prot «'at against the decision and only ceased his tlrad«* when h«« was calle«! Ito order by on«» of the members of 1 the committee. STATES HE HAS NO DESIRE TO In the coursi* of his remarks. Mr. BE MAYOR OF THE VITI Brandies menthmed the charges that hav«» been mad«» against Mr. Ballin ger b» Mr. Pinchot and other wit Ilia Fri«'u«ls, However. Are I N't er- nesses. d«H’laring with conaiderabU* mint'd to Place Him in heat: th«* End«! "Veracity and straightforwardness has become one of the issues of this As was to be exp«»<'t«*d. L. F. Wil- , cas«* and I should think that Mr. Bal its aunouneed Friday night that h<* t linger should be submitted to th«* or would not I*-.» a candidate for the of- - dinary tests to which every witness ■Ice of mayor, but his friends ar«» Is subjected in any legal proceeding. (laying little attention to his state Now. is th«» witness to be all«>we«i to ment. as they are well acquaint«*«! withhold his testimony so that he with his disllk«» for public office. They may hav«» an opportunity to tram«» it have determined to go ahead with up so as to reconcile it with that of heir plans and force th«* nomina- the other witnesses already heard, ion on him, anyway. They contend or is he to be treated as any other hat he will have mor«» votes in th-» witness?" This covert atta«'k on the Secretary onvention than Sanderson and that was quickly brought to an end by a ven if Sanderson remains in the field Willits will have a walk-away from member of the committee, who called him. Sanderson's chief strength Mr. Rrandies to order, and the in- heretofore has been in the Third quirv prorceeded without further in- ward, hut this he has practically 1« st terruption. ANNOUNCEMENT KOI UNEXPECTED lirait« li lion»« » Ire to li<- I ■>latdi»li< «I and Till» Vil, Will Ih'coiue Distributing Venter One of tlie important factors t» at will go to changing this city from a small tow u to a thriving metropolis is the prospective struggl«* between Portland ami San Francisco for th«' business of the great empire that sur- rounds Klamath Falls. Already the wholesalers of th«1 two cities have representatives here for the purpos«' of looking over the field and select Ing sites for warehouses. This work has been done with considerable ee- recy. for each recognises the fact that he has the other to contend, with and that the first in the field will have the advantage. Th«' entrance of th«' Hill line to this city will place Portland in a par ticularly advantageous poaltion, and her wholesalers recognise that fact Heretofore Port laud has been outsld«* of this market. The feeling among the people towards th«» chief city of the State has not been altogether un friendly. but Portland is waking up to the fact that Klamath Falls is a factor that must be reckoned with and her business men are hard at work making up for the neglect of past years. In the meantime, the San Francisco and Sacramento peo ple are losing no time in protecting what they already have and in gain ing as much more ground as possible. Before many months elapse branch houses of several Portland firms will be established in this city. This move will be closely followed by similar action on th«* part of the San Frarn- cisco jobbers, and Sacramento firms are contemplating entering the field It is recognised that the future of the country surrounding the city will warrant heroic efforts to secure con trol, and the merchants of the two cities are ready and willing to iuak«- the fight. i :: Housecleaning Time Is here. Don’t let it pass with out adding a new piece of furni ture to your home. It will make life more enjoyable, and if you buy it at this store it wont break you. Do it now. P íll/N+1/v’rt FURNITURE HOUSE Gillette S 1 ! o a man. No one recognizes this f RI II. ESTATE TRANSFER^ ’l act better than Sanderson, ami foi he past several months h«* has l*e< >■ T Oregon Valley Land Co to John ï ;ard at work trying to build up his enees in the other end of the city, Alexander, warranty deed 8*4 ofS«»S* ! •x*x^*x">*x><-: <*<•❖❖<><••:•< le has been led to believe that he [cf NeM. ec »3. Tp 37. R. 15. E W. as been successful, but when th«» M.; »200. ime comes he will find that some- Oregon Valley Land Co. to Fran <ne has passed him a lemon. Havlin warranty deed S *- , S *- of On the other hand. Willits' strength throughout the city is pretty of Ne** . of Nw ’* Sec 9. Tp 36. S. R. venly distributed, and his candidacy 14. E W. M. ; »200. ould receive strength from unex- Oregon Valley Land Co. to Andrew <*cted sources. Bishop states that P. Larson, warranty deed 8*4, of N*» e has no desire to be mayor, but if Mount«*«! P«dlc«'iiu»ii I» \p|H>iutc«l and NeV*. of Ne*, of Sec 9. Tp 36. S R nomination 10 lbs It Ice * 1.00 is friends insist on his Stock Ordinane«* Will Ik* 50 lbs. lbs. Sugar • 4.(Ml 3 lbs Tapioca ■. e would make the ra«?e. Bishop has 14, E W. M.: »200. I.IN* 2 lbs. 6Uc Ten Rigidly Eiiforv«*«l L imi ood reason to feel sore at some of 3 lbs. Sugi! .. - . 3 lbs. 35c Coffee Andrew P. Larsen et ux to John 1’ 2 Iba. Pearl Burley They have ■ is erstwhile friends, .50 .sa 1 lb. Block Pepper Christensen warranty deed S*-*. of Mayor Sanderson I m back, and now -iven him the double-cross good and M lbs Rolled Oats .no 410 6 cans 2-ox. asstd Spices i that h<* Is on the job again the roper. Whenever they wanted a N>4, of Net* of Ne14. S«*c 9. Tp 36. .50 sio.oa 2 bottles Extract Total wheels of tin* municipal la« machin«* .Ivor tbat "Bish" could give they 8. R. 1 4, E W. M.; »200. may b<agln to urind out tl ■■ l«*gul ook it with small thanks. Wheu Lillian M Pinkerton et vir to Ches stuff under hl» b»a n iupei vi»ion. hey had anything to pass out the ter L. Hovey, warranty deed lot 1, See What Cash Will Do for You PurHiiant to adjoin nnu .it t’..- coun ther fellow got it and "Bish" was ' Sec 3, Tp 37, S. R. 9. E W. M.; »10.0 cil met ThtuMday evenius. and was iven the ha ha. It any think that i Why not receive the benefit of Cash Discount 7 William H. Caseb«?er to John S. preaided ovei by tii< ma or. E. R e is a fool they have grabbed hold Watts et ux, warranty deed Nw*4 Sec Realties app« tn««l >»••' ««■ the council sees , t the wrong article. Bishop and miid«' tin extension of time in he real facts and he knows that i 14. Tp 36. S. R. 14. E W. M.; »10. which the motive power for the str«'«'t here will come a time when he will j Edwin Casebeer et ux to John S car line should be changed from its e able to pay back, and with inter- Watts, warranty deed. Net*. S«»c II. ! present method to something more st, some of the generous acts of his SOIL si RVEY M %PS upposed friends. He knows they Tp 36, S. R. 14, E W. M.; »10. READÌ TO DISI RIDI TE modern, lit* showed the council whut C. H. Daggett et ux to Henrietta a valuable proposition a street car ave played him for a good thing, WASHINGTON. D nd it will not be Bishop if he does F. Melhase, warranty deed to lot 2, .March 26. franchise was, especially in a city the Æ choice 11 iif of hivewt- ot return the compliment when he blk 6, Ewanna Heights rdd. to city (Special.)—The report un the soil size of Klamath Falls. ets the opportunity. survey of th«* Klamath ReclamaUon He took last year as a basis on nientN that will umico of Klamath Falls;»10. Since his return from Medford, Project, Oregon, by Messrs. A T. which to rest his argument, and it tl>f ptirchiiMcr money Floy R. Daggett et vir to Henriett Sweet and 1. G. McBeth, of the Bu will lx- admitted that during that anderson began to realize for the F. Melhase, lot 9, blk 6. Ewanna rat time that he is no longer a man reau of Soils, U. S. Department of period done was much rnori* than dur t destiny; that bis sun is on the; Heights. Add to Klamath Falls, »10. Agriculture has recently been issued ing the time prior thereto. The loss ownward pull and that be is holding A. F. Stankey et ux, to C. H. Un and is now ready for distribution to the company last year w»n »1500. he last office that will be bis as a re- The report is accompanied by a soil In addition to this was expended derwood warranty deed S*4 of lots ult of the people's choice. The, map showing the location and extent »5000 on tracks and repairs and ownfall of Sanderson has been one 7 and 8,blk 41, Nichols Add to Klam- of the various soil types found in the ,2000 for repairing the streets. It f the most peculiar that has ever j ¡ ath Falls »1,200. area. The following is a summary is a fact. Mr. Reames further stated, ccurred in the political history of that in cities having a population ot QOregon Valley Land Co. to R. of the report: his county. He entered the office Pringle, warranty deed N*4, S*,4, The Klamath area has an eleva less than 30.0OO, ••loctrlc cars ar«' op vith the solid support of the people, erated at a lost Sw*>* S w **, Sec 5, Tp 36, S. R. 14. tion of over 4,000 feet, consists of nd everyone expected that he would Continuing, Mr Reatues utati d that several valleys ««‘¡>arated by hills and lake good. The fact that he has! E. W. M : and N%, S*4, Nw% Se %, mountains (the eastern ouliers of the the street car line was a benefit to died is gradually dawning on the Sc 11, Tp 3 , S. R. 14, E. W M. »200. Cascade Range), and abounds in the business interests of the city, and eople and one by one they are ► ask- as such was entitled to some consid Oregon Valley Land Co., to Louise lakes and marshes. ig themselves: "What has > he i G. Quest warranty deed 3*4. Sw*4, "On account of its Isolation settle eration from the council. That it one?" It is the answer to that ment has been very slow, but has will help defray th«' cost of paving uestion that is losing him i votes of NeVi Sec 35, Tp 835. S. R. 14, E been recently stimulated by the ex the streets, and thus lighten the bur very day Personally, Sanderson is W. M.; »200. tension of the railroad, by its selec den of the property owner. That rattling :ood fellow. He is a good Oregon Valley Land ’o. to Charles tion as a reclamation proj«»ct, and by benefit derived by th«* people is far íixer, a plausible ta’ker, a ready ¡Washburn, S*4, Nw% of Ne*4 Sec a thorough advertising of the coun great«*r than is generally realized. romiser. and a hard workttr. But , 2 8, Tp 40 S. R. One of tlii- reasons given by him 15, E. W. M 1200. try. e lacks that something that makes for the fallur«' to change the motive "The climate is semi-arid and th«* 1 J. A. Duffy et ux to W. J. Clancv successful executive officer, and it temperature equable. -• et on account power was tin- condition of the rs M. c illan prop’r that something that na. spelled warranty deed lot 9, blk 65, East of frosts the growing season is short. I streets. Under present conditions it is ruin Klamath Falls. ,10. "Agriculture is comparativ«*ly un woul«l be absolutely ini|M>sslb1<* to Modern improvement». 73 rooms and suites. Oregon Valley Land Co. to Theo. developed. but through the extension electrify it. The company has 300 j Sample Rooms, Rar Room, Piirlor», Two Club IAE WOODS GOING AFTER of irrigation, the introduction of al poles and 500 Well seasoned ties SENATOR PLATT'S PROFERIA Southard warranty deed S*4, SH, Rooms, Etc., Etc. ready for use, and that h<" under-1 Ne%, Ne% Sec 9, Tp 36, S. R. 14. falfa and successful grain growing, stands the new company will put. general farming in the valleys is 'aserta That All She Want» I» Vindi E. W. M.; W*4, NwH Sec 5, Tp 37, > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS rapidly taking the place of exclusive them in use as soon ax It can be done. , ; cation and Not the Money S. R. 15. E. W. M.; »200. At the close of Mr. Reames' state stock raising. The country seems Oregon Valley Land Co. to Louis well suited for this, and especially ment the council granted the new nited Press Service. Shoddy, 8*4, Se*4 of NwH Sec i. for the development of an important company an extension of ninety days. JULESBURG, Colo., March 26 The ordinance providing for the SEES (HIGHT OF HIS VICTIM dairy business, but there is much op lae Woods announced today that she; Tp 37, S. R 14, E. W. M.; ,200. AND CONI ESSES TO Ml RDEIt construction of the sewer system was portunity for improvement by the ould take immediate steps to con-■ Oregon Valley Land Co. to L. L. adoption of more intensive methods j read for the third time and passed. Italian Smn-il Ity Midniglit S| m -< 1er •st the will of the late Senator Thos. | The question of the appointment of latt,‘ in which he bequeaths to his, Eckman, warranty deed 8*4 N*4,Nw of farming and by the introduction Into < onfcs.lng III» Vrime a chief of police was permanently Sw ’ /i, Sec 5, Tp 36, 8. R. 14, E. W. M. i of new crops, of which Canadian field iiree sons his entire fortune. Miss ¡settled by the mayor putting his ap I peas, sugar beets, timothy and al 7oods claims tbat she was married ,200. BOSTON, Mass, March 26- proval on the action of th«' council Demltrla Chrlstofore, Archilo l.ulsl <i Senator Platt and has been trying Wm. H. Seigel to Louis H. Smith, falfa for seed are among th»- most In appointing E. Q. Townsend. C. U and Parqtinle Carillo were today sen Members H« l< « led Are known to lb* important. ir years to have this, fact established warrnty deed lot 7, 8, 9, 10, bik 19? of Hi«- Old Guai ti liuti W III “The soils consist of marsh soils Low wan appointed as mounted po tenced to terms ranging from twelve y the courts. Up to the time of his and upland soils. The upland soils, liceman, and it will be his duty to to eighteen years after confessing to Take Orders eath she was unsuccessful in her ef-I East Klamath Falls. ,10. Oregon Valley Land Co. to W. H. being composed largely of disinte see that all stock are kept from the murder of Daniel Demmond In a >rts, and always attributed her fall- re to the powerful political influ- Schleifer, warranty deed NH, SH. grated basalt, volcanic ash and dia roaming the streets of the city. It fight. The confessions are a result United l’r«'HH Service. nces exercised by the late Senator.' Ne%, Ne*4,8ec 26, Tp 26, 8. R. 15, tomaceous earth, are friable, easily was definitely stated that the atock of Carillo's belief that lie saw Dem ordinance would be rigidly enfotced WASHINGTON, D C , March 25. icultivated and in general productive. he stated today, when she announo- E. W. M.; ,200. mond's ghost In his cell at midnight, This will be a gratifying piece of The members of the new committe«- ■ The marsh soils contain a high per- 1 her intention of bringing the suit: and, taking the nocturnal visit ns a L. H. Butin et ux to Martin L. Po , centage of organic matter, and al news to property owners who have on rules, th«* organisation that is to "It Is not the money I am after, command that he confess hla guilt, ut it is vindication that I seek.”! land, warranty deed, lots 5 and 12 though they have been used to only been trying to Improve their homes. he persuaded his companions to join shape tin* legislation for the rest of The council ordered the sprinkling Sec 3, lots 8 and 9, Eec 4, Tp 40, S. R. a small extent, it is believed that him In making the confession that th«* session, have been selected. It is wagon painted, the work being sent them to serve long terms In the noticeably u fact that none of the In ’■ALLINGER WILL NOT TESTIFY | when reclaimed they will also prove 11, E. W. M.; »2,200. awarded to Weber, hla charge there State penitentiary. UNTIL HIS COUNSEL HAYS SO surgent members have a place there I rich and productive. Marion Hanks et ux to W. F. Arant on, and equally noticeable that th«* "Of the uplands soils the more for being »40. his Program Arouses Ire of Pin- warranty deed, lot 7, blk 63, Nichols productive are the deeper, well drain The question of ascertaining the Republicans selected belong to th«- chops Attorney Add to Klamath Falls; ,10. "old guard," and may be expected to ed, and alkali-free sands, sandy attitude of the property owners tow III 'Ml NEHM MEETING OF THE ALUMNI MOt lETi take orders from the Csar of th«* loams and fine sandy loams, all of ards paving certain of the business Santa Fe Pacific Ry Co. to F. P. nited Press Service. streets was discussed, and It was de House. Th«* members are:. Hixon, warranty deed .. Ne%. which are especially well suited for WASHINGTON, D. C„ March 26 A business meeting of the Aluml cided to employ someone to make a Republicans John Dalsell, Penn the production of alfalfa. ecretary of the Interior Ballinger Sw*4, Ne%, Nw%, Nw*4, 8e% Sec “The water supply is abundant and canvass for the purpose of learning of the High School was held at the sylvania; Smith, Iowa; Fassett, New ill not be called to the stand to 35, Tp 23,8. R. 9, E W. M.; ,10 home of C. C. Hogue last Thursday, York; Bouteile, Illinois; Smith, Cali the tendency is toward over-irriga the opinion of the people affected. •stify before the Congressional com- The question of appointing an ad the hostesses being Miss Fannie Vir fornia, and Lawrence, Massachusetts A. F. Stankey et ux to R R. Ham tion with serious results following ilttee that is investigating into the ilton, warranty deed northerly *4 lot« J from lack of drainage and th»* sur ditional night policeman was passed gil and Faye Hogue. Following the Democrats Clark. Missouri; Fitz mtroversy that has arisen between over for further consideration . business meeting th«* evening was en gerald. New York; Dixon, Indiana, face accumulation of alkali." Im and ex-Forester Gifford Pinchot 7 & 8, blk 41 in Nichols Add. »1,200. livened by the playing of progressive iind Underwood, Alabama Oregon Valley Land Co. to John ntil he is given the word to do so M. Rouse, a well-to-do hardware games after which refreshments were y his attorney. Attorney Brandies, Alexander. SH Be% Ne% 23, 37, 15; man and dealer of Parsons, Kas., Is Those present were Mrs Jim Jeffries is planning a tour of served. German forestry along sclent I fi< ho is representing the interests of »200. a recent arrival in Klamath Falls. the world after his fight with John Charles DeLap, Elsie fltout. Lily Ar linos has resulted In raising the av ifford Pinchot, requested today that OOregon Valley Land Co. to Frank Mr. Rouse has purchased block 45 of son on the Fourth of July. Jim must nett, Winnie Withrow, Florence erage yield of wood per acre from te Secretary be called to the stand, the Nichols addition, and will locate expect to have some trouble about Thrall, John Carlyle and Vincent Ya- twenty cubic feet per acre In 1830 to 8*4, S»4, ut the committee refused to accede Havllk, warranty deed and bring his family here about the spending that hundred thousand In den, Perry DeLap, Fannie Virgil and more thnn sixty-five cubic feet at the <> his wishes. He made a vigorous Ne14. N w %,9, 36-14. ,200. 10th of April, Faye Hogue. present time the U. fl A i THE SEWER ORDINANCE IS PASSED Goodrich’s Cash Store General Merchandise Combination Order ALL FOR $7.95 M ASON &. S l OU G H ABSTRACTERS Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH * « i Lakeside Inn, M . M M , * » : f 1 OAlZEll «III PROMBIY 8E CHAIRMAN