Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 14, 1910, Image 8

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    Lout« Pankey was in from Bly Frl
Jack Donnelly loft Thursday niorii
J. 8. Watts and wife are in from
Ing for Seattle.
S. C. Grave« was In from lloiinnr.ii
M. Johnsou Is in the city from Mo­ 1 J W. McCoy has returned from blu
Dick Roes was tn Saturday from
Poe Valley.
llarry Carroll was In from Honan
Robert Anderson is In Ih-? city io
C. N Meyer was In from his ranch
Jo«» Ball moved Into new quarters
F. R. Buracough has bought (ile
John Cough »us in from Mon
D. B. Campbell left Saturday morn­ day.
tugue Friday.
Mark I. Burns left Tuesday for ; Northern Cafe from James Estes.
ing for Ashland.
Tom Balls wan In th« city from
Henry Parrish was in town on bind
R. W. Towers was In the city from Fort Klamath on business.
Merrill Friday
Mrs. W. W. LaFrenlere, of Dorris, ; ness from Merrill the past week,
Keno Tuesday .
Tina Wyly was g runt <*il a divoro*
Albert Walker i< turned Io Illy
Frank Ritchie was a visitor from arrived In the city Tuesday evening
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Muzzy are at Wednesday from Charlea E Wyly. day morning.
Odessa Tuesday.
the grounds being habitual drunken i
Flunk Bloonilngcamp was in
the Ankeny ranch from Eugene.
John Nieman is in the city­
from Merrill Frida)
visit from Medford.
Miss Duncan returned Wednesday
Dr. Alex Patteruon was In tin*
Levy Wood was in Saturday from tel, was a visitor in the city Wednes­
to Red Bluff, after u several days’ from Merrill Friday.
his ranch near Merrill.
Mrs Dean lletivlin lest Frida)
H. M. .Manning and D. V. Kuyken­ visit with her father at the Liver­
D. E. Burrell left Saturday for Ft.
morning for Dorris.
dall have returned from .Merrill.
Rock, Lake County.
W. I’ Druin and wife left Sun-
Jim Grime« was In from the Grigs
Mrs. J. E. Bodge left for Medford
Jack Moore left Friday for Fort
iay morning for their camp at Modoc by ranch at Olen«* Gap Fillin'
Wednesday for a few days’ visit.
Klamath to buy horses.
W J. Smith and family left Weit- Point.
John Darrah was in town Friday
Mrs. Al Melhase was in th«» city
F Walsh, of Dairy. left Thursday from th«» Ankeny ranch.
| nesdiiy for their ranch at Fort Klam-
from Fort Klamath Tui'sday.
for Stockton and Prisco to visit his
Charles Walk« i and wife were In
A. J. Nash spent Saturday after- I ath.
John Kubik left Wednesday on daughter.
the city Friday from Bonansa.
noon in the city from Olene.
Charles Del.ap and wife left on
George Deal and wife were in the
W S. Worden left on Saturday's 1 the Curlew for the Uppei Lake couu-
from l.angell Valle' Frida'
train for a trip to Portland.
Mrs Carolin«* t.lskoy *as In town
Lee Rightmcyer and family were relatives.
Arthur Summers was a visitor in
Miss Pearl Davidson returned to from her runch mar Dairy Frida)
. visitors in the city Saturila.' from
th«» city Saturday from his ranch.
Elam Butts, of Tillamook, Is visit
.Midland Sunday after several days’
Keno visitors in th«» city Tuesday Olene.
Ing his sou. D. A Shaw, of this city.
Miss Ethel Gilson lest Friday to visit in this city.
were J. W. Cox and Harry Parsons.
S. C. Graves, of th«* Bonanza llull*»-
John V. Houston had his motor
Irving Anderson is a recent ar­ I visit her brother on his ranch at
tin. returned home Monday after a boat out Thursdii' for the first time
rival In the city from Bly.
Geo. Manning bought 500 head of several days’ visit In the city
this >««nr.
Mrs. J. E. Humphreys aud family
horses recently in the Silver Lak ’
E. B Shumway left last Monday
Ernest Btibb returned on Thursday
left Tuesday for San Diego. Cal.
for Sacramento, where he goes to from Lakeview, where he has b«»«*n on
G. Heitki»niper. Sr., left Tuesday district.
Miss Pearl Davidson anil mother look after some business matter*.
for Portland after a visit in this city.
W. J. Fitzgerald lest last Elidili
Earl Sharp is th«» recipient of two were visitors in the city Wednesday , Lewis Splawn. AV J. Smith and
There’s no difference in men’s styles, East, West,
Mrs. Lena Barron were in town Mon­ morning for Olene to teach Iti the
finely bred fox houuds from Wis«?on- from Midland
Louis Alt, the tailor, has purchas-1 day from th«» Upper Lake country.
Olen«» school.
North or South. A difference in climate may call
The Light A Water Companv ‘s
Miss Pearl Davidson and Miss
H. Lyon is a visitor here from ed two fine residence lots near th*
for different weights in the garments but that’s all
, laying water mains on Klamath av. Ethel Gilson were xlsltors in the city
Lost River, bringing in a bob cat High School.
uue, also on Grant street on the hill from Midland Friday ami Saturday
that measured four feet four inches.
Carl Ripley Is still sick but Is abb
F. Munroe and Wiu. Cardon are in
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Griffith and ers and paper bangers, arrived in the
from Rattlesnake. They report that to sit on the porch during th«* warm I
J. 8. Griffith, of the Eagle Ridge city Tuesday night.
Bert Had wkins was in town from the big shot will come off next Mon­ part of the day.
Hotel, were visitors in the city last
his ranch about nine miles south of day.
A Iarg«< gang of Southern Paclfi«*
Fred Murphy Is making a number the city Saturday.
Pour otter and one mink skins men is removing old Umber» from i
Mrs. O. M. Hector returned Fri­ were brought In from Buck Island near the new depot.
of improvements on his property in
day from an extended visit to Sac­ today and they brought the return of
Harry LeRoy, the hlgi diver, left I
are in equally good taste on the streets of New
the Canal addition.
last Friday for Dorris to pull off II
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nelson are ramento.
York, Frisco. Seattle or New Orleans as they are
F. Wellman and wile left Saturday ; Rev .Mr. Bledsoe left last Thurs- stunt at that place.
recent arrivals in the city from Hepp­
right here. They are made in the center of the
Mrs. Nate Otterbein arrlv«*d from
day for Vaucouver to preach at the
ner. Ore. Mr. Nelson left Tuesday-
morning for Lakeview.
United States and worn in every state in the Union
The Southern Pacific will probably weeks.
land Friday
Samuel Oaks left last Tuesday for
by men who appreciate good clothes.
C E. Shafer left Saturday morning
Jeff Wilson and wife, of I^ngell
Seattle and points in Alaska to settle fire the big shot at Rattlesnake Point
Valley, were in the city visiting Mr. for his ranch at Silver 1-ake. arcom-
up his mining interests there and next Saturday.
W. P. Johnson, secretary of the and Mrs. Silas Obenchain the past panled by D. E. Burroughs.
return to Klamath Falls.
L. L. Brownell l«»«t last Frida V
The boats belonging to C. D. Wil­ Klamath Development Company, ar­ week.
buys a good suit. In men’s or
The 5,000 pound shot was fired for Sunnyside. Wash., where he has
son of Rocky Point were taken to rived Tuesday from Frisco.
the Upper Lake last Tuesday and ! Lee Allison, nephew of L. M. Alli­ last Sunday at Brooks' camp on Mo­ been transferred by th«* Gov«*rniu**nt
young men’s styles—Friend
son. arrived in the city Tuesday from doc Point, but caused no commotion service.
will be towed to Pelican Bay.
The O. K. Transfer Company has
in this city.
O. J. Ripley, brother of F. C. Rip­
ley, arrived in the city Monday night
from Portland. He reports Carl as i department celebrated the anniver­ ing for Cedar Rapids. Iowa, his home, flee by enlarging the «pace an«’ put­
doing well on the trip, as be met him j sary of several birthdays Monday- and expects to return to this city in ting in a now circular count«*.
night by a limburger feed.
Bert Osburn Is in from Edgewood. |
the near future.
at Weed.
Almo H. Newton and wife were in
On account of the weather, the Shasta Valley. Mr Osburn I n th«»
FOR SALE CHEAP—New boat, aux-
Next door to the Postoffice, Klamath Falls
city Saturday to transact their game between the .Monarchs and the owner of Little Jim. one of th«* well
iliarv, seating capacity 15
city team was not played yesterday, known track horses of Klamath.
3-24-3t ■
Mrs. B. 8. Grigsby celebrated Sat­ but will take place next Sunday.
Chas. Murphy and John Ratliff, of
Miss Alice Dunean arrived in th* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Merrill, were fined »200 for violat­ urday the birthday of Baswell Brown,
S. K. Fitzhugh arrived here Tues­ city last Sunday from Rod Bluff. Cal .
her first grandchild.
ing the local option laws.
day with a large gang of men and on a visit to her father, J. B Dun­
George Anderson left Saturday mules to do th«» grading of a number can. who is conductor on th«* passe ti­
Mrs. S. E. Martin and Mrs. Ten-
brook are visitor here from Merrill. I for Medford after a visit of about u of miles of railroad work at Rattle- ger train.
Mrs. Martin is here to visit her: week in this city.
1 snake Point.
B. W. Burling has return«'«! from
lleultiful designa und cokriect while* the stork lu ne*
C. P. White, general manager al
father and mother.
Henry A. Morrison, special agent a three month«' trip to Grand Rap
The hotel at Olene Gap has
for the Union Fire Insurance Com­ I Ids. Mich.; Arizona. El Paso and the
changed hands and is now run by ' Saturday morning for Weed.
pany, represented by the Home Coast
He says Klamath Falls still
Mr. Carpenter, who is remodeling i Miss Ethel Gilson has returned to Realty Company, is in the city in looks good to him and he will ent-»r
Now I n thè timo to sorlngs
Ch«»ap nnd up to date
and putting things in first-class sbapt* her school at Midland aftera week’s the interests of his company.
the real estate business In this city.
visit with her brother at Dairy.
for the coming summer.
The new dredger will be completed
John Young was Thursday In po­
G. W. McLane has bought the
E. B. Henry left last Friday to lay at Terminal City today. The boys of lice court fined »5 and given eight
The Decoratore
Klamath Cleaning and Hatters’ es- out the new townsite of Malin for the building gang will go on a pleas­ days in Jail for being intoxicated
tablishment from Emmett Reyes, the Bohemians at Bevins Point, near ure trip tomorrow and back to Oak­ John I h from th«* railroad camps and
Percival Sholl will move the Panta- Merrill.
land, Cal., Friday.
while then* acquired a great thlrs
A. W. Davis was in the city Satur- ; The O. K. Transfer Company has that was satisfied on arrival In tin
torium and conduct his business with
Mr. McLane.
day for his ranch. He left Sunday | a handsome new baggage wagon on city.
BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary
Mrs. R. M. Richardson entertained morning for a business trip to Los the streets Wednesday. With the gray
Mrs. Katy and her nephow. Mr.
at three tables of bridge Fri­ Angeles.
team and new harness, the outfit Thomas, are recent arrivals here
C. E.
Vice President an 1
day afternoon in honor of Miss
Miss Bell, who has been visiting makes a fine appearance.
from Portlan«l and expect to locate
Elizabeth Bell, of San Francisco, who Mrs. Zumwalt of this city, left Tues­
Roberts & Whitmore have bought in this city.
is visiting Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt. Th- day morning for her home in San the grocery store of W. A. Calkins.
guest of honor was winner of th? Francisco.
These gentlemen are from Mullin,
prize, a handsome silver bon-bci
Mrs. Neil Campbell left Sunday Idaho, and have been In Klamath WATER RIGHT* WILL BECOME
DEI. ixqi EXT ieter MAY int
morning for Southern California. She Falls about two weeks.
F. C. Ripley left last Monday expects to remain about a year for
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall Apimrent Conti let of Instructions Be-
morning for Portland with hid son, her health.
Surveying and Irrigation Engineering
and the two boys have returned from
lm*«-ii Water 1 m -rs anil Hrrvlrc
Eerl. who bas been quite ill for some
Burrel Short, of Lost River; J. W. their trip to polntH in the Willamette
time. Under the advice of Dr. Ham­ Jury, Elmer Newton and Lawrence Valley and Portland, where they have
What on the face appears to be a
ilton. Mr. Ripley will take his «on to Stayton, of Spring Lake, were visitors I been visiting relatives and friends conflict of Instrmtlons between the
a lower altitude, where there is a in the city Saturday.
for the past few weeks.
Klamath Water I’sera’ Association
bette»- chance for improvement in the
Mis C. C. Cofer is recovering G ot .*
At the gun club meet Bunday aft­ and the Reclamation Service may re­
Ing can be made to the Special Fl«- NTEA.MKK GEORGIA WHEI KKli
boy’s health.
th«.» effects of injuries received a few ernoon some very good averages were sult In a misunderstanding that will
J. A. McReynolds, who last fall days ago in a fall while ct.ming down made considering the weather and later cause some little delay to land cal Agent of the U. 8 Reclamation
Service, Klamath Falls, Oregon, to-
purchased the Stevenson ranch, was one of the city’s hills.
wind. Following are the scores out owners who have not paid their eon-
gather with the added amount for United P i *«* hh Service
in the city Saturday. He says alfalfa
Car) Schenecker left Saturday of a possible 50 birds: Robertson, structlon charge before .May 1. Sec trannmlnsion of th«* nanu* to the l.ak«>-
SEATTLE. Wash.. April 12
is coming out in fine shape and he it for Dorris on a survey for the South­ 32; Bradley, 30; Ankeny, 27; Chil­ retary Elder has lisued a stat«*ment
vlew Lund Office. An arrangement wireless received thin afternoon fron
well pleased with the conditions gen- 1 ern Pacific; incidentally to keep tab ders, 29; Jacobson, 34.
to the effect that water rights will has been made with the banks by th«* steamer City of Seattle says tha’
erally. He has most of his plowing on the fight dope at Dorris.
The Big Basin Lumber Company not become delinquent until June 24
which the charge for exchange on the steamer Georgia went «>n th«* ree
done and looks forward to a good
J. O. Huffman was in town from is erecting new buildings on its and that all moneys therefor should Lakeview han been reduced to twen- near the wrecked steamer Yucatan
season for the farmers of this county Midland Saturday.
grounds. The new buildings will be be paid to him. This rule will not go
ty-five (25) cents per one hundred n«*ar Icy Straits, Alaska, yesterday
Sam Courtney and Alex. Cheyne
E. H. Burnham was a visitor in the about 250 feet long by 75 feet wide. into effect as regards the payment dollars (*100)."
Thirty pasu«*ngerH and mall wor*
ware in Saturday from Spring Lake 1 city Saturday from the Summers dis­ The main office will be on the corner of the charges until after May 24,
transferred to the Seattle. Th*
ranches. They were recent arriva s trict.
of Main street, and with the improve­ and the delinquency will not apply to HARROWING EXPERIENCE
wrecking steamer Santa Crux, which
from Klickitat County, Washington'
Senator Abner Weed bas return**' ment* this company will have as up- anyone but those who have not as
OF A CEMENT WORKER is working on the Yucatan, went t<»
and are well pleased with what they |
from a trip to the Upper Lake ar.«i to-date yards and equipment as any yet made application for a water
the aid of the Georgia. It succeeded
have seen of the Klamath country.
firm on the Western slope.
his ra’neh.
right. The following letter from Mr. Caught, in Bed of Quicksand While tn fl«>atlng her at high tld«» and
A horse with only the harn«»ss left \ C. R. Miller left Sunday morning
J. W. Lathrop was in Saturday Patch is what will govern the ac­
Trying to Save Coni|mnlona
brought her alongsld«* of the Yuca
on made a good run on Main street tor McCloud, and wi'l make the r«>- from his chicken ranch on Ix>st river. tions of the Service:
•an. Constant pumpLng Is keeping
about noon, barely missing a small ' tirn trip in hi« auto.
VALLEJO, Cal.. April 12. Dun
He states that the chickens are doing
"I request that you give this space
Georgia afloat, though her bot
girl as it turned the corner and went'
Mrs. Cordelia Ankeny was at the exceptionally well and that the cli­ in your paper for the Information Brown, assistant superintendent of tom Is badly damaged. Th«* City of
on its way down the court house I
Saturday train to meet friends, Mr. matic condition In the Klamath coun­ of water users under the first unit the Owell Cement works, of Bay Seattle Is proceeding toward Juneau
sidewalk. The horse belonged to
Point, Contra Costa County, was
try ir
is < especially favorable to the of the Klamath Project:
and Mrs. Muzzy, from San Francisco iry
Frank Arant.
poultry r business. The colonel says
brought to the hospital In thia city TRI HTEEH FOR DORRIN
I. D. Ross, J. D. Holmes, Hira*
The firm of P. C. Lavey & Com-
he has roosters ten weeks old that maintenance for the season of 1910, today In a precarious condition as a
pany, Inc., of Portland, is building Roberts and wife and daughter an are already crowing about the great­ for all lands under the first unit of result of a horrifying experience he
an office adjoining the Klamath De­
ness of Klamath County.
DORRIS. Cal . April 12—The an
the Klamath Project has been fixer! bad at the clay pit of the company
velopment Company. Unable to find city Saturday from Poe Valley.
The Pocahontas lodge gave a very at seventy-five (75) cents per acre. Sunday afternoon. John Sullivan nnd nual city election for the aelectloi
The Twenty-One Club gave one O’ pleasant dance and entertainment at This charge Is required to be paid J. Moslb, workmen, were missed Sat­ of trustees for the city was hold here
offices in the city, A. R. Strutt, the
company’s representative, Is having its enjoyable dance« Friday night the Redmen hall Friday night. A before water will be furnisher! for urday. They had broken through the yesterday, resulting as follows:
built a very prepossessing tent house Ft the White-Maddox hall. The dañe» most enjoyable supper was served season.
clay crust that overtops a bed of
Truateea, Fred Moss, Dr. Atkinson
which will be nicely furnished. Mr. was well attend«*!, all having a fin<- during the evening to the large I "Arrearage of payment of the quicksand and wore smothered in th«* and George Otto. Jacob Walts wn»
Strutt is here to meet the people time and a pleasant evening.
crowd. Among the visitors from the building charge due May 1, 1909, semi-llquld mass. Brown, who was elected In place of Thomas McLaugh
headed this way and receive them on
Frank Adams was in the city on outside were Miss Pearl Davidson, of known as the first installment of th<> one of the searching party. MW lln, who resigned. The other city of
arrival. Mr. Lavey is now in Spo­ bi siness connected with the platting Midland; J. O. Hoffman, of Midland; first unit., of three dollars (|3) per Monlb’s head protruding from a hole cers chosen were: Treasurer, F. C
kane, but Is expected here In about of the new town in the Bohemia* Mrs Alma LaPrairle, an«l E. H. Burn­ acre, should be paid before May I, ami Jumped Into the pit to help him. Stltser; clerk, Frederick Chapman
a week. This company has offices in colony. He reports the Bohemian-« ham, teacher of the Summers district 1910, to prevent cancellation of the II«.* also broke through th«i crust and marHbal, Charles Tripp.
Spokane. Salem and Portland and is are very active In improving their school. All agree that the Pocahon­ water right.
sank to his shoulders. Two hour»
The election passed off quietly
doing a great deal toward advertising lands and In getting up the neces­ tas ladies are exceptional entertain­
"Payments of the charges for op­ later when ho was rescued ho win little Interest having been manifested
the Klamath Basin.
sary buildings.
eration and maintenance and build- unconnclous. The others were dead. In the affair.
East vs. West
Friend Made Clothes and
Alma Mater Student Styles
to $35.
P ortland
S tore
A Snap for You
1910-WALL PAPER-1910
Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc