. M. Bertholf, C. W. Sherman. were Bacon nnd Jusserand. For the Jacob Rueck, N. (’. Gunn. F. J Bowne subsequent reception there were Is­ and A. 1». Ilarpold .Mr. Harpold «aid sued fifteen hundred Invitations he was ready to sign up his land, ■ very acre of it, any time the paper« KNK.HTN TEMI'EAR MEETING UMIRED AT BAN FRANCIMN» were ready. Other« followed and a «ommlttve consisting of Jacob Rueck, Ik-legates N|M*n«l the Isist Day Tnking It. F. Driscoll. N. Gunn and Walter In th«* Mights Campbell was appointed to confer with the representative« of the Gov­ SAN FRANCISCO, April 23. With ernment. A conference was held and business completed th«* Knights Tem­ the following petition was drawn up plar convention was brought to a and signed by fully 90 per cent of clos«* hero today and the delegates the land owners coming under the spent the remaining hours of the time project: In taking In the sights of the city, NINETY PER CENT OF LANG SIGNED 4 Interior or to a trustee, ns h«< nm direct or appoint, the trust deed to provide aw follows: " (I 1 lllghla of way for cun..I and ditches to be furnlsh«»l free to tin United Htiites, i s required fot voi Ht ruction "(2t Building anti ninlntonsii«< .«nd operation «'«ait ns paid by tin Hucretary of the Interior to he n ll> ii <>n the land r»*(*ov«*re«1 l«v for«*lo»«ii' sul«* b> th«' trustee nt the disci««tlon nl the Hecrntary of th • Interim In «nr«' of default In payment (3i All noii-lri Igabl«' land to 1» released from the lieu within on« , ■ : r 1«) tl.i H««'iefit v of th«- Ini**' > ■ "(II All the requirements of th«' Iteclaination Act. referring to limit of holdings. 1« sldi'ii« «' and cultivation to be ««implied with bv th«- applicant "(5) Tinst deed to bei'Olile Inop I'lntlv«' aftei expiration of on« yem In event Ho H«cr<*tiiry of th.' In’eiloi shall not have aiHiioved the extern lot« of the project l>> that «< "l'¡i W«' prefer that a • •’ user«' lltiaoi lilt loll bl not form. I Ol embodied until such time ns th« «• n Htruitlon work 1« well advanced . •« nrd completion oi Is actually «•«,«.. plot «Ml." The gr«*atest enthusiasm Is prova lent her«, and it I h now confid'iiH: believed that the Irrigation of th« lands In thlw purt of the county wit' be und« rtaken and well advan.«d thl* Hummer ASK YOUR COPY OF PETITION To R. A. Ballinger. Secretary of th«* Interior: "We. the undersigned land owners under the upport portion of the Klamath Project, and desiring the Government to construct a good and ■■conomieal system of Irrigation for our landa. do hereby agree to sub­ scribe the number of acres of Innd set opposite our r«*apectlve name«, and agree to sign a trust deed for «aid lands to th«« Secretary of the BICYCLE S HALL OF PROSPERITY. REBEKAH LODGE No. 101. I. O. O. F. Klamath Falls, April 21. We. your committee, appointed to draft resolutions of condolence on the death of Brother Wm. H. Clark, respectfully submit the following: Whereas, The death messenger has crossed our threshhold and remov«.*d from our midst one of our brothers, and. in obedience to the debt, we owe to Nature, our bi other was called to lay down the burden of life; there­ fore, be it Resolved. That as a token of re­ spect and sorrow, our Charter be draped In mourning for thirty days; that a copy of tb«*se resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Lodge, one sent to the bereaved fanl­ ily. one to "The Pacific Odd Fellow" and one to each daily paper. Fraternally submitted, \I.I« E /. Almost two-thlrds of the world's petroleum Is produce! by the United States. THE GUN STORE J. H. CHAMBERS. Opposite the Amr Ocas Pt«. - Mrs Half the watches that peopi«* carry aren't doing their ix-st work. And really it isn't the fault of th«* wat«-fa<-». i THREE MINERS TAKEN OUT i AUVE FROM AMSTERDAM MINE All That Renuiin«-«! Alive of Eighteen M«*n imprisoned AMSTERDAM, Ohio, April 23.— Three of the eighteen miners who were trapped in the Amsterdam mine Thursday night were taken out alive today, after a search of thirty hours. Thirteen dead were taken out before th«* living men were found in a cham­ ber that was nearly sealed up by the explosion. NEIGHBOR Motet. About Half The Time (X)ELLEK FRANCES M HAMMOND. FRAN'TS 1- ARMSTRONG Committee. If he takes the Republican. If he does not urge him to do it, so as to lend a hand in the fight for his rights during the forenoon. They attend«*«! the automobile races at Inglesld«« park this afternoon. The convention was a marked success, having been attended by largo delegations front all parts of th«* State. l,ouls F. Breu- ner. of Sacramento, who was yester­ day elected Grand Commander, oc­ cupied a box at the races. For an np-to-date wheel, get a Rambler, on sale at the GUN STORE. For sale or rvwt. Tents to rent. Guns. We carry a foil line of sporting goods RI-XILI TIONH Not cleaned or tlxougbt about maybe for year«, how could a natch be expected to n-n«ler g'Hxl service? We are Holiciting your watch work. We are able to nvok-r your unquestioned satisfaction. • And by doing this we do MORE: than give you a«-curate time-kerfiing qualities. We add year« to th«* life of your watch. That’s worth while, isn’t it? WINTERS THE JEWELER