Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 31, 1910, Image 6

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    MORE IRÜUBlt IS IO BE («Pieliti
; this region, like all others, has Its about ten miles wide, oval In Rhapx Mr. Lavoy if any of Ills statements Medford to (hla city when hla dcStl
foundation in the wealth of the soil. land completely wnlled In with moun about these townsltes were not true nalton Is toward the south.
It will readily bo seen that such a
the greatness of the city that Is here tains. Every acre of the land Is fer­ Their exploration ended by saying
KLAMATH FAI.I-S WILL 1IK Tin: i springing into being, can only be con­ tile, is underlaid with water nt i that they considered their six lots program would mouse widespread m
templated by a study of the topog­ depth of from six to ten leet. and fre< which they had purchased for $350 tcnllon mid would Im He means of
I am making spreading the fame of (’ruler Lake
raphy. Four mountain passes enter from brush and timber, practically worth ut least $1000
t'nbiased Opinion of the Well-Known , the basin, practically all coming to­ ready for cultivation. Dorris Is lo these statements because nearly loo far and wide more speedily mid el
gether at Klamath Falls. One to the rated at the north end o*f the valley, people have purchased lots at Klam­ fec(ually than any other IIK'IIIIH tllUt I (eg II lu I »
Journalist on Klamath’s Fu­
leads into California via Butte and Mt. Hebron at the south. It will ath Falls and In the new towns, and could Im adopted
ture Greatness
Valley to Weed. Another pass goes surprise many Salem people to learn they will bo Interested In knowing
The plana embracing
The following article teem the pen 1 out into Eastern Oregon through Lost (hat lots in these towns (hat sold at what our Impressions are of the ve prise are simply Tn the
rarity of nt least one largo towuslt« state. It may Im possible that when
of Col. E. Hofer, editor of the Salem River. Still another into Nevada via $100 and less are to-oslllng at $250
I believe It la In the In­ they are all worked out It would be United l*i ess Service.
Capital Journal, which appeared in
Justice to make thin come necessary to make a small ad
WASHINGTON, 1» C March !i I
the Salem Statesman, will prove very
interesting reading. It will show what via Natron. Each pass again opens in values are duo to the fact that statement, and I have done so with dltlonnl charge for this aldo li Ip. but The regular and Insurgent Republl
a keen mind can see for the future of out into large valleys with lakes, these properties are not on a jerk out any solicitation on the part of it Is understood (lint this will not Im cans today idtlt tally ratified the action
Huleas I the
he business would In of the mucus which selected the
a country that has back oL it re­ reclamation possibilities and a pro- water branch line of the railroad, but Mr. Lavoy, who accompanied the done uuloss
sources greater than any other sec- ductivity that is simply iucalculable on the main transcontinental line tha’ party. I know that I am voicing the Volvo a too heavy loss to tin' com members of th« new rilles < <uil III It ten.
One stands on the heights above will carry the commerce and popula honest opinion of the entire delegn puny.
Hut In doing so n convenient brick
tion on the Pacific Coast:
could be seen in the liuud of each
Some work
The delegation of Salem and Wil­ Klamath Falls and sees more expanse tlon between Portland and San Fran lion, and these sentiments wore ex
pressed over and over by ovary man on the i nails
lllelilbci, li' h< wnti bed foi . hi upper
lamette Valley business men. s'ho of rich agricultural country and won­ cisco.
who has enjoyed the delightful week trip possible. Already one of the luiilty to lit It tli lii i.i ie the i
Party Got Receptioii«
spent the past week in the Klamath derful mountain scenery than at any
which we have spent in the Klamath worst spots in the county h.i i be n side showed any signs of host 11 Ify.
Falls country, returned on Saturday other place in the world that I have
"I wish I could describe to you In
done itwuy with, through (lie con ileprcHi'tiiatIvo Hutter, of Ponnsylvn
and this morning. Enthusiasm is a ever heard of. Mt. Shasta looms up detail the receptions accorded th« country."
structlon of u new road around Mo­ ills, one of the regular Kepublli uns
mild term to describe the Btate of in the south, sixtv-eight miles away. Oregon delegation at these points M U
I’oillt Soutliein I’lK'itli ulili tala of (he staunchest variety, stated to-
mind in which they have come back,
Large audiences, banquets und balls
The were prepared for us everywhere, and SOI I III KX I* MTFIC COMPANY
have been lomlln gthelr aid to Will day:
to tell of the wonderful development and the rim of Crater latke,
"I predict that
(I. Steele. who Is In Washington fin
work that is going on in Klamath view extends east and west as far as there is not a man, woman or child
more ruction this
Falls and the Klamath Basin, and the the eye can see.
. in that country who does not think
On the Main Line
nient to make some Improvements In contents have not gotten all of the
new townsites of Worden. Dorris and
j well of Pat Lavey. 1 would like to
the road thiough the rc.iei vat Ions. Idle out of their system, Ag soon
Mt. Hebron, in which hundreds of
describe our drive fra day through
Ho tins been so far Sliccesaful as to us they do, I predict that the Kepuli-
Willamette Valley citizens have made towns—Worden. Dorris and Mt. He- the Butte Valley In the center of
secure a promise that solilothlug will 11« ans In the House, ns well as those
investments during the past two Iren -are on what will be the malt, which Is located a largo Mennonltc
weeks. The party was made up of line of the Southern Pacific Railroad colony, who have purchased 14.00C
Information comes from a reliable Im done. The Medford people have of the entire Nation, will get together
representatives selected by purchas­ between Portland and San Francis-<> acres. We spent all day Thursday source that there Is a plan on foot raised something over 110,000 which and stay together In perfect harmony
ers of these properties, and each is This line cuts off aev-'n and one-half driving in both directions from Klam­ that is going to place Crater Lake will Im used In placing tile high way until uftor th« fall elections."
Ilopresentallvo Norris, of Nebraska,
to submit an independent report of hours in travel be’ a yen tbc-c wo ath Falls. Every member of the del­ on the map of the Southern Pacific between th hat city and the Lake In
irrent cities. It substPutes I per cent
whose resolution brought about the
his observations.
egation Is prepared to declare that railroad. The scheme is nothing a passable condition.
, grades for grades of fnm I to u i er it is very gratifying that a large real more nor less than the establishing
revolution, stated:
Men Hacking Klamath Falls
ri ni i r
"We arc willing to have perma­
Speaking of the party and their ob­ I cent and light, graceful curves for estate operator has more than made of an automobile Uno between thia
th j letter S and ho- e -'to - beuds in good, after seeing all the property city and Medford. The plan pro­
nent peace in the House, and that Is
servations, Col. E. Hofer said:
Ous offered for sale, and testing It from posed provides for the sale of tourist
the prlticIpHl reason w« did not de­
"Of course, the potent force that is inc tracks over the Sisklyoits
Bclli-X«'«! Tli.lt the Threatened Tariff mand a place on the rules committee.
opening the Klamath region to rapid eng'EC will pull all ml!unc ­ trains several
simply tickets which will give the purchaser
War Will Ke Averted
If th« new commlttim proves to he a
settlement, and building towns as if over this line, where it now takes amounts to this, that P. < .’. Lavey & the option of continuing north or
tool of the speaker, then the battle
e'.igiuçs Company believe the day has couie south on the main line or taking th«
by magic, is the Natron and Klamath
United Picaa Service.
will lie fought over again ”
Falls extension of the Harriman sys- ' to pull passenger trains. It is only when real estate firms who would side trip via Crater Lake No addl-
WASHINGTON. II. C . March 8'1
tern. The men who spent years in reasonable to suppose that if cities promote townsites must tell the truth I 1 tlonal I charge will he made, aside Secretary Knox announced today (but
bringing the railroad into that coun­ like Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass about what they offer the public In [ from the usual ones in connection the threatened difficulty arising ovet
try, and without which no Klamath and Roseburg could be built upon their advertisements. There Is uni-1 with hotel
the tariff dispute between the United
('apt J. W Siemens, cashier of th«
Falls development would have been the main line, these new cities on the versal disgust all over the country
At I first glance it might seeiu that States and the Canadian government
possible, were Major Worden and his Natron extension will become just as at real estate fake me!.nods, especially the expense would be too great a one Is to be avoided through an agr< • First Trust a Savings Hank of this
son, William Worden. As allotment great. It is generally predicted that in dealing with new townsites. All for the railroad to bear, where no re­ nicnt that has been reached her« to city, was receiving congratulations
agent of the Government In cutting Klamath Falls being slated for the Mr. Lavey asked the delegation to do turns are In sight. But the company day
Mr. Knox gave out th« follow of friends Salm day the occasion bi
Ing Ids arrival at the forty-eighth
up the Klamath Indian Reservation end of a division, and it has exactly was to say whether the representa­ Is not doing it for the present benefits Ing statement:
mile stone of his Journey through
of 1,125,000 acres, Major Worden the same location as Ashland, will. In tions made by hts firm as to Worden. that may be derived
it has had
"The negotlatiomi between Presi­
gained a familiarity with the country not many years, be another Spokane. Dorris and Mt. Hebron were rrue or under consideration for some time an dent Taft and th« representative of Ilf«. The Captain Is one of the plo­
which made It possible for him to In place of taking forty or fifty years not. Every one of the ten men who advertising campaign for Crater Lake the Canadian government, which be­ neera uf Klamath County, having
speak with authority as to its re­ to grow, as did the towns on the old went over the properties Is prepared . that will be greater than anything of gan In Albany, were conclud'd here been a re «Ident of this city sine«
He has won u high place In
sources. The Wordens made count-1 line, new cities in the Klamath Basin, to say that those representations i the kind ever undertaken. The liter­ today and have taken such form as 1886
less trips over the country, crossed with great tides of immigration com­ are more than true. The original | ature that Is to be issued will be even to assure a friendly understanding tile esteem und confidence of the pe<>
pie of this section of th« Stale, and
deserts and mountains for hundreds , ing to the Pacific Coast, and the more i townsite party was composed of C. E. ' finer than the booklet Issued by the being reached Immediately."
It Is the wish of his host of friends
of miles afoot and on horseback, rapid means of promotion, will grow Fox, of Albany; W. W. Aldredge. of ( Klamath Development Company, and
that forty eight years from now h<>
made pilgrimages to Washington. into large cities in one-quarter of the Oregon City; T. R. Shockley, of Sil-' tens of thousands of them will be j
will bo enjoying the same degree of
New York, San Francisco, and finally time. Klamath Falls and the three ! verton; W. J. Bryne, of Portland: sent broadcast throughout the world
health and prosperity that la hla to
interested the Harriman system in > towns mentioned, surrounded by clear W. P. Strandborg, of the Portland To supplement this the company has i
the resources of the Klamath Basin. Iands' ready for the ¡|low, backed by Telegram, and E. Hofer and George conceived the Idea of the automobile ;
Friday evening .Misses Irene and day.
Associated with them as leading fac- wa,er and timber, and pushed with Sballan, of the Capital Journal. They line, believing that one live tourist Edith Rutenlc entertained the mem­
tors in the Klamath Development «tensive advertising campaigns and were joined a day later by Henry would be worth a hundred dead bers of the High School Literary So
A New York woman lias patented
Company are G. X. Wendling and 8. excurslon trains that are to be put , Bruhn and R. H. Wolter, well known books. Hence the plan to give the clety. The program consisting of ». counterfeit note detector on tin-
O. Johnson. San Francisco million-1on ,n Ma-V and June> win 8row a‘ a German residents of Salem, who went
tourist the novelty of making the singing and declamations was well principi* of the old-style slcieoscop*
aires, who are at the head of a group pace hitherto unparalleled.
down of their own accord to try to trip from this city to Medford, when rendered and a very enjoyable even­ u frame to hold the note psestng «n
Wordens Selected Lavejr
of large industrial corporations rep­
fix nt of a strong magnifying lens
capture the $1000 reward offered by he is traveling northward, or from ing was spent.
"After looking over the entire
resenting hundreds of vnillions.
Magnificent Railroad Construction United States for two years, the Wor-
"The extension of the Southern ■. dens picked on P. C. Lavey to push
Pacific from Weed to Klamath Falls their properties, because the record
was completed May 20, 1909, and showed that in two years he ha I
now the entire line from Klamath handled more real estate than any
Falls to Natron is under construe- one firm on the Pacific Coast. Hi­
tion. and such construction as has has a quarter-million dollar corpora-
never before been seen on the Pa- tIon- and has the largest and bes,
ciflc Coast. One million five hun- organized selling force of trained men
dred thousand dollars has been spent ¡oi an>’ hrm on the coast. The P. C.
at Klamath Falls alone, on depots I-avey & Company interests in con-
and terminals. A granite and marble nectlon with those of the Klamath
passenger station, the finest In the Falls Development Company at Klan -
world for its size, greets the Incom-Falls, and the three townsltes ip
ing of the train and the railroad the Butte Valley, amount to over
company has sixty-five acres laid off three million dollars. The Klamath
in sidetracks, yards and shop ( Falls Development Company ba.i its
grounds. The track is laid with 90- offices in its own large brick building,
pounl steel, ballasted with crushed | and it has secured industries alr’adv
rock, with bridges and culverts of located at Klamath Falls of one-hnlf
On the additions
solid steel and concrete construction. million dollars.
platted at Klamath Falls by this cit -
A Dream Realized
"With the arrival of the railroad Pany and sold by P. C. Lavey, are
of new houses and a num­
and the construction of the first unit hundreds
of the Government reclamation sys-, ber of brick blocks. The famom not
tern, the dream of Major Worden has springs with a park, and the five tore
become a tangible reality. This one j site for the new $100.000 court house
man of tireless energy and get-there are located on its lands.
Ileal Estate Advancing
disposition, who walked into this1
country financially to the bad at
“I could mention many spec'tlc in­
least $10,000, has produced results stances of remarkable advances in*
which are almost beyond his own ex­ Klamath Falls realty. The old John
pectation. Looking at Klamath Falls F. Miller farm of 4500 acres near
from five miles out in the alfalfa Klamath Falls, was sold about twelve
fields, in the midst of 40,000 acres years ago under mortgage for $10.50
that have been put under the ditch per acre. It is now being cut up into
one sees the future Spokane of Ore­ 40 and 160-acre farms and sold off at
gon rising on a semi-circle of hil'«- | $60 to $75 per acrefl All the P. C.
Klamath Falls is spreading by leaps [ Lavey & Company additions to Klam
and bounds, and the picture dream ath Falls lies on gentle slopes, where
of a
great brain is coming out no grading of building lots or street-
on the screen of the municipal pano­ Is necessary. All the property is it
rama. The $4,500,000, only a small plain, open sight, commands beaut:
part of which has been expended, set ful views and there is not a foot of
aside for the reclamation projects, this property that is undesirable for
has already added more than $10,- residence purposes, or unavailable
000,000 to values In the Klamath for immediate use, la acreage as fruit
Ijasln, and it Is only the beginning. and vegetable tracts. What is more
By dredging and draining the tule important to the business man and
lands, and by utilizing the water investor is the fact that every lot and
from Upper Klamath Lake, the trans- tract is advancing in value every time
formation of the inexhaustible source a new dLy of sunshine is poured out
into endless vistas of alfalfa and over it, and they have about three
grain, fields, has begun. All the fa­ hundred days of sunshine during the
bled wealth of the Nile Valley In year in the Klamath Falls Basin. Th»
Egvpt will be double discounted and above statement Is equally true of the
laid away in the shade by what is three townsites in the Butte Valley,
being accomplished before the eyes lying Just south of Klamath Falls.
Description of Butte Valley
of the present generation in the
“I have seen many
the mot.t
Klamath Basin.
Great red barns,
the Un|te(|
clustered stacks of alfalfa and fine beautiful valley.
farm houses intercept the sky line thV'p' " ,W‘-*n *^e Mississippi ar c
&s one looks out over the reclaimed , e «Hile Coast, and there Is noth
lands, almost as thick as the der­ iffff quite as fertile and attractive as
ricks in a great oil region.
the Butte Valley, with the Klamath
The oateway City
River running along the west edge
"While the enduring prosperity of of it. It Is eighteen miles long and
We are Headquarters
$12.50 to $40.00
You are welcome to in
spect the largest line
ever in Klamath