Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 10, 1910, Image 1

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HERE; TO Pl.XX IMI’ll IVI MEN"!- approve nation - wire : strike ASK INTERVENTION
< >1
Statistics Relative to Rattling Head»*
I. Chirk. It- pn-M'iili.ii; Pur I uim r» Amounts to an Admission IT oil Or­
III«- Nicaraguan Rixilutioni-t- Want
an<l Zoos and Play Grounds
ganised latlair lit tin* Unite«!
• t liuctin Vista Property, Mill
Inch' Sam to Sciect a New
Stall -, Ila- Rea< lied a Crisis
II»«» < '(large of Wo • I
WASHINGTON, D. C., March 9.—
Provisional Preni<h-nt
W. I Clark, one of the purchasers
of tho Buena Vista trait and the
street car line, arrived In the <lty
n NOOK A TRAVERS, THE IIIGII Tuesday from Han Francisco Mr
Clnrk states that the ileal wax closed,
ns »tail'd by the Herald, several day»
ago with llawkln» A Brown, who
I acted a» agents for the company.
Will MEAN ANOTHER BOND ISSUE When asked a» to the plans of the
new owners, Mr. Clark »aid that the
new company would have to complete
Only *2. HI2 Remain» XS HI» Which l<>
Its organisation first before actual
liiatnll th<* li.'nliiiK I‘laut« K«|«l|»
work In Improvement began, but that
llulldlng mol Other
the people of Klamath Kails could ex­
pect that the property would b«' de­
Th«» directors of Hchool District veloped this year. It is quite prob-
No. 1 have awardisl the contiact t.'.* fble that a change In tho street cay
building th«' now school houM on the ranihlse will have to be secured be-
wett »Ido of the river to Snook & for«> the Hue can bo electrified, but
Truvor*, the builder» or the County l>lans for the future will bo definitely
High Hchool. The contract price 1» settled in a very short time.
123.53». nnd thin Icuvos a balance
of 03,433 with which to Install a
heating plant and furnish and equip
Albert F. Bunnell, who died at hl»
th«, building nnd for other expense»
In this county on February 14,
such a» walk* and necessary Im­
provement of the around». It can was a product of New Jersey, com­
readily be seen, a» stated by thia ing to the Pacific Coast In 1851.
paper, that another bond iaauc of About thirteen years ago he cam<> to
probably 310,000 will be neceanary this county, where he resided until
before the building can bo occupied. the time of his death. During that
Thin la a matter which the achool period he won for himself the esteem
board failed to advlae the people of and confldencti of bls friends nnd
and they ar<> justly to be consusd for neighbors by his upright life nnd
their secrecy In th«, matter. No pub­ »quare dealings, and hl» death ba»
licity waa given to the fact that Ru­ created n void that will be hard to
fus Moore had contributed 3500 tow­ fill.
The deceased was married in Siski­
ard the sewerage until tho day, of
County In 1868, and to him nnd
eloctlon, and It 1» only fair to con­
clude that th«< board real I ted that an Ills wife were born five children, all
offer of the owner» of tho adjoining of whom were left to comfort their
property to pay 3<r>00 toward helping mother and mitigate th<> suffering nnd
to get an expenditure of 36.000 to sorrow following the death of hint
316,000 in additional improvement», who for forty-two years had been the
would not look well. Tho people partner of her Joy» and sorrows. By
might think that the Moore» were a n strange coincidence al) of the chil­
little too anxlou» and it would have dren were at home at the tlm«< the
a bad effect on the re»tilt of the messenger of death summoned this
In any case, thia paper sturdy old warrior, having gathered
succeeded In aavlng th«« taxpayer» for a family reunion. It was the first
3500 for a school aewer, In addition time In fifteen- years that all of the
to opening the eye» of the Hog Com­ family had been Been together.
Until a few days prior to his death,
bine to what they may expect in the
Mr. Bunnell was enjoying the best of
health. Hearty nnd vlglrous fit.- be­
yond a man of his years, little at­
tention win paid at first tn a slight
11. St. Geo. Blxhop started up the attack of stomach trouble.
lake Tuesday in hl» launch to take quickly developed Into inflammation
I). M. Griffith to hi» homo nt Eagle of the bowels, death resulting after
Ridge, but they both returned and a few days' illness.
Mr. Griffith will return home on
In the death of Mr. Bunnell Klam­
horseback. When they got pant Ruck ath County has lost one of Its best
Inland they found the Inka »till froz­ and noblest citizens. n man who
en over and Mr. Griffith decided to leaves for posterity a life of blame-
walk the rest of the way on the Ice. lex i character, filled with noble pur­
Mr. Bishop loaned him one of the poses and a career that may well be
boat pole» nnd had It not been for followed with profit and success by
thin It In doubtful if he wotfld have young nnd old alike.
returned alive. Mr. Rlnhop remain­
ed with the boat to nee that he got Itl l'l I ll s SEIIU III xi. I oit
across safely and after Mr. Griffith
had gone a f< w mile» on tho Ice ho
suddenly disappeared. Mr. Rlnhop United Press Service.
SAN FERNANDO, Cal., March 9 —
wont to hi» asaistance, but with the
posse of deputy sheriffs are search­
help of tho pole Mr. Griffith suc­
ceeded In getting out of a hole In tho ing San Fernando Valley seeking two
Ice through which he fell. They came mnHked assailants of L. F. Garvey
back to town, nnd Mr. Griffith will Bild Mrs. Henry C. Stephens. The
go home horseback, a »lower but a bandits entered the woman's house
at midnight nnd bound and gagged
safer way.
Garvey, a boarder. Tho woman en­
Tho eggs of wil<l bird» are »mailer tered unexpectedly and was shot
than ‘those of the »ante species of twice In tho head by the thugs and
seriously Injured. Tho assailants are
bird» when (lomentIcated.
believed to be members of a gang of
Antl-fat remedies aro seldom need­ yeggmen who have been operating in
the vicinity.
ed by tho man who lean» on hope.
United Pre»» Bervfce.
NEWCASTLE. Pa.. March 9. The
Stalo E'l-det:-■ len of Iaibor today
passed a resolution favoring a Na­
tion-wide strike. The adoption of the
resolution practically amounts to a
d < laratlon by the State Federation
that th«- affair» of organized labor in
America have reach«-«! a great crisis.
It Is believed that the action of the
strikebreaker» last night in shooting
■lx Philadelphian» precipitated tbe
action, which came as a surprise to
tho»«- not on the inside. After the
resolution was adopted a committee
was aiflMilnted to carry out the plans.
Th« resolution was adopted after
Preaident W. D. Mahon, of the Na­
tional organization of street railway
employ«*, declared a National »trike
to be the only remedy, as arbitration
was impossible.
CINCINNATI. O.. March 3.—The
refusal of tbe operators to grant the
demands of the United Mine Workers
for an Increase and an eight-hour
work day, at the i>i>enlng of the Joint
conference today, will affect the
Eastern and Middle States. The de­
cision of tho operator» surprised the
unionists, as the leaders had predict­
ed peace. Should tbe conference be
unable to agree a great strike will
probably tie up the bituminous coal
regions. A former conference on
similar question» recently held at
Toledo resulted In a deadlock. The
trouble will probably spread to the
Western E'ederatlon of Miners, as
committees of both organizations art­
working to perfect an agreement.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa , March 9 —
Twelve hundred workmen of the
Baldwin Locomotivo Works, which
employs 13,000 men, struck this aft­
ernoon. Th«» union» are elated as
the Baldwin Locomotive Works was
an open shop. The strike leaders
declare that they will have all the
men out of the place by night. This
Is denied by the management.
SARATOGA, N. Y.. March 9,—Two
companies of militia were sent to
Corinth today for strike duty. Gen-'
eral strike orders have been issued
nfft-ctlng the eighty-two mills of the
plant of the International Paper Com­
pany. Strikebreakers wore taken to
Corinth today. The union labor offi­
cials say that there are 10,000 men
out on strike.
United Press Service.
WELLINGTON. Wash., March 9.
—Tbt record of th«- fatalities of th«-
avalanche shows 54 bodies recovered
nnd between 26 and 36 still burled
in the debris. Th«- railroad list con­
tained 133 before tho slide, but. it Is
prohnh’e that there has been 10 o:
I'■ duplications. It a unlikely tbit
more that 115 were buried, of wh'i’i
between 25 and 35 escaped. This
leaves th - death Hat approximately
ft 90.
"It was an over tn a minute"
might refer to a railway accident or
t' a «wedding.
How can we tell whether a res­
olution Is good or not until after we
have broken It?
NO. 49
It is shown in the U. 8. Census Bu­
reau's special annual report for 1907,
United Press Service.
WASHINGTON, D. C.. March 9.— now in press, relative to tbe statis­
Nicaraguan revolutionary leaders tics of the 158 largest cities each WESTERN UNION INAUGURATE«»
have submitted to the United Slates, having over 30,000 population in
through the United State» Consul at 1907, that from 1905 to 1907, the
Bluefield», a request for interven­ number of bathing beaches reported
tion. suggesting the following condi­ increased from 4 4 to 53; swimming
pools, from 56 to 61; and all the NIBHILETTERS M HOMINAL UAHS
baths, from 15 to 78. The total
The selection of a third person,
neither Madriz nor Elstrada. as pro­ bathing attendance increased from
A Lrtter of E ifty Words Can lie Sent
visional President; an early free elec­ 19,158,562 in 1905 to 29.204,838 in
at Night for the Price of Ten
tion, with neither ELstrada nor Ma­ 1907, an Increase of 52.4 per cent.
Words at th«- Day Rate
driz as candidates, and recognition More than hal fof this attendance was
of the insurgents with the good of­ I reported from New York City, those
fices of the United States as a guar­ ranking next in order being Phila­
The Western Union h««v. decided to
delphia, Boston, Chicago and Milwau- give the public the benefit of their
antee of a fair election.
’ kee.
large unemployed mileage of wire ar
New York has the largest acreage night to send between Western Un­
1 (278.5) devoted to zoological parks,
< omplcte Deiiion-tration Train Will I followed in order by Washington ion offices in the United States, long
messages at low rates. The new
He Run for Earmers' Benefit
¡(166.5) and Atlanta (140). In the service will be known as "Night Let­
number of mammals and birds that ters" and has already been started
PORTLAND. Orc.. March 9 —
such parks contain. New York ranks at the local office in this city. In
(Special)—The most thoroughly
first, and Cincinnati second; while view of the present congested condi­
Washington ranks third in number of tion of the mails and traffic due to
train ever run in this State will be
mammals and Philadelphia third in the condition of the railroads from
operated through Eastern Oregon
number of birds.
Washouts and other causes, this new
by the O R. & N. front March 21 to
Play grounds are maintained in 76 service will be of vast importance to
April 1. Tbe railroad is acting in
of the 158 cities Included in the re­ the business houses and general pub­
conjunction with the Oregon Agricul­
port, and the city appropriations for lic, who wish to quicken their cor­
tural College at Corvallis, and a com­
playgrounds increased from 3516,- respondence at small cost.
petent corps of lecturers on all agri-
277 in 1906 to 3741,912 in 1907.
The charge for this feature will be
-ultural subjects will accompany the
More than one-third of the amount the standard day rate for ten words
ti.'tn, deliver addr«-sses and demon­
was appropriated by New ork, the for the transmission of fifty words
strate the agricultural apparatus car­
cities next in order being Milwaukee, or less, and one-fifth of such stand­
The train will visit Hood
Washington and Pittsburg. Private ard day rate will be charged for
River, Wasco. Sherntan, Gilliam.
contributions for play grounds was each additional ten words or less.
Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa
i greatest in Washington. The total To be taken at these rates, night let­
and Baker Counties. The purpose
acreage devoted to playgrounds was ters must be written in plain English
of the trip Is to encourage diversified
greatest in Indianapolis, followed by language; that is to say, code words
farming and to further the improve­
New York, Boston and Baltimore. In or communications written in for­
ment of agricultural methods and
New York most of the area devoted eign languages will not be accepted.
country life conditions In the terri­
to play grounds was connected with The messages will be taken at any
tory visited.
public schools, while in the other hour up to midnight and transmitted
Great good is expected to result
cities named most of the play ground at the company's convenience during
from the trip. Subjects to be dis­
,rea was in city parks.
the night for delivery tbe following
cussed. according to the needs of the
morning. The traffic charges for
different localities visited, are the fol­
night letters are so low it is ex­
lowing: Poultry, dairying, horticul­
pected that the service will be largely
ture. more and better live stock,
chemistry of the soil, rotation of
The young men of the K. G. Club availed of by business concerns and
crops, conservation of moisture and of Grace M. E. Church will give a others 'to quicken their correspond­
general agricultural methods. AH free literary and musical program in ence by using the telegraph instead
told, thirty towns will be visited and the church auditorium, Saturday of the mails. A night letter sent by
lectures and demonstrations will be evening. March 19, after which they telegraph will reach its destination
given in each. The best farming ap­ will serve an oyster supper in the at the opening of business hours the
paratus and methods will be taught | basement at 25 cents a plate. A free­ i following morning, thus saving as
by demonstration as well as in theo­ will offering will be received from I much as three or four days when
retical lectures.
any friends desiring to help, but not long distances are involved.
wishing to stay for supper.
The purpose of the entertainment TWO ARE DROWNED RY
"WIDE OPEN” TOWN is to defray recent expenses of build-
llirani C. Gill Ejected Mayor—Gov­ | ing their little club room in the base­ United Press Service.
ment of the church, and also to pro­
ernment by Commission Is
VALLEJO, Cal., March 9.—E. j!
vide for furnishings and equipment
of St. Louis, machinist, and
I of same.
T. H. Lawrence, of Connecticut, fire­
United Press Service.
man, both of torpedo boat Farragut,
SEATTLE. Wash.. March 9 — its members some of the most promi­ were drowned early yesterday morn­
Seattle declared for a "wide open"
ing when a row boat capsized within
town today, Hiram C. Gill being and organized along lines tending 100 yards of the Farragut. Ensign
elected mayor on that principle. His toward the d< velopment of Christian H. R, Keller dived in ap attempt to
majority over William H. Moore, character, deserves the encourage­ rescut the men, and alffiost lost his
Democrat, was 2,500. By passage ment and support of the best people own life. The bodies have not been
of the new charter amendment party of the town, both old and yottng; and recovered.
divisions h«-re will probably cease. It 13 to be hoped that the program
Government by commissions was will be largely attended and the sup­
On over 2300 miles of American
adopted and nine councilmen-at-large per will be well patronized.
railroads the telephone superseded
will succeed twenty-two ward men in
tho telegraph for dispatching last
Club Teacher.
election in March, 1911. Six bond
Issues aggregating 31.000,000 were
Samples having withstood strenu­
Eighteen per cent of tho entire
ous tests, the city of Buenos Ayres area of France, or about 23,000,000
"I sang because 1 could not choose has ordered flfte*>n ambulances from acres, is forest land.
but sing," wrote the poet, and that makers in the United States.
about expresses the lay of the hen.
If people only said what they
For a wife, take the daughter of a thought, there wouldn't be so mueb
The laws of nature rather than
good mother.
"dope" control her output.