meiit or failure of Improvement shown by the other clubs Chicago iihu a team of vot«*ians ami many -ire predicting thal the learn la du« fül­ CONGItFXJATION IROFTH I'l.tNM II. II. HAIIRIH I'HEI'ARING Ft»lt a slowing-down, even lt Johnny OF COMMITTEE EXTENSIVE OPERATIONS Kling, who used to be <-all<'- turlty th«- d«*velopm«-nt for te hlch pocted Improvement In the »oik ol Keno und vlclulty huv<< so long wait Pilchers l.uiqiiaid and Aines, the qutstlon of building u new chur<-h «•«> will at last b«< loullzed. for there promising work of Drucke and Kia >-- ap|H>lntc«'d to Its fullest capacity. an, Tenm-y, mid the foxy play an- II II Harris is the muu who pur- gingery methods of ancient Fred may wus appointed, with lusti u'-tions to (basetl th« McCormick holdings ncur be missed to such nn extent thiit he gi> ah«-ad and compb-to all urrang«.- t > iits foi th«- )-i«<-tlon of lb«- build­ Kino ll<- cam«* here from M«*dford, will soon «-ci«**«- to suiiii tin- bench ing. and r«-|M>rl from illite to time Ur filled with the M'dford spirit of do­ Not many pcisons are picking la ing things without rushing Into print Holt to win a fourth straight p<-i. the «otiKH-gutIon to. It d«-emed nec- The plans submitted for the ll<- Is th«* silent man of action, and limit In the American. Had either «i «ary h<< Is surrounding himself with a Boston or Philadelphia played early consideration of the congregation call corps ot men who ar«- following In In Ihe season the way they did at the for a bilck edifice, which will cost, tils footsteps He will be represented finish, the pennant would never hav. » hen completed, approximately 112.- by J King, every fiber of who»«- body gon«* to Tlgertown and II la reason- ttco N'o definite <|e< Islon was r*-acn- 1» filled with the viK-rgy that moves uble Io suppose Hint these t< Mills will e« as to th«- material that will '..e mountain» ami uccotnplluhe« results strike wlnnlug strides early I ii the used. Cement blocks and stone were M< King has rented tin- Withrow season this year and not permit the considered, but It was decided to building, formerly occupied as head­ Jennings crew to obtain HIK'll II <<>111- uwult the result of u new experinen' that Is being mad«- I ii th«* manufac- quarters for the Bui'iia Vista Com­ niandlng lead pany There he will open ait office The lloslon American l.eugio- team tore of burned brick before a definite that will b<< the h«>adqunrt«*r» for his thia year, however. In without till- decision will I m - mad«-. If tlx brick operation» II" will have cliarg«' of services of hci biggest asset of a Is not satisfactory, then th«- qu«-stlon all ot the affulrs Identified with the year ago. Manager Fred Frol Lak«*, Lak«-. who of s«-l<-<-tli>K othi-i materials will In­ Harris Inter«'»!» this "Ido of the this year has been transferred to the taken up Th«- site for the n«-w building will mountuin. and under bls muster bund hapless Boston "Dov«-s." Lak«- was it Is cxpecte«! thut licfor«* many week» given credit last year for much of th«- I k - close to th«- present «-dlfi« work on th«- big Improvements Red Box' success and It isn't on r<-< ot it will b<- across th<- Agkeny ditch, contemplated will bo actually under ord that Patsy Donovan, his succes­ und It Is ho|M-d that the <-om mil leí­ will be able to mak»- an angements way sor. ever gingered up a bunch of play Th«- i*ott«-r mill at Pokegamu lias era the way that Lake did Fann for th«» piping of th«- water lu the ill-« n pur< husixl and will I m - moved to generally arc commiserating wljh "<- one three new guardians for the Inner evening, when a definite campaign modem of Its kln«l in th«- works, new- outer pickets an«! several ot the most I will I m < outline«! and the securing of county It will b<- «»poral«*d through- new battoiy < omblnatlons Connie th.- funds actually undertaken. out by • I«*« trlclty. each machia«* hav Mack nlmost won a pennant last year Ing It» I own Independent motor. It with his renovated team und the Red will be ■ located on th«* old a|t<* of tlx- 4««x set a dazzling pace until mar the IBM«SEVELT RKA< RES VIENNA Potter mill, on«* of the moat Ideal nd with a team that promised no locations in all of Klamath County more than the White Hox now prom- United Pre s Service VIENNA. April If. Ex-President Every modern appliance for ch«-ap«-n Ise. Bo It won't do to count Comlsky Roosevelt arrived nt Hotel Kramlz Ing th« production of lumber will t>«- out of It. Installed As for St Louis, Boston and : 'day after a triumphant ride front He discovered that no Two n«*w boat» are to l>e built, th«* i Brooklyn In the National, and Wash­ lue depot. machinery therefor having arriv«-d. ington and 8t. Ixiuls In the American, <<>mn had been reserved for him, Ono will o|M*rate on this »Id«* of the then- doesn't seem to be a derrick In through an error of the reception i»Hr*mat ready for publication within five Below K«-no on the Klamath River United Press Service. He believes that the certified days will be built an Iniincn»«* power plant. WASHINGTON. D. I*. April Is will h<* announced within 100 figures The plans for this lmprovem«mt have General Brayton, known as the Re­ days not yet been completed and no dcfi- publican State boss, announced todav nite Information will b«< given rela- that under no circumstances would tlv«- thereto for some time. Mr. liar- Senator Aldrich I m - a «nndldat* ,<>r ■ la has gon«* east for the purpose of r<‘-elcctlon to the Senate. He gav«* laying th«- matter b«*fore hla eastern as his reason for this decision the usroclnt«»». and while there orders wlll poor health of Mr. Aldrich. Senator more than likely be l»sue«l for the Aldrich has been a member of the commencement of the work. United States Senat«* since I RS I. To fnclllt at«- Ills movements be tween this city and th«* »ci ne of his *.* \RHINGTON, !>. C.. April I > operations. Mr. King has a mammoth Immediate development» as to w I k : touring car at his disposal It la of will l<- the lender -.1 th«- Senate prc- the same size and style as those oper­ s- •«!€«! theins«-lve.i today, following ating between this city and l^kevlew the announcement Senator \ld- last year, and will meet all the d<<- rl> *i would retire at the dost* ol hi.t mands of btisim-ss b«-twc«*n here and pr«-»ent term. The ' Old Guanl whs Keno. rl'-ar’y dl»concert--u and th* insur- A minor gained considerable head­ r«*n'*- highly pleased. They le-Jev« way that Mr Harris' operations arc that then- Is now n atrong chance for »imply thos«* of th«- Hill interests th«* power of the Senate passing out ard that the propos«*d mill, power of the hands of the "Aldrich Ring" I plant and other operations ar«» for nt the next election. Th«* elimination the purpos«» of opening the way for of Aldrich mean» the nlmost com­ th«* passag«* of th«* Oregon Trunk to plete reorganization of th«* Senate. the south. When Mr. King was ques­ Ills personal domination has been tioned on this point, he simply smiled far-reaching. Who will be th«* suc- and stated that it would not b<> re- ccttsor of Aldrich 1» problematical, as inarknblc If such a story were not Hale, who Is next in command. Is in started, for everything seemed to b<* poor health. Lodg<* Is r«*gard«»d as < barged with railroad stories. He, ranking second to Hale. Senator however, stated that Mr. Ilnrris' op­ Cummins is believed to b«> the choice erations were entirely Independent of of th«» insurgents for leader I any rallrond connections and that what was being dono was solely with S. C. Graves arrived in the city Fri­ the view of devefiiping th«* interests day night from Bonanza. Mr. Graves of that genllemnn and his associat«*» will remain in the city for some time as he has something in view that will probably keep hltn busy here. HAMEBALL SEASON Will UECI MAMMOTH SAWMILL 4 < 1 IS OPENER TODAY Pittsburg can hardly expect to do any better than she did last year, and whether she wins the pennant ngiiln will depend ladgely on the Improve- I sands of dollars to benefit men who have done naught by squeeze him whenever the opportunity offered? The taxpay >. has come to the con­ clusion that what's same for goose I* sauce for gander,*' and they art going to use the ladle on April 30 and save themselves th« <90.000 Will »ICI I 112,000 EDIFICE JUOfil ÎSIFFIIH HAILS IHE STORY II. II. Burnham, accompanied by hl.< brother-in-lnw, W. II. Patterson, arrived in the city Frida* evening from Bonanza and left on Saturday morning for Portlnnd. Hl «.«.I *»I|ON Ol CERTMN INDI l llll MJ* ONIA IOSSIDEREI» < »iqH.iK-ril« of Court House Removal Ar«- Otting IH-«|»vwle tn Their Fight Swing the hop« lens condition in which tb- y ar«- plnr-'-d, th«- opponents of th«- removal of the court bona« have at last resorted to th«- affidavit weapon of carrying on their fiht In this way they hope to smirch th« rep­ utation of the members of the county court and mak«- It appeal that ul­ terior rnotlv«-» ar«.- controlling th«-ir actions in the calling i>t the «-lection for April 30 Th<- ibt'.i mov« is the production of an affidavit signed by members . >f a committee that Is alleged to have wait«*«) on th«- county court on th«- 13th day of January Judge Griffith and Alb«-it Walker w« r<- prerent. so the affidavit states, and that these gentlemen, through th«- county judge, promised to submit the question of the court hous<- removal to the people and that >bls would not be done until the November elwtlon Judge Griffith states that no such promts«' was made. He says that he Informed tile committee that the question would be voted on, but that NO DAT« FOR MUCH AN BUDC* TION HAD BEE.x DECIDED ON. It was suggested that It go over until th«* Non tuber election, and Judge Griffith stated that that would In­ considered, but be did not agree to do so at that time. After fully considering the matter, th«» county court decided that inas­ much as a great deal of the money- had b«-«-n collected for th«- erection of the court house, it should be us«?d this year Also that the Klamath Development Company want«*d some action taken on its offer, It was not there ar a supplicant; it came as a benefactor, and It either wanted its offer n-reived or rejected, Knowing the xentiment of the voters favored the acceptance of th«- site; knowing further that delaying the matter until the November election might result In the withdrawal of the offer, which vot.ld be a serious loss to the tax­ payers of the county, the court de­ cided to submit the question at once, giving three weeks' time in which tld«*s of the argument could be submitted to the people of the county . ’nstead of going to the people with their «ase: Instead of presenting ar­ guments going to prove that it would b«* a mlvtak« to accept •J e site of- f«-r«*d by the Klamath Development Company, th«- opponents thereof have opened a campaign ot « illiflcation They have sought to hold up to pub­ lic contempt the county court, the Herald and the R«*publl<-an and their owner»; they have sought to make It app«*ar that everything has been ac- complished through bribery and fraud The people know that such charges are not true and they are looking around for the facts in the case Not one logical i «-ason has bwn given as to why It should not be isored. investigation shows that the opponents to th«* removal ar«» con­ trolled entirely by selfish motives. They want it to remain because It will benefit themselves. That being true, then why should not the tax­ pay«*: ask that It be moved to benefit him" Why should he go down into his pocket and pay out tens of thou- I Ra.MX ths dongh •nd compii»* with ■il purs to >d laws. SCEN I'lCEMIRENl TAFT AIHlREMNEH RAI'GIITEIM lit REVOLUTION Effort !•> Adjust e only temporary and that- an­ dent Taft la unfavorable to Woman's other outbreak against foreigners is Th«* war­ suffrage If this Is true, he Is not expected to occur soon. The consulting his own Interest . for mill­ ships have not yet arrived on th-- ions of American women admire him scene of the trouble and it is hoped and would vol« for him if they would that they will reach here before fur- ther demonstrations occur. as It will glv«- him an opportunity to do so." Preaident Taft was most «-«irdialh !>•• posslbl«- to stop them In their received, and when quiet was one« Inciplencv more restored he prefaced his re­ marks with the statement; "I confess that when I came to this hall I did not expect to have present­ ed to me matters that were In contro­ United Press Service. WASHINGTON, D. April 15. versy. What has brought us to­ gether we all agree upon, and I am The American Charge d’Affairea at going to continue upon that assump­ Lima has wired the State Department tion without discussing the power or that a settlement between Ecuador pla«> of women." He th« n proc«H-def the property, vh'ch will nec»?''v« 1 to .1 <• sit" mad ■ .«cant. New Line Pianos ILLINOIS « ENTRAI. PASSENGER WRECKER IN MISSISSIPPI Engineer anil Three Mail Clerks Were Kill.-«I ami Fireman Missing United Press Service. JACKSON, Miss., April 18.—The engineer and three mail clerks were < > < i killed near here today when the Illi­ < i nois Central passenger train. No. 2. jumped the track, and the engine, < > < > mail car and two Pullmans plunked < > down a fifteen-foot embankment, The < < > > rest of the train remained on the < > track None of the passengers was injured The fireman is still missing. < > : We have accepted the agency for the Starr Piano Co„ ot Richmond. Ind., manufacturers of a well-known line of high­ grade pianos. o o Starr, Richmond, Trayser. and Remington Player llanos. Every piano sold with an abso­ lute guarantee. o ♦ < ► < > All pianos sold oxi the easy liayment plan. < • Call and see samples on sale. P Zeliner. A. Todd, R. Zlner. E Knight, G. R. Silverman and Tom < > < McCorcik. of the Oregon Short Line, < > have been r«*cent visitors in town, but , < < > > For Musical BistrunM*ats. have returned to the Upper Lake < > ’ > country. ♦•♦♦»♦♦••»•••fi•••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ WINTERS