KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ♦ * OFFICIAL I’AI’KR OF KLAMATH COI N I Y. ♦ ♦ ♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * LEADING PAPER OF ♦ ♦ MH THERN OREGON. ♦ ♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 14, 1910 VOL. XV. NO. 2 1 CHARGE FIXED WATCH FOR MAN ' UPPER KLAMATH L. IT IN TO REMAIN THE MAME AM I I H AM I.AMT VEAIt IS HE REALLY THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND MONEY MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE If < ihr Irrigation system in th» Klamat.i Project li iih boon fixc*l for 1910 by th* Riulaiiiatioii Hervlce. unit It I m to be th*' until*' i « h It wm Inal year, 76 cents per acre For th** pant several days there bun been n rumor ulloiit to the <-fT*-«t that th*- malntenanc«' < harg* wu. to be li>*i*>iu*ii Io 9l) c**nte <>* I*, but thin liM** pint* n to l*<- u inlslnk an evidenced by th*' unnouncemeu* jnnt made by th** ffcrvlc« Oiii< of th*' mutters that In to *uu»< considerable trouble this year will L* that of the payment of th** $.1 pc» acre for liquidation of th*- constru* lion * bulge In every project thi Government ban >nfor<'*'d thia ruh without variation, except In •■xtruor ■llnury raara. Where th» farmer has xbown good faith, and through to fault of hla be ha* failed to liarvod bin crop and the ahuttlnK *>ff of the water uould work Irreparable Injury, then th« Government han made an inception, but In every ca«*» the rea­ son haa had to bv far beyond th*' or­ dinary. Whether such exceptions may be mail** In the Klamath Project li problematical. Under thia project there la a alight difference, the land owner having Ix-en given one full year In which to meet the payments. It will be a question that will only ire decided after It han reached the Secretary of the Interior. The method of procedure, where lb** farmer find* hlmiwlf unable to meet the payment, 1» for him to r^sAe application to the secretary of the Water Users* AMoclatlon for lenien­ cy, accompanying such application with the rvaaona therefor It will bo ■lavlvaa for anyone to undertake to get auch an application approved un­ ion he can furnish good and »uffi- dent reaaona therefor, ns It will read­ ily bv recognised that the Govern­ ment muat handle the mutter Impar- * lull . Application* for leniency ahould be made Immediately. It la not expected that there will be many of them, in view of the fact that eratlon and maintenance for the season of 1910. nnd of the first annual Install­ ment of the*building charge of |3 which became due on the 1st day of May, 1909, and would have become delinquent on the 1st day of May. 1 1910, but for the letter dated March j 26, 1910, from the Secretary of the Interior, the Honorable ft. A. Ballin­ ger, to thia aaaoclatlon. In this letter last referred to the Secretary of the Interior announces that all payment of operation and maintenance and an­ nual Installments of the building churge shall he payahlo at the office of thia association in Klamath Falla Ore., and that the association shall levy amenamente Including the fol­ lowing items: First Assessments on account of i the expenses of the association. Hecond Assessments on account of operation and maintenance levied C. P. Farrar, one of the big butch­ by the Hocretary of the Interior. ers ofr Oregon City, arrived Tuesday Third (’all and assessment on ac- [ evening for the purpose of looking count of building charge levied by over the country. He is an old the Secretary of the Interior. friend of E. B. Hornsby, who la Ink­ It Is provided In said letter that the ing considerable pleasure In pointing ea*l ahould he mado In time that the out the good thlngH to be found In amounts levied under each of the Klamath. TEACHERS CHOSEN COL ROOSEVELT FOR NEXT YEAR TEDDY IS ON HIS WAY TO VENICE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ mantle*! au*l rvmov* <1 to Sim» pingtoii. after the logs now in the pond 1-nve b-** * s*we*l. rh.» will bv • serious blow to the west shle of the river, as it was an important factor in that end of the city. The sale price was not nindr public, ♦ ♦ 4* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -Y ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•• TWO PRINCIPAS HE APPOINTÍO III MIAK PROMOTED TO SUPER­ INTENDENT OF St 'HOOLN Grow lit of City IH'I ilhik I'' an Inervas, in Number of Teachers Employed A meeting of the school board *>t the city uchools was held last Mon­ day. the purpose thereof being the selection of teachers for the ensun*, year. A large number of applies thins was received and it required an extended session to enable the direc­ tors to arrive at what they believe** to be a decision that would best pro­ mote the welfare of the educations institutions of the city. One of the first steps taken was that of determining the office R. H Dunbar should occupy henceforth Inasmuch as there will be two schoo* at the beginning of the next schoo year, the board felt that he shou't not be confined so closely to any oa of the institutions as to preclude th» proper supervision over the othe:. Accordingly, it was decided that ba should be appointed to the office cf City Superintendent of School.*, which position shall carry with it full control over all schools that may be opened during his tenure of of­ fice. In view of the added respon­ sibilities Imposed, the board believed Mr. Dunbar's salary should be In­ creased to $1,500. Two principals were chosen, one for each school, whose salaries shall b* 385 per month For School No. 1 Miss Nettie Drew was elected prin­ cipal and Miss Edna Adams was elected for School No. 2, or, as Is commonly known, as the West Side school. Following are the teachers chosen for next year: Misses Nettie R. Drew, Edna Ad­ ams, Donna Bell. Irone Daum, Nettie McIntire, Agnes Hannon. Mabel Campbell, Grace Nickerson. Florence Foster, Alice Pool, Maud Laman, all of whom have been teaching during the past year, and Misses Nellie Dement, Lillian Dennison and Lucy M. George of Grants Pass, and Miss Josephone Donegan of Jacksonville. The last four have not taught In this cltv heretofore. Riding throughout the county astride his faithful old horse, with tils knapsack swung over his shoul- ■lers, is the Democratic Patriarch of Klamath County. Practically every­ man, woman and child in Klamath County knows Capt. J. P. Lee, county assessor and best political campaign­ er in the State of Oregon. He is a .man wh<-•• kindly pe: tnality and : homely cordiality has » or; he is a persuasive ed pleased with the outlook. Men. talker and has the confidence of the who have farmed in this basin for people, but he should not seek to be­ many years, expressed themselves as tray that confidence by endeavoring being better satisfied with conditions to fool the people on a matter in than ever before. New settlers, in which they are so vitally interested. every instance, were highly pleased His work of assessing should occupy with the prospects, saying that the all of his time and should not be spring has been ideal for getting the used as a cloak to cover up another fields in shape for seeding. game. Everyone knows what effect One of the best indications that the the appearance of the assessor has. Klamath country is coming into its and how prone they are to listen to own is the fact that the man who has what he has to say. Nevertheless, farmed here for years under advene they are not going to forget that he circumstances is beginning to feel is the man who sets the amount they that for him the Klamath basin is no will have to pay in taxes; nor will longer a camp ground, but a place they fail to take advantage of every where he is willing to make his home. opportunity that presents itself to re­ It is a noticeable fact that during duce that sum. the past year many land owners who When Captain Lee started on his were anxious to dispose of thei- work of assessing he left this mes­ farms have withdrawn them from the sage with his friends: "Now, you-all market. The reason for this is net watch me. I’ll go out and talk to that they are waiting for an increase the ladies, kiss the babies and assess in price, but rather because with the the property, and when I come back advent of the railroad they have be­ the court house won't be moved." come satisfied to live where they True to his promise, he is talking to heretofore considered themselves iso the ladies and kissing the babies— lated. and no man in all of Oregon is better It is also noticeable that all new fitted for the task—and Is sending houses being built throughout tl.t back messages that the farmers are basin are substantial and of a better opposed to it everywhere. Poor grade than many of those heretofore Captain! The Herald is sorry to see erected. Improvements are being you so keenly disappointed. made with a view to nermanenc.v, which is indicative of a settled com­ munity. NEGRO HKHIWAYMAN KILLED IN .SEATTLE JIM IIILL'N MULES ARRIVE IN THE CITY Bodjr Ridded With Bullets in Run­ Are Ship|*‘*l Through This City to Reach Work to th«- North A car load of mules arrived in the city Wednesday and were unloaded and started north. Ordinarily a load of mules would attract no particular attention, but these mules carry the Northern Pacific brand on their left hip. This is the first of a number of ether shipments to be made through this city. In a short time all of the equipment that is to be used by the contractors In huildinq the Oregon Trunk to the north of here will be shipped through this city ning Fight With Polio- United Press Service. SEATTLE, Wash., April 12.—An unidentified negro was riddled with bullets and killed at 4 o'clock this morning by officers in a running bat­ tle in the heart of the city. Th* negro attempted to hold up a Jap who, instead of complying with the command of the highwayman, turned and ran. The negro opened fire on him, the shots being heard by the police. They chased the negro, ex­ changing shots with him at a dis­ tance of ten feet. The officers en­ G. I. Cole Is a recent arrival here gaged In the fight were Christenson, W. P. Drum was here Wednesday from Palisades, Colo. Mr. Cole is Donald and Hooker. None of them from his camp at Modoc Point. looking over the country. was injured.