Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 14, 1910, Image 2

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    Housecleaning Time
Is here. Don’t let it pass with­
out adding a new piece of furni­
ture to your home. It will make
life more enjoyable, and if you
buy it at this store it wont break
you. Do it now
there, and give access to the park to
thousands who want to visit It."
Crater Lake road, completed, will
be ST miles long. Engineer Heidi«*
INITIAL APPROPRIATION OF S5.- will give him time not only to mak­
ing a survey of the road now planned
but in making a survey of all road*
trails to be constructed at any III
Result Follows the lailtors of
krill of tile latw That l*> s, Itloiii
' future time
Live ConiiiMTcial Organiza­
l «ti—ProtwMy Fii-M in
tion of Mislfonl
Gillette s
FOR NEARLY A. immi I I lies
As an indication of what a real,
live, progressive commercial organi-
zation, backed up by business nien of
like calibre, can do, the announce­
ment that the Unit«*d States Gov«*rn-
ment has made an initial appropria­
tion of »5,000 for preliminary work
on the Crater I.ake highway brings
considerable satisfaction. When the
Supreme Court of the State knocked
out the State appropriation for this
road. Medford's Commercial Club
took the matter in hand and decided
to raise the money. The success met
with was so great and it had such
influence at Washington that the ini­
tial appropriation was made. When
the Government once starts it never
stops until the work is completed,
and thus it may be truly said that
the Crater Lake road is now a cer­
Klamath County is to do its share
and this year will make that part of
the highway in this county and out­
side of the reservations, in fine con­
dition. The following from the Med­
ford Tribune will be of interest bear­
ing on this subject:
The Crater Lake road will be built.
Government approval of the pro­
ject has been secured by Will G.
Steel, a recognition appropriation of
»5,000 made. Engineer B. F. Heidle
sent by the Government to Medford,
and the promise given that 50 per
cent of the work will have been ac­
complished by July 1 of this year.
The Medford Commercial Club’s
subscription of »25,000 for the con­
struction of the road is well under
way and there will be no furthe*- de­
lays. Mr. Steel has just returned
from Washington. He represented
the Medford Commercial Club and in­
tervened on its behalf with Secretary
of the Interior Ballinger and other
Government officials.
“The Government’s approval of the
Crater Lake road in effect nullifies
the de< ree handed down bv the Su-
preme Court last month,” said Mr.
Steel this morning.
"I found about the halls of the
Capitol a feeling of resentment that
even so august a body as the Su*
preme Court should deem the Crater
Lake National Park a local affair,
any more than Yellowstone National
Park should be so considered.
Uncle Sam Will Help
"Secretary Ballinger asked me
how much money we would be want­
ing from the Government for the
Crater Lake project. I told him we
would need eventually about »2,000,-
000, including making of trails and
various other improvements. He :r-
sured me of his belief that we would
get that much, at the same time stat­
ing frankly that had it not been for
the indomitable energy of the Med­
ford commercial interests that noth­
ing further would have been done,
following the Supreme Court’s un­
favorable decree.
"I received Saturday an official
communication stating the United
States Fish Commission would place
50,000 rainbow fry in the Crater
Lake, to add to the stock of fish al­
ready there.
Recognition Gratifying
"The Government's recognition of
the plans we have been making in
most gratifying to me. It means the
winning of victory out of defeat,
building success out of failure. We
will proceed with energy and deter­
mination with the work of building
the road. It will open up this won­
derful park to Medford, will mean
much to the commercial Interests
This County
A mandatory injunction »as leaned
M ASON &. S l OU G H
aV oholoe line of invewt-
mentM tliot will make
tlio ptireliuser money
< <>iii|Miny U ill in No U it) lb* Con
n<*ct«*«l With tli<' Klamath lie-
iciopiiK'iit I OIII|MUI)
Geological Sharp Figure*. That Coal out of the circuit court Thursday, it
Su|q>l) Will laiM That Long
was for the purists«* of dirwtlng th«'
U ni ted Press Service.
WASHINGTON. D. C., April ».
The Congressional committee that is
investigating into the Alaska coal
land frauds, heard further testimony
today bearing on th«* subject Among
the witnesses who appeared before
the committee was Alfred Brooks, a
mineralogist, and he quieted th«* wor­
ried nerves of the members of the
committee by assuring them that they
need have no fear of freezing to
death for the next 4.913 years, it be­
ing his opinion that there is suffi­
cient coal in the United States, ex­
cluding Alaska, to last that length of
time. There was a quite evident sigh
of relief among the members of the
committee when this gratifying in­
formation was transmitted
Brooks said, figuring at the present
rate of increasfxl consumption, the
present coal fields in the United
States will be exhausted in 200 years,
adding that “the coal of the future
must come from Alaska, and It Is
on this that the future of Alaska
rests, as the p«*ople are leaving that
territory now. The opening of the
coal lands will save the situation,
furnishing employment for the hosts
of working men who have been
thrown out of work by the playing
out or shutting down of the gold
mines." He further stated that the
total area of the Chugach forest re-
serve, which Secretary Ballinger op­
posed, was only one-fifth forested, the
rest being nearly bare.
Is Celebrated by Serving of Chicken
Dinner to the Members
The first anniversary of the organi­
zation of the lodge in this city of the
Ladies of the Maccabees was cele-
brated by the serving at a chicken
dinner at noon Friday to the nieni-
bers and their families, Elaborate
preparations had been under way for
many days, and the result of the ef­
forts of the ladies amply justified
their labors. It was one of the most
enjoyable events that has occurred in
the city recently. After the dinner
all those present gathered in front of
the hall and were photographed by
C. R. Miller. The mascot of the oc­
casion was little Miss Marie Daven­
Fails to Stop After Hitting Bicycle
Rider and Leave« Him to Die
United Press Service.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 9 —
8truck by an automobile filled with
joy riders, J. P. Anderson, a citizen
of Brighton, was fatally injured last
night. The, occupants of the machine
never slowed up after hitting the man
but continued on their mad race,
leaving their victim to die by the
roadside. He was found today and
brought to Sacramento, where he
died in the hospital. No clue as to
who the autoists are has yet been
found. Mr. Anderson was riding a
bicycle when struck.
Frank Adams Jr. and Mr Robert«
left last Friday with two loads of
lumber for the staking out of the
new Bohemian town at Bevins Point,
six miles east of Merrill.
Th«* aunounc tiu-nt that the con­
Mrs Sophia S Henle« withdraw from trolling intercut in the Buena Vista
the property commonly known as th«- ad«lltl«>n had passed into the hands
Henley ranch aud to cease interfer­ of th.- men who have controlled th«*
ence with the |H*aceablt* possession Klamath Development Company, u«
of th«* same by J. D. Carroll. It Is given exclusively In last Evenin'« Her-
probably the* first mandatory injunc­ I aid. came as a clap of thunder from
tion ever lssu«*«l in Klamath County, a clear sky. Th«- coup wa« a shrewd
and is known in legal phraseology ns one. and there is one man in the city
an extraordinary prix-eedlng.
who is congratulating himself ou th«*
Hearings on the case have been in success of the transaction That man
progress for the* past two weeks, It is W I. Clark. Then* Is n«> more
is the outgrowth of a lawsuit that far-sighted iudliidual on the Coast
was started in December, having to than Mr. Clark
It has b«*en some­
do with certain contracts that existed time ago since lie conceived th«* idea
between Mr. Carroll and Mrs. Henley. of securing the Buena Vista addi­
About two weeks ago Mrs. Henley, tion. When he accomplished hl« pur*
assisted by eight or ten men. ap- poae he looked around for the rlglit
peare*d at the Henley ranch and for­ men to go on with the proposition,
cibly ejected the* employes of Mr. Car­ and having seen with his own eye«
roll from the premises, The livej what th«* men who own the Klamath
stock was turn«*d out and his per- ' Development Company had done he
sonal belongings were removed from concluded that they would be the
the house.
right people to interest in the prop­
As soon as he heard of the cane h>* erty. He open«*d negotiations with
directed his attorney, C. M. Onelll, to W. S Worden and through him in-
begin proceedings that would rein­ terested Messrs Johnson and Wend­
state him in possession of the prop­ ling. The outcome was an agree­
erty, and it is as a result of these ment whereby a new corporation
that the injunction has been issued would be organized, the controlling
Sheriff Barnes and his deputies will interest in which would be owned by­
serve the necessary pa|H*rs this after-j Messrs. Johnson. Wenldlng and asso­
ciates. The Klamath Development
Mrs. Henley was repr«rsent*-d by F Company ha« no connection with th«*
H. Mills and J. C. Rutenic.
affair, aside from the fact that the
principal stockholders of one are the
prirncipal stockholders of th«* other.
The final steps for the consumma­
of the deal have not as yet been
United Pres» Service.
PITTSBURG. Pa. April T The taken. they only awaiting the com-
of th«' n«*cessary legal docu-
first steps have been taken today by pletion
When these are ready the
District Attorney Blakeley to bring
new corporation, which will l>e
to this city Frank M Hoffstot. presi­
as the Klamath l<and it
dent of the German National Bank of known
Company. will be
Allegheny and president of the Press­
decision ha«
ed Steel Car Company, who has been
b«*en reached relative to the method
indicted on the charges of conspiracy
■ of handling this property These will
and bribery, so that he may testify
not be gone into until final step« for
before the grand jury, regarding his
the new corporation have been com­
part in the councilmanic corruption.
pleted and permanently organized
Hoffstot lives in New York City and
Th«* news of the entrance of this
may fight his extradition. It Is ex­
new fore«* into the field of develop­
pected that additional bankers will
ment for this city had an electrify­
be implicated.
ing effect on everyone in the city.
When It was quickly recognized that new
Attorney A. H. Larkin, representing life was to be injected into a prop­
Frank M. Hoffstot, was informed his erty that has been dormant for the
client had been indicted by the Pitts­ past four years, and that th«* dream
burg grand jury, he stated that there ' of the optimistic citizens of two and
would be no attempt made to avol«l I three years ago that we would have
extradition. "Mr. Hoffstot is inno- i a city from lake to lake was to be at
cent of the charge, and is ready to | last realized. The Buena Vista Com­
go to Pittsburg at any time. He Is
is i pany was launched with every evi­
not alarmed in the least,” concluded dence of health and vigor, but the
task was too great a one for the ex­
Mr. Larkin.
perience and capital back of the con­
cern. and it gradually slipped back
until all efforts looking toward the
The adjourned meeting of the city improvement of the property was
council was held Friday night, and all abandoned. It has remained In this
of the session was consumed in dis­ condition for over two years. Sev­
cussing the question of acquiring cer­ eral times It was reported that the
tain property belonging to J. O. property had been sold, but tn each
Pierce for street purpose The prop- case the deal was never consum­
eprty in question is at the lower end mated.
of Klamath avenue. Mr. Pierce is
Another great handicap placed on
asking for damages due to the lay­ th«* company was the operation of the
ing of the proposed water main, but car line. This has ever been a source
inasmuch as the council wa» in doubt ■ of loss to the company and will con­
as to whether the street, should be tinue so for several years. Mr.
opened at this time it is hesitating Reames stated to the council that
about acceding to the request. The statistics prove that an electric line
question was discussed pro and con in cities of less than 30.000 is not
and the council finally adjourned a paying proposition, and even the
without reaching any definite deci- most sanguine person does not ex-
slon. It will be again taken up at pect that Klamath Falls will reach
the next meeting of the council.
that point for many years. Whether
Nothing was don«* with the ques­ the new company will continue to
tion of a water main to Shippington. run th«* car or tak«- up the track«
The mayor has gone over the streets rests entirely with the council. Mr.
that It will traverse and is prepared Clark stated that at the time he se­
to lay th«* matter before the council. cured the property from the old
City Property
Farm Mortgages
Lakeside Inn,
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
Goodrich’s Gash Store
General Merchandise Combination
50 lb« lbs Sugar
S 4.00
2 lbs. 60c Tea
3 lbs. 35c Coffee
1 lb. Black Pepper
« cans 2-oz. asstd Spices
2 bottles Extract
10 lbs Ricw
lbs. Tapioca
lbs Sago
lbs Pearl Barley
lbs Rolled Oats
Total .
» 1.00
• 10.05
ALL FOR $7.95
See What Cash Will Do for You
Why not receive the benefit of Cash Discount 7
company that if he were given a
reasonable franchise the line would
be Improved and mod«nlx**d. hut
that it would not be done if such a
franchise were refused
U no
Ret unis to View on .Schedule Time
and In the Position as
Serving Sentence of Two Year«
for Desertion from Army
United Press Service.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 8.
O. F. Collins, aged 26, a military
prisoner, was Instantly klll«td here to­
day by guards, while trying to es-
cape frotn the transport dock at thc
foot of Folsom street. H«> was «»no
of nineteen prisoners who were en-
gaged In loading cement on a vessel.
He had been brought to the city from
the Government prison on Alcatraz
Island, located in the harbor
started to make hl« escape by run­
ring down the pier, and when, after
th«* third command to halt wa« un­
heeded, the guards opened fire Two
bullets hit tho fleeing prisoner nnd
he dropped to the ground, dead The
guards surrounded the other prison­
ers, but no attempt to oscap»* wan
made by them.
Colonel Turner of the prison or-
dered an investigation. Collins wa«
Herving two years for desertion from
the army. He had only been Incar­
cerated n short, time.
United Press Service.
ton. Cai.. April 8
Halley's comet
arrived this morning on schedule time
and during Its absence must have be­
haved Itself in an orderly and decor­
ous manner for It was found pursuing
Its peaceful course In the exacted lo­
cation predicted by astronomers
Prof. R. O. Aitkens, of the Lick Ob­
servatory, found the heavenly wan­
derer this morning just before «un­
rise. It was only visible for a few
moments. The tall was unseen ow­
ing to the hrightnosH of the twilight
In the background
From now on it will be visible for
continuously increasing periods and
before many days elapse the comet
will I m * visible for quite an extended
time. It'will not be until about the
middle of May that it will have reach
ed its full brilliancy a« seen from
the earth, at which lime It will be
the grand**«! «p<*ctacle witnessed by
the present occupant« of thin glut»*