('Ims Ciivmimigh, repairing ' W A. Turner, Juror « <»t»|c. T. Wilson, Juror chairs > Glass A 1‘roiidhomnio, book !'I' <» Kinney, juror I 25 t> pe writer il. I» K omm , Juror UII.I. l’IA W.VfHl <>N EANT Hi DE A c Graves, treating county Jin««» Taylor, juroi of iiAii.itoAD « radi ; 25 .00 J«ff Wilson, Juror charge (¡i-o. I. Humphrey, repairs ; Jn< oli Ituei’k, juror 21 court house !' II Burnham, Juror Cubili I» lo lb- Bulli Oli II» Deck unii Hotel Livermore, minis Jury D Ward, Juror l'ut In HI iu | h > ior Nummer I c. (', t'ofcr, Juroi I 4 circuit court Travvlem l> li Campbell, lent county J A. Hamilton, Juror , 10 00 I, Jacobs, juror poor c. J Swingle, juror The tourist travel on the Lower Model Bakery, breud county 3 20 ) Blirge W. Mason, Juror poor Kluunitli which received a serious set­ J. I. Fielder, juror back through tliv transfer of thu Earl Whitlock, burial of John 20 00 J. K Mills, Juror llrown steamer Klamath to the Uppet Lake U Il ('lendennlng. juror will bo revived thia ycui If the plans city Transfei t'ompuny, dray .50 o W. ly. Juror ng« of the new owner of the Canby uro Chua I-' D«Lnp, «xpiessug« •11 E Royse, Juror carried lo completion It II Hum ' J. M. Evans, juror 7.85 nnd freight who recently purchased the boat, to­ Geo li Holder, Juroi gether with th» McCormick interests ■O K Tiunsfcc Co, wood foi Juspei Bennett, Juror 5.60 county poor nt Kono, has announced, through iiln J. Il Humphrey, juroi captain, W. C Hall, thut he Is going It E Edgar, moving toilet 15.00 Junie» Briscoe, Juror und digging grave to remodel th« Canby. Captain Hull lient ) Offen bai her. Juror Is mi old-time captain, having been .1 I* Dublin. repairing type­ 2.50 Geo T Clin«, Juror writer In the steamboat business for years, many of which were passed on th« ¡Klamath Republican, printing KG. 7 0 TI ioh Stanley. Juror 20.00 Henry M«w, Juror Great l,ak«s 11« came here nt th« 1 W II Barnes, stamps E M Bubb, juror special request of Mr Harris, that |John Witt, keeping county 1 l»uv«nport, juror X 7.6 0 |M>or gentlemen having In mind the «»tub II 1 Lockwood, juroi Whitlock, coroner's Hahinent of a bout line Hint will lake Earl 36 10 J 1 Goeller. Juror claim tn nil points of interest on th« lower A E Elder, Juror lake us well us no-el Ing the demands r II Mills, ownership plat 50 oo l'r< d Buesing, Juror book of the Merrill country mid the Invu (' J Anderson. Juror II lloivln. plumbing mid sup beds 5 7.52 1. 1, McDonald. Juroi piles It Is proposed to construct on W W. Lewis, Juror bourd tin- Canby u Indies' cabin. In­ John Witt, keeping county 7ooo << W. Stephens, Juror poor stall an electric lighting plant mid so R II Bunnell, Juror Improve th« boat us to make it n Withrow- Melliiis, Compmii, 30 oo A, Iluidenbrook. Juroi office rent comfortable means of travel to th* J. M Robin, Juror . many interesting localities on the Joseph Tolle nursing county 9 2 X 00 Gus Melbas«, juroi poor lower waters. Mr. Harris will also Al. Melbas«*, Juror have constructed a boat for use east li w in Hodson Company, tax (f th- lullro.id thus affording sat 7.5 B. W. McCormick. Juror receipts 11 ansportutlon for freight mid pn*- It M Bagby, bounty 1.50 John Fountain. Juror >«ngeru between this city mid Keno It M Bagby, bounty 3.70 Dim t'ofcr, juror and the Merrill country. It Is believ Il B Griffith. bounty « 00 J W McCoy, juror ,-d that II Is only n matter of time be­ Chas. Mack, bounty 3 Oil <> H ('rumpacker, juror fore the lava beds will be the ob­ J W Taylor, bounty 1.50 W. 1* M< MBI i . ii , juror jective point for many tourists, ano Grant Fouch. bounty 1 00 James Ryan, Juror no more comfortable means of reach­ Chas Donart, bounty 13.00 E It Hall, juror ing them could be found than by J W Frey, bounty 2.00 F E. Ankeny, juror traversing th« lx>w«r Lake. 83 0o ('. J Swingle, juror Bay Ijimb, bounty When the marsh lands are reclaim­ Hilbert Wilson, bounty 1.50 O. D Cravens, Juror ed there will be a system of dialling« E F McCormick, bounty 1.50 W. II North, juror ■ anals through them that can be used ira liunaen. bounty fl. 00 John Hagelstein, Juror for freight mid passenger truffle , and ('lias Donart, bounty 4.50 F. T Handerson. Juror Mr Harris has thia In mind In the Chas Donart. bounty 1 3 50 John It Stilts, Juror formation of the plana that have for E. F McCormick, bounty 1.50 (» A Stearns. Juror their Inception the Improvements on W II Woodbury, bounty 13.50 (' II Withrow, juror the Canby and the construction of W II Woodbury, bounty 2.7 0 G llcltkcniper Jr., Juror lhe new boat. 7.50 II D. Stout. Juror J E Whltlach. bounty 21.50 M Temple, witness Floyd Cunnlnghnm, Ixmr.ly IMI'IKD I MI X I s <»X I1H(I HIM) J It Chambers. bounty 16.75 George Carper, witness s.oo E Snail, witness .. A W Ladd, bounty The best proof of the prosperity A W I.add. bounty 18.50 Austin Hayden, witn««« that la In store for Klamath Falla 1» II H Oden, bounty 12 oo Verm- Clift, witness ihr great amount of building that Is J E Book, bounti 3.50 Lloyd lx>w. witness »■••Ing don* throughout the city. T K I.yon. bounty 7 CO Lloyd Delap. wltnes- Everywhere Is to be seen In course J W Frey, bounty 5 00 Kathryn lx--, witness of construction, or nearing comple­ J. s Ball, bounty X 50 Willi« North, wltncrs tion new homes, business buildings J W Frey, bounty 2.00 John Siemens, witness and other Improvements. A new C. W. Bailey, bouuty. 3.00 Wilbur Telford. witn<*ss - plrlt has taken bold of the residents C W Bailey. bounty 5.20 Clyde Griffith. wltnetM« and already the work of starling l> W Anderson, bouuty 1 20 Cha« E. Wright, wlttum* lawns, plunting trees, shrubbery and Frank Welch, bounty Fred Borough, witness flowers Is well under way, and thia Ernest Chap-'ll, liounty John Lambert, witness iear will ace more fine lawns started Ernest Cha|H-ll, bounty , Nettle L. M< Intlre, witness than ever before. These improve­ Grant Fouch. bounty *Geo. Gregory, witness ments are not confined to any one l-'rnnk Irish, bounty V. T Mntschenbncher, wit­ section of the city, but Is scattered J. B Chambers, bounty ness equally Thia would Indicate tliat ChiiH Graves, bount } Louis l.udtke, witness the growth Is lo be uniform and that J. W Frey, bounty |J. J. Parker, witness when th« city reaches the population Chas Cavanaugh, bounty C. It Baldwin, witness which everyone confidently expects c. R. Baldwin, witness E. E Mason, liounty will be its good fortune within n few 8. It Booth, bounty B. E. Lw, witness ......... ears, vacant spots that may be seen A C Watson, bounty Ed I laiiighlln, witness from tin- Incoming truina will be fill- Cha-c Donart, bounty O. L. Carter, witness • d with handsome and fine business Chas Donart, bounty A. C’astel. witness blocks C. Ross Anderson, witnoss J. W. Frey, bounty E W. Wakefield, witness Fred B<-lc|oln. bounty Th« dance given Friday night by J. II Burk, bounty I Ciuis Wright, witness Twenty-One Club was well attended, t I.:- H. E. Pcltx witness W. Lewis, bounty I H. T. Shaden. «very on« «nlovlng themselves the J. W Frey, bounty witness -.ime as usual; that is, by dancing to I \\ li.- bounty Dan Ryan, witness the excellent music of the* Baldwin .1. W Frey, bounty Dan Ryan, witness < B ehest tn Jack Hunsaker, witness J W Frey, bounty Job n Alimi Clam y, witness Chas. Barkley, bounty Edwmd i*. Weston, who 1» walking W W Desi, bounty Wm Lloyd, witness from the Pacific to the Atlantic J W. Frey, bounty Wm Lloyd, witness Iv ten days ahead of 'us schedule Henry Straw, witness Eldon Dennis, bounty lie Is now at Atherton, Mo., and is O Calkins, bounty Jas. W Straw, witness averaging fifty miles n day . C. T. Oliver, witness Peter Sconchin, bounty 8 L. Walker, wltuess Walter Turner, bounty S I,. Walker, witness , II. F. Swingle, bounty COI XIV COURT I’ltOt EEDIXGS Dan Ryan, witness J Frank Bryant, bounty Joe Smith, witness The following claims were allowed Ray Lamb, liounty John L. Stewart, witness during the March. 1910 term of the P E Carroll, bounty John L. Stewart, witness County Court and the clerk was in­ W. I. Fraln. bounty John L. Stewart, witness structed to draw warrants for their Cha Donart. bounty Edgar Virgil, witness Chas, Donart. bounty respective amounts: John L. Stewart, witness J. G. Swan postage mid sup­ Burk Wilson, bounty Edgar Virgil. Witness plies 8 I <>»<> John llsgeMleln, bounty Edgar Virgil, Witness c It DsLap. stamps 20.00 J. W Arnold, bounty Mrs. E Virgil, witness Floyd Cminlnghmn. bounty W II. Barnes, expressage and W. C. Meaner, witness mcHsiigea I fl I, . G Stiles, bounty Chas R. Baldwin, witnoss .1. G. Swan, board of prison­ i W. I. Fraln. bounty Chas. R. Baldwin, witness ers til IB J. II Chambers, bounty Chas. R. Baldwin, witness .1. G. Swan, traveling ex- F. I*. Van Meter, bounty , B. T. McKimmen«. witness ( ponses 6.00 Carl Garrison, bounty J W. Hawxhurst. witness Geo T. Cline, viewing road 4.00 i W. II. Shook, bounty J. W. Hawxhurst, witness Wm. Barks, viewing road 1,00 J. W Frey, bounty H. C. Mitchell, witness Geo. T. Cline, recording sur­ Roa Amort, bounty Ky Taylor, witness vey« and copying records 85.00 Glenn Stecmnn. bounty Ed Townsend, witness II Newnham. extending tax Aon Amort, bounty John Lambert, witness roll Bf BB , W II. Utley, bounty W. H. Luianey. witness Charlie Mark, witness justice I (’Ims Donart. bounty. W. II Lnlaney. witness court I 7« J. W Hawkins, bounty W. H. Dulaney, witness Van Riper Bros., merchandise 1 P. A Nixon, bounty Geo Hines, witness county poor 35.00 R E. Hunsaker, grading rond Mrs. Beals, wltn<>«s I t . E Griffith, road work W. E. Faught, examining E. M. Jackson, witness board 80 ini Turner Bros, lumber W I-: Faught witness Underwood's Pharmacy, sup Stiles Brons, wood Wm. Uhrmann, road super­ pile 2.30 Frank Ward, juror via Road District No. 8 Nott Drew, examining board 6.00 M P. Gslarneau, juror . Shive Bros. A Co., merchan­ Underwood*« Pharmacy, sup­ A. J Manning, juror dise county poor plies county poor 4.75 G. K Van Riper, Juror L. H. Rlelin. wood county B. E. Lee, examining board 20.00 F. T Nelson, juror poor Monarch Mercantile Company R. W. Tower, Juror ... . supplies county poor 7.80 H D Stout, Juror Shive Bros. A Co., tnerchan- IHi CÄNBY IS 10 81 HEMOURED disc county poor Klamath Republican, print­ ing (». K Transfer Co., wood county poor Wunl A Obeuchain. merchsn dlso county Jail Crisler A Hints, meat count) poor Klamath Falls Light A Water Co., Ilglits for county poor Mode) Bakery, bread county poor Ward A Obeuchain, merchsn dise county poor Midway Telephone A Tele­ graph Co., telephone court house A. D. Miller, justice fee John G. Hcliallock, constable fee Wm. Wagner, witness Justice court ........ .. It E. Outhridgi , witness jus­ tice court A. D. Miller, justice fee . John G. Schallock, constable fee W E. Bowdoin, printing Klamath Fails Light A Water Co., lights ami water court house Crisler A Stilt meats county I»ooi 1». B Campbell, rent county {■'H/l' E. B. Ram»hy > on , > the 20th dAy of May, 1910, before C. R. DeLap, County Clerk, at Klam­ < » ath Falls, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi­ ate a contest at any time before pat­ ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. ARTHUR W ORTON, 3-17-5-19. Register. 40.30 Eye Tiredness Eye pains, frequent I lead- m lies, barn Ing, smarting inability to remi long at niglit —«-losing ey«-« frc<|u«ntly to rest them— All til«-*«- are unfailing signs of eye troulil«-». Lakeview 02971. 15.60 7.50 Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. I.akevlew, Ore­ gon. 1.90 March 5tb, 1910. 1.70 Notice Ishcreby given that theState of Oregon has fil* d in this office its 1.70 application, Serial 02971, to select 10.2Q under the provisions of Act of Con­ gress, of August 14th, 1848. and the 2.20 acts suplemental and amendatory 46.95 thereto, the 8WI4 SE’4, Section 12, Tp M 8. It. 9 E. W M , NW >4 SW% Section 4; SW% NW% Sec­ 64.40 tion 9; 8E% SE%. SW% SE% Sec­ tion 12, and 8W% SW>/4 Section 27, 20.20 Tp -;7 S , It. 9 E . W. M. Any and ail persons claiming ad­ 10.00 versely the lands described or desir­ ing to object because of the mineral 7.00 character of the land, or for any 7.20 other reason, to the disposal to ap­ plicant, should file their affidavits of 2.70 protest In this office on or before the 5th day of May, 1910. ARTHUR W. ORTON, 1.70 3-17-4-21 Register. 1.70 1.70 6.95 1.70 6.20 ; 6.45 1.70 6.45 1.70 26.80 300.00 58.50 9 38 100.00 100.00 100.00 NOTICE FOR PI BLK ATION Lakeview 01187. Not coal land. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon. March 11. 1910. Notice is hereby given that James E. Newbanks, of Keno, Oregon, who, on May 12th, 1904, made Home­ stead Entry No. 3236, Serial No. 01187, for 8W% NW‘t. N% SW%, SE*4 SW%, Section 17, Township 40 S.. Range 8 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five-Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R. DeLap. County Clerk, at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on the 23rd day of April, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Samuel Padgett, of Keno, Oregon; Albert Shear, of Keno, Oregon; Ray- Lamb, of Keno, Oregon; Chester Wilston, of Keno, Oregon. ARTHUR W. ORTON, 3-17-4-24 Register. It is just such symptoms as 1 > I > < > < > these that we deal with every < > •in ! They offer no ilifficulty to our ; liM-tlKMls nt ail. < (fiasses (the pro|>er glass««) ' relh-v«- ttics«- troubles every 1 time ami IH» IT AT ONCE. ! Sii- us IcsLuy alx>ut your eye«. H. J. WINTERS :: (■railuate anil state Kegisteted < > Optician {{ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦a NOTICE Shareholders in the Langell Valley Telephone Co. who desire to ex­ change their certificates of stock for shares in thy new company may do so by presenting same properly en­ dorsed to Burt E. Hawkins Sec’y of Poe Valley and Klamath Falls Tele­ phone Co. 3-17 3-31 APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS Notice is hereby given that all ap­ plications for permits to graze cattle, horses, sheep and hogs within the CRATER NATIONAL FOREST dur­ ing the season of 1910, must be filed in my office at Medford, Oregon, on or before April 1, 1910. Full infor­ mation in regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applications will be furnished upon request. M. L. ERICKSON, Supervisor. 2-27 3-18 RELINQUISHMENT FOR SALE 160 acres of land near railroad, cabin and barn, for 3300. Running stream. I have about eight home­ steads, level and good running water. For particulars write to JOHN KNOTT C rescent , O regon A FEW BARGAINS. Five lot3, slgn.iy location, 81500. In Justice Court for the Precinct^ Can loan 3750 cn the deal. of Tule Lake, County of Klamath.- A nice cottage with bath. large 77.05 lot, 31700. A good buy. State of Oregon. A large residence, fir e lot, 83 500. J. G. Patterson, Plaintiff, vs. Frank 84.30 Three cottages on three lota. Room Worley, Defendant—Summons. 4.00 To Frank Worley, the above named «ncugh for another cottage; 822511 10.00 MASON & SLOUGH. defendant: 4.60 In the Name of the State of Ore-, 5.09 gon. you are hereby required to ap­ NOTICE OF .ADMINISTRA­ 1.24 TOR'S FINAL ACCOUNT pear and answer the complaint filed j against you in the above entitled ac-. 11.18 tion within seven days from the date' In the County- Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County of the service of this summons upon 1 9.00 you, or suffer judgment to be taken' 4 51 against you for the sum of Thirty In the Ma*ter of the Estate of Thomas Hodge, Deceased—Notice. Dollars and interest with the dis­ 130.00 Notice is hereby given that John bursements of this action. 2.80 Frederick Wilson. Administrator oi Given under my hand this 12th the estate of Thomas Hodge, de­ day of March. 1910. 3.72 ceased, has filed his final account of G. W. OFFTELD, 62.50 the administration of said estate with [3-17-4-28. Justice of the Peace. 60.00 tli« Clerk of the County Court of 8.25 Klamath County, Oregon, and that ADMINISTRATION NOTICE i said Court has appointed the hour of 250.25 10 o’clock in the forenoon of Satur­ | In the matter of the Estate of Albert 80.00 day, the 2nd day of April, 1910, as Finley Bunnell, deceased. 200.00 I State of Oregon. County of Kiaath, the time for hearing objetclons, if I any there be, to such final account, ss. 223.42 and the settlement thereof. I Notice is hereby given requiring 220.00 This notice is published by order i all persons having claims against the of said County Court, made and en­ I estate of Albert Finley Bunnell, de­ tered In the records thereofr the 2 8th 253.50 ceased, to present them, with proper, day of February, 1910. vouchers, within six months, from JOHN FREDERICK WILSON. 100.00 District No. 5 date of this notice, to the undersign­ Administrator of the Estate of Thom­ L. A. Richardson, road super­ ed executor of said estate at the office - as Hodge, Deceased. 3-3-3-31 visor District No. 6 100.00 of F. H. Mills, Klamath Falls, Ore­ J. W. Lindsay, rond supervis­ gon. or District No. 13 100.00 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dated this 12th day of March, C. D. DE LAP, 1910. UNITED STATE LAND OFFICE. County Clerk. ROBERT BUNNELL. I Serial No. 0304S. Executor of the Estate of Albert Fin­ Lakeview List No. 73. NOTH F FOR PUBLICATION ley Bunnell, deceased. Lakeviev, Ore., Feb. 23, 1910 3-17 4-9 Notice is hereby given that the Lakeview 02885. Northern Pacific Railway Company, Not coal land. STRAYED whose postoffice address Is St. Paul, Department of the interior, United Minnesota, has on February 23, 1910, States Land Office at Lakeview, One bay mare and one black mareI filed in this office its application to Oregon. each about fifteen and three-fourth select under the provisions of the Act Marcn 7th, 1910. hands high and each branded with an Notice is hereby given that Wil­ ace of clubs on the shoulder. One of Congress, approved July 1, 1898 liam Sargeant, whose poatofflee ad­ dun horse three years old branded j (30 Stat. 597, 620), as extended by dress Is Klamath Falls. Oregon, did, with a horse shoe bar on the jaw, i the Act of Congress aproved May 17, on the 2 7th day of December, 1909, weight about 1,100, One bay mare 1906, (34 Stat., 197), lots 1, 2, 3 and file In this office Sworn Statement branded with a pitchfork on stifle, 4 of Section 17, In Township 32, South of Range 7 Vi East of the Wil­ and Application, No. 02885, to pur­ weight aboutl.100. lamette Principal Meridian, contain­ chase the SE14 Section 35, Township A liberal reward will be given for 37 S , Rango 9 E., Willamette Me­ information leading to the recovery ing 81.04 acres. Any and all persons claiming ad­ ridian, and the timber thereon, under of any or all of these horses. versely the lands described, or desir­ I the provisions of the act of June 3, W. H. MASON ing to object because of the mineral 1878, and acts amendatory, known as W3t 3-31 character of the land, or for any the "Timber and Stone Law,” at such 100.00 value as might be fixed by appraise­ other reason, to the disposal to ap­ GOOD SEED RYE plicant, should filo thoir affidavits of ment. and that, pursuant to such ap­ 40.00 plication, the land and timber there­ 400 bushels of good seed rye for protest in this office, on or before the 23rd day of April, 1910. on have been appraised, June 14th, sale, 11.75 per hundred at ranch. 7.50 1909, the timber estimated 787,000 2-3-tf ARTHUR W ORTON. JOHN DE PUY. 3-3-4-21 Register. board feet at f.75 per M.. and the Hopkins Ranch, near Midland. 100 00 SUMMONS