Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 31, 1910, Image 1

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nnnr Til
I (iuinni.li hoi sf : uitnemned
revealed the great graft that has per
meat« <1 every department of tin city
government, today started sciviug Ills
sentence of thr<«e and one-half years
In tin penitentiary. Th« grand jury
la still examining th« employes of th<
six banka, who, It la alleg'd, paid (he
1102.000 bribe* money,to the mem­
bers of the council to secure their
apiMvlntnient as de|M>sltorlea for the
city's funds.
INoillEll NEW i.I 11.HIM. Foil
Unuoual Talrtit Exhibited I>y Th«»«*
Taking Part In th*- Per-
forma u<<-
The elite of Klamath Falls writ*
at the opera house last night to see
the Toy Review given for th«- benefit
of the public library, under the dlrec
lion of Mrs. Blrdean Trailer Gambell
it was a whole show from beginning
to end. there not Iwlng a dull mo­
ment, while, with good music, artistic
coatuiues aud pretty faces the toy
parade met with the approval of all.
Among the special features was the
lapanese opening scene, in which the
song, "Sweet Hana-oo," sung by the
pretty chorus under the flow of differ­
ent colored lights, tended to put the
audh-nce in a frame of mind to heart­
ily enjoy the following numbers.
Constance Fisher, a small girl of
six, held the stage alone, also the
audience, in a song entitled ‘The
Letter Song.”
John Darrow, uniformed In the out­
fit of I U m Rough Riders, and a gun,
made one of the hits of the evening
In his song. "Just for a Brown-Eyed
Girl "
The Japanese Rainbow chorus was
an exhibition of skill, music and col­
The ladles of the Shakespeare quar­
tet In pink Princess gowns and In
Gainsborough hats, were a picture,
to say nothing of the music of the
"Spring Song."
"Um So Shy" will live in fond
memory, as sung by tots such ns were
seen last night In this song an ren­
dered by Helen Hamilton and Cley-
ton Lockwood.
.Mrs. W. O. Houston, as Gretchen,
wooden shoes and ail, wax a marked
success and added muc > to the
amusement of the play.
•'I've Hwcehearts In Every Port”
wan the act that took the house by
Mm. Don J. Zumwalt s song, "Nita
Hitana," was heartily enjoyed by all
lovers of good munlc. Mm. Zumwalt
had to respond to numerous encores.
The specialty of Baby Marion wan
one of the good things of the even­
ing, displaying a lightning costume
change, good singing nnd dancing
"You Can't Guess'' was one of the
good songs and choruses.
Mm. Gambell as the good Fairy
Queen had a way of distributing her
favors that was pleasing to all.
Itacked by a good cast of dolls, tin
soldiers and animals from Noah's Ark
it made a very attractive nnd Inter­
esting picture. All connected with
the entertainment deserve the most
hearty congratulation on the pro­
nounced success of their entertain­
PITTSBURG, Pa.. March 30.—Ex
Councilman Kline, whose confession
inkling of the facts and he is con­
siderably disturbed. He has stated
that be will stay in the race whether
tins- men -upport him or not. but
that bluff would lie only natural and
is not taken seriously by anyone.
Over Hi
Uuit«d Press Service.
CAIRO, Egypt, Marvil 30.--Ex­
Itegiotration I» Short of last Year, Relieves He ( an Be Ejected aud Will President Roosevelt i started from
lx*» Ila-Ing in Second and
Ib-main in the Race to
here on the 4:45 train this morning
Third W ardo
the End
for Alexandria. From there he will
The plans and perspective for the
to Naples, departing for the latter
new hotn<- for the Klamath Develop­
The taxpayers of the city are be­
it is being quietly rumored that place sometime today, and arriving
ment Company are now on display tn
the present offices of that curpoia- ginning to alt up and take notice of soin«- of the men who have been I there Saturday.
There w»s no reminder today of
tlon it Is to be erected al the cor­ the approaching city election and are backing Sanderson for mayor are
ner of Wall and Main streets, during bestirring themselves to see that their easting about for better materia), for the demons . 'Ion of yesterday, when
the coming summer. The material to friends and neighbors are registered. they are beginning to recognize the th«* Nationalists, fanned into a frenzy
be used will be content blocks, the Throughout the city are scores of fact that his strength with the jieople by the speech delivered by the stren-
■ oof to be finished In Mission style, men who have purchased property on is not what they thought it was. It ous American, marched before his
red tiling to be used
it will be which they have, or are contemplat­ has even been hinted that when the hotel crying out for a constitution
heated thtuugliuut with hot walei ing th«- erection of, homes. Thes<- show-down comes Sanderson would and the downfall of the autocratic
from the spring and will be equipped are the men who are vitally interest­ not be a candidate, though he stated form of government, It niay be ÿie
with all of the latest modern devices ed in the approaching city election. yesterday that he was sure to be calm before the storm that will again
Every dollar added to their taxes elected. However, it is a poor sport break out as soon as he is well away
and conveniences.
The structure will be one story means that much of a hardship, and that will not bet on his own game, from the country. Fear has been ex­
and will be dlvld«*d into a large pub­ they are not going to sit down and and Sanderson Is strongly of the pressed that the agitation will bring
lic office In front; two private offices take no Interest in who is going to opinion that the mayoralty is purely into closer bonds the malcontents and
adjoining this, and in the rear will have charge of the affairs of the city. his and his only. That is wheie iie result in an outbreak more fierce than
Another class of people who are has lost out. He has forgotten too any heretofore experienced. It is
be the draftsman's office and blue
print room, l-arge corridors will join also becoming Interested are those long that there are others Interested thought that a mistake was made in
the various rooms. The interior will who are renting property. There Is in the affairs of the city besides him­ lining up the ideas and sentiments of
be finished In a manner as to call a two-fold reason for their activity. self, and in pursuing his course of the Egyptians alongside* of the Amer­
forth the highest in the workman's Non«* of them but what contemplates running things with a high hand he ican standard. This can never be
art and will present an appearance the purchase of a home, aud he does has been digging his own grave, done.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt
that will be both pleasing and at­ not desire to face wholesale taxes. which is already half completed.
the station and the noted guests
tractive to the eye. The cost of ibe Neither does he want to pay any
Little attention is being paid to
higher rent than he is now being the candidate that will be the oppo­ were given a cordial farewell. The
structure will be over 15000.
The fact that this company- has charged. He realizes that if his land­ nent of the,present mayor, for the Khedive sent a magnificent bouquet
announced its intention of carry­ lord is compelled to pay higher taxes reason that every effort is put forth to Mrs. Roosevelt, accompanied with
ing out Its plans for th« erection of this additional expens«* will have to to get every voter registered. That a note conveying his compliments. A
n new home Is additional proof of be paid by someone, and that "some­ is the important factor in the fight large number of the high officials as-
the falsity of the story that lias been one” is the man who rents. One that is to come. And that there is | sured Mr. Roosevelt that the dem-
circulated to the effect that as soon renter was heard to express him- going to be a tight that will make ' onstration yesterday was only the
as It had disposed of all of its prop­ .self to the effect that he was not this old town ring is certain. The i work of irresponsible agitators. He
erty it would close Its offices here particularly interested In the city taxpayers of the city are being stirred ' only laughed at the affair and ex-
and move to San Francisco. The election, for he was a renter. His up and when the campaign is on ! pressed the hope that there would be
Klamath Development Company Is a question was met with the question, there will be some interesting ques­ no unpleasant aftermath.
permanent fixture in Klamath Falls, • Who pays the freight on your gro- tions that will have to be answered
its officers are men who do things in eerie»?” Ttie man very readily saw by Mr. Sanderson, if he is so unfor­ INSURGENT« KEEKING RE­
the right way. The policy of the the point and registered.
tunate as to be making the race.
company hns been to give value re­
He has shown so many weak points United Press Service.
The question, of "Who pays the
ceived for the money received mid freight?" sums the situation tip in a that it Is not at all unlikely that he
NEW ORLEANS. La.. March 30.—
leave a margiu for the buyer. It has nutshell. For years the people were will be replaced by stronger timber. Representatives of President Madriz
spent thousands upon thousands of deluded into believing that the con­ The scheme back of his candidacy of Nicaragua today sought the aid of
dollars Into the pockets of the near­ sumer did not pay the tariff, but all was a very nice one. His race for the Federal grand jury to prevent
sighted, jealous, niggardly, tin pro­ that is changed now. and the work­ mayor was only preliminary to that Gordon, of Texas, taking a relief ex­
gressive and grasping individuals who ing man—the renter. In other words for county judge. It was supposed pedition to Estrada, the insurgent
have been opposing every move this —now knows that he is the fellow that he would have a walk-away for leader. Gordon is expected to appear
company- has made. But its work of who In the end must pay the tiddler that office. He was to be then boom- before the grand jury to answer the
upbuilding has gone ahead and will for the music charged up to his land- ed for county judge, his great suc- charges, setting up as a defense that
continue to do so. until the very men lord aud enjoyed by tho city officers, cess as an administrator of the af- this Government has not recognized
who nro today opposing Its progress
There are yet two days left in fairs of the city being brought forth and does not recognize the Madriz
must admit that they made a grave which to register. That a large num- as an argument why he should be government. It was learned here to­
tier hnve not yet registered is evi- ■ plac«*d at the head of the county gov- day that Estrada has sent severa!
denced by the fact that the registra­ ernment. All these plans were very- Americans to the United States,
B A LU NG EH MAY BE A PII >1 NT ED tion falls short of that of last year, nice on paper and were drawn up whose mission it is to gather recruits
TO THE SUPREME BENCH when in fact it should be far ahead with the fond belief that Mr. Sander­ in this country, and with these he
of it. The greatest falling off is In son would have no difficulty in walk­ hopes to regain that which he has lost
Runion*«! That He Will Succeed the tho Second and Thhd wards. Every ing away with the first plum. But and eventually accomplish the free-
effort should l>e made to get this things are a great deal different to dom of his country.
Late •luilge Brewer
vote out. IF YOU ARE NOT REG­ what was expected. Sanderson will
LORAINE. O.( Mareh 30.—That ISTERED YOU CANNOT VOTE. The not and cannot be elected mayor, and JUIMiES WILL NOT GO TO
Taft will end Ballinger's troubles by city election is going to be one of this, of course, eliminates him as a
appointing him to the place on the the most Interesting ever held in the possible factor tn the race for county
bench of the Supreme Court of the city. Big questions will have to be judge. When the real situation was
WASHINGTON, D. C., March 30 —
United States, made vacant through decided. Every voter has his inter- learned as to Sanderson's standing The members of the United States
the death of Justice Brewer, is the ests at stake, and if ho fails to regis- with the voters, a conference was Supreme Court have decided that they
statement that was made public here ter ho is contributing to his own loss. held of the men who made the origi­ will not accompany the remains of
today. It Is based on a remark made Friday night at 6 o'clock the books nal plans and the question of bring­ Justice Brewer to Leavenworth, Kas .
by Mrs. John Ballinger, wife of Sec­ will close, and with them will close ing up some other candidate was (or burial, as originally planned, on
retary Ballinger's nephew, to the ef­ the Inst chance for you to vote. If you strongly discussed. There was such account of the trip being too long.
fect that the whole Ballinger-PInchot have not registered. Do not put it a diversity of opinion that it was all
row would bo settled by the Secre­ off until the last moment—you may postponed until after the close of reg­ FOR SAI.H CHEAP—New boat, aux-
iliarv, seating capacity 15
tary’s retirement from the Interior forget It then. Go to tho city hall istration, when another canvass
Department and his appointment to NOW and get your name on the reg­ would be made and a definite decision dress W. M. Knight, Fort Klamath,
th" Supreme Bench.
istration list.
reached. Sanderson has heard an Ore
Ih-legations From the Schools of New-
England Gathered to Meet
United Pres® Service.
WASHXNGTT \ D- C., Mai ch 30-
Two thousand men, women and chil­
dren sightseers stormed the executive
offices today, in a wild desire to have
the honor of shaking the hand of
President Taft. Several women faint­
ed in the crush, a number of children
ware injured and many narrow es­
capes from fatalities were reported.
The mob broke through the police
lines and those in front were jammed
through door and windows by those
in the rear, who were possessed with
an Insane desire to crowd further for­
ward. The police had a hard time
driving them back, but Anally their
efforts were successful.
The delegation was made up mostly
of high school students and teachers
from New England. The whole front
yard was filled with six or seven dele­
gations. which had waited for the
purpose of hearing the President talk.
The police had no difficulty in main­
taining order until it was announced
that the President was ready to re­
ceive them, when a mad rush was
made for the building and the crowd
resolved itself into a mob.
Order was finally restored and the
President shook the hands of over
1800 people, when he was forced to
rest awhile, because of other arrange­
ments. One of the surprising fea­
tures of the whole affair was the
manner in which a number of digni­
fied statesmen forced entrance into
the executive building through rest­
United Press Service.
CATANIA, Sicily, March 30.—A
foot of ashes from Mount Aetna cover
the country and streets of villages
twenty miles distant, and the volcano
is still very active. The stream of
lava is slowly moving towards the
city. The people are filled with hys­
terical fright, although the conforma­
tion of the land is such that the
stream will probably be diverted and
the city saved from destruction. Fresh
craters are appearing daily, and it
is estimated by Professor Ricco that
there are now thirty-five of them act-
ice. The vineyards and crops for
miles around have been destroyed by
WASHINGTON. D. C., March 25.
Secretary of the Navey Meyer todav
issued an order to establish naval oil
stations at Mare Island and Puget
Sound. The tanks will have a ra­
pacity of 825.000 gallons,