A YEH STORE WITH NEW l.lHilm, NEW MKTHttliN AND NEW PRICEM. According to Previous Announce ments the doors of the New Store will swing open “WE BIA t\D SEI.L FOR CANH. THAT’S W Hi WE NELL FOB LENH” Saturday, Apr. 2 though Hie *lix k* will not la- i-oniplete for another we«*k. This we very much regret a* it Is our ambition to make this stori- the Leading Store in Klamath Co mill Wi- wi - ii - opening day. c*|H-«hill) utixioii* to lime i-vi-ry ii<-|mrtiiM-nt filli-«! U> overflowing witli bright, m-w Howi-«i-r, at llic most it will I m - but a f«*W «bort day* until our t-nlir«- stork* will I m - on «lisplay subject to your rarefili iii«|M-ction. anil *U|>|«i) your manta than nt thia atore. feel safe tn faking the pri-ilb tion tlmt you'll not Hml a lM-ttcr ulace to Everything to wear for everybody «over« th«- Held compl«-t«-ly, and at pri<«*> from 2.-. to lit |a-r cent lower llutn you an- uw*d to frying. s | mi merciiandlM- We do not make this statement with disre- t to the merchants of Klnituilli County, but our system of handling nu-ri luin«li*e methods of liuying Is entirely iliffer«-nt (Is ing conni-i ti-il with more tluui forty other atore) enables us to buy in quantiti«-« tliat a single merchant cannot hope to ilo. anil when you stop to consider Ihl* advantage alone It will I m - easily sera that we an- In a | h >*I i I oii to do exactly us we say, sell you the world's best men handitw- at u lower price. We ask you to ex|M»ct more of us tfian any other slon- anil w.-'ll see tluit you un- not disappointed. Our Mission in Klamath Falls I* not to destroy and ■ ondi-mn. hut to assist and ini|>rove. lien- for a short time, to do business on th«» g«-t-ri< h-quick morrow is more ini|M>rtant with us than today. We are not plan, hut to­ We want to make tills store a la-tter store next month than it is this month; to do a greater volume of business next year than we'll do this year. To grow and grow In kn the merits of our merchan. JOHNSON NAILS CANARD of the property in the vicinity of the —The Supreme Court of the State to­ THAT Is GAINING STRENGTH I'RENTIGE HF H IN MINT proffered site, as well as the larger day handed down a decision granting the Herald their credit would be proportion of that remaining unsold a writ of habeas corpus in tho case chopped off Some of the weak-kneed ones were scared Into line, but the The Mainali! Ih-ii-iopiiu-nl Company in the tract, has been disposed of has of W. W. Roberts, accused of violat­ Ila« MI m M im I hm I <• Pretty Good K«*|«ti. led the designing ones to grab onto ing the Otis anti-betting law. in that others wore not There, also. Is Wil­ Stand* lU-ady to Make Its talion for Making and Itrvak this fact as a last straw. The fool- , he held money wagered on a horse lits In connection with Charlie Moore Offer ( ikh I Ing Promis«-« ishneas of their position is proven by­ race. The opinion practically allows Everyone knows that when Moore Mr Johnson's reply. The property- | oral betting to be indulged in. takes snuff Willits sneezes untit he Is And the people of For the past several days there has offered the county can be disposed of Mayoi Sauderson is working hard told to quit. Klamath Falls would be loath to have lM-en cm rent on the streets of the city for over $30,000, and since all of You know what a good teacher to regain his old-time prestige among ns their executive a man who would u rumor to the effect that the Klam­ the property that might be affected means to a child. You know what the voters of the city, but It la evi­ wear leading strings so willingly But ath Development Company was on by the removal of the court house : he means to a community. We must dent from hl* peevishness that he is nevertheless, Mr. Willits has many the |K>lnt of withdrawing its offer of house has bran sold it can readily- be have schools and we must have not nirating with the huccmm he udmirable points, declare hla friends, the free court house» site made to the seen that Mr. Johnson and his asso­ teachers The Normal School ques- would desire During his tenure of mui If he would only consent to bi­ county court some weeks ago. The ciates have no selfish motive back of tion is now submitted free from poli­ ofllce, and In fart ever since h«» was ll candidate they could place him in basis for the rumor was that the of- their offer to the county. It is what tics. That'6 the way you want it honored by being sent io the council, 'the mayoralty chair without trouble i fer was originally made for the pur­ they have (ontsnded. and what this kept If you pay taxes on $1.000, It pose of securing advertising that paper contended—an effort to secure will cost you 4 cents a year to main­ he haa worked assiduously for polltl-1 ------------------------------ would prove a valuable aid in bring- i for Klamath Falls the best means of tain the State Normal at Monmouth. .al favor lie has never hesitated to ROONEI ELT DEFI KN THE Ing about the sale of lota in the Hot advertising that can be secured I Vote Yes on this bill. 3-24-4t rast off old friends and take on new EGYPTIAN NATIONALINTN It was further through the erection of a fine public Springs addition <>nes Thia iMillcy la coming home to stated that all but a few lota in the building most with n vengeance, Ono of the United Press Service. The Canby is again in commission CAIRO. Egypt. Match 2s Diare-1 i addition have been sold and that now I m * said about meanest things that can after having completed some of the garding the warning that had been the company was seeking a loophole a man Is that he goes back on hla repairs that she has been undergoing. NOTICE friends, and then» are many in the sent him by the Niitionallsts, Roose­ to wlthdrn» the offer, in order that velt In hie address at the University I ¡it might sell the property and realixe - Ity who are today making that stat«»- To the Stockholders of the Klamath Nyal’e Vege­ inent about the mayor It la a diffi­ of Egypt today took a square stand Its value, which is something over for law enforcement, denouncing the, table Prescrip­ Water Users ’ Association. 330,000. cult matter to prove the truth or tion is indicat­ assassination of Premier To reach flic bottom or the story falsity of such a charge, but It Is a recent You are hereby notified that a spe­ ed in all ordi­ pretty well established fact that San­ Boueros. Pasha, so vigorously that ( and secure affirmation or denial di-1 cial tn«»etiug of the stockholders of nary diseases of he surprised even those knowing thc| I rect from Mr. 8. O. Johnson, presi­ the Klamath Water Users' Associa­ wemen. This derson has sought to promot«» hia Colonel's fearlessness. The Nation­ dent of the Klamath Development remedy never political welfare through the making tion will be held in the Houston disappoints, its <>f promises that he never kept. And alists were charged with the reapon-1 ¡Company, this paper wired the fact Opera House. Klamath Falls, Oregon, good effects be­ siblllty of the assassination Despite to that gentleman, and tn reply Mon- Saturday. April the 16th. 1910. at a man who will not keep political ing perceptible from tiio very promises la apt to forget the friends the fact that many of the students' , day received the following telegram: the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the and faculty of the university are In ' “To The Republican: Trst. It is com­ The ru­ purpose of increasing the par value who helped to make hint. It la tn posed of the the failure to keep thee«- promises sympathy with the Nationalists, there mor referred to in your telegram had of the shares of stock of the said purest and the was ao much in the address appeal ­ already reached my ears, and I was that every politician must attribute association from the sum of 120 per most reliable Ills defeat When the public la cer­ ing to the enlightened Egyptians, re­ about to take steps to deny It when share to the sum of $30 per share, drugc; mercu- rials, opiatee tain that their ideal la made of bad gardless of politics, that the Colonel your message reached mo. 1 am glad and for the further purpose of au- and other har­ material they soon pasa him by. and wan warmly applauded and congratu­ to avail myself of the use of your thorizing the Board of Directors of mful drugs be­ lated at the end of hla address valuable publication to convey to the the said association to levy assess- It would aeent that thia la to be th«» ing excluded. people of Klamath Falls aud Klam­ ments against the stock subscriptions i aa«- with Handeraon. The many dis­ ath County that the Klamath Devel­ of the said association sufficient in concerting in- The vehemence with which Willlts fluences to opment Company stands ready to amount and against each and every W < declaring that lie would not accept which woman About tlie also of your shoes. It's make good Its offer of a free court share subscribed to reimburse and. to i he nomination for mayor Is bcgin- is constantly some satisfaction to know that many house site. Let it be understood that pay back to the stock subscribers un­ ning to bear in on hla friends and subjected ren­ der her liable they are exhibiting sings of fear that people can wear shoes a size smaller our company does not recede from der what is known as the "Upper Emissaries have come Project" such amount or amounts as to many Functional disorders that lie really means what ho says and will by shaking Alien a Foot-Ease, the an­ Its position tiseptic powder. Into them .lust the to us with offers to buy this property i such subscriber or subscribers have not only tend to destroy her comfort Willits has n faculty of stay out. and happiness, but which gradually doing just such things While he thing for dancing parties, patent at a good figure, giving as a reason from time to time paid to said asso- merge into chronic and serious dis­ leather ahoes. and for breaking In that it vias too valuable to be given l elation upon the assessments made eases would niak«» a strong race, thore are When rubbers or over­ away, but all theae have been turned and levied by the Board of Directors Nyal’s Vegetable Prescription is stronger mon In the city. The one new shoes your down. The Klamath Development of said association for the accom­ without a peer for the successful big handicap that he would have to shoes become necessary and treatmnet of female weakness, pain labor along with Is his connection shoes pinch. Allen's Foot-Ease gives Company has no desire to withdraw plishment of the purposes of this as­ ful and disordered menstrutation, with the bank combine, Ever since Instant relief. Sold everywhere. 25c. Its offer and all efforts to bring about sociation; said stock subscribers be­ hysteria, cramps, “bearing down Address, Allen S. such an act will prove unavailing theae Institutions Issued the atate- Sample free ing limited to those whose stock sub­ pains,” inflammation and falling of This is a remedy of Olmstead. Le Roy. N V Don’t ac- 8 O JOHNSON, inent that they would have to call in scriptions are hereafter canct-l'ed by the womb. sterling worth. their loans if the farmers did not do copt any substitute. “President Klamath Development i ¡lie Secretary of the Interior. UNDERWOOD’S PHARMACY ALBERT E. ELDER. thua and ao, there has been a rising Company.” Thus McCormick, from Keno, is Feeling ugHinst the banks of the city. Under the able management of W. Secretary Klamath Water Users’ As­ Cor. 7 th and Main 8treete sociation. 3-10-4-14 Thia was added to when the fight visiting his daughter. Mrs L. O. Milla 8 Worden and the wide publicity Klamath Falls .... Oregon ACCUSED Of FORGEniHG FRIENDS EFfOdlS MADE TO BUY THEM OFF A business is to be made in Cal­ cutta of slaughtering the big brown rats of that city for their skins, which are useful for bookbinding and for a great variety of small leather articles NOTICE. Part I m wishing sagebrnah land clears», call on or write. W. W. HASTEN. IS-Stf Klamath Falla. Ore. J5 ELLSWORTH A MITCHELL VETERINARY SURGEONS AND DENTISTS Ofllc« CriMler-ettlu Building Phone 7Z6 C. C. BROWER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ROOMS 7 A 8. MURDOCK BLOG WILL A. LEONARD DENTIST White-Maddox Bldg. DR. C. P. MASON DENTIST Office in American Bank A Trust Com pan y’s Building PHONE 614 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON R M. RICHARDSON United States Commissioner TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD PROOF TAKEN Office. Third and Main, opposite City Library. Telephone 301. BENSON A. STONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW ^marican Bank and Trott Bldf. KLAMATH FALLS - OREGON